• Reflections on "tlfl". it's hard to be a goalkeeper


    How to become a goalkeeper is a question that worries many football fans, especially those who want to connect their lives with professional football.

      A good goalkeeper must have a certain set of qualities, which we will talk about now.

      Quality 1

      The first quality a real goalkeeper must have is courage.

      Not everyone is capable, despite the danger and pain, of desperately jumping for the ball into the far corner of the post, fearlessly throwing themselves at the feet of an attacker, or taking a powerful penalty kick.

      Quality 2

      The second quality is a lightning-fast reaction, because the ball most often flies into the goal at enormous speed, which can reach 140 kilometers per hour. Therefore, the future goalkeeper’s reflexes must be excellent.

    Quality 3

    The third quality is composure and the ability to always keep a cool head. A good goalkeeper, even after missing a goal, should not give up, but remain constantly collected, because nervousness can lead to even worse consequences than one missed goal.

    During training, the coach must show how to correctly catch the ball to the goalkeeper.

    The goalkeeper's reaction must be very fast and accurate. To improve it, you need to train hard and devote a lot of time to it.

    It is very important that the goalkeeper must learn not to close his eyes during dangerous moments. To become a professional goalkeeper, in addition to desire, you need to have certain physical characteristics.

    The first thing people pay attention to in football sections is height. For professional goalkeepers, it must be at least 180 cm. The second is good performance during the game. In this case, agents may notice you and offer good terms for cooperation in professional football.

    A professional coach can tell you in detail how to become a good goalkeeper in football, how to learn to catch the ball correctly and fall, how to improve your reaction and become a professional goalkeeper.

    If you want to become a goalkeeper, then you will need to acquire many skills. Your job is not only to be a skilled, dedicated team player and the last line of defense in the game, but you must also serve the ball correctly and prevent possible shots on goal. Moreover, you must have the mental and physical preparation to last through a match that lasts over 90 minutes. Winning or losing a soccer match often depends on the goalkeeper.


    Part 1

      Learning the rules Learn the basic rules of football.

      Before you can become a goalkeeper, you simply need to know them. These rules and regulations are discussed and set by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which is also a FIFA commission. FIFA is an international commission that governs every aspect of the game. You must learn a list of rules for goalkeepers.

      For every player on the football field, from forwards, midfield and ending with the goalkeeper, there are a number of rules and regulations associated with their position. Knowing these rules will help you become a better goalkeeper and team player. Get to know the goalkeeper's equipment.

      In addition to the standard equipment required by any football player, which includes boots, shin guards and a jersey, the goalkeeper must also follow the rules and specifications of his equipment according to his position on the field. From gloves to a special jersey, a goalkeeper's equipment helps other players recognize him on the field. To become a goalkeeper, you need to find the right equipment.

      You must know where and how the goalkeeper can handle the soccer ball. It is important that the goalkeeper knows where on the field he will play, how to kick the ball and throw the ball to the team. Knowledge of these norms will save him from violating the rules of the game.

      Check the details of the rules specific to your country. Because there are rules that are only valid during matches in certain countries and with the support of certain structures. Explore every possible difference that may exist in your country. This will help you avoid making mistakes that could cost your team the entire match.

      • For example, some organizations may require you to wear goalkeeper gloves, while FIFA allows certain goalkeepers to choose whether or not to wear gloves.

      Part 2

      Team play
      1. Watch the game carefully. As a goalkeeper, you are in a unique position among your team members playing all over the field. If you keep your eyes peeled at all times, you will not only help your team gain an advantage, but you will be ready to defend the goal when the opposing team starts to attack.

        • Never take your eyes off the ball, even if it's at the other end of the field. Then you won't have to be surprised if someone kicks it right to your end of the field.
      2. Communicate with the team. Since the goalkeeper can see the entire football field, it is important that he communicates more with other team members for the sake of the team's growth. This will help them know which opponents to watch out for and what their main playstyles are. A goalkeeper can also motivate tired or lagging players in a team.

        • Tell your team about specific opponents or playing styles during a timeout or when they are back on the field. It's important that they know this because it not only helps them on the field, but it also allows them to do their job of protecting you and the goal.
        • You can also create and use a gesture to signal your team members about opponents or your own strategy.
        • Don't yell at your team too often. Be specific, concise, and decisive in your suggestions, but express your thoughts politely. Remember, you are not a coach.
      3. Be aggressive and expect players to run across the field towards you. If a player from the opposing team is running down the field to shoot at the goal, then your job as a goalkeeper is to wait to see what move he will make and then defend the goal with all your might. Depending on your reaction in such a situation, you can either save your team or allow the other to score a goal.

        • Attack approaching players to cut off the angle of their attacks. The attack is also needed to intimidate enemy players.
        • Place your feet wider, shifting your weight to one side or the other, bend them slightly and stand on the front of your feet - this will help you react faster to the players' actions. The few milliseconds gained often become the decisive factor influencing the result.
        • To intimidate players attacking the goal, stand in a wide position. You can do this by raising your arms above your head or keeping them at your sides. It is also a psychological trick used to make the hitter unsure where to hit the ball.
        • Understand the gestures of players running across the field. For example, if you notice that a player is preparing to hit, you can easily imagine what trajectory the ball will take. If you watch the players' eyes, you can also get a signal about where he is going to kick the ball.
      4. Attack any ball that comes at you. Any ball heading towards the goalkeeper may end up between the goal posts. It is very important to actively expect and attack any ball that comes at you, and this way you do not give the other team an opportunity to score an easy goal.

        Defend the goal from a goal using your arms and legs. There are different ways to defend the goal, you can either catch the ball, kick it or knock it over the net. Your choice of defensive strategy will depend on how the ball approaches the goal.

        • Catch the ball when you can. This way you can throw the ball to players on your team and get a chance to score a goal.
        • When you catch the ball to save a goal, you have two options for what to do next: you can throw it back to your team with your hands, or you can directly kick the ball to your teammates further down the field.
        • There are situations when it is not advisable to catch the ball, for example if it is flying too fast or high. In such cases, you can hit the ball with your palm or fingertips, or you can hang it over the net.
        • Hit the ball immediately, without trying to catch it first, only in extreme cases, for example, when there is an immediate threat to the goal.
        • If the ball is flying low to the ground or coming at a right angle, jump forward towards it and then immediately rise up.
        • If you jumped forward for the ball, caught it or hit the ball, then immediately get back into place. You never know if you'll need extra protection.

      Part 3

      Train your body and thoughts
      1. Train your cardiovascular system. Football is a sport where you need to move very quickly and you have to run for over 90 minutes of the game. Even if you are defending the goal and don't run as much as the forward runs, you still need to keep yourself in shape and be ready to run quickly in and out of the goal or even onto the field.

        • Running is one of the most important activities in the life of a football player and goalkeeper. Aim to run at a decent pace for 90 minutes to help your body handle the rigors of the game.
        • You will also need to run in and out of the goal area to protect it from shots and potential goals. You can prepare well for this by running regularly. For example, you might want to run 10 100-meter races so that your body is ready for a sudden burst of acceleration when you leave the gate.
      2. Do strength training. As a goalkeeper, you need to be able to clear the ball away from the goal area, either by kicking or simply throwing with your hands. To do this effectively, you need strong legs and arms, which can be trained with strength exercises.

        Work on your good and bad mobility skills. To be a successful soccer player and goalkeeper requires more than just the ability to throw and rebound the ball. Remember that a goalkeeper is no different from a player on the field, except for the ability to use his hands within the radius of his goal. You will have to practice the good and bad aspects of mobility to best handle the ball with both your arms and legs.

    A football goalkeeper is primarily associated with absolute fearlessness, as he must boldly throw himself at the feet of the attacker on the way out, and make desperate leaps in an attempt to retrieve the ball from the top corner of the goal, despite the risk of being painfully hit by the ball or, worse, hitting the goal post. .

    The second characteristic of a decent goalkeeper is excellent reaction. The approximate speed of the ball after a strong impact is about 80 kilometers per hour, and the record in this area belongs to the legendary Robert Carlos, after whose impact the ball speed was 140 kilometers per hour. Thus, reflexes and quick reactions are the most important attributes of a goalkeeper planning to achieve success and make a career in.

    And the third most important characteristic of a good goalkeeper is composure. Failures happen to everyone, but a goalkeeper, even after the most offensive missed goal, must pull himself together and continue the game as if nothing had happened. Situations are quite common when a goalkeeper, after making a mistake, is unable to continue playing at a decent level, begins to get nervous, makes fairly stupid mistakes - in a word, loses his composure.

    Goalkeeping skills and ways to develop them

    If the above characteristics relate more to human qualities, being, in general, character traits that are extremely difficult to change (except, perhaps, reaction), then now we should pay attention to skills that any healthy person can develop.

    Jumping ability. The standard goal height in big football is 2 meters 44 centimeters, that is, it is not too easy for a person of average height to jump to the crossbar. What if the ball does not fly directly above you, but into the top corner of the goal? The width of the goal is 7 meters 32 centimeters, so if you stand in the center of the goal, to reflect the ball flying into the “nine” you will have to cover a distance of approximately 3.5 meters in a matter of seconds. Training this skill involves performing jumping exercises and developing explosive power in the leg muscles.

    Coordination. Every movement of the goalkeeper must be perfected to the point of automaticity! In a critical situation there is no time to think, so all actions must be performed reflexively. So, the goalkeeper must hit the ball not directly in front of him, but to the side, turning his hands in a special way; he must throw himself at the defender’s feet with a precise movement in order to both pick up the ball and not get injured. There are many such nuances, and the only way to develop the listed skills is constant training, monotonous repetition of the same exercises in order to acquire so-called muscle memory.

    You must forget about the habit of closing your eyes when the ball approaches, for a goalkeeper this is simply criminal! This skill is quite difficult to acquire, since it is necessary to overcome reflexes, which are based on the instinct of self-preservation, the strongest human instinct.

    In addition, the goalkeeper must learn to lead his defenders, competently build a defense, correctly set up a “wall” when implementing standard positions, and also accurately put the ball into play, preventing the ball from hitting the opponent in his own half of the field.


    Football is a game. There is no need to be faster/higher/stronger here. Anyone can achieve success in it. But for this you need to put in a lot of effort.

    A good goalkeeper's performance is already 50% of a team's success. Therefore, any goalkeeper has a greater load than any of the field players. And the stress is not so much physical as psychological.

    Psychological preparation.

    You must be confident, resilient and... No goalkeeper can help out the team in all game episodes. A good goalkeeper should not be upset after every goal he concedes, even if it is his fault. Therefore, try to quickly forget any negative episode and avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

    Be calm and cool. During the game, many stressful and nervous situations happen, such as missed goals or unused scoring chances, so never lose your head.

    As already noted, the goalkeeper is special. In addition to your direct responsibilities for repelling opponents' attacks, you must be able to lead the line of your defenders, prompt players in various game episodes (during free kicks, corners, and other attacks by the opponent). The goalkeeper should not be silent.

    When a team has a good team, all the other players feel much calmer. After all, when your own rear is safe, you can think about an attack. Thus, we can derive the following formula: a confident goalkeeper – a confident team.

    Game actions.

    You need to remember that your main task is to reflect the balls flying into your goal. To do this, you don’t have to be two meters tall and jumping. A good goalkeeper is distinguished by a competent choice of position in the goal and reaction.

    Whatever you do, in order to achieve noticeable success in this activity, you need to work, work and work some more. The profession of a football goalkeeper is no exception. Dedication in training and in games, constant self-analysis and the desire to be the best are the keys to success.

    Effectiveness or efficiency?

    The history of football knows many examples when goalkeepers who were not naturally endowed with outstanding physical abilities achieved noticeable success. But hard work in training, maximalism and sporting arrogance allowed them to overcome all difficulties and become the best.

    It doesn’t matter at all how you parry the opponent’s shot at your goal. You can do this with a beautiful jump, or by choosing your position, you can simply catch the ball in your hands. The main thing is the result. It doesn't matter how it's done. Efficiency comes first.

    Thus, dedication, sports will and unbending character are the main components of a good goalkeeper.

    Anyone who has chosen the role of a goalkeeper in futsal has probably already realized that becoming a good goalkeeper is not an easy task. The high demands placed on a goalkeeper are not accidental. The goalkeeper is the last player in the defense and the initiator of his team’s attacks. The team’s mood, and often success in the match, depends on his confidence and his actions in difficult game situations. However, don't be fooled by the overwhelming complexity of goalkeeping duties. Passion and diligence will help you master the secrets of goalkeeping. Our advice will also contribute to this.

    During the game, the goalkeeper must carefully monitor the movements of the players of both teams and, depending on their position, take a place in the goal. Of particular importance is the choice of place when the opponent is firing at the goal. Let's look at the most typical gaming situations.

    Rice. 48. Choosing a place when the attacker goes one on one with the goalkeeper

    1. Choosing a place when the attacker goes one on one with the goalkeeper.

    2. Choosing a location for mid-range shots. To learn how to choose the right position when shooting at a goal from an average distance, ask a friend to hit you on goal from 10-15 steps. Before the shot, mentally divide the angle of fire at the goal in half. Then step forward a little and stand on this imaginary line. The position taken will be the most correct position of the goalkeeper, providing the greatest opportunity to repel the shot.

    3. Choosing a place for a corner kick.

    For a corner kick in open areas, the goalkeeper takes his place at the far goal post. In this position, he sees the field well and has the ability to determine the trajectory of the ball. If necessary, the goalkeeper can leave the goal in a timely manner to receive or hit the ball. When taking a corner kick in a gym or on a hockey rink, the goalkeeper takes his place in the middle of the goal.

    Rice. 49. Place of the goalkeeper and defenders (“walls”) during a free kick

    4. Choosing a place for a free kick.

    In this case, the goalkeeper must also direct the creation of the “wall”. This is done like this: the “wall” closes the near corner of the goal, and the goalkeeper himself occupies the middle of the uncovered part of the goal. In this position, he will be able to reflect high balls kicked through the “wall” (Fig. 49).

    5. Choosing a location for gate awnings.

    When crossing the goal, the goalkeeper remains in the goal, since the ball flying in an arc can fall under the crossbar.

    Of course, the tactical techniques of a goalkeeper in futsal are not limited to just choosing a place in various game situations. The success of a goalkeeper's actions is largely determined by skillful interaction with defensive players. Experienced goalkeepers often tell defenders how best to act in a given situation. After all, the goalkeeper is behind the players and has a clear view of the entire field! A goalkeeper in mini-football is also a player who, as a rule, very often starts his team’s attack. The success of the team's attacking combination depends on his accurate and timely passing.

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