• A set of exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities. Speed ​​training (maximum intensity work)


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      Endurance exercises are the cornerstone of any sports discipline, because without them full-fledged training is impossible. Lack of physical endurance will prevent you from gaining muscle mass, doing strength exercises in gym, develop the functionality of the body, run on long distances for an acceptable time, to engage in martial arts, etc. Therefore, this quality must be developed by every athlete, there will never be excess endurance.

      What does endurance mean?

      The very concept of endurance is quite multifaceted and it is necessary to develop it in several directions at the same time.

      • There is strength endurance - the way our muscles overcome the pain threshold during the performance of strength exercises. It determines how many repetitions we can perform in exercises with weights.
      • For athletes, such an indicator as speed endurance is also important - how much the muscles are ready to maintain the speed of the exercise by adapting to a constant reduction, for example, while running or swimming.
      • Also important is the question correct breathing. If during sports you cannot control the rate of breathing, and you become short of breath, you will not be able to carry out a full workout. We need to look for ways to solve this problem.

      In our article, we will tell you what exercises to develop endurance, whether it is possible to develop this indicator at home, and what results can be achieved in a month of hard training.

      Ways to develop endurance

      When talking about developing speed endurance, people most often associate this issue with cardio training. Indeed, without cardio, real endurance cannot be achieved. The most important thing here is the intensity of the cardio load. We will leave low intensity for those who want to lose weight or improve their relief. Sluggishly stomping on a treadmill or stepper, you are unlikely to become even a little more enduring.

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      Using the maximum load

      The more you apply maximum or submaximal load while working for a long time, the more resilient you become. To be clear, you have set a specific goal for yourself - to run 10 kilometers in 30 minutes. But your actual physical training is such that you can master such a distance in only 50 minutes. Therefore, we begin to train as follows: we perform a 30-minute run with almost maximum effort. We run 5, then 6, then 7 kilometers ... After some time, you will not notice how easily you can run 10 kilometers in 30 minutes.

      Muscle adaptation to long-term, powerful effort is the key to developing speed endurance.

      There are also various physical exercise for speed endurance. Their job is to do a little less work, but put in more effort. Feel free to use for this any equipment that sets additional resistance: weights, rubber bands, free weights etc.

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      System of cyclic exercises

      With strength endurance, things are a little different. Here we need to use a system of cyclic exercises that require endurance. That is, constantly modify and periodize the load. For this, the principle of tonnage, successfully used by weightlifters, is the best suited.

      For example, let's say you want to do 15 reps of a 100kg barbell bench press. It turns out that in one approach you need to lift 1500 kg (1.5 tons) in total. From this we proceed. A ton in one approach can be gained in many different ways: shake 50 kg for 30 reps, 75 kg for 20 reps, 125 kg for 12 reps.

      If you train to achieve all these sub-goals, then the original goal will be quite easy for you to submit to. Such diverse work trains all groups of muscle fibers, due to which strength indicators and strength endurance increase.

      The Benefits of Exercise

      In addition to developing strength and speed endurance, you are also doing some serious anaerobic work. This results in a set muscle mass and strength. The relief also improves, since working in a large rep range creates a strong pumping effect, without which good fullness and venousness are impossible.

      In addition, you can be guided by the principles of endurance training without setting global sports goals. No one is stopping you from trying to get faster and stronger if your goal is to lose some weight before beach season. And it will work great.


      Since this style of training is impossible without maximum and submaximal load, such techniques are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

      Working to failure greatly increases blood pressure. For athletes with arterial hypertension and hypertension, this can be dangerous.

      Excessively intense cardio load will also not be beneficial, it is better to replace sprint races with leisurely runs. This point must be taken into account if you do not want to harm your health.

      If you develop strength endurance in exercises such as barbell squats or deadlift, be sure to follow the correct technique for performing the exercise and breathing rate. There can be a lot of consequences: starting from too strong axial load on the spine, which will inevitably, sooner or later, lead to injury, and ending with increased intraocular pressure, which can also be critical for some athletes.

      Think back to how you felt after doing barbell squats at 75% of your one-time max for 15 reps. Now imagine how this can affect the health of an unprepared athlete. For this reason, work on the development of strength endurance should be cyclical, after which a period of lighter training must necessarily follow in order to fully restore all body systems. Without an experienced personal trainer, few people can competently build the training process in such a way as to achieve their goals and not harm themselves.

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      Best Endurance Exercises

      Strength endurance training

      In order to comprehensively develop the strength endurance of the body, you need to build your entire training process around basic exercises, such as:

      • barbell presses and;
      • ( And );
      • different kind.

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      Of course, the work must be intense, and the time the athlete stays under load must be long. When working with small weights, it can reach 3 minutes. Rest between sets should be until breathing is fully restored.

      Exercises for speed endurance

      In addition to well-known cardio exercises (running, swimming, cycling, jumping rope, etc.), we recommend that you include some exercises from this list in your arsenal:

      • , work with horizontally hanging ropes;
      • pushing and pulling;

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      These exercises combine elements of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. By doing them, you will stimulate your body to adapt to the complex load, which is exactly what a crossfit athlete needs. In addition, these exercises are performed in an explosive manner, they are great to turn on the central nervous system. And without stimulation of the central nervous system, it is much more difficult to show a really worthy result in crossfit.

      Breathing exercises

      Without correct technique breathing, it is impossible to competently perform any functional set of endurance exercises. But the high pace of the load often knocks the athlete off the rhythm. He begins to swap inhalation with exhalation, and in very severe cases, he simply ignores this moment and breathes at random. To prevent this, perform the following exercises (for some, this approach to training may seem frivolous, but it really works):

      • inflate balloons (complicated option - heating pad);
      • hold your breath underwater;
      • spend more cardio workouts in the fresh air.

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      This will create moderate stimulation to your lungs, making them more resilient. The first two endurance exercises can be done at home.

      Many other factors also affect breathing. The two main ones are smoking and being overweight. With the first, everything is clear, bad habits and sports are incompatible things. With excess weight, you need to fight, and - immediately and radically. The greater the body weight of the athlete, the more stress is placed on the heart, lungs, joints and ligaments. Many overweight people note that playing sports after getting rid of excess weight are much easier and more productive, and the rhythm of breathing during training normalizes, there is no trace of shortness of breath.

      How to improve performance?

      The answer is simple: do not rush on the way to the cherished goal. Progress is made up of three main principles: constant progression of loads, regularity of training and competent recovery.

      For example, when working on strength endurance, in no case do we force events. Working with an average weight, add 2-3 repetitions to each approach in each subsequent workout. Working with more weight, add one repetition at a time. After you complete the entire cycle, the result will increase in both strength and endurance.

      We work on the same principle with speed endurance. Our best friends in this matter: the timer and sports apps for your smartphone. The timer is needed to record the time of training and gradually increase it. Application functionality can also be useful to us. There you can find out the time under load, the distance that the athlete ran (swimmed, drove, etc.), average speed. A fitness bracelet or heart rate monitor will not be superfluous. This way you will know that you are keeping your heart rate within the normal range and not overdoing it.

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      Crossfit complexes

      In fact, CrossFit is a discipline, the whole essence of which lies precisely in strength and speed endurance. By doing crossfit, you improve them. By improving them separately, not within the framework, you increase your potential in crossfit.

      The following complexes are both aerobic and anaerobic in nature. By doing them, you become stronger and more resilient. See for yourself.

      Masters Final 11 Complete 500m rowing, 500m cycling, 15 box jump burpees, and a 110m shoulder sand run transfer. Needs to be done as quickly as possible.
      McKinnon Complete a 2.5K run, a 5K rowing run, a 7.5K cycling run, and another 2.5K run. Needs to be done as quickly as possible.
      Pedal to the Metal Do 12, spend 24 calories on the rowing machine 16 calories on the stationary bike, then do 8. The task is to complete the maximum number of rounds in 7 minutes.
      Regional Individual Event 6-16 Complete a 1km spin on a stationary bike, a 30m arm walk, a 10,500m on a rowing machine, 50 box jumps, and 5 overhead squats. The task is to complete the maximum number of rounds in 20 minutes.

      Monthly training program

      For 1 month, you can have time to develop your anaerobic endurance well. With strength endurance, things are a little more complicated, it will take more time.

      To achieve a truly athletic and functionally prepared body, you need to develop in all respects. Therefore, in this program, we combine classic cardio workouts with more narrow-profile movements aimed at developing endurance.

      - 3x10
      Pull-ups - 3x12

      6 Exercise bike or bike - 12.5 km
      Plank - 3x75 seconds
      - 3x300 meters 7 Jump rope - 3x120 seconds
      Running - 3 km 8 Rowing in the simulator - 5x500 meters
      Jump rope - 3x60 seconds
      Pull-ups - 3x15 9 Running - 7 km
      - 5x20 for each leg 10 Hammer blows on the tire - 5x20 with each hand
      Plank - 2x90 seconds
      Jump rope - 4x60 seconds 11 Rowing in the simulator - 3x750 meters
      Jump Squats - 4x2
      Pull-ups - 2x20 12 Running - 7.5 km
      Burpee - 3x20 13 Pull-ups - 5x20
      - 3x12
      Work with horizontal ropes - 3x45 seconds
      Hammer blows on the tire - 3x25 with each hand 14 Exercise bike or bicycle - 15 km
      Burpee - 8x15 15 Running - 10 km

    Iron World. No. 6.2012

    In our previous articles, we examined the methods of hyperplasia of myofibrils in muscle fibers in general, and examined in more detail the methods of hyperplasia in glycolytic fibers. Today we will talk about myofibril hyperplasia in oxidative fibers. In the literature, this topic is practically not disclosed. There is an opinion that only hypertrophy of fast muscle fibers gives muscle volume and strength growth. And the role of slow fibers is so insignificant that it can be neglected. Therefore, in strength and speed-strength sports, strength training of slow muscle fibers was not considered. How true this is, we will find out in our next conversation with Professor Viktor Nikolayevich Seluyanov.

    Iron World: Viktor Nikolayevich, is the power capabilities of the MMV really much lower than that of the BMW?

    Victor Seluyanov: For a long time there was an opinion that the hypertrophy of muscle fibers cannot exceed 30% of the normal state. Therefore, the idea was born that in bodybuilders, muscle hypertrophy is due to an increase in the amount of MF. Therefore, in the 70-80s. of the last century, the search for facts confirming this idea began (for example, Gruzd P.Z. discovered the splitting of hypertrophied MFs).

    In the 90s of the last century, the Swedish scientistTeshet al presented information on muscle composition in highly skilled bodybuilders. They showed that in a normal person, the cross section of the MV is on average 3000-4000 microns. 2 , and for athletes 6000-25000 microns 2 . This means that MF can be hypertrophied by 4-6 times, therefore, the idea of ​​increasing the number of MF in bodybuilders has lost its relevance. However, the idea of ​​activating myosatellites to increase the number of MBs in the muscles of athletes remains. So far, there are no practical results.

    With proper training, the cross section of the MMB and BMW should not differ, therefore, there should be no loss in strength, and the MMB should lose in speed and power, since the activity of myosin ATPase is lower.

    It should be clearly understood that numerous studies have shown that the traction force of the MF depends on its cross section (on the number of myofibrils in the MF). The specific force is the same for a child, an adult, a man, a woman, grandparents, as well as any athlete.

    ZhM: MMV training gives an increase even in speed-strength exercises. From your work, I know that after that, the results in standing jumps also improved. Could you elaborate on this?

    Sun: The maximum contraction speed of MMV and BMW differs by 20-40%, the speed of contraction in real sports is no more than 50% of the maximum speed of muscle contraction, therefore, an increase in the strength of MMV gives an increase in speed and power in almost any type of sports activity. This is possible even in sprinting.

    We conducted a special study with Viktor Turaev, where we found out that 50% of the power in a sprint is produced by slow fibers. It turns out that sprinting is not the fastest movement, and MMBs work quite comfortably there. We conducted an experiment with a group of sprinters (8 people) and conducted training to increase the strength of the MMB. Their results in the 100 m were improved by 0.2-0.3 seconds: having an average result of 10.9, they began to run in 10.7.

    ZhM: Is there a need to train MMV separately? They have an excitability threshold lower than that of the BMW, respectively, they are always included in the work with them. If we do the BMW hypertrophy training described in the previous issue of the magazine, then the MMBs will get their share of the load.

    Sun: That's right, when training BMWs, the MMVs must also function. However, during a strength exercise with alternating muscle contraction and relaxation, hydrogen ions do not accumulate in the OMF, since the mitochondria absorb them and convert them into water. The absence of this factor inhibits the penetration of anabolic hormones into the MMV (OMV), therefore, during classical strength training, there is no significant hypertrophy of the MMV. In order to be convinced of this, it is necessary to open the textbook "Physiology of Muscular Activity" (under the editorship of Ya.M. Kots). There is a table there, which shows that, according to different authors, conventional strength training - for GMV, does not give a significant increase in MMV hypertrophy (type 1)

    ZhM: Does this mean that representatives of strength sports, for example, powerlifters, who do not use the technique of myofibril hyperplasia in the OMV in their training, have an untapped reserve in the development of strength? And by including this technique in your workouts, are you guaranteed to increase your strength results?

    Sun: In those sports where own weight is not taken into account, for example, in bodybuilding, it is beneficial to increase strength, gain mass due to OMV (IMV). In this case, the athlete works with unlimited weights, so injuries are minimized. It is beneficial to increase the strength of the MMV (OMV) in arm wrestling, since the growth of arm muscle mass is underway, but it can be compensated by a decrease in body weight due to fat or muscle mass in the legs. Simultaneously with the growth of the strength of OMV (MMV), there is an increase in the mass of mitochondria, an increase in local muscle endurance, and this is very important for arm wrestling and for any other types of martial arts.

    In powerlifting, when doing a squat or deadlift, it is advantageous to use the reserve of increasing the traction force of the OMV (MMV), since they are no worse than the BMW (the speed of muscle contraction is very low). It is beneficial, because the weight of the weight is 40-60% of the RM, so there are no conditions for injury and you can work to failure, i.e. to severe stress, the release of their own anabolic hormones into the blood (partial replacement for taking AAS).

    JM: Well, it's time to talk about the methodology itself. Moreover, as far as I know you are its author and developer.

    Sun: Yes, this technique was developed in our laboratory. It is similar to the previously described technique for BMW. The main distinguishing condition is the requirement to perform the exercise without relaxing the trained muscles. In this case, tense and thickened MVs compress the capillaries (Physiology of Muscular Activity, 1982), causing occlusion (circulatory arrest). Impaired circulation leads to MV hypoxia, i.e. anaerobic glycolysis is intensified in MMF (OMV), lactate and H accumulate in them. It is obvious that such conditions can be created when working against gravity or traction of a rubber shock absorber.

    Let's take an example of such an exercise. Squats are performed with a barbell of 30-70% of the RM. An athlete from a deep squat gets up to an angle in the knee joints of 90-110 degrees:

    intensity -30-70%, when the muscles of the hands are trained, in which there is little OMV, the intensity is less than 10-40%,

    exercise duration - 30-60 s (failure due to pain in the muscle),

    rest interval between sets - 5-10 minutes (rest should be active),

    the number of approaches to the projectile - 7-12,

    number of workouts per day: one, two or more,

    number of workouts per week: the exercise is repeated after 3-5 days.

    The rules can be justified as follows. The intensity of the exercise is chosen such that only OMVs (IMVs) are recruited. The duration of the exercise should not exceed 60 s, otherwise the accumulation of H may exceed the optimal concentration for the activation of protein synthesis, and the rate of catabolism may exceed the processes of building new cell structures.

    The effectiveness of the training technique can be improved. To do this, you need to increase the time spent in OMV (IMV) Kr and N. Therefore, you should perform the exercise in the form of a series of approaches, namely: the first approach is not to failure (30 seconds), then - a rest interval of 30 s. This is repeated three or five times, then a long rest is performed or another muscle is exercised. The advantage of such an exercise (in bodybuilding it is called a "super set") is that Kr and N are present in the OMV (IMV) both during the exercise and during rest pauses. Consequently, the total time of action of the factors (Kp, H) that cause the formation of and RNA is significantly increased in comparison with the previously described training options.

    An increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the OMF cannot cause significant catabolism, since there are many mitochondria in the OMF and they absorb them very quickly. There are few mitochondria in the HMW, so hydrogen ions remain there for a long time and cause severe destruction there - catabolism.

    The fact that this technique works convinces not only the theory, but also the practice of training outstanding athletes. For example, Vasily Alekseev, a heavyweight weightlifter, had problems in the lumbar spine, so he could not perform traction with large weights. As a result, he found a secret exercise, he was not allowed to show it to anyone. He went into the hall, drove everyone out, closed. He lay down on the horse with his hips, face down, and performed tilts with a small amplitude (statodynamic mode of muscle work), to increase the load on his shoulders, he took a barbell of 40-60 kg. It is clear that the spine was unloaded, there was a training of the OMV of the extensor muscles of the back. Another example is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the basis of his training was training in the “pumping” mode, i.e. pumping muscles with blood. These exercises are done without muscle relaxation (statodynamic mode), so there is a rapid acidification of the OMF. At the moment of rest, this leads to a reflex relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arterioles, the accumulation of blood in the muscles (pumping). The idea of ​​nutrients coming from the blood is not constructive, and the arrival of anabolic hormones, acidification of OMF and a lot of free creatine stimulate the formation of RNA in the nucleoli.

    ZhM: How quickly after such training does the hypertrophy of the OMV (MMV) occur?

    Sun: It should be borne in mind that slow fibers can occupy only a third of the muscle, and the diameter of slow muscle fibers, as a rule, is 30-40% less than fast ones. Therefore, this happens at first imperceptibly, since the density of myofibrils increases, due to the appearance of new ones, then the diameter of the MF also increases, when mitochondria appear around new myofibrils. But mitochondria occupy only 10% of the total muscle volume. The main growth is due to myofibrils. It has been experimentally shown that with a properly organized training, there is an increase in strength by 2% per training session. It should be noted that more than one developmental workout per week cannot be performed, since with more frequent workouts, strength growth is inhibited.

    ZhM: Is it acceptable in such a training that the failure occurs not due to pain in the muscle, but, as in the training of the GMV, due to muscle failure? For example, an athlete did 3 sets of 30 seconds with a rest interval of 30 seconds exercise bench press on a limited trajectory of movement, and in the last approach at the 29th second there was a muscle failure, the bar crawled down, because even to keep it in a static position, the athlete already could not. The muscle pain was moderate. Will such a training be aimed at OMV hyperplasia, or is it recommended to reduce the weight of the barbell and do, for example, 3 to 40 seconds, so that a strong burning sensation in the muscle becomes the cause of the failure?

    Sun: When performing strength exercises, it is necessary to count not the number of lifts, not tons - these are formal criteria. In each approach, it is necessary to cause certain physiological and biochemical processes in the body, the content of which the athlete can guess by sensations. When training OMV, the correct sensation is pain in the active muscle, which occurs as a result of the accumulation of hydrogen ions in them. This is the main condition for the activation of protein synthesis. Along with pain, stress and the release of anabolic hormones into the blood appear. The reliability of this information can be seen from the IBMP publications in the journal Human Physiology (supervisor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Vinogradova O.L.). In this example, namely, in a work lasting 3 x 30 sec. with muscle failure, the weight of the projectile is too high, therefore, not only the OMV, but also the PMV and part of the GMV are recruited. This option also has the right to exist, only the effect of increasing the strength of OMV will be somewhat less

    JM: But still, there is too much variation in the execution time of the exercise - from 30 to 60 seconds. in approach. Therefore, the following question arises: if in this example the athlete reaches muscle failure at 30 sec. work in the third approach, then what time period should he choose? After all, he can pick up the weight to the feeling of a strong burning sensation by performing both 3 x 45 seconds, and further reducing the weight of 3 x 60 seconds.

    Sun: The criterion for the correct performance of the exercise is the accumulation of lactic acid in the OMF at the optimal concentration (10-15 mmol / l), in the blood there will be less. This is possible with a static-dynamic mode of muscle work and a limitation of the duration of the exercise. Experiments show that the optimal duration of the static-dynamic mode is within 30-60s, and if at this time the athlete experiences severe stress due to pain, then the conditions for increasing the strength of the OMV are achieved. Since hydrogen ions can enhance catabolism, it is necessary to strive for an earlier onset of muscle pain, i.e. closer to 30s.

    ZhM: You-Tube has videos where you hold a seminar with wrestlers. There you strongly warn athletes against excessive acidification, as it leads to the destruction of mitochondria. If an athlete regularly trains according to your method and works to failure due to the strongest burning sensation in the muscles, will he burn all his mitochondria?

    Sun: We have already discussed this problem earlier, here we will focus on the fact that hydrogen ions cause a specific reaction in different types of MW. The action of hydrogen ions (H) is due to the concentration and duration of their presence in the MW. In OMF, even in the presence of a high concentration of hydrogen ions, during the rest period, mitochondria quickly eliminate them, so hydrogen ions do not have time to damage mitochondria and other structures of the MF. This is evidenced by the values ​​of creatiphosphokinase and cortisol in the blood after training. These values ​​are usually 2-3 times lower than usual strength exercises. In HMW after classical strength training (dynamic with an intensity of 70-80% RM), hydrogen ions are not absorbed by mitochondria (there are too few of them), H ions combine with lactate and lactic acid slowly enters the blood for 10-60 minutes. Active rest accelerates the release of lactic acid into the blood. Therefore, mitochondria and other structures are exposed to a long-term destructive effect. Therefore, wrestlers should not train with strong acidification, it is necessary to protect mitochondria in the GMW, the wrestler's local muscular endurance depends on them.

    ZhM: Give an example of a training cycle.

    Sun: The simulation results showed that one of the rational training options is a cycle in which one training session is of a developmental nature, after three days the strength training is repeated, but in a smaller volume ("tonic" training), the total cycle was seven days. One of the advantages of such a cycle is that it can be used by specialists in "endurance" sports. On rest days, training for the development of mitochondria in the MV or training of the myocardium, diaphragm can be used. The effectiveness of the theoretically developed microcycle was tested in the course of a pedagogical experiment.

    Methodology. Seven IFC students (body length 177.3±11.8 cm; body weight 71.7±9.7 kg; age 25.0±4.8 g) twice a week for six weeks performed power training and twice a week they performed aerobic training for 40-50 minutes with AeP heart rate.

    The first strength training included three series of three sets each. Rest between series was active - 12 min, between sets 30 s. In each approach, the exercise was performed to failure, the duration of the squat with a barbell was 60-70 s. The squat was performed in a static-dynamic mode.

    The second strength training included only four sets with an active rest interval of 8 minutes, the weight of the barbell and the squat conditions were the same as in the first training.

    Results. During the study period, the subjects became stronger, they were able to raise more heavy barbell: up to 866±276 N, after the experiment 1088±320 N (differences are significant at p<0,001). Средний прирост силы составил 222 Н (25,6%) или 2,1%/тр.день. Последний показатель должен характеризовать эффективность силовой тренировки, с его помощью можно сравнивать различные методы. В обзорной работе М.McDonagh and С.Davies (1984) было проведено сравнение изотонического и изометрического методов силовой тренировки в различных вариантах, в частности, было показано, что изотоническая тренировка дает прирост силы 0,4-1,1% за один тренировочный день, изометрическая - 0,9-1,1% за тренировочный день. Другие исследователи добивались лучших показателей 2-3%, однако они использовали примерно такую же методику: интенсивность 80%; количество сокращений мышцы за тренировку 12-18; 21-24 тренировочных дня.

    Thus, the effectiveness of the developed method of strength training is higher than isometric and isotonic methods, except for those that are similar in technology to that developed here. Therefore, the model adequately imitates the processes of myofibril synthesis as a result of strength training.

    JM: Is it possible to combine GMV and OMV exercises for the same muscle group in one workout?

    Sun: There are no fundamental objections, it is important to consider:

    Reserve capabilities of the endocrine system,

    First you need to train the GMV, since lifting large weights requires the freshness of the central nervous system, and the normal state of the auxiliary muscles.

    ZhM: Can you give an example of how to combine training aimed at hypertrophy of the GMV and OMV for one muscle group in a weekly or two-week cycle?

    Sun: Suppose we are talking about strength training in arm wrestling. As a means of preparation, we choose the thrust of the load through the block in the condition of imitation of a competitive exercise. We train OMV, which means we perform static-dynamic exercises with an effort of 60% of the RM until pain (30s), after a rest interval of 30s, we repeat this cycle 3-6 times (depending on the level of local muscle endurance).

    Then comes a long rest interval (10 minutes). At this time, you need to do a squat with a barbell in a static-dynamic mode 1-2 sets. This is necessary because the activity of large muscle groups releases more hormones compared to the work of the muscles of the hands.

    This superset cycle is repeated 4-9 times, depending on the level of local muscular endurance.

    Such a developing strength training for OMV myofibril hyperplasia is performed no more than once a week. After 2-4 days, you can perform a toning workout, which exactly repeats the developmental one, but the number of approaches is 3-5 times less.

    Training of the GMV is provided in arm wrestling as part of technical and tactical training. For example, when working out the starting effort, the skills of activating all motor units (MU) and at the same time increasing the strength of the HMW of high-threshold MU are formed.

    If there is a need to perform special training to increase the strength of the GMF, then these workouts, of a developmental nature, should be performed before a tonic workout to maintain the synthesis processes in the GMF. The manifestation of great effort requires complete muscle recovery, so dynamic strength training is best done after a day of rest. In the future, there is a recovery process - 2-3 days, so you can perform a power tonic workout for OMV.

    JM: How many muscle groups can be trained in one workout using this technique?

    Sun: For a qualified athlete, the number of approaches to weight is 30-60 times. This takes 60-90 minutes. In a long rest interval (10 minutes), you can insert training exercises for 2 more muscle groups. Therefore, in one strength training session, you can work out 3 muscle groups, for example, one large and two small or medium. Other muscle groups can be trained on the same day or on other days. The total volume of strength training is determined by the state of the endocrine system. It is known that if we take the reaction of the endocrine system after the first strength training as 100%, then after the second strength training, on the same day, the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood is 2-3 times lower. Therefore, it is better to distribute muscle groups and strength training over several days. Note that when using anabolic steroids, the volume of strength exercises can be significantly increased.

    JM: Thank you for a very interesting interview! I hope that representatives of all power directions will find a lot of interesting things in it.

    Thus, for athletes of various specializations, it is necessary to develop all physical qualities, but in proportions determined by the type of athletics.

    Human strength- the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension.

    Speed-strength qualities- the ability of a person to develop maximum power efforts in a minimum period of time.

    Three types of exercises are used to improve strength and speed-strength qualities:

    1. Exercise in difficult conditions.

    2. Exercises, weighed down by the weight of your own body.

    3. Exercises with external weights.

    Difficult conditions: shallow water, soft ground (sand, snow), rough terrain.

    As a means in this type of exercise, running exercises are used, which are performed on soft ground, or uphill. Running exercises uphill are used when the slope of the mountain is from 2 to 8 degrees at distances from 60 to 80 meters. On sand from 50 to 70 meters.

    The following running exercises are used:

    1. Running with high hips.

    2. Running with an overwhelm of the lower leg.

    3. Minching run.

    4. "Wheel" - running with a high raising of the thigh and simultaneous raking of the lower leg.

    5. Running, raising legs forward.

    6. Running, raising legs back.

    Often, along with running exercises in difficult conditions, jumping is also used. Jumping is used both separately and in conjunction with running exercises. The following jumps are used:

    1. Jumping on one leg (left and right).

    2. Jumping in step through step (pushing off left and right).

    3. Jumping from foot to foot.

    4. Standing long jump, triple, quintuple, tenth jump on the result (footage for the number of jumps).

    5. Jumps for speed (time in a certain segment).

    The dosage for jumping in difficult conditions is the same as for running exercises. When used as a means of educating the strength of running exercises along with jumps, the number of series is reduced to two.

    The positive side of this technique is that along with the development of strength and speed-strength qualities, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the technique of competitive exercises or their elements.

    Along with the use of running exercises and jumps, running itself is used as a means of developing strength.

    It is possible to increase the resistance of external conditions by adding them. For example, use running with acceleration uphill on the sand.

    Exercises weighted down by your own body weight are mainly used to increase the RPP. In the process of performing these exercises, the athlete's dexterity is also improved, because. movements must be strictly coordinated in order to get the desired effect from it.

    The following exercises apply:

    For leg muscles:

    1. I.P. - squat, multiple jumps up or forward.

    2. I.P. - balance, bend the supporting leg, and lower the other and arms. Jumping out of this position, swinging up with the free leg and arms.

    3. I.P. - Stand on one leg. Squatting on the supporting leg.

    For foot flexors:

    1. I.P. - stand, forefoot on a hill of 2-4 cm. Rise on the foot and lower to I.P.

    2. I.P. - stand, hands on the belt. Jumping up or forward-up on straight legs, pushing only with the foot.

    3. I.P. - stand on the forefoot on a hill (bench, etc.). Rise on the foot and lower into I.P. Rise quickly, descend slowly.

    For abdominal muscles:

    1. I.P. - hanging (on the crossbar, gymnastic wall). Raise your legs to a right angle or to the crossbar and lower them into I.P.

    2. I.P. - lying down, arms up. Raise the torso and legs at the same time, reach the feet with the hands.

    3. I.P. – gray-haired, hands behind the head, legs are fixed. Flexion and extension of the body.

    4. I.P. - emphasis lying, legs in the hands of a partner. "Walking on hands" 20-30 m.

    5. Jumping on two legs, pulling the hips to the chest.

    For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

    1. I.P. - emphasis lying. Flexion and extension of the arms.

    2. I.P. - emphasis lying on the back of the bench. Flexion and extension of the arms.

    3. I.P. - vis. Pull up.

    4. I.P. - emphasis on the brushes on the uneven bars. Flexion and extension of the arms.

    For back muscles:

    1. I.P. - Lying on your stomach, hands up. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, bend. Return to I.P.

    2. I.P. - lying on the stomach, arms up, legs fixed. Raise your arms and torso up and return to I.P.

    3. I.P. - lying on the stomach, hands behind the head, legs fixed. Raise the body with a turn to the right and then to the left.

    General physical training with the use of these exercises is most often carried out by the method of circular training. A complex of 10-12 exercises is selected, which is performed 2-3 times (series) depending on the preparedness of those involved.

    Exercises with external weights. In athletics, the following external weights are used: barbell, sandbags, weighted belts, shots, stuffed balls, weighted cuffs.

    When applying exercises with external weights, the following methods are used:

    1. Light weights with the maximum speed of the exercise . In this technique, weights of 20-30% of the maximum weight in this exercise are used, movements are performed as quickly as possible. This technique is used for the development of speed-strength qualities and for those involved in groups of initial training.

    2. Medium weights with high reps. Weights of 50-70% of the maximum weight in this exercise are applied. The number of repetitions is 5-8 times. This method, due to the high metabolic process in the body, contributes to an increase in muscle mass.

    3. Method of maximum weights. The weight of weights is 90-100% of the maximum, and the exercise is performed 1-3 times, in series - 2-3 series. This technique is most effective in the development of strength qualities in highly qualified athletes.

    Barbell exercises:

    1. I.P. - stand, legs apart, barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Turns of the body to the left and to the right.

    2. I.P. - stand, legs apart, barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Tilts. Lean slowly, straighten up quickly, rising to the front of the foot.

    3. I.P. - stand, legs apart, barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Squats.

    4. I.P. - stand, legs apart, barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Jumping up.

    5. I.P. - stand, left foot in front, right behind, barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Changing the position of the legs in the jump up.

    6. I.P. - lunge to the right (left), barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Change I.P. to the opposite.

    7. I.P. - lunge right (left), barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Change of position of the legs in the jump.

    8. I.P. - barbell on the shoulders, hands on the bar. Lunge walking.

    10. Deadlift with straight legs.

    11. Push from the chest.

    12. Shvung - a tempo push from the chest with a change in the position of the legs back and forth.

    Sandbags and weighted belts are used as weights for various types of running and jumping. It is possible to use these exercises in difficult conditions.

    Speed-strength qualities can also be developed with the help of throwing exercises of cores and stuffed balls. The following throwing exercises:

    1. I.P. - leg stance apart. Throws from the bottom forward-up to the result.

    2. I.P. - leg stance apart. Throwing from behind the head with two hands.

    3. I.P. - leg stance apart. Push with both hands from the chest.

    4. I.P. - leg stance apart. Throw with two hands by turning the body to the right and left.

    5. I.P. - stand legs apart, with your back in the direction of throwing. Throwing from the bottom up over the head.

    6-10. The same exercises from a gray-haired position, legs apart.

    In the strength training of an athlete, various simulators are also used.

    With the development of strength and speed-strength qualities, it is necessary to apply all available means and methods, in relation to the individual characteristics of those involved. Only the use of a variety of exercises will provide the necessary increase in speed-strength capabilities. Stopping at one method or group of exercises will lead to a quick adaptation of the athlete's body to these loads and will not ensure the development of all muscle groups to the required extent.

    When educating strength and speed-strength qualities, it must be remembered that the greatest increase in strength is observed in children 12-15 years old. Therefore, at this age, due attention should be paid to the development of these qualities.

    Speed-strength endurance is the superpower of every athlete. Having developed it to the maximum, the athlete will no longer go down from the first place of the victory podium.

    What is speed-strength endurance?

    The ability of muscles to produce maximum effort for a long time is speed-strength endurance. This ability is also called explosive force"or" power "of the athlete. Examples of using explosive power are sprints, jumps, or weightlifting snatches.

    In many sports disciplines, victory depends on demonstrating maximum endurance, speed, or strength. Therefore, performing athletes need to constantly improve all these physical qualities.

    Development of speed-strength endurance

    Developing by executing plyometric exercises. In these exercises, all movements are performed in an explosive manner. It is the fast execution speed that uses the maximum number of muscle fibers. And the work of the maximum number of fibers stimulates the growth of the explosive strength of the athlete.

    The main method of improving this physical quality is circuit training. Circuit training consists of performing a series of exercises without rest. One series or one circle can consist of 3-10 exercises. Moreover, between the last rest is not provided, or it lasts only 5-10 seconds.

    The selection of exercises in circuit training depends on the specialization of the athlete. For example, sprinters should focus on running exercises, and weightlifters should focus on snatches or jerks with a barbell.

    However, for most endurance athletes, the general exercises below will work.

    Exercises for speed-strength endurance

    The most effective strength endurance exercises are:


    • Jumping on a support. Technique: Approach a stable support. The height of the support should be approximately at the level of the knees. Take a semi-squat position. With a powerful pushing movement of the legs, jump onto the support. Hold on it for 1 second and immediately go down. Repeat the jump several times. Don't forget that this exercise is done at a fast pace;
    • Jumping with a change of position of the legs. Technique: from a lunge position, relying on your right leg, jump up. While in a jump, change the position of the legs and land in a lunge position, but already on with support from the left leg. Then repeat the cycle several times. The speed of execution in this case is the maximum possible;
    • Running long jump. During the jump, almost all the muscles of the body are involved. Regular long jumping trains muscle endurance as well as running;

    Other exercises

      • Exercise "Burpee" with a ball. Take the starting position: lying down with the position of the hands on the fitball. Then, in a quick movement, bring your knees to your chest and jump up while holding the ball in your hands. Land and return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise several times;
      • Fast run. It is the main type of physical activity that increases the endurance of an athlete. To improve the speed-strength qualities of an athlete, weight-bearing or interval running is used. If it is necessary to increase the intensity of the loads, then the athlete switches to running uphill or running on the track at an angle;
      • Shot put or grenade throw. Throwing movements perfectly develop the strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Often, both of these exercises are included in the training program of all-around athletes;
      • Squats with a barbell in the Smith machine. To increase endurance, squats are performed in series at a fast pace. In this case, the weight on the bar should be 50-60% of one repeated maximum. The number of series in the exercise is 2-3. Each series consists of 2 sets of 40-50 reps. Rest between sets is 4-5 minutes, rest between series is 8-10 minutes. It’s worth noting that doing free-weight squats quickly can lead to loss of balance and injury. The Smith simulator is safer in this regard, so it is worth giving preference to it;
      • Exercise "Rowing" in the simulator. During this exercise, almost all the muscles of the body work. Involving the maximum number of muscle fibers in the work has a good effect on strength endurance.
      • Isometric exercises. In these exercises receive a static load. That is, they are in a tense state without movement. Despite the lack of muscle contraction, isometric exercises do a good job of training strength endurance.

    Natural drug "Leveton Forte" for the development of endurance athlete

    The most important achievement of a person is a victory over himself. Only by defeating yourself can you achieve impressive sporting heights. And for this you need to train competently and pay special attention athlete endurance development.

    Taking natural vitamins plays a key role in improving the physical qualities of an athlete. The favorite among them is the Leveton Forte natural complex, designed specifically for athletes. Leveton Forte contains Leveton Forte root, drone brood, bee pollen, amino acids, as well as minerals to increase stamina.

    Each component of the drug has its own unique effect:

    • Leuzea root contains about 65 ecdysteroids necessary for fast muscle recovery after loads;
    • drone brood increases muscle strength, which is very important for the development of strength endurance;
    • Bee pollen includes 20 amino acids, 28 useful trace elements and all the essentials. The rich composition of bee pollen provides quick recovery of the body after training for endurance;
    • The amino acids in the formulation are building material for muscles and are indispensable for the growth of strength endurance.

    Regular intake of the drug "Leveton Forte" will allow you to achieve maximum sports results faster. After all, the combination of all its components not only improves the physical qualities of the athlete, but also promotes growth. A high level of this hormone in the blood increases muscle strength and significantly increases the athlete's endurance.



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