• Exercise for retirees 60 years old. Exercise for seniors to lose weight


    To prolong life span and its quality, both for men and women, it is extremely important to streamline eating behavior in time, to give up bad habits, to activate and diversify physical activity. Exercise is recommended for older women from the age of 40, prior to the onset of menopause.

    In this case, this complex process of hormonal changes will pass more or less easily, and the rest of the inevitable, usually pronounced, signs of biological aging will appear not by the age of 60-75, but later. And this is proven in practice and confirmed by medical research.

    Nevertheless, if you “did not have time” to start training on time, do not despair. It is never too late to start exercising regularly for health purposes. The information, photos and videos in this article will help older women start the process of working on the body and mind, even if their level of physical training and health is unsatisfactory.

    The weekly exercise plan presented below is optimized as much as possible in terms of preventing and stopping common diseases inherent in aging women. However, in the presence of pronounced chronic pathologies of the second, and especially the third stage of development, the complex of these measures must be approved by the attending physician.

    The benefits of physical education for elderly and old women

    Aging of the human body is inevitable. Age-related shifts occur at the cellular level: protein biosynthesis changes, the oxidative activity of enzymes decreases, the number of mitochondria decreases, and the functionality of cell membranes (membranes) is disrupted.

    Nevertheless, many natural physiological changes occurring in a withering female body can be significantly slowed down, and some even stopped for a while, with the help of regular physical activity and adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

    Here is a list of such conditions and diseases:

    • osteoporosis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • arthritis, arthrosis, gout;
    • metabolic syndrome (weight gain), type 2 diabetes mellitus;
    • violation of urodynamics and renal blood flow, decreased sphincter tone, prolapse of the pelvic organs, urinary incontinence when sneezing or laughing;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • cardiac ischemia;
    • diseases caused by atherosclerosis, including the defeat of the veins in the legs;
    • night cramps;
    • sleep disturbances;
    • psychosomatic disorders;
    • depression.

    On a note. With other diseases, injuries and fractures, exercise also successfully fights. Moreover, in many cases, exercise therapy is not an auxiliary, but the main type of treatment.

    Training plan for the week and basic rules of training

    Unfortunately, there is no one physical exercise or complex of different movements that would fight aging universally. However, alternating anaerobic loads with aerobic, static tension and relaxation with dynamic gymnastic exercises or yoga asanas, balance exercises and outdoor games, it is possible to draw up an indicative plan of health-improving physical education for older women.

    It should include:

    • morning exercises and evening cool-down - daily;
    • gymnastic set of exercises - 3 times a week for 45 minutes;
    • aerobic exercise - 2 (3) times a week for 60 minutes;
    • outdoor games and art therapy - during the week (according to health and mood).

    In order for physical education to be as effective as possible and not harm women of elegant age, the following "golden" rules must be observed:

    • you should train regularly;
    • the complex of physical exercises for older women should include exercises from articular gymnastics, stretching movements, exercises with dumbbells, Kegel exercises, coordination exercises, balances on one leg, breathing exercises;
    • the pace of classes and exercises should be slow and / or medium;
    • it is necessary to increase the level of physical activity gradually;
    • do not exercise during colds or infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, in the presence of increased body temperature, high blood pressure, pain in any organ or part of the body.

    Getting started, even those elderly women who believe that they are in good physical shape, should be careful about dosing loads. Not everyone will be able to immediately enter a full-fledged weekly training schedule with the recommended duration of classes: for gymnastics - 45, and for cardio exercises - 60 minutes.

    Here's how to proceed:

    1. For gymnastic training for older women at home, first, for 2 weeks, do only 2 blocks below the exercises presented in a standing position. Then, for another 2 weeks, add sitting exercises, and so on. Yes, there is a drawback to this method. Not all muscles and joints will be fully developed immediately. Nevertheless, it is better to increase the load in this way, because the majority will not be able to evenly distribute the efforts for the entire duration of the exercise, and therefore will be forced to interrupt it in the middle or at the end, or will receive muscle soreness as a negative consequence.
    2. To increase your aerobic activity, be guided by your own feelings. Walk, swim, paddle, or pedal on the treadmill until you feel tired. Then pause to rest. Then continue the training for another 3-5 minutes (at a slow pace), and finish the lesson. As the cardiovascular and respiratory systems strengthen, the first time period will gradually increase by itself. This method of dosing cardio loads will not allow you to cause harm due to overcoming a specific distance or a period of time after "I can't, but I must."

    For your information. You need to do it with a smile, literally forcing yourself to be in a good mood. This approach is an effective, medically proven method of dealing with automatic (negative and obsessive) thoughts and depressive senile conditions.

    Morning exercises

    One of the best options for morning exercises for older women is the popular author's Eye of Rebirth system. Peter Kalder created it after visiting a Tibetan monastery. Practice shows that this complex, if performed regularly, really has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.

    The exercises should be performed in the order shown in the figure. You should start with 3 repetitions of each of the movements. The dosage is increased gradually.

    As a rule, +2 repetitions are added every week, but you can not rush, focusing on sensations. The maximum number of repetitions of each exercise is 21 times, which are performed at a calm pace in 15 minutes.

    If necessary, pay special attention to the joints of the wrists and fingers, increasing the number of special exercises for them, inserting them into part 6.

    How to correctly perform the 5 Tibetan pearls (rituals or exercises), what are the requirements that must be observed in relation to the entire selection of exercises, you can learn from this video. This is one of the best and most competent demonstrations of this complex.

    For those who do not like such morning exercises, such a video set of exercises for older women may be suitable.

    Universal gymnastics complex for elderly women

    For women over 40, it is important to start maintaining the coordination of movements and tone of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, inhibiting the inevitable development of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, keeping body weight normal, maintaining correct posture, flexibility of the spine and range of motion in the joints of the extremities.

    For this, a set of exercises is suitable, which must be done according to the following rules:

    • the optimal number of lessons per week - 3 times;
    • the duration of one lesson is 45 minutes;
    • the time of the lesson - 30 minutes after the second breakfast (11-30) or before dinner, but so that at least 20 minutes pass between the end of the lesson and the meal;
    • the sequence of the exercises is strictly in the order indicated below;
    • the number of repetitions of each dynamic exercise - strictly according to the sensations, until a feeling of slight fatigue.

    Attention! If pain occurs during exercise, stop doing the exercise immediately. You are doing it technically wrong, miscalculating the dosage or the force of tension (stretching). After a pause, you can try to continue training with the next exercise, but if pain recurs, stop exercising. There is a reason to go to the doctor.

    For the lesson you will need inventory:

    • 3 tennis balls or other items suitable for juggling;
    • dumbbells or convenient plastic bottles of suitable weight - individually (from 0.5 to 2 kg);
    • stable stool;
    • large towel;
    • rug.

    You should practice in loose clothing and barefoot. It is worth taking care of musical accompaniment and the availability of drinking water in advance. Ventilate the area shortly before training.

    Warm up

    Before any physical activity, you should do a warm-up. In our opinion, the optimal preparatory exercises are movements from the above vortex warm-up of the joints.

    Standing exercises

    Table 1 - Exercises for the joints and muscles of the trunk, arms and shoulder girdle:

    Images and title Brief instruction

    Exercise in the following algorithm. In the first 10-15 seconds, take a position so that the stretch is minimal and comfortable. Then exhale and strengthen it a little for another 10-15 seconds. Breathe smoothly and shallowly. Areas where you need to feel stretching are highlighted in orange, and tension is highlighted in red. Additionally, extend in the direction of the purple arrows.

    Do 10 left-right twists. At the end of each turn, look at the wall, exhale, and try to touch the wall with your palms (A). After completing the last twist, freeze, turning your head away from the wall as much as possible, look up, breathe shallowly (B). Feel the stretch for 10 seconds (blue zone), exhale, and twist a little for another 10 seconds. Repeat one more time, but with the final fading in the opposite direction.

    Stretch out to the string, fold your hands in a prayer mudra (forearms parallel to the floor). Squeeze your palms firmly. Keeping the chest motionless, inhale and exhale with your stomach (pushing it out as you inhale, and pulling it in as you exhale), raise your arms up for 10 counts, without loosening the pressure in the palms. Lower your arms just as slowly. Do the exercise 3 x 3 times.

    Place your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. Keep your head straight. Maintaining correct posture, raise your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. During abduction, breathe in, and when lowering your arms, an accentuated exhalation. Repeat spreading the arms to the sides until tired. Relax, and do 2 more sets, remembering to take a sufficient break for rest in and between them.

    Take 5 minutes to juggle. This is a great exercise for more than just coordination. It perfectly stimulates the cerebellum, improves concentration, strengthens the muscles of the eyes. To avoid chasing dropped balls, work on a sofa, bed, or chair. Don't be afraid or discouraged. It would seem complex movements, but they will turn out pretty quickly.

    Between 2 blocks of exercises performed in a standing position, we propose to perform simple movements, which, despite their simplicity, will support the vestibular apparatus. This is important because age-related changes (disturbances) in his work affect his gait and cause dizziness and spontaneous falls in the elderly.

    During one music track (3-5 minutes), walk with your feet on the same line:

    • forward and backward - with side steps (the toe of one leg touches the heel of the other), on high half-toes;
    • forward - sliding step;
    • at the end of the line of motion, make smooth 180-degree turns, rising on tiptoes;
    • while walking, change the position of your hands - to the sides, up, behind your back in the castle, holding an imaginary balancing pole or fan of tightrope walkers in your hands.

    Advice. It is possible to strengthen the training of the vestibular apparatus while walking along the line by increasing the number of turns or complicating them by performing a half, or maybe full (360 degrees) turn on the toe of one leg, with further maintaining balance on an imaginary rope.

    Table 2 - Exercises for the joints and muscles of the trunk, pelvic floor and legs:

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    Starting position: basic stance, dumbbells in both hands.

    1. Spreading both arms to the sides, put your left leg to the side. You can put it on your toes, you can lift it up. Breathe in.

    2. Standing on your right leg, touch your right elbow to your left knee with your left hand down. The back is straight, a slight twist of the torso is possible. Exhalation.

    3. = 2 (inhale), 4. = 1 (exhale). And on the other leg. Repeat until slightly tired.

    Starting Pose: Basic Stance

    1. Make a cross back lunge with your left leg, keeping your weight on the “front” right leg. Exhalation.

    2. Raise your straight right hand up, passing it across the side. At the same time, sit down a little lower. Breathe in.

    3. Return to position 1. Exhale.

    4. Get into the starting pose. Breathe in.

    Do the exercise the other way. Repeat until slightly tired.

    The starting position is as in the photo.

    1. Inhale, keeping your chest and arms still, and sticking out your stomach.

    2. As you exhale, lower your arms down, suck in your stomach and tense your pelvic floor muscles. This Kegel tension is the main movement of the exercise. All attention is on him. Freeze, not breathing, for 3-7 seconds. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

    Repeat 6-12 times.

    Place your feet wider than your shoulders, with your toes facing outward. Interlace your fingers, position the resulting lock in the center of the sternum.

    Do slow (4 counts) half-squats, and the same slow returns to the starting position.

    Keep your back and neck straight.

    While squatting, inhale, and when standing up, exhale.

    The dosage is individual (4-20 times).

    To swing as much as possible, swing by grasping the wall or back of a chair. Condition - all parts of the body, except for the leg, must be motionless. Breathing is shallow, voluntary.

    1. Make a "pendulum" knee back and forth. 16-20 times.

    2. Perform 10-12 knee abductions to the side.

    Repeat on the other leg.

    1. Rest your forehead and forearms against the wall, placing your legs in a lunge with parallel feet. Move the pelvis towards the wall until some of the tension appears in the calf muscle and Achilles tendon. After 10 seconds, tighten the tension for another 10 seconds.

    2. Ease the tension in the lower leg and in the same algorithm (10 + 10) stretch the lateral part of the torso at the level of the hip joint, taking the shoulders to the opposite side. Repeat with the other leg.

    On a note. In any, especially in old age, and especially women after 45 years, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. It is necessary for the normal rate of regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, as well as for maintaining the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. If you feel thirsty during your workout, quench it with a few sips of water or unsweetened compote.

    Chair sitting exercises

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    Paying attention to maintaining the tone of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks is extremely important. Their laxity can also result in an accidental fall, injury, or fracture. Repeat until tired:

    1. Lift your buttocks off the chair, keeping your back straight. Breathe in. Return to the sitting position slowly, do not flop.

    2. As you exhale, straighten your legs and turn your feet to the left, and on the next repetition to the right.

    Take dumbbells.

    1. Spread your arms bent at the elbows, inhaling with your stomach. The chest is motionless.

    2. As you exhale, bring your arms in front of you, draw in your stomach and contract your pelvic floor muscles. Hold for 2, maximum 3 seconds.

    Repeat 10-12 times.


    Do the streak again.

    Sit backwards in a chair.

    1. Exhale as you tilt to the side, pulling one dumbbell under your armpit, and try to touch the floor with the other. As you inhale, return to a level position. Repeat on the other side. There are 12 slopes in total.

    2. Immediately do 12 twists of the torso (left + right), holding the arms as in the photo. Exhale at the extreme pivot points.

    Continue to sit backwards in the chair. Lift the dumbbells up.

    1. As you exhale, bend your arms. Do not spread your elbows to the sides. The forearms should be parallel to the floor.

    2. Taking a breath, and not moving your arms and head, bend in the chest.

    3. As you exhale, return to position 1.

    4. While inhaling, straighten your arms up.

    Average pace, smooth. Repeat 12 times.

    1. Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet on tiptoe. Check your posture. Stretch the top of your head up.

    2. Trying not to wiggle your torso, lift your knees up. Freeze for 20-30 seconds (or as long as you can). Do not hold your breath. Breathe in your chest shallowly.

    3. Slowly (!) Return to pose 1.

    4. Relax (you can round your back).

    Repeat 3-6 times.

    For your information. Quite a lot of exercises with dumbbells are not accidentally included in this complex. They are recommended for elderly women as one of the main types of stress for inhibiting osteoporosis, controlling body weight and blood sugar levels. In addition, movements with dumbbells help maintain the elastic line of the inner part of the shoulder, which at this age begins to sag ugly, preventing you from wearing short-sleeved clothes.

    Sitting on the floor and on all fours

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    1. Sit with your soles on each other. Cross your arms with your palms on the inside of your knees. For 5 seconds, push your knees apart, but at the same time try to bring them together.

    2. Press down, 5-7 seconds, on one knee, and then, for the same amount of time, on the other knee.

    3. Bend forward for 5 seconds, exhale, deepen the bend, and freeze for another 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

    You need to step with your buttocks in 4 directions - forward, backward, left and right. This should be done for a long time, during one music track, about 3-5 minutes. It is not forbidden to "help" yourself with your hands. However, you should remember the recommendations of the author of this exercise, Dr. Neumyvakin:

    1. Do not slouch, do not tilt your head.

    2. Do not bend your knees.

    From a kneeling position, extend your left arm and right leg. Look straight down. Don't bend your lower back. Breathe calmly. Freeze for 30 seconds. After a few seconds of rest, repeat the hold, extending the other arm and leg.

    If there are no problems with the knee joints, then the exercise can be done 2-3 times.

    Do 4-6 cycles, consisting of a smooth change of position:

    1. The kitty fins up - the back is bent (exhale).

    2. The kitty is angry - the back is rounded (inhale).

    3-4. Aligning the back, and exhaling, holding the breath, "the kitty looks at the tail" through the right and then over the left shoulder, trying to reach with the shoulder to the hip joint.

    Get on your knees, rest on your palms, without bending your elbows. The arms and hips should be perpendicular to the floor.

    After inhaling, while exhaling, "pass" one hand under the other, twisting, but not rounding, the back either in the chest or in the lower back. In this position, you need to stand for 10 to 20 seconds. Then rest, and repeat the twist in the other direction.

    Important! During a gymnastic lesson, you felt shortness of breath, severe fatigue, and your heart suddenly pounded in your ears or throat? Be sure to pause during which you do not do breathing exercises. They can only make the situation worse. Breathe calmly, not deeply and rhythmically for a few minutes. Drink some water.

    Exercises in a prone position

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    Lie on your stomach. Place your insteps on the floor with your toes extended. Place your palms on the floor close to the shoulder joints. Do 6 push-ups, arching your back, but do not lift your hips off the floor. On the rise - inhale, while lowering - exhale. On the 7th time, freeze for 10 seconds, breathe shallowly. Then, as you exhale, slightly increase the deflection force, and wake up like this for another 10 seconds. If desired, this series (dynamics + static) can be repeated 2-3 times.

    Lie on your stomach with a rolled towel under your stomach.

    As you inhale, bend your elbows and knees. To begin with, the movement can be done not simultaneously, but in turn - first bend your arms, and then your legs.

    As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    Make at least 3-4 frog movements. The maximum number of repetitions is 16.

    Continuing to lie on your stomach on a rolled-up towel, work your shins, keeping your knees together. Try to "pat" your buttocks with your heels. After making 20-30 movements, proceed to the second part of the exercise. Spread your knees and feet wide. Connecting your toes, bend as in the photo, taking a breath at this time. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Do the exercise the other way. Only 6-12 repetitions.

    1. Remove the towel from under the abdomen, rest your fingers on the floor, stretch your arms forward, lifting your shoulders off the floor. Do not throw your head back, look straight down. Count to 10.

    2. Bend your elbows, bringing your hands to your shoulders, with your palms facing the floor, and again count to 10.

    3. And wake up 10 more counts with arms extended back.

    Relax and repeat all over again.

    Spread your straight arms and legs to the sides. When viewed from above, the body with limbs should resemble a narrow X. Raise your left arm and right leg. At the moment of their lowering, stretch your right arm and left leg up. Work at an average pace. Change the position to the count "time - and". Count to 30. Breathe freely and shallowly.

    Side lying exercises

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    1. Lie on your side as shown in the photo. Grab your left ankle with your left palm and pull it towards your left buttock. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds.

    2. Keeping the grip on the left ankle, bend your right knee, resting your right palm on it. Press them into each other for 10 seconds.

    Do not hold your breath, breathe freely and not very deeply.

    Do 20 leg raises (movements indicated by arrows). Work your foot in a monotonous manner, like a mint, and do not drop it on the floor. Please note - the toes of both feet should be pulled over yourself.

    Do not exercise with the other leg, but move on to the next movement.

    Continuing to lie on your side, bend your knees. Slowly and very carefully, for 3 or 4 counts, raise the knee of the "upper" leg, and then at the same speed return it to the knee joint of the "supporting" leg. Do not jerk the exercise! Even in a heated state, but in the presence of osteoporosis, the hip joint can be seriously injured. Make the opening movement 6 times and immediately begin the following movements.

    Before starting this series of movements, which must also be done very carefully and responsibly, again at an average or slow pace, the legs must be slightly straightened. Raise your leg (1), touch the floor in front with your knee (2), lift your leg again (3), touch the floor with your toe in the back (4). Repeat 4-6 times.

    Well, now turn on the other side and start doing a series of exercises from the very beginning (see above).

    Bend your legs, stretch your toes, raise your arms to the ceiling, as in the photo. While inhaling, stretch upward with your arms, bending at the side, and lifting your lower shoulder off the floor. As you exhale, return the shoulder girdle to its original position. Repeat 6 times, and then do the exercise while lying on the other side.

    Supine exercises

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    Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms with dumbbells extended to the ceiling. Returning all the time to this position (on exhalation), while inhaling, do:

    1 - Raising the arms to the sides.

    2 - putting dumbbells behind the head.

    3 - flexion of the arms, vertical forearms.

    Dosage: 3 sets of 6 series.

    Starting position: lying on your back, head on the floor, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, hips perpendicular to the floor. Raise your head at the same time and pull your fingers and toes over yourself. The angle of flexion of the ankle and wrist joints should be maximized, but the chin should not touch the chest.

    Dosage: 2-3 times for 15 seconds.

    Before stretching the groin, as in the photo, doing this 3 times for 5-7 seconds, perform Kegel contractions. Lie straight with your legs straight, arms along your torso. Quickly, 10-15 times in a row, contract the muscles of the perineum, which are located around the sphincter that stops urination. Rest for a few seconds and repeat the contractions 1 or 2 more times. Pay attention not to tense the buttocks.

    1. Pull your left foot toward you and place your right heel on the toes of your left foot. Turn your feet to the right and then to the left, trying to reach the floor with your right toe. After 6-8 turns, change the position of the feet and repeat.

    2. Hold the position, as in the photo, for 30 seconds for each leg.

    3. Bend one leg, and twist your lower back, place your knee on the floor. In such positions, you must also lie for 30 seconds.

    Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body, legs apart shoulder-width apart and bent at the knees, the soles are parallel and as close to the buttocks as possible. Do 10 upward hip lifts, and linger 11 times in the "bridge" for 10 seconds. After resting the muscles, repeat the exercise (dynamics + statics) again.

    1. Stretching out into the string, maintain the stretch position for 5 seconds.

    2-3. Now stretch at the same time, 5 seconds behind your left leg and right arm, and then 5 seconds behind your right leg and left arm.

    4. For the final 5-second stretch, draw your belly in.

    Finish the set of exercises with 2-3 minutes of calm lying on your back, arms and legs outstretched to the sides. Place a rolled towel under the lower back, if necessary.

    Aerobic exercise

    Aerobic activity is the performance of movement or exercise of low and / or moderate intensity. They help to strengthen the work of the vascular system and myocardium, maintain normal body weight or lose weight, and improve well-being.

    One of the best types of aerobic exercise in old age - water aerobics and dosed swimming, as well as work on cardiovascular equipment, are not available to many. However, walking is available to almost everyone, but in order to get the most out of dosed walking, it is best to practice Nordic pole walking.

    Their price is not too high, and you can buy them on the Internet. You can learn how to walk correctly and correctly increase the load when exercising with such equipment from the article on our website "Nordic walking with sticks: walking technique for the elderly, benefits and contraindications."

    By the way, it can be boring for creative people to walk, swim or pedal for a long time, even if these cyclic loads are performed with music. For such retirees, and especially for those who love and know how to dance, it is recommended to try Chinese health-improving gymnastics.

    Are such complex, coordinated, low-intensity physical activities suitable for you to maintain the vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system? Try it! Here is a short video of a tai chi complex made especially for beginners. After a short introduction, the instructor clearly explains and demonstrates all the movements of the "dancing tree".

    Evening hitch

    The daily plan for the recovery of older women with the help of physical exercises necessarily includes the so-called evening cool-down - a short set of several light physical exercises. Usually these are stretching movements and corrective and "soothing" yoga asanas, which are performed before taking an evening hygienic shower, shortly before bedtime. You can also cool down after a shower, since the physical activity will be minimal.

    Try to cool down before bed, and you will feel the results pretty quickly:

    • the transition from wakefulness to sleep will accelerate;
    • joints will swell less during sleep;
    • the strength and number of night cramps decrease or they disappear altogether;
    • the number of awakenings will decrease;
    • stop dreaming "bad" dreams;
    • after waking up, the feeling of a night's rest will be fuller.

    For example, we suggest doing in the evenings such simple exercises that the instructions for their implementation fit in one sentence.

    Photo gallery "Evening hitch for older women":

    And in conclusion, we suggest watching another video with a set of exercises for older women. Perhaps it is "pure" yoga - this is the kind of gymnastics that you will fall in love with and will do regularly and with pleasure.

    In contact with

    Retirement is a time that many associate with a decrease in activity levels and a cessation of personal care. And many people of retirement age are sedentary, rarely leave their homes, and are less concerned about their health. Morning exercises for those over 60 seems like a useless exercise. Especially if a person has not done it during his life.

    Morning exercises for women 60 years old

    A sedentary lifestyle with retirement is the standard route. Pensioners do not walk much - they sit at most on the benches next to the house. They often watch TV and rarely go outside. Physical exercise for the elderly is often just an empty phrase, because few people do it.

    Because of this lifestyle, the muscles lose their tone, and the strength remains less and less. Active seniors who play a variety of sports or simply spend more time outdoors and walk are more energetic and healthier than those who choose not to.

    The lack of understanding that it is necessary to do exercises is also due to the fact that, in principle, no one does it. In schools, they try to instill this habit in students, but if parents do not set an example from their own experience, then it will not form. So it turns out that in childhood the habit was not instilled, in adulthood there is no time and desire for this, and in old age there is no longer any sense. But scientists have proven that a set of exercises in the morning has a positive effect on the body and is especially necessary for people over 60.

    Have you done your exercises this morning?


    In addition, there is a special facial muscle exercise for women over 60, which helps fight wrinkles and gives the face a more youthful look. Such gymnastics does not take much time, but at the same time it is effective and helps to look 5 or more years younger.

    The benefits of morning exercises

    Over time, a person develops a shuffling gait, movements become slower, the nervous system is not as stable, posture changes, and memory becomes weaker. While these all seem to be mutually unrelated consequences, physical inactivity affects the body in many ways:

    1. The muscles in the body lose tone, making it harder to move and maintain the same level of activity.
    2. Lack of exercise leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Sport contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness, so everything seems pessimistic for immobile elderly people, they become more prone to depression. A disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system also leads to memory problems.
    3. Seniors do not maintain posture or do strengthening exercises, so they become stooped. Due to the stoop, pressure appears on the internal organs: liver, stomach, gallbladder.

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    Exercising in the morning will not solve all health problems, but it will improve your general condition, as well as:

    • will raise the general vitality, when you start to do at least something, strength appears;
    • the hormone of happiness will begin to be produced, so you will become more optimistic;
    • is the prevention of sagging skin, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, violations of blood pressure and other diseases;
    • improves blood circulation and immunity.

    Although many believe that exercise at 60 is no longer suitable for a person due to health problems, 10-15 minutes in the morning will have a positive effect on your body and condition in general.

    What exercises to choose

    While exercise will benefit almost everyone, exercise and activity choices need to be based on how you feel and understand what you can do. Do not overdo it, the morning set of exercises is needed to improve health, not harm it. It is important to play sports correctly so as not to complicate well-being in the case of chronic diseases.

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    Remember that the level of exercise should be comfortable for you. Do not do gymnastics in pajamas and barefoot, try to:

    • find comfortable clothes: these can be sweatpants, shorts and a T-shirt or T-shirt;
    • pick up sneakers - buy comfortable sneakers, you can also walk in the street in them.

    Ventilate the area before charging to breathe fresh air and invigorate after sleeping. If you live in a private house, go outside during the summer. Exercising outdoors will bring more benefits and positive emotions. It is also necessary to start gradually with less time and then lengthen it if you are comfortable.

    Pay attention to the following details when choosing exercises:

    • Avoid doing squats and lunges if you have knee pain. In this case, choose breathing exercises and stretching.
    • If you feel that the selected gymnastic complex is too difficult for you, choose another. Don't torture yourself.
    • If you don't want to or can't exercise, walk and stretch. Walking will keep your muscles toned, while stretching will keep them elastic.

    If you have health complications at some point, refrain from exercise, they will only worsen the situation. If you think that nothing terrible will happen, consult a specialist.

    A set of exercises for the elderly

    Below you will find different exercises. Due to their large range, you can often change the program if you are tired of some exercise:

    1. Stand straight with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Perform head movements first forward-backward, and then to the sides.
    2. Take the same starting position and perform circular movements with your head. First one way, then the other.
    3. Stand up straight, place your palms on your shoulders and perform circular motions of your hands. First forward, then backward.
    4. Stand up straight with your feet together. Lean forward, touch the floor with your fingers, and then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
    5. Bend to the side while standing straight.
    6. Squats. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Try to sit as deep as possible. But don't overdo it.
    7. Sit on the floor with your legs extended and your back straight. Alternately stretch your hands first to one toe of the foot, then to the second.
    8. Sit on the floor with your feet together, pulling your legs up to your torso. You should have a lotus pose. Smoothly lower your knees to the floor.
    9. Spread something on the floor or take a special rug and lie on it. Straighten your back and relax. Then lift your right leg and left hand and touch your toes with your fingers. Do it 6 times alternately.
    10. Grab one-kilogram light dumbbells or fill bottles with water. Take a bottle in each hand, and then lift them one by one. First forward, then to the sides.
    11. Stand up straight with your feet together. Place your hands on your kneecaps, squat down slightly, and begin in a circular motion. First one way, then the other.

    By doing these exercises, you will restore tone to your body and a positive attitude. You can combine morning exercises with walking and stretching. The main thing is to focus on your well-being.


    While exercising is of great benefit to the body, in some cases it is not recommended to do it. Such serious pathologies as heart attack, stroke, diabetes mellitus force to refrain from gymnastics or reduce its intensity. In the presence of such pathologies, before starting to do morning exercises, consult your doctor.

    For many, old age is associated with retirement, leaving work, and being removed from a turbulent social life. Many women, preparing for old age, deny themselves the former joys, stop visiting cosmetologists, hairdressers, quit training in fitness centers, etc. As a result of such a deviation from their usual lifestyle, women after 60 instantly begin to develop various diseases, exacerbate chronic , mood worsens, a feeling of weakness and fatigue appears.

    However, there is salvation from such a deterioration in health for those who are over 60 years old. And this salvation does not require money investment, a lot of time and effort. All doctors will first of all say that in order to prevent the development of diseases, despite age, you need to move more. In the prescription, along with medications, such "patients" will definitely be indicated gymnastics.

    The role of gymnastics

    The fact that every person should have exercise in the schedule of everyday life has been heard by most of the civilized world more than once. But not everyone took this rule into account, often there is simply not enough time for it because of the constant rush to work, to school for a child, to an anniversary with friends. And if throughout my life there was no time to perform elementary exercises, then it certainly is sixty.

    It is a mistake to believe that charging for the elderly, which is introduced abruptly, in adulthood, is dangerous. If the body has not trained before, then for people over 60 at the initial stages, a more gentle program is simply selected.

    Morning exercises for the elderly are recommended for a reason, because it has a lot of positive qualities. First of all, daily exercise after 60 years is the right habit that allows you to start up your body in the morning. Morning exercises for the elderly, lasting only 15-20 minutes, can get more benefits than daily medication for pressure, heart, headaches.

    Morning exercises are especially necessary for women, who, according to statistics, lead a less active lifestyle than men.

    Daily gymnastics has the following effects on the body:

    • Starts the metabolism,
    • Stimulates blood circulation, blood flow even to the most "distant" organs,
    • All organs and tissues, and especially the brain, are quickly saturated with oxygen,
    • Prevention of excess weight gain, development of obesity,
    • Prevents the appearance of various heart diseases, reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke,
    • Blood pressure is normalized,
    • The state of blood vessels improves, their elasticity increases (due to the rapid elimination of harmful cholesterol molecules),
    • Muscle tone increases, joints are developed,
    • The respiratory capacity of the lungs increases, etc.

    Daily exercise for women over 60 can also improve complexion. In addition, it has been proven that during physical exertion, the so-called "hormones of happiness" are more intensively produced. As a result, the 60-year-old beauty will have a much better mood and higher resistance to stress. Also, positive emotions slow down the process of the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

    A set of exercises

    Morning exercises for those over 60 should include exercises that can engage different muscle groups and body systems. it is imperative to include elements for the development of a sense of space, endurance training, limb mobility, and strengthening of the spine.

    You can start with the simplest, but very important - breathing. It is this exercise that will help to get the adult body to work faster. It is performed as follows - in a standing position, you need to raise your hands up and inhale, then lower them and take a deep breath. It is better to repeat 15 times.

    You can stretch the knee joints by squatting a little, then performing knee flattening and spreading. At the end it is better to "spring back" a little on the legs. True, after completing this element, it is better to take a break for a couple of minutes on a chair.

    The vestibular apparatus and posture are corrected for if you press straight against the wall and stand there for several minutes. At this time, the shoulder blades, buttocks and heels should clearly touch the wall.

    Be sure to charge after 60 years of age must include walking. In small rooms it is enough to arrange walking on the spot.

    If there is an opportunity and strength, then swimming in the pool and skiing will be beneficial for a 60-year-old pensioner. Also, you must definitely walk every day.

    If you take your health seriously and listen to the recommendations, then at the age of 65, the anniversary will be celebrated not by a sickly old woman, but by an active and healthy woman in years. It is much more pleasant than, instead of joy at the holiday, thinking whether it’s time to take a pill for pressure, or from the heart.

    Precautionary measures

    Despite the obvious benefits of physical activity, there are a number of restrictions that must be observed. First and foremost, when playing sports, you need to follow a reasonable measure. After all, exercise for the elderly is a way to maintain health, and not show an Olympic result. You should also not arrange races with your friends or with yourself - do exercises for speed, increase the number of repetitions every day, etc. It is better to refrain from power loads. In particular, it is impossible to use dumbbells without preliminary preparation of the body. Just like a sudden love of the rope will not be beneficial.

    It is important to understand that health promotion does not depend on the intensity of exercise in old age. For good health, gentle but regular exercise is enough. And if you add to them a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and, if necessary, timely check-ups with a doctor, then the state of health will be better than that of most 40-year-old women.

    Every Monday at AiF Health - a new set of exercises for beauty and health. This week - 21 exercises for middle-aged and older people.

    The task of gymnastics is to adapt the body to everyday stress, regulate the work of the cardiovascular, autonomic, neuromuscular systems, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and create a good mood for middle-aged and older people.

    All exercises should be done with a smile and music.

    Breathing exercise.

    Starting position (I. p.) - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered. We raise our hands through the sides up, inhale with our nose, lower our hands - exhale with our mouth. The diaphragm works, the shoulder blades are brought together and spread. We repeat the exercise 3 times. Every time we get up from a chair, we do this exercise again. We do it with a smile and don't strain.

    2. Shoulder rotation

    I. p. - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms to shoulders. Rotational movements in the shoulder joint forward and backward. 4 turns forward, 4 back. We repeat 5-7 times.

    Everyone regulates the volume and intensity of the performed exercise himself. If you are under 62, you can do more reps.

    4. Warm up for knee joints

    I. p. - standing, legs are wider than shoulders, slightly squatted, hands - on our knees, we keep our back straight.

    We bring our knees together, we bred one-two-three-four. 3 reps. Finished the exercise - sat down on a chair.

    6. Forward bends

    I. p. - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms lowered. We make 2 springy slopes to each leg. On the count of 1-4, we bend forward, then to one leg, on the count of 5-8 - forward, to the other leg. Straightened, hands on the waist, slightly bent back. You don't need to throw your head back.

    When bending down, do not force yourself to reach the floor. The knees can be bent. Those who are able to do only 3-4 repetitions can stop there, who can do more, do 6-7 repetitions.

    7. Exercise "Swimming"

    I. p. - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms lowered. Let's "swim" crawl. On a count from 1 to 4, hands go forward, then back. The range of motion should be maximum. When the body is flexed by the previous exercises, it is easy to do. The upper shoulder girdle receives the load.

    9. "Boxing match"

    I. p. - standing, in the hands - small dumbbells or half-liter plastic bottles of water.

    We stand in a boxing stance, the body does not bend either forward or backward, legs are shoulder-width apart, the right hand is extended forward, the left is bent and behind the right. The exercise is carried out at different speeds. The first round is reconnaissance in force. On the count from 1 to 8, throw one or the other hand forward, do 3 reps, the second round - a little faster, on the count from 1 to 8, three reps. And the final round is the shortest and most effective: very quickly we throw our hands to the count up to 1 to 7, the eighth blow with a swing is a knockout. We won, now we can rest a little.

    10. Stretching

    I. p. - sitting on a chair. We take a baby ball in the form of a hedgehog, but you can do the exercise without it. (It is more difficult to perform the exercise with the ball.) Hands with the ball - into the lock, pull them forward, turn the palms outward, stretch until they crunch. The arms, bending at the elbows, towards oneself, the hands are turned inward, the arms are straightened at the elbows - the hands are outward. We carry out on the account from 1 to 8. We do 5-6 repetitions. After the end of the exercise, we twist the brushes, closed in the lock, to the left and to the right.

    Breathing exercise.

    11. Exercise with an expander

    (A rubber band is sold at any pharmacy.) I. p. - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders. Raise your hands up, stretch the expander, put it behind your head, release your hands - the expander is in front of your head. We carry out on the account from 1 to 8. In this exercise all muscles of the upper shoulder girdle are involved. The load is regulated by layers of rubber in the expander: the fewer layers, the less our effort.

    12. Pulling the knees to the chest

    I. p. - sitting on a chair. (This exercise is best done on an empty stomach.) Hands on your knees. We bend the right knee, pull it to the chest, hold it with our hand for 2 seconds, lower the leg. We perform the exercise for a count from 1 to 8. The same with the left knee. We do 8-12 reps. This exercise clears up the stomach.

    Breathing exercise.

    14. Pulling and rotating the feet

    I. p. - sitting. We take off our shoes. Stretch the legs and hold the canopy. We hold onto the back of the chair. Pull the socks of the feet towards ourselves, pull them out from ourselves. We do not lower our legs. Making an effort. We do 6-8 repetitions, and then circular rotations with the feet inward and outward.

    Breathing exercise.

    15. Lunges with a twist

    I. p. - standing, leaning on the back of a chair. We take a step forward with our right leg, squat, bend the knee, the left leg is extended back and rests on the floor. Then we turn, change legs and arms, all the time we lean on the back of the chair. Second hand on the belt. This helps keep your back straight. The body is perpendicular to the floor, do not stoop, do not bend. One, two - turn, three-four - turn. We repeat 6-8 times.

    16. Push-ups from the back of the chair

    I. p. - standing, facing the back of the chair. We bend-unbend our arms at the elbow joint under the weight of our own body. The back and legs are in a straight line. We rest on the floor with our toes. When young people do push-ups, they must lift 80% of their weight. It is difficult for older people. From the chair, they lift at least 18-20 kg.

    This exercise should be done carefully and for a short time. Someone in the past could have had a fracture, someone might have weak arms.

    We count from 1 to 8. We make one run.

    17. Self-massage

    I. p. - sitting, legs slightly divorced, hands on knees. With your fingertips, applying a slight effort, massage the back of the head in a circular motion. We rise higher - to the parietal region. Then we massage the forehead over the eyebrows - from the center to the temples. We go down a little lower - to the brow ridges. We smooth the face from the nose to the temples. Gently rub the whiskey in a circular motion. With two or three fingers, massage the nose. We go from the wings to the bridge of the nose. Then we massage the cheeks and chin in a circular motion. And now - light pats under the chin. And we start to massage the legs. The most important thing is that we ourselves regulate what efforts we will put in.

    We massage the calf muscles from bottom to top with both hands, rise higher, slightly raise the thigh and massage the muscles of the back of the thigh. Also the other leg. Then we lightly hit the muscles with the edge of the palm. We do everything with a smile.

    18. Bends to the knee

    I. p. - sitting on a chair. Cross your legs so that the ankle of one leg is pressed against the knee of the other, we hold the leg with our hands. Slowly bend over and hold this position for several seconds. We change legs. We repeat the slopes 2 times. Now our back and pelvic muscles are working. There may be tension in the lower back.

    Breathing exercise.

    20. Walking on straight legs

    I. p. - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders. Hands behind the back, bent at the elbows, hands at the waist. We rise on toes and set one leg a little to the side. This is how penguins walk at the South Pole. Do the exercise for a count from 1 to 8. Do 6-8 reps.

    21. Relaxation

    Finally, take a pose that allows you to completely relax. I. p. - sitting on a chair. The legs are extended, the arms hang relaxed, we tilt our head forward, sit like this for 30-40 seconds, listen to music and relax.

    Note: Charging takes approximately half an hour. If you are less than 65 years old, you can do it even longer - up to 40-45 minutes. For people over 70, I do not recommend doing it for more than half an hour. After 75 years, it is enough to work out for 25 minutes. After charging, it is good to take a contrast shower.

    Our reference

    Pavel Grigorievich Smolyansky- athletics coach, worked with the Russian national athletics team and the national team of the Republic of Guatemala. In Russia, his pupils have become champions of the Russian Federation in middle and long distance running 11 times, won three times at the European Cups among sports clubs. In Guatemala - set 23 national records.

    Pavel Grigorievich created his own set of exercises for middle-aged and older people. Every Saturday from 11 to 12 noon he conducts adaptive gymnastics at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in pavilion 5.

    Exercise is useful at any age to prepare the body for stress during the day, improve heart function and blood vessels, nervous and muscular systems, perfectly strengthens the musculoskeletal system, sets a good mood for the whole day. Useful for middle-aged and older people.

    Healthy lifestyle of retirees

    You can see people of older retirement age who go in for sports, run, learn Scandinavian walking, and lead an active lifestyle. These are good habits that promote health, mood, and mobility. Gymnastics for seniors over 60 will only bring positive results.

    There are more benefits in an active lifestyle. This is an important component, without which health problems are expressed. With reaching a certain age (50−55 years), there is less sport in life. A fifty-year-old person loses muscle tone, vigor, becomes passive. Many attribute the symptoms to old age. From lack of load, physical work, the muscles weaken in the same way as the nervous system. For old people, a shuffling gait, stoop is characteristic.

    The benefits and contraindications of gymnastics

    Charging for the elderly will help improve the level, life expectancy, and strengthen health. A regular set of exercises will help strengthen the nervous, circulatory system, will support the work of the heart, maintain posture and gait. It will help people who are overweight to lose those extra pounds. Metabolic processes, blood circulation are enhanced, vigor and energy appear. Pensioners, thanks to exercise, will improve the respiratory and circulatory systems, strengthen the immune system. A sedentary lifestyle leads to many diseases. Thrombosis, blood poisoning and other pathologies may develop.

    Gymnastics for the elderly at a calm pace is carried out smoothly, allowing you to work out all the muscles and joints. The music should be intense and in tune with the movements.

    For men and women, there are contraindications regarding the state of health. Necessary play sports carefully:

    • during an acute respiratory viral infection of an infectious nature.
    • at a temperature.

    For hypertensive patients, individual exercises are selected without sudden movements, jumps, bends.

    Gymnastics rules

    Any action and movement must be safe. It is advisable to coordinate gymnastics and exercises with your doctor. You can't go in for sports without desire. Exercise should be fun. There are special rooms where retirees train under the supervision of experienced instructors. If you feel tired and uncomfortable during exercise, you need to stop exercising and rest.

    Morning exercises should last up to 20 minutes. Inhale calmly, and exhale deeply. It is advisable for the unprepared to start with turns with the body, unhurried walking, gradually increasing the number.

    Exercise is done on an empty stomach. in a well ventilated room... You can take breaks. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy if indicated. Exercises are performed strictly according to the recommendations of the doctor.

    It's never too late to start doing gymnastics. Advanced age is not a hindrance to being active and improving your health.

    Charging after 60 years of age

    A morning warm-up will set the energy for the whole day. Good mood, pain relief, and pleasant emotions will be the best result of light physical and breathing exercises for people of retirement age. A large number of exercise complexes are known in the world specifically for people over 40 years old.

    Actions after waking up

    After a night's sleep, the body rested, but did not wake up. Physical activity in the morning hours brings maximum benefit... The following exercises will help to disperse blood through the body to the muscles:

    These activities will help you recharge your batteries for the whole day.

    Exercise throughout the day

    Physical education at home is performed at any time. Men and women 50-60 years of age lead a passive and sedentary lifestyle. Necessary to be constantly on the move... Gymnastics and exercise therapy will keep your posture beautiful, gait light, reduce weight, improve metabolism and performance.

    • Breathing exercises

    The exercise is performed while standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your arms, then raise them up, lower them again and exhale. Repeat three times.

    • Knee Exercise

    Stand straight with your legs apart. Sit down with your hands on your knees. Bring your knees together and apart a couple of times so that they touch each other.

    • Healthy posture
    • Walking the line

    Useful for the vestibular apparatus. Put one leg forward, the other after the first forward. Imagine walking on a tightrope. Move forward and backward.

    • Walking in place

    A useful and easy exercise. The back should be straight. The exercise resembles the movement of a heron... Bend your knee, raise it, lower it. Do the same with the other leg. On the spot, walk in this way for several minutes. You can draw your hands - swing to the sides, up and down.

    A fashionable trend and very useful is Nordic walking with sticks. This is the minimum stress on the joints and muscles. A good alternative for the elderly, who are prohibited from strenuous activities, because walking can be slow, unhurried.

    • Head bends

    In a standing position, spread your legs wider than your shoulders, put your hands on your belt. Head tilts are made to the right, left, up, down. Maximum 5 repetitions.

    • Shoulder exercises

    The starting position is standard. Perform rotational movements with the shoulders back and forth.

    • Circular movements of the pelvis

    Smooth movements right, left, forward and backward.

    • Squeeze-unclench brushes

    In a sitting position, stretch your arms forward, clenching and unclenching your fists. Only brushes are involved. Increase the speed gradually. Shake your hands, leaning back in a chair to rest.

    • Slopes

    In the initial position, the inclinations are performed forward, backward, right and left.

    In a boxing stance, picking up small dumbbells, the body is fixed (does not bend), alternately throw one or the other hand, then a little faster.

    • Pulling and rotating the feet

    The exercise carry out without shoes... In a sitting position, stretch your legs and hold them in weight. You can hold onto the back of the chair. Pull the socks towards and away from you.

    Qigong classes

    Over the years, the female body changes, the state of health, health deteriorates, the skin ages and beauty fades. Qigong for older women will slow down the aging process, reduce the number of wrinkles, maintain mobility, and strengthen the immune system. Exercise takes a little time but can be beneficial.

    Complexes of rejuvenation and healing of the body of women with the help of respiratory techniques are easy to use. Taoist monks and later martial artists used the practice and philosophy of qigong. Thanks to this, the warriors tempered the spirit, trained endurance, endurance and strengthened their health.

    With the help of a special breathing technique, the work of cells is activated, and the body is toned, mood improves and energy appears.

    Qigong for women - the guarantee of excellent well-being, mood, longevity and youth. Regular exercise will relieve spasms and pain in muscles and tissues. The condition of diseased joints and the musculoskeletal system as a whole will be relieved.

    At home, you can practice by airing the room in advance. But outdoor activities are more effective. It is not recommended to practice in the open sun in hot weather.

    Clothes for classes should be loose, made of natural materials. The ideal option would be a kimono, loose pants and a shirt, a tunic and breeches. You need to do qigong gymnastics three times a week, it is not recommended on an empty or full stomach. A good time - morning or evening.

    Qigong practice for women over 40

    Exercises with the healing effect of rejuvenation are not allow wrinkles to develop, loose skin. Classes will not take up a lot of time. It is important to breathe correctly.

    • Maintaining the moon

    You need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the tongue to the upper palate, relax the muscles of the body. Relax, forget about problems, breathe evenly. Tilt your torso forward with your back straight.

    • Sky rise

    Breathing should be even. Stand up, spread your legs. The state of mind should be calm. Place your hands on your hips, palms down. Slowly raise your hands up and forward. The head looks up at the ceiling. Exhale slowly, spreading your arms to the sides.

    Qigong after 50 years or older will help to avoid age-related diseases, strengthen the immune system.

    Pilates for the elderly

    This exercise is similar to yoga. They are carried out at a slow and calm pace, without jerks, tension. Classes allow you to stretch muscles, ligaments, and normalize coordination. Recommended to be performed in the presence of a trainer. Exists special pilates groups.

    • Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Slowly press your legs to your stomach, linger.
    • The following exercise is suitable for people who are sedentary. Starting position - standing, arms along the body. Slowly bend forward, stretch your arms, bend your legs.

    Stay in perfect condition, good health, with a surge of strength and energy will help qigong exercises and gymnastics for the elderly. The person is constantly moving, the musculoskeletal system is being developed. Exercise has an analgesic effect, relieves fatigue, and increases efficiency. External changes are noticeable - weight decreases, the structure of the skin and hair improves.

    Retired people completely change their lifestyle. As a rule, they become more passive due to the lack of classes. Various exercises, physical education, exercise therapy and Pilates would be an excellent option.

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