• Sports nutrition from Ronnie Coleman. How Ronnie Coleman is blown away now: injuries, disabilities, surgeries, latest photos


    Born May 13, 1964, Bastrop, Louisiana, USA - professional bodybuilder, eight-time winner of the Mr. Olympia tournament and other professional competitions. Since childhood, Coleman loved team games such as basketball and baseball. Thanks to his genetic talent, already at the age of 12 people noticed his precocious muscles and told little Ronnie to quit the rocking chair. But the point is that at that moment he didn’t even know about the rocking chair. And he decided to find out how he ended up doing powerlifting.

    After high school, he attended Grambling University, where he played college football and earned a degree in accounting. After graduating in 1986, he worked as an accountant for a couple of years, and then joined the police, where he worked for 12 years. While serving in the police, Ronnie's sports career in professional bodybuilding began. At that time, already possessing quite impressive muscle mass, he went to the gym to maintain physical shape. The owner of the gym, Brian Dobson, immediately noticed the genetically gifted guy and began to persuade him to take up bodybuilding professionally, to which Ronnie just laughed, but the persuasion, as well as a free gym membership and coaching support, still had an effect on him. Thus began the career of one of the greatest bodybuilders on the planet. Already in 1990 he won his first title. For almost 16 years, 26 victories at various championships and 8 of them at the most prestigious Mr. Olympia, and only in 2007, having taken 4th place at Olympia, he announced the end of his sports career. Ronnie Coleman is considered one of the most physically powerful bodybuilders in history, he always trained with exorbitant weights and gave his best. In the gym where he trained, there are still 92 kg dumbbells with which he did chest presses in working approaches, and visitors who can do this at least once are provided with a free subscription to this gym.

    The injuries accumulated over the years from inhumane training make themselves felt, and Ronnie Coleman undergoes a number of complex surgeries on the spine and hip replacement. Years of rehabilitation and the loss of more than half of the muscle mass, but not the loss of self-confidence. At the moment, Ronnie is engaged in his business all over the world and, even with difficulty moving, continues to train, which justifies his nickname “Iron Ronnie”. Once they asked him what he regrets about his training life, and he said that he regrets that he squatted 365 kg only 2 times, although he could have done at least one more time.

    • Height— 180 cm
    • Competition weight— 138.5 kg
    • Off-season weight— 150 kg
    • Biceps— 61 cm
    • Hip— 90 cm
    • Rib cage— 150 cm
    • Waist— 87 cm.
    • Deadlift— 365 kg
    • Bench press— 250 kg



    • Deadlift - 4/15-6 reps
    • Barbell rows with chest emphasis - 3-4/10-15 reps
    • T-bar row - 3-4/10-15
    • One-arm dumbbell rows - 3-4/10-15 reps
    • Standing barbell curl - 4/10-15 reps
    • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting alternately - 3/10-15 reps
    • Scott Bench Raise - 3/10-15 reps
    • Standing bicep curls - 3/10-15 reps
    • Seated barbell press - 4/10-15 reps
    • Dumbbell lateral raises - 4/10-15 reps
    • Alternately lifting dumbbells in front of you with your chest resting on an incline bench - 4/10-15 reps

    Tuesday: LEGS

    • Leg extension in a sitting machine - 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions
    • Barbell Squats - 4-5/10-15 reps
    • Hack squats or leg press (depending on your mood) - 3/10-15 reps
    • Lying leg curls - 3/10-15 reps
    • Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders - 3/10-15 reps
    • Calf raise - “donkey” - 4/To failure

    Wednesday: CHEST, TRICEPS

    • Bench press on a horizontal bench - 4-5 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Bench press on an incline bench with your head up - 3 x 10-15 reps
    • Bench press on an incline bench with your head down - 3 x 10-15 reps
    • “Pek-Dek” - bringing your arms together in the simulator - 3 x 10-15 repetitions
    • Presses down on a vertical block - 4 x 10-15 reps
    • French press behind the head of dumbbells while sitting - 3 x 10-15 reps
    • Hummer dips - 3 x 10-15 reps
    • Presses down on a vertical block with a reverse grip - 3 x 10-15 reps

    In the first 3 days (Monday - Wednesday) Ronnie trains harder and uses free weights. The next 3 days (Thursday - Saturday) are relatively easy workouts using machines and dumbbells.

    Thursday: BACK, BICEPS, DELTS

    • T-bar row - 4 sets of 10-15 reps
    • One-arm dumbbell rows - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Wide grip pull-ups - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Rows to the chest with a wide grip on a vertical block or rows to the waist with a parallel narrow grip on a horizontal block (according to your mood) - 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions
    • Alternate standing dumbbell curls for biceps - 4 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Curved barbell curls on a Scott bench - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    • One-arm biceps curls on the lower block - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Concentrated biceps curls with one arm, resting on the knee, sitting - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Smith machine presses, seated - 4 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Dumbbell lateral raises (drop sets with increasing weight) - 2/20,15,10,8 reps
    • Alternately lifting dumbbells in front of you while standing - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    • Bent-over dumbbell raises - 3 sets of 10-15 reps

    Friday: LEGS

    • Leg extension while sitting in a machine - 4/15-30
    • Front squats - 5/10-15
    • Hack squats - 3/10-15
    • Deadlift on straight legs - 3/10-15
    • Leg curls on a machine, sitting – 3/10-15
    • Calf raises in the machine, standing - 4/to failure
    • Calf raises in the machine, sitting - 4/to failure

    Saturday: CHEST, TRICEPS

    • Incline dumbbell press with head up - 4/10-15
    • Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench - 3/10-15
    • Incline dumbbell press with head down - 3/10-15
    • Dumbbell flyes on an inclined bench with your head up - 3/10-15
    • Close-grip bench press on a horizontal bench - 4/10-15
    • French bench press – 3/10-15
    • Arm extension, standing in a forward bend - 3/10-15

    Sunday: REST

    The press is trained 2 to 4 times a week (depending on how you feel and your mood). Ronnie usually uses crunches for 3 sets to failure.

    1 appointment

    • Flour pancakes,
    • 200 g oatmeal, protein shake

    2nd appointment

    • 450 g chicken breasts,
    • 400 g rice

    3rd appointment

    • 150-200 g cooked steak, large baked potato

    4 appointment

    • Meal replacement (cocktail)
    • 2 chicken sandwiches:

    5 reception

    • 2 chicken breasts, 800 g,
    • 2 slices of bread,
    • 2 pieces Swiss cheese, 1 glass juice

    6th reception

    • Meal replacement (protein shake) and fruit

    TOTAL: 6365 Cal, Protein 623g, Carbs 743g, Fat 115g.

    During the period of gaining muscle mass, nutrition plays an even more important role than training. After all, when you train, you concentrate your attention on 60-90 minutes. And to follow a strict regime for weight growth and eat enough of the right food - for this you need to be concentrated every hour of every day. It doesn’t matter whether you train or rest on this day.

    In general, diet is 70% of the success for muscle growth compared to training. If you don't pay enough attention to what you eat, you will never look like a bodybuilder.

    During the period of weight gain, I eat 5-6 times a day. I always ate heavily, and especially immediately after training. Today, my diet is more thoughtful than before, but the essence is the same: to grow muscles, you need to eat regularly, at regular intervals, regardless of whether you are hungry or not.

    The sports nutrition industry is currently not what it should be. Gone are the days when her job was to build muscles and support athletes to reach their physical limits. Now the sports nutrition market is flooded with companies whose goal is to quickly make a profit on products that relate to anything but strength sports. It's time to change this situation.

    The products are intended for those who are seriously working to change their own body, who are willing to work for hours to achieve results. The name on these products is proof that the returns from hard training will not only be good, but the best you can get from a sports supplement.

    Miser pays twice. If... Manufacturer's description The sports nutrition industry is currently not what it should be. Gone are the days when her job was to build muscles and support athletes to reach their physical limits. Now the sports nutrition market is flooded with companies whose goal is to quickly make a profit on products that relate to anything but strength sports. It's time to change this situation. Products on these products is proof that the returns from hard training will not just be good, but the best that can be obtained from sports supplements. Miser pays twice. If you are looking for the cheapest supplements or want to gain 10,000% muscle overnight, our products are not for you. Name Ronnie Coleman Products The only thing on the label guarantees is that these products will not be dummies. Manufacturer's description Believe in the words – line products were created to make them truly the best products on the sports nutrition market. Manufacturer's description Ronnie Coleman

    : “Bodybuilding as a sport and bodybuilding fans have been kind to me, and now it’s my turn to do them a favor. Bodybuilding and fitness is a lifestyle and products

    designed for those who have chosen this lifestyle."

    What Ronnie Coleman looks like now, latest photos for 2018

    Today we will talk about the indomitable spirit and iron will of eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman. His fans call him the king of bodybuilding, and his opponents say that the bodybuilder introduced extreme amounts of muscle mass into fashion. The athlete’s competitive period is already behind him, and most of his fans are concerned about the guy’s current form, how deflated Ronnie Coleman is now, and what he looks like in the latest photos. First things first.

    Ronnie Coleman announced his retirement as a professional in 2007, but after that he continued to train in the gym and from time to time agitated the modern bodybuilding world with threats of a comeback. But periodically demonstrating his form at guest appearances, he made it clear: the form is decent, but it is deteriorating and the athlete rolls back, deflates, and it will not be enough to compete with the new generation of bodybuilding stars.

    Ronnie Coleman's first injuries

    There are 500 thousand such operations performed in Europe per year. That is, the operation itself is not complicated and does not pose any danger to the average person. But Ronia, who at his age squatted with a barbell of about 400 kg and leg pressed up to a ton, cannot be called an ordinary person. And therefore, “Bigron’s” fears about his health problems and emotional state can be understood, especially by listening to his address to fans before the operation, where he thanked everyone for their support. After Ronia’s operation, Coleman published happy photos online, with family and friends.

    And soon he released a video message in which he said:

    “Hi everyone, I plan to be here one more day and then check out. I ask everyone to go to the website and vote for my line of sports nutrition as the brand of the year.”

    Ronnie Coleman also said at the hospital that the operation was successful, but in a couple of weeks he will have another prosthetic replacement on his 2nd hip.

    Doctors stated that surgery was required due to bad heredity, But Ronnie understands that the operations were the logical consequence of his Light Way, which hid years of pain, hard work and tension at the edge of human capabilities.

    Ronnie Coleman surgeries

    Next, we will talk about the operations that Bigron has undergone over the past year and a little, about the stages of his recovery after them, we will tell you what really happened to Ronnie Coleman and how the athlete ended up in a wheelchair . And also about the motivation that does not leave him, as an athlete puts up with lost volumes.

    There he writes that he is trying to increase his biceps to 44 centimeters, but time is against him. At that time, Coleman was scheduled to undergo surgery in 2 weeks due to a back injury—the third one, if you count since 2007. In short, his hip joints were replaced and surgery was performed on the spine in the cervical region. In response to all this, Bigron wrote: “The weakling cannot win, and the winner cannot give up.”

    Someone would say that it was possible to train a little easier during performances and would not have to suffer with their illnesses, and would maintain some degree of health . But no, that was Ronnie’s answer.

    If you work only to the fullest, what about the need to reap the benefits of hard training? Well, that's life. Everyone pays for their actions, just each in their own way.”

    Is Ronnie Coleman disabled?

    Coleman, as he said, despite the injury, trained until the last moment, and already on July 17 of that year he published a photo that is scary to look at.

    Two bolts at the bottom of the spine provided additional support to the legend's skeleton. Coleman wrote that he had never experienced anything more terrible in his life than after this operation. For the first couple of days, he was ready to shoot himself to stop the pain. Everything from painkillers to morphine was used.

    After a few days and prayers, those close to him felt better and the pain went away. And what do you think, at the end of this post Ronnie wrote how he wanted to return to the gym as soon as possible to shake the invariable “Light Baby”

    But we had to wait, the first training took place only after 3 months in October 2015. Before that, Ronnie traveled the world, developed a business, and participated in exhibitions. Do you look at the photo of Ronnie Coleman from October 2015, how deflated he is, where are his biceps?

    This lifestyle was not easy. In any place where the situation did not oblige him to stand in front of the fans, Ronnie most likely moved in a wheelchair than on foot. So it turns out that Ronia Coleman is disabled?

    But the 8-time Mr. Olympia had a different opinion on this matter. All these are obstacles on the way to the goal. Naturally, in October, due to the long rest, the volumes decreased and became even more modest.

    Photo of Ronnie Coleman after surgery. We are not the ones who perceive “Bigron’s” form this way; he himself wrote on Instagram that his arms almost became 45, but after the operation they dropped back to 41 cm.

    But the athlete constantly said that he would show “light way”, soon his hands would be knocked down for 50, give him time. But let’s look at his legs. This photo is from November 25, 2015.

    Then he wrote that over I wish I could pump up his legs to 61 cm, otherwise they look like 50. 66 cm, he set the bar for himself, but based on the bolts in his back and artificial hip joints, his legs couldn’t be trained as before.

    Ronnie Coleman's visit to Moscow – December 2015

    Early December 2015 and Ronnie Coleman in Moscow. On a positive note, I took pictures with everyone and all that. As Ronn said:

    “You don’t become champions just like that, let alone 8-time champions. I paid my price. But all the people who line up to take pictures with me are proof that it was not in vain that I gave my all in the hall.”

    In Russia, Ronnie used a wheelchair, but after the interview he continued to train. Even then, Coleman knew that the suffering associated with the operations was not over; at least one more surgical intervention was coming. “Bigron” transferred it already at the beginning of 2016.

    Quote: “This is a picture of my spine after another operation. The surgeons worked for 11 hours. Now I have 6 titanium bolts in my back, 2 more and it will be 1 for each victory at Olympia. So let me ask you again, do you still want to become an 8-time Mr. Olympia? You have to pay for such success with incredible pain.”

    Another one: As you can see, yes, I am an 8-time Mr. Olympia and yes, I cannot walk. Many may say that I became disabled, lost my mind and all that. Do I have any regrets? If I had a chance to go back in time and live it all over again, would I change anything? Yes, if I could retrace my steps, one day I would do things differently. When squatting 360kg, I would have done 4 reps instead of 2. This is the only thing I regret in my career. Those 2 reps still haunt me, I knew for sure that I had the strength for 4 reps, but I only completed 2 - the only regret in my life.

    Ronnie Coleman in 2016, latest photos and videos of the athlete

    This time the recovery period was twice as long. Ronnie was without a gym for 6 months. I think you understand how these half a year lasted for him and what conclusions could be drawn, there was enough time to think, maybe he should stop??? Ronnie, you proved everything to everyone, you trained when it seemed impossible, you lifted weights that are now sky-high for modern athletes. Maybe that's enough, Ronnie??? Yeah, now......

    These videos appeared on Coleman's profile in early September 2016, and yes, he is training again. This is unrealistic, nothing can break this man, this is what the legend himself says:

    “This is my first trip to the gym after six months of recovery. Yes, I’m small, deflated and don’t look very good now, but I also know that through hard work and dedication to my work I will regain the lost mass.”

    The latest photos of Ronnie Coleman from 2017 indicate that the athlete has lost a lot of weight and lost weight.

    And he says this after 7 operations, the last of which was the most difficult. Now Ronnia is 52 years old, he has 8 victories at Olympia, 8 children, his own business and his eyes still sparkle. It would seem that you have everything, you should be able to stop in time, but Ronnie said that he has a different opinion on this matter.

    Now Ronnie looks like this: photo from autumn 2017

    Preparing for the last operation for February 2018: what happened?

    After each operation, Ronnie goes to the gym again and again and repeats his “Light Way”. We see this after the most difficult, serious and, as Coleman hopes, the last surgical intervention. This is already his 8th operation, Ronnie Coleman had his hip joints changed, bolts were screwed into his spine, in general, it was not easy for the legend. The pain from the vertebral surgery was the worst of his life.

    You have seen recent videos where Ronnie Coleman tried to walk after operations, but most often moved in a wheelchair, including during his visit to Moscow. At the same time, Coleman is actively training, as in the best times of his performances. He pumps each muscle group 2 times a week and goes to the gym early in the morning, long before other visitors, in order to properly work with the iron and then pay attention to business and family.

    In August 2017, Ronnie shared that he was facing at least one more very serious operation. The same 6 bolts that had once been screwed into his spine now had to be removed.


    The surgery was originally scheduled for November 2017, but took place in February 2018.

    By this time, Coleman had no feeling in both legs from his feet to the top of his quadriceps. He could train, but he felt as if his legs were numb, and they hurt terribly. The left leg let go at times, but the right leg was worse.

    It would seem that in such a situation it is simply more logical to stop, wait for the last operation and heal, and only then work out in the gym. Any normal person would do this, but the point is that normal people rarely achieve such extreme results and heights as Ronnie did in his time. We're not talking about titles, we're talking about Big Ron's form. After 100 operations, he will still go to the gym and work out, that’s the kind of person he is.

    Operation in February 2018: how it went and photos after the operation

    Now, what about this most recent operation. From November 2017, it was postponed to January, and then to February 2018. Doctors diagnosed that it was no longer possible to operate on the spine through the back, as before. Ronnie developed a lot of scar tissue in those areas, and therefore they had to get to the vertebrae through an incision in the abdominal cavity, literally taking out the intestines from it.

    It even sounds creepy and scary from a medical point of view. Needless to say, how time-consuming and difficult the process actually was. Doctors also carried out special procedures so that the athlete did not lose a lot of blood.

    I pray that this operation will be successful and will truly be my last. I am grateful to everyone who prays for me, supports me and does not stand aside. Love you all. I have never been so worried before an operation. It's not every time your guts are taken out of you and then put back in. And I want to believe that everything will work the same as before the manipulations

    Photo. Ronnie Coleman before and after February 2018 surgery

    In the picture on the left is Ronnie before the operation, on the left is after. At that time, Coleman was essentially unconscious, but found the strength to smile and give a thumbs up. Here is Ronnie just 6 days after surgery. He is already pressing dumbbells, 4 kg each. Purely to lift the spirit, but he believes that after 3 months, he will bench press 36 kg. And this despite the fact that doctors banned him from appearing in the gym for at least half a year.

    Photo. Ronnie Coleman pressing dumbbells after surgery: February 2018

    In this photo, Ronnie is already walking around the number and showing the can. And on the next one, he pumps his biceps in the ward and says that he doesn’t look badfor a man whose insides have been gutted.

    The opinions of fans are divided, some say that he is a great guy and a motivator, that he holds on, or vice versa, the same Levroni and Wheeler can perform, and Coleman almost collects the parts, each has his own truth. Ronnie cannot be judged like everyone else, he is different.

    A true champion never gives up because he knows this is not the end. My goal is to fully recover so I can return to the stage again

    Yes, these are his words, absurd? Of course, that's putting it mildly. But he has been training for more than 40 years and admits that he will pump iron until his death and does not care about operations, this is not an obsession, this is personal madness. How to perceive and evaluate it is up to you. But it was precisely such madmen who devoted themselves entirely to the cause of life and became legends, in science, in art, in sports.

    Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition appeared on the market relatively recently; the product is intended for people who play sports hard, are not afraid of hard training and are focused on serious results. The products of this brand are a symbol of hard work and perseverance.

    History of development

    The founder of the company that creates supplements for heavyweights was the legendary bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman, who won the Mr. Olympia competition eight times. The athlete tried to create a corporation several times, but only in 2011 did he ensure that the products became known and in demand throughout the world.

    Thanks to 20 years of experience in sports training and a high level of knowledge, Ronnie managed to create nutrition that is of impeccable quality and allows you to achieve unprecedented results. Unlike other supplement companies that are only looking to make money, Ronnie Coleman offers a product that will help you reach your physical limits quickly.

    Main products

    The following nutritional supplements are in greatest demand:

    • Creatine XS – is creatine monohydrate in its pure form, which increases physical strength and allows you to build muscles;
    • ISO-Tropic Max is a type of whey protein (isolate) that does not contain carbohydrates or dyes;
    • King Mass XL - a gainer that promotes weight gain, contains creatine and glutamine;
    • Myo-Blitz is a product used during the pre-preparation period.

    Miser pays twice

    Colman's product is not one of the supplements that guarantees muscle gain overnight. Nutritional supplements with this name are not cheap dummies, but the best nutrition on the sports market. The supplements are based on exclusively natural and safe raw materials, which will help bring the body of any athlete to perfection, subject to daily training.

    The online store site offers to buy premium products from a famous athlete at a low cost. Select the appropriate product from the catalog and add it to your cart, and our managers will contact you to place your order.

    More recently, a new brand has appeared on the sports nutrition market called Ronnie Coleman Signature Series the founder of which, as you probably already guessed, is the legendary bodybuilder, eight-time winner of the Mr. Olympia competition - Ronnie Coleman. Ronnie tried many times to start his own sports nutrition company, and in 2011 the world of bodybuilding finally saw the results of the efforts of this legendary athlete. Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition is of high quality and effectiveness. Over the course of 20 years of his sports career, the founder of this brand has accumulated enormous knowledge and also gained extensive practical experience in the use of sports supplements. The slogan of the new sports brand was the expression "Time for a change”.

    Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition is, first of all, intended for those athletes who train hard and are not afraid of killer workouts, because it is in this mode that the founder of the brand himself trains. The main goal of the American company is to produce innovative and effective drugs containing only safe and natural ingredients. The entire line of Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition meets American quality standards.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition

    One of the benefits of Ronnie Coleman Signature Series sports supplements is their unique flavor profile. When producing products, the Ronnie Coleman brand uses flavoring fillers with a special structure, so that the natural taste of the components is not lost, and a pleasant aftertaste remains after taking the additive. Also, an undoubted advantage of sports nutrition from Ronnie Coleman is the long-term experience of the brand’s founder - over 20 years of his professional career, Ronnie has tried many different sports complexes from different manufacturers and he knows what a premium supplement should be.

    Of course, Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition also has its drawbacks. First of all, many athletes have a negative attitude towards the significantly high prices of products. This American brand also has supplements that have not found their consumers due to frequent side effects, for example, the testosterone booster Testogen-XR, judging by reviews, very often leads to digestive upset, but there are only a few such supplements.

    The Ronnie Coleman sports nutrition company, like all other brands, has its advantages and disadvantages, but today there is not a single sports nutrition manufacturer whose founder is an eight-time Mr. Olympia winner and a legendary bodybuilder with many years of professional experience.

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