• Stage 1 of the All-Russian Olympiad. The final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren starts in Russia


    Array ( => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8220/DSC09117.JPG_3,60_004.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad => English) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7370/0076. JPG => First round => Computer Science) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7440/5.JPG_3,10_002.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad => Chinese language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8170 /8.jpg_1,00_007.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad => Life Safety) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7600/IMG_5580.jpg => Modeling => Technology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/ 7330/4.jpg => Experimental tour. Photo of the organizers => Chemistry) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7101/2.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo of the organizers => Astronomy) => Array ( => / files/m_foto_vos/7761/003DSC_0122.JPG => Quest in an urban environment => Art (MHC)) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7441/4.JPG_2,90_001.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad => Chinese language ) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8171/9.jpg_0,53_008.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad => Life Safety)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7100/1.jpg =>Olympiad opening. Photo of the organizers => Astronomy) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7760/000DSC_0118.JPG => Quest in an urban environment => Art (MHC)) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7300/14. jpg014.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad => Literature) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8080/0001.JPG => Excursion to Yaroslav’s Court => Social studies) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7470/ 19.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo: TIU press service => Physics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7890/DSCF6988.JPG_5,10_006.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad => Ecology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8161/0IMG_5662.jpg => Opening ceremony. Photo: Elena Zvonareva => Biology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7451/3.jpg_0,14_001.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad = > Spanish) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7301/6.jpg006.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad => Literature) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8081/0012.JPG => Excursion to Yaroslav's Court => Social studies)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8160/000IMG_5699.jpg => Opening ceremony. Photo: Elena Zvonareva => Biology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7450/2.jpg_0,15_006.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad => Spanish) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8230/ Studio_Volkova-4.jpg => Arrival of participants. Photo: Vladislav Volkov => Mathematics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7160/6.jpg => First competition day => Law) => Array ( => / files/m_foto_vos/7800/DSC01209. JPG_3,90_006.JPG => Practical round => Physical education) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7770/IMG_3923.JPG_2,20_001.JPG => Participants after the first round => Economics) => Array ( => / files/m_foto_vos/8101/riObVfDpaI4.jpg => Uploaded by participant => Geography) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7461/IMG_2408.JPG_3,60_008.JPG => First round => History) => Array ( = > /files/m_foto_vos/8231/Studio_Volkova-55-1.jpg => Opening ceremony. Photo: Vladislav Volkov => Mathematics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7161/7.jpg => First competition day = > Right)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8100/5jcHUAxuvP8.jpg => Uploaded by participant => Geography) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7460/IMG_2411.JPG_3,80_009 .JPG => First round => History) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7720/9.jpg => Participants at the opening of the Olympiad. Photo from the site kiro-karelia.ru => German language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7430/4.jpg => Grand opening. Photo: organizing committee of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language => Russian language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7140/1.jpg = > Ulyanovsk meets the finalists. Photo by the press service of UlSPU named after. I.N. Ulyanova => French) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/8221/DSC09282.JPG_2,70_007.JPG => Briefing before the first round => English) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7371/ 00110.JPG => First round => Computer Science) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7511/001photo_2018-04-10_17-24-20.jpg => First round => Italian) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7721/2.jpg => Participants at the opening of the Olympiad Photo from the site kiro-karelia.ru => German language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/7431/2.jpg => Grand opening Photo: organizing committee of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language => Russian language)))

    TASS, March 20. /Corr. TASS Kristina Sulima/. The final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (VsOSH) starts on Tuesday in Volgograd with competitions in astronomy.

    The social elevator, which allows winners to enter the best universities without exams, has recently been increasingly criticized. This is largely due to assignment leaks that occurred last year. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Olga Vasilyeva, announced that she would fight dishonest Olympiad participants and test their knowledge using the Unified State Exam in a core subject.

    To find out whether schoolchildren, in pursuit of a medal and a student card at a prestigious university, are really ready to cheat at the Olympiad, a TASS correspondent talked to the organizers and participants of the competition.

    Participation is free for everyone

    The first school Olympiad in Russia took place in the 19th century, when the Astronomical Society of the Russian Empire organized an Olympiad for students. Currently, this event has become the largest intellectual competition in the country, in which more than 6 million school students participate annually.

    The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held by the Ministry of Education and Science annually in 24 subjects from September 1 to April 30. It includes four stages: school, municipal, regional and final. Anyone can take part in the school stage of the All-Russian Secondary School for free and then move up the “Olympic ladder” taking into account their results. The final stage takes place in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation selected by the Ministry of Education and Science in accordance with the submitted applications.

    Diplomas of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage are supported by cash prizes; diplomas of the Olympiad are valid for four years and give the right to admission without entrance examinations to any university in Russia in the profile of the Olympiad. The best winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Secondary School are selected for Russian national teams to participate in international olympiads in mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy and natural sciences.

    Mission leak scandal

    According to the Ministry of Education and Science, tasks from the regional stage of the competition are transmitted in encrypted form via secure communication channels. Access to them is strictly limited.

    Despite this, in 2017, the chairman of the Guild of Literature Sergei Volkov, who at that time was also a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, reported that the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Literature was marred by leakage of assignments. Then the issue was quickly resolved. The schoolchildren were provided with an alternative version of the tasks, and the head of the relevant ministry, Olga Vasilyeva, ordered an internal investigation.

    The reputation of the Olympiads was spoiled, and the head of the Ministry of Education and Science repeatedly spoke harshly about the current level of school competitions. Vasilyeva called for strengthening control over the Olympics. The question was also raised about involving special communications forces in the delivery of materials.

    The minister also announced the need to review the quota system for the Olympiads, since the number of its winners and prize-winners has increased more than 10 times since Soviet times. In her opinion, this would allow for a better selection of applicants who receive special rights when admitted to a university. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science proposed reducing the number of Olympiads that universities hold independently.

    Children are children

    The head of the Russian national computer science team, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, Marina Tsvetkova, told TASS that there is no rapid cheating at the Olympiads, but “children are children.” “Of course, it’s impossible to say that for a certain number of children there won’t be a child who wants to cheat. But school competitions are a multi-stage system, at some stage the cheater will still be eliminated naturally,” Tsvetkova said. She added that she knows of a couple of cases when a child, having passed the regional stage, refused to go to the final stage, realizing that there the truth would come out.

    According to Tsvetkova, today people talk about violations so often because video surveillance has appeared in schools. “Now there are technical means that have made it possible to raise all this to the top, everything has become visible, transparent. And this is good. People will get used to it, the culture of the Olympics will grow in the next 3-4 years,” the team leader is convinced.

    Most children, she says, never use crib sheets. “They even treat me with contempt when you ask them: “Maybe it would be easier if somewhere you could spy with one eye?” They say: “No, that’s not fair. I wanted to test myself,” said Tsvetkova.

    “It’s great that the developmental education system is built on competitive and such interesting creative procedures that they are widespread today,” the expert believes.

    There are problems in university Olympiads

    The coordinator of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Moscow, director of the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education, Ivan Yashchenko, takes the same position as Tsvetkova. “I would like to say right away that when it comes to the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, then, firstly, the overwhelming majority of the children who are winners and prize-winners of the final stage pass the Unified State Exam perfectly. Secondly, to win at the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is somehow then, from my point of view, by dishonest means, it’s impossible, because it’s a multi-stage system: you go through four stages and fail somewhere,” Yashchenko told TASS.

    According to him, at the final stage “everyone knows everyone by sight,” and there are very few winners and prize-winners. “That is, to assume that someone will be dishonest is absolutely unrealistic, absolutely impossible. All works are published, everything can be verified,” Yashchenko emphasized. He added that today we need to work on strengthening security not at all-Russian Olympiads, but at university ones.

    “Unfortunately, statistics show that at a number of university Olympiads, students do not confirm the Unified State Examination, because some Olympiads have low criteria and so on. And here we need to strengthen the work. As for questions about dishonesty, this is not about the final stage of the Olympiad.” , - noted Yashchenko.

    In his opinion, the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren should be expanded. “Today, work is actively underway in the regions to develop talent, and for several years now the number of participants in the final stage has not changed. As a result, it is becoming more and more difficult for children to get to this stage, and the entry limits are growing. It seems to me that the task of the ministry is to increase the number of participants in those subjects in which work in the regions is going very well,” he said.

    “For example, thanks to the Sirius center, results in mathematics, physics, computer science, and chemistry in the regions are growing very much,” the coordinator pointed out, emphasizing that this would require the regulatory framework to be refined.

    A look from the inside

    The winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Law Olympiad for schoolchildren last year, first-year law student at Moscow State University Evgenia Karpova told TASS that it is quite possible to cheat at the municipal stage. This is due to the fact that such competitions are held by schools, and the observers are the teachers themselves, who, in the girl’s opinion, have no interest in conducting them well.

    “Therefore, it is possible to cheat at the municipal level, and this is practiced, but due to high passing scores at subsequent stages, people are usually eliminated, because the tasks are written in such a way that it is difficult to copy the answers to logic tasks,” the student explained.

    However, she completely ruled out the possibility of using cheat sheets at the final stage. “This is something that can be excluded with one hundred percent probability. Everything is very strict. The team leaders themselves from different regions take away the phones from students so that there are no precedents or excesses,” Karpova emphasized.

    She also criticized the recently widespread opinion that all budget places in universities are occupied only by Olympiad students.

    “The best universities are completely accessible to people applying based on the results of the Unified State Examination. If we take Moscow State University, then we have 600 people on the course, 300 people in budget places, only 60 people who took part in competitions. Accordingly, 240 people entered using the Unified State Examination. And on top of everything, the world The Olympiad is open to everyone, no one stops a person from setting a goal, preparing and taking a place at the Olympiad,” the girl noted.

    I wrote the Olympiad - will I pass the Unified State Exam?

    The head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Olga Vasilyeva, has repeatedly emphasized that she will stop cases of VSOSH winners who cannot confirm their knowledge on the specialized Unified State Exam (USE) from entering universities. These, according to the ministry, are almost 30%. According to the winner of the All-Russian Biology Olympiad, winner of the International Biology Olympiad, student of the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University Tatyana Pashkovskaya, the results of the Olympiad and the Unified State Exam do not necessarily have to correlate.

    “I don’t like the very form of presentation, that the Unified State Exam is an absolute indicator of knowledge. No, of course, if you know the subject, you will pass with 80 points. For example, I have 84, although I am a gold medalist of the international Olympiad. But the Unified State Exam has such specific tasks that require lengthy preparation, so many Olympiad athletes who won the Olympiad simply do not spend their time on it,” Pashkovskaya said.

    At the same time, she emphasized that she does not consider the Olympiads a more objective indicator of knowledge. “No, this is not so. The Olympiads, especially the university Olympiads, which the minister proposes to shorten, are simply an exam that is conducted by the university itself. He just has the opportunity to create exactly those tasks that seem more objective to him, in order to show whether a person knows biology or not , as well as what the university itself wants to ask,” the girl believes.

    As for cheating, she personally has never seen anything like this at the Olympics, and she has never heard of anyone “buying” a prize place. “The fact is that the Olympiad problems are designed in such a way that you won’t be able to find the answer on the Internet. Yes, there are facts that you need to know, but they are trying to get rid of this. While you are looking for answers on the Internet, you will waste precious time; plus “If you see the phone, you may be removed from participation,” said Pashkovskaya.

    “At the final stage, you generally know everyone personally and their level, but I cannot judge what is happening in all regions. There are rumors that some olympiads are free, but such olympiads are given the third level in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science, and they do not affect admission to a university,” the student noted.

    Array ( => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4580/007hqwG5_Acr_o.jpg => First round => English) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4180/photo_2017-03-27_16- 37-54.jpg => Discovery => Computer Science) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4780/d5zn48TK13o.jpg => Before the first round => History) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5170/ IMG_0565.JPG => Uploaded by participant => German language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5720/008IMG_3557(1).jpg => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo by D.S. Sergienko => Russian language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4280/1tur_2.jpg => Written tour. Photo by the press service of Ulyanov Ulyanov State Pedagogical University => French) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4581/004- eHlu9YIT4M.jpg => First round => English) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4151/img_245.jpeg => Innopolis University => Computer Science) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4781/ELaSGRvqIoM .jpg => Before the first round => History) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5171/IMG_0501.JPG => Uploaded by participant => German)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/ m_foto_vos/4050/IMG_3153-20-03-17-05-21.jpeg => Opening ceremony of the Olympics => Astronomy) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5100/003FullSizeRender-13-04-17-20-51 -2.jpeg => Grand opening of the Olympiad => Art (MHC)) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4800/P1090192.png => Opening of the Olympiad => Chinese) => Array ( => /files/ m_foto_vos/5500/IMG_7636.jpg => Check-in of participants => OBZH) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6360/18118421_1463242973747039_1533490991386034238_n.jpg => Uploaded by participant => Technology) => Ar ray ( => /files/m_foto_vos/ 4360/IMG_20170330_200616.jpg => Uploaded by a participant => Chemistry) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4051/IMG_3145-20-03-17-05-15.jpeg => Square in Memory of Heroes, opening ceremony of the Olympics => Astronomy) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5101/006FullSizeRender-13-04-17-20-51-5.jpeg => Grand opening of the Olympiad => Art (MHC)) => Array ( => /files /m_foto_vos/4801/P1090281.png => Opening of the Olympiad => Chinese language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5501/IMG_7635_.jpg => Settlement of participants => Lifestyle)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5880/001DSC_1212.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo by Svetlana Kazaeva => Biology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5390/IMG_0298.JPG => Uploaded by participant => Spanish) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4510/005IMG_3255.jpg => Opening. Photo by Dmitry Sergienko => Literature) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6140/ZywGTWpNd5o_(1).jpg => Photo of the organizers => Social studies) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4700/2sportacadem .jpg => Briefing of participants. Photo by Svetlana Panova => Physics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6470/001DSC_0958.jpg => Opening of the Olympics: sand show by Vera Lekomtseva => Ecology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5881/004DSC_1162 .JPG => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo by Svetlana Kazaeva => Biology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5391/IMG_031.JPG => Uploaded by participant => Spanish) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/ 4511/004IMG_3252.jpg => Opening. Photo by Dmitry Sergienko => Literature) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6141/kJGFjT6uJQk.jpg => Photo of the organizers => Social studies)) => Array ( => Array ( = > /files/m_foto_vos/6260/P1090924.jpg => Drawing up travel routes in the Nizhny Novgorod region => Geography) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4870/Olimpiada_ital_esp_April_10,_2017_04.jpg => Arrival of participants. Photo of the communications department with the public MSLU => Spanish, Italian) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6440/ABSVPGHwyOs.jpg => Opening ceremony. Photo of the Olympiad press center => Mathematics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/ 4140/greeting_of_the_chair_of_the_jury.jpg => Greeting of_the_chair_of_jury => Law) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/5580/010ol17_10.jpg => Second competition day => Physical education) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/ 5350/IMG_3136_result.jpg => Opening ceremony. Photo from the organizers' website => Economy) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6261/P1090914.jpg => Drawing up travel routes in the Nizhny Novgorod region => Geography) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/4861/006IMG_1168 .jpg => Grand opening => Spanish, Italian) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/6441/6EN_NQkFsO8.jpg => Opening ceremony. Photo of the Olympiad press center => Mathematics) => Array ( => /files /m_foto_vos/4131/airport_gumrak.jpg => Airport Gumrak => Right)))

    What to prepare for if you decide to participate in the All-Russian Secondary School, and why it’s worth going through this path to the end

    Absolute winner of VSOSH in MHC

    Every year, six million students in grades 5-11 try their hand at the All-Russian Olympiad (VsOSH). Any schoolchild has the right to participate in competitions in 24 subjects of the Olympiad. The winner is the one who shows the best result in the final stage.

    Subjects of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

    Benefits are received by both winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad who have scored the required number of points - usually more than 50%. Both winning the medal and winning the Vseros - the final stage - give the right to enter a university in the Olympiad profile without exams. Let's look at each step on the way to the final.

    School stage: end of September – end of November

    The All-Russian Olympiad starts in September. Already at the beginning of the school year, you need to choose one or more subjects in which you want to participate. The school stage is held at your school, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact your subject teacher, class teacher or head teacher. Together with you, classmates and children from parallel classes complete the tasks of the Olympiad.

    To advance to the next stage, you need to be among the best in the subject and achieve a threshold score. Each city decides for itself how many points it needs to score to move to the next stage.

    Municipal stage: end of October – mid-December

    The Olympic tasks of the second stage are performed by winners and prize-winners from schools throughout the city, and in Moscow - from all over the district. The results of the municipal or district stage are announced before the end of December. Follow the information on the city Olympiad website.

    Regional stage: January – February

    At the penultimate stage of the Olympiad, schoolchildren in all regions of Russia perform the same tasks. The examination of the region's work lasts up to one month, and the coveted passing score is announced only by mid-March. The passing score is an average, so the organizers are waiting for the exact results of all participants to determine the threshold.

    Final stage: March – April

    The most important stage of the Olympics begins at the end of March. It lasts six weeks. All schoolchildren participate in the Olympiad absolutely free of charge. The list of cities that host the final stage of the VSOSH is published in advanceon the Olympiad information portal .

    The final competitions take place over the course of a week and sometimes consist of several rounds, for example, test and creative. Participants complete Olympiad tasks for two or three days, and the rest of the time they get to know the city on excursions.

    The winners and runners-up from last year participate in the final stage. This rule applies to all levels of the All-Russian Olympiad. For example, if in 2017 you became the winner of the final stage in history, then in 2018 you have the right to come to the fourth stage of the Olympiad in this subject. There is no need to go all the way from scratch.

    Summing up: end of April – beginning of May

    The results begin to be announced at the end of April. The diploma, which opens the doors of all universities in the country, is received not only by the winners, but also by the prize-winners - these are dozens of students in each subject. The number of prize-winners does not exceed 25% of the number of participants in the final stage.

    Requirements for Olympiad participants

    The children participate in the school stage starting from the 7th grade. However, only those who complete tasks for grades 9-11 are allowed to the regional and final stages. It happens that a seventh grader knows a subject at the 9th grade level, then he goes all the way from the school stage together with older children.

    Of course, at the regional and all-Russian stages, knowing the subject at the school curriculum level is not enough. You should evaluate your strengths before aiming for a higher age category.

    Privileges for winners and runners-up

    Winners or prize-winners of Vseros among 9th grades have the right to enroll in a university without exams after graduation. The remaining two years at school do not need to be spent preparing for the Unified State Exam; you can rest or better devote yourself to another Olympiad.

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