• Pippa Middleton has lost weight. How duchesses lose weight

    0 11 August 2014, 10:30

    The sister of the Duchess of Cambridge is famous for her enviable physical shape and never ceases to amaze us with her looks. How does she do this? After crossing the Bosphorus, Middleton Jr. told reporters about her nutritional principles.

    To swim six and a half kilometers in the open sea, Pippa trained hard in the pool. The diet during this period included a lot of lean protein and complex carbohydrates. However, as “an athlete and simply a beauty” herself says, she follows the same rules in normal times:

    In preparation for the swim, I did not change anything in my diet. I always try to eat a healthy, balanced diet: more protein (fish and chicken are best) and healthy, complex carbohydrates - I prefer brown rice, lentils and quinoa, avoid bread, potatoes, pasta. And, of course, it is very important to get enough sleep and drink a lot of clean water. And on the eve of her big swim, Pippa and her family - her parents, Carol and Michael, and her younger brother James - went to one of the fish restaurants on the shore of the strait, where they enjoyed local seafood and traditional Turkish snacks - meze.

    But her boyfriend, Nico Jackson, was not around. Recall that Pippa Middleton and the 36-year-old stockbroker have been dating since February 2013. Rumors that regularly leak to the press are just as regular. But we don't lose hope and hope to see Pippa in her wedding dress soon!

    The whole world is very interested in Pippa Middleton's lifestyle - what she eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner, how she trains and what rules she follows. This is not at all surprising, because the Duchess’s younger sister has a rather athletic build.

    Yes, Pippa and Kate have very good genes. They recover quickly after childbirth, do not gain weight, and are in excellent shape without exhausting workouts. But it’s still interesting what nutritional rules were instilled in Pippa and Kate since childhood. It turns out that the secret to the slimness of both sisters is a hearty breakfast, which gives energy for half the day. So far, only Pippa Middleton has spoken about it in detail, because it is inappropriate for a British princess to reveal the secrets of her meal.

    “I always have breakfast. Nothing can change this rule in my life. Breakfast is sacred to me. I won't be able to function properly during the day if I miss my first meal. My breakfast usually consists of oatmeal with yogurt, fresh fruit, seeds and nuts. I also eat rye bread toast with egg and avocado for breakfast. Sometimes it changes to granola with wild berries and kefir. In fact, it is important that the first meal is different and healthy. You can create your own menu for the whole week,” adds Pippa.

    Middleton Jr. also admitted that she also has her own weaknesses, which she cannot deny.

    “I just love bacon pancakes and maple syrup pancakes. But I eat it very rarely,” admits the duchess’s sister.

    By the way, Pippa talked about her breakfasts for a reason. After all, sister Kate is the founder and ideological inspirer of the Magic Breakfast charity campaign in Britain, which provides free breakfasts for children from disadvantaged families. By the way, Pippa personally approves all the campaign’s breakfasts and makes sure that they are not only tasty and nutritious, but also healthy.

    Kate Middleton's sister is setting a great example for everyone who wants to start living a healthy lifestyle in the new year!

    Pippa Middleton

    Duchess Kate had to endure many unpleasant moments during pregnancy and even give up public events for a while. Her Highness's sister Pippa Middleton, who is now expecting her first child, not only does not suffer from bouts of toxicosis, but also remains a big fan of fitness and intends to continue training until giving birth. And Pippa recommends the same to other pregnant women: recently Middleton published a column in Waitrose Kitchen magazine in which she advises pregnant women to take up swimming.

    “From personal experience, I have found swimming to be the most enjoyable and beneficial form of exercise since I found out I was pregnant,” she writes. - It's reassuring to know that it's safe throughout your pregnancy and there's no need to adapt or make major changes (unlike most other sports). And the best part: you can swim every day until the end of the third trimester. Just don’t overexert yourself.”

    Pippa Middleton and James Matthews at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

    Pippa Middleton and James Matthews at Wimbledon

    Middleton, 34, notes that while swimming isn't too hard on the body, it does provide a "wonderful feeling of weightlessness." “As with other types of exercise, oxygen levels increase and the heart becomes stronger. Plus, this workout is therapy in itself, especially as you become less mobile. Swimming is an excellent prevention of “round shoulders” (one of the most common problems with posture - editor's note). This will also counteract the tendency for pelvic displacement,” writes Pippa.

    Pippa with brother James

    Pippa also reminds that swimming in the pool, especially during this abnormally hot summer, has other benefits: swimming, by cooling the body, helps prevent swelling of the arms and legs - one of the problems faced by many pregnant women. “A visit to the pool every now and then can be a good investment, even in the cooler months,” continues Pippa. “Even if swimming is the only sport you do during pregnancy, you will feel good!” To prove her point, Mrs Matthews, who is now six months pregnant, posed for a photo in the pool with photographer Mark Harrison.

    33-year-old Pippa Middleton is preparing for her wedding. A magnificent celebration of the wedding of Duchess Catherine’s sister and 41-year-old millionaire James Matthews will take place on May 20.

    Fans of the royal family are waiting for the wedding, which promises to be grandiose. Pippa, in turn, thinks through everything to the smallest detail. Having chosen a dress, decided on a place and a list of guests, the socialite realized that it was time to take care of herself, and went on a diet.


    The girl does Pilates 3-5 times a week, runs and rides a bike, but she still has a couple of extra pounds. To get rid of them, Pippa resorted to an effective but dangerous diet by pharmacologists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten.

    The essence of the diet is to optimize the functioning of sirtuin proteins, which speed up metabolism. Foods high in polyphenols can achieve the effect: strawberries, cabbage, arugula, red wine and walnuts.

    In the first three days of the diet, Pippa consumed no more than a thousand calories a day and limited herself to one meal, compensating for the lack of energy exclusively with green smoothies. For the next four days, the bride will have to eat no more than two nutritious meals a day, drink as many drinks containing natural juices as possible, and not cross the line of one and a half thousand calories.

    And finally, the last, third phase of the diet lasts two weeks. The important thing here is to drink plenty of juices and eat foods high in polyphenols three times a day.

    Today Pippa Middleton celebrates her birthday - the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge is 35 years old. At this point in her life and with James Matthews, she is expecting her first child by October. ELLE has collected the main facts about Kate Middleton's sister, who attracts public attention with her elegance, love of sports and an active lifestyle.

    1. Real name

    In fact, Pippa is from the full: Charlotte Philippa Middleton.

    2. Origin

    One of the surprising facts is that the Middleton family never belonged to: Michael Francis Middleton (father) came from the middle class, and Carol Elizabeth Goldsmith (mother) came from an old family of Harrison coal miners from County Durham. We add that both spouses worked in civil aviation, Carol Elizabeth was a flight attendant, and Michael Francis was an air traffic controller. But the fateful moment happened in 1987. Then the Middletons founded the parcel trading company Party Pieces, which successfully developed in the British market and made them millionaires. The family settled in their own house in the village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.


    While studying at Marlborough College, Kate's sister was called "Perfect Pippa" by students and friends. The reason for this is girls and a huge range of interests from poetry to dancing.

    4. The main difference from Kate

    According to sources close to the royal family, Pippa has always been more active than Kate, especially in sports. After entering college, she channeled her restless energy into activism by joining the field hockey team—as did her sister, by the way. As a result, Kate remained an “ordinary” player, while Pippa soon became a leader and became the captain of the team. In addition, from a young age she played tennis, then bicycle racing appeared among her hobbies, and even later, Kate Middleton’s younger sister became seriously interested in boxing and even mountaineering. By the way, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, it was Pippa, and not Kate, who was the leader during her student years and gave the impression of “a person who will be at the pinnacle of fame.”

    5. Favorite holiday and season

    In her recipe book, Pippa wrote several times that her favorite holiday is autumn, and the season is autumn.

    “Gathering around a table decorated with candles in winter, on the lawn in summer, or lying in a pile of fallen leaves with a hot drink in your hands in autumn...”

    6. Music

    Pippa's favorite performer is British singer Adele. Rumor has it that the famous sister of the future Queen of England does not miss a single concert of the singer.

    7. Signature dish

    Before attending Edinburgh University, Middleton worked for several months as a kitchen assistant in a Berkshire pub. There she learned recipes for dishes that became her signature - salad with pigeon meat and venison stew. But Pippa often calls sushi her favorite dish and often clarifies in interviews that she cooks it exclusively herself.

    8. Style

    In her everyday summer looks, Pippa most often prefers the French style: her wardrobe is dominated by dresses with floral prints and dropped shoulders, which the girl complements with wedge shoes. And in her autumn and winter outings, Pippa remains faithful to the English classics: quilted jackets, checkered jackets, scarlet coats and boots in caramel shades.

    9. Relationship with the son of the owner of Hogwarts

    It is worth saying that, unlike Kate, Pippa was never constant in her relationships and had several high-profile affairs before her marriage to James Matthews. Pippa's longest relationship was with Earl George Percy, whose family owns Alnwick Castle, which "played" the role of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter film. Pippa knew George from her studies at Edinburgh University, but the romance between them began only in 2008 and lasted until 2012.

    10. Work and career

    After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, Pippa joined a luxury PR agency and also completed an internship with event management company Table Talk. This was followed by a job with her parents' company, Party Pieces, which sells party supplies. To promote the enterprise, the girl published her own online magazine, Party Times. Soon the younger Middleton went further and consolidated all her publishing activities under the auspices of PXM Enterprises Limited (now closed). In 2012, Pippa Middleton released two books: a collection of party recipes, Heartfelt, and a book, Celebrate: A Year of Festivities for Families and Friends, a 400-page book on how to throw a holiday for family and friends.

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