• Running mode for beginners. How to start running correctly for a beginner - a bunch of useful tips


    Running programs on the site allow you to take running training to a new level. With this section, you will learn:

    • Understand the essence of running training. You will find out how progress is made in running training, instantly get rid of dozens of mistakes that beginners make.
    • Adapt the resulting programs to your own goals. You can't get the perfect program without meeting a personal trainer who understands your body, your goals and lifestyle. You can learn how to adjust ready-made programs based on understanding the essence of the training process and your goals for this process.
    • Create your own training programs. You can train on your own without losing the effectiveness of training.

    Running program. Construction principles

    Most of the private problems can be avoided by knowing the basic training principles.

    Running training is based on an understanding of 3 principles:

    • The principle of load progression. A fundamental principle in sports, without which any schemes are ineffective.
    • The principle of supercompensation. Regulates the frequency of training, allows you not to fall into undertraining or overtraining.
    • The principle of gradualism. Allows you to progress at the maximum pace with realistic expectations from the training process.

    Let’s take a closer look at these principles and see how they relate to your running goals.

    The principle of progression of loads in running

    The principle of progression of loads in running says that the objective training stress must constantly increase. The amount of training load should increase.

    Increasing training load is a factor that underlies running as well. Most beginners progress in the first 3-4 weeks, when the body adapts to the load, after which the progress ends. We train according to static programs without understanding that at each training session (perhaps once every 2-4 training sessions) the load should increase. An increase in objective (subjective feelings from the severity of training should remain at the same level) training stress is the key to progress at maximum speed.

    Consider the correct and incorrect programs for running from the point of view of the principle of progression of loads.

    Beginners usually train like this:

    Workouts #1-30

    Before 30 workouts, things often do not reach due to the lack of visibility of progress. Regular 15-minute runs tone muscles, help you lose weight, improve health and keep fit. But this "system" does not follow the principle of progression of loads - the key to compiling an effective program for running.

    Running workouts should look like this:

    Running workout #1

    Running workout #2

    Running workout #3

    Running workout #4

    Running workout #5

    Running workout #6

    Running workout #7

    Running workout #8

    Running workout #9

    Running workout #10

    You can find a continuation of this scheme below.

    The difference between a correct and incorrect running program is that, with equal initial data, training according to the second scheme built more muscles, burned more fat, brought the hormonal system to a new level, and improved the functioning of the lymphatic system. The evaluation criterion of the training program is the result. A dynamic scheme that takes into account the principle of progression of loads is ten times superior to static programs. And the longer the athlete trains, the more visible the difference. Static programs only work for beginners who remember physical activity only from school physical education classes.

    The principle of supercompensation

    Before drawing up a training schedule, it is necessary to understand what processes take place in the body in various phases of the training process.

    We single out 5 phases of the training process:

    1. Traumatization. Muscle fibers are injured by the load, the body receives stress from training, with the help of which muscles will be gained, the process of fat burning will start, and physical data will improve. Muscles do not grow during training! Doesn't burn fat! No increase in stamina! Training is a trigger for starting processes that will help you achieve the goals listed above.
    2. Rapid recovery phase. Lasts 30-90 minutes after the end of the workout. The nervous system is restored, the level of anabolic and stress hormones returns to normal (not completely). In this phase, you need to give the body a rest. It is desirable - not to be very active, to nourish the body with quickly digestible food. Those who want to gain muscle mass can use chocolate, bananas, milk, eggs. When losing weight, it is better to either refuse food altogether, move the meal between 90-180 minutes after training, or use amino acids that will slightly speed up fat burning while maintaining muscle mass.
    3. slow recovery phase. Lasts until the body is fully restored to the pre-training level. Learn more about how to recover after a workout.
    4. phase of supercompensation. The body recovers to pre-workout levels and creates a "reserve" - ​​additional opportunities to overcome similar stress with less effort. This "reserve" can be expressed in the form of gained muscle mass, dropped 200 grams of fat, or improved functioning of the musculoskeletal system. When the body has created a "reserve" for the less stressful passage of the previous workout, we can do a little more - increase the load so that the next time the body adapts to new indicators. This is the principle of load progression, which can only be realized in the supercompensation phase.
    5. Loss of supercompensation. If the athlete did not train in the supercompensation phase, the body stops expending energy to maintain the “reserve”. The athlete returns to the indicators that he had before the training.

    It is critical to train in the supercompensation phase!

    Training should be carried out only in the supercompensation phase!

    There are special techniques that allow you to train in the recovery phase in order to get more supercompensation, and stretch this phase for a longer period.

    But it makes no sense for a beginner to use these techniques.

    Signs of the onset of supercompensation are:

    • The disappearance of pain in the target muscles.
    • Lack of psychological revulsion at the thought of exercising. Desire to exercise.
    • Ability to perform more work than in the previous workout.

    Example: today you were able to run for 15 minutes, after which the body refused to continue training. In the recovery phase with the same comfort, you will run for 10-12 minutes. After the end of the recovery phase - the same 15 minutes. In the aze of supercompensation - 16-18 minutes. After the loss of supercompensation - 15 minutes. Training in the supercompensation phase is a little discomfort. You can squeeze out 17 minutes of running in the recovery phase, but it will be a "squeeze", and not progress with a little discomfort, as in the supercompensation phase.

    Training in the supercompensation phase is work for pleasure. It is difficult for you, but the training does not turn into hell, and after the end there are pleasant sensations. In the recovery phase, every step seems like hell, and after a workout, you want to quit everything and never repeat. It is important to understand this difference in order to seize the moment for training.

    The principle of gradualness

    The principle of gradualness in building a training program allows you to balance the frequency of training and the speed of progress. Beginners tend to want instant results, believing that 20 kilograms gained in 10 years can be burned in a week.

    It's physically impossible. We must not forget that progress is a gradual increase in load, taking into account the "feedback" from your body.

    Let's compare workouts using the principle of gradualness and without using it:

    We have two friends - Vasya and Fedya, who decided to lose weight by running. Both weigh 100 kilograms each and have equal physical data. Vasya - immediately “pounces” on training, every time he gives all the best to the end, runs for 40-60 minutes 5 times a week. Fedya starts with 10 minute workouts 6 times a week.

    A week later, Vasya will weigh 96 kilograms. Fedya - 99.

    We do not draw rash conclusions. During the second week, Vasya's level of cortisol, the main stress hormone, rises from excessive exercise. Vasya has to force himself to repeat the feat of a week ago. As a result, he loses weight to 94.5 kilograms.

    Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 15 minutes and, without much discomfort, loses weight up to 97.5 kilograms.

    The third week is a real hell for Vasya. The body hurts, there are no mental resources. Intense workouts alternate with breakdowns and fast food eating. Vasya loses only 0.5 kg. Its weight is 94 kg.

    Fedya effortlessly increases the duration of the workout to 18 minutes and loses weight up to 96 kg.

    In the fourth week, Vasya missed 2 workouts due to physical and mental overwork. He managed to restrain himself and not "eat off the belly" in fast food, and therefore lost another 0.5 kg.

    Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 20 minutes and loses weight up to 95 kg.

    The result for the month: Vasya threw off 6.5 kilograms. Fedya - 5.

    In the fifth week, Vasya quits training due to the huge level of cortisol and returns to his previous lifestyle. One and a half kilograms are returned to him. Vasya's weight is 95 kg.

    Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 23 minutes and loses 1.5 kg. Its weight is 93.5 kg.

    In the sixth week, Vasya continues to rest. Another 2.5 kg. Total - 97.5 kg.

    Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 25 minutes and loses a kilogram. Total - 92.5 kg.

    Vasya returns to training, starts running with the same intensity, limits himself in everything. The result - minus 2 kg and weight at around "95.5".

    Fedya increases the duration of the workout to 27 minutes. Now his weight is 91.5 kg.

    On the eighth week, Vasya breaks down again. Against the background of intense training, there is an intense overeating of burgers. His weight has not changed - 95.5 kg.

    Fedya trains for 30 minutes. This allows you to lose another 2 kg per week. The result is 89.5 kg.

    For 2 months, Vasya lost 3.5 kg. Fedya - 10.5.

    The differences between the results of the first month and the results that we observe at the end of the second month are a demonstration of the effectiveness of the principle of gradualness. Vasya put much more energy, passion and willpower into training than Fedya. But Fedya built a system thanks to which a stable result is achieved with minimal discomfort. Six months later, we will see a fit athlete Fedya with a weight of 75-80 kg (with an increase in muscle mass) and 100 kg Vasya, who by that time will score in training.

    Running training programs

    1. Running workout programs to get in shape.
    2. Running programs for weight loss.
    3. Training programs for running, with which you can gain muscle mass.
    4. Running programs to improve health.
    5. Running workouts to keep fit.

    In this article, you will receive a program for weight loss and muscle tone. This program is based on all of the above principles, thanks to which you can increase the effectiveness of training by 10 times.

    Look for the beginning of the program above.

    Running workout #11

    Running training program No. 12

    Running workout #13

    Running Training Program #14

    Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes
    Running at an easy pace 1 25 4
    sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
    Running at an average pace 1 9 5
    jump rope 3 1

    Running workout #15

    Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
    Running at an easy pace 1 25 4
    sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
    Running at an average pace 1 10 5
    jump rope 4 1

    Running training program No. 16

    Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
    Running at an easy pace 1 25 4
    sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
    Running at an average pace 1 10 5
    jump rope 5 1

    Running workout #17

    Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
    Running at an easy pace 1 27 4
    sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
    Running at an average pace 1 10 5
    jump rope 5 1

    Running training program No. 18

    Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
    Running at an easy pace 1 29 4
    sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
    Running at an average pace 1 10 5
    jump rope 5 1

    Running workout #19

    Exercise Approaches Duration in minutes Rest between sets in minutes Rest after exercise in minutes
    Running at an easy pace 1 30 4
    sprint run 5 100 meters 1 5
    Running at an average pace 1 12 5
    jump rope 5 1

    Running Training Program #20

    We divide the run into 2 workouts in order to reduce the duration of the training session and add variety to the exercises.

    Running workout #21

    Running Training Program #22

    Running workout #23

    Running Training Program #24

    Most of these rules came from an idea in the head of some runner. After a while, he recounted it to several running friends (probably during a long cross-country race).

    Words spread - and before they reached you and me, scientists studied them, and trainers checked them.

    So the idea turned into a theory, and the theory into generally accepted wisdom. Along with each rule, we list the exceptions. After all, as we were taught at school, every rule has them.

    1. Rule of preparation

    The most effective workout simulates the competition you're preparing for.

    This is the basic rule of training for any activity. If you want to run 10 kilometers at a pace of 5 min / km, then you need to do several workouts at that pace.

    Exception: it is impractical to completely simulate a competition (especially long distances) as it will require a longer recovery time. Therefore, in preparation for a particular start, run a little less distance or do short stretches with recovery pauses (interval training) at the desired pace.

    2. Rule 10%

    Increase your weekly training mileage by no more than 10 percent.

    Joe Henderson, the first editor of Runner's World, and Joan Ullet, MD, were the first to spread the ten percent recommendation: "I've noticed that runners who increase their training load very quickly get injured," says Dr. Ullet.

    Exception: if after a long break from training your mileage does not exceed 10 km per week, you can increase it by more than 10% until you reach the usual training load.

    3. Rule of 2 hours

    Between eating and training should take about two hours.

    "For most people, two hours is enough to get food out of the stomach, especially if it's rich in carbohydrates," says dietician Cindy Dallow.

    Time after eating is necessary for the digestion of the food eaten. Otherwise, the risk of abdominal cramps, bloating and even vomiting increases.

    Exception: after a light high-carbohydrate meal, you can run in 90 minutes, while after a heavy meal, rich in proteins and fats, you will need to wait up to three hours.

    4. The 10 minute rule

    Start every run with ten minutes of walking or slow running. Do the same for a hitch.

    6. The rule of habitual food

    Do not eat or drink anything new before, during a competition, or a hard workout.

    The gastrointestinal tract gets used to a certain composition of nutrients. You can usually change this composition without problems, but in conditions of pre-launch jitters, you risk indigestion.

    Exception: if you can barely stand on your feet, then eating unfamiliar food is probably better than eating nothing at all.

    7. Recovery rule

    For every two kilometers covered in competition, allow yourself one day of rest before returning to hard training or competition.

    This means no speed work or competition for six days after ten kilometers or twenty-six days after a marathon.

    The author of this rule is Jack Foster, a veteran marathon world record holder: “My method is about one day of rest from running for every two kilometers I run in competition.”

    Exception: if you haven't run as hard as you can, you can reduce the number of rest days.

    8. The rule of headwind and tailwind

    A headwind always slows down more than a tailwind speeds up.

    So keep in mind that on windy days you will run slower.

    “I don’t pay attention to my watch on very windy days because a headwind costs me 10 to 15 seconds per mile, and I can only catch up with a fraction of that if I turn around,” says Mont Wells, a long-distance runner in America’s windiest city, Amarillo, Texas.

    The point is to control your effort, not your pace. Start against the wind, and at half the distance turn back so that the wind blows at your back.

    Exception: when running with obstacles and a tailwind in your back, you will fly faster than usual.

    9. Dialogue rule

    While running, you should be able to speak in full sentences.

    A recent study showed that runners whose heart rate and respiration rate were within their target aerobic zone were able to freely recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Those who couldn't ran faster than their optimal pace.

    Exception: it is impossible to speak calmly during speed work or competition (and for some people it is difficult to speak in full sentences and at rest - approx. NB).

    10. Rule 35 kilometers

    Gradually increase your mileage by running the 35K before your marathon at least once.

    A long run mimics a marathon, which requires you to spend a lot of time on your feet. Knowing that you can run 35 kilometers will help you master 42.

    Exception: some coaches suggest that for experienced marathoners, running 25 or 28 km is enough as the longest workout, while others advise running up to 38 km.

    11. Rule of carbohydrate loading

    In your diet, focus on carbohydrates a few days before a long-distance race.

    14. Rule of running up and down

    Running uphill slows you down more than running downhill speeds you up.

    Therefore, keep in mind that the speed of running on hills is lower than on the plains. When you run down a mountain, you don't get back the energy you spent running up.

    Exception: when you're running over rough terrain with alternating ups and downs, your average pace will be higher than on a flat route.

    15. Rule of sleep

    For every two kilometers covered in a week, sleep an extra minute every night.

    If you run 60 kilometers a week, get half an hour more sleep each night.

    “Lack of sleep negatively affects training. The average person needs 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep, so increase it if you're exercising," says David Claman, director of the Center for Sleep Disorder Research at the University of California San Francisco.

    Exception: some high-energy people may not need extra sleep.

    16. Refueling Rule

    Take food and drink in combination carbohydrate-protein within 30-60 minutes after the competition, speed work or long run.

    “You need to replenish carbohydrates to replenish depleted muscle glycogen,” says Nancy Clark, a dietician and author of Marathon Eating Guide. "Ideally have a carb-to-protein ratio of 4 to 1. Some examples are 150-300 calories of low-fat chocolate milk, a recovery sports drink, yogurt, or a bagel, and peanut butter."

    Exception: immediate refueling is not so important if you are not going to a hard running workout within the next 24 hours.

    17. The rule is not only running

    Runners who only run are prone to injury.

    “Attached or strength training will make you a stronger, healthier runner,” explains coach Chris Swarthout. "Non-impact sports like cycling or swimming will help build the accessory muscles used in running while giving the core running muscles a chance to rest."

    Exception: the right way to run better is to run. Therefore, if your time is limited, dedicate the lion's share of it to running.

    look ours, the implementation of which will not take you much time.

    18. Rule of even pace

    The best way to set a personal best is to maintain an even pace from start to finish.

    Most of the 10,000m and marathon world records set in the last decade have been characterized by a steady pace maintained by runners.

    “If you run very fast at the start of a race, you will almost always pay for it later,” warns John Sinclair, the American 12K record holder.

    Exception: this does not apply to hilly routes or windy days, when the goal is to control even efforts.

    More about this tactic: to run with a good result

    19. New sneaker rule

    Change your running shoes after every 600-800 kilometers.

    “But even before they get so worn out,” says Warren Green, editor of Runner’s World, “buy a new pair and rotate it with the old one for a while. Don't wait until your one and only match is trash."

    Also keep in mind that shoes will be worn out after spring.

    Exception: The wear rate of running shoes can vary depending on the type of running shoe, your weight, the way you land and the surface you run on.

    20. Light/heavy rule

    After a hard day of training, allow yourself one "easy day".

    "Easy" means a short, slow run or no exercise at all. A "hard day" is a long run, tempo run, or speed work.

    “Give your body the rest it needs to get the most out of your next hard workout,” advises Tod Williams, two-time Olympian.

    Exception: after the most grueling speed work or long run, especially if you are 40 or older, wait two or even three days before the next hard workout.

    21. The 10 Degree Rule

    Dress for running like it's 10 degrees warmer than the thermometer actually shows.

    In other words, dress according to how you will feel in the middle of your run, not during the first few miles when your body is still warm.

    “On cold days, this is a light, warm and breathable top and tights,” says Emily Walzer, a clothing writer for Sporting Goods Business Magazine.

    On warm days, wear light, functional clothing that wicks sweat well.

    Exception: at temperatures above +20 degrees, wear minimal, light clothing in light colors.

    Below is a checklist to help you dress appropriately for your running session. Please note that on very windy days you may need to dress warmly.

    Detailed guides for choosing clothes for a run:

    22. Rule of pace for speed work

    The most efficient pace for maximizing oxygen consumption is 20 sec/km faster than your 5K pace.

    The best way to improve aerobic performance and speed over long distances is to do VO2-max interval training. The pioneer of such training is Jack Daniels, Ph.D. and trainer.

    "By stressing the aerobic system," he says, "this pace optimizes the amount of blood pumped and the amount of oxygen your muscles can use."

    Exception: for fast runners, this pace is: 10 seconds faster per kilometer from the 5k pace, and for slow runners, 30 seconds faster.

    23. Rule of tempo running

    The anaerobic threshold or speed for tempo running should be something you can maintain while running as hard as you can for an hour.

    This pace should be about 15 seconds slower per kilometer than your 10k pace, or 30 seconds slower per kilometer than your 5k pace.

    The main benefit of this pace is that it's fast enough for hard, long workouts, but slow enough not to overload the muscles. The ideal duration for a tempo run is 20-25 minutes.

    Exception: for fast runners, this pace will be less than -15 seconds for a 10k pace (i.e. -5-10 seconds). For slow - a little more than -30 seconds from the pace (i.e. -35-40 seconds) for 10 km.

    24. Rule of pace for long distances

    During long workouts, keep your pace at least two minutes slower per kilometer than your 5k pace.

    “Indeed, you can’t run very slowly during long workouts,” says Jeff Galloway, Runner’s World correspondent. But very fast, tempo running can increase recovery time and increase the risk of injury.”

    Exception: on hot days you need to run even slower.

    25. Finishing time rule

    The longer the run, the slower your pace.

    Exception: the terrain, the weather, or how you feel on the day of the competition is more important than this rule.

    Translation and adaptation: Anna Gorodenskaya.

    • and turn running into a habit
    • And that's why

    Cardio training is the best way to keep the body in excellent physical shape, as well as lose weight. The biggest plus of jogging is the availability of such activities. You can train both in the gym and at home on a special simulator, as well as on the street. This discipline is suitable for men and women at any age - the intensity and frequency of the races depends on the level of training. In this article, we will tell you how to start running from scratch the right way and what tips you can give about running technique for beginners.

    Benefits of cardio training

    It is very important to be aware of the task ahead of you in order to prepare for its implementation. The benefits of active cardio are as follows:

      All muscles are involved. The legs tense the most, but with the right step, the athlete learns to step gently onto the track, bend his knees, thereby carefully distributing the weight over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. In addition to the calves, this is a good workout for the hips, buttocks, abs, arms, and also the back - regular exercises help develop posture.

      The heart muscles are trained. With regular jogging with the right breathing technique, the heart works. The pulse increases, it is convenient to watch its frequency with the help of a heart rate monitor - a bandage on the wrist. The blood flow increases, due to which all organs and cells are supplied with oxygen. Due to a uniformly increased load on the heart muscles, it becomes stronger, so it is easier to subsequently experience overload. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

      The respiratory system is strengthened. Proper breathing leads to a systematic increase in lung volume. They are actively used, filled with air, expanding. This increases the blood supply to the organ, the capillaries are filled with blood, the regeneration and rejuvenation of tissues is activated.

      Excess weight is gone. Running leads to weight loss, if this is your goal, then it is worth reducing your calorie intake in parallel, which is the best place for a beginner to start. During exercise, there is a transition from aerobic energy burning from cells to anaerobic. This encourages the body to use fat instead of carbohydrates. But the rule of such exercises is to spend at least 40 minutes jogging.

    The benefits of cardio training are many for health and fitness, but the conditions for their implementation are also attractive:

      You can practice at home. If you buy a treadmill, you will exercise without leaving your apartment. At the same time, there is a chance to watch TV, listen to music or, for example, learn a foreign language. The advantage of this option is the greatest mobility - there is no need to go to the gym, and it also becomes possible to take care of the body at any convenient time of the day or night, while not paying attention to the weather. Minus - the price of the simulator. But once you make this investment, you will enjoy it for many years to come.

      Convenient conditions in the sports center. Usually there are a lot of cardio machines in any gym, so there will be no queues and difficulties in getting started. Tracks are suitable for clearly controlling the duration and pace of running. Many systems are equipped with a built-in heart rate monitor.

      Free runs anywhere on the street. You can exercise in the nearest park, forest, outdoor stadium, or just circle around the house. The advantage is obvious - it costs nothing at all. In addition, nature and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, harden the body. You just need to buy suitable shoes and sportswear. You can go on the track even in winter, only for this it is recommended to purchase the right equipment. An online store of winter clothes offers suits and down jackets for an active winter. Modern stylish design and new generation synthetic fabrics are the key to a long life of branded models.

      Affordable cost. Whichever option you choose, you still will not have big expenses. Comfortable sneakers and clothes are the minimum costs for a healthy lifestyle and a good figure.

    How to start running the right way - with the right motivation

    The most important thing in sports is a clearly defined goal. We will offer you a few phrases that you can say to yourself in the morning in front of the mirror:

      I'll fit into the dress I wore to my prom!

      I will no longer be short of breath when I walk up to the 9th floor!

      I will boldly tell my friends: “I am for a healthy lifestyle”!

      My kids will have a lot to learn from me!

      At 70, I will look and feel like I was 40!

      Purposefulness is the quality of successful people!

      The main victory is that which is achieved over oneself!

    In addition to such self-beliefs, go for small tricks.

    How best to start running with the help of motivating actions:

      Reward yourself. Achieved the desired results - please yourself with a purchase or enjoy an evening in a beauty salon. For a man, such a bonus can be a purchase in a fishing store or tickets to a match of his favorite team.

      Focus on winning. Set a goal and aim for it. It must be within reach.

      Record results. This can be done using apps on your phone, but it's more efficient to make a visual reminder, such as a calendar. Here you can mark how many kilometers you have run and how many you have planned. At the end, the desired date with the progress indicated should be marked.

      Formulate a varied training program. The right thing to do is not just start running, but also diversify your weekly plan as much as possible. Include other complexes in the exercises, alternate classes.

      Compete. Choose a partner for yourself - a spouse, a friend or an unintentional acquaintance in social networks. Show off your successes, take an interest in others. Such a healthy rivalry will strengthen the fortitude of both.

      Recoup the costs. Sometimes the best motivator is the money spent. Buy an annual gym membership. Such a waste will encourage you not to miss classes.

      Combine business with pleasure. Download audiobooks or a good selection of music into your player. This will make your exercises much more productive.

    How to start running correctly for a beginner - from walking

    In pursuit of lightning-fast results, a person often does not take into account his own strengths. The benefits for the body will be only when the muscles gradually come into tone. Running is our natural ability. But due to the fact that we rarely practice it, the muscular frame has weakened. The same happens with the lungs. Due to the rare work of the body at full capacity, breathing becomes incomplete. To avoid this, it is necessary to alternate jogging with walking at first, gradually reducing the period of the last action.

    But the general rule is this: before each cardio workout, do a warm-up, and also start with a five-minute walk. The same steps should end the workout.

    How to choose clothes to start running

    It depends on the time of year and the conditions in which you plan to practice. For warm spring, summer fit:

      Leggings - they can be ankle-length or knee-length, the main rule is breathable and elastic material.

      T-shirt, T-shirt or topic - it is better to choose options that do not hinder movement and do not bring discomfort. Cotton or modern synthetic fabrics are best.

      Socks - do not buy short models, as they can rub the heel. Insulated or too tight socks are also not suitable.

      Underwear - it is optimal to wear products made from natural fibers. For girls, special sports bras are suitable.

      Trowel - when the weather is windy or cool. Get options that do not constrain, but are not too tight.

      Cap or Headband - A hat is needed if you're running in the sun. This will help to avoid sun or heat stroke.

      Sneakers are the most important piece of equipment. When choosing them, focus on your own comfort. Also consider the degree of cushioning - the sole should be high enough, but not hard.

    Winter equipment Stayer

    The company produces insulated jackets and overalls for active sports activities in winter. Ski and snowboard suits are on sale, as well as down jackets and trousers for daily walks.

    This clothing is completely suitable for running in the cold season, it:

    • water-repellent;



      stylish and bright.

    Breathing during exercise

    To avoid shortness of breath and pain in the side, it is necessary to take deep breaths and exhale through the nose. This will evenly open the lungs and enrich the blood with oxygen.

    Already during the warm-up, measure your actions with how you breathe. It is strictly not recommended to hold the air inside when the muscles are tense.

    Another tip is to keep the rhythm and count the steps. You can adjust your breathing to your feet by choosing the optimal interval for yourself. This will allow you to concentrate and keep a certain pace for a long time.

    Warm-up: movement of all parts of the body

    Without preheating the entire muscle frame, injuries are possible. The most popular are sprains and dislocations. They are easy to get if the unheated muscles begin to actively do their job.

    We have already advised you to go to the stadium on foot - 5-10 minutes of walking stimulate the body's activity. Next, you should pay attention to the whole body. In order not to miss anything, you can mentally start with the head and end with the feet:

      neck - turns from the right side to the left, circular movements;

      shoulders - swings, rotations, raising and lowering them to the ears;

      elbows and wrists, it is worth stretching even fingers with the help of compressions;

      waist and chest - stretching occurs due to tilting forward, sideways and back;

      hip joints - rotations are suitable;

      knees and calves - swings to the side and squats;

    After that, you can start running.

    In the article we talked about running for beginners - where to start for a beginner if he wants to run. Play sports with pleasure and health benefits.

    Running is one of the most accessible and at the same time effective types of cardio training. It helps to lose weight, strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves immunity. Running at any time is useful, but experts still agree that morning runs are the best option, starting all the processes in the body and helping to get a boost of energy for the whole day. But for beginners, it is important to know how to start running in the morning correctly so as not to get the opposite effect.

    There are many reasons to start running in the morning. Running is an aerobic exercise that involves a large number of muscles and body systems. It is accompanied by an increase in breathing and an increase in heart rate. In view of this jogging contributes to the following:

    • accelerate metabolic processes;
    • improve lung ventilation;
    • normalize blood pressure;
    • use capillaries that the body has not used before;
    • develop endurance;
    • stimulate the brain;
    • increase stress resistance;
    • actively burn calories.

    Morning runs are useful for those who wake up hard and for a long time - they set up the body in the right way, energize and vigor for the day ahead, help develop determination, endurance, and strength of character. Thus, running has a complex effect on the body, so its benefits cannot be overestimated.

    Also, morning running helps to cope with increased appetite.

    How to start running in the morning: basic rules

    “We agreed to start running at 8 in the morning” - you can often hear from someone. Indeed, agreeing to make joint runs with someone is a good decision. You can motivate each other, and it will be more fun. But this is optional. You can run alone - to whom it is more comfortable. The main thing is your motivation. You can't give up halfway.

    The first thing to know - morning run for beginners should not be done immediately after waking up. The body needs to prepare for it a little. The reason is that the moment you wake up, the level of blood viscosity is greater than at any other time. Therefore, stress can harm the cardiovascular system. The best option is to wake up, drink a glass of clean water and have a light breakfast, wait a bit, and only then go for a run.

    Another point is the warm-up. With it you need to start every morning run. You can warm up both on the street and at home. In the first option, start your warm-up with a walk. First, walk 100-200 meters at a normal pace. Then gradually increase the pace of walking. The second two hundred meters should be faster than the first. Then you can begin to perform general physical exercises, such as swings, tilts, turns, squats. Do your usual exercises at home. The optimal duration of the warm-up is 15-20 minutes. You don’t need more either, because you may be too tired, and you won’t have the strength to run.

    The warm-up phase cannot be ignored. It helps to improve the flexibility of ligaments and joints, prepares muscles for stress, and reduces the risk of injury. It also contributes to the redistribution of blood flow, as a result of which the muscles receive more nutrients and oxygen, and the fat burning process is more active.

    About breathing

    If you are interested in running in the morning for beginners, then check out the key points regarding nutrition. Running refers to cyclic, that is, continuous loads, so the respiratory process must be controlled. Distraction from breathing provokes insufficient ventilation of the lungs, which will negatively affect your condition: shortness of breath will occur, it will become difficult to run, oxygen starvation of the brain is possible.

    To prevent such problems observe breathing technique. When running at a medium or slow pace, try to breathe so that for every 3-4 steps you have to inhale and exhale. You need to inhale through the nose, and not the upper chest, but the diaphragm or the lower abdomen. You can exhale through your mouth. Calm and measured breathing will reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and increase the effectiveness of cardio training.

    Choose the right place for a morning run. It is undesirable to run near the highway, where there are a lot of cars and very polluted air. Try to make a route where the air is as clean as possible. Great park, woodland, field.

    Jogging in the morning for beginners: equipment

    For jogging, choose comfortable and not heavy shoes with perforated holes. Pay special attention to the thickness of the sole, which should be at least a centimeter. Check the laces before buying. They should tie well, hold the leg firmly and not slip off.

    The best clothes to run in depend on the weather. In the heat, it is better to run in the most light clothing made from natural materials. If it's less than 17 degrees outside, wear a tracksuit. When it's chilly, wear a warm suit, a light jacket and a hat that covers your ears. When running in the cold, it is better to use a windproof, waterproof suit with a thin layer of insulation. Also wear warm gloves, a hat that protects your head and ears from the wind, and high, insulated sneakers. Women, regardless of the weather, should always wear a special bra that provides the breasts with proper support.

    How much and how often to run

    The effectiveness of aerobic exercise to a greater extent will be determined by the frequency and duration of classes. The best schedule option is to run 3-5 times a week. For those who are just planning how to start running in the morning from scratch, you can limit yourself to three workouts. Less frequent loads may not be effective, and excessive loads tend to provoke a breakdown.

    As for the duration of the lesson, for weight loss it is recommended that it lasts 30-40 minutes. The fact is that first the body burns carbohydrate reserves, and only then proceeds to the breakdown of fats. But for beginners, it will be quite difficult to cope with such a run. Start with 15 minutes, and gradually increase the level of loads.

    The morning jogging schedule table for beginners, shown in the photo, will help you navigate and choose the best program for yourself.

    About running technique

    It seems that difficult in such a process, running in the morning for weight loss for beginners - I took it and ran. But this is not so - the technique must be correct, otherwise the effectiveness of the loads is significantly reduced, but the risk of injury to the knee or spine increases. If you feel pain and discomfort during a workout, this is an indicator that you are running incorrectly. It is important to accustom your body to take the right position. For a proper run, keep the following in mind:

    • Posture should be straight, keep your head straight in front of you.
    • The shoulders are relaxed and slightly lowered.
    • Elbows must be bent at a right angle, hands must constantly work.
    • Do not squeeze your hands.
    • Bend your knee as you run for cushioning.
    • Land on the ground below you with your feet.
    • Landing on your midfoot, roll onto your toes and push off the ground.

    At first, it may be difficult for you to control all these nuances, but the body will eventually get used to it and will automatically assume the correct position.

    How to start a run

    Where to start jogging in the morning? The main mistake that most beginner runners make is high speed at the start. Start your run by walking and then gradually increase the speed of walking and go to running smoothly. A fast pace is fraught with loss of breath, which can provoke a descent from the distance ahead of time, respectively, your results will also suffer from this.

    Be sure to run control your pulse. Its optimal performance is 120-150 beats per minute. When you finish your run, watch how quickly your heart rate returns. If this takes more than five minutes, reduce the intensity of the exercise.

    By the way, experts often recommend interval running for beginners to lose weight. Spend the first ten minutes brisk walking, the next 15 minutes running at an average pace, then move on to maximum speed. When you feel that you have begun to get tired, and your breathing is difficult, smoothly return to an average pace. For a run, it is advisable to do 2-3 sets with accelerations.


    Before you plan to start jogging in the morning for weight loss for beginners, make sure that you do not have contraindications. And these include the following:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart defects, tachycardia, angina pectoris, chronic heart failure, stroke or heart attack;
    • diseases of the spine (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, certain forms of scoliosis);
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • lung problems (asthma, bronchitis);
    • arthritis and arthrosis;
    • flat feet;
    • glaucoma.

    But some of the contraindications are relative, so it is recommended to consult a specialist. He will determine whether you can run and under what conditions, and if the answer is no, he will advise what you can replace jogging with.

    In general, jogging in the morning is a great way to both lose weight and improve your health. Remember about regularity and perseverance - these are the main guarantees of the effectiveness of your workouts. Proper running technique combined with them will give you wonderful results.

    Video motivation for running in the morning

    Running is one of the few sports that requires almost no material investment, special equipment and equipped places for training. Regular running of any kind of activity improves mood, helps to prevent excess weight and various chronic diseases, such as heart failure, type 2 diabetes and stroke. No wonder so many people are into running these days. Next, we will tell you how to make running a safe and enjoyable experience.

    How to prepare for a run

    If you are feeling out of shape for running or recovering from an illness, or are simply concerned about your physical abilities, check with a qualified medical professional before starting your regular runs. You might like to get back in shape by walking before you start running.

    For running, you will need comfortable running shoes or light sports shoes. Please note that these shoes are well ventilated and conform to the features of the structure of your feet. You need to pay attention to the rise of your leg, to a possible slight degree of flat feet and its variety. It is desirable that the sole of the shoe is slightly springy, cushioning your steps on hard surfaces. Also keep in mind that these cushioning properties of the sole wear out over time, increasing the risk of various injuries (compression of the intervertebral discs, knee pain, and others). Experts recommend updating shoes every 500 kilometers traveled.

    Always plan your runs ahead of time. Determine exactly how much time you can devote to running, and where it is convenient for you to do it. What time do you need to leave the house, and what route to run. Remind yourself of your planned run ahead of time. This makes it much easier to incorporate something new into your regular schedule. For more tips on preparing for regular runs, see our article .

    Starting regular runs

    To avoid discomfort, injury, and to enjoy running, it is important to gradually enter into regular jogging mode. In fact, running in the truest sense of the word usually starts after the first 2-3 workouts. Every time before a run is required warming up the muscles and bundles for at least five minutes. This can be done through brisk walking, brisk walking in place, brisk walking up and down stairs (going up and down stairs works different muscle groups). Your walking can last as long as you want. Best of all - in the interval between 10 and 30 minutes.

    When brisk walking for thirty minutes does not bring you tangible physical exertion, you can move on to occasional running. Namely, during your 30-minute walk, several times go on a run for 1-2 minutes. Run at a speed that is comfortable for you. Gradually increase these running intervals over time. Keep doing this until you can run 30 minutes non-stop. After each run, take a few minutes to bring your heart rate back to normal: do a brisk walk and combine it with stretching the tense leg muscles. You can apply the following set of techniques for gentle stretching of muscles and ligaments.

    Stretching exercises after running

    Type of exercise The duration of the exercise
    1 Stretching the hip flexors
    (sartorius and quadriceps femoris)
    Step forward with your left foot and stay in that position. Both feet point straight forward. Keep your right leg straight. Maintain an even posture. Now slowly bend your left leg, also giving your buttocks a little forward. You will feel a slight stretch in the muscles of the front of your right thigh. Stretch the muscles of the left thigh in the same way.
    The position in which the hip flexor muscles are stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 full breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately.
    2 Stretching the muscles of the anterior thighs
    Bend your left leg at the knee and, grabbing the foot with your hand, pull the heel to the left buttock. Keep your knees next to each other and your back straight. Maintain balance and do not tilt your body to the sides. You can hold on to a wall, tree, or other support. The muscles of the right leg are stretched in the same way.
    The position in which the muscles of the front of the thighs are stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 full breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately.

    3 Stretching the hip extensor muscles
    (semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles, biceps femoris)
    Step your right leg forward with your hands on your waist. Keeping the right leg straight and the right foot at a right angle to the shin, gently bend the left leg. Bend slightly towards the right leg, but the back should be even while doing this. In the same way, stretch the muscles of the back of the left thigh.
    The position in which the muscles of the back of the thigh (hip flexors) are stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 full breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately.

    This area of ​​muscle fusion plays the most important role in stabilizing the leg and especially in preventing it from excessive inward rotation. To stretch this area in your right leg, bring your straight right leg behind your left leg. Place your feet firmly on the floor and lean slightly to the left. The back should be as straight as possible. Move your right thigh slightly forward and out. You will feel a stretch in the outer right thigh and in the hip joint. Stretch your left leg using the same technique.
    The position in which the ligaments and muscles of the iliac-tibial tract are stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 deep breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately.

    5 Stretching the calf muscles
    Take a step forward with your right foot. Now bend it a little, and keep the left leg left behind straight. Both feet point forward. Now press the heel of your left foot properly to the floor. You will feel a stretch in the back of your left leg, just below the knee. Stretch the calf of the right leg in the same way.
    The position in which the calves of the legs are stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 deep breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately.

    6 Lower back and lumbar stretch
    To do this, you will need to lie on your back with your knees bent at the width of your hips. Now, with both hands, pull the right leg, still bent at the knee, to the chest. Feel your lower back stretch. Return your leg back to the floor and bring your left leg to your chest. After that, hold both legs bent at the knees at the chest at once.
    The position in which the lower back is stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 deep breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately. And once again the same amount when you pull both legs to your chest at the same time.

    7 Stretching the gluteal muscles
    You will also need to lie on your back with your knees bent, hip-width apart. Then place your bent right leg on top of your bent left leg. Grab your left thigh with both hands and pull it towards you. This will stretch the gluteal muscles of the right leg. In the same way, stretch the gluteal muscles of the left leg.
    The position in which the gluteal muscles are stretched should be held for 15 seconds or 3 deep breaths and exhalations in a row - for each leg separately.

    For beginners, regular jogging means at least two workouts per week. You will be able to improve your running condition and technique only if your body has a constant stimulus to develop and strengthen. It is much more effective to run twice every week than to run four days in a row and then spend several weeks recuperating.

    In order for the process of running not to be too tiring, so that the muscles work correctly and in order to create a harmonious load on the body, follow the correct running techniques.

    How to run correctly

    A beginner's guide will help you smoothly enter the regular training mode, designed to take into account all the above requirements and the physiology of a physically unprepared person. It's called "From the sofa to five kilometers" .

    How to avoid knee pain while running

    Various pains and injuries in the knees are found both in experienced runners who experience great physical exertion, and in novice athletes whose muscles and ligaments were not ready for new loads. Pain usually occurs during running and is concentrated around the knee joint, in front of the patella or behind it. The pain can be dull and aching or sharp and unbearable.

    Sports doctors recommend cold compresses as well as gentle stretching as first aid for such symptoms at home. Cooling procedures should not last more than 20 minutes. To stretch a slightly painful knee, lie on the floor, on your side - so that the leg with the injured knee is on top. Now gently bend this leg at the knee, bringing it back to the buttocks. Keep your knees together while doing this. You can help yourself with your hand when bending your knee. Hold this stretch position for at least 45 seconds. This technique should be performed five to six times a day. In any case, after the pain subsides, you need to visit a doctor and get a detailed analysis of the condition of your knee joints from him.

    If after stretching the pain has not returned within a week, you can continue your workouts. But if the pain persists, be sure to visit a doctor. You can't run with knee pain.

    It is necessary to prepare your knee joints and the muscles and ligaments surrounding them in advance for training in order to avoid injury and cartilage wear. There is a set of exercises that strengthen the muscles that support the knees. You can do these exercises in the process of warming up and preparing for a workout. And you can include them in stretching and rest after training. Usually, people experienced relief and improvement in their knees after two weeks of doing these exercises daily.

    A set of exercises to stretch and strengthen the knee joints

    Type of exercise Sets and repetitions of the exercise
    1 Knee bending
    Find a suitable support for yourself: a wall, a tree, a fence in the park. Turn your back on him and take about one step away from him. Position your feet hip-width apart, and turn your feet slightly to the sides. Lean back against a support. Now slowly bend your knees without lifting your back from the support. The knees are also directed slightly to the sides. As you reverse your knees, you should feel tension in your hips and buttocks.

    Important: this position of the body when bending the knees - with support from the back - does not allow your knees to go beyond the line of socks, and also gives a stable position of the whole body. This is necessary in order for the knee joints to work as correctly and symmetrically as possible. Therefore, do not neglect this body position when bending your knees. To soften the movement of the back, some people place a fitball between the back and the support, which significantly reduces friction.

    You will need to perform knee bends in 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

    2 Contractions of the thigh muscles
    Sit up straight on a chair, bench, or the edge of a stone parapet in a park. Slowly raise your right leg until your right knee is fully extended. The foot is slightly turned outward. Tighten your right thigh muscles and try to hold this leg position for at least 10 seconds. In the same way, tighten your left thigh.


    You will need to perform hip muscle contractions in 3 sets of 10-15 seconds each for each leg separately.

    3 Straight leg raises
    Sit up straight on a chair, bench, or the edge of a stone parapet in a park. Tighten and slowly lift your right leg until your right knee is fully extended. The foot is slightly turned outward. Keeping your leg elevated and straight, lift and lower your leg. Keep tension in the wide muscles of the thigh. Now repeat these movements with your left leg.

    Important: you should feel the tension of the wide muscles of the thigh. To complicate the exercise, you can attach an additional free weight to the ankle of the leg being lifted (a small dumbbell, a bottle of water or sand, etc.).

    You will need to perform straight leg raises in 3 sets of 10 repetitions each for each leg separately.

    4 Stretching the back of the thigh with contraction of the wide thigh muscles
    Sit upright on the edge of a chair, bench, or the edge of a stone parapet in a park. Place your left leg bent at the knee on the ground. And straighten your right leg, put it on the ground with emphasis on the heel and turn the foot slightly outward. Now tighten your right thigh and begin to slowly tilt your torso towards it. You will feel both a stretch in the back of your right thigh and a tension in the muscles of the same thigh in the front of it.

    Important: You can lean forward while looking straight ahead or down. The main thing is that your back should be even when tilting, and the tilt of the body starts from the hips.

    Stretching the back of the thighs with contraction of the femoral muscles you will need to perform in 3 sets of 10-15 seconds each for each leg separately.

    5 Stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the ilio-tibial tract
    (continuation of the tendon and area of ​​confluence of the flexor, extensor and abductor muscles of the thigh)
    To stretch and strengthen this area in your right leg, bring your straight right leg behind your left leg. Place your feet firmly on the floor and lean slightly to the left. The back should be as straight as possible. Move your right thigh slightly forward and out. You will feel a stretch in the outer right thigh and in the hip joint. Stretch your left leg using the same technique.

    Important: You can lean on a tree, table or other support. This will help you maintain balance and increase your stretch.

    The position in which the ligaments and muscles of the ilio-tibial tract are stretched should be held for 10-15 seconds, 3 sets for each leg separately.

    6 Squats
    Squats are performed from a standing position. The feet are slightly turned outward and are hip-width apart. Posture is even. By bending your knees, you begin to lower yourself to the level of a right angle between the thigh and lower leg. Hands can be extended forward for balance. Make sure you don't go too low - nothing more than a right angle.

    Important: when bending and unbending the knees, they should not go beyond the line of your toes.

    You will need to perform squats in 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

    7 Squats on one leg
    Squats are performed from a standing position. The feet are directed straight forward and are hip-width apart. Posture is even. Raise your left leg slightly and find a stable position for yourself, standing on your right leg. Now carefully try to bend your right knee without tilting it to the sides. Then straighten your knee again.

    Important: If this exercise is too easy for you, you can do it with a wide stance, as described below.

    You will need to perform squats on one leg in 3 sets of 3-5 repetitions each for each leg separately.

    8 Single leg squat with wide stance
    Squats are performed from a standing position. The feet are directed slightly to the sides and are hip-width apart. Posture is even. Shift your body weight onto your right foot, find a stable position for yourself and slightly lift your left foot. Now gradually try to bend your right knee. Then straighten your knee again. With these movements, you should feel tension in the femoral and gluteal muscles.

    Important: in the process of bending your knees, make sure that they go in the same direction as the toes of your legs - a little to the side.

    Single-leg squats with a wide stance you will need to perform in 3 sets of 3-5 repetitions each for each leg separately.

    9 Lunges
    Lunges are performed from a standing position. Put your right foot forward at a distance of one big step. Slowly bend both knees until your right leg forms a roughly right angle. Distribute your body weight mainly on your heels. Now slowly straighten your legs to their original position.

    Important: In the process of bending your knees, make sure that your posture remains even. You can complicate lunges by performing them while walking.

    You will need to perform lunges in 3 sets of 4-5 repetitions each for each leg separately.

    How to enjoy running

    1. Improve your running. To make running fun, use a variety of devices. For example, a pedometer will allow you to calculate the exact distance you managed to run, the number of steps taken, the number of calories burned, and more. There are also a large number of mobile applications for the phone with special running programs that work in real time. They will help you improve your running technique, correct your speed, and help improve your endurance. For example, application in English, where a virtual coach tells you when to walk and when to switch to running, helps you set up the right breathing, “turns on” you tonic music, and so on.
    2. Set yourself a specific goal. At any level of fitness, setting goals will always help you achieve more and not lose interest. In addition, by seeing your goals achieved, you will realistically assess your progress and physical development. For example, you can arrange a small running competition among your friends and work colleagues. This will be a good motivation to "pull up" your physical form.
    3. Run with a friend. You are very lucky if you have friends with similar physical abilities who, just like you, want to try running regularly. Mutual support, competitive spirit, and a mutual desire to diversify your running routes, running programs, and so on, will make your runs together enjoyable and consistently good. Pay attention to social networks - most likely, in your city there are many communities of joggers and sports enthusiasts that you can join and find like-minded people.
    4. Keep a diary of your runs. Try writing down after each run the distance you ran, the length of your run, your route, your heart rate during and after your run, and how you feel and feel. This will give you a visual picture of your development in the sport, help you find your optimal running speed, determine your favorite jogging route, and so on. Without a diary, all this information, unfortunately, will be forgotten. Many runners keep such diaries online, in their blogs or communities.
    5. Add variety to your runs. Running the same track every day is boring. Listening to the same music will also cease to please you over time. Try to choose different and interesting routes: through parks, pretty pedestrian areas or along forest plantations. Change the music you listen to at the same time, select a convenient rhythm of music that matches the rhythm of your run. Or try running in the park in silence, giving yourself a break from the noise. Plan your running routes in advance.
    6. Come to sports clubs. The best way to start running regularly is to join an existing running club or community. Often they have running groups depending on the physical condition of the participants, there is a coach and well-thought-out routes or running programs on treadmills. Such clubs also regularly organize domestic competitions and other interesting sporting events.


    If you've decided to try regular running, you've come to the right conclusion! This type of mobility strengthens the bones, muscles, and ligaments because it increases blood flow to them, giving them nourishment and oxygen. Regular walking and running is a recognized effective way to avoid depression and stress. This is an opportunity to relieve psychological stress and find original solutions to your problems. This is freedom of movement, tone and confidence in the capabilities of your body.
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