• Physical exercise for older women: the benefits of exercise, a rough weekly plan. Morning exercises for older women with free video Exercises at 60

  • Deterioration of relationships with a partner, fading of interest in her, loss of external attractiveness, lack of novelty in intimate relationships.
  • As you can see, there are many negative factors of influence, and therefore most of the representatives of the strong half of humanity at the age of 60 have various manifestations of erectile dysfunction or suffer from partial impotence.

    About increasing male power

    So, some of the above factors can be eliminated on your own and use the following recommendations:

    1. Power correction. If at 30 the stronger sex is recommended to consume more greens, sour cream, meat, then at 60 the main goal should be to protect the body from atherosclerosis. That is why the diet should be enriched with vegetables, berries, fruits and minimize the consumption of fatty meat, generally forget about convenience foods and fast food. Honey and nuts should be consumed daily.
    2. The use of vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements that enrich the body with useful substances, including zinc. Such additives can be Vimax Forte, Furunbao Super.
    3. Getting rid of chronic ailments, more precisely, reducing the number of their relapses. Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, prostatitis, hypothyroidism, negatively affect sexual desire. These diseases significantly reduce erection.
    4. The use of potency stimulants. Sometimes an external "push" helps to restore potency to the representatives of the stronger sex, which are special pills that enhance sexual capabilities for a certain time. Such funds increase potency, prolong sexual intercourse, and this significantly improves intimate life. At the same time, it must be taken into account that in adulthood such drugs should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account contraindications, the presence of chronic ailments. Often, experts advise sixty-year-old men to take small doses of Cialis Soft, which lasts up to 36 hours and allows a man to feel young and strong again.
    5. Performing Kegel exercises, the essence of which is the alternate tension and relaxation of the muscles responsible for urination. In addition to them, long walking, cardio training, exercises for the hips and the press have a good effect on male strength.
    6. Regularity of intimate contacts. Experts advise not to allow long breaks in sex. Irregular sex life at any age reduces sexual desire and erection. It is optimal to have close contacts with women from once a week to twice a month.
    7. Rejection of bad habits. Of course, this is the most difficult task, but getting rid of excessive alcohol consumption significantly improves the general condition of the male body, increases its tone.
    8. The use of folk remedies to enhance erection. We are talking about an alcohol tincture of ginseng (in the absence of contraindications), a decoction of Dubrovnik grass, which stimulates the onset of an erection already 30 minutes after ingestion. Perga, unprocessed plant pollen, also serves as an effective stimulant. Such a tool perfectly stimulates sexual strength and energy.

    As you can see, there are many options for restoring and supporting male power. They must be used consistently and regularly. Only in this case will it be possible to push back natural aging and all the processes associated with it.

    Morning exercises for men are not only a way to maintain their physical and sexual health at the proper level, but also to feel alert and active all day long. Charging has a number of positive properties, it helps your body wake up faster and get to work.

    Before engaging in morning exercises, it is necessary to understand a few important points in order for charging to be beneficial, and not vice versa.

    Rules for good charging

    Do not make exercise out of exercise. Don't let your charge turn into a complete workout otherwise it may cause some harm. It is not necessary after waking up and light warm-up, do heavy physical exercises. The fact is that the heart cannot abruptly switch from one mode to another. Such sharp jumps from a state of rest to heavy physical activity are fraught with a gradual weakening of the heart muscle.

    Make sure your body is ready for physical activity. Getting out of bed and immediately starting a warm-up would be wrong. Get up, walk around a bit, wash your face, drink a glass of water and only then start warming up. The warm-up should begin with small muscle groups, such as hands, neck muscles, elbow joints, gradually moving to larger muscle groups.

    Find out what the purpose of your charge is. If charging appears as fast way wake up, then you can limit yourself to a light warm-up of various muscle groups. If you expect physical improvement of your body from charging, then you need to include physical exercises to develop the muscle groups you need.

    A set of warm-up exercises for morning exercises

    1. Brush rotation. Squeeze your palm into a fist and begin to rotate the brushes, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Alternatively, you can clasp your palms together and make rotational movements.
    2. Neck rotation. Lower your chin to your chest. From the starting position, we begin rotational circular movements, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
    3. Elbow rotation. Stretch your arms forward in front of you and begin to rotate your forearms first towards you, then away from you. A more complex version of the exercise: simultaneous rotation of the forearms in different directions.
    4. Shoulder rotation. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers touch the shoulders. We begin rotational movements without lifting the fingers from the shoulders.
    5. Pelvic rotation. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. We begin a circular rotation clockwise and counterclockwise.
    6. Torso forward. Legs shoulder width apart. We begin to reach down, trying to touch the floor with our fingers. A more difficult option: we try to touch the floor with the inside of the palm.
    7. Tilts to the side. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. We lean with the body, first in one direction, then in the other direction, without lifting our legs from the floor and bringing our hand above our head.
    8. Twisting. Hands in front of you, palms parallel to the floor touch each other. We begin to turn the body by 90 degrees or more in one direction and the other, without lifting the feet off the floor. Only the torso is involved in the turn, the legs remain in place. Try to create the maximum level of rotation.

    If your goal is to wake up the body and improve its work in order to feel alert and full of energy all day, then warm-up exercises will be enough. But if you want to slightly improve your physical condition, then the following set of exercises is for you.

    A set of exercises for morning exercises

    1. Squats. We try to squat as deep as possible, without taking your feet off the floor and keeping your back straight.
    2. Body lift. A classic exercise for the press, which allows you to work on the upper and middle press. For a more effective effect on the muscles, you can alternate turns of the torso in different directions.
    3. Pushups. They have a number of variations and efficiently load pectoral muscles and triceps.

    Also, in the morning exercises for men, you can add a set of exercises with dumbbells, but only with low or medium weight, in order to include all muscles in the work.

    Special exercise for men

    Any exercise that improves blood circulation in the pelvis has a positive effect on the hormonal background of a man and sexual function. Some of them are already included in our warm-up complex (pelvic rotation, tilts). But there are specialized exercises aimed at training the pubic-coccygeal muscles of a man. It is enough to perform 10 high-quality repetitions of the tension of the PC muscle to improve the fitness of this area.

    Remember, the main rule: do not turn exercise into a workout. Charging is precisely why it is called charging, as it should “charge” your body for a hard day.

    How to increase potency in men after 60 years?

    Throughout life for men, sexual function occupies a significant place. After 60 years, the potency of the representatives of the stronger sex weakens, the desire for intimacy decreases, sexual relations become irregular. How to restore the former strength? There are medications, folk remedies that allow you to return intimate relationships. It is necessary to pay attention to correct image life, give up bad habits, and potency will be restored. It is important to consult a doctor if a problem arises, not to wait for complications.

    Increased potency in men after 60

    Reasons for the weakening of male power

    With age, all vital systems of the body gradually wear out. To function properly, they need to be strengthened and maintained. Testosterone levels decline in the 50s and 60s. Sexual attraction stops, potency weakens. What does male power depend on?

    The main factors affecting erectile dysfunction (impotence):

    1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Violation of blood circulation in the body leads to difficulties in filling the cavernous bodies of the penis.
    2. Wrong lifestyle, bad habits. Alcohol abuse, smoking.
    3. Pathological abnormalities of the genitourinary system, prostatitis, prostate cancer.
    4. Disorders in the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus.
    5. Constant stressful situations, nervous tension.
    6. The use of tranquilizers, sedatives.

    Increased potency in men

    How to restore potency at 60? It is necessary to consult a doctor, establish the cause of the pathology, exclude the presence of these diseases. The doctor will prescribe treatment and advise how to eat right. In a few months, you will notice the result.

    When there are problems with potency in men, erectile dysfunction develops. The inability to complete sexual intercourse by ejaculation signals the presence of a pathological process in sexual life.

    There are criteria on the basis of which it is possible to draw a conclusion about impotence:

    • lack of sexual attraction to a representative of the opposite sex;
    • weak erection;
    • inability to insert a penis into the vagina;
    • inability to complete sexual intercourse by ejaculation.

    Impotence - lack of blood circulation in the penis

    During the day, the number of erections decreases, the member does not acquire the necessary elasticity for the act of copulation. At the first sign of impotence, consult a doctor.

    An increase in potency in men after 60 years of age is associated with lifestyle adjustments.

    Basic instructions:

    1. Eliminate stressful situations, nervous tension.
    2. Go in for sports - helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
    3. Take nutritional supplements that help restore erections.
    4. Give up bad habits.
    5. Do not limit outdoor activities.
    6. Before sexual intercourse, try to relax, erotic massage is useful.
    7. Reconsider the nutrition complex, eat more healthy foods.
    8. Visit a urologist every six months.
    9. Don't overcool.

    How to get rid of problems with potency

    Potency in men at the age of 60 will be strong if they are responsible for their health throughout their lives.

    The principles of proper nutrition

    How to increase the potency of a man after 60 years? Doctors recommend eating foods that increase testosterone levels.

    These include:

    It is useful to use spices, vegetables and fruits. Reduce the amount of fried, fatty foods, exclude smoked meats. Eat small meals five times a day, lower cholesterol levels in the body. Drink more fluids. The minimum daily water intake should be at least two liters. Coffee is recommended to drink no more than once a day.

    Potency after 60: how to improve with drugs?

    With the development of a pathological process in the genital area, medical means will help restore its former strength. The erection enhancement method is effective. But there is one drawback: medicines have side effects on the body. Drug treatment is aimed at the rapid restoration of potency. The patient is prescribed tablets, creams, gels, injections.

    Medical treatment for impotence

    Before starting therapy, it is necessary to establish the cause of erectile dysfunction. If the main factor is vascular atherosclerosis, treatment should be aimed at expanding their walls during intercourse. In case of hormonal failures, therapy is prescribed that corrects the level of the main hormones that affect erection. There are a number of nutritional supplements that can affect the restoration of male power. Their action is designed for a long-term accumulation effect. When taking medication, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a complex of medical products, the dosage necessary for your body.

    Drugs that improve potency in men over 60

    Medicines used to restore erection are divided into several groups.

    The first is tablets. Main representatives:

    • "Cialis";
    • "Sidena";
    • "Levitra";
    • "Viagra".

    Zidena (Zidena) pills for potency

    The principle of action is the restoration of blood saturation of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Patients over 60 years of age should take drugs with caution. Have a complex side effects.

    The second is testosterone injections. Introduced into the gluteal muscle with an interval of 2 days. Instantly stimulate the penis. The effect is maintained from 48 hours to 13 weeks, depending on the drug.

    Main representatives:

    • "Testosterone propionate";
    • "Sustanol";
    • "Testosterone Undecaonate".

    Disadvantage - has a large number of contraindications.

    Ointments, creams and gels to increase potency

    The third group - gels, creams. Advantage - no side effects. Able to prolong sexual intercourse, increase the penis in size.

    Popular representatives of the group:

    • "Persian Shah";
    • "Maxoderm";
    • power life.

    Used immediately before sexual intercourse.

    Restoration of potency after 60 years with the help of exercises

    For men over 60, physical activity is very important. Stimulates blood circulation in the body. Body fat lowers testosterone levels. Sports activities affect the control of body weight, proper metabolism. Physical exercises stimulate the work of the prostate, exclude stagnant processes in the pelvic organs. Potency in men at the age of 60 is preserved with regular classes sports.

    Exercises to increase potency

    useful to use treadmill, go to the pool, do yoga. It is recommended to adjust the load with a trainer, he will select a set of exercises that matches your level of physical fitness.

    Treatment of potency with folk remedies at the age of 60

    Recipes of traditional medicine - the most available method increase erection. Strengthening erection in men after 60 years is carried out with the help of tinctures taken orally. Popular folk remedies are nettle decoction, tincture of ginseng, St. John's wort, yarrow. It is recommended to use a contrast shower, apply ice to various parts of the body.

    To maintain potency, be attentive to your health, lead a proper lifestyle. Then you will have permanent sexual relations.

    Charging for the elderly is a mandatory event, and should be carried out systematically. However, due to age characteristics, the accumulated baggage of chronic diseases, physical exercise has some features. You need to understand this and not force the load, because excessive stress will not bring benefits, but it will provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    Let's look at the significant aspects of daily sports activities:
    1. purpose of charging.
    2. The choice of exercises, taking into account the existing pathologies.
    3. Time limit.

    Complex morning exercises for people 50 years of age and older does not pursue setting their own records in running, lifting weights or swimming on long distances. The main goal of daily gymnastics is preventive. That is, your properly organized morning workout will not allow the development of diseases associated with age: atherosclerosis, oncology, metabolic disorders.

    After 50 years, all metabolic processes proceed more slowly than in young people, and if a person deprives himself of physical activity, he begins to age progressively. "Slow" metabolism leads to malnutrition of the joints, spine, and all internal organs. Moderate exercise - The best way stimulation of metabolic processes.

    For both older women and men, exercise is the easiest and most affordable means of maintaining beauty, health and physical activity even in adulthood.

    Choose the type of activity

    Oddly enough, the choice the right exercises starts with a trip to the clinic. Do not be surprised, the doctor will tell you what exercises you do not want to do with existing diseases. For example, in diseases of the knee joints, jumping or squatting is not recommended; in the presence of vertebral hernias, it is impossible to sharply unbend the spine. With arrhythmias and for patients with atherosclerosis, long and active exercises are unacceptable - often they lead to an attack of angina pectoris, and even a heart attack.

    The best solution is to look into the exercise therapy room and sign up for a training session in therapeutic exercises.

    There are many benefits to doing this:
    1. You can easily learn the set of exercises you need;
    2. Master the breathing technique;
    3. Work out in a group of like-minded people.

    About training time

    The optimal time frame for morning exercises is distributed as follows:

    1. For those over 50, it is permissible to exercise for 45 minutes.
    2. For those over 60, classes should be shorter and last half an hour.
    3. After 75 years, a sufficient time for classes is 25 minutes.

    Choose the time of day for charging yourself, but it is better if it is in the morning hours. After sports, take a shower, if not contraindicated - contrast.

    Now let's talk directly about the exercises.

    Let's get to work!

    Charging for the elderly over 60 brings undoubted benefits.

    Firstly, a person is active, his metabolism is activated, the blood supply to organs and tissues improves, there are no congestion in the joints and spine.

    Expert opinion

    Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movement in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky to cure joints ... Read more»

    Secondly, with the help of special exercises, you can get rid of pain, fatigue and discomfort. In addition, a good mood is maintained, weight is normalized.

    A very important factor is the improvement of memory and clarity of consciousness.

    If these reasons are not enough to start exercising, then another aspect of life can be considered. As a rule, when a person retires, his lifestyle completely changes. And in many cases, "grandmothers" and "grandfathers" begin to feel their obscenity for society. In addition, they simply have nothing to do during the day. Therefore, the best option would be to choose a hobby in the form of charging.

    To recharge your batteries and get an excellent mood for the whole day, you can do simple morning exercises. It is most convenient to watch and do exercises for the elderly on the video, where the instructor gives clear guidance. But first, you can get acquainted with one of the complexes in the form of a description:

    Immediately after waking up, you need to soak up a little in bed. This will allow the whole body to wake up.

    Now you can get up and do kneading the neck. To do this, you need to slightly lower your head (so that there is no pain syndrome) and rotate your neck in different directions. Movement should resemble a pendulum.

    A little about secrets

    Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working remedy, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more»

    We adopt the experience of the Celestial Empire and turn to professionals

    "Former" athletes

    For men over 50 who were actively involved in sports in their youth, time and load restrictions seem unreasonable. They are still active in gyms, lift weights and strive for the perfection of forms. Of course, each case needs to be dealt with separately. But remember, what is good at 20 is not good after 50. You can’t argue with physiology, and it’s better to refuse high loads.

    As an alternative to professional strength sports, consider yoga, walking, oriental wellness techniques. But by all means, don't quit.

    We offer a simple complex for practicing at home:
    1. Walking in place. At first, you need to take slow and calm steps, but after a couple of minutes you can speed up a little. And then slow down again. So it is desirable to alternate walking for 6-10 minutes.

    2. Stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your shoulders. It is necessary to do rotational movements for 2-3 minutes, but at the same time be sure to draw in the stomach.

    3. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, but so that full stability is preserved. Next, you need to tilt the body to one leg, then to the other. When lifting the torso, spread your arms to the sides. Try to touch the toe of the opposite limb. That is, the left hand to the right foot and vice versa. It is enough to make 4 slopes in each direction.

    4. Place 2 chairs with backs between them so that you can hold on to them as comfortably as possible. Do 5-7 half squats.
    5. IP is the same, but now you need to alternately swing your legs forward and backward. If possible, put the leg on which you are resting on tiptoe. Strokes should be 5-8.
    6. Now put the chair back to you, lean on your hands and swing each leg.

    7. Very good exercise leading to getting rid of extra pounds: sit on the edge of a stable chair and put your hands on your waist. You need to move the shoulder blades as much as possible, while pulling the elbows back. You do this while inhaling. As you exhale, move your elbows forward.
    in motivation post

    Today I was at a lecture by a professor of physiotherapy, a gerontologist "Aging beautifully or Size matters" :)
    The point of the lecture was how important muscle size or volume of muscle mass is during aging.

    1. Notorious examples from Dr.Jeffry S. Life, a therapist who, at the age of 60, realized that he was a very bad example for his patients and, in addition to erectile dysfunction, was getting more and more health problems:

    2. Here is his video (5 minutes), where he talks about how at 75 he feels better than at 40, and his relationship with sex is better than at 30 :)) Not a bad example, right?

    3. For more than 25 years, this professor (Maria Fiatarone Singh) has been working on aging issues and she spoke about the most interesting results of clinical studies that prove that strength exercises- this is a panacea, this is a medicine, this is the shortest way to health, longevity and beauty.

    She brought videos and photographs of elderly and not so old people who completely changed their health in better side by starting to practice. And they all said only one thing - "Why didn't I know this before? Why didn't I start doing this 20 years ago?"

    Here is a graph that shows the activity, volume and strength of muscle mass:

    All this begins to decrease from about 25-30 years. After that, starting and achieving some results becomes more and more difficult every year.

    4. And here is a good example of how muscle tissue (and opportunities) disappears with age:

    5. And then we were introduced to the legend :) Raymond Moon (Ray Moon) is the oldest bodybuilder in the world.
    Now he is 84 years old and he is preparing for the next bodybuilding competition. He is straight, which is important for assessing performance at this age. He is not on hormone replacement therapy and I will explain why later.

    6. The thing is that he began to study at the age of 76. After undergoing: polio, two major strokes, cardiac arrest, heart surgery, after which he had a pacemaker installed. Inflammation of the prostate, stomach cancer and this is not a complete list. He survived clinical death. And when he was put on a pacemaker, he needed to start restoring heart function. At 76, he could hardly lift a kilogram dumbbell. When he was on a drip during cancer recovery, he continued to exercise under the supervision of a doctor - he switches the drip from one hand to the other and he trains his hands in turn. Really. I saw pictures...

    7. Now he is 84 (I will repeat this five times, because I am very impressed by this :)) and he told me what his training schedule is. By the way, he began to tell this in response to the question "what diet is he on", he said that now he will tell you what his training schedule is and you yourself will understand what kind of diet :)))

    He trains for 1.5 hours in the gym - strength training with an ever-increasing load, working on hypertrophy and strength, changing training cycles, then doing hard interval cardio for 45 minutes - 1 hour. Sometimes in the pool. Before the competition for a month adds another 1 hour of training in the evening.

    8. Trains SIX TIMES A WEEK!!! Split program.
    He does not use pharmaceutical bodybuilding drugs due to the entire list of diseases that is given above. All 8 years he has been studying under the supervision of doctors and this very professor. The professor said that his state of health corresponds now to a 60-year-old healthy man. To which Ray added that it was clearly incomparable with him at the age of sixty, because he "was sick all the time in these years."

    What other questions did you have?
    He neglects stretching, but his flexibility indicators are excellent.
    He does not like cardio, but he needs it for health. Although he tries to reduce it to a minimum of time, but to make it more difficult interval training for less muscle loss.
    He said that his memory and sleep quality improved significantly.

    I can also tell you my personal impressions: extremely talkative, charming with excellent healthy appearance a very charismatic man aged 55-60... no more. With amazing posture and plastic sports gait :)

    When asked what he regrets, he answered like everyone else:
    Why didn't I start 50 years earlier? Then it wouldn't be so hard as hell! But I'm happy that I was born again at 76! Some people don't have that experience. I would like to convey to everyone my discovery.

    Many residents of the country have known about the benefits of physical exercise since childhood, because I instill this idea in my mother-in-law. kindergarten. To begin with, from an early age, getting used to physical activity begins to be developed with the help of morning exercises. Later, you can already add full-fledged daily workouts. But at the same time, you should not forget about morning exercises. On the contrary, many doctors focus on the fact that a person whose morning begins with a light workout is healthier and more resistant to various diseases. Yes, and the performance of the body warmed up in the morning increases significantly.

    For women over 60, the need for charging increases several times. Performing certain exercises at home regularly, day after day, will allow you to stay young and full of energy longer. However, in our country, gymnastics for the elderly is practiced very little. This is due to the fact that people over 60 consider themselves already deserved pensioners, for whom sport is something supernatural and unbearable. In fact, it has long been proven that morning exercises for the elderly, on the contrary, are very useful and necessary. But little is known about its positive impact on those who cross the border of old age.

    The benefits of gymnastics

    About the benefits for people over 60 physical activity doctors, nutritionists, and fitness trainers say today. Even psychologists note that gymnastics for the elderly has a calming effect, making them emotionally more stable, especially in stressful situations. Not everyone knows, but exercises for the face after 60 are also useful, which help to prolong youth visually.

    But first, let's look at the benefits for women after 60 years of total exercise.

    First of all, daily morning exercises are needed to prevent development:

    • heart disease,
    • vessels,
    • blood pressure disorders
    • sagging muscles, skin,
    • disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus,
    • joint diseases,
    • salt deposits, etc.

    Daily gymnastics for women after 50 or 60 years old significantly increases the tone of the whole body, improves blood circulation, cells of all tissues, and especially the brain, receive more oxygen. As a result, women who allocate at least 15 minutes a day for such an activity feel much better and younger than their peers, full of energy, and complain less of pain.

    Choice of exercises

    The complex of morning exercises should be selected carefully, taking into account the presence of chronic diseases and their characteristics. For the main task of charging at sixty is to strengthen health, and not harm it. In addition, for women over 60, the load should be gentle. At home, you can start with:

    • breath,
    • warm-ups of the hands, knee joints,
    • vestibular exercises,
    • walking in place

    Exercise with dumbbells for women of mature age or daily running in the stadium is possible and optional. Even the above simple exercises will be enough to feel an improvement in your well-being.

    Although, if a woman has been involved in sports all her life, but at retirement age, dumbbells can also be introduced into the daily complex. Exercises with dumbbells for women allow you to train your muscles more strongly, which will further affect your excellent posture, taut figure, general muscle tone in your arms, chest, and back.

    The essence of facial exercises

    For a person after 60, active care is needed. It is generally accepted that it is enough to use creams, masks, scrubs to look good. Those with higher incomes can afford facials after 60 different face lifts, injections, laser treatments, etc.

    In fact, no matter what kind of anti-aging cosmetics, it itself will not give the effect that can be achieved along with special exercises for the face after 60.

    These exercises are aimed at training the facial muscles, increasing their tone and improving blood circulation. If you do facial exercises after 60 every day, you can reduce the rate of development of wrinkles, prevent:

    • eyelid drooping,
    • drooping cheeks,
    • the appearance of a second chin, etc.

    Face training after 60 should preferably be carried out after morning or evening washing. All that is needed for its implementation is your own hands and the desire to look beautiful.

    The easiest exercises are:

    • middle and forefinger, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, you should make smoothing movements, a few minutes,
    • with the index finger, you need to lift the tip of the nose up, while pulling the upper lip down (15 times),
    • you need to put your fingers in the corners of the lips and stretch and squeeze your lips with them for several minutes,
    • retraction of the cheeks between the teeth, or one and a half minutes, or 20-30 times,
    • when closing the eyelid with your index fingers, you should press on their corners, making it difficult to calmly lower (resist 15 times),
    • stretching the lips, you need to pronounce letters such as a, and, o, y, s, e,
    • chin should draw circles, "write" letters or numbers.

    These exercises are very simple and fast. But for a person after 60, they play a very important role, as they noticeably relieve age-related imperfections. Regular gymnastics for the face after the onset of retirement age often gives an effect many times greater than the results from expensive creams and even injections. And most importantly, this form of anti-ageing is absolutely safe and free.

    And given that the skin of the face after 60 is more susceptible to the negative effects of external factors, this method can be a salvation for many.

    You can see such classes in practice in more detail with the help of useful videos for women on the Internet, which has step-by-step instructions and a visual demonstration of the entire complex.

    Summing up, we can conclude that for a 60-year-old lady, it is possible to stay young and healthy without leaving huge amounts of money in a pharmacy. Sometimes it is enough just to forget about your laziness and give a few minutes to your body to develop immunity from aging.

    You can dial muscle mass, even if they have reached middle age (from 40 to 60 years) or have crossed its border.

    Our lab and others have repeatedly shown that in older people, muscles also grow and become stronger.

    Markas Bamman, director of the Center for Exercise Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

    Research Exercise dosing to retain resistance training adaptations in young and older adults., which was conducted by Bamman, men and women aged 60–70 were engaged in strength training. Muscle development in them took place at the same rate as in 40-year-olds.

    But the process of muscle growth is different in young and old people.

    Skeletal muscles are made up of different types of fibers. When we reach middle age, two types of changes occur to them.

    Markas Bamman

    Some fibers die, especially if the muscles are not exercised. Sedentary adults lose 30 to 40% of their total muscle fiber by the age of 80. The remaining fibers shrink and atrophy with age. If we exercise, the size of atrophied muscle fibers increases, but not their number.

    It turns out that despite training, you will not increase the number of muscle fibers. However, the atrophied fibers will come to work and increase in size, so the muscles will still get bigger and stronger.

    How to train to ensure muscle growth in middle and old age

    The point is to practice regularly. Start going to the gym and create a workout plan.

    To start the biochemical processes necessary to increase the strength of muscle fibers, it is worth exercising to muscle failure.

    In Bamman's study, participants trained with specially designed weights so that subjects could complete 8 to 12 reps to exhaustion. After that, it was time to rest. Participants repeated each set two or three times and hit the gym three times a week.

    If you have never done strength training, consult a fitness trainer or specialist.

    A clear example of the fact that you can build muscle even in old age is the 73-year-old crossfitter Jacinto Bonilla, who does as much as many young people never dreamed of.

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