• Walking burns fat. How to walk correctly and how much, how walking affects fat burning


    There is a misconception that getting rid of excess weight You can only stick to it and exhaust yourself with long workouts in the gym. But nutritionists and fitness trainers argue that this theory is not entirely true. To correct your figure, you need to change your lifestyle and make it more dynamic.

    If a person does not have the opportunity to visit the gym or purchase a swimming pool membership, this will be a real salvation. Numerous clinical experiments and reviews from people confirm that constant walking and race walking will help you get rid of excess fat deposits and make your thighs and legs more toned and attractive. But in order to achieve the expected effect, you need to figure out how to walk correctly in order to lose weight.

    There is only one way to remove excess fat - it is burned by muscles when physical activity. Experts warn that it is quite difficult to get rid of extra pounds by limiting your food intake and constantly consuming laxatives or diuretics.

    This is because more than 90% of fat is “burned” in muscle fibers in the presence of oxygen. This fact must be remembered and taken for granted. To achieve results and lose weight, you will have to not only adhere to proper nutrition, but also constantly move. Moreover, this will need to be done daily.

    To speed up the process of burning and oxidizing fat, an excessive amount of oxygen must be present in the muscles.

    In this case, weight loss will occur not only during exercise or physical activity, but even if the person is at rest. The difference is that in working muscles this process takes place many times faster.

    People who want to lose weight need to remember that leading a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity negatively affects the ability of muscle fibers to oxidize fat. This fact has been confirmed by the world's leading nutritionists.

    In people who lead a passive lifestyle, the ability to activate fatty acids is higher than the ability to oxidize them. This leads to more than 70% of incoming fats are deposited in subcutaneous fatty tissues. To develop the ability to burn fat, a person needs to move as much as possible.

    Important! Most of the muscle fibers that have the ability to oxidize body fat, are localized in the thigh and calf muscles.

    Why walking is better than running

    When deciding how to lose weight faster, many people wonder what is better to choose: running or walking for weight loss. Nutritionists and fitness instructors advise beginners to stop at walking. The choice falls on this method because it has the following advantages:

    Running will also help you achieve slim body, but unlike walking, it has more requirements that must be taken into account:

    • a person must have sufficiently strong menisci and intervertebral discs, otherwise jogging can cause complications;
    • when running, your legs will become slimmer faster, but if the training is done incorrectly, the lower limbs may become too pumped up;
    • if a person runs on asphalt, this will increase the load on the joints and may contribute to their damage. To prevent such complications, you need to run in parks on the ground, or in stadiums with a special coating.

    If a person has not exercised for a long time, it is best to start with walking, and the first workouts should be quite short. In the future, the loads can be increased (move at higher speeds, climb uphill).

    Despite the fact that walking is considered the safest form of physical activity, it also has certain contraindications. It is not recommended for people who have recently suffered knee or ankle injuries. Patients suffering from severe heart disease should also avoid walking.

    What processes take place in the body when walking?

    Not all people understand how walking and excess weight are connected. This is why many people prefer to spend time in gyms rather than on fresh air. Moreover, doubts often arise due to the fact that while walking a person will not sweat in streams, and the next morning all his muscles will not ache.

    However, walking against cellulite and fat is very effective, this is due to the following processes:

    If a person walks in the fresh air every day for at least 45 minutes and adheres to proper nutrition, he will be able to lose 1.5-2 kg per week.

    It is impossible to say how many calories will be burned during such activities, since it depends on the intensity and duration of the training.

    Does walking help you lose weight in your legs and thighs? Since during The main load falls on the lower limbs; the first thing to lose weight is the legs. This is due to the fact that when walking, the thigh and calf muscles mainly work. Accordingly, fat will be burned first on the legs and hips.

    Types of walking for weight loss

    It must be borne in mind that the final result largely depends on what type of walking is chosen, since this determines how the muscles will work. If a person just likes to walk in the fresh air in the evenings, then such walking will help to lose a maximum of 1 kilogram per week, since the load on the limbs will be minimal.

    But such a pastime is perfect for people who do not have problems with excess weight, since such walks will help keep the body in the right shape. If a person wants to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, he will have to do more intense training at a sports pace.

    Currently, there are several types of walking, the most popular are:

    • race walking;
    • upward movement;
    • moving backwards;
    • treadmill.

    Sports type

    The best way for fast burning extra pounds. This type of workout not only helps tone your buttocks and thighs, but also strengthens your abdominal muscles. Before starting your workout, you need to warm up properly.

    The step should be fast and short, and the person also needs to learn to transfer weight from heel to toe. During execution, the back should be straight and the stomach should be retracted. To achieve the expected result, it is very important to change the speed periodically.

    Walking up

    Taking the stairs or walking uphill is the best way to reduce hip size (especially in the front and back).

    During such training, it is strictly forbidden to hold the railing with your hands; the forelimbs must be bent at the elbows and move back and forth along the body. You need to breathe this way: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

    Moving with your back

    Such loads strengthen the muscle fibers of the lower limbs and back. Before you start training, you need to find a flat area (preferably not paved).

    Place your hands on your belt, straighten your back and begin to move at a slow pace, gradually accelerating.

    Exercises on the track

    The main advantage of such walking is that during training you can monitor your heart rate and load. Both nutritionists and fitness instructors assure that this type of exercise is no different from walking in the fresh air.


    To achieve a positive result as quickly as possible, you need not only to regularly walk in the fresh air, but also change your diet and start eating correct image life.

    Walking is best done in the evening, as it will help improve your health and burn fat. The best option is to alternate each of the above methods (each type of walking should last about 15 minutes). When the body gets used to the loads, they will need to be increased.

    Walking has long-term health benefits, effective in lowering blood pressure, preventing heart disease, and maintaining a healthy weight. A person weighing 80-90 kg walking at a speed of 4.7 km/h burns 280 calories. If you increase your pace to 7 km/h, you can lose 460 calories.

    It is better for people with low physical fitness to start getting acquainted with fitness with walking in order to normalize blood pressure and prepare the body for other types of fitness.

    Walking is useful at any age - you just need to buy comfortable shoes, determine the speed and distance. If you choose routes on hilly terrain, the benefits will increase tenfold due to the involvement of all leg muscles.

    Hikers easily maintain normal body weight. If you walk at a speed of 6-7 km/h for 150 minutes a week and adhere to proper nutrition, you can lose from 1 to 3% of fat.

    Operating principle and beneficial properties

    Walking is the main form of aerobic exercise for burning calories. Speed ​​affects the body's energy expenditure, as well as potential weight loss, so it must be controlled to achieve results.

    You need to reach a fat burning zone that is approximately 55-65% of your maximum heart rate: 220 minus the age number. When exercising in the fat burning zone, you lose 60% more calories than other intense exercises.

    A moderate pace of 3-5 km/h allows the average person to achieve the desired heart rate, and the benefit of simple movements is exceptional safety.

    In addition to walking in the fat burning zone, there is another way to utilize calories from glycogen (carbohydrates) and fat reserves - moving at a pulse speed of 75% of the maximum heart rate, which is achieved while moving at a speed of 5-7 km/h for 30 minutes . If a task seems difficult, you can break it up into three ten-minute workouts throughout the day.

    There is a simple breathing test: if you can speak while moving, then the speed is approximately 3.22-4.83 km/h, and if you have to catch your breath (take a breath or two) - 4.83 to 6.44 km/h. As a standard, we focus on easy jogging at a pace of 6.44-8.05 km/h.

    Let's switch to race walking

    Using intervals increases the number of calories burned by alternating periods of moderate intensity with short periods of walking at a fast pace. The higher the intensity, the better. The rule applies on city streets or parks, as well as on a treadmill.

    Alternating between a moderate speed of 4-5 km/h and acceleration up to 5-6 km/h, you need to repeat the cycle for 30-60 minutes to get a full aerobic workout. On the treadmill, you can increase the incline angle instead of accelerating to increase the intensity.

    Race walking for weight loss has its own characteristics:

    • keep your back straight: straighten your shoulders, press your shoulder blades down to your spine;
    • tighten your stomach, breathe deeply, trying to use the diaphragm to its full capacity;
    • start the movement by swinging the leg and straightening it at the knee, land on the heel, roll along the foot, using the entire range of motion of the joint.

    When will the results be noticeable?

    To lose one kilogram of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories. If a 90kg person burns about 396 calories at 4.83 km/h in 60 minutes, then accelerating just 1 km higher will eliminate 468 calories per hour, and interval training will increase this amount to 500 kcal.

    By losing 400 kcal in one walk, it only takes nine days to reach your goal of 3,500 kcal while keeping your meals consistent with your lifestyle and maintaining a calorie deficit.

    Walking for five days with a rational approach to menu planning will allow you to lose 0.5-1 kilograms in a month.

    Running or walking: what to choose to lose weight?

    There is a lot of debate about the number of calories burned while walking versus jogging. Scientists conducted a study in which they calculated that walking for weight loss for 1.8 km burns about 89 kcal during exercise and 110 kcal in the next few hours after it. During running, energy consumption is respectively: 112 kcal and 159 kcal

    The benefit of walking for weight loss is explained by its lesser impact on the joints, since running adds a significant impact load, increasing the intensity.

    The regular staircase is an effective, low-impact cardio exercise that strengthens the lower body muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

    Most exercises involve moving the body forward or laterally, such as jogging, walking and cycling. Walking on stairs for weight loss forces you to move in an alternative direction, working your muscles from a different angle and expending more energy.

    Walking on steps can burn 472 kcal per hour for a person weighing 60 kg and 690 kcal for a person weighing about 90 kg, which is comparable to running at a speed of 8 km/h, playing basketball or cycling at a speed of about 16 km/h .

    Having a step at home - steps for aerobics - provides aerobic exercise without the need to go outside or buy subscriptions to Gym, Although physical exercise outdoor activities are a priority.

    An hour of exercise on a step or an improvised step burns about 300-500 kcal, depending on the person’s body weight and intensity, which can be increased by adding jumps.

    If there is no step or the opportunity to go outside, then walking in place for weight loss will be a possible alternative: by taking 2000 steps during a commercial break in 20-30 minutes, you can burn up to 150 kcal and contribute to the creation of a beautiful body.

    Skiing: burn fat and improve your body

    Winter is not an excuse for a sedentary lifestyle, because it provides the opportunity to ski. In addition to skating, this is a great winter cardio workout that strengthens all the muscles in the body, forcing them to work in sync. Even skiing at low speed will be more effective than regular walking, because the stabilizer muscles, back, shoulders, and chest will be involved in the work.

    To use skiing for weight loss, of course, you need appropriate weather - snowy crust. This type of winter activity should be considered as a backup option, but keep in mind that skiing will burn about 380 kcal for a person weighing 50 kilograms and more than 500 kcal for a person weighing 100 kilograms.

    Don't think that extreme skiing will burn more calories - in fact, the number of calories burned will be about the same. Ski training is beneficial because it is safe for joints.

    For a long time, no definite answer to the question has been found: what is better for losing weight - walking or running? Beginners who want to lose as many kilograms as possible in a short period of time are trying to figure out how best to do this - with intense running or hours of walking. Experienced trainers can tell you that walking is not the most quick way lose weight. But not everything is so simple with running. But doctors recommend that those who want to lose weight or at least maintain the existing weight without fear of gaining weight, jog and walk at least two to three times a week.

    What is the fundamental difference

    To understand what will be more effective, you need to understand the differences between these two exercises.

    The main points that make up the difference between walking and running are:

    • when running for more than a quarter of an hour, the body uses all the sugar that “floats” in the bloodstream, fat burning processes begin to work;
    • while jogging, a person seems to be flying for a split second, which is impossible when walking; since running also involves jumping, a heavy load is placed on the cartilage tissue;
    • if a person is in a state of chronic stress, then only while running - the load is quite high - can he get psychological relaxation, and when walking the effect on stress is disproportionately less;
    • when walking, many muscle groups are involved: gluteal, lower legs, shoulder bundles;
    • The heart rate will be much lower if a person chooses to walk, a chill behind the sternum is felt quite rarely, so you can exercise much longer than running;
    • if you choose running, you need to monitor your heart rate - it should not exceed 120–140 beats per minute for a person aged 40; with this range, fatty tissue is burned most efficiently and in a shorter period of time.

    Walking for weight loss

    Walking is not chosen very often because many people consider it not very effective. In some ways this is a correct opinion, but on the other hand, it is also possible to lose weight while walking.

    Walking is definitely healthier for health, because during running there is a load on the heart, spine, lungs and joints.

    The mechanism of action of walking is very simple: even if the intensity of physical activity is low, but a person walks for a long time, the level of sugar in the blood changes. When reserves are depleted, the process of lipolysis is activated, that is, fat is broken down, and water, carbon dioxide and energy are released. The person begins to sweat heavily. All together speeds up metabolism.

    To lose weight, you need the energy that enters your body to be processed as quickly as possible. And physical activity by walking for one and a half to two hours will help with this.

    We run to lose weight

    To reduce the amount subcutaneous fat you have to work hard. The metabolic rate should be increased.

    Fitness trainers who have been working with people for many years require that their clients fulfill the following requirements: drink a lot of water, adjust their diet and run.

    While running, the heart undergoes training, breathing will be deep and rapid, blood will flow more actively, and the lungs will open. It is their disclosure that will be most important, because in this way a person speeds up the process of digesting the calories he consumed during the day.

    In order for weight to gradually decrease, you should start with simple exercises- regular jogging at any time of the day. It is important to monitor your heart rate here, even if the run is slow. It is under this condition that as many air molecules enter the tissue as necessary for the fatty tissue to break down.

    It is necessary to run for at least 20 minutes, because it is during this time that the energy components contained in the muscles and liver will be burned. Consequently, the body will need more energy, and it will take it from subcutaneous fat.

    Over time, you can increase the duration of the races. Running with breaks is also significantly effective. This means alternating between fast runs and slow walking. In this case, not only weight is lost, but also the cardiovascular system is “invigorated”.

    Will cardio training really help?

    Some are convinced that only cardio training can help with weight loss. After all, energy is consumed aerobically, that is, oxygen is present, and fat inside the muscles is actively used. That's why people torture themselves in gyms, dancing, aerobics...

    But they are wrong. You can only lose weight during the workout itself. If you constantly try to lose weight only with the help of cardio, the body will try to make a reserve, which will lead to gradual weight gain. And with an energy-saving mode, the body will spend much less calories with the same amount of exercise.

    If you do not supplement cardio with changes in diet and strength training, it is impossible to lose weight. Therefore, if you want to quickly and efficiently lose fat, you need to properly combine cardio exercises with strength training.

    To lose weight quickly, you need to choose running. But there are some limitations, and overweight people will be negatively affected. Walking is slightly less effective and should be done at a fast pace to achieve results.

    In any case, the effectiveness of both methods is undeniable!

    From this article you will learn what type of walking activity is most effective for solving a particular problem, how to calculate the number of calories burned, and how long a walk should be. We will also answer main questionDoes walking help you lose weight?.

    The weight loss effect is achieved due to the breakdown of fats during a walk and accelerated metabolism after training. But for this process to begin, The duration of the walk should be more than an hour.

    In addition to losing weight, walking solves other problems:

    develops the cardiovascular system;
    stimulates muscle activity, forming a correct and beautiful leg shape;
    gives the body elasticity and tone.

    Which is better: walking or running for weight loss?

    No matter how strange it may sound, it has been proven that proper walking and running give approximately the same results. The following experiment was conducted: for several months, one group of women walked, the other ran. As a result, the group that exercised at a relaxed pace lost one and a half times more weight than the “runners.”

    During the experiments, it was found that during running, about 550 calories and 50% of fat mass are burned in an hour, with brisk walking During the same time, about 350 calories will be burned, but 65% fat.

    Hence the conclusion: walking helps you lose weight faster than running. The conclusion is simple: you need to train regularly and in the right mode. Walking at moderate intensity is ideal in this regard.

    The advantage of walking is that even with a small physical training you can easily cover 20 km. Only a few people can run the same distance.

    Walking, unlike running, has no contraindications (except fast and uphill). According to doctors, this type of cardio training is completely safe for health and the most effective in terms of weight loss.

    Walking with weight is contraindicated:

    for any heart problems;
    with respiratory failure;
    for kidney diseases;
    with diabetes mellitus.

    How long should you walk to lose weight?

    The daily minimum is 10 thousand steps, which equals 5-7 kilometers. Less is also good, but to start the fat burning process, you need to walk continuously for at least an hour.

    Another important point influences weight loss: You need to walk in the “fat-burning” heart rate zone– this is 60-70% of the maximum (MP). To determine the working zone, you need to calculate the maximum threshold of your own heart rate. For example, if you are 30 years old: 220 – 25 = 195 – this is the maximum heart rate (MP) for you.

    Pulse at the correct frequency gives better results - Walking in the “fat-burning” heart rate zone allows you to burn up to two times more fat.

    It is worth understanding that a one-time walk will not bring results. To lose weight, you need to walk regularly, at least every other day, gradually accustoming yourself to daily walks.

    Not only the short-term result of losing weight depends on how you walk. Below we have presented the most important tips about how to walk correctly in order to lose 100% weight.

    The duration of your walk for weight loss should be at least 1 hour

    Fat reserves do not begin to be used up immediately. The body first gets energy from glucose, which comes from the digestion of carbohydrates. Energy is then taken from glycogen (a source of glucose stored in the liver). And only when all energy reserves are exhausted does the body turn to fat. This moment comes around after 45 minutes of continuous walking.
    Walk in the morning.

    Study better in the morning, just not on an empty stomach, but after a light breakfast. Then fat reserves will begin to be used up earlier. Another benefit of walking in the morning is that it speeds up your metabolism throughout the day. Thus, during the day you will burn more calories than on a day without exercise.

    Hence the conclusion: morning walks promote better fat burning.
    Choose comfortable clothes and shoes.

    Of course, if you practice walking for weight loss only on the way to work and back home, it is enough to wear comfortable shoes. If walking has become full workout, take the time to choose comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and sneakers with good cushioning.
    Think over the route.

    To get the most benefit from walking, do it in a park or in an area away from traffic. Ideally, plan your route over rough terrain, where you will have to constantly overcome ups and downs.
    Don't forget to warm up.

    Especially if you do interval walking or stair climbing. Fast pace and power load on an unwarmed body can lead to injury. Therefore, start walking at a slow pace, and before climbing the steps, it is advisable to perform a series of warm-up exercises, familiar from physical education lessons. The same goes for finishing a workout: walk for 5 minutes at a calm pace, let your heartbeat calm down.
    Keep an eye on your equipment.

    As you walk, land heel-to-toe, pushing off forcefully for the next step. When increasing your speed, watch your step - it should not be too long, it is better to move with short, frequent steps. Your hands should also not dangle idle - be sure to actively work with them. Bend your elbows and move them from your waist to your chest.
    Drink water.

    With any physical activity, the body loses a lot of fluid. Therefore, before and after, drink a glass of water, and if walking lasts more than half an hour, then take a couple of sips during training to avoid dehydration.

    Without maintaining a proper balanced diet, nothing will come of it. It is impossible to lose weight by walking, even with long and daily walks, if you exceed your daily calorie intake. You should also avoid any diets that are an example of an unbalanced diet. They provide only a short-term weight loss effect - the weight quickly returns.

    To adhere to proper nutrition, it is enough to give up fatty foods, processed foods, baked goods, soda, sauces and sweets. If you can’t imagine life without sweets, replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate, sweets and cookies with nuts and ice cream.

    We talked about proper nutrition for weight loss and its principles in this article.

    It is also important to understand: the less we move, the more carefully we need to approach menu planning. For example, if the daily calorie intake is 1500 calories, and the walking duration is 60 minutes (200-300 calories are burned), but 2000 calories are consumed, then you will have to either increase the walking time by an hour, or reduce the number of calories by 300 units.

    How many calories can you burn by walking?

    You can walk quickly, up stairs, at a stroll, and even on the spot. In each case, burning calories, including fat, will be different. Let's consider how energy costs change with different degrees of activity.

    This type of walking is recommended for absolutely everyone, including people with a low level of training and those for whom other types of physical activity are contraindicated. The speed of movement is low - 4-5 km/h. An hour's walk can burn about 200 calories. This workout improves health, maintains leg muscle tone, and also promotes weight loss.

    In this case, all muscle groups are involved in the process, since race walking involves active work with the arms. The technique is as follows: while walking, the foot changes its position from heel to toe, pushing off with force at the last point. The steps are quite short, but frequent. The arms are bent at the elbows and move from the waist to the chest. Speed ​​at least 6-7 km/h. At this pace, you can burn up to 350 calories or more, depending on your own weight.

    This type of activity is designed for advanced athletes and is completely contraindicated for people with health problems. The number of calories burned depends on your weight; on average, in an hour of going up and down the stairs you can lose up to 500 kcal. The exact energy consumption when climbing stairs at a frequency of 60-70 steps per minute is 0.14 kcal per kilogram of weight. When descending, the number of calories burned decreases noticeably. Different methods of ascent and descent achieve different goals. Walking up and down at an accelerated pace is best for losing weight. At a calm pace, you will strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks.

    4. Nordic walking with poles. This type has no contraindications and is suitable for people of any age. When walking with poles, up to 90% of the muscles of the body are involved. Accordingly, calories are burned faster compared to a regular walk. You can burn up to 400 calories in an hour of exercise.

    Let us recall the Nordic walking technique:>

    The foot changes its position from heel to toe while walking;
    one arm is extended forward and slightly bent at the elbow; -
    the second hand is located at hip level and reaches back;
    We repeat the positions, changing the position of the arms and legs.

    You can increase calorie consumption by 10-15% using an interval system - alternating between walking at a fast pace and walking at a moderate pace. The idea is that first you walk at a fast pace at a speed of 6-8 km/h, then switch to walking at a calm pace at a speed of 4-5 km/h. The duration of each interval is selected individually, for example, 1 minute at a fast pace and 2-3 minutes at a calm pace. This interval system not only increases calorie expenditure while walking, but also triggers fat burning throughout the day, which contributes to faster weight loss.

    6. Walking uphill or downhill on a treadmill. You can increase your calorie expenditure by walking over rough terrain. Similar conditions can be created on a treadmill by increasing the incline. Walking uphill combines two types of exercise - cardio and strength, so it is effective not only for losing weight, but also for strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

    7. Walking in place. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to go outside, you can walk at home. The effectiveness of such training is disproportionately lower, but it is better than lying on the couch. Walking in place involves moving the hips with varying knee heights, but without moving horizontally. Since calorie consumption is relatively small, it is advisable to actively move your arms during such walking.

    Walking for weight loss: reviews and results

    It is worth understanding that one-time training will not bring results. As reviews show, those who walk daily lose an average of 5 kg per month.

    If you adjust your diet and walk daily, you can lose 2 kg in a week, which will allow you to lose up to 8 kg in a month!

    For many, walking is a way to solve many problems. Firstly, you don’t need to go to the gym, secondly, you don’t need to buy sportswear, and thirdly, you can combine training with a walk with friends or shopping. You just need to move more, because any activity is better than inaction.

    In recent years, recreational walking has become increasingly widespread. People choose it as an alternative to fitness classes. In addition, doctors have long proven that aerobic exercise received by a person while walking contributes to the effective consumption of fat deposits.

    If you need to set aside precious time to visit the gym, then there are no obstacles to walking. It is enough to walk a few stops in the morning on the way to work and in the evening on the way from work to get the necessary exercise for losing excess weight. This explains why walking to burn fat has become popular.

    On average, every person walks at least 1 km per day. And this, even if you don’t leave the house at all. Working people who are moderately active during the day walk an average of 7 to 10 kilometers. At the same time, they do not experience fatigue or tiredness. At the same time, people who sit at a computer most of the day will not be able to walk this distance without getting tired. But with due patience and proper preparation, they will conquer this distance. They will be able to walk long distances and still feel great.

    If a person decides to take up walking to lose weight, it will be useful for him to know how many calories walking burns. This information will help you choose proper nutrition and determine the intensity of the load.

    How do age and gender affect calorie expenditure?

    Not long ago, scientists conducted studies to determine the effect of age and height on calorie expenditure when walking. It was possible to establish that children and short people spend more energy than tall people. This is explained by the fact that to cover the same distance, small people have to take more steps due to their short legs.

    Tall people have much wider strides, so they spend much less energy on movement. It turns out that for tall people, regular trips to the store and to work will not be enough to lose weight, because fewer calories are spent, even taking into account more energy expenditure to maintain greater body weight. That is, tall people need to purposefully engage in walking to lose weight.

    Factors affecting calorie burning when walking

    It's no secret that if you walk the same distance over rough terrain and on smooth asphalt, the calorie consumption will be different. Energy burned while walking is influenced by the following factors:

    Ideally, it is enough for any person to walk a couple of kilometers a day in a sporty style over rough terrain to feel in excellent shape. Such a walk takes little time, it does not tire you, strengthens the muscle frame, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. At the same time, such walking burns enough calories to reduce body fat.

    How many calories does walking cost?

    To understand how much energy will be burned when walking 1 km, you need to take into account your own weight and average speed. For example, an average person by height and weight will spend approximately 200 calories during a normal walk of 1 km at a speed of 2–4 km per hour. For the same person, race walking at a speed of 5 km per hour will burn at least 300 calories. And if you combine different styles and methods of walking, then energy consumption during movement can be increased even more.

    To increase energy burning, it is very useful for walking over rough terrain. Even ordinary city stairs and hills can become good remedy to increase the intensity of the load. Movement along them will allow you to better develop your muscles. It is very important to monitor your heart rate. Excessive loads can negatively affect your well-being.

    Rules for burning calories while walking

    If the purpose of walking is to get rid of excess weight, then to achieve maximum results you need comply with the following conditions and rules:

    How long does a beginner need to walk?

    An untrained person should not immediately take up walking long distances at a fast pace. It won't do any good. It would be right to start with hour-long walks at a leisurely pace. In this case, you will need to do it a couple of times within an hour. speed up for 5–10 minutes. Such accelerations will not allow you to get tired, but will be a good training load for the body. Gradually, a person will come to hour-long walks at an average pace.

    Increased calorie expenditure when walking

    The human body adapts very quickly to various stresses. Walking is no exception. At some point, the amount of calories you burn while walking will decrease. How to get out of this situation? There are several ways to deal with the problem.

    The first and simplest is to increase the pace of movement.

    The second way is to add weight. You can purchase special weights for your arms and legs. However, you need to remember that they can lead to injury.

    Third way - start walking with poles. This is the so-called nordic walking. Sticks allow you to use more muscles while walking and increase energy consumption while moving by almost 50%.

    The fourth ability is to start walking up stairs. This will increase your burn by 45-50 calories per hour. Any flight of stairs is suitable for practicing. The main thing is not to take on a large load right away. You need to start by walking for 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the exercise time to 30 minutes. If your muscles start to hurt while walking up the stairs, take a short break.

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