• Sports nutrition for mma fighter. Sports nutrition for wrestlers – does it make sense to take it? Basic sports nutrition for MMA fighters, boxers, wrestlers, etc.


    It's no secret that sports nutrition is used not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports. Mixed martial arts or MMA is no exception. However selection of sports nutrition for MMA is quite a difficult task, since the training process in MMA is significantly different from the training process in bodybuilding. When selecting sports supplements to increase the effectiveness of MMA training, it is worth proceeding from the fact that these supplements should help restore the body and improve the functional capabilities of the body.

    In this article we will talk about eight sports supplements that will be useful people involved in mixed martial arts.


    It is necessary not only for bodybuilders, but also for all athletes without exception. Protein consumption helps to activate anabolic processes and accelerate the body's recovery after training. For people who train MMA, whey protein (concentrate or isolate) is best, as it has a balanced amino acid profile and is quickly absorbed by the body. In order to speed up the body's recovery after training, you need to take 20-40 grams of whey protein immediately after finishing your workout.


    Caffeine is the most popular central nervous system stimulant, which helps to significantly increase endurance and improve mental focus, which is very important during MMA training. Also, caffeine helps dilate blood vessels, which leads to increased blood flow to the muscles and improves their functionality. Caffeine should be taken 15-30 minutes before training. Caffeine dosage ranges from 100 to 300 milligrams.

    B vitamins

    B vitamins are involved in energy metabolism processes, as well as in the functioning of the nervous system. You can get enough B vitamins from food, but in some situations, such as during a low-carb pre-fight diet (pre-fight weight cut), you may not be able to get enough B vitamins from food. In such situations, it is necessary to take sports supplements containing B vitamins to ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system and maintain the body's energy supply at a high level.

    It is worth noting that for maximum effectiveness, you need to take the full spectrum of B vitamins: vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).


    Citrulline is an amino acid that is used in bodybuilding as a nitrogen donor, since arginine is synthesized in the body from this amino acid, which is a precursor of nitric oxide. However, in MMA, citrulline is not used as a nitrogen donor, but as an effective means of increasing muscle endurance. Citrulline improves blood flow to tissues and oxygen supply to the body, which leads to a significant improvement in the functionality of the human body. The optimal daily dosage of citrulline is 6 grams. The best time to take citrulline is pre-workout and post-workout.

    BCAA or branched chain amino acids are one of the most popular sports supplements among bodybuilders. are three essential amino acids, L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, which cannot be independently synthesized by the human body and therefore must be obtained from food or sports supplements. BCAA contribute to a significant acceleration of the body's recovery after training and suppress catabolic processes in the body. Taking BCAA's is especially helpful during frequent workouts.

    The optimal portion of BCAA is in the range of 10 to 20 grams per day.


    Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps improve endurance. Beta-alanine helps to significantly increase the concentration of carnosine, a substance that prevents muscle fatigue. Also, an increase in carnosine concentration leads to an increase in muscle contractility. Taking beta-alanine will be useful both before a regular workout and before a fight. The optimal dosage of beta-alanine is from 3 to 6 grams per day.


    Fatty acids have a general strengthening effect on the body. Omega-3 helps support healthy cardiovascular system and joints, as well as maintain normal cholesterol and sugar levels. Also, omega-3s have a beneficial effect on brain function and protect nerve cells. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3, you can protect muscle cells from excessive damage that can occur during training.

    The optimal dosage of omega-3 is in the range of 1 to 3 grams per day.


    Creatine, like BCAA, is one of the most popular supplements in bodybuilding. Creatine is also popular in MMA. Creatine is a versatile sports supplement that helps increase muscle strength and muscular endurance, which is incredibly beneficial for mixed martial arts fighters. Also, creatine helps speed up the body's recovery after training, so this sports supplement should become an integral part of the diet during frequent and intense training.

    The optimal dosage of creatine is in the range of 3 to 5 grams.

    Bottom line

    Sports nutrition regimen for MMA fighters should look like this:

    • Protein - 20-40 grams immediately after finishing the workout.
    • Caffeine - 100-300 milligrams 15-30 minutes before the start of training.
    • B vitamins – one serving with the first meal.
    • Citrulline - 3 grams pre-workout and 3 grams post-workout. On non-training days, 6 grams at any time.
    • BCAA – dissolve 10-20 grams in water and drink in small sips during training.
    • Beta Alanine - 3 grams pre-workout and 3 grams post-workout. On non-training days, 3 grams at any time.
    • Omega-3 - from 1 to 3 grams per day with food.
    • Creatine - 3 to 5 grams in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Hello, friends. In the field of martial arts, as in many other athletic fields, sports nutrition is of great importance for fighters. Why is this so? And what are the differences in nutrition, for example, between a boxer and a kickboxer?

    Boxing sphere

    The use of natural products and the use of special additives. Individual recommendations are the prerogative of trainers and doctors. The physiology of nutrition is based on the personal qualities of a fighter. If he needs to improve specific characteristics, one diet and a set of supplements are prescribed. If you just need to develop mass, use a different nutrition system, etc.

    What sports nutrition is best for a boxer? One that reflects positively on its key characteristics. They are associated with impact. This is his dynamics, precision. A boxer must also have amazing endurance.

    It is difficult to achieve success in a boxing match without high-quality and competent attacks. A fighter also needs to develop his body. This is facilitated by daily consumption of proteins (B). They are sufficiently contained in cottage cheese, chicken meat, fish, etc.

    The field of boxing cannot do without additives. They promote rapid weight gain and improve the desired characteristics. They need to be used correctly at the right time and in the right doses. Usually these are two blocks of drugs. The first one is protein. The second is amino acid.

    The first is formed by combinations of various B. There are whey types, and casein, and other types. This is an excellent solution for nutrition and muscle recovery. They are usually used before bed.

    The second block is formed by leucines and valine. This is a constructor for new muscles. It also protects muscles from internal damage. It is usually used immediately before and after physical activity.

    A boxer without excellent dynamics has a poor chance of success. It is determined by the characteristics of the central nervous system and the body’s response to external stimuli. To improve it, sports nutrition for boxers must include natural products rich in B vitamins. Experts often advise fighters to focus on beef liver, dairy products, eggs, various fish and nuts.

    It is also important for a boxer to maintain the necessary concentration during a fight. You can drink a cup of coffee 30-40 minutes before the fight. However, they specifically include stimulants. Their advantages:

    • improve memory, reaction, speed of thinking, metabolism.
    • eliminate drowsiness,
    • promote fat burning.

    Thanks to them, a fighter can move to a lighter weight class. At the same time, its sporting characteristics will not be affected.

    Examples of stimulants: caffeine and synephrine.

    The special additive “Drain” is also very popular. It has a powerful stimulating effect. And it is approved by the Anti-Doping Organization.

    A special complex of carbohydrates (C) helps improve endurance. They are called combined, slow or complex. They are found in vegetables, fruits, cereals, different types of fish and nuts.

    You also need to take multivitamins.

    MMA sphere

    The nutrition of MMA fighters and boxers is similar. But in MMA, fighters expend an incredible amount of energy. They need to have tremendous endurance, as well as flexibility and agility.

    The nutrition of MMA fighters involves diets that contain 55% fat (F) and 25% fat (F). And in order to maintain the required mass, the B content reaches 35%.

    MMA representatives need to develop lean mass. Therefore, the diet of MMA fighters should contain a minimum content of fat.

    Additives are also allowed in this area. They contribute to muscle development and stability of the body composition. Power and endurance are also developing. The attack becomes reactive. Concentration improves.

    Examples of popular supplements.

    1. Citrulline. Function: effective muscle recovery.
    2. Glutamine: recovery, huge energy generation.
    3. BCAAs: suppression of the catabolic effect, restoration.
    4. Taurine: CNS stimulation.
    5. Adaptogens. Functions: toning, development of endurance and concentration.
    6. Stimulants.
    7. Multivitamins and minerals.
    8. Proteins.
    9. Antioxidants. Eliminate harmful substances from muscle cells, improve well-being. Example:

    Restores joints and ligaments, relieves inflammation and pain.

    1. Pre-workouts. These are powerful energy generators and muscle restorers. Examples:

    RedCon1 Total War. Advantages: powerful stimulation, maintaining intensity in the training process.

    DMAAented Pre-Workout. It comes in tablet format. Functions: powerful stimulation, giving a feeling of euphoria, prolonging endurance, easy burning of fat.

    Of course, supplements play their positive role. They can be purchased in special stores. There are also steroids that effectively develop mass. Many questions often arise about them: what types of them are allowed? Which ones are allowed? And you need to consume them very carefully.

    The main enemy for attack reactivity is creatine. This is worth remembering.

    Sports nutrition for MMA fighters includes different diets. They can be selected individually. It depends on the fighter's goals. The following is a popular example of the diet of MMA fighters. It is developed individually for each athlete. The task is weight optimization. It is not special or specific. The main task is to exclude products that are harmful to a particular athlete. Its basis is the consumption of large amounts of greens: salads, sorrel, cucumbers, etc.

    This diet for MMA fighters in both America and Europe is extremely popular. According to it, the food of MMM fighters for a week and the next month may include the following dishes:

    Breakfast consists of oatmeal, fruits and berries. Proportions:

    Half a cup of oatmeal. So many strawberries. Half a banana. A whole cup of blueberries. The same amount of water. And a quarter cup of raisins.

    Additives: almond oil, flax seeds. A tablespoon of each. You also need a handful of cinnamon.

    1. Bring a cup of water to a boil in a medium sized saucepan.
    2. The fire is reduced. Berries and oatmeal are added. Everything is cooked until the required consistency is obtained.
    3. Raisins, flax and cinnamon are added.
    4. The specified oil is added to the resulting porridge. Then a chopped banana is placed there.

    Lunch consists of salad and chickpeas.

    170 grams of chickpeas.

    A pinch of young spinach, the same amount of Romaine lettuce.

    Half a cucumber. The same amount of walnuts.

    A quarter of an onion.

    6 cherry tomatoes and strawberries each.

    3 tablespoons olive oil.

    1. The chickpeas are boiled according to the instructions.
    2. The cucumber is cut into small cubes, the onion into thin rings, the tomatoes and strawberries in half. The nut is crushed.
    3. All components are placed in a container. A little oil is added. Everything gets mixed up.

    An afternoon snack consists of a cup of Greek yogurt, a cup of fresh berries and a tablespoon of honey. They are all mixed in a bowl. The afternoon snack is ready.

    One chicken breast is baked for dinner. You also need a tablespoon of olive oil and a quarter teaspoon each of sea salt and black pepper.

    1. The oven is brought to 180 C.
    2. The breast is rubbed with this oil and sprinkled with other ingredients.
    3. It is placed in a special form. Bake for 20 minutes.

    Also, sports nutrition specialists for fighters give the following recommendations:

    1. Drink a lot of water.
    2. Use salt as little as possible.
    3. Take plenty of carbohydrates after workouts.
    4. Double your green intake.

    The founder of this diet, Dolce, claims that this is also suitable nutrition for ufc fighters. Although opinions may differ on this issue.

    UFC sphere

    Each UFC fighter's diet is different. It is important for them to maintain their fighting weight. After each training process, you are allowed to eat food rich in B and U.

    Oatmeal is also used for breakfast here. It can also be used after strength training. In the diet of UFC fighters, it is prepared with milk and honey is added to it. It turns out to be an excellent strength restorer.

    It is also important for fighters to develop an anabolic reserve. For this purpose, after classes, it is not prohibited to use a protein drink based on whey and water.

    Of course, food is limited to oatmeal alone. After grueling physical processes, this dish is very useful: pieces of beef fillet. They are fried, marinated in a sugar-soy mixture, and there is also pepper and garlic.

    Other healthy dishes: steamed white rice, chicken broth with dill, or broccoli.

    We also need dessert. These are usually fruits such as mango, peach or melon.

    Sports nutrition specialists for mixed martial arts fighters recommend that they:

    1. Eat a maximum of three times a day. The interval between meals is at least 4.5 hours.
    2. Avoid confectionery products, alcohol and processed products.
    3. Avoid all stomach irritants: various spices and pickled vegetables.
    4. Consume fresh bread made from the purest flour without additional ingredients.
    5. A glass of water is needed before and after bedtime.
    6. There are products in the right proportions.

    The diet of ufc fighters before weigh-in is considered a particularly sensitive issue. This is an emergency. After this procedure, weight is rapidly gained.

    Before it, it is very important to do everything correctly, without harming your health. 7 days before going to the scales, water consumption is systematically reduced:

    1 day – 8 l.

    Day 2 – 4 l.

    Day 3 – 4 l.

    Day 4 – 2 l.

    Day 5 – 1 l.

    Day 6 – without water.

    And the diet is as follows:

    1. Maximum 50 grams of U. per day.
    2. Refusal of sweets, fruits, and starch.
    3. Eat products with an abundance of B. and F.,
    4. Refusal of salt.
    5. Drink natural diuretics.


    In the UFC sphere, Conor McGregor is a character with enormous fame. And Conor McGregor’s diet has its own criteria:

    1. Drink water in the morning. A little later, an omelet and a cup of coffee.
    2. Only healthy food. Down with fast food! Only the best quality meat: chicken, steaks and fish. More fresh herbs.
    3. Maybe some cakes.
    4. Of the highest quality.
    5. There is no separation of nutrition during heavy training and the off-season.

    A daily diet looks like this:

    Tomorrow: water, omelette, toast, Americano coffee.

    Lunch: oatmeal and banana.

    For lunch, chicken breast, broccoli and salad.

    For dinner, chicken or fish.

    Conor McGregor's diet also includes vegetables in his dinner.

    The basis of this fighter’s nutrition is cleanliness. There is always trout, chicken, fruits, and vegetables in his refrigerator.

    How does Conor McGregor's diet change before a fight? There are no fundamental changes here, except that he eats less sweets.

    During the next 24 hours, he consumes a protein shake.


    Fedor Emelianenko has great fame not only in Russia, but also in the world. He has many great victories to his name.

    The peculiarity of Fedor Emelianenko’s diet is the refusal of proteins and amino acids. Only towards the end of his career did he begin to carefully use reducing agents.

    Fedor Emelianenko’s diet is not specific. There is no diet. If desired, meat, fish, dairy products, and buckwheat are consumed. He eats everything his wife cooks. On a day of rest, a glass of dry red wine may be allowed.


    Iron Mike is an iconic figure in the world of sports. There are many specifics in his tactics, fighting style, training and nutrition. In his teenage years, he weighed 80-90 kg. When he became seriously interested in disciplines such as boxing and weightlifting, he began to adhere to a strict diet.

    Mike Tyson's diet was then based on rice, pasta, juice and fresh fruit. There was also an urgent need for an abundance of protein: a lot of beef and chicken were consumed.

    Mike Tyson's diet example:

    Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and vitamins.

    Lunch: rice, chicken breasts, orange juice.

    Afternoon snack: protein shake, bananas.

    Dinner: pasta, fruit juice.

    This is Mike Tyson's diet. Sometimes he broke it, tempted by chocolates and ice cream.

    Muay Thai Sphere

    Sports nutrition for Muay Thai fighters involves the use of clean food, high-quality water and fruits and vegetables with an abundance of vitamins.

    You also need greens in the required quantities. These include minerals and vitamins, normalizing the acid-base balance in the blood. Popular examples: seaweed and broccoli.

    Fighters of this discipline need fatty acids. Fish oil is rich in them. This is a very useful and legal supplement. Its advantages:

    • burning large amounts of fat,
    • an increase in testosterone levels, which means an increase in aggression,
    • reduces inflammatory processes,
    • shortens the recovery interval after exercise.
    • helps cleanse blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on heart function, and develops endurance.

    These acids are also found in seafood and flaxseed oil.

    Protein also plays one of the most important roles here. As you know, this is a combination of proteins. They are found in abundance in cottage cheese, fish, eggs, and lean meat.

    Fighters must monitor the use of B. on a daily basis. Moreover, in this striking discipline, B. are more considered as restorers.

    Often representatives of Muay Thai (as well as similar types) need slow protein. You can get it using one of these options:

    1. Fish oil or flaxseed oil is added to the protein drink.
    2. You buy protein made up of several varieties of B. It is better to take a complex of B. of the highest quality. Sinta-6 is often purchased. It includes whey protein, egg protein, calcium caseinate and other useful elements.

    Options for using such mixtures.

    1. Before bedtime.
    2. After sleep.
    3. After a training session, or rather within 40 minutes. The best option is a mixture of U and B. This is how insulin is quickly released. And nutrients are absorbed better. And recovery is faster. It is better to take a gainer that does not contain creatine. It should contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

    Before the championship, it is better to abandon such a drug and focus on classic whey protein.

    All specified complexes and additives must be of high quality. It is better to purchase them from reliable retail outlets. Experts advise not to choose domestic and Chinese products. Products from neighboring countries also do not have the best reputation. There the whey component is replaced with soy. There may also be elements that are not indicated. And these are all incomprehensible consequences.

    Since Muay Thai puts enormous stress on the ligaments and joints, athletes have to take effective supplements to strengthen and better restore these parts of the body. For this reason, sports nutrition for Muay Thai includes various modifications of glucosamine and chondroitin. In some cases, ascorbic acid. One of the best such complexes is Animal Flex.

    There are many different complementary medications. There are both permitted and illegal. Which ones to take and in what quantities is an individual matter.

    Sphere of struggle

    During fights, wrestlers spend 10 times more energy than in a calm state. These costs need to be recovered. At the same time, nervous excitability before contractions seriously inhibits digestion. Therefore, the nutrition of wrestlers before competitions must be approached very wisely.

    Their nutrition needs to be nutritious. It is important to maintain the required proportions of B., U. and F., as well as minerals and vitamins.

    B. is considered the main builder. It renews cells. Food products are extremely useful for wrestlers. They are famous for their content: lean meat, milk, cottage cheese, fish, liver. Less valuable versions of them are found in cereals, legumes and breads. The wrestlers' diet must include food of animal and plant origin.

    Zh. – energy generator. Fats of plant and animal etiology must be present in the daily diet of a wrestler. Their proportions are 1:4.

    U. base the energy of the entire organism. A wrestler needs one third of the daily ration. Honey and starch are useful. Glucose and fiber are also recommended. They are found in vegetables, cereals, bread and potatoes.

    Regarding vitamins and minerals, questions come down to the use of complexes. For example: undevit and ascorutin.

    It is beneficial to eat foods rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It must be fresh and of high quality.

    Be sure to include dairy products, fruits, vegetables, eggs, sugar and honey in your diet.

    Large salt intake is prohibited. Also, wrestlers eat a lot and drink large volumes of liquid. To restore the water-salt balance - mineral water.

    Allowed within reasonable limits:

    1. Protein-based cocktails. This is a good method to build muscle,
    2. Gainers. They help develop muscle mass and supply the body with a solid amount of energy, as well as improve endurance.

    Sumo Sphere

    Sumo is a rather specific type of wrestling. The daily diet of sumo wrestlers should contain 20 thousand calories. They are divided into two equal steps. When a sumo wrestler sleeps, the acquired calories are converted into fat.

    The sumo diet includes a special dish called Chanko-nabe. It is stewed. It has a huge concentration of B. It is extracted from chicken, fish, tofu, plants and many high-calorie vegetables. This is the most suitable sumo diet for.

    As a rule, a sumo wrestler's diet is aimed at gaining weight and fat. Because of this, they have to lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is fraught with the appearance of various ailments of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

    But there is a sumo diet for weight loss. They resort to it at the end of their sports career. Its basics:

    1. No eating after six.
    2. Go to bed at 9 pm.
    3. Use of low-calorie foods.
    4. Abundance of water.
    5. Eating dietary meat.


    Proper sports nutrition is selected based on the physical specifics and goals of the athlete. What matters is the sport he represents. The main criterion is to give up dangerous and illegal drugs.

    Most fighters who prefer a natural method of training (without steroids) to improve the quality of recovery and training in Muay Thai prefer a limited list of drugs.

    It includes protein, various gainers and, which are freely sold in stores specializing in sports nutrition.

    At the same time, there is a large selection of relatively harmless medications that are available without a prescription, are not doping and have been tested by a large number of athletes. They can be found in a regular pharmacy.

    It should be immediately noted that although pharmaceutical drugs are safe, you should carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor before using them.

    This article offers you an overview of the main pharmaceutical drugs, including a list of essential drugs, as well as information about their meaning and effect on the body of Muay Thai fighters.

    Do not forget that each drug has its own side effects and contraindications.

    1. Asparkam

    Asparkam contains potassium and magnesium in a form that allows them to be absorbed by the body easily and painlessly. These substances contribute to the effective regulation of metabolic processes.

    Basically, asparkam is used by Muay Thai fighters who want to quickly lose weight. In addition, asparkam helps prevent cramps and makes training easier in hot conditions.

    As a rule, this drug is produced in the form of tablets; the order of use and dosage can be found in the instructions. Taking pills should be planned for the morning and afternoon, since the body does not absorb magnesium and calcium well in the evening.

    2. Riboxin

    Riboxin is a stimulator of biochemical processes; it has a positive effect on the athlete’s heart. This drug has antiarrhythmic, anabolic and other beneficial effects.

    By increasing the force of heart contractions, it helps increase stroke volume. Riboxin generally improves blood supply to tissues, as well as coronary blood supply.

    When consuming Riboxin, you can observe an improvement in energy metabolism, the activity of many enzymes and metabolic processes in the myocardium. Another positive effect of taking this drug is improved muscle tissue regeneration.

    But, despite all its positive qualities, Riboxin is poor as a reducing agent, for this reason it is recommended to be taken in combination with potassium orate, which acts as a kind of amplifier.

    3. Potassium orotate

    This remedy belongs to the category of metabolic. Potassium orotate stimulates endogenous biochemical processes. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription, most often it comes in tablet form.

    The dosage for a Muay Thai fighter is in the range of 1.5-2 grams per day. In principle, potassium orotate is a common mineral salt found in the cells of any living organism.

    The positive effects of taking it include strengthening the athlete’s cardiovascular system and a general anabolic effect, which makes quick recovery after training possible.

    In addition, there is an increase in diuresis (removal of fluid from the body) and an improvement in appetite. But do not overestimate the positive effect of potassium orotate for Thai boxers; the effect is not that strong.

    On the other hand, an athlete taking this drug will not experience problems with poor tolerability and side effects.

    4. Mildronate

    Everything here is extremely simple - the product is designed to increase the performance of a Muay Thai boxer and compensate for the manifestations of mental and physical stress.

    Mildronate corrects metabolism, regulates cellular immunity and acts as a cardioprotector. Mildronate should be taken at a dose of 15-20 mg per kg of body weight, but before doing so it is strongly recommended to seek advice from a doctor.

    5. Agapurin

    The names “Pentoxifylline” and “Trental” are also possible. It is available in tablet form and is inexpensive. This drug must be taken separately, since its main task is to increase vascular tone, reduce blood viscosity and increase blood flow.

    This is a great way to use Muay Thai training when your muscles feel tired. Agapurin is used mainly by experienced Thai boxers, and it should be taken with caution, since this remedy, in addition to its positive effects, can cause various negative aspects if the instructions are not followed.

    6. Leuzea (maral root)

    This plant, growing in Eastern and Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Altai Mountains, contains phytoexidons - steroid compounds with pronounced anabolic properties.

    In the body of an athlete, Leuzea enhances the processes of protein synthesis and their accumulation in the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. Using this drug you can significantly increase physical endurance and intellectual performance.

    Long-term use of Leuzea leads to expansion of the vascular bed and, in turn, improvement of general blood circulation. Heart rate decreases.

    Based on Leuzea, a food additive such as Leuzea-P is produced. One Levzeya-P tablet contains about 0.85 mg of Ecdisten, supplements with which cost from 700 to 1,800 rubles in sports stores.

    7. Aralia Manchurian

    This drug has the ability to cause a significant decrease in blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which is greater than the hypoglycemia caused by other RA adaptogens.

    Since the result of hypoglycemia in this case is the release of somatotropic hormone, the use of Manchurian aralia allows one to achieve a significant overall anabolic effect with weight gain and increased appetite.

    Aralia has stimulating properties and enhances anabolism. Aralia tincture can be purchased from any pharmacy. It should be taken 20-30 drops in the morning and an hour before the start of training.

    8. Vitamin complexes

    Vitamins should be used in combination or each vitamin separately. Among the complexes, the most popular is “Complevit”, which is taken 3 times a day, one tablet after meals. If you take vitamins separately, then first of all you need to pay attention to the following:

    B1 (Thiamin). Regulates the body's main systems: cardiovascular, nervous and digestive, and also affects growth and energy balance. Thiamine deficiency is expressed in irritability, increased fatigue, lack of appetite and related ailments.

    B12 (cyanocobalamin). Enhances the synthesis and accumulation of proteins, has a strong anabolic effect.

    B6 (Pyridoxine). Very important in metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

    B vitamins are injectable; they are sold in 1 ml ampoules with a concentration of 5%. Vitamins cannot be administered together; on the first day the body should receive one vitamin, on the next - a second, on the third day - a third, repeating the cycle.

    Injections are made using 2 or 5 cc syringes intramuscularly, and B1 and B6 are quite painful, so you need to be prepared for discomfort.

    9. Diabeton CF

    Among the freely sold drugs, Diabeton MV is perhaps the most powerful in terms of anabolic properties. In medicine, this drug is used to stimulate the pancreas in the treatment of diabetes. The strength of the effect is equal to that of insulin injections, and the overall effect can be compared to that produced by methandrostenolone.

    The product is also great for those who want to gain weight quickly. Diabeton MV is available in 30 mg tablets. At the beginning you should take no more than 30 grams per day, if tolerance is normal, in the next course (on average the course lasts 4-6 weeks) the permissible dosage can be 60 grams per day. Diabeton MV is incompatible with other drugs.

    For everything to go well, when taking this drug you need to eat at least 6 times a day, and you need to reduce the amount of fat in favor of protein foods.

    Also, use should not be combined with dietary nutrition, as this increases the risk of side effects. These, first of all, include the above-mentioned hypoglycemia, which in this case carries only negative things.

    10. Tamoxifen

    In Muay Thai, tamoxifen is used to increase testosterone levels in the body, and is essentially an anti-estrogen. That is, the increase in testosterone levels is achieved by blocking estrogen.

    For maximum effect, it is better to combine this drug with others. Considering that tamoxifen takes a long time to start working, the course should be at least 6-8 weeks.

    11. Calcium glycerophosphate

    In medicine, calcium glycerophosphate is used in the treatment of rickets, dystrophy and fatigue. This drug accelerates protein absorption and metabolism.

    When taking this remedy, appetite increases significantly, so consumption of fatty foods should be limited. Instead, you should include as many protein-containing foods as possible in your diet.

    Glycerophosphate is well suited for formulating courses, and there are no analogues in sports nutrition stores. For this drug, the dosage is approximately 100 mg per 8 kg of weight.

    12. Saltos

    Great for burning fat (similar to clenbuterol). You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. The action of saltos is as follows: it increases body temperature by 1 degree with a dosage of 3-5 tablets per day in 3 doses.

    An increase of 1 degree occurs due to the combustion of fat. In this case, a small side effect is possible in the form of trembling hands and nervousness. With its fat-burning effect, saltos is significantly superior to most sports drugs for burning fat.

    13. Trimetazidine

    Trimetazidine is very similar in its properties to the popular drug Mildronate, but the cost of the former is much lower. This drug promotes a better supply of oxygen to cells, preserves intracellular energy, prevents the action and formation of free radicals, and also increases resistance to physical stress.

    Taking Trimetazidine makes workouts more powerful and intense. This product can be replaced with drugs containing creatine, but this replacement will not be equivalent. In addition, Trimetazidine combines well with other drugs.

    14. Vinpocetine

    Vinpocetine is a drug that corrects various cerebral circulatory disorders. The active ingredient here is apovincamine.

    This drug has a direct effect on metabolism in brain tissue. The blood vessels in the brain dilate, which promotes better blood supply to its tissues.

    Taking vinpocetine increases resistance to hypoxia (oxygen starvation), activates glucose utilization processes, and also increases the level of metabolism of serotonin and norepinephrine in brain tissue.

    The use of this drug leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation (sticking together), and therefore a decrease in blood viscosity.

    15. Metformin

    The mechanism of action of metmorphine is based on its ability to suppress glucogenesis, the formation of free fatty acids and fat oxidation.

    This drug has no effect on insulin levels, but is capable of changing its dynamics by reducing the ratio of free insulin to bound insulin and increasing the ratio of proinsulin to insulin.

    Stimulation of glucose uptake by muscle cells plays an important role here. By taking metmorphine, you can increase blood circulation in the liver and speed up the process of converting glucose into glycogen.

    The selection of sports nutrition for fighters has its own specifics; many principles that are relevant, for example, in bodybuilding, are completely unacceptable for wrestlers, boxers and other athletes for whom rapid muscle mass gain is not so important, but who need speed, endurance and strength. In this, combat sports are similar to CrossFit - all fighters, without exception, strive for a minimum body fat content, just like bodybuilders, you might say, but the tactical approaches are completely different. Bodybuilders gain muscle mass over a long period of time, allowing for a significant increase in fat, after which they undergo a fat burning cycle. Fighters, on the other hand, need to diet and take special supplements that will provide an increase only in lean muscle mass, or maintain body composition unchanged, while increasing endurance, strength and speed, which are key in martial arts.

    Unfortunately, not all athletes are destined to become world champions, since natural abilities decide a lot. However, science and sports medicine have come a long way and modern sports nutrition can give you significant advantages in battle.

    Currently, the market offers a large selection of supplements, and in this article we will try to describe the most optimal and suitable options, listed in order of importance, which are of natural origin, safe for health and have maximum effectiveness.

    1. Amino acids

    They are the blocks from which protein is built. Many people have a question: what advantages do amino acids have over protein, if the latter is the source of the former? Firstly, amino acids are absorbed instantly, which is very important at certain moments (before and immediately after training). Secondly, different amino acids have different values. The most valuable amino acids for fighters are:

    Glutamine - is the most abundant amino acid in the body, making up more than 60% of the free amino acids in skeletal muscle and more than 20% of the total circulating amino acids. L-glutamine supplementation helps reduce post-workout muscle soreness and repair muscle tissue. Glutamine not only repairs muscles, but also provides additional energy during combat.
    We recommend: from Optimum Nutrition

    BCAA (from the English. Branched-chain amino acids - Amino acids with branched chains) - a complex consisting of three essential amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine

    BCAA is the main material for building new muscles, these essential amino acids make up 35% of all amino acids in muscles and take an important part in the processes of anabolism and recovery. BCAAs cannot be synthesized in the body, so a person can only obtain them from food and special supplements. In other words, the body can obtain the rest of the amino acids from protein, everything except BCAA.
    BCAA differs from the other 17 amino acids in that they are primarily metabolized in the muscles, that is, they can be considered as the main “fuel” for muscles, which improves athletic performance, improves health, and they are absolutely safe for health.
    We recommend: from Muscle Pharm

    Aminoslots are taken immediately before and immediately after training, 1 serving.

    2. Restoration complex

    A multicomponent additive that combines several reducing agents at once.

    For example, BCAA, citrulline and glutamine in optimal doses, thereby replacing the previous point.
    We recommend: from Optimum Nutrition and from Universal Nutrition

    Take 1 serving before and 1 serving immediately after training.

    3. Adaptogens

    Widely used in any sport, they are also of significant benefit in martial arts. Adaptogens are safe plant extracts that naturally tone the body, increase endurance and improve mental focus.

    Accepted according to instructions. For a more pronounced effect, you can take 2 adaptogens at the same time.

    4. Vitamin and mineral complex.

    Increased physical activity dictates the need for additional vitamins and minerals. While minerals are actively excreted through sweat, the consumption of vitamins increases as a result of increased metabolic rate. It must be remembered that the first signs of a lack of vitamins and minerals may be a deterioration in athletic performance, not to mention other negative consequences. Vitamins and minerals are involved in almost all metabolic processes, so their deficiency can cause almost any disorder in the body.

    Take as directed.

    5. Complete protein

    One of the most important supplements for fighters. During each workout, muscles are subjected to high loads, aerobic activity causes a rapid increase in catabolic processes. Complex protein is a complete source of amino acids, which for a long time ensure muscle recovery, nourish them and suppress destructive catabolic reactions in the body. It is recommended to use complex protein, which consists of different types of protein with different rates of absorption. Monitor your calorie intake, fat percentage and lean body mass. If you do not set a goal to move to a heavier weight category, then you can limit yourself to amino acids.

    Take 1 serving of protein 1 hour before training (fight) and 0.5 - 1 hour after training (fight).

    6. Antioxidants

    They are the final link of this complex of additives. During the fight, a large number of radicals are produced in the muscles, which damage muscle cells, cause tissue inflammation and worsen the general condition of the body. Antioxidants neutralize harmful radicals, thereby leaving muscles in a healthy functional state.

    Antioxidants are found in large quantities in prunes, fresh berries and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, and purees. Antioxidant-rich berries and fruits include sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, cranberries, rowan, chokeberry, currant, pomegranate, acai.

    Other foods that contain antioxidants include dark chocolate, green tea and red wine.

    Fighters are not recommended to take such sports nutrition as creatine - it causes water to accumulate in the muscles, thereby slowing down the speed of impact. Creatine does not increase endurance. There is an exception: If you want to increase muscle mass, then taking creatine is acceptable. During the course, your strength and muscle mass will increase. After the course, excess water will leave the muscles, but the positive results will remain.

    .Pre-workout complex - most often contain creatine.

    .Gainers - they are rich in carbohydrates and can lead to the formation of fat. The exception is the time before the fight. It is necessary to load up on slow carbohydrates (about 100 g) 2 hours before the fight in order to provide the body with a source of energy. You can use a gainer as a source of carbohydrates.

    .Protein bars - contain a lot of fats and carbohydrates.

    Until now, we have discussed in depth the topic of sports nutrition and pharmacology for typical “muscles,” but now it’s time to talk about other athletes. No, we didn’t forget, we just postponed this issue until the right time. Fighters, by the way, are far from the first category of Russian athletes (things are different for Americans) who buy sports nutrition, and most often, this is due to the old (still Soviet) school where they are trained. Bodybuilding is initially more dependent on “additional sources” of nutrition, so other sports have something to learn from supporters of the “iron game”. Actually, the time has come to add some useful things to martial arts. Therefore, welcome to our online sports nutrition store in Moscow, with delivery to the regions, which will tell fight fans how to become better with the help of “kachkovsky” supplements! So, sports nutrition for fighters – who needs what and why?

    Why do you need sports nutrition for martial arts?

    Let's start with the fact that some supplements will be useful not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people. What can we say about those who load themselves to the maximum almost every day, striving for the best result? Whatever type of martial arts you are a fan of, sports nutrition will be necessary for a boxer, wrestler, MMA fighter, etc. Simply put, supplements will benefit any active sport!

    There are many reasons why spot pit will be useful to a fighter, these are just the main ones:

    1. Fast and high-quality recovery – increased frequency and intensity of training will allow for better progress;
    2. Improving reaction speed, joint mobility, sprains, bone strength, etc.;
    3. Improving the quality of muscle mass, drying, to get into the desired weight category, etc.;
    4. Recovery from injuries and their prevention.

    Fighters have very high-intensity training, and martial arts competitors often do 2 of them a day! This is an exceptional strain on the body, and this is why it will beg you for help, and without it, your sports career can end very quickly.

    We will select sports nutrition for mixed martial arts and classical martial arts fighters based on the load on the body. So, what needs support?

    1. Muscles, bones, ligaments, joints;
    2. Nervous system;
    3. The cardiovascular system.

    Of course, when you exercise, you load your entire body, but it is these systems that are subject to the most stress. Let's go further and see what will help you compensate for this stress and progress.

    Basic sports nutrition for MMA fighters, boxers, wrestlers, etc.


    The first and most necessary supplement on this list, directly related to the most common injuries, is drugs for joints and ligaments, or chondroprotectors. I think there is no point in talking about the importance of the health of joints and ligaments for fighters; this is already obvious; what is more important is what can be used to maintain (or restore) this health.

    Chondroprotectors most often contain Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin - substances that accelerate the regeneration of cartilage and connective tissue. Plus, they help improve joint lubrication and elasticity, which protects you from re-injury. Elastic ligaments and strong joints also help improve fighting technique, which is of little importance.

    How to use: courses as a preventive measure – once every six months; as therapy - until complete recovery.

    Amino acids and BCAA, protein

    Sports nutrition for wrestlers, boxers and any other athletes who put extreme strain on their muscles includes amino acids. It would be wisest to take only BCAAs, since they are the ones most often in short supply. In principle, you can get all the amino acids from protein, but it still doesn’t contain enough BCAA. So, if you have the means, why not buy both? If your goal is to gain weight (which is often required by boxers or MMA fighters), then nutrition when practicing martial arts to gain weight may include a gainer - a protein-carbohydrate mixture, which is tailored for these purposes.

    How to use: aminos – from 30 grams per day (in 5-6 doses: in the morning, before/during/after training, before bedtime); protein/gainer – 2-3 servings per day.

    Vitamins and minerals

    I once came across information that most athletes involved in martial arts still go to the pharmacy for vitamin and mineral complexes. Pharmacy vitamins are not bad if you are an average person who spends most of the day on the couch or in the car. They are not suitable for athletes due to low dosages. Sports vitamins for boxers and other fighters contain substances in higher dosages (sometimes up to 2000% of the daily value for the average person!) + may include additives to maintain hormone levels in men/women and other body systems.

    How to use: according to instructions.

    Additional sports nutrition for mixed and classical martial arts

    Now let's talk about what else you can try. These supplements are not required for everyone, but they will be beneficial for certain groups of athletes.

    Pre-workouts (pre-workout complexes)

    They are a mixture of stimulants, nitrogen donors and other active components (Creatine, Citrulline, etc.) necessary to increase strength, energy and concentration during training. Among the huge variety of these products you can find very extreme, tough ones that will make you not just strong, but also aggressive, and also very resilient. Fighters should not abuse such harsh additives (because excessive use puts stress on the nervous system, and it is needed in ideal condition in martial arts). It makes sense to sometimes use them in fight training to increase intensity, or to include them in iron training. If you find the drug that suits you perfectly, then you can safely take it before the fight!

    For regular use, pre-workouts with a basic composition are suitable - Caffeine, Geranium or Ephedra, Arginine, Agmatine, Creatine, Noopept (or other ingredients to improve brain function).

    How to use: to check tolerance - half a serving 15-30 minutes before training. Next - a portion for 15-30 minutes of training.

    Watch the video and find out how to get the maximum effect from pre-workout:

    Testosterone and growth hormone boosters

    It’s clear why a bodybuilder needs more testosterone, but why does a fighter need it? Surprisingly, many people associate increased testosterone solely with increased muscle mass, is this true? Of course not! Testosterone generally makes a man out of a man, so to speak, and does not necessarily give you a ton of meat! Depending on your goals, increasing testosterone levels can lead to muscle stiffness, improved definition, increased endurance and strength, and can even give you a little healthy rage).

    Everything is clear with testosterone; why does a fighter need growth hormone? GH has a wide range of properties: restoring the body after injury or after training, increasing endurance and strength, faster recovery after training. So, in principle, everyone needs GH, at least in order to recover daily.

    For many, these products are the best and safest option to boost their hormones. Typically, testosterone and GH boosters are natural substances that affect your body's production of hormones. Modern sophisticated test boosters increase testosterone levels by two times or more!

    How to use: according to the instructions, courses last 6-8 weeks with a break of at least 4-6 weeks.


    Another, more effective way to increase the efficiency of your hormonal system is SARMs. These drugs can be called a novelty on the Russian market (although in the West they have been known for a long time and are actively used). Their advantage is that they are somewhat similar in power to popular designer steroids (increase lean mass, give strength, endurance), but do not have their side effects. SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) bind only to sex hormone receptors and act only on skeletal muscles, without dangerously affecting the prostate and other important organs. By the way, they can be used not only as a solo course, but also used as a PCT bridge after more sophisticated DS courses. In general, this is a very good option for SARMs fighters, since it can give more than a regular test booster.

    How to use: courses of 8-12 weeks with a break of 4-6 weeks. Be sure to do PCT!

    Prohormones (designer steroids)

    Using sports nutrition for wrestlers, boxers and other martial arts is far from the limit! And since we’re already talking about games with hormones, we’ll tell you about the most powerful and always working option - prohormones. It would be honest to make a reservation and say that such a step is logical for professional athletes who need maximum results. For amateurs, dough boosters are more suitable.

    In martial arts, prohormones are used for slightly different purposes than in BB:

    1. Drying the body (getting rid of fat) to enter another weight category without losing body fat;
    2. Increasing muscle mass to enter another weight category;
    3. Increased strength, endurance, aggression/attitude.

    It is worth understanding that for a fighter to be a huge machine weighing 120 kg on an eternal pump is completely useless. Excessive muscle volume impairs reaction speed and generally reduces the range of motion of the joints (just compare the bend angle of the elbow joint of the arm with the biceps at 40 cm and 50 cm). So fighters need to approach the choice of a training program that combines hardware and the fights themselves very responsibly. It’s important not to lose momentum here!

    There are many more useful products that will make your rest and training easier. For example, to improve brain function, rest from stimulants and better recovery, you can try nootropics and relaxants, but more on that another time)

    There is great news for you! Now you don’t have to figure out all the variety of sports nutrition yourself! You can use our free service - selection of sports nutrition for your goals. To do this, read the article: “How to interact with a mentor to get maximum results, and even for free!” After reading, fill out the form to select sports nutrition.

    Well, actually, we have sorted out the issue, now all that remains is for you to learn how to apply all this in practice and increase your potential as an athlete! Good luck!

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