• Exercises to increase hitting speed. Exercises to train punching technique


    Dec 02, 2015

    Today we will talk about how to improve your reaction, stop missing blows to the head and achieve an inhuman reaction, at the level of animal instincts.


    Let's first look at what a reaction is and what types of reactions there are. A response is a generally fixed response to a sensory stimulus. Those. something happened and we somehow reacted to it. So what types of reactions are there:
    1. sensorimotor;
    2. simple motor (chain reflex);
    3. affective.
    And so we see that reactions are basically of three types. I will not delve into human physiology, but will simply note that we are specifically interested in the development of the first point, namely the “sensorimotor reaction” - with our eyes we see that some object is flying at us, for example an enemy’s fist, and we react to it in a timely manner and take action some kind of action, be it a dodge, a dive, leaving the line of attack, or simply breaking the distance. This is exactly what we will be working on today.
    Each person has a different level of reaction development, some have inclinations from birth, passed on by inheritance, some have been involved in martial arts since childhood, and some are generally bad at it. But here I want to say only one thing: you can develop any skill in yourself, and reaction is no exception.
    An example of a well-developed reaction is such famous athletes as Muhammad Ali, Roy Jones, Andersen “Spider” Silva, Floyd Mayweather. In the recordings of fights with these guys, you can watch how they deftly and in time manage to remove their heads and the opponents’ blows do not reach their goal.
    You are probably already wondering, how can one develop such an inhuman reaction?! The only answer here is that you need to train. Yes, yes, paradoxically, but it is to train and train again. And now we'll just move on to the exercise section.


    In this section we will look at some really effective exercises that will help solve our problem. Let's start with simple ones and move on to more complex and effective ones.

    FIRST EXERCISE “Throwing a ball at a wall”

    If you are really bad with reaction and coordination, then I advise you to start with the simplest exercise - throwing a tennis ball at the wall

    What you need: We will need a tennis ball, a wall and the desire to become better.
    1. We begin the exercises by throwing the ball at the wall and catching it with the same hand with which we threw it. We start with a comfortable hand. We work like this for about 10 minutes.
    2. Then we switch to the other hand and throw and catch with it for about 10 minutes.
    3. Next, our task becomes a little more complicated, we throw with one, catch with the other one we caught, throw again and catch again with the other.
    This is not a difficult exercise, but I recommend it quite effective for beginners.
    - general coordination;
    -interaction between the brain and limbs;
    - tracking a moving object.

    SECOND EXERCISE “Pendulum with a bottle”

    Many of you have seen videos of how Mike Tyson trained in his youth; perhaps you noticed that he had a bag of sand suspended from the ceiling or some other object. So Mike practiced slopes with this bag - this is an extremely effective exercise.

    What you need: Not everyone has sandbags, especially the ones Tyson used. But everyone has a 0.5l plastic bottle. and rope or thick strong thread. We take this bottle, fill half of it with water, close it and hang it from a horizontal bar or something else that you have to hang it from so that the bottle can swing in any direction. If you don’t have anything, then hang it from the chandelier. Believe me, any chandelier will withstand 250 grams.

    1. Having hung the bottle, we stand in front of it, at a distance of about 20 cm, push it forward so that it swings strongly and flies back at you. When the bottle flies towards your face, we duck to the side. We wait until the bottle comes back forward and flies towards your face again, and we dodge again. We work like this for 5-10 minutes
    2. The next task is when you will counterattack an imaginary enemy while dodging, say with a side blow to the body. In this way we continue to work for 5-10 minutes
    3. Advanced level, you begin to dodge not only a bottle flying in the face, but also the back of the head, and at the same time manage to deliver combinations of blows, like shadowboxing. 3-4 hits is already considered good. We work like this for 2 rounds of 3 minutes.
    This exercise is simple at first glance, but when you reach the “3rd level” it becomes interesting and not so simple. Here you need to be collected and attentive.
    -Due to the fact that you do side bends, you strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles, which is very important, since not everyone is able to do a sharp side bend and the point here is not only a bad reaction, but the fact that the abdominal muscles are not prepared for sudden movements, as they are not natural in everyday life;
    -develop attentiveness, as you watch the object from which you need to avoid;
    -get used to making inclines;
    — develop a sense of distance. By the way, an important note is that you need to avoid an opponent’s blow at the last moment, so that he ends up in an uncomfortable position with his arm outstretched, for example, and you, having dodged at this time, counterattacked him. You can train this just with the help of a bottle.

    THIRD EXERCISE “Muhammad Ali Method”

    The first two exercises were preparatory to this exercise. This exercise is one of the most effective exercises. The greatest boxer Muhammad Ali used it as a child.

    What you need: here we need a partner to practice the exercises. Unfortunately, there is no way to do without it. But I think that everyone can ask fellow trainees, a friend or even a girlfriend to help in this difficult, but extremely useful activity - developing a reaction.
    We will also need 3-4 small balls (Muhammad Ali used stones). You can take tennis balls or any others that you have, but the size should preferably not be large.

    Your partner takes the balls. And you stand against the wall. Your partner throws balls at you, not just anywhere, but in your face. And you evade, shorten yourself from them. The level of difficulty here is how hard your partner throws the balls at you and the distance at which he is from you. Accordingly, the closer and harder he throws, the more difficult it is.

    What develops:
    - attentiveness;
    — speed of perception of information and response to it;
    — tracking a moving object.
    — sharpness of movements in terms of slopes and dives.

    FOURTH EXERCISE “Exercises with the FIGHT BALL simulator”

    An extremely effective exercise with a simulator, since while working with it you take a comprehensive approach to solving several problems at once - this is training in reaction, coordination, sense of distance and accuracy of strikes. This is one of the training methods for Soviet boxers. I think everyone remembers what a strong boxing school there was in the Soviet Union.

    What you need: for training we will need a FIGHT BALL simulator.

    So we take the exercise machine, adjust the elastic band in the exercise machine so that the ball is at the height of your navel. For beginners, this will be the most optimal level (in theory, the shorter the elastic band, the more difficult it will be to train).
    1. We push the ball away from ourselves with our hand and strike it lightly with our fist. The ball flies down or to the side from you, depending on how you hit it (you need to try to hit the center of the ball so that the ball flies in a straight line) and flies back to you, while the ball flies back to your face, you must have time hit him again. And so we strike constantly so that the ball does not have time to reach your face. For beginners, I advise you to not hit hard and aim your blows downwards. We work at this pace for 10-20 minutes every day until it starts to work out well.
    2. Now we put the machine back on and start working on it the same way as before, only now we add the force of the blows and try to hit not downwards, but in front of us. The essence of this task is that the ball does not fall down, but constantly flies at eye level.
    You can practice both direct and side strikes. You can work with one hand, left or right. So, 2 of them take turns. The only limitations are your imagination. Everyone can practice their own combinations. The only question is how well it will turn out.
    We perform the exercise for 10-20 minutes a day until it starts to work out well.
    3. We do everything in the same way as in the second point, only this time we add protection. After each blow, we try to have time to return our hands to the chin. It is very important! It is necessary to develop the habit of holding your hands to your head and protecting your head if something happens, and covering your body with your elbows. . We perform the exercise for 10-20 minutes a day until it starts to work out well.
    4. Everything is similar to the third point, but now we add movement to all this. You try to walk, move around the hall or room. You work in a shuttle (jumping in a fighting stance from toe to toe, back to front) and at the same time try to constantly hit the ball, not lower it down and have time to return your hands. We perform the exercise for 10-20 minutes a day until it starts to work out well.
    5. Well, the most interesting task is that you do everything the same as in the fourth point, but now we focus our attention not on the ball we are hitting, but on some object. If you are in the gym, you can look at your partners who are working out with you; if you are at home, you can turn on some video or film and try to follow the events on the screen. This will give you the development of peripheral vision, plus it will further improve your attentiveness.

    What develops:
    -improving the speed of reaction to moving targets;
    -improving the overall coordination of movements of the shoulder girdle and coordination in space;
    — increasing the body’s endurance in the process of mindfulness training;
    — improving the skills of operational orientation and information perception;
    -improving the accuracy of hand strikes on a moving target;
    — improved sense of distance and eye as a result of working on a moving target.

    So we looked at four effective exercises that will 100% help you:
    - significantly improve your reaction;
    -stop missing blows to the head;
    - better to dodge, dodge;
    -be more careful
    - be more collected and coordinated;
    -hit more accurately;
    - feel your body better;
    - notice more what is happening around you;
    - and simply be useful in everyday life.

    Naturally, this is not a complete list of everything that can be used and how to train a reaction, but these are really some of the best and simplest.

    If you are involved in any kind of martial arts or just want to stand up for yourself and your loved ones in a street fight, then a lightning-fast and strong blow is simply necessary for you. Some people are given such a blow by nature, if you are not one of them, then you need to increase the strength and speed of your blow. The following effective exercises and valuable tips for increasing strength and speed will help you with this.

    As you know, the force of a blow is measured in kilograms; a blow with a force of 250 kg is enough to discourage an opponent from fighting, but this will not be enough to knock him down. But for us, the greater the impact force, the more profitable it is. What is needed to increase impact power? To begin with, you need to hit correctly; when hitting, it is necessary that not only the arm is in motion, but also the body and legs. The body must be rotated in the direction of impact. Also the legs, when hitting you need to take a small step forward, if you hit with your left hand, then it should be the left foot, and if you hit with the right, then the right foot. It should be noted that these steps are obtained if only single strikes are performed, but if it is a combination of strikes, then you simply will not have time to complete the steps. Don't forget about the stand. The first thing a boxer is taught is the correct stance. And, as you know, boxers have the strongest punch. And so, to begin with, it should be said that the stance is the most convenient position for a boxer, which he needs to perform any action for attack or, conversely, for defense. The stance should provide a good overview and at the same time be a barrier for the enemy to perform any actions. The left-side rack meets all the requirements.

    It is best to start learning the stance near the mirror, at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. One of the best ways to increase your punching power is shadowboxing. For this you need dumbbells of 3.2.1 kg.

    To start, take 3 kg dumbbells. Apply them about 20 times. Then take 2 kg dumbbells, also 20 strokes, then 1 kg. After everything, we strike 20 times without dumbbells, you will feel that your hands have become weak - this is normal.
    Push-ups are also a good way to increase your impact. But not just push-ups, but push-ups with fists or clapping.

    The same pull-ups or dips on the uneven bars help a lot. To increase the force of the blow, swimming also helps; during swimming, all muscles are strengthened. But for us the main style is the crawl.

    Another feature of a strong blow is that it is necessary to hit as if through the target, there is no need to stop the movement of the hand after the blow, on the contrary, the movement must be continued. This makes the blow stronger and more repulsive to the enemy. With such a blow, the percentage of the opponent losing balance and falling is greater than with a whip blow. The way the fist is clenched is also of great importance. It is necessary to start clenching your fist from the first phalanges of the fingers, so that there is less empty space between the fingers and the phalanges of the fingers.

    And to increase the speed of the strike, the same shadow boxing will help, only at speed. It is necessary to perform a series of blows or the same blow several times, but at high speed for 5-10 minutes. You can also purchase special hand weights or sew them yourself. They are shaped like gloves, but with pockets containing metal plates. The number of plates can be adjusted, removed or added, depending on the physical condition. There is also a problem that your hands begin to hurt from hitting the punching bag. So that you do not feel pain during a blow, you need to make the skin rougher and the bones of the hand to get used to the blows. To do this, you need to do the following, take an ordinary stack and attach it to the wall. Every day, for 15-20 minutes, perform a series of strokes, and then tear out several pages from the stack. This is how your hands will be “hardened”.

    Train hard and you will definitely succeed. Good luck and success.
    P.S. Fox :)

    Sparring in Thai boxing is a complex coordination and highly intense process that requires the athlete to have well-developed speed-strength indicators and a level of endurance.

    In this article we will focus on such physical quality as speed, which in Muay Thai is expressed in various forms:
    - speed of single and serial strikes,
    - speed of movement,
    - speed of performing protective actions,
    - speed of perception of the situation and decision-making to implement response actions - speed of reaction.

    The mechanics of high-speed movements and reactions are based on the psycho-physiological mechanism of neuromuscular processes. The bottom line is that our brain perceives visually or tactile information from the surrounding space, processes it and sends a signal to action to the muscles. People will have different innate rates of these processes, but they will undergo targeted training.

    In addition to purely physiological principles, a fighter’s speed depends on such indicators as:
    - ability to relax muscles,
    - level of volitional effort,
    - joint mobility,
    - level of technical execution of strikes and movements in general.

    All speed indicators characteristic of a Muay Thai fighter require targeted training and separate study. This means that it is important to pay special attention to the development of single and serial strikes, movements and reaction speed. Only then will you be able to develop all the speed skills necessary for a fighter to be successful in competition.

    Training exercises aimed at developing speed can be divided into the following blocks according to the type of speed skill:

    Practicing the speed of single strikes,

    Working out the speed of performing defensive reactions,

    Working out the speed of movement,

    Training the speed of punch combinations.

    In addition to the speed of movements in Muay Thai, reaction speed plays a big and perhaps even greater role - i.e. the speed of the body's response to changing environmental conditions.

    A reaction can be defined as a response to a stimulus or factor.

    Among the types of reactions, a sensorimotor reaction is distinguished.

    It is based on the process of the brain’s perception of external influences and the motor response to it. Example from Muay Thai will be very simple: we see the enemy’s blow approaching us - we perceive the external influence, and we dodge this blow - we perform a motor, motor reaction.

    To get an idea of ​​what we're talking about, watch the fights of boxers such as Muhammad Ali, Roy Jones and Floyd Mayweather. They very clearly demonstrate their ability to evade opponents' attacks using various dodges.

    A subtype of this type of reaction is simple and complex reactions.

    A simple one involves a pre-prepared response to a sudden action by an opponent. This reaction is illustrated by training work aimed at practicing specific counter actions.

    Complex reactions occur in combat, when the athlete is faced with the task of reacting to the opponent’s actions by quickly carrying out the following processes: assess the distance to the opponent, what kind of blow and at what level he delivers, his approximate speed, and select from his arsenal the necessary technical action that will effective in a given sparring situation.

    An athlete’s skill and experience is revealed in his ability to quickly assess the situation, the enemy’s tactical plan and respond successfully.

    How to build speed training

    Exercises to develop speed are best performed at the beginning of training, while you are in optimal condition. It is important to select the number of approaches and duration so as not to provoke severe fatigue. Since the work is not aimed at endurance, but at the ability to give as much as possible in a short period of time.

    Be sure to take rest intervals between working sets.

    Exercises to develop reaction speed

    In this section we will look at several exercises that will help improve your reaction speed.

    1. “Training with a tennis ball”

    Throws against the wall, throws against the floor (for example, throw with one hand and catch with the other).

    - general coordination;
    -interaction between the brain and limbs;
    - tracking a moving object.

    In his youth, Mike Tyson practiced his inclines with a sandbag suspended from the ceiling or some other object.

    What you need: Sandbags or 0.5 liter plastic bottle. and rope. Fill the bottle halfway with water, close it and hang it from a horizontal bar or something else.

    1. Having hung the bottle, we stand in front of it, at a distance of about 20 cm, push it forward so that it swings strongly and flies back at you. When the bottle flies towards your face, we duck to the side. Operating time - 3-5 minutes.

    2. Dodge + counterattack with a side blow to the body.

    3. Advanced level - you begin to dodge not only a bottle flying at your face, but also at the back of your head, and at the same time manage to deliver combinations of blows, similar to shadow boxing.

    - abdominal muscles,
    - attentiveness, concentration,
    - development of motor response skills,
    - sense of distance.

    3. “The Muhammad Ali Method”

    Work in tandem with a partner.

    What you need: tennis ball
    One person stands against the wall, the second stands opposite at a distance of 5-7 meters and throws balls, aiming directly at the partner’s face. The task is to stand against the wall to dodge the flying ball.

    - attentiveness;
    - speed reaction,
    - sharpness and speed of movements.

    4. "Practicing strikes on pads"

    The task is to react as quickly as possible to the exposed pads and respond with a suitable blow.

    Combat sports are becoming increasingly popular. A healthy lifestyle, which is now actively promoted both in the media and on the Internet, is increasingly becoming part of our lives. Along with this, various types of martial arts are also becoming popular, such as boxing, Thai boxing, combat sambo, mixed martial arts and other types.

    And for all the beginners who came to the sections listed above, the question becomes relevant: how to reduce hits to the head or body to a minimum, i.e. how to properly defend yourself and develop a reaction. Perhaps, if someone is not in the know, they will ask “why all this?” I will answer - during training in martial arts they hit you in the face and head. And they hit you, not look you over the head. Accordingly, this head must be protected and have time to dodge the enemy’s blows.

    And so we see that the issue of reaction development is acute and needs to be resolved. This is exactly what we will talk about.

    Developing punch speed in boxing

    Boxing is a very interesting and useful sport. Many people believe that the main task of athletes is to beat up their opponents. However, in fact, boxing classes are necessary not to cause damage to other people, but for self-improvement and development of the following skills:

    • strength;
    • endurance;
    • speed.

    It is about speed, or more precisely about its development, that we will talk about. By the way, the very concept of “speed” in boxing is ambiguous and means the speed of movement, strikes and reaction.

    Development of reaction speed

    In combat technology, reaction speed plays one of the most important roles. It is important both when carrying out attacking techniques and when performing defensive actions. The boxer's reaction consists of several stages:

    1. Waiting for the blow. The athlete pays special attention to the opponent’s fighting technique. The body experiences strong internal tension.
    2. Preparation. The boxer collects his thoughts, a plan for carrying out a strike is quickly formed in his head. At this stage, the brain experiences stress.
    3. Executing a strike. After the athlete is ready to attack, the brain sends the corresponding signal to the muscular system, which, in turn, produces the blow.

    The above listing clearly demonstrates the complexity of carrying out a strike. A boxer is required not only to invest time, but also to exert great psychological effort. In order to develop reaction speed, it is recommended to conduct regular training with a partner or practice on boxing paws. In addition, you can practice air strikes.

    To minimize reaction time, you need to learn to concentrate. This will allow you to monitor all the opponent’s actions and make quick decisions to organize a retaliatory attack. It is necessary to practice all the movements for a long time and persistently, because this is the only way to bring them to automaticity and increase the reaction speed.

    Development of movement speed

    In order to quickly move around the ring, you need to perform exercises to develop leg muscles:

    • running with acceleration at a signal;
    • running with obstacles;
    • squats with weights;
    • High jump;
    • running with changes in direction and speed.

    Impact speed development

    Impact speed is an important indicator and is directly dependent on reaction speed. The faster the blow is delivered, the more force it will have. The most effective boxing movements are rightfully considered to be actions aimed at a quick attack or counterattack.

    When performing a good punch, the boxer's hand constantly accelerates, and the momentum is transferred to the opponent upon impact. In order to develop the speed of impact, it is recommended to practice movements in the mode of increased power load. The use of dumbbells, weights and expanders is encouraged. Performing various exercises under increased tension will allow you to develop a high speed of impact, since there is no tension in the ring, making it easier to make sudden movements.

    Working with weights requires a competent approach. For example, you need to start exercises with minimal weight. Over time it is gradually increased. In order to avoid unwanted overwork, it is recommended to work with weights according to a specific schedule, which is selected by the trainer individually.

    Not only dumbbells and weights, but also belts, cuffs, and vests are often used as weights. Thanks to them, you can not only choose the right load, but also easily adjust it in any direction.

    To develop impact speed, it is recommended to use weights of various weights. It is necessary to alternately work with light and heavy weights. The training should end with practicing strikes without weights.

    In order for a blow to become more powerful, you need to understand how its force is generated:

    • technique, impact trajectory;
    • speed;
    • body mass.

    Setting up equipment

    It is the technique of striking that primarily affects their strength. If you want to succeed in this, then you need to contact a coach who can explain to you what trajectory your arm or leg should follow, when you should tense or relax your fist as much as possible, and how the body should behave at the moment of impact. Let's look at some points further.


    1. Should be slightly wider than shoulder width.
    2. The heel rises first.
    3. When hitting, the foot must be turned in the direction of the hand movement.
    4. When striking with the right hand, the left foot is in place, and the heel of the right is raised and vice versa.
    • Your knees should be slightly bent and your body weight should be shifted forward.
    • Rotate your hips towards your opponent at the same time as you strike.
    • Full body movement upon impact, with a close throw of the arm, is more effective.
    • Never reach forward, sharply turn your torso.
    • When swinging, do not move your arm back, as this can easily expose you.
    • The fist must be clenched as tightly as possible upon impact.
    • Exhale with each stroke.

    All of the above requirements must be met simultaneously.

    The technique can be improved throughout your life, from which the blows will become stronger. Pay attention to this component as the main one.

    Developing strength, speed and explosive energy

    Kicking the ball

    Find some free space to do this exercise. Try to find a heavy ball that boxers use in training. If you don't have one, use a basketball one.

    Initial position: feet shoulder-width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Hit the ball hard on the floor and catch it after it bounces. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

    If you live in an apartment, then it is better to refuse this exercise, otherwise you may break the ceiling of your neighbors.

    Jump Squats

    Initial position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Squat down until your knees are level with your hips. Jump up as much as possible while raising your arms. Repeat the jumps until you run out of strength (for a better effect, you can pick up dumbbells).

    As for the upper body, the triceps, back muscles and shoulders play a big role for a powerful blow.


    When doing pull-ups, you should keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. If desired, you can hang weights on your belt. Try to do as many pull-ups as possible.

    Push ups

    Try to keep your hands as close to each other as possible. Don't arch your back, keep it straight. Push-ups develop the triceps, back and chest muscles. The bench press works on the same principle. To strengthen your hand, try doing push-ups with your fists.

    Reverse push-ups

    Find a bench, stand with your back to it, lean on your palms, squatting slightly. Start lowering and rising on your hands. Perform three sets of twenty times.

    Raising the kettlebell forward

    Place your legs at your sides. Take the kettlebell with one hand and hold it between your legs with your arm straight. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. Sharply jerk the kettlebell forward to a level of 90 degrees relative to the body. At the highest point, your back should be straight. Repeat for up to eight kettlebell raises with one arm. Then switch hands. You should feel tension in your muscles.


    The exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that the weight is now raised above your head. After 8-12 repetitions, change hands.

    Snatch and jerk

    Place the weight between your legs. Place your hand on it, pushing your hips back. Pull upward sharply, positioning your arm so as to throw the weight over your shoulders. Now use a push to lift it above your head. Return to the starting position. Do ten lifts of the weight with one hand.

    Lifting a kettlebell up from a seated position

    Place the weight over your shoulder in a squatting position. Place your left hand forward, this will help you maintain your balance. Lift the weight up. Wait a second, then do a second lift. Change hand. Make sure to keep your calves and buttocks tight.

    Lifting a kettlebell from a lying position

    Lie on your back, take a kettlebell in one hand and lift it. The hand should always be in a vertical position. From this position you need to try to rise. First bend one leg, then the other. You can help with your free hand. Do the exercise about ten times.

    Two kettlebell push

    Place two weights on your shoulders. Inhale, then jerk both weights above your head. Slowly lower them. The abs should be tense during exercises.

    Other options for developing impact force

    • Use a wrist expander regularly. Buy the hardest implement and work alternately with both hands. Be sure to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all your strength. The exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles and forearms. As a result, the fist will become stronger and more powerful.
    • Every day, jump rope with your hips high. Try to reach your chest with your knees.
    • Exercises with a sledgehammer are no less effective. Take a tool (it’s best to do this near the garage) and start hitting unnecessary tires. During the exercise, exactly those muscles that are involved in striking are activated.
    • Ask your partner to help you. It is necessary to work on your “paws”. Hit as if the target was a few centimeters further than the paw. Try to penetrate the projectile as if through it. This exercise will help you not lose speed and hit your opponent harder.
    • The most effective blows are the ones you least expect. You need to hit unexpectedly so that the enemy does not have time to react. The “shadow boxing” exercise will help you develop speed and sharpness. Perform the exercise daily for at least ten minutes. Additionally, you can add 1-2 kg dumbbells to your hands.
    • You can use a rubber band or cut straight pieces from a car tire. Tie one end of the material to a wall or something that is securely fastened. Take the other end in your hand and strike, resisting the back pressure of the rubber band.
    • To develop an explosive strike, you can do push-ups on your fists and palms off the floor. Three approaches of ten times are enough.
    • To increase your speed, try jumping. Start with one hit and gradually increase. So, it should be possible to deliver 3-4 blows before your feet touch the floor.

    All of the above exercises help develop punching power, make the muscles and tendons of the arms stronger and more resilient. If you do them regularly, the results will be noticeable within a week.

    A strong blow is necessary, but it should only be used for defense. Always be aware of the consequences that may arise.

    The Importance of Hitting Accuracy

    No matter how strong your blows are, if they are delivered to protected areas, they will be of little use. It is important to hit vulnerable spots. From an anatomical point of view, knockout is a critical load on the cerebellum. An impulse from the central nervous system shuts down the body. A direct impact on this center of the brain is carried out by a blow to:

    • jaw;
    • temple;
    • the back of the head.

    In addition to the head, there are other vulnerable spots, the impact of which can demoralize an opponent. A powerful attack on such zones interrupts the normal functioning of the body, depriving the enemy of consciousness and capacity:

    • liver– “depot” of blood and blows to this area cause spasm, suffocation and loss of consciousness;
    • solar plexus- a large bundle of nerves, an accurate hit guarantees a temporary cessation of breathing and makes it impossible to act;
    • under the heart: powerful penetrating impact with a fist or foot leads to tachycardia, blockage of the respiratory center, and sometimes cardiac arrest;
    • lower abdomen and groin- no comments.

    The knockout threshold is individual for each person, but it is known that even a blow with a force of 150 kg can knock out an opponent if it is delivered precisely and suddenly. And for the lower part of the jaw, 15 kg is enough! In classical boxing, they teach you to hit the following vulnerable spots on the human body:

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