• 2 day split for mass. Two-day split for large muscle groups


    Mass recruitment is a very topical issue in our time. However, it would seem that a fairly easy process causes many difficulties for ordinary people. When planning to gain mass, people have a lot of questions: how many days a week to train? What exercises to do? How to eat? How much to rest? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

    What is needed for mass gain?

    Mass gain, as well as many other goals pursued when exercising in the gym, consists of three elements:

    The first element is training. Training should be as effective and productive as possible, you must load the target muscle groups so that the body releases enough hormones for muscle growth.

    The second element is food. The most important part of gaining mass is nutrition. Muscle fibers destroyed during training need building material to prevent destruction and restore muscle cells. Nutrition must be balanced, the body must receive the required amount of all nutrients. At the same time, it is worth noting that in order to gain mass, you need to consume more calories than you expend. That is why it is important to count your daily diet, along with the calories that you spend.

    The third element is rest. It should be understood that muscles do not grow during training, but during rest. A person rests during sleep, so sleep should last at least 8-10 hours to fully restore the body.

    We split the training split into two days

    A two-day training split is great for gaining mass, but the question arises, how to break up muscle groups over these two days so that the workouts are as effective as possible? Based on the fact that mass training should last less than an hour, it is rational to train synergistic muscles in one day, this will allow you to load all the necessary muscles in fewer exercises. The training split itself will have the following form:

    • First day. Chest and triceps training, as well as back and biceps training. During basic exercises for the chest and back, the triceps and biceps will be involved, which will receive sufficient load necessary for growth.
    • Second day. Legs, shoulders, abdominal muscles are trained.

    This grouping of muscle groups allows you to use them in only one training day, which means that they will be given about a week to recover, which will allow them to recover as much as possible.

    Exercises for the first day of the training split

    At the beginning of the workout, a five-minute warm-up. The first exercise is bench press lying on a horizontal bench. Basic chest exercise. After the bench press, the bench press is performed with a narrow grip, an exercise aimed at developing the triceps, but the pectoral muscles also receive a load. After that, a deadlift is performed, for the development of the back muscles, the biceps that received an indirect load are completely tired by lifting the barbell to the biceps. Exercises are performed for 4-5 approaches in the range of 4-6 repetitions, with the largest possible weights.

    Exercises for the second day of the training split

    The workout begins with a five-minute warm-up, as we train the legs, a treadmill is well suited, at a relatively low pace. The first exercise will be leg extension in the simulator to warm up the ligaments and fill the muscles with blood. This is followed by barbell squats. On the shoulders, a bench press is performed while sitting from behind the head, on the muscles of the press, twisting on the bench. Exercises are performed in the range from 4 to 10 repetitions, the abdominal muscles swing to failure.

    It should be noted that in order to gain mass, it is necessary to perform heavy basic exercises with large weights, it is this load, as practice shows, that gives the maximum result. Gradually, the body gets used to the load, so you can replace one basic exercise with another, or change the exercises in places. This approach will allow you to constantly progress. Another important element in gaining mass is to increase the weight of the projectile. It is advisable to increase the working weight at each workout, bringing the muscles to failure.

    Rest interval between training days

    As we have already found out, rest is one of the elements that are very important when gaining mass. But if it’s clear about how much sleep you need, then the next question arises, how to distribute training days among the week? Being engaged in only two days a week, you can take a fairly long break between workouts. The first training day, it is better to start on Tuesday, because Monday, as practice shows, is a rather difficult day, and the body is just entering the working week. The second training day is best put on Friday.

    So between training days you get three days of rest, and taking into account the fact that different muscle groups are involved on different days, the body will recover perfectly, and it is very difficult to get overtrained.

    How long should one workout last?

    The ideal workout time for mass gain is 45-60 minutes. This time is enough to complete the entire set of necessary exercises, and to load the muscles as much as possible. Many people think that the more they train on time and do more exercises, the faster they will gain the desired shape. This statement is not true, especially with regard to natural training, without the use of doping.

    After an hour spent in the gym, the body begins to produce a large amount of the hormone, cortisol, aimed at destruction. That is why, it turns out such a situation that instead of gaining mass, you will lose it.

    Warm up and stretch

    The warm-up is a very important part of the training process. Any training implies an unnatural load on the body for which it is not ready. That is why you need to prepare it for this load. To carry out such training, you can use the cardio load. An excellent option for this is running, which in one way or another involves many muscle groups. During running, blood circulation accelerates, the pulse increases, the body smoothly switches to training mode, and therefore it perceives the load more adequately. In addition, it is necessary to stretch all the muscles and joints.

    For this, the usual warm-up complex, which many performed at school, is suitable. Warm-up should start from the upper body, going down to the bottom. Mass work involves performing heavy basic exercises with large weights, which are very traumatic. That is why it is necessary to perform warm-up approaches before each exercise. This will help the body to remember the mechanics of movement, and prepare the involved joints for work.

    As for stretching, it is very effective in gaining mass. Stretching is recommended immediately after a workout in order to stretch the muscles that clogged during training. This allows you to improve blood circulation in muscle groups, which in the future will allow them to receive more useful elements from the blood. In addition, stretching is necessary for the correct performance of some exercises.

    In mass gaining, special attention is paid to nutrition. As we have already found out, in order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you expend. But there are a lot of questions, what products are there? How much protein, fat, carbohydrates should be consumed? How many times to eat? What time?

    For weight gain, the proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is as follows 2/6/2 per kilogram of weight. At the same time, this proportion varies from the type of physique, your tendency to gain mass.

    For an ectomorph, an increase in BJU is possible until the mass gain meets your expectations.

    You should be very serious about the choice of products. Many people think that in order to gain mass, it is necessary to resort to the use of fast food, fatty high-calorie foods, sweet, starchy foods. These products should be limited as much as possible, because apart from fat mass and health problems, they will not give anything else. You need to bet on natural, natural products. The source of protein should be chicken meat, fish, beef, pork, eggs, dairy products. It is these products that have a good amino acid composition, which is necessary for the growth of muscle tissue. The source of energy should be slow (complex carbohydrates) and healthy fats. As for carbohydrates, cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and other cereals become the main source.

    Fats should be consumed from fish, as well as olive, flaxseed oil, foods rich in omega 3-6-9, which are necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is necessary to take food 6-7 times a day, in small portions, so as not to burden the gastrointestinal tract, and all food is well absorbed. It should be noted that the most important meals are breakfast, pre-workout meal and post-workout meal. In the morning, the body is prone to nocturnal catabolism, so you need to prevent this process by replenishing your carbohydrate and protein stores.

    Before training, we need a supply of energy, so carbohydrates must be present in large quantities, and they must be necessarily slow. After training, it is necessary to replenish energy reserves and building material for muscles. In the first half of the day, the emphasis is on eating carbohydrate foods, in the afternoon on protein.

    By adhering to the above recommendations, observing a sports regimen that consists of productive training, proper and balanced nutrition, and good rest, you will definitely achieve the desired result. But it is worthwhile to understand that getting what we want in the shortest possible time will not work, so you will have to make a lot of effort and spend enough time and then everything will work out.

    Bodybuilding workouts are the perfect combination of exercises for every man who wants to get stronger and more attractive. Classes on the bodybuilding program will not give such strong muscle growth as the super-pros. To increase muscles to such an "impressive" size, usually training alone is not enough, it is necessary to add special nutritional supplements and introduce anabolics.

    But it is possible and even useful to use the principles of building the training process of professionals. How do regular bodybuilders train?

    Frequency and regularity of classes

    First of all, you need to understand what successful bodybuilding requires - training must be regular, to achieve results, you must perform it technically correctly. To fulfill all the requirements, you need to make a training plan so that classes are not canceled due to work, study or other reasons.

    There is a myth that in order to achieve a sculpted body, you need to train every day, spend huge amounts of money on classes with a high-class personal trainer. But it is not so. Two workouts a week are enough to make the muscles strong and strong. Of course, proper nutrition also plays a significant role.

    What bodybuilding is based on is training programs with various weights and a small number of exercises. Two-time workouts are the best option for a busy person. One workout, easier, should be planned during the week, for example, on Wednesday. Leave heavier work for the day off. So, if necessary, training can be shifted relative to each other.

    Rules for building a workout

    Regardless of the goals set for two-time workouts, the program should include only basic exercises: deadlift, push-ups on the uneven bars, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, squats, bench presses in a standing and lying position. They will provide the necessary level of load. In addition, for training it is necessary to work out all the muscles of the body, and not to influence a separate group.

    The first should be exercises for the muscle group that needs to be worked out. For the success of training, it is useful to put the deadlift or squats first. Effects on the muscle groups of the legs contribute to an increase in testosterone levels, which contributes to muscle growth.

    So, in a workout in the middle of the week, you can include squats with a barbell (4 sets of 10 repetitions), bench press from behind the head (4 to 10), pull-ups with a reverse grip (4 to 10). The weekend workout is more intense and may include deadlifts (6 to 6), bench presses (6 to 6) and standing (6 to 6), as well as pull-ups (6 to 6).

    The maximum muscle gain program for ectomorphs and beginners. Body-building.

    For weight gain, a 3-day split is considered the optimal training regimen. But if there is no time and opportunity to practice 3 times a week, the number of classes can be reduced to two, while doing 2 days after 2 days.

    It is best to include basic exercises in the training complex, since they give a large volume to the main muscle groups. Isolation exercises cannot be called ineffective, but they allow you to work out only small groups that do not give a lot of volume. The training itself should take place in the usual separate mode.

    Mass program: exercises for classes 2 times a week

    The 2 day training program is divided into the following parts: during the first workout you work out the arms and back, the second is aimed at increasing the volume of the muscles of the back and chest.

    First workout:

    • begins with a warm-up lasting from 5 to 10 minutes;
    • you can work on the press with the help of twists. They are performed on an inclined bench. You can perform both regular twists and add side crunches to the complex to work out the oblique muscles of the press. Do 3 sets with 10-15 reps;
    • classical squat with weighting (barbell) - this technique perfectly works out the gluteal muscles and quadriceps muscles of the thigh. The number of sets varies from 4 to 5, and repetitions can be done from 6 to 10;
    • You can work out all the muscles of the legs and use the lower press with the help of the leg press in the simulator. Do 4 sets of 8-12 reps;
    • push-ups on the uneven bars - thanks to them, the muscles of the arms and the shoulder area are well worked out. Do 4-5 sets and 8-15 reps;
    • pull-ups on the horizontal bar to chest level with a reverse grip - it will be enough to complete 3-4 sets with 6-10 repetitions;
    • barbell row for biceps in a standing position - when performing this exercise, the shoulder muscles are also involved. Since the difficulty level of this exercise is not high, do 3-4 sets with 8-15 repetitions;
    • At the end of the training, you will need to stretch.

    Second workout:

    • the second workout also begins with a warm-up, lasting 5-10 minutes;
    • hyperextension is an exercise that will allow you not only to increase the muscles on your back, but also to correct your posture. It is performed on a special simulator. In one session, perform 3 sets of 10-15 times;
    • classic bench press on a horizontal bench. 4-6 sets of 6-12 reps;
    • traction of the upper block behind the head - work on the pectoral muscles, deltoid and trapezius muscles, as well as arms and shoulders. Do 3-4 sets with 8-12 reps;
    • deadlift (a barbell is used as weighting). You are required to complete 4-5 sets with 5-8 repetitions;
    • dumbbell rowing is one of the best exercises aimed at working out pectoral muscles, muscles of the arms and back. It is necessary to breed dumbbells at an angle of 20 degrees. 3 sets with 10-15 repetitions;
    • pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to chest level - the latissimus dorsi, rear deltoid, as well as the rhomboid and large round muscle are being worked out. 3-4 sets with 6-12 reps;
    • the end of the workout is a hitch aimed at increasing the length of the muscles.

    Features of the 2-time training program

    To get the best effect, training should be done longer - from 1.5 to 2 hours. Exercising for more than two hours is not recommended for the reason that you will begin to burn muscles or become overtrained. If the specified complex takes longer than required, then you will need to either reduce the rest time or reduce the number of repetitions in one set.

    Change the number of repetitions in one approach every week, but do not go beyond the specified limits. Proper nutrition and adherence to the training schedule will allow you to gain from 3 to 5 kg of weight in one month. If you do not know how to do push-ups or pull-ups, these techniques can be replaced with other basic ones.

    The complex presents a few exercises for the press, most of them are aimed at increasing the volume of the body, working out the back and legs. If necessary, the complex can be diluted with exercises for the press, but other exercises can be removed so as not to increase the duration of the training.

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    Hello dear friends!
    Due to numerous requests from the viewers of our channel, we decided to shoot a video of how I train Yulia in the gym. But I want to note that my wife has a baby with whom she needs to spend a lot of time. How does my wife manage to combine keeping herself in an elegant shape and taking care of a child?
    Julia trains twice a week, as there is simply not enough time for more visits to the gym. If there was more time, the results would be better! But I am also satisfied with the current figure of my wife.

    Our workouts are held according to a shortened program and last no more than an hour. In such a short time, we manage to complete two heavy basic exercises for the gluteal muscles. In addition, Julia performs two general developmental exercises for the upper body, plus an exercise for the press and hyperextension. That is, in one hour we manage to do four main exercises and two auxiliary ones. The second time a week, the set of exercises changes.

    We usually start our workout with squats in the Smith machine, and Yulia makes a good emphasis on her heels in order to get a good feel for the work of the gluteal muscles. The first set is a warm-up, it's 15 repetitions with not a lot of weight. But even in the first approach, one should adhere to the technique of performing the exercise as much as possible. Then two more sets are performed, but with a large weight of about 8 repetitions.

    The second exercise for training the gluteal muscles, we do cross lunges. When Julia first made these lunges, she immediately felt how her buttocks were loaded.

    After completing the two basic exercises for the development of the gluteal muscles, we move on to performing two basic exercises for the upper body. For example, when we train the chest, the triceps are included in the work, and when we train the back, the biceps of the arms are additionally worked out. That is, it turns out such a wholesale pumping for those girls who cannot find time to visit the gym four times a week.

    But let's get back to Julia's training program, the third exercise we had was a bench press. The scheme of the exercise does not change, first a warm-up approach is done in the amount of 15 repetitions. We do a superset, after the bench press we go to the machine and do a vertical row with a narrow reverse grip.

    Our workout ends with a press exercise and hyperextension. Julia performs these two exercises in order to tone the core muscles. And they are known to be useful and play a key role during other exercises and are the protection of the spine.

    Thanks to such a simple workout, thanks to two visits to the gym a week, you will get a slim figure. But this is only possible if you eat right.

    If you want to know what other exercises Yulia should do in her workout, if you don't want to miss the next video, subscribe to my channel and you will always be aware of all new events.

    1) Squats in a Smith machine in sumo style 1 set of 15 reps 1 set of 12 reps 1 set of 10 reps (increasing weight);
    2) Cross lunges in a smith machine 1 set 15 reps 1 set 12 reps 1 set 10 reps (increasing weight);
    3) Bench press in the chest for chest muscles 1 set of 15 repetitions (warm-up) 2 sets of 10 repetitions (working weight);
    4) Vertical pull with a narrow reverse grip 1 set of 15 reps (warm-up) 2 sets of 10 reps (working weight);
    5) Hyperextension 3 sets of 15-20 reps;
    6) Press (any exercise) 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

    From the desire to devote every free minute of time to training, beginners quickly come to the solution of the problem of how to properly organize the training process. If gross mistakes were made in its construction, then the athlete very quickly “eats up”, and the results fall. Or they don’t grow from the very beginning, despite the intense load at each workout.

    Does the frequency of training affect the result?

    The opinion that the more often you train, the faster the results grow, is more erroneous. Too frequent training does not allow the muscles to recover, fatigue sets in quickly, the results tend to go down, and you don’t want to return to the gym. And too rare - do not give a sufficient stimulus for the growth and development of muscles. Each time, the muscle fully recovers, goes through a phase of supercompensation (an increase in volume and strength in order to withstand the future load) and returns to its original state.

    But the frequency of training itself does not have a direct impact on the result, there are also schemes with training 5 times a week, there are schemes with loads twice a week. Efficiency depends on what each workout includes and on which muscle groups are worked out in one workout.

    • Most experts and athletes recognize the minimum number of workouts per week - 2 times. Beginners who find it difficult to quickly adapt to a heavy load often start with this scheme, and professionals during the period of intensive muscle mass gain and work with maximum weights.

      Often, compound exercises are broken down into these two workouts to fully work out individual muscle groups and not overwork.

    • Many people recognize the classic scheme of three workouts per week. Training is interspersed with one day of rest, and at the end of the week there are two days of rest.

      Thus, the muscles have at least 48 hours to recover, during which time the energy balance is fully restored. But the protein structures of many muscles (back, chest) need a longer rest. Therefore, exercises for some muscle groups with a full load should not be done every workout.

    • The 4-workout/week scheme is suitable for more experienced athletes. In this case, two days of training alternate with one day of rest.
    • It is very difficult for a beginner to endure 5 workouts per week or more, it is better not to start with such a regimen. With this scheme, it is necessary to plan each workout very competently in order to give the muscles the opportunity to fully recover. This scheme is worth the following: two days of training, a day of rest, three days of training, a day of rest.

    Professionals do not recommend training too often. Although there are outdoor enthusiasts who fill some days without intense training or work with light weights.

    But the main indicator that you should focus on when choosing a training scheme is subjective feelings. If you feel that you are very tired, there is no strength to force yourself to go to the gym (do not confuse this with banal laziness), sleep has become restless, you need to increase the intervals between workouts or reduce the load. If the result stagnates or falls, it makes sense to make training more frequent or intense.

    Each workout can be built according to one of two common principles:

    • work on all muscle groups in one workout. This approach is considered by many to be optimal for beginners, as it allows you to give a constant load to all muscles, which increases the intensity of glycogen production and muscle recovery. But he has a significant disadvantage - many muscles do not have time to recover in 48 hours, so each workout should be built according to a separate plan. In addition, too much variety of exercises does not allow you to work out each muscle group qualitatively, does not give the muscles enough stimulus for growth, since the one-time load is small. Therefore, after the growth of results, many beginners are faced with a lack of progress. This is an occasion to try a separate training scheme.
    • separate workouts for different muscle groups. For beginners, exercises on the upper and lower parts of the body are most often bred for different workouts. This allows you to work out one muscle group more intensively, and gives you time to rest. But in this scheme, the “upper” day turns out to be too overloaded, it is difficult to work out in detail all the muscles of the upper body at one time.

    A division is also used for different workouts of pulling muscles (biceps, back muscles) and pushing muscles (chest muscles, deltas, triceps), legs are worked out on both days or only on one.

    Another principle of separation is the training of large (muscles of the back and legs) and small muscles, plus the muscles of the chest (arms, deltas), separately.

    At the initial stage, it makes sense to experiment, to see which division gives the best result.

    Keep in mind that the set of exercises should be changed every three months, otherwise the muscles will respond less and less to the load, with the same frequency you need to give yourself a week off from training.

    This is an approximate complex, in many respects its content depends on your level. If you are just starting out, pay more attention to basic exercises with simple technique. And be sure to ask someone to help set the technique, without proper execution, the value of many exercises tends to zero.

    • Day 1 – You can include weighted squats, straight-legged deadlifts, pull-ups (simple or weighted) and shrugs in your workout;
    • third day - calf raises, pullover, side bends, bicep curls;
    • fifth day - bench press, bench press, exercises for the press.

    Each workout should begin with a warm-up, including stretching and, if possible, end with it.

    It can be recommended to beginners if the result of three training sessions is low.

    First day- back and triceps exercises.

    • Lower block pull
    • pull of the upper block to the chest,
    • pull the upper block down,
    • close grip bench press,
    • french bench press,
    • extension on the upper block.

    Second day- legs.

    • weighted squats,
    • platform leg press,
    • leg extension in the machine while sitting,
    • deadlift on straight legs,
    • lifting on socks in the simulator.

    Fourth day- Chest and biceps.

    • Bench press on an incline bench,
    • pullover,
    • push-ups on bars,
    • crossovers on the upper blocks,
    • barbell lift for biceps,
    • lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting.

    Fifth day- deltas.

    • Barbell press up from the chest,
    • standing dumbbell swing,
    • pull of the lower block to the chest,
    • swing dumbbells while standing in an incline.

    The frequency of training depends on many factors. First of all, it is the availability of free time and the level of training of a person. Therefore, focusing on any program, change it as soon as necessary, depending on your feelings and results. It's the only way to find the perfect workout plan and achieve sustainable and consistent results.

    Training split in an athlete using steroids and not using steroids? Of course, there is, and in some moments very significant.

    The basis of "natural" training, that is, without pharmacological support from the outside, is only one thing. Heavy basic exercises performed with a certain intensity and duration cause physiological stress, to which the body reacts with an additional release of hormones, including anabolic ones. These hormones are released precisely at the moment when stress is created, that is, during training. It is at this time that the cell membranes of muscle fibers are able to maximally pass hormones through themselves, among which the most important is testosterone. Training is the only way to increase testosterone levels in the body of the "straight" and the only way to make muscles grow.

    The fact that basic exercises are better than isolation exercises in terms of their effect on hormone levels is no secret to anyone. However, not all basic exercises are equally effective. For example, the bench press is better than the bench press; Bent-over rows are better than barbell pull-ups. If we highlight the best basic exercises in terms of the degree of impact on the hormonal system, then we will get a very small list. Barbell Squat, Deadlift, Barbell Row. Various options for bench presses for the pectoral muscles and shoulders are significantly inferior to the listed exercises. Arm exercises are not worth mentioning at all, they have practically no effect on the increase in anabolic hormones during training. Therefore, a “natural” athlete should never plan a program in which training for arms or shoulders would be taken out on a separate day. The load on them will not cause a noticeable hormonal response, which means that the hormones will not enter the muscle tissue in large quantities and will not provide the necessary protein synthesis. The ideal option for the straight man would be to start with a few sets of heavy squats or deadlifts to ensure maximum hormone release, and then maintain their elevated levels with other basic exercises, including other muscle groups, and use them to direct testosterone-enriched blood into stressed muscle tissue.


    Back in the early 1990s, Stuart McRobert, bestselling author of Think. Bodybuilding without steroids, ”offered in that book options for abbreviated programs based only on. One such program involved a two-day split in which all major muscles were distributed over two training days. One day the first exercise was the squat, the next the deadlift. Despite the fact that more than twenty years have passed since the book was written, such a program has not lost its relevance and even found its justification by modern science. In fairness, it should be noted that even earlier, a similar scheme was proposed by Joe Vader, but focused exclusively on beginners. Let us give an example of a program built on these principles. There can be quite a lot of options for combinations of the exercises below - as it is convenient for anyone, the main thing is that at first there were the most basic, that is, the most "testosterone" ones:

    Day 1

    Squats with a barbell: 3 × 10-15;

    Bench press: 3 × 8–12;

    Lifting the bar for biceps: 3 × 8–12;

    Bench press with a narrow grip: 3 × 8–12.

    Day 2

    Deadlift: 3 × 10–15;

    Pull-ups on the crossbar: 3 × 8-12;

    Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 × 8–10;

    Rise on socks: 3 × 15–20;

    Twisting: 3x15-20.

    Since the amount of load on a separate muscle group is small, training should be performed more often than in our usual once every seven days. This rule is also backed by science and confirmed by one long-term study showing that infrequent workouts with a high number of sets per muscle are as effective as frequent workouts, but with a small number of sets. Based on the foregoing, the program execution scheme during the week may look like this:

    The next week starts from day number 2, that is, day 1 and day 2 change places, and the days of rest are similar.

    It is very important for the “Natural” to take into account that at least one day of rest after each training day is required, since during this time the hormonal system is restored. Daily training leads to its depletion, and progress stops completely. The above program takes this circumstance into account.

    Alternatively, every two weeks you can change the range of repetitions for the selected exercises by increasing or decreasing the working weights, which will ensure a longer progress from the program.


    1. Basic exercises are not equally effective in their effect on the hormonal system. The larger muscles are simultaneously involved in the work, the more effective the exercise. The most effective exercises will be on the legs and back.

    2. Each workout should include at least one of the basic exercises for the legs or back, and it should be at the very beginning. Other exercises follow later.

    3. Training small muscle groups on a separate day is minimally effective.

    4. The training program must include at least a day of complete rest after each workout.

    Today we will consider a two-day split for mass. This training program is designed for athletes with a level of training a little more than a beginner. For beginners, it is best to work out the entire body in one workout.

    This is a study of all muscle groups in 2 days. This does not mean that there should be only 2 workouts per week, there may even be 6, but all muscle groups should be worked out in 2 days of strength training. There are many principles by which such training programs are created, for example, “push-pull” (on the first day, perform only different tractions, on the second day - bench presses), “top-down” (first work on the upper body, then on the lower ). But we will make a two-day split for mass according to our criteria.

    Principles of compiling a two-day split

    • You need to break the muscle mass into two equal parts in order to work out 50% in one training day.
    • Be sure to evenly distribute the load on the spine and back extensors.
    • Also, it is worth evenly distributing the load on the shoulders over two days, since the shoulder joint has the highest probability of injury, due to its enormous range of motion.

    The biggest load for the spinal column is squats and deadlifts. Therefore, we put the back and legs on different days. In general, no experienced athlete would train such large muscle groups together.

    To comply with the third rule - we also train chest and deltas on different days. The press can be downloaded whenever you want. We recommend taking a rest day between training days. Actually, now let's move on to the two-day split itself.

    Day 1

    On the back(we try to keep within 30 minutes, 30 seconds of rest between sets, a quality warm-up is required):

    • Pull-ups (3 X to failure);
    • Thrust of the upper block (3 X 8-12);
    • Bent over row (1 warm-up + 3 X 8-12);
    • The thrust of the lower block to the belt (3 X 8-12).

    On shoulders(a good set for pumping the deltoid muscles, you need to alternate the military press with a pull to the chin, 15 minutes to complete):

    • Army press (3 X 8-12);
    • Pull to the chin with a wide grip (3 X 8-12).

    Triceps(narrow grip press - best basic triceps exercise + french press - training lagging long triceps head, time to complete - 15 minutes):

    • Press with a narrow grip (3 X 8-12);
    • French press (3 X 8-12).

    Day 2

    On your feet(rest between sets 40-60 seconds, it is imperative to do stretching and warm-up, try to invest in 25 minutes):

    • Squats with a barbell (2 warm-up + 3 X 8-12);
    • Leg press in the simulator (3 X 8-12);
    • Lunges (2 X 8-10).

    For chest(rest between sets 30 seconds, before working weights in the bench press, do a warm-up approach, time to complete - 25 minutes):

    • Bench press lying on an inclined bench (4 X 8-12);
    • Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench (3 X 8-12);
    • Dumbbell row (3 X 8-12).

    For biceps(one warm-up set, rest between sets 30 seconds, time to complete -10 minutes):

    • Lifting the bar for biceps (with a straight neck) (4 X 8-12);
    • ‘Hammer’ for biceps (4 X 8-12).

    As you can see, all three principles for a two-day split for mass are fulfilled. We divided the entire muscle mass equally, evenly distributed the load on the spine and shoulders, no muscle group was forgotten. Workout time is 60 minutes, if you are not using steroids or other potent drugs, then try to stick to short, high-intensity workouts in order to destroy your muscle tissue as little as possible. In our opinion, this is the ideal option for a two-day split for gaining muscle mass. After a couple of months of working on such a training program, you should switch to.

    1. No time or opportunity to go to the gym often;
    2. Few resources (food, sleep) for recovery;
    3. Genetics is arranged so that you grow even from the minimum load. But these, unfortunately, are rare.

    When training on the principle of a two-day split, we work in different rep ranges. There are both power approaches of 4-6 repetitions, and multi-repetition - from 20 and above. This is because due to the different content of fast and slow muscle fibers, different muscles respond better to different numbers of repetitions. Therefore, for full development, you need to be able to both work with serious weights and clog muscles with blood and achieve maximum pumping. And how to do this for people with different body types, read in the following sections.

    2 day ectomorph workout

    The most important thing for ectomorphs is not to fall into a state of catabolism. Therefore, workouts should be short, but intense. A two-day split for mass for an ectomorph is the best fit.

    The optimal duration of training is up to 1 hour. No need to selflessly train to the point of complete exhaustion and depletion of muscle glycogen stores. To gain muscle mass, you do not need it at all. It is better to add properly selected nutrition for an ectomorph to training, which will significantly enhance their effect.

    Upper body workout
    Wide grip pull-ups 3х10-15
    Incline dumbbell row 4x8-12
    hyperextension 3x20
    Bench press 4x5-10
    Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
    Mahi dumbbells to the sides 4x12
    Close Grip Bench Press 3x10
    Barbell curl for biceps 3x10
    Hanging leg raise 3x20
    Lower body workout
    Front squat with barbell 3х10-15
    Platform leg press 4х10-20
    Barbell Squats 3х10-15
    Romanian draft 3x10

    During training, it is advisable to use a cocktail of BCAAs and simple carbohydrates, it will keep your performance at a high level and will not allow the stress hormone cortisol to be produced. Ectomorphs need to combine low rep range strength work with high rep sets to target slow, fast, and intermediate muscle fibers to maximize gains from the gym.

    Split by mass for mesomorph

    For mesomorphs, the entire training process is much simpler - you just need to achieve good blood circulation in the muscles. However, this does not mean that training will be easy. Try to perform 10-12 exercises in the rep range of 10 and above and you will understand that not everyone can do such work.

    Upper body workout
    Wide grip pull-ups 3х10-15
    Bent over row 4x8
    Deadlift from plinths 4x8-12
    Incline Bench Press 4x8-12
    Incline dumbbell bench press 3x8-12
    Mahi dumbbells to the sides 4x12
    Seated Dumbbell Press 4x10
    French dumbbell press 3x12
    Barbell Curls on the Scott Bench 3x12
    Twisting on the press lying on the floor 3x20
    Lower body workout
    Leg extension sitting in the simulator 4х15-20
    Squats 5x10-15
    Platform leg press 4х10-20
    Hack squats 3x10
    Barbell lunges 4x20
    Lying leg curls in the simulator 4x15
    Deadlift with dumbbells on straight legs 3х12-15

    The genetics of mesomorphs are well adapted to muscle hypertrophy, so most of them will consistently have an increase in mass in terms of strength even from two workouts per week. Particular attention should also be paid to the nutrition of the mesomorph, because even with good training, but with the wrong diet, a person with such a physique runs the risk of easily acquiring excess fat along with muscle mass.

    Endomorph training program

    Even athletes with endomorphic physiques who do not have the opportunity to go to the gym often have a good chance of improving their physique with just two sessions a week. For this, the two-day split on the mass for the natural-endomorph, given below, will be most welcome.

    Upper body workout
    Exercises Number of sets and repetitions
    Wide grip pull-ups 3х10-15
    Incline dumbbell row 4x8-12
    Vertical block pull with a wide grip 3x12
    hyperextension 4x20
    Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench 4x8-12
    Breeding dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench 3x15
    Leg curls sitting in the simulator 4x15
    Deadlift with dumbbells and straight legs 3х12-15
    Lifting socks while standing in the simulator 4x20

    The main thing in endomorph training is intensity. Working with a small working weight and a lot of rest between sets, you will not force your metabolism to work at full capacity and get rid of excess fat. An alternative to training for endomorphs is to do all the same exercises, only in the form of a circuit training: we do one set of each exercise without rest. When you have completed one set of each exercise, you have completed one round. Between rounds 2-3 minutes of rest. You only need to complete 3-5 rounds. This load option will constantly keep your muscles in tension, and the pulse will not fall below the “fat burning zone”, a huge calorie consumption is guaranteed. On rest days from strength training, it is recommended to do 40-60 minutes of light cardio to maintain a high metabolic rate and burn extra calories.

    (6 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    Phased strength training for large muscle groups in bodybuilding is called a split. Thanks to such a training principle as a two-day split in bodybuilding, one muscle group is restored after training - the other is at work.

    As the main option, alternating training of the upper body vs the lower body, as well as training for flexion vs extension and opposite muscles in action, is used.

    Accordingly, we refer to the upper part - chest, back, biceps, triceps and shoulders. To the bottom - gluteal, quadriceps, biceps femoris and calf.

    Bending is correlated with muscle contraction exercises, these are all kinds of traction - barbells, dumbbells, vertical and horizontal blocks.

    And by extensor they mean exercises aimed at unclenching - bench presses while sitting, lying down, on an inclined and flat bench and in a simulator.

    Chest vs back, biceps vs triceps, legs vs delts. It should be noted that this type of split is suitable only for experienced trained athletes, and in no case for beginners.

    Two-day split for mass

    There are many training programs for any occasion, as they say, and what suits one does not necessarily have to be effective for another. The body reacts to loads differently for everyone, however, as in everything, there are rules that, as you know, only confirm the exceptions. Three whales of bodybuilding, which everyone knows, even people who first crossed the threshold of the hall - nutrition, regular training and time to rest. My trainer told me, a young skinny: “Nutrition is a very important part of development, one might even say that it is more important than training.

    Missing one meal is worse than skipping one workout. But it's better not to miss anything. With rest, the situation is as follows - the muscle mass is very shy, therefore, it restores itself only during passive rest in complete peace or on the couch during sleep. A two-day split in bodybuilding promotes gains, because while the back and biceps are resting, the chest and triceps are working, and vice versa.

    Mass training is nothing more than stimulating the growth of muscle mass by tearing muscle fibers, followed by increased growth. This is achieved through hard and exhausting exercises using the maximum permissible mass of free weight or weight in the simulator. In human language - we puff and sweat, we lift weights to the limit, but not everything is so rosy. The human body needs rest in the form of sleep, quiet wakefulness and active recreation.

    Stressful influences, whether it be physical loads to the limit of strength or mental ones, cause a certain kind of consequences. In our case, physical activity - affects the body by excessive stimulation, loss of energy. Losses are replenished with the intake of food, in passive rest in a dream.

    Split for mass is a good training option, the principle can be taken as a basis for building a training schedule for individual data. In one day of the training, several energy-intensive exercises are involved, which are started at the beginning of the workout, and easier. It is also convenient to divide into workable zones. It is necessary to remember about nutrition - an important aspect of the program, large power loads require additional calories.

    Sample Program #1

    Legs work:

    1. Squats.
    2. Squeezing the weight with your feet, lying in the simulator.
    3. Lunges.
    4. Leg extension and flexion.
    5. Lifting on socks for the calf group.

    Torso works:

    1. Lifting the weight from the chest on a flat bench.
    2. Breeding hands in the simulator butterfly.
    3. Squeezing the bar from the chest in an incline.
    4. French press.
    5. Rise with a narrow grip of a straight neck.
    6. Lifting dumbbells from behind the head.
    7. Pullover.

    One day to rest.

    Read other blog articles.

    Today we will consider a two-day split for mass. This training program is designed for athletes with a level of training a little more than a beginner. For beginners, it is best to work out the entire body in one workout.

    This is a study of all muscle groups in 2 days. This does not mean that there should be only 2 workouts per week, there may even be 6, but all muscle groups should be worked out in 2 days of strength training. There are many principles by which such training programs are created, for example, “push-pull” (on the first day, perform only different tractions, on the second day - bench presses), “top-down” (first work on the upper body, then on the lower ). But we will make a two-day split for mass according to our criteria.

    Principles of compiling a two-day split

    • You need to break the muscle mass into two equal parts in order to work out 50% in one training day.
    • Be sure to evenly distribute the load on the spine and back extensors.
    • Also, it is worth evenly distributing the load on the shoulders over two days, since the shoulder joint has the highest probability of injury, due to its enormous range of motion.

    The biggest load for the spinal column is squats and deadlifts. Therefore, we put the back and legs on different days. In general, no experienced athlete would train such large muscle groups together.

    To comply with the third rule - we also train chest and deltas on different days. The press can be downloaded whenever you want. We recommend taking a rest day between training days. Actually, now let's move on to the two-day split itself.

    Day 1

    On the back(we try to keep within 30 minutes, 30 seconds of rest between sets, a quality warm-up is required):

    • Pull-ups (3 X to failure);
    • Thrust of the upper block (3 X 8-12);
    • Bent over row (1 warm-up + 3 X 8-12);
    • The thrust of the lower block to the belt (3 X 8-12).

    On shoulders(a good set for pumping the deltoid muscles, you need to alternate the military press with a pull to the chin, 15 minutes to complete):

    • Army press (3 X 8-12);
    • Pull to the chin with a wide grip (3 X 8-12).

    Triceps(narrow grip press - best basic triceps exercise + french press - training lagging long triceps head, time to complete - 15 minutes):

    • Press with a narrow grip (3 X 8-12);
    • French press (3 X 8-12).

    Day 2

    On your feet(rest between sets 40-60 seconds, it is imperative to do stretching and warm-up, try to invest in 25 minutes):

    • Squats with a barbell (2 warm-up + 3 X 8-12);
    • Leg press in the simulator (3 X 8-12);
    • Lunges (2 X 8-10).

    For chest(rest between sets 30 seconds, before working weights in the bench press, do a warm-up approach, time to complete - 25 minutes):

    • Bench press lying on an inclined bench (4 X 8-12);
    • Dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench (3 X 8-12);
    • Dumbbell row (3 X 8-12).

    For biceps(one warm-up set, rest between sets 30 seconds, time to complete -10 minutes):

    • Lifting the bar for biceps (with a straight neck) (4 X 8-12);
    • ‘Hammer’ for biceps (4 X 8-12).

    As you can see, all three principles for a two-day split for mass are fulfilled. We divided the entire muscle mass equally, evenly distributed the load on the spine and shoulders, no muscle group was forgotten. Workout time is 60 minutes, if you are not using steroids or other potent drugs, then try to stick to short, high-intensity workouts in order to destroy your muscle tissue as little as possible. In our opinion, this is the ideal option for a two-day split for gaining muscle mass. After a couple of months of working on such a training program, you should switch to.

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