• Presentation on the topic of short track. Winter Olympic Sports - Short Track Speed ​​Skating


    Winter Olympic sports Short track

    Winter Olympic sports Biathlon Bobsleigh Alpine skiing Curling Speed ​​skating Nordic combined Ski racing Ski jumping Luge Skeleton and Snowboarding Figure skating Freestyle Mogul Short track

    Biathlon Biathlon is a winter combined event consisting of cross-country skiing with shooting on firing lines from a small-caliber rifle.

    Bobsleigh Bobsleigh is a high-speed descent from the mountains along specially equipped ice tracks on a steerable sled - bobsleigh.

    Alpine skiing Alpine skiing includes five sports disciplines: slalom, giant slalom, super-G, downhill, alpine combined.

    Curling Curling is a sports game on ice in which two teams consisting of four people compete to accurately hit the treasured circle (house) of special projectiles - a bit (a disc with a handle weighing 20 kg and measuring 30x40 cm), made of granite and called stones.

    Speed ​​skating Speed ​​skating is a sport in which you need to cover a distance on an ice stadium in a closed circle as quickly as possible.

    Nordic combined Nordic combined is a sport that includes ski jumping and cross-country skiing. Competitions among men are held over two days: on the first day – 90 m ski jumping; in the second - a 15 km race. The result is determined by the sum of points received for completing both exercises.

    Cross-country skiing Cross-country skiing is a sport in which athletes need to cover a distance on skis as quickly as possible. In the program of the Olympic Games since 1924.

    Ski jumping Ski jumping is a sport that involves ski jumping from specially equipped springboards.

    Luge Luge is a downhill race on sports sleds on specially made tracks 800-1200 m long.

    Skeleton Skeleton is a sport in which the athlete must go down an ice chute on a two-runner sled, facing forward, in the shortest possible time. The winner is determined by the sum of two races.

    Snowboard Snowboard is a type of skiing that includes various descents from the mountains along a special track on one board - a snowboard - and acrobatic jumps on a snowboard on various jumps.

    Figure Skating Figure skating includes singles (men and women), pair skating and sport dances. Olympic competitions in singles and pairs skating have been held since 1908.

    Freestyle Freestyle is a skiing sport that includes acrobatics and moguls. In acrobatics, athletes perform jumps of varying difficulty from special springboards.

    Mogul Mogul is a ski descent along a steep hilly track, complicated by the mandatory implementation of two jumps. The winner is determined by the highest amount of points received for the technique of performing turns and jumps, as well as the speed of the route. In the program of the Olympic Games since 1992.

    Short track Short track is a type of speed skating that involves covering the distance inside a hockey rink as quickly as possible (the circumference of the rink is 111.12 m). In the program of the Olympic Games since 1992.

    Symbols of the Olympic Games

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    A type of speed skating, the principle of which is to quickly cover a distance. Translated from English, “short track” is a short track, and the sport received this name for a reason: the ice track along which the skaters move is only 111.12 meters long.

    History of short track

    The history of short track speed skating is still unknown. The British and Canadians share the laurels among themselves, claiming that they are its founders. But one thing is certain: short track speed skating is a sport in which competitions were first held in Canada. It was in 1905, and the winner then was F. Logen. After this, the Americans also became interested in the question “what is short track speed skating in sports”: in 1906, a championship was held in the USA with the participation of this sport, and in 1915, for the first time, an international championship was held between representatives of Canada and the USA. After a long break, the competition resumed in 1926, and this time Europeans also competed for a medal. In Europe, this type of speed skating became known in 1914, when the first competitions were held here. After this, other countries gradually began to learn about what short track speed skating is in sports:

    • in 1940 - Australia.
    • in 1950 - Belgium, France, Japan.
    • in 1970 - Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand.

    Since then, the need arose to hold international world championships, and in 1975, by decision of the ISU, a skating committee was created. Today, short track speed skating is an Olympic sport and takes part in the Olympics as an individual and team competition.

    Equipment of participants

    Short track is a sport with a certain level of risk. That is why speed skaters perform in special overalls made of elastic fabric that do not restrict movement, and with knee pads and guards to reduce the risk of injury when falling. The athlete's head is protected by a helmet (they were specially developed by LAS). To protect the neck, a special device is used, commonly called a collar by athletes, which protects against injury. During the race, for balance, skaters touch the ice with their palms, so the equipment must include leather gloves with epoxy molds on the fingers and palms. Well, the finishing touch is boots. They are selected at your own discretion according to the endurance, speed developed, weight and physique of the athlete, as well as taking into account running technique and ice hardness. Boots are made individually for each athlete.

    Short track blades

    Speed ​​skating (short track) requires special attention to the choice of blades: they are quite sharp, 1.1-1.2 mm thick, and reach 38-46 mm in length. They are attached to the boot with two bolts, which is why the list of necessary items of athlete’s equipment includes a set (see below). The blades are slightly curved to make it easier for the athlete to enter the turn. The blades are made individually with the selection of a convenient radius: if you place them on a flat surface, they will touch only in one place, in the center. The weight of the boot together with the blade does not exceed 500 grams. The blades also differ in hardness, as indicated by their color: red, yellow or silver.

    Athlete's equipment

    The list of equipment for a short track athlete includes:

    • Stone for sharpening blades.
    • Stone for removing burrs after sharpening.
    • Set of wrenches.
    • Cloth for wiping skates.
    • Cover your blades before going out on the ice.
    • Skate covers after the race.

    This list is not mandatory, but professional athletes consider the presence of each item on this list a necessity both during training races and during competitions.

    Ice Arena

    In sports and where are competitions held? Races are carried out on a hockey rink prepared in accordance with certain requirements.

    Short track rules

    Short track is an individual or team race, depending on this, there are rules for completing the distance and penalties for violating them.

    Basic rules for individual races

    • The race runs counterclockwise.
    • Overtaking is allowed as long as two or more runners are not on the same level, so as not to create interference.
    • If a runner is a full lap behind, they can continue racing towards the outside of their lane.
    • If a runner is overtaken twice, he may abandon the race and the finish will count.
    • The finishing moment is when the toe of the blade crosses the line.

    Basic rules for relay races

    • The team consists of 4-5 people.
    • Each race involves 4 runners from one team.
    • Teams whose members are wearing different uniforms will be excluded from the competition.
    • Passing the baton is touching the participant.
    • The last two laps are completed by one athlete, without passing the baton.
    • A fallen participant may be replaced by another athlete.

    (English) short track- short track), a type of speed skating, which consists of covering the competitive distance as quickly as possible inside the hockey rink (the circumference of the skating rink is 111.12 m). Originated short track in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century.

    At the 1988 Olympic Games in Calgary, short track speed skating was a demonstration sport. And it appeared in the program of the Winter Olympic Games in 1992. Since the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer (1994) - in the competition program: individual championship in the 500 m, 1000 m and 1500 m (men and women) and relay race at 3000 m (women) and 5000 m (men). Athletes run around the oval circle of the skating rink counterclockwise for 4.4 laps - 500 m, 9 - 1000 m, 27 - 3000 m and 45 - 5000 m.

    In the 3000 and 5000 m races, the baton can be passed from one athlete to another at any point along the distance by touching any part of the body. The athlete usually pushes his teammate from behind to help him go the distance faster. The athlete's costume consists of a helmet, gloves, and shin guards that are worn on the shins and knees.

    In 1975, a technical committee for short track racing was created under the International Skating Federation (ISU), which unites about 30 national federations.

    At distances of 5000 and 1000 m, no more than 4 athletes participate. Each team can have 5 athletes entered in the relay. The competition regulations provide for preliminary (1/16 1/81/4 ½) and final races depending on the number of athletes.


    • 1000 m men
    • women's 1000 m
    • 1500 m women
    • 1500 m men
    • Women's 3000 m relay
    • Men's 5000m relay
    • men's 500m
    • Women's 500m.

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    Speed ​​skating is a sport in which it is necessary to overcome a competitive distance on an ice stadium in a closed circle as quickly as possible. Speed ​​skating for men has been included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games since 1924, and competitions for women have also been held since 1960. The modern program of the Winter Olympic Games includes short courses - 500, 1000, 1500 m, and long courses - 3000, 5000, 10000 m distances. Competition participants run in pairs - one on the outer track, the other on the inner track.

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    Short track comes from the English short track, which means “short track”. This is a type of speed skating. Competitions are held on ice inside an ice hockey rink. The circumference of the skating rink is 111.12 m. Short track speed skating has been included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games since 1992. The program includes six types of competitions - individual championship in the 500 and 1000 m races for men and women, and the 3000 m relay race for women, and 5000 m for men. The baton can be passed from one athlete to another at any point of the distance by touching any part of the body. The athlete usually pushes his teammate from behind to help him go the distance faster.

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    In single skating, both among men and women, and in pair skating, they include a so-called short program - performed for a certain time to music chosen by the athletes, 8 prescribed elements with connecting steps, and a free program - performed for a certain time to music , chosen by athletes, compositions from non-prescribed elements. In ice dancing competitions consist of compulsory dances, prescribed dances, original dances with the required rhythm, and free dances to music chosen by the athletes. Since 1924, figure skating has been included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games. Ice dancing has been included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games since 1976. In each type of Olympic competition, a country can enter one participant or a couple.

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    Curling is a sports game in which opposing teams, 4 people each, try to hit a target drawn on the ice with a bat (stone), a disc with a handle weighing 20 kg and measuring 30 x 40 cm. The bat line is about 31m from the target. The goal of the game is to hit a target with a bat, pushing the opponent’s bat out of it. Curling was included in the program of the XVIII Winter Olympic Games in 1994.

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    For men, matches first take place in two preliminary groups of 6 teams. The 4 strongest teams from both groups then meet in the quarterfinals, the winners of which advance to the semifinals, where participants in the final matches for 1-2 and 3-4 places are determined. In the “consolation” matches, teams determine the places of 5th to 8th. Women first compete in two preliminary groups of 4 teams. The winners of the group tournaments then meet the teams that took 2nd place in the groups (crossover). The “A” final is then played by the winners of the semi-finals, and the “B” final is played by the losing teams. Teams that took 3rd and 4th places in the preliminary tournaments play for the final 5th to 8th places according to the same principle.

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    Cross-country skiing is a type of cross-country skiing competition, usually over rough terrain on a specially prepared track. Classic distances: for men - individual cross-country skiing at 10, 15 km (until 1952 at 18 km), 30 and 50 km, as well as a 4x10 km relay race; for women - individual ski races of 5, 10, 15 (since 1989), 30 km (in 1978-1989 - 20 km), as well as a 4x5 km relay race. Ski racing has been included in the programs of all Winter Olympics since 1924.

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    Traditional individual competitions for men in ski jumping from springboards of different design capacities (K-90 and K-120) have been supplemented in the last decade with team competition. The team consists of 4 jumpers, the final result is determined by the total amount of points for technique and the distance of two qualifying jumps of each team member, i.e. in eight jumps.

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    Introduced into the Olympic program in 1936 at the IV Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany). The alpine skiing program includes the following 5 disciplines: slalom, giant slalom, super giant slalom, downhill and combination (slalom and downhill). In each competitive exercise for men and women, the tracks have fairly strict basic parameters in terms of length, height difference, number of gates and distance between gates.

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    This is a competition for men in ski jumping and freestyle skiing. In all types of programs, participants now perform both exercises on one competition day. For many years they competed only in classical combined events - ski jumping with a power of K-90 (1st day) and 15 km cross-country skiing (2nd day). Then (in 1982) a team competition was added to the program with the participation of 3 athletes in jumping from a springboard of the same power and a 3 x 10 km ski relay race.

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    A halfpipe (translated from English as half a pipe) is carried out on a track, which is a trench 3-4 m deep and 110 m long. Accelerating along the chute from edge to edge, athletes perform various acrobatic elements on the edges of the chute. In a parallel giant slalom, they lay two parallel slalom tracks of equal length, height difference and number of gates for the simultaneous start of two participants. Each pair makes two attempts, always changing lanes after the first race. In boardcross. It is carried out on a complex, high-speed track about 1200 m long with springboards, turns, and various irregularities. Participants start in quartets, of which the two best (by time) advance to the next round. Snowboarding - introduced into the Olympic program at the XVIII Winter Games in Nagano (Japan, 1998)

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    Luge - descent on a single-seat sleigh (up to 22 kg) for men and women and on a double-seat sleigh (up to 24 kg) for men. This sled is steerable. Their height is 15 cm, length 124-150 cm (depending on the height of the athlete). The runners are made of metal and wood. Athletes start on them while sitting, and then lie on their backs and in this position control the sled, changing the load on the runners using a tension belt and lifting the runners. The length of the track is 1233 m. Athletes take part in four races on single-seater sleds, and two on double-seater sleds. The winners are determined by the total time in all races.

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    Skeleton (this name refers not only to the sport, but also to the sled itself) is a special sled without steering with steel runners and a weighted frame (up to 50 kg), 70 cm long and 38 cm wide. During the descent, the athlete lies on the sled with his head forward, face down and uses special spikes on the toes of the boots and body movements to control the sled. The length of the skeleton track is 1435 m with 19 turns, the elevation difference at the start and finish is 114 m. The descent speed reaches 130 km/h.

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    The sled here, called a bob, has an all-metal streamlined body, which is mounted on two pairs of skate runners: a movable front one with a steering wheel and a fixed rear one with a brake. At competitions, double bobs (two) are used - length no more than 2.7 m, weight no more than 165 kg, crew weight no more than 200 kg and four-seat bobs (four) - respectively 3.8 m, 230 kg, 400 kg. At the start, members the crew at a distance of 50 m is allowed to accelerate the sled, and in 6 seconds. they often reach speeds of 30 km/h. Then they sit in the sleigh behind the helmsman, bending over to him.

    Didactic orientation: the material allows you to expand children’s understanding of winter sports, their diversity and complexity, and develops children’s ability to analyze and draw conclusions. The use of computer presentations promotes better learning of the material.

    The work is intended for senior preschool age




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    Short track. A sport that melts ice

    Short track (eng. Short track speed skating, Russian. Speed ​​skating on a short track) - a form of speed skating

    RULES The track is located on a regular hockey rink. Distance - 111.12 m. Drive counterclockwise. Races are held at 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 meters. During the relay, participants can change each other at any time except the last two laps. At the same time, they can push their comrades. A fallen athlete can be replaced at any time (including in the last laps). The men's relay is 5000 m, the women's is 3000 m.

    History of SHORT TRACK Short track was formed at the beginning of the 20th century in the USA and Canada. He was fully accepted into the Olympic family in 1992 and since then has been an integral part of the White Olympics. The first USSR championship was held in 1988. Currently, in its homeland - the USA and Canada - short track speed skating has become more popular than classical speed skating.

    All-around and relay The all-around consists of four disciplines: 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 3000 m. The relay is a team race. Women run 3000 m, men 5000 m. Relay Records 3000 m Women 4.06.610 5000 m Men 4.32.646

    Sprint The 500 m sprint is a speed race in which a quick start is key; the speed can reach 45 km/h. The starting point also matters - it is more profitable to start closer to the center of the site. 500 m. Women World record 42.609 500 m. Men World record 40.344 The 1000 m race is a start in which a difficult tactical battle is fought. 1000 m Women World record 1:29.049 1000 m Men World record 1:23.454

    The 1500m race is an endurance event. Since the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals are held on the same day, a lot of strength is required from the athletes. 1500 m Women World record 2:16.729 Men World record 2:10.639

    equipment, ammunition The race takes place in close competition, so the rules of short track speed skating are very strict. Moving skates (as opposed to classic running) are prohibited. Short track skates are usually asymmetrical. Other equipment includes a helmet, shin guards, gloves and neck protection.

    Vladimir Grigoriev An athlete we can be proud of. On October 20, 2012, he set a world record at a distance of 500 meters: he showed a result of 40.344 seconds.

    Short track for children Short track is a wonderful sport that is included in the Winter Olympic Games. The first (younger) age group includes girls and boys aged 9-11 years. There are several stadiums in Yaroslavl where children train professionally.

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    Nordic combined

    Nordic combined or “northern combination” is a combination of cross-country skiing and jumping from several types of ski jumping

    History Nordic combined competitions were included in the Olympic program at the First Olympic Games in Chamonix in 1924. At first the competitions were individual. Then team competitions were added with three, and later four athletes per team.

    Nordic combined rules The competition is held only among men. The competition is held over two days: on the first day - ski jumping; in the second - the race. The result is determined by the sum of points received for completing both exercises. Nordic combined is part of the International Ski Federation. No more than 4 athletes from each national team can participate in competitions.

    Nordic combined today Today, the Olympic program for men's Nordic combined includes three types of competitions: an individual race with a medium springboard jump, an individual race with a large springboard jump, a team race (two large jumps for each participant and a 4x5 km relay).

    Springboard Sochi 2014

    Ski jumping Sochi 2014 Nordic combined competitions at the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 will be hosted by the Russian Hills ski jumping complex on the northern slope of the Aibga ridge. The jumping site was chosen at the junction of two ridges to protect the jumpers from side winds. In addition, the complex located in this place harmoniously fits into the surrounding landscape.

    Sports equipment for jumping boots with a high instep allow the athlete to lean forward during flight. Bindings (the toe of the binding separates the ski into the back and front). the cord from the fastening connects the boot to the ski, which prevents the skis from swinging during the flight; the overalls are breathable to a controlled degree; the skis are 1.5 times longer than the height of the athlete

    Sports equipment for racing skis with long, curved ends and a slight rise in the middle; length can be up to 2 meters fastenings fix the skier's legs on skis long and straight ski poles in height can reach the athlete's chin the suit is made of elastic fabric that takes the shape of the athlete's body.

    Russian national skiing team

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