• Kettlebell snatches: correct technique. Kettlebell push - exercise technique What muscles are pumped by the kettlebell push?


    So, let's continue to get acquainted with kettlebell lifting. I really hope that you not only read such articles, but also try to perform the proposed complexes. If you already know which way to approach the kettlebells, I suggest you get acquainted with the exercises of classical biathlon. Double-event competitions in kettlebell lifting begin with a push of two kettlebells. Therefore, in this article I want to talk a little about the technique of performing this exercise and give some tips for planning training.

    Initial position

    As you already know, kettlebell lifting requires good strength endurance. According to the rules, 10 minutes are allotted to complete the exercise.

    I am sure that most of you simply will not be able to defend this time with weights on your chest, not to mention any pushes. Therefore, if you want your results in the clean and jerk to increase, you need to learn how to stand correctly in the starting position. To do this, you need to lift the weights to your chest, your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees straight. The pelvis moves forward as much as possible. The elbows rest on its upper part. If you have a weightlifting belt, then when loose it can serve as a good elbow brace.

    Now, how to hold weights correctly. To relieve stress on the bracelet tendon, the hand is inserted into the corner of the kettlebell arm so that the arm itself passes through the center of the base of the palm. At first, this position of the weights will cause painful sensations, you need to come to terms with this and be patient, over time the pain will disappear. Beginning guitarists also have sore fingers.

    So, you have accepted the starting position. Now try to relax as much as possible, move your hands with weights forward a little so that they do not put pressure on chest, tilt your head towards your hands, this makes it easier to maintain balance. Let me remind you once again that the starting position is practically the only phase of the exercise where the athlete can rest. Therefore, when performing all training exercises, learn to stand in this stance and try to relax as much as possible, taking 4 - 6 breaths before performing the next movement.


    Let's move directly to the push. It consists of three phases: acceleration, ejection and fixation.

    Acceleration is performed with the legs, a sharp squat and a sharp straightening of the legs are done, while the arms continue to be in a relaxed state (pay attention to the elbows, they should be pressed to the body).

    After straightening the legs, the next phase begins - pushing out. When pushing out, the arms are involved in the work, they continue the upward movement of the weights started by the legs, and the legs at this time return to the squat position.

    The last phase of the push is fixation. To do this, the arms stop raised up in a stationary position, the legs are straightened at the knees. After the judge counts, the weights are lowered to the chest, for this purpose the arms are relaxed, and the fall of the weights is absorbed by a slight squat and a full exhalation.

    Jerk training

    We looked at the technique of pushing two weights. Now some tips for planning training for this exercise. After general physical warm-up, warm-up with weights is carried out. To do this, I do the following exercises (don’t forget the advice to stand longer in the starting position):

    1. Broach - the weight is taken with both hands by the handle and, after swinging back between the legs, with a continuous movement it is lifted above the head with straight arms (10 - 15 lifts).
    2. Push one weight 5 - 8 times with each hand.
    3. Lifting two weights on the chest (3 sets of 10 times). When performing the exercise, keep your back straight and bend as little as possible when swinging the weights back between your legs.

    After warming up, proceed to the main part. Below is one possible training option:

    1. Half push of two weights (performing the first phase of the push - acceleration) - 3 sets of 5-10 times.
    2. Double kettlebell push 5 sets (10% of maximum result, 20%, 30%, 25%, 15%).
    3. Walking with weights raised up (start with 20 seconds, adding 5 seconds each workout).
    4. Push one heavier weight - 3 sets of 5 times with each hand. The half push (see above) is also performed with heavier kettlebells.

    After this, if you have a barbell, it is appropriate to do exercises to develop leg strength (jumping, squats), arm strength (seated, lying, standing press, barbell push) and back muscles (deadlift, bending).

    There are a lot of articles and books written on how to develop strength with a barbell, so I won’t dwell on this part of the training. Plan it at your own discretion, special attention should be paid to those muscle groups that are “lagging behind”. If acceleration is poor, it means it’s the legs; if pushing out doesn’t work, then you need to “tighten up” your arms; if you don’t get to the chest, your back “lags behind.”

    It is best to finish the workout by walking through gymnastic equipment. These are four exercises:

    1. Push-ups on parallel bars.
    2. Lifting legs while hanging on a Swedish wall.
    3. Push-ups from the floor on your fingers.
    4. Pull-up on the bar.

    All exercises are performed 5 to 10 times without rest between them; over time, increase the number of repetitions to 15 times and perform them after each workout. By performing a walk, you will relieve tension from the spine, allowing you to work the muscles that were little used during training.

    Happy training!


    Don't know where to start? The result is not growing? Do you need to get ready for an important start? Need a kettlebell lifting trainer? That way: [email protected]

    The standing kettlebell chest press is one of the classic exercises for muscle development. shoulder girdle, along with barbell or dumbbell presses. The kettlebell itself differs in shape from the indicated equipment, which gives rise to certain differences in the technique of performing the exercise.

    Features of the exercise

    Unlike dumbbell or barbell presses, the kettlebell press works the muscles of almost the entire body. During the movement, the projectile rests on the forearm and tends to pull your arm to the side from a vertical position. This forces you to put in extra effort to stabilize.

    The standing kettlebell press creates the greatest load on deltoids. Especially the middle and front beam. Also involved top part trapezius and triceps. The stabilizing function is performed by the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs and back.

    Exercises with kettlebells develop muscle strength, coordination, and improve flexibility and joint mobility.

    Modern sports and online stores offer kettlebells of a wide variety of weights, not just the classic ones of 8, 16 and 32 kilograms. Thanks to this, not only strong and healthy men, but also even fragile girls can join kettlebell fitness.

    To start training, it is better to purchase a couple of light equipment, and as you develop the technique, you can always increase the weight.

    The one-arm kettlebell press should be performed with caution by people with spinal problems. Before starting classes, it is better to consult a doctor. This is true for any strength training, that is, kettlebell fitness in this regard is not considered more dangerous.

    Execution technique

    Starting position: standing, the weight is raised to the chest, it lies comfortably on the forearm with outside hands. At the same time, the wrist is turned with the back side towards the body and forms one straight line with the forearm. The brush does not bend either inward or outward. The muscles of the whole body are toned, the abs are tightened, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight.

    1. As you exhale, straighten your elbow joint and press the weight up. During the movement, you turn your hand slightly so that at the top point your wrist turns forward.
    2. As you exhale, return the projectile to its original position on your chest. Throughout the entire exercise, do not relax the muscles of the core and legs. Do the required number of repetitions.

    After completing the approach, change your hand and perform the exercise on the other side. It is possible to press two weights at once, it all depends on your level of physical fitness.

    Standing kettlebell presses can be combined with other exercises. These could be , etc. Essentially, you can make up your own complex training over the entire body, using only this type of projectile.

    Important points

    To ensure that your training brings only positive results, pay attention to a few simple recommendations:

    • Do not allow your wrist to bend or straighten while doing presses. Your wrist is in line with your forearm - this is a necessary condition for the safety of the ligaments and joint.
    • Keep your entire body tense as you move. There should be no relaxation in the legs, buttocks or body.
    • Don't be fanatic about choosing the weight of the weights. A machine that is too heavy will prevent you from performing the exercise correctly and create a risk of injury. The market offers a huge number of options for dumbbells - for any color and size. Remember that a 32 kg kettlebell press can be done by a trained athlete, but not by a beginner, previously strength sports not engaged.
    • Pay attention not only strength exercises, but also stretching. It will make the muscles and ligaments more elastic, the movements will become cleaner, and the technique will be much easier to master.
    • In this exercise, try to avoid jerking. Raise the projectile under control and lower it under control.

    Even if you have previously trained your shoulders with dumbbells or a barbell, adding kettlebell lifts to your program will create an unusual load on the muscles, thereby creating an impulse for their growth and increase in strength.

    Due to the prevalence of dumbbells and exercise machines, such sports equipment like a kettlebell you rarely see in the arsenal of modern athletes.

    Moreover, it is with its help that you can do exercises that cannot be performed with a barbell or dumbbells.

    Its compactness, grip and load distribution features make the kettlebell an indispensable item worthy of its place in sports equipment.

    This material will discuss one of the two main exercises (along with the jerk) of kettlebell lifting, the kettlebell snatch.

    The exercise is much more complex than the push, this is due to the fact that here the kettlebell makes one solid movement from the bottom to the top.

    In this case, there are no intermediate stages (holding on the chest in a jerk), therefore, the jerk requires good coordination of movements, coordinated work of all muscle groups and their timely involvement in each phase.

    What muscles work?

    It may seem that the work of the arms in the snatch is significant, but this is not at all the case; for the most part, only the forearms are used in the arms. The main muscles involved in the snatch are the muscles of the back and legs, especially the core.

    The entire muscular frame is connected to work in the snatch, and if we take into account that it should not be crudely mechanical, but coordinated and technical, then it turns out that along with their strength they also develop muscle coordination and dynamics.

    Particularly valuable is the load on the postural muscle layers, also known as deep skeletal muscles.

    This is not to say that the jerk “explodes them”, but when regular classes With this exercise and with progression in it, the growth of their power will not take long to come.

    Execution options

    • If the weight does not fly upward under the influence of the inertial force imparted during the lifting, but rises there by direct muscular effort, then this is a completely different exercise, called pulling.
    • Trained athletes complicate their task by making a jerk without engaging the leg muscles, using only the strength of their back. So, jerking a kettlebell while sitting on a chair does not allow you to use your legs at all.
    • You can jerk two weights at once, or do alternate jerks with each hand.


    Since the snatch is a complex exercise, its implementation is strictly divided into several phases: start, swing, lift, drop, fixation and lowering.


    Starting position: the weight is on the floor, standing slightly in front of you, equidistant from both legs. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders.


    You should sit down and take the weight in your hands. It is important to sit down and not just bend over, as this will allow you to more actively use your legs in the future.

    It is necessary that the free hand does not rest on anything, otherwise the balance of the body will be disrupted. Next, the weight is lifted off the floor by hand and immediately goes back with a pendulum (since it was initially in front).

    In this case, the body must accompany the kettlebell in movement, and in no way interfere with it. Beginners are very tempted to stop the movement of the weight back and begin the actual jerk, but it must be driven in this direction until the end. When the weight reaches the extreme rear point and, according to the law of the pendulum, begins to move forward, you need to give it additional energy with an explosive effort from the muscles of your legs and back.


    When the weight is in front of you, you need to straighten your legs and tilt your torso back, which will give the weight the proper force to move upward.

    After this, there is no point in making any efforts: if the disruptive energy when straightening the body was not enough, then the exercise will not be completed in any case, and trying to force it up will only increase the risk of injury.

    If the effort during the lift at the bottom point was sufficient, then the weight itself will “fly” to the top and it will be enough for you to accompany it with your hand and body.

    At the same time, you should not tightly cling to the weight with your hands - it is enough that it is held with the ends of your fingers (but do not relax your grip too much, otherwise the projectile will go into free flight)


    This is an optional phase, since not every type of jerk has it, but in a classic jerk you can’t do without it.

    When the weight is close enough to the top point, you need to bend under it and thus catch it.

    Without squatting, it is impossible to lift weights that are heavy for an athlete, and it also saves effort, which is especially important, given that the standards in kettlebell lifting are exceeded at times.

    The squat will also perform the function of absorbing the weight of the projectile, which significantly reduces the harmful load on the joints.

    Anyone who wants to learn the snatch should not ignore this phase.


    During the squat, you should start twisting the weight so that you can properly hold it at the top point. There are many ways to ensure this, and everyone is free to choose the one that best suits their anatomy.

    But remains unchanged main principle- taking care of fixing the weight in your hand should start early enough, and not just at the very end of the movement. It is very important to fully straighten your arm when completing the fixation.

    But you shouldn’t do this too early; if the kettlebell completes its movement on an already straightened arm, the elbow and shoulder joints and ligaments will suffer great damage.

    Even with the correct technique, the load on them in the fixation phase is very high, so it is worth paying attention to strengthening and stretching them.

    It is also necessary to stretch the carpal ligaments, since when holding the weight in the final phase they bend back. Standing with a kettlebell at arm's length, you need to lean forward a little to maintain your balance.


    There are two ways to lower the projectile. Either in one movement directly to the floor, or first to the chest in a position similar to a push, and then to the floor.

    At competitions, only the first option is acceptable, but if you are not a performing athlete, then the second option will be of great benefit for training purposes, because it is safer. But in any case, you don’t need to throw the weight.

    You always need to absorb its movement with your body, otherwise it’s easy to damage yourself with a rapidly flying downward weight.

    1. The technique should be practiced on a light projectile, but not so light that its weight is not felt at all. For men, the best option would be a pound weight (16 kg), for women - weighing about ten kilograms.
    2. Auxiliary exercises to increase results in the snatch (in the case of a beginner, to build a sufficient muscular frame in order to be able to perform this exercise at all) are exercises such as barbell deadlift, standing barbell press, kettlebell push, kettlebell clean.
    3. Although the exercise is called a snatch, no violent tearing efforts should be allowed in any phase. Movements should be sharp, but coordinated and clear, smooth in their own way.
    4. The free hand should be relaxed, and it should not be allowed to dangle in different directions or twitch. However, you should not forcefully hold it in one position. In short, it should not get tired, but at the same time it should not interfere with the body's work in the exercise.
    5. Depending on your endurance, the time of one jerk approach can range from 3 to 15 minutes.

    History and facts

    Equipment resembling weights was made in Ancient Greece and was used for training by Olympians.

    But with the advent of the Dark Ages, the cult of a healthy body disappeared and there was no mention of this projectile for a long time. In modern times, weights were used only as measures of weight in trade.

    By the 19th century, they began to be used again to develop the body, but there was no talk of serious sport: kettlebells were mainly used by circus performers who entertained the public.

    Only towards the end of the same century, exercises with kettlebells received official recognition, began to be actively included in athletes’ training programs and were a type of weightlifting.

    And in the middle of the last century, kettlebell lifting became an independent discipline. Thus, in the USSR in 1948, the first All-Union Strongman Competition was held.

    Although the rules of this competition were regulated rather vaguely, it was significant, because it significantly popularized kettlebell lifting and gave it light both as a professional discipline and as an amateur means of physical education.

    Other authors

    The push of two kettlebells is one of the basic exercises performed at kettlebell lifting competitions, so its correct execution is mandatory for all athletes involved in kettlebell lifting. Without the right technique, you will not be able to show a result that would be higher than that of any weightlifter who has been training for about a month. Kettlebells are a sport where technique and endurance decide everything, which should also be trained additionally.

    Any workout with weights (or any workout in general) power training) must start with . This simple activity will save your muscles, ligaments and joints from injuries that can be very painful. Weightlifters often experience back injuries and muscle tissue ruptures, so you should very carefully select your load and warm up your muscles and joints well.

    Performing a push of two weights begins with throwing them onto the chest. The first mistake a beginner makes is not gripping the kettlebell correctly, because of which they hit their hands during the push, and also fall down in the wrong place where they should go. Watch the video to see how to insert your hands correctly. The second subtlety of this exercise is the double squat, which is also not easy to master right away. The first one gives you a push and thanks to it you begin to lift the weights (the weights are pushed not with your hands, but with your legs), the second squat helps to further relieve the load from your arms.

    Also, do not forget to use a regular weightlifting belt, but you do not need to tighten it as much as you do during. The belt is needed, firstly, to protect the lower back from injury, and secondly, to reduce the load on the arms while holding weights on the chest. The athlete's elbows rest against the belt (which is specially adjusted) and with this you can keep the weights on your chest for much longer.

    The technique of performing the exercise in today's video is shown by Mikhail Komarov, Candidate of Masters in kettlebell lifting.

      When considering the basic exercises that provide the greatest benefits for CrossFit, do not forget about such equipment as kettlebells. Unlike other projectiles, kettlebell complexes affect not only muscle groups, but also on ligaments, tendons and bones. The best option for beginners is the kettlebell push. How to do it correctly? What is he developing? And does a professional athlete need it?

      General information

      The kettlebell push is a general name for a group of basic impulse-type exercises. It is rarely used in modern fitness due to the lack of suitable equipment in most gyms. Unlike others, the push is used not as a basis, but as an auxiliary exercise that helps strengthen the ligamentous apparatus. Another important feature is the powerful pumping of the heart. Since all the complexes are multi-repetitive, it perfectly works the heart muscle without increasing the peak heart rate to a critical point.

      Despite its high efficiency, the push has its drawbacks:

    1. Inability to scale. This is due to the fact that weights, unlike dumbbells, are always of a fixed size - 8, 16, 24, 32 kg.
    2. High risk of injury. Associated with the pulsed nature of the load.
    3. Complex exercise technique. Requires control not only of your hands, but also of your back.
    4. Therefore, at first, the size of the projectile is limited not by strength, but by the strength of the bones.

    Benefits of Kettlebell Push

    What does the kettlebell push develop? Contrary to the general misconception, this is not an isolating exercise (which is the standing dumbbell press or military press), but a basic one. Hence:

    1. It strengthens the ligamentous apparatus. This occurs due to the displaced center of gravity of the projectile.
    2. Affects the synthesis of testosterone in the body. Due to the fact that the load is divided not only into small muscle groups (triceps + deltoids), but also the muscles of the legs and back are used - the largest muscle groups in the body.
    3. Requires preheating. Like any basic exercise, it requires careful preparation, because, despite its apparent ease, lack of warming up will most likely lead to injury.
    4. Helps develop explosive strength. Due to the impulsive nature of proper technique, it works the strength of the legs and lateral triceps much more than the deltoids.
    5. Develops strength endurance. Due to the constant static load on the shoulder muscles and the multi-repetition style of pushing.
    6. Helps strengthen coordination endurance. Correct technique makes lifting easier by about 30-40%, so maintaining it is necessary to achieve high results, therefore, with constant training, the body begins to get used to the trajectory of the projectile.

    Variations of the exercise

    The kettlebell push is a general name for a different set of exercises:

    1. Kettlebell push with one hand in a short cycle. Perfect for beginners, because... has the simplest technique.
    2. Push weights with both hands. A sports basic variation, characterized by strict technique.
    3. Kettlebell overhead press. A non-impulse version of the classic exercise, it develops the deltoids better, and there is no strain on the legs and back.
    4. . A combination between the classic clean and jerk and the kettlebell press.
    5. . Involves raising and lowering the kettlebell to the floor on each rep.

    Each of these exercises has its own subtleties, is designed for athletes of different levels of training, and, most importantly, focuses on different muscle groups.

    Exercise technique

    How to do classic push kettlebells, and how does it differ from competitive ones? Not only by changing the technique, but also by the muscles involved. So, during training, the emphasis is shifted to the deltoids and triceps, but the correct competitive version primarily uses the legs. The technique of lifting a kettlebell in the jerk style is quite simple, but requires extreme attention to detail. First you need to decide on the weight of the projectile. This can be determined in two main ways:

    1. Clean muscle weight athlete Typically, the first weights with a total weight should be no less than a third of the athlete’s weight and no more than half. Those. For a person weighing 70 kilograms, both 16 and 24 kg weights are suitable. And for an athlete weighing over 90, you can safely start working with 32-kilogram weights.
    2. Indicators in the push-up and military press. The weight of the kettlebell should be 25-30% less than the working indicator. That is, if you work in the military press with weights of about 50 kg, then the weights should be no more than 16 (i.e., the total weight of the shells should not exceed 35 kg).

    How to properly push a kettlebell so as not to injure your back and arms:

    • Pick up the projectile by throwing it onto your shoulders.

    Important: the projectile should lie on the shoulders, not on the chest, and not rest on the side of the elbows.

    • Prepare for the pushing movement. To do this, you need to slightly bend your legs.
    • Sharply throw the weight up, creating maximum impulse movement through the muscles of the back and legs.
    • At the top point, fix the weight on your fully extended arm.
    • Lower the weight, lightly cushioning the knee joint.

    With breathing in the exercise, everything is simple: we exhale during the push, inhale between the pushes.

    Precautionary measures

    The short cycle push is considered a safe exercise, however, if the technique of performing the kettlebell push is violated, you can easily get a lower back injury. There are several points to pay attention to.

    Do not pick up heavier weights until you have been able to short-cycle the current apparatus at least 80 times. Why exactly 80? All due to the inability to scale loads in small steps. The difference in the weights of the equipment is half a pound (8 kg), and if you have not sufficiently prepared your body for the increase in load, you can temporarily replace the weights with dumbbells of intermediate weights (18-20 kg if you worked with pound weights).

    The second danger is not correct technique squat. Very often, athletes round their back, which creates additional stress on the spine and can lead to microdislocation of the lumbar region. For the same reason, lifting the weights to the starting position is carried out with an arched back.


    In order to understand how to increase the number of kettlebell pushes, you need to remember that results in any exercise are achieved by combining work with an exercise according to the program and auxiliary exercises.

    A classic combination is suitable as a program for developing strength endurance:

    1. Full cycle push of the kettlebell with both hands.
    2. Alternate kettlebell jerk with one hand.
    3. An attempt to lift a weight in failure mode (the weight of the weight must be greater than 1 RM).

    If this does not help, you should use additional auxiliary exercises:

    Most of the load is taken by the deltoids, which receive static load throughout the entire exercise. In second place are not the triceps at all, but the quadriceps, which help push the weight out, creating an impulse push. Separately, there are the abdominal muscles, which stabilize the body throughout the entire exercise.

    To summarize

    The two-handed kettlebell push is a basic exercise that came to CrossFit from kettlebell lifting. It perfectly develops the whole body without putting a separate load on the back muscles. With proper use and scaling of the load, you can strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, increase the strength of joints, and increase the strength of lagging muscle groups, especially deltoids. You should not chase the weights in this exercise, because... it is intended primarily to strengthen your ligaments and explosiveness, and violation of the technique due to its impulsive nature can lead to serious injury.

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