• Bodybuilding training program for advanced. A selection of comprehensive programs for advanced practitioners


    Do you know what the most common mistake beginners make? They look at photographs of famous bodybuilders and set their sights on an impossible task - to lose fat and gain muscle. Without realizing it, they find themselves in a vicious circle.

    10 steps to help you lose 4.5 kg of fat in 5 weeks

    Do you know what the most common mistake beginners make? They look at photographs of famous bodybuilders and set their sights on an impossible task - to lose fat and gain muscle. Without realizing it, they find themselves in a vicious circle. To build muscle, you need to eat more, and to lose weight, you need to eat less. There is no "golden" middle ground here. On an average calorie diet, you can’t really get either of these. The task seems insurmountable. If you eat a lot, you will add not only muscle, but also fat. If you eat little, you may lose weight, but you won’t see gigantic muscles.

    Beginners don’t even suspect that there are actually two tasks, not one. First you need to gain muscle mass, accepting the inevitable gain of fat from a rich diet. And only then fight for muscle “relief”.

    Go on a diet? This is another mistake! If you start eating less, your body will reduce its activity in anticipation of an energy shortage, and this will mean slowing down the “burning” of fat. Well, you lose a kilogram or two, and then what?

    In fact, the struggle for “relief” is a tricky thing. We are not going to retell to you the complex schemes for calculating caloric intake and energy consumption. We have already done all this for you. All you have to do is follow the program meticulously. By following simple and clear instructions, you make step-by-step changes to your diet, and then get a guaranteed result: in 5 weeks you will lose 4.5 kg of excess fat!

    STEP 1: Buy a mixer and protein powder concentrate.

    You get fat and can't build muscle just because your diet is a complete mess. Remember, first of all, you need to maintain the exact proportions between proteins, carbohydrates and fats in your diet. Here's the main rule: protein should account for 40 percent of all daily calories. Well, how can you follow this rule if you absorb protein uncontrollably - in the form of cutlets, hamburgers, sausages, cheeses, etc.? Try to calculate these same percentages here. Here's the solution: protein powder. You mix the daily amount of powder with water or skim milk in a mixer, pour the cocktail into a thermos and take the thermos with you - to school or work. The winnings are double. Firstly, you consume exactly the right amount of protein (no more, but no less). Secondly, the fat content of the diet automatically drops. The secret is that we get fats mainly from natural protein dishes. There is a lot of fat in natural meat, sausage, cheese, etc. In addition, meat becomes saturated with fat when frying and stewing. According to statistics, with a normal diet, we get up to 40 percent of all calories from fat. Do you know the amount of fat? No? No more than 15-20 percent! Subtract 40 percent of fat from your daily diet, and you will see that there are absurdly few calories left for protein and carbohydrates. Now do you understand why your muscles are not growing?

    Additional advantages: If you follow our “fat” calorie intake until the last day of your life, you will most likely never have a heart attack and maintain a steel-like erection for a long time. The heart is clear, but what does an erection have to do with it? If you eat more fat, then excess, undigested fats “clog” small capillaries, impairing blood flow, and with it the blood supply to the reproductive organ.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Replace meat meals with a protein shake every other day.
    • Week 2: Replace all natural protein with a protein shake.

    Approximate calorie loss: 7360. This figure turned out like this: a standard cutlet with potatoes (530 calories) was taken as a basis. You will replace it 32 times in 5 weeks with a protein shake (300 calories). The difference of 230 calories is multiplied by 32 and we get 7360 calories.

    STEP 2: Instead of soda, juice and beer, drink plain water

    For the average average person, up to a third of all daily calories come from beer, juices and sweet soft drinks! Up to a third! Moreover, we are talking about “empty” useless calories that do not work at all for growth muscle mass! Moreover, when the body receives this type of calories in excess, it blocks fat metabolism, i.e. refuses to “burn” fat. Really, why? There is always a simple and affordable source of energy at hand! Drink only water! Minimum 8 glasses a day!

    Additional advantages: “Burning” fat is accompanied by the collateral formation of toxins. When there are too many of them, the body stops fat metabolism so as not to be poisoned. Water flushes out toxins, and the body gives the go-ahead to continue eliminating fats.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Whenever you crave a soda, drink a glass of water.
    • Week 2: Same as week 1, but try replacing the water with the beer.
    • Week 3: Same as week 2, but replace fruit juices with water.

    Approximate calorie loss: 4740.

    We assume that in 5 weeks on this system you will replace water (0 calories), carbonated drinks like cola (one bottle, 140 calories) 13 times, beer (one bottle, 144 calories) 9 times, and juices (half-liter bag, 270 calories) 6 times.

    STEP 3: Remove all sauces, condiments and butter from the refrigerator.

    You don’t even suspect how many calories “slip” into your stomach unnoticed along with various sauces, seasonings, butter and the like! Moreover, all these calories are of “fat” origin. In addition, all standard store-bought sauces are filled with mineral preservatives. Simply put, salts. And this is the most harmful thing! Many of them stop muscle growth!

    Additional benefits: At the same time, cleanse your arteries a little of cholesterol, otherwise some people have them clogged like old water pipes.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Replace the usual sour cream in salads with vegetable oil at least 3 times.
    • Week 2: Continue in the same vein, but in addition, give up mayonnaise and ketchup 4 more times.
    • Week 3: Same as last week, plus avoid eating butter for at least three days.
    • Week 4: Drizzle all salads with two teaspoons of vegetable oil, completely eliminate mayonnaise, ketchup and butter from your diet.

    Approximate calorie loss: 4670. In 5 weeks, you will replace regular sour cream (2 tbsp, 138 calories) with vegetable oil (2 tsp, 30 calories) 15 times, do without mayonnaise (1 tbsp, 100 calories ) 18 times and without butter (1 tbsp, 100 calories) - 11 times.

    We do not urge you to remove all sauces from dishes using a hairdryer, but still persuade mommy to pour less of all kinds of dressings on her food so that it is leaner.

    STEP 4: If you only eat 5 times a day, add 2 more meals

    Just don’t rush to be indignant: “How? I, you know, try my best to lose fat in as soon as possible, and you’re suggesting that I eat more?” Yes, you don’t understand! We advise you to eat not more, but more often. You will have to break the same daily amount of calories into 6-7 meals. Frequent snacks activate the entire metabolism, including “burning” fat and muscle tissue growth... And this is exactly what you need.

    Additional benefits: Every time you “turn on” the digestion process, your body expends energy. This means that if you eat frequently, your daily calorie expenditure will increase. You don’t eat more, which means that the difference between calorie intake and calorie expenditure will increase. This means that the rate of fat burning will accelerate.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Add one more meal without increasing your daily calorie intake.
    • Week 2: Add a second additional meal, again staying within your daily allowance.
    • Week 3: Same as week 2.
    • Week 4: Same as week 2.
    • Week 5: Same as week 2.

    Approximate calorie loss: 4200. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to accurately calculate how many extra calories you will burn in 5 weeks of frequent meals. We are based on an average of 115 calories per day.

    STEP 5: Replace regular aerobic training with interval training

    Since you have accumulated overweight you definitely don’t have enough fat and your usual aerobic exercise. Therefore, in the next 5 weeks you will train according to the following program: 3 aerobic workouts per week using the interval method. Don't know what it is? Then contact your instructor. This is the newest and most effective type of aerobic training! With its help, you can “burn” many more calories without increasing the duration of your workouts.

    Additional benefits: Interval training is not as boring as regular aerobic exercise.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Start each workout with a 5-minute warm-up. Then work for 30 seconds at high intensity (85% of the maximum load level or even higher), after that - 2 minutes at low intensity (50-60%). Repeat this cycle 4 more times (there should be a total of 5). Finish with a 5-minute “cool down.” Equipment suitable treadmill, rowing machine or bicycle ergometer.
    • Week 2: Increase the intensity phases to 40 seconds.
    • Week 3: Increase the duration of intense phases to 50 seconds.
    • Week 4: Reduce the duration of intense phases to 35 seconds and do 6 cycles instead of 5.
    • Week 5: Increase the duration of intense phases to 45 seconds.

    Approximate calorie loss: 3980. This is assuming that you previously did 2 low-intensity aerobic workouts per week, and now do 3 intense intervals. And the difference in energy expenditure was obtained by comparing the metabolic rate in both cases.

    STEP 6: Replace a simple split with three complex workouts

    We've put together two 5-week programs (one for beginners, one for intermediate and advanced bodybuilders). They will help you maintain muscle mass while you desperately fight fat. This is why you need to focus on complex exercises. They “load” the muscles, excuse the pun, in a complex way. Well, the more muscles involved in the work, the more calories you burn. A high training pace increases the level of lactates in the blood, and this, in turn, stimulates the production of growth hormone. Well, it has one magical quality: it “freezes” muscle volumes.

    Superset-based workouts should be done 3 times a week on days free from interval training.

    Approximate calorie loss: 4100. This is assuming that you previously did traditional strength split training, and now you will do 3 “general” workouts, and even at an energetic pace.

    • The exercises are combined into combined sets. First, you do a set of one exercise and, without rest, a set of another.
    • You must perform the last repetition in the set to failure, but according to all the rules of technique.
    • The first number indicates the duration (in seconds) of the weight lowering phase. The second number is the time the weight is held at the end point of the amplitude. The third is the duration of the rise phase.
    • Between sets and exercises.

    Exercises for beginners:

    1a) “Push” squat press with a medicine ball

    1b) Pull-up

    2a) Deadlift

    2b) Push-ups

    3b) French press EZ-bars

    4a) Crunches on the ball

    4b) Back extensions.

    For intermediate and advanced levels:

    1a) “Push” squat press with a barbell

    1b) Pull-ups

    2a) Deadlift

    2b) Dumbbell press on the ball

    3a) Seated dumbbell curls

    3b) French press EZ-bar

    4a) Crunches on the ball

    4b) Back extensions

    If you lack certain vitamins and minerals, such as chromium, your weight loss process will slow down. As for glutamine, due to its anti-catabolic properties, it will help you maintain muscle mass in conditions of calorie deficit and interval training.

    Additional benefits: Glutamine, among other things, strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Take a multivitamin and mineral tablet once daily. Take 5 g of glutamine 3 times a day between meals.
    • Week 4: Same as week 1.
    • Week 5: Same as week 1.

    Approximate calorie loss: --. It’s impossible to even give approximate figures here. This measure is intended to support all your other efforts to combat excess fat, so specific calculations are inappropriate here.

    STEP 8: In the morning - “difficult” carbohydrates, in the evening - “light”

    Carbohydrates are absorbed better in the morning than in the evening. So in the morning it is better to plan the intake of such carbohydrates that are not so easy for the body to digest. We are talking about carbohydrates with a high content dietary fiber. This includes bread, rice, various cereals, potatoes... The fact is that the body converts undigested carbohydrates into fat. If the efficiency of digestion is high, there will naturally be fewer “extra” carbohydrates. For the evening, you should leave carbohydrates that are easily digested on their own - vegetables and fruits.

    Additional advantages: With this diet plan, you are guaranteed to get the required dose of plant fiber - 30-40 g per day. You could write a poem about the benefits of dietary fiber, but the main thing is that it helps you lose weight.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: “Move” all “complex” carbohydrates (bread, rice, oatmeal, potatoes) to the first half of the day. Leave salads and vegetables (boiled or steamed) for the evening.
    • Week 2: Same as week 1.
    • Week 3: Same as week 1.
    • Week 4: Same as week 1, but adjust your carb intake to step 10.
    • Week 5: Same as week 4.

    Approximate calorie loss: 700. Replacing pasta and potatoes in the evenings with salads and vegetable dishes saves at least 20 calories per day.

    STEP 9: Get your lifestyle in order

    If your lifestyle is not healthy, nothing like taking a multivitamin will help you. But what will really benefit you is a decisive rejection of mechanical means of transportation like cars and elevators and a transition to your own lower limbs, colloquially referred to as legs.

    Additional benefits: Healthy and sound sleep will have a beneficial effect on all aspects of your life, including your family life.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Sleep at least eight hours a night.
    • Week 2: Get plenty of sleep and take advantage of every opportunity to walk.
    • Week 3: Get enough sleep and walk more. And stop worrying about all this nonsense.
    • Week 4: Same as week 3.
    • Week 5: Same as week 3.

    Approximate calorie loss: 2460. Here again we have problems with calculations, although in any case the importance of this measure for burning excess calories cannot be overestimated. In just over an hour of brisk walking, about 500 calories are burned, so 2,460 calories in five weeks is far from the limit.

    STEP 10: In the last week, “rotate” carbohydrates like a pro

    High-level athletes use this “trick” when preparing for competitions. And you will use it on the final stretch of the eight-day distance. So, the first three days - a sharp reduction in carbohydrates, on the fourth - an equally sharp increase, and then the same thing the second time.

    What's the trick? Here's the thing. By limiting yourself in carbohydrates, you not only cut down on calories, but also lower the level of insulin in the blood. And when little insulin is released, the body begins to use up fat reserves. When you increase your carbohydrate intake again, you slow down the drop in thyroxine (thyroid hormone) levels caused by the “carbohydrate deficiency” of the previous days. In addition, psychologically, you are rewarding yourself for three days of abstinence.

    Additional benefits: In addition to the saved calories, this “rotation” diet is also good because it stimulates thermogenic processes in the body. This will allow you to lose some more fat, although this factor will not affect the total number of calories lost as much as others.

    Action plan:

    • Week 1: Don't change anything.
    • Week 2: Again, don't change anything.
    • Week 3: Again, don't change anything.
    • Week 4: On the last day of the week, cut your carbohydrate intake in half.
    • Week 5: For the first two days, continue to eat half as many carbohydrates as usual (in terms of calories). On the third day, “increase” your carbohydrate intake by 25% above the level at which it was before the “rotation”. (For example, if you previously ate 400 grams of carbohydrates per day, and in the previous three days only 200, then on the fourth day increase your consumption to 500 grams). Repeat the same cycle for the last four days of the program.

    Estimated Calorie Loss: 2875 If you eat a total of 2550 calories per day and 45% of your total calories come from carbohydrates, then half of that 45% would be almost 575 calories. Let's multiply this number by 5 (six times 50% less than the norm and two times 25% more than the norm) and we get almost 3000 calories of “saving”. Well, if you also take into account the thermogenic effect of “rotation” of carbohydrates, then you can get exactly 3000.

    Approximate total loss over five weeks: 35,000 calories!

    The arithmetic of fat loss.

    Since 450 grams of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories, it's easy to calculate that to lose 10 pounds of fat, you'd have to create a 35,000-calorie "deficit" over the next five weeks. According to our calculations, approximately 70% of the total “deficit” will be created by reducing calories consumed and 30% by increasing energy expenditure.

    We would, of course, like to distribute these percentages a little differently, say, 60 to 40 or even 50 to 50... But we proceeded from the fact that M&F readers are already training hard, so the reserve here is relatively small. Well, 30% is a very realistic figure that can be obtained if the training is made more intense. As for reducing caloric intake, there will be no failure. It is guaranteed by reducing the proportion of fat in the diet - from 40% to 15%.

    The Weider Training Principles are a set of training rules that have been developed over several decades. Some training principles have stood the test of time and are still relevant today, while other principles turned out to be less successful and were eliminated during use. In this regard, the following set of principles does not pretend to be absolute and represents only those principles that, from the author’s point of view, are relevant at a given time.


    Mental preparation.
    Bodybuilding is a sport for thinking people who know the basic principles of anatomy and physiology, diet and nutrition. Those involved in bodybuilding must have a specific goal, the achievement of which depends on ambition and endurance in overcoming all stages. You should set yourself a long-term goal—a year or several years—and a short-term goal—a few weeks or months. A clearly defined goal generates additional energy and enthusiasm. If, after a certain period, you were unable to achieve your goal, you should thoroughly analyze your training methods, change exercises, weights, etc. For a bodybuilder, each workout should become a certain stage in achieving the goal.

    Systematic training.
    Every workout from the planned cycle is important; not a single session should be missed without a special reason. You need to overcome your weakness, this develops your ambition and generates additional energy.

    You should choose a gym that will allow you to train well, with ventilation, the ability to shower after exercise, and a good atmosphere that leads to healthy competition during training and lifts the mood for a hard workout. Strength training in own home may have a negative impact on concentration, which is distracted by the alternative choice of doing one more set, or watching a movie on television. If you have to devote 30 minutes to the gym, then you will be more willing to put a little more effort into training.

    Warm up.
    Before strength training, warming up is very important. Warm-up is performed in order to “tune in” mentally and physically. You must prepare your body for increased activity. It is necessary to perform several bends, turns, circular movements of the arms, squats without weight, push-ups, as well as a series of stretching exercises. You should also warm up the muscle groups you are going to train. To warm up these muscles, you can use light weights to increase blood flow to the muscles. People who don't warm up put themselves at risk of muscle tears and the accompanying pain that can lead to the desire to stop further training. Therefore, warm-up should be treated as a very important, integral part of the workout.

    Training partner.
    When implementing a tough training program, the enthusiasm of your training partner is very helpful. This should be a person whom you respect and who has approximately the same level of preparedness as you. A good partner will encourage you to lift more weight and perform more reps per series. Such training will be more varied, as it is performed in an atmosphere of competition.

    Choice of exercises.
    Complexes of famous athletes should never be copied; exercises should be selected depending on personal capabilities and needs. Well-trained bodybuilders use many different exercises, often performed in the form of super series, but even they, in the initial stages of training, trained only the main muscle groups. The basic principle that applies when selecting exercises is that muscle mass should be simple exercises with heavy weights, for relief - more complex exercises with less weight.

    Series and repetitions.
    The number of series and repetitions depends on the individual capabilities and degree of preparedness of the athlete. The general mandatory principle is that fewer repetitions and series are used for muscle mass, and more for relief.

    These principles are intended for people in their first year of training.

    Progressive muscle overload.
    To increase muscle mass and strength, you need to gradually increase the load on the muscles, overload them, constantly increasing the weights. To increase strength, a systematic progression of weights (increasing weights) is necessary; to increase mass, not only a progression of weights, but also a progression of the number of series and workouts. The principle of constant muscle overload is present in almost all sports disciplines. Obviously, the progression of weights depends on the capabilities and preparedness of the athlete. You should not quickly increase the weights and intensity of your workout.

    Muscle isolation.
    In each exercise, the muscles can work differently, depending on the position of the body. In order to consciously build and develop different muscle groups, which is the goal of bodybuilding, one should strive to isolate the muscles being trained as much as possible through the use of appropriate exercises and positions.

    Change of loads.
    Our body quickly gets used to constant weights and exercises, so we should always strive to diversify training loads by changing exercise programs, weights, series, body positions - thus avoiding adaptation to a monotonous load.

    A priority.
    The principle of priority is to train muscles that are weaker or lagging in development first. The principle is based on the fact that every athlete, at the beginning of training, has the greatest energy and strength, and therefore can train most intensely.

    These principles can be used by bodybuilders who have been training for at least one year and have the appropriate practical skills.

    Pyramid system.
    Muscle fibers are strengthened and thickened through maximum contraction when lifting heavy weights. The series should start with lighter weights and more repetitions - this will protect you from injury and prepare your body for working with heavy weights.

    SPLIT – division of training.
    After a certain period of training, you can increase the intensity by dividing all body exercises into two parts (upper and lower) and train 4-5 times a week. Using the principle of separation, you can increase the number of series for individual muscle groups, as well as increase the intensity of the workout.

    Super series.
    This principle consists of using two exercises for antagonist muscles (for example, biceps and triceps) without rest breaks; such super series not only increase the intensity of the workout, but also lead to the fastest recovery of the trained muscles.

    Combined series.
    Combined series are performed without rest breaks for one muscle group. For example, two different exercises are used for one muscle group: standing barbell curl and seated dumbbell curl - both exercises “attack” the biceps from different sides.

    Constant muscle tension.
    The principle is to constantly keep the muscle being trained under tension during the exercise, both in the lifting and lowering phases. You should constantly monitor the tension of the muscles involved in the exercise.

    Cyclical training.
    The annual cycle should be divided into periods during which attention is alternately focused on the development of strength and mass, proportions and relief. This method allows you to avoid monotonous training, the use of heavy weights throughout the year and gives the body time to recover.


    Forced repetitions.
    This principle is not used as an aid to reduce stress on the muscles being trained, but as a way to increase the intensity of the workout. It consists of the following: when you perform an exercise and are no longer able to lift the weight on your own, a training partner helps you perform an additional 2-3 repetitions.

    The principle is to perform three different exercises on any muscle group without rest, which significantly increases the intensity of the workout. Exercises should be chosen to “attack” the muscle from different angles. Using this method requires good preliminary preparation.

    Giant series.
    The principle is to perform 4-6 different exercises for one, usually large, muscle group. All exercises are performed without breaks for rest - time is provided only to move from one position to another. This principle is used mainly in the pre-competition period for the final formation of muscles, giving them relief and density. This applies to difficult-to-develop muscles such as calves, mid-chest, and abdomen.

    Performing barbell knee extensions first and then barbell squats will result in complex fatigue of the quadriceps and less use of the sciatic muscles in the barbell squat.

    Upper muscle tension.
    The principle of upper tension is applied at the moment of maximum muscle contraction. For example, when closing your arms in the upper position when performing standing barbell curls, the tension decreases at the top of the movement, so you need to lean forward a little to maintain the maximum contraction of the biceps for another 2-3 seconds. Using this principle leads to the development of “round” biceps.

    Negative repetitions.
    The principle is to perform only the yielding portion of the repetition (eccentric work). It was found that in the overcoming phase, only about 36% of the muscle fibers are actively activated, and during controlled lowering of the weight (eccentric work), over 70% of the muscle fibers can be activated. The number of fibers involved in the work doubles. It is clear that the application of this principle has a positive effect on increasing muscle mass. The application of this principle allows you to use much larger weights than during normal training - approximately 40-70%. Only the yielding phase of the movement is performed, for example, you only lower the barbell in a controlled manner in the bench press, and your training partners help you lift the apparatus.


    The principle is that when you are no longer able to perform further repetitions in a pure manner, you use body rocking to perform additional repetitions. The application of this principle is less desirable - it is better to use forced repetitions.

    Burn (or half reps).
    3 to 6 partial repetitions (for example, without full extension or full flexion of the arms) at the end of the set lead to additional accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which leads to a burning sensation in them (as a result of a high concentration of lactic acid). This leads to additional breakdown of structural proteins and, as a result, an additional increase in muscle mass.

    Nested series.
    This refers mainly to series on small muscle groups, such as calves, abdomen, forearms. Nested series are performed in between series for large muscle groups, such as legs, chest, back.

    Stepping (or striptease).
    It consists of the fact that after performing a certain number of repetitions, two partners remove part of the weight from the barbell, and the trainee continues to further perform the exercise. This is a kind of stretching of the series, forcing the muscles to work more intensely.

    Double split.
    The double split system consists of using two workouts per day on two different parts of the body. As a result of this separation, all parts of the body can be loaded more intensely. This system is used only by the most trained bodybuilders, and usually 2-4 weeks before the competition.

    Triple split.
    Consists of three workouts per day (morning, afternoon and evening), but is used only by a very small number of bodybuilders and for a very short period.

    Instinctive training.
    Every experienced bodybuilder knows better which exercises and weights are most optimal for his body. Remembering that each body reacts slightly differently to stress, you should always monitor your reaction and select principles and exercises that, during a given training period, have the greatest impact on muscle development. There is no need to force yourself to complete the planned number of series or repetitions. If you don't feel well one day, train less intensely and for less duration.

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    Have you already achieved good results in fitness and want to consolidate your success? Then you need to try complex training for advanced that will completely transform your figure in just 2-3 months.

    The main feature of comprehensive programs is that you do not need to combine classes and create your own fitness plan. They offer ready-made training schedules. The classes themselves are varied, which means you won’t train from the same video day after day. In addition, such complexes involve comprehensive work on the quality of the body, so their effectiveness is much higher.

    If you want to study at home on your own, then check out:

    Comprehensive programs for advanced

    1. Shaun T - Insanity

    The Insanity course with Shaun T was a real breakthrough in the field of home fitness. The ultra-intensive program will help you transform your body and improve your endurance in fantastic ways. The training complex is designed for two months, during which you will experience a truly crazy load. Hard plyometrics and aggressive interval cardio: Sean believes that this is the only way you can overcome yourself and reach a new physical level. You don't need any additional equipment to practice, which is a big advantage of the video program. You will only train with your own body weight.

    2. Shaun T - Insanity Max 30

    The long-awaited continuation of the acclaimed program came out 5 years later. Sean has improved his workouts by adding intensity, but reducing the duration of the sessions to 30 minutes (in the first part, the videos lasted 40-50 minutes). In less time Even more intense work awaits you than before. Many exercises and combinations are similar to the first part, but there are also interesting new items. The program is also designed for 2 months. Despite the popularity of Max 30, many still prefer the first Insanity, considering it the standard for advanced training.

    3. Jillian Michaels - BodyShred

    Jillian Michaels is probably a familiar face to every home fitness enthusiast. She has a lot of video training for beginners and people with intermediate training. However, her latest BodyShred complex is designed for a truly advanced audience. The two-month program includes effective 30-minute full body workout. Twice a week you will perform purely aerobic exercise, four times a week interval functional training for different muscle groups. This approach will allow you to burn fat as much as possible and tighten problem areas.

    4. Chalene Johnson - ChaLEAN Extreme

    Another advanced workout is offered by Shalin Johnson. It is based on the principle: “By building muscles, you speed up your metabolism and lose weight.” This is real strength program , which will make your body sculpted and elastic. A 90-day complex consisting of 15 video training awaits you. The course is built on the following principle: 3 times a week you perform power training, 2 times a week - aerobic strength training. For training you will need a set of dumbbells of different weights, an expander and preferably an elastic band.

    This program is called the “female version of Insanity,” although if you look closely they don’t have much in common. Firstly, in addition to cardio interval training, Michelle also uses strength exercises for the whole body. This will help you not only burn fat, but also strengthen muscles. Secondly, the trainer offers more intricate combinations and ligaments that allow you to use maximum muscle groups. Video workouts last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, during which you will reach a peak intensity and slow down again. The program lasts two months; for training you will need dumbbells and an expander.

    6. Autumn Calabres - 21 Day Fix Extreme

    Fix Extreme is another advanced workout routine from Beachbody, the company behind Insanity. This time the coach was a girl, but this did not prevent the program from gaining the status of being very intensive. The fitness course is very good due to its diversity: there will be and plyometrics, and aerobics, and power load, and Pilates, and yoga. For a week, you'll get a new 30-minute workout every day. The program is designed for 21 days, you will need dumbbells, as well as an expander for individual videos. Fix Extreme can be called one of the most balanced complexes among home video programs.

    Are you wondering if you can cope with such a high load? Try it! Sometimes, in order to achieve good results, it is necessary get out of your comfort zone and take up advanced fitness training.

    Hello, friends. Today I want to tell you what microperiodization of training is and how it works. The question is very interesting, so I want to analyze it in detail and give some practical recommendations.

    I would like to say right away that beginners DO NOT NEED this thing! They are not yet working with weights that are as close to potentially possible and are training far from their maximum strength. It is difficult to overtrain the body with such loads. But for athletes who have already reached an average level, this technique will be simply necessary.

    I can advise beginners to start with these programs:

    Why is periodization needed?

    First, I would like to note why periodization of training is generally necessary, and why it must be applied at a certain stage.

    It is needed for several reasons:

    1. Avoid overtraining.
    2. Break through the “weight plateau”.
    3. Hypertrophy of sarcoplasm.

    Things are very important for a person who does not want to stop there and wants to squeeze the maximum out of his body.

    To avoid overtraining At a certain stage, you need to start alternating light and hard workouts, because... It is impossible to constantly train to the limit of your capabilities and regularly progress linearly. The body, otherwise, will most likely fail, and this, as you understand, will significantly slow down progress.

    Break through the “weight plateau” necessary if you want to make more progress because... THERE IS NO POINT FOR MUSCLES TO INCREASE IF THE LOAD DOES NOT INCREASE! When your weight on the bar is not growing and your training volume has stagnated, then significant progress is out of the question.

    Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, what is this terrible thing? Nothing complicated, friends. Our muscles are made up of different structures. The very structures that we are persistently trying to grow are MYOFIBRILLS! Thin threads that fill every muscle in our body.

    The swelling of the muscle cells that are located in these myofibrils is called MYOFIBRILL HYPERTROPHY (myofibrillar hypertrophy) or “bloating” of the cells.

    But myofibrils are not the only structures that can grow in our muscles.

    None of this is difficult, friends. There is LIQUID around the myofibrils, which is called SARCOPLASMA! In fact, SARCOPLASMA is just WATER, with a certain amount of other substances dissolved in it (glycogen, ATP, creatine phosphate, fatty acids, amino acids, etc.)

    This whole thing MYOFIBRILLS (fibers) + SARCOPLASMA (water) lies in the MUSCULAR FASCIA!

    Muscular fascia– this is the connective tissue membrane, the so-called. A SAC that is filled with myofibrils and sarcoplasm.

    So, THE VOLUME OF SARCOPLASMA IS ALSO CAPABLE OF INCREASING! An increase in the volume of sarcoplasm is called SARCOPLASMIC HYPERTROPHY (hypertrophy of sarcoplasm)!

    The problem is that training aimed at sarcoplasmic hypertrophy should be of a slightly different nature, not usual for us. Lighter. But due to this, recovery after these workouts will be faster. Therefore, you will have to train more often.

    Here is an example of recovery and training of various muscle functions:

    This is an important point. Let's be brief again.

    • Our muscles consist of: MYOFIBRILLS + SARCOPLASMA, which are located in the BAG - MUSCULAR FASCIA. There are other structures, but for us now the important ones are those that MOST influence muscle growth.
    • Both myofibrils and sarcoplasm are susceptible to hypertrophy! Fascia, by the way, is also capable of stretching, but this will be discussed in a separate article, so .

    I think that from all of the above it is worth noting that periodization of loads is NECESSARY after overcoming a certain stage of training. With proper training, approximately in one year.

    Just recently there was no such concept at all. Bodybuilders have always trained hard and did not even think that alternating the nature of the loads could give them greater progress.

    – this is a stepwise cycling of the focus, intensity and volume of training to achieve maximum strength and mass.

    I think it’s clear that in order to develop maximum muscle growth at a certain stage (after 1-1.5 years of training) you need to train ALL MUSCLE STRUCTURES.

    Those. there should be an increase (hypertrophy) of both myofibrils and sarcoplasm. The whole is always greater than the part.

    For this purpose, periodization of loads using training cycles is used.

    Let's understand a little about training cycles.


    1. Macrocycle.
    2. Mesocycle.
    3. Microcycle.

    A MACRO CYCLE, as a rule, in bodybuilding consists of three phases:

    1. Strength training(2-4 weeks).
    2. Hypertrophy, "work for the masses"(8-12 weeks).
    3. Drying(8-10 weeks).

    Each of these phases is called a MESO CYCLE (strength, mass gain, drying) and lasts differently. The weeks that make up mesocycles are divided into MICROCYCLES.

    This macrocycle is “classical” due to its consistent change in volume and intensity of each phase. Those. as it moves from the power mesocycle to drying.

    The main thing in bodybuilding is MUSCLE MASS AND BODY AESTHETICS. Strength plays an auxiliary function. That is why the classical macrocycle is built as I showed above.

    It begins with the strength training mesocycle (2-4 weeks), then comes the longest and most important mesocycle of muscle gain (8-12 weeks), and then comes the cutting mesocycle, during which we try to burn as much fat as possible and maintain as much fat as possible. as many muscles as possible.

    This is the so-called LINEAR PERIODIZATION of training. It is quite good, but its disadvantage is that we develop only ONE biomechanical quality to the detriment of another quality.

    Those. During the strength mesocycle we lose endurance, and during high volume training we begin to lose strength. To all this we must add that during any linear mesocycle we can train only one type of muscle fiber. Here about the different types of muscle fibers.

    It is precisely because of these shortcomings that it will be very preferable to use MICROPERIODIZATION within a weekly microcycle.

    Weekly microperiodization of loads in bodybuilding

    To develop several or all muscle structures it is necessary to use microperiodization. Large loads should alternate with small and medium ones.

    There are a LOT of options, but I will tell you about the ones I used myself. I liked the effect and the feeling too.

    We will need to give different loads for each muscle group in each workout. I'll give an example of several routines, starting with a person who will be using microperiodization for the first time, to someone who wants to increase the intensity.

    Microperiodization for a beginner

    So, first I’ll tell you about the simplest complex. For beginners who have already trained for about a year in the gym and have stagnated in their results, this will be just the thing.

    Firstly, it must be said that there will be only three workouts per week in two variations A and B, which will alternate within the week, i.e. the whole thing will look like this:

    As you can see, at first in the first week there will be two workouts A and only one B, but in the second week it’s exactly the opposite.

    This point is not difficult, I think it’s understandable.

    Also, an important point of this scheme is that the load in each workout is DIFFERENT!

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