• The result in throwing primarily depends on. Athletics


    One of the means of physical development and special training of schoolchildren and youth is throwing small balls. In terms of execution technique, it is largely similar to the javelin throwing technique. Therefore, at the initial stage of training, throwing balls becomes an effective means used to master this type of technique.

    Javelin throwing occupies a significant place in the school during the hours of physical education lessons. This type of athletics is studied in both junior and senior schools.

    During classes in the gym, tennis balls are used, which, bouncing when they hit the landing site, are safe to use. When practicing outdoors, special hockey balls are used.

    In accordance with the school curriculum, throwing small balls is carried out at a distance from a place and from a run, when the movement technique is basically identical to the technique of throwing a javelin, as well as at vertical and horizontal targets.

    In addition, some types of small ball throwing are proposed for use in competitions included in the comprehensive IAAF Children's Athletics program.

    Rice. 7.4. Small ball throwing technique

    Throwing a small ball with a running start belongs to the cyclic-acyclic group of speed-strength exercises. The general structure of movement consists of a number of phases. The preliminary part of throwing is divided into holding the projectile and the run-up, which consists of two phases (preliminary and final - throwing steps). The final part includes elements of the final effort and the phase of maintaining balance after the throw (Fig. 7.4).

    Holding the projectile. The small ball is held, not pressed against the palm, by the phalanges of the fingers of the throwing hand. The index, middle and ring fingers are placed behind the ball like a lever, and the thumb and little finger hold it on the side (Fig. 7.5). Before starting the run, the thrower holds the projectile over the shoulder in a bent arm.

    Takeoff run. First (preliminary) phase The takeoff run begins from the starting position to the control mark, which is selected individually. The task of this part of the run is to inform the “thrower-projectile” system of the initial speed, as a result of which it acquires a certain amount of movement, and to accurately hit the control mark with the foot. The run-up is performed with a normal running step at optimal speed; its length is covered in 6-12 running steps.

    Rice. 7.5. How to hold a small ball

    Second (final) take-off phase, which is also selected individually and depends on the speed of advancement, the length of steps and the method of stopping after the throw, starts from the control mark and ends with the place where the final effort is performed. The task of this phase is to retract the projectile to perform its “overtaking” and to maintain optimal speed before the final movement. The steps of this part of the run are called throwing steps. Their number depends on the method of projectile removal and ranges from 4 hours to 6 steps. In this case, using an even number of steps, the thrower must hit the control mark with his left foot, an odd number - with his right (technique analysis will be carried out for those who throw the ball with their right hand).

    In sports practice, various options for retracting the projectile when performing throwing steps are used (“straight-back”, “arc forward-down-back”, “arc up-back” and others). The simplest and most widespread method outlined in the analysis of technique, which is used by most throwers, is considered to be the “straight-back” abduction. It is carried out in four throwing steps.

    Hitting the control mark with his left foot, the thrower continuously performs the first step with his right. The foot is placed directly in the direction of movement, and the position of the pelvis remains the same as in the first part of the run. At the same time, the shoulders begin to turn to the right and the right hand with the ball, bent at the elbow, is gradually pulled back. The left arm, bent at the elbow joint, moves forward.

    The second step, performed with the left foot, is accompanied by a further rotation of the shoulder axis to the right almost to an angle of 90° from i. p. and full straightening of the right arm with the projectile. The pelvis also rotates to the right in this step, approximately 45°. The hand with the projectile is located slightly above the shoulder of the same name. A right angle is formed between the straightened right arm and the body, which is maintained in further movements. To maintain speed, it is recommended to maintain a vertical torso position. It is important to minimize vertical oscillations of the center of gravity when performing take-off steps. The chin is located at the left shoulder. Leg movements should be active, springy and performed like running away from a projectile. After the second step, the process of retracting the projectile ends.

    The third step is called the crossing step. It is the connecting link between the preliminary and final parts of projectile acceleration. Its main task is to “overtake” the projectile and timely move the left leg forward while placing the right leg on the support. The cross step is performed by actively bringing the hips together and pushing with the left leg, which gives additional acceleration to the lower parts of the thrower’s body and brings the pelvic axis forward in relation to the shoulder axis. In this way, the projectile is “overtaken,” as a result of which a preliminary tension is performed on the muscle groups involved in the final effort. When performing this step, the torso leans back and the shoulders increase the rotation to the right. Finishing the cross step, the foot of the right foot is placed from the outer arch to the heel, followed by a roll to the toe. The position of the leg is carried out close to the projection of the center of gravity.

    At this moment, the left leg, after quickly being removed from the support (due to active pushing as a result of preliminary strong tension of the muscles of its front surface), is brought forward and completes the run (step four).

    When performing throwing steps, it is very important to maintain the rhythm of their execution with an emphasis on acceleration in the last steps before the final.

    Final effort. The final phase of the throw begins before the left foot is planted in the fourth throwing step at the moment the OCMT passes over the right supporting leg. This step is performed without a flight phase. In the final movement, it is necessary to maximize the speed gained during the run-up at the moment of the throw:

    After passing the OCMT, the right leg begins to actively extend, turning the hip inward in the direction of the run. From this moment the “capture” of the projectile begins. The “grip” element is necessary for subsequent tension of the muscles of the torso and throwing arm involved in the release of the projectile.

    The left leg, almost straight, is placed from the heel at a distance of about one foot to the left of the run-up line with further transition to emphasis on the entire foot. This is necessary to create conditions for rotational-translational movement around an axis, conditionally passing through the left foot and left shoulder. At this moment (after the “grab”), the right arm with the projectile is bent at the elbow joint, and the forearm and hand, being behind the shoulder, are supinated. At the same time, the left hand begins to abduct to the left and pronates.

    Straightening the right leg and turning the right side of the pelvis forward, the thrower, while “pulling” the projectile, comes out with his chest forward, moves his right elbow forward and upward and moves into the “stretched bow” position, so named because of the external resemblance, where the right hand is with the projectile , the arched torso and left leg form a corresponding arc.

    The final part of the final effort is carried out by the most powerful movement - the “jerk”. The release of the projectile ends with a whip-like movement of the forearm and right hand. The hand with the projectile passes over the shoulder. At the moment of the throw, the left leg stops the movement and straightens completely.

    All elements of the final effort are performed as a single movement. The effectiveness of the throw depends on the sequence of braking of the body parts in the final, starting from the lower ones and ending with the upper ones, to transfer the total amount of movement into the projectile.

    Maintaining balance. After releasing the projectile, to extinguish the inertia of movement, the thrower jumps from the left foot to the right in front of the arc that limits the location of the throw.

    Used in practice options for throwing a small ball with a running start are determined by the individual characteristics of athletes and differ in the method of retracting the projectile and the number of throwing steps.

    Abduction "straight back" performed by some throwers for 6 throwing steps.

    Forward-down-back abduction carried out in 5 throwing steps. The peculiarity of this option lies in the movement of the right hand, which straightens forward from the first throwing step, then, without bending, freely, with a large amplitude, simultaneously with the rotation of the shoulders to the right by 90°, it moves in an arc down and back and comes to the same position, as when throwing in a straight-back manner before a cross step.

    Abduction "up-and-back" is performed in 4 throwing steps, while during the first two the ball is taken back in an arc up and back without significant rotation of the shoulders to the right. In the third step, the right foot is placed directly in the direction of the run, and the thrower ends in a position similar to the “drawn bow” position. This variation of abduction is more conducive to the accuracy of hitting the projectile and can be used at the initial stage of training or when throwing a small ball at a target from a standstill.

    Methodology for teaching the technique of throwing a small ball

    The process of teaching the technique of throwing a small ball is preceded by the creation of the necessary conditions for mastering the movements being studied with the help of special preparatory exercises. These exercises are aimed at developing appropriate motor qualities and mastering the basic patterns of throwing movements, without which learning the throwing technique will be difficult.

    We must remember that throwing a ball is mastered more successfully by those athletes who have good mobility in the joints of the thoracic spine and shoulder girdle, better developed speed and strength qualities, and good coordination abilities.

    As a result of the preparation, the necessary prerequisites for training are created and a targeted study of throwing techniques begins.

    Task 1. Create an idea of ​​the technique of throwing a small ball.


    • a short story about the basic patterns of movements and the technique of throwing a small ball, showing visual aids;
    • demonstration of the technique of throwing a small ball from a place to a target and from a run to a distance;
    • familiarization with the rules of small ball throwing competitions.

    Guidelines: when explaining and demonstrating, pay attention to the leading elements of the technique, note the peculiarity of target settings in throws for accuracy and range.

    Task 2. To teach how to hold a projectile and the technique of throwing movement in the final phase when throwing a small ball.


    • performing a small ball grip;
    • throwing the ball in front of you to the floor with an active movement of the hand from the starting position (ip) with the arm straight in front;
    • the same, but throwing with a whip-like movement of the forearm and hand;
    • the same, but in i. n. the ball is in the raised hand, and the whip-like movement begins after the active movement of the elbow forward, followed by a sharp stop;
    • throwing the ball forward and up with both hands from behind the head, standing in an i.p. legs apart shoulder width apart;
    • the same from IP left leg in front, right leg in back on the toe;
    • the same, but throwing with one hand at a vertical target, the other hand in an i.p. bent at the elbow joint and positioned in front of you;
    • throwing the ball forward and up from and. p. standing with your left side in relation to the throw, the arm with the projectile is straightened and the left arm is pulled back in front of you, the body weight is over the slightly bent right leg, the torso is moderately tilted back;
    • the same, but throws at vertical and horizontal targets;
    • throwing the ball after placing the left foot out of i. p. standing with your left side in relation to the throw on a bent right and raised left leg with the projectile retracted.

    Guidelines, tennis balls should be used as equipment. Throwing exercises with them can be performed in pairs, with partners catching them. It is recommended to change the direction of throws from behind the head in a certain sequence: “forward-down”, “straight-forward”, “forward-up”. For accuracy of movement, it is advisable to vary the direction of the throw: into the wall, with a rebound on the floor and wall, other combinations with subsequent catching of the ball. When throwing with two or one hand from behind the head, when the left leg is positioned in front with the toe inward, the swing must be performed with a deflection of the torso and a maximum retraction of the ball while simultaneously moving the body weight to the right leg. The left leg remains in front at a distance of 3-4 feet from the right. The final effort must be carried out with the chest (the elbows or elbow of the throwing arm are directed forward) after straightening the right leg and moving the pelvis forward, and the release of the projectile should be completed with a whip-like movement of the forearm and hand, resting on the straight left leg. Throws should be alternated with imitation movements. Imitating the transition to the “stretched bow” position can be performed using a grip on a rubber shock absorber fixed at shoulder level, or with the help of a partner directing the movement of the right hand. The exercise with placing the left leg should be performed in conjunction with the throw and begin with bringing the right knee and the same part of the pelvis forward before placing the left leg on the support. When throwing at a target, vertical targets are installed at a height of 2-3 m. The distance to horizontal and vertical targets varies.

    Task 3. Teach the technique of moving a small ball “straight back” when performing a run-up.


    • retracting the ball on the spot with imitation of a throw;
    • abducting the ball while walking and running without throwing;
    • running in cross steps with the projectile withdrawn without throwing;
    • run 20-30 m, hand with a projectile over the shoulder.

    Guidelines. Imitation exercises and exercises without throwing should be performed under counting. So, when abducting in place from i. p. left leg in front, hand with a projectile above the shoulder, on the count of “one” the shoulders turn to the right, the left arm is brought forward with the elbow, the right leg is bent. On the count of “two,” the hand with the ball is pulled back. On the count of “three”, straightening the right leg, turning the chest forward and bringing the hand with the ball forward and upward with the elbow, the thrower takes the “stretched bow” position. On the count of “four,” a jerk is simulated. After being performed separately, these movements are performed together.

    When retracting the projectile in motion, each count corresponds to the completed throwing step.

    Cross steps should be taken quickly, pushing forward, without vertical oscillations of the center of gravity.

    Jogging with a projectile is carried out uniformly and uniformly accelerated.

    Task 4. Teach the combination of elements of the preliminary and final phases of movement and the technique of throwing a small ball in general.


    • throwing from a cross step with the ball retracted in the first position;
    • throwing a ball from three running steps with a previously retracted hand with a projectile;
    • throwing the ball with four throwing steps;
    • the same from the preliminary approach to the control mark;
    • throwing the ball with a short run-up;
    • throwing the ball from a full run.

    Guidelines: when performing a throw from a cross step, it is necessary to place the left leg on the support synchronously with the extension of the right leg and simultaneous rotation of the right side of the pelvis to the left and forward.

    When throwing with a three-step run, the rhythm of the movement should be regulated by the length of the steps, marked by landmarks (the first step is equal to three feet, and the second and third are four), and the speed of their execution.

    In throws from a shortened and full run-up, it is necessary to adjust the control mark and monitor the rhythm of the throwing steps in combination with the final effort.

    Task 5. Improve the technique of throwing a small ball, taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved.


    • performing special preparatory exercises;
    • throwing balls of different weights;
    • the use of technique options selected based on the individual characteristics of the throwers;
    • throwing the ball for a result in compliance with the rules of the competition.

    Guidelines, when improving the technique, the length of the run-up, the rhythm of the movement, the number of throwing steps and other elements of throwing are specified. Individualization of technique occurs with the constant development of the necessary motor qualities.

    The strength of a skill’s formation is best verified by special testing and performances in competitions;

    Techniques and methods of teaching throwing a small ball at a target

    Throwing a small ball at a target is carried out in junior classes. The technique of the throwing movement of these exercises is similar to the technique of the final phase performed when throwing a ball with a running start. However, the motor installation for applying effort here is not aimed at the throw distance, but at the accuracy of the final throwing phase.

    Creating an idea of ​​movement technique, setting learning objectives, selecting tools and necessary methodological instructions correspond to those used for training; technique of holding the projectile and performing the final effort when throwing a small ball from the run (tasks 1 and 2).

    To assess the success of mastering the technique of throwing a small ball, identifying the main errors and the reasons for their occurrence, a comparative analysis of successful and unsuccessful attempts can be carried out (Table 7.2).

    Ensuring safety precautions

    During throwing training sessions, to avoid injuries, a number of organizational requirements must be observed:

    • ensure a safe distance when placing students;
    • prevent throwing athletics equipment towards each other;
    • adhere to the order of throwing;
    • perform throws and collect projectiles after attempts only at the command of the trainer-teacher;
    • when throwing discus and hammer outdoors, have a protective net;
    • during classes in the gym, use training projectiles and perform throws into a special net to absorb the energy of the fired projectile.

    Table 7.2. Errors that occur when throwing a small ball, their causes and solutions




    Errors encountered during takeoff

    Stiffness of the thrower in the preliminary phase of the run-up

    Starting the run-up too quickly, running in bent yoga poses

    Repeated, evenly accelerated running 20-30 m high on the forefoot. The left arm and shoulders move freely and differently, as during normal running, the hand with the projectile above the right shoulder

    The transition from the preliminary phase of the run-up to the throwing steps is difficult

    Lack of consistency when performing the preliminary run-up phase

    Repeated execution of the preliminary take-off phase with timely hitting the control mark. Make the first running steps from the starting mark equal in length

    Disturbance in the rhythm of throwing steps

    The optimal length of throwing steps and the timing of their execution are violated

    To stabilize the rhythm of throwing steps, perform them along landmarks at optimal speed

    Excessive torso tilt back during the first two throwing steps

    Raising your hips too high when running and relaxing your torso muscles when doing abduction

    Keep your torso upright and “run” forward from the projectile during repeated runs with your right arm repeatedly pulled back

    Violation of linear progression in throwing steps"

    Turning the feet to the right during the first throwing steps when abducting the projectile

    Abduction of the projectile while running in a straight line with feet placed in the direction of movement

    Passive forward movement with a cross step

    The cross step is performed prematurely, without swinging the right hip

    Running in cross steps with the right arm abducted with an emphasis on moving the right hip forward

    High flying in a cross step

    Increased upward swing of the right leg after an overly active push with the left

    Running with cross steps with an emphasis on quickly placing the right foot forward on the outer arch of the foot

    Untimely flexion of the right arm at the elbow joint when performing a cross step

    Excessive tightness of the shoulder girdle, too early start of the final effort. Right hand dropped too low

    Imitation and execution of a cross step with concentration on “overtaking” the projectile.

    Holding the hand with the ball above the shoulder joint

    It is difficult to “grab” a projectile

    The left foot in the fourth throwing step is placed along the run-up line or to the right

    The left foot should be placed to the left of the run line at a distance of one foot

    Errors encountered during the final effort

    The transition from the run-up to the final effort is difficult

    Excessive rotation of the axis of the shoulders and pelvis to the right when “overtaking” the projectile. The right foot is turned outward more than 45° in

    During the last two throwing steps, keep your head near your left shoulder, directing your gaze along the run. Make sure you have the correct angle of your feet

    Tilt of the torso to the left and flexion in the left hip joint when “grabbing” the projectile and throwing

    The throw is carried out with only one hand. Insufficient straightening of the left side of the body

    Simulation of the final effort by element. Direct the force when extending your right leg directly to the chest. Perform a “grab” of the projectile with the left side behind the hand forward through the left shoulder-left foot axis

    Bent arm throw

    Poor swing and insufficient “overtaking” of the projectile

    Before “grabbing” the projectile, fully straighten your right arm. During the final effort, do not rush into a jerking movement.

    Side hand throw

    The direct direction of movement of the hand is violated when performing a throw

    When “overtaking” the projectile, increase the rotation of the shoulders to the right, and when throwing, bring the hand over the shoulder, closer to the head

    Bending the left leg at the knee joint before releasing the projectile

    The fourth throwing step is too short

    Errors encountered when maintaining balance

    Going beyond the arc after releasing a projectile

    Small distance from placing the left foot in the fourth throwing step to the arc line

    Adjust the reference mark. Execute final effort in a timely manner

    Task any type of throwing - moving a projectile in space over the greatest possible distance. Throwing requires powerful explosive efforts from the athlete. Throwing classes, speed,...

    Throwing in athletics

    Depending on the method of execution, athletics throwing is divided into three types: 1) push (core); 2) throw from behind the head (spear, grenade); 3) with rotation (disc, hammer).

    Main article:

    Shot put. Shot put as a sporting exercise was preceded by pushing of heavy stones, and later by heavy pieces of metal. The birthplace of shot put is Great Britain. This explains that the weight of the shot and the size of the putting area are determined by the English system of measures. To achieve high athletic results in this type of athletics, perfect performance technique and a high level of development of strength and speed-strength qualities are required.

    Material support. The male core weighs 16 English pounds (7.260 kg), and the female core weighs 4 kg. The diameter of the pushing circle is 7 English feet (2.135 m). A block of wood (segment) 10 cm high, painted white, is installed at the front outer part of the circle rim. The core is a ball with a smooth surface; it should be made of cast iron, brass or other material.

    In the sector for landing the core, as well as the disc and hammer boundary lines diverge at an angle of 34.92°. The lateral lines of the sectors, 5 cm wide, are not included in the area of ​​the sectors.

    Main article:

    Throwing javelin, grenade and ball. If javelin throwing was used in the physical education system of the ancient Greeks, then Euro grenade throwing has been included in competitions in our country since the 20s of the last century. Currently, grenade throwing is not included in the program of major competitions. At the same time, throwing a grenade is widely used in schools and in the army, and is also used as an auxiliary exercise for mastering individual elements of the javelin throwing technique. Throwing a small ball according to the movement technique is performed in the same way as throwing a grenade.

    Material support. A spear consists of a shaft, a tip and a winding. Men throw a javelin weighing 800 g and a length of 260-270 cm, women throw 600 g and 220-230 cm, respectively..

    The place for javelin throwing competitions is a track (4 m wide, at least 30 m long) for running with a javelin and sector marked at an angle of 29° for landing projectiles, separated by a curved bar (width 7 cm), from which the sports result is measured.

    Sports grenade It can be wooden, or from another suitable material with a metal cover, or all-metal. Grenade weight - 700 g for men, women and middle-aged boys throw a grenade weighing 500 g.

    The weight and diameter of the balls used in training and training may vary. At competitions for boys and girls, balls weighing 155-160 g are used.

    Throwing a grenade and a ball at small-scale competitions is carried out from a place and from a run into a corridor 10 m wide, and at competitions higher than an urban scale, the angle of the sector, as in javelin throwing, is 29°.

    Discus throw was one of the favorite physical exercises in ancient times. The disk is a gliding projectile because it has aerodynamic properties. Interestingly, discus throwing is one of the few types of athletics where both the world and Olympic records held by women are higher than those set by men.

    Material support. The discus is thrown from a circle with a diameter of 2.50 m.

    To ensure the safety of participants, judges and spectators, a 7 m high safety fence is installed around the perimeter of the circle.

    The disc is made of wood or other suitable material, surrounded by a metal rim. A man's disk weighs 2 kg, a woman's - 1 kg.

    Hammer throwing. As a form of athletics, it originated in Scotland and Ireland, where they initially threw some kind of massive weight with an attached wooden handle. The modern hammer throwing technique is based on the rotational-translational motion of the “thrower-projectile” system in a space limited by the size of the circle. Requires strength and coordination of movements from athletes. Rotational motion is the best way to impart high speed to the projectile. Therefore, nowadays the hammer is thrown with three or four turns, both men and women.

    Material support. The projectile is similar in composition, shape and weight to the core (7.260 kg for men and 4 kg for women), to which a steel wire with a handle at the end is attached. For throwing safety, a circle with a diameter of 213.5 cm is limited by a metal mesh.

    Safety measures and injury prevention during classes and competitions

    When conducting classes, the following rules must be observed:

    • during throwing classes, use only serviceable equipment, and its weight and size must correspond to the age and preparedness of the students;
    • do not carry out counter throws; not to be located on the side of the throwing hand, but to be behind the thrower;
    • Before each throw, warn those around you, and those in the field should face the direction of the thrower;
    • throw and collect shells only at the command of the teacher (prohibit the transfer of shells through the air);
    • immediately before throwing projectiles, perform special exercises for the muscles and ligaments of the elbow and shoulder joints, and in wet weather, thoroughly dry the projectiles;
    • When throwing the discus and hammer, the throwing area must be fenced with a safety net.

    When preparing equipment for competitions, in addition to what has already been said, it is necessary to remember that before each competition it is necessary to check the fencing mesh, their correct attachment to the stands, and the strength of the stands themselves. The fence must be such that there is no danger of the projectile bouncing or ricocheting towards the athlete or flying over the top of the fence.

    Fundamentals of Athletics Throwing Techniques

    In athletics there are 5 types of throwing - shot, discus, javelin, hammer and grenade.

    The main goal of throwers is to throw (throw, push) a projectile as far as possible, observing certain rules that limit the actions of athletes. Throwing is based on three main methods of throwing projectiles: 1) over the shoulder (spear, grenade); 2) from the side (disc, hammer); 3) from the shoulder (core). These methods determine the shape of the run-up and the final throwing effort.

    Throwing a javelin and grenade is performed with a straight run-up form - facing forward. The shot put is mainly carried out with the back towards the throwing side, where the straightness of the run-up (jump) is combined with the turning movement of the body at the moment of throwing the projectile. Finally, when throwing the discus, hammer, and, more recently, the shot, a run-up in the form of a turn is used, where translational and rotational movements are simultaneously combined (with one turn in the disk, shot and 3-4 turns in the hammer). Despite the different shape and weight of the projectile, different conditions and methods of throwing, there are many regularities that determine the rational throwing technique.

    Factors influencing the flight range of track and field projectiles

    All throwing is subject to the general laws of mechanics. Any projectile thrown at an angle to the horizon is affected by the same factors that determine its flight range. Based on the laws of mechanics, the projectile range is equal to:

    S=(V 0 2 Xsin2a)/g

    where V 0 is the initial velocity of the projectile; a - projectile departure angle; g is the acceleration of free fall.

    This equation, however, does not take into account the influence of the atmospheric environment and the fact that the projectile leaves the thrower's hand at a certain launch height (h 0).

    The height of the starting point of departure (h 0) depends on the height of the thrower, the length of his arms, and technique. The higher the height of the starting point of departure, the better. But since it is almost impossible to increase the height of the starting point of departure for the same athlete, one cannot count on an increase in results due to this.

    Rice. 9. Projectile flight system: S - horizontal flight length; V0 - initial departure speed; a - departure angle; I - take-off altitude; h0 - initial departure altitude; z - terrain angle

    The above formula can be used to determine the range of a projectile, but other parameters should always be taken into account. So, In general, the following factors influence the result in throwing athletics equipment:(Fig. 9):

    a) initial velocity of projectile departure (V 0);

    b) projectile departure angle (a),

    c) influence of the atmospheric environment (air resistance, wind strength and direction);

    d) the height of the projectile release above the ground (h 0);

    e) aerodynamic properties of the projectile;

    f) angle of attack of the projectile (β).

    All factors determine the effectiveness of throwing in each specific case, but the value of each of the parameters is far from equivalent. In practice, the most important factors are the initial speed, the departure angle and the influence of the atmospheric environment. Their analysis is necessary, first of all, for a correct assessment of all the movements of the thrower throwing the projectile. Let's take a closer look at each of the main factors influencing the projectile's flight range.

    The initial speed of the projectile's flight range

    Considering the component values ​​of the above formula, it becomes obvious that the main factor in increasing the range of a projectile in all throws is the initial speed.

    Theoretically, there is no limit to increasing the initial speed. In the formula, the initial speed is squared (V02), so if the speed doubles, then the flight range, other things being equal, increases by 4 times, with an increase of 3 times - by 9 times, etc. For example, a cannonball ejection speed of 10 m/s corresponds to a result of 12 m, and a speed of 15 m/s corresponds to about 25 m, i.e. an increase in speed by 1.5 times leads to an increase in results by 2.25 times.

    In throwing, the speed of projectile departure is created as a result of the use of speed:

    • pre-waving;
    • preliminary movement (“thrower + projectile” in take-off run);
    • the final, final effort of the thrower at the moment of the throw itself.

    At the same time, the degree of imparting speed in the take-off and final movement to accelerate the projectile in different types of throwing is different. So, the starting acceleration speed in the shot put is 15-20%, in the javelin throw - 15-22%, in the discus throw - 40-45%, in the hammer throw - 80-85%, and the remaining speed is imparted to the projectile in the final effort.

    As you can see, in shot put and javelin throwing the final movement is of greater importance for accelerating the projectile, in discus throwing these parts of the throwing technique are of approximately equal importance, and in hammer throwing the preliminary speed is much greater than the final speed. It is typical that among high-class athletes the speed of the projectile increases more evenly from start to takeoff. Significant fluctuations in speed are visible and observed, as a rule, among athletes of junior sports categories. High-class athletes are distinguished by a greater increase in projectile speed in the final effort.

    The initial velocity of the projectile is the result of the summation of the velocities of individual parts of the body - legs, torso, arms. In this case, what is especially important, there is a sequential acceleration of the links from bottom to top, i.e. each subsequent link begins to move when the speed of the previous one reaches its maximum. The initial speed is imparted to the projectile due to the work of the muscles of the legs and torso, and the final speed is due to the inclusion of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arm (spear, cannonball, disc, grenade).

    In addition, the speed of the projectile's departure depends on the magnitude of the force applied to the projectile and the time of exposure of this force to it. If we proceed from Newton's second law (V = Ft/m), it turns out that the speed is directly proportional to the force and time of its application (the mass of the projectile is a constant value). This means that the greater the force we exert on the projectile and the longer this influence is, the greater the speed the projectile will leave the thrower’s hand. If the length of the application path on the projectile is taken as the degree of technical skill of the athlete, then ultimately we come to the conclusion that the initial speed of the projectile (and the result in sports throwing) is directly dependent on the special strength preparedness and technical skill of the thrower.

    It is important to emphasize that in order to ensure impact on a projectile moving at a relatively high speed, the thrower’s muscles must be not only strong, but also fast. Moreover, during the entire throwing process, the athlete must communicate speed not to one projectile, but to the entire body and projectile, that is, to the “thrower + projectile” system. Only in the second half of the final effort is only one projectile accelerated.

    It is worth noting two more conditions that influence the increase in initial speed in throwing with rotation (discus, hammer). An important role in creating the initial flight speed of the projectile is played by the magnitude of the angular velocity and the radius of rotation, that is, the distance from the axis of rotation to the center of gravity of the projectile.

    The radius is influenced by the length of the thrower's arm (when throwing a discus), the length of the projectile and the location of the center of gravity in the projectile itself (when throwing a hammer). The larger the radius of rotation at a given angular velocity, the higher the initial flight speed and the better the throwing result.

    The influence of projectile launch angle on sports performance

    The next factor on which the flight range largely depends is the angle of departure of the projectile.

    Departure angle (a) is the angle constructed at the point of departure of the projectile and enclosed between the horizontal line and the velocity vector of the disk (tangent to the beginning of the flight path). As you know, if a projectile is thrown in airless space at an angle of 45° to the horizon, it will fly the greatest distance. But in practice, the optimal launch angles for various projectiles turn out to be smaller. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the sports projectile is released on average at a height of 160 to 220 cm. The presence of a difference in the levels of departure and landing of the projectile (the so-called terrain angle) is the first reason for the decrease in the theoretical release angle.

    Secondly, throwing at a smaller angle allows you to increase the path of impact on the projectile and, thirdly, the structure of the athlete’s muscular system contributes to greater effort at a lower launch angle. In all types of throwing, except for discus throwing, with increasing take-off speed the take-off angle slightly increases (in discus throwing it decreases). In addition, in gliding projectiles (disc, spear), the direction and magnitude of the wind also influences the change in the angle of departure.

    Thus, The angle of departure depends on the height of the projectile release above the ground, the aerodynamic properties of the projectile (for the disc and spear), the state of the atmosphere (wind direction), and the take-off speed.

    In sports throwing, it is necessary to use the so-called optimal projectile launch angles. In this case, the optimal angle refers to the most favorable angle for the projectile’s flight range.

    • when throwing a javelin: 30 -35°;
    • when throwing the discus: 36 -38°;
    • shot put: 38-41°;
    • when throwing a hammer and grenade: 42 -44°.

    Impact of the atmospheric environment on projectile range

    After the projectile has left the thrower’s hand, two air forces immediately begin to act on it: 1) the force of resistance (or drag); 2) lifting force.

    Resistance force directed against the speed of the projectile and thereby reduces its flight range. It mainly depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile and the square of its speed.

    Lifting force- this is the force that keeps the projectile in flight, counteracting the force of gravity. If the projectile moves in such a way that the air flows evenly around it both above and below, then the lifting force will not act on it. If the direction of the velocity does not coincide with the direction of the longitudinal axis of the projectile (the plane of the disk), then the air flows from above and below will be unequal. In this case, air particles from above will flow around the projectile faster and at the same time travel a greater distance than from below, and, therefore, the air pressure on the projectile will be less than the pressure from below. As a result of the difference in pressure above and below, a lifting force occurs.

    It is important to remember that the lifting force is not necessarily directed upward; its direction can be different. This depends on the position of the projectile and the direction of the air flow relative to it. In cases where the lifting force is directed upward and balances the weight of the projectile, it begins to glide. Planning the javelin and discus significantly improves throwing performance.

    When flying such heavy projectiles as a cannonball and a hammer, the effect of these forces is practically insignificant and does not actually affect their flight in the air. It’s different with so-called gliding projectiles, like a disk and a spear, which in flight have significant resistance from the atmospheric environment (air density, wind strength and direction). An important role when throwing gliding projectiles is played by the angle of attack, which is formed by the longitudinal axis (plane) of the projectile and the direction of the oncoming air flow. It can be positive, zero or negative. If the air flow hits the lower surface of the disc and spear, then the angle of attack is positive, if it hits the upper surface, it is negative.

    Rice. 10. Forces acting on a gliding projectile in flight: g - gravity; X is the resistance force of the medium; Y - lift force; a - departure angle; β - angle of attack; V - departure speed

    As can be seen from Fig. 10, the projectile is acted upon by the force of gravity (g), the drag force of the medium (X), and the lifting force (Y). The angles of departure (a) and attack (β) are recorded.

    In discus throwing, it is better if the angle of attack is initially equal to the angle of departure. In other words, the thrower must strive to direct efforts precisely into the plane of the projectile. In this case, the disk will not make lateral movements in flight. Javelin throwers strive to have an angle of attack close to zero (to hit the javelin exactly). There is no angle of attack when the ball, cannonball and hammer are flying.

    It should be borne in mind that with an increase in the angle of attack (β), both the lift force and the drag of the air environment increase, but the increase in lift will be much faster than the increase in drag. Subsequently, drag continues to increase and lift begins to decrease, and when the plane of the projectile becomes perpendicular to the direction of velocity, lift becomes zero. Consequently, there are sections of the trajectory where the lift force is greater than the drag force, and a section where the drag force exceeds the lift force. Hence it follows

    the need to find optimal angles of release and attack at which the lift force over a large portion of the flight path would exceed the drag, and therefore the projectile could fly a greater distance.

    The direction of air movement has a great influence on the flight of gliding projectiles. When throwing a discus and a javelin against a headwind, the force of air drag increases and the lifting force increases proportionally. This creates an aerodynamic increase in the projectile’s flight range. When throwing against the wind, in order to better use the lifting force, the angle of departure of the projectiles is slightly reduced as the wind speed increases. Calculations show that a headwind of about 5 m/s, for example, increases the flight range of the disk by 10%, and a tailwind reduces it by 2.5%.

    Interestingly, the aerodynamic properties of the women's disc are higher than those of the men's. At the same initial speed, the female disk flies longer than the male disk. Moreover, with a strong headwind, this advantage increases even more. With a tailwind, its speed coincides with the direction of flight of the projectile and the aerodynamic force decreases. But since this also reduces the force of frontal resistance, this circumstance must be used to increase the throwing range. This is achieved by increasing the departure angle.

    The most inconvenient thing for a spear and disc is the action of a side wind, which violates the basic laws of projectile planning in flight.

    Basic parts of athletics throwing

    All existing throwing exercises are integral acyclic exercises.

    However, for the convenience of analyzing the technique, each throwing conditionally consists of six interconnected parts:

    I - holding the projectile;

    II - preparation for take-off and run-up (turn, jump);

    III - preparation for the final effort (“overtaking” the projectile);

    IV - final movement (effort);

    V - braking and maintaining balance after releasing a projectile;

    VI - departure and flight of the projectile.

    Holding the projectile

    The task of this part is to hold the projectile in such a way as to throw freely, with an optimal range of motion, ensuring the most effective application of your forces. Correct holding of the projectile depends on its shape, weight, throwing method and allows you to make full use of the length and strength of the limbs, whenever possible relax the muscles of the throwing arm until the final effort and maintain control over the athlete’s movements. All this contributes to the transfer of the force of the thrower to the projectile in the desired direction and along the longest path, which ensures a high initial speed of the projectile.

    When throwing the discus and hammer, from a biomechanical point of view, you need to hold the projectile so that its center is further away from the athlete’s axis of rotation. This increases the radius of rotation, which means the initial take-off speed increases.

    Preparing for takeoff and takeoff

    The main task of this part is to create a preliminary (optimal) speed of movement of the thrower with the projectile and provide favorable conditions for the final effort. During the take-off run, the thrower forms, as it were, a single system with the projectile, where the acceleration acquired by it is transferred to the projectile. The run-up is performed in the form of an accelerated run (grenade and javelin throwing), a jump (shot put) and a turn (discus and hammer throwing, and also, more recently, shot put).

    The run-up in some throwing events is preceded by the athlete performing preliminary movements. In shot put it is a swing (body tilt) and tuck, in discus throwing it is swinging, in hammer throwing it is preliminary swinging. Only in grenade and javelin throwing does the athlete immediately begin a run-up from the starting position.

    The main task of the preliminary movements is to focus on the execution of throwing as a whole, take a rational starting position, and create the most favorable conditions for maximum muscle work in subsequent movements. In hammer throwing, these movements (hammer rotations) also make it possible to impart significant speed to the projectile before starting the turns.

    When performing a run-up in the form of one (discus) or several turns (3-4 in a hammer), a significant centrifugal force arises (when throwing a hammer at 75 m, it is equal to 300 kg), which complicates the movements of the thrower. The athlete is obliged not only to resist the increasing centrifugal force, i.e. ensure a stable body position, but also complete a technically correct powerful release of the projectile.

    During the run-up (in the form of turns or a jump), the thrower can impart speed to the “thrower + projectile” system only when resting his feet on the ground, since in a two-support position he can act on the projectile with greater force than in a single-support position and, therefore, give high speed projectile. In this case, the time spent in an unsupported position, during which the thrower is unable to increase speed, should be minimized.

    Preliminary movements (running, jumping and turning) are not performed at too high a speed. This speed in various throws must be optimal, at which the athlete is able to control his actions to create favorable conditions when performing the final movement. The speed of movement of the thrower and the projectile must correspond to the technical, speed and power capabilities of the thrower.

    Regardless of the movements and efforts of the thrower, a more advanced throwing technique should be considered one in which the speed of the projectile must necessarily increase towards the end of the throw. The take-off speed should always be selected with strict consideration of the thrower’s capabilities, allowing the “energy” acquired by the thrower to be fully “transferred” to the projectile. The highest speed of projectile movement is created in hammer throwing, where the ball at the end of 3-4 turns reaches a speed of 23-24 m/s, covering a path of 60-70 m. When throwing a discus, the projectile develops a speed of 10-12 m/s, passing during the turn the path is 12-15 m. When throwing a javelin, the speed of movement of the projectile and the thrower reaches 6-8 m/s. The slowest run-up during shot put is about 3 m/s.

    The transition from the run-up to the throw in throwing is the most difficult component of the technique, and it turns out to be more difficult the greater the speed of the thrower's movement in the run-up (especially in the javelin, hammer, discus).

    The role of the run-up in throwing is evidenced by the following facts: when throwing the shot put, the difference in distance between the throw from a place and from the run is on average 1.5-2 m, when throwing the discus - 7-10 m, when throwing the javelin - 20-25 m. These data can serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of the takeoff run.

    Preparation for the final effort (“overtaking” the projectile)

    In the second part of the run, having accelerated the projectile to a certain horizontal speed, the thrower prepares for the final effort. This preparation is not a simple transition from running up to releasing a projectile, but a rather complex redistribution of the efforts of individual muscle groups, and the greater the speed of movement, the more difficult it is to perform. The task of this part is to stretch the muscles of all parts of the body with minimal loss of the linear speed of the projectile through the accelerated movement of individual parts of the body so as to create conditions for their consistent contraction.

    In preparation for the final effort the thrower must do the following:

    b) at the end of the run (turn) overtake the projectile;

    c) lower the overall center of mass of the body for better use of leg strength when throwing;

    d) ensure the correct stable starting position before the final effort.

    Let us dwell in more detail on these actions of the thrower.

    In different throws, such actions occur differently, but in all cases, great importance is given to creating the prerequisites for increasing speed towards the end of the throw.

    If the thrower cannot maintain sufficient horizontal speed, then the takeoff (turn) loses its meaning and even gets in the way. Overtaking the projectile is the action of the thrower during the run-up, when the lower part of the athlete’s body (legs, pelvis) overtakes the upper part (torso, arms) and the projectile. In other words, overtaking the projectile is carried out by increasing the speed of the lower part of the thrower’s body relative to the upper part. In this case, overtaking the projectile occurs not only in the anterior-posterior direction, but also by twisting the body in the lumbar region in the direction opposite to the throwing direction. By overtaking the projectile, the athlete increases the impact on it in the final effort.

    In preparation for the final effort, the thrower lowers the overall center of mass of the body through wider placement and bending of the legs. This is done in order to increase the vertical velocity of the projectile. The thrower should strive to shift the center of gravity as low as possible and thereby increase the path of its rise in the final effort. In this case, the lower the OCMT is shifted, the more time it takes to


    LECTURE No. 8

    Standing jumping technique

    Standing jumping is used primarily as training, although standing jumping and standing triple jump competitions are held. The standing high jump is performed as a control test to determine jumping ability and leg strength.

    Standing long jump. The standing jump technique is divided into:

    • preparation for repulsion;
    • repulsion;
    • flight;
    • landing.

    Preparation for take-off: the athlete approaches the take-off line, feet are placed shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, then the athlete raises his arms up a little back, simultaneously bending at the lower back and rising onto his toes. After this, smoothly but quickly enough lowers his arms down - back, at the same time lowers himself onto the entire foot, bends his legs at the knees And hip joints, leaning forward so that the shoulders are in front of the feet and the hip joint is over the toes.

    The arms are laid back, slightly bent at the elbow joints. Without staying in this position, the athlete proceeds to push-off.

    It is important to start the push-off at the moment when the jumper’s body is still falling down by inertia, i.e. the body is moving down, but extension in the hip joints is already beginning, while the arms are actively and quickly moved forward slightly upward in the direction of the jump.

    After taking off, the jumper straightens his body, stretching out like a string, then bends his legs at the knee and hip joints and pulls them towards his chest. At the same time, the arms are pulled back and down, after which the athlete straightens his legs at the knee joints, bringing his feet forward to the landing site. At the moment the jumper’s feet touch the landing site, the jumper actively moves his arms forward, simultaneously bends his legs at the knee joints and pulls his pelvis towards the landing site, the flight phase ends. Leg bending should be elastic, with resistance. After stopping, the jumper straightens up, takes two steps forward and leaves the landing site.

    There are four types of throwing in athletics, the technique of which depends on the shape and weight of the projectile. A light spear is easier to throw from behind the head; a cannonball that is spherical and quite heavy is easier to push; a hammer having a handle with a cable is thrown by unwinding; the disc, resembling a plate convex on both sides, is thrown with one hand from a turn.

    Throwing can also be divided into two groups:

    1) throwing and pushing projectiles that do not have aerodynamic properties;

    2) throwing projectiles with aerodynamic properties. Different types of throwing have common fundamentals of technique that are characteristic of all types.

    In the basics of technology there are initial velocity of projectile departure, i.e., the speed that the projectile has at the moment it leaves the thrower’s hand. Departure angle- (a) the angle formed by the initial velocity vector of the projectile and the horizon line. Projectile release height - the vertical distance from the point of separation of the projectile from the hand to the surface of the sector. Terrain angle - f) the angle formed by the line connecting the projectile's point of release with the projectile's landing site and the horizon.

    These factors are inherent in all throwing. For projectiles with aerodynamic properties, The following factors are additionally considered: angle of attack, drag, torque. We will consider these factors in more detail during the flight phase.

    Conventionally, the holistic action of throwing can be divided into three parts:

    • run-up;
    • final effort;
    • braking after the release of a projectile.

    The fourth part - the flight of the projectile occurs without the influence of the thrower and obeys certain laws of mechanics. When a scheme for teaching throwing techniques is drawn up, auxiliary parts are also identified: holding the projectile, preparing for the run-up, preparing for the final effort, releasing the projectile. The main phase in throwing is the final effort phase.

    Athletics throwing is a one-act or acyclic exercise in structure. Throwing differs only in the external picture of the thrower’s movements; in essence, they have one goal - to give the projectile the highest take-off speed, which is one of the main factors in the projectile’s flight range. Other factors in projectile range include launch angle, projectile release height, and air resistance.

    Flight range is determined by the formula: L= V2 x sin 2a

    Where V- initial velocity of projectile departure; a - departure angle; g- acceleration of gravity.

    During the run-up, the “thrower-projectile” system is given a preliminary speed, which will be different in different types of throwing (2 - 3 m/s - in shot put, 7 - 8 m/s - in javelin and discus throwing, 23 m/s - in hammer throwing). It should be remembered that linear speed is determined in the shot put and javelin throw, and angular speed is determined in the discus and hammer throw.

    During the final effort, the preliminary speed increases and in this phase the amount of movement of the “thrower-projectile” system is transferred directly to the projectile. Moreover, the speed of the projectile increases in javelin throwing and shot put by 4-5 times, in discus throwing - by 2 times, and when throwing a hammer in the preliminary spinning phase of the projectile, the speed is 4-5 times higher than the final one. In hammer throwing, the inertia of movement of a spun projectile is so great that the athlete, through his own muscular efforts, cannot significantly influence the speed of the projectile and almost all his efforts are aimed at maintaining the speed and creating optimal conditions for its release.

    The preliminary speed in the take-off run is communicated to the system due to the work of the muscles of the legs and torso; in the final effort phase, the system transmits speed to the projectile due to the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, as well as due to the advanced actions of the lower parts of the body. This is true for the javelin, discus and shot put.

    The situation is different in hammer throwing. First, the work of the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle imparts speed, and then, as the speed of the projectile increases, the muscles of the torso and legs are activated, which help maintain the correct position of the body and move it around the axis with longitudinal movement forward, counteracting the centrifugal force of the projectile.

    One of the rules in throwing is that to give (speed to the “thrower-projectile” system) it is necessary to “lead” this projectile, and not “follow” the projectile. In other words, the movement of the projectile must be preceded by a consistent chain of muscle efforts that create this movement.

    The preliminary speed of the “thrower - projectile” system will always be optimal and will depend on the following factors: the type of throwing, the technical and physical preparedness of the thrower. The preliminary speed is gained over a longer travel path, smoothly, to the optimal value. In the final effort phase, this speed reaches such maximum values ​​as the athlete is capable of, and in the last part of the phase is transferred to the projectile.

    The speed imparted to the system or projectile depends on the magnitude of the muscular effort or on the magnitude of the manifestation of force. “First, on a longer run-up path, speed is imparted to the system due to less muscle effort, and then on a short section of the path, maximum power is applied to increase the speed of the projectile.

    Conventionally, we can express the dependence of the projectile speed on the magnitude of the force, the path of application of this force and the time of action of this force by the following formula:

    V – F x L

    Where V- projectile launch speed; F- force applied to the projectile; L- length of the force action path; / - time of application of force.

    In order to increase the speed of projectile departure, you can go

    in four areas:

    1) increase strength;

    2) increase the path of force;

    3) reduce the duration of the force?

    4) a comprehensive direction according to the previous three.

    The result in throwing depends on the speed-strength and technical preparation of the thrower.

    In imparting speed to a projectile, various parts of the body and various muscle groups are involved, which work in a certain sequence. Moreover, subsequent movements should, as it were, layer on the previous ones, pick up the movement. The muscles of the legs begin to work, then the muscles of the torso, shoulders, and forearm, and the muscles of the hand complete the work. This is another rule for effective technical performance of sports throwing. Due to the sequential inclusion of body links in the work from bottom to top in the final effort phase, the amount of movement is transferred from the lower links to the upper ones, here the stretched muscles in each link are also included in the work, and each link is included in the work at speed, and not from a standstill. Moreover, the speed of the links increases from lower to upper.

    The projectile launch angle is one of the main factors determining throwing performance. From a mechanical point of view, the optimal projectile launch angle is 45° (in airless space and without the influence of any other forces). In real life, the angle of projectile departure is different in all types of throwing, differing by gender and weight of the projectile.

    In sports throwing, the projectile launch angle depends on:

    • initial velocity of projectile departure;
    • projectile release height;
    • aerodynamic properties of the projectile;
    • take-off speed;
    • atmospheric conditions (wind direction and speed).
    • The take-off angle in the shot put ranges from 38 to 42°, with the most optimal angle being 42°; a further increase in the angle leads to a decrease in the result.

    Departure angle in discus throwing: for women - 33 - 35°, for men - from 36 to 39°. This appears to be due to different projectile weights, different launch speeds, and different projectile surface areas.

    The optimal launch angle for javelin throwing ranges from 27 to 30° for a gliding javelin, i.e. old style. With the introduction of a spear with a shifted center of gravity, the angle increased to 33 - 34°.

    In hammer throwing, the largest launch angle is 44°. This can be explained by the large mass of the projectile and the high initial take-off speed.

    With an increase in take-off speed, the projectile take-off angle in all types of throwing increases slightly, except for discus throwing, where, on the contrary, the take-off angle decreases.

    The height of the projectile release also affects the result in throwing: the higher the height, the further the projectile flies. But the height of the projectile release cannot be increased for the same thrower. The height of the projectile release will play a role when analyzing the performance of various throwers. During sports selection, it is necessary to take into account not only strong, but also tall, long-armed athletes for specialization in throwing.

    Air resistance will also affect the projectile's flight range. When throwing a hammer, grenade, small ball and shot put, the air resistance is constant and small, so their values ​​are usually not taken into account. And when throwing a javelin and discus, i.e. projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the air environment can have a significant impact on the result.

    The aerodynamic properties of the disc are approximately 4.5 times better than those of the spear. In flight, these projectiles rotate: the spear around its longitudinal axis, and the disk around its vertical axis. The spear rotates approximately 25 times, which is not enough to produce a gyroscopic moment, but this rotation speed stabilizes the position of the spear in flight. When the disk flies, its rotation creates a gyroscopic moment, which counteracts the rotation of the disk around a vertical axis and stabilizes its position in the air.

    In flight, a drag force arises, which is characterized by the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile to the force and speed of the oncoming air flow. The incoming air flow presses on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile and flows around the projectile. On the opposite side, an area of ​​low pressure appears, characterizing the lifting force, the magnitude of which will depend on the speed of the incoming air flow and the angle of attack of the projectile. In javelin and discus throwing, the lift force exceeds the drag, thereby increasing the range of the projectile.

    The angle of attack can be negative or positive. When there is a headwind, it is necessary to reduce the angle of attack, thereby reducing the force of drag. With a tailwind, the angle of attack must be increased to 44°, creating the properties of a sail to the disk.

    When throwing a women's discus, a headwind requires a greater reduction in the launch angle than when throwing a men's discus. The throwing range of a projectile will affect the angle of departure: the further the projectile flies, the greater the angle of departure.

    In all types of throwing, except shot put, the force acting on the projectile (drag force) does not affect the angle of departure. When putting a shot, the less force on the projectile, the greater the angle of departure, and vice versa.

    There are four types of throwing in athletics, the technique of which depends on the shape and weight of the projectile. A light spear is easier to throw from behind the head; a cannonball that is spherical and quite heavy is easier to push; a hammer having a handle with a cable is thrown by unwinding; the disc, resembling a plate convex on both sides, is thrown with one hand from a turn. Throwing can also be divided into two groups: 1) throwing and pushing of projectiles that do not have aerodynamic properties; 2) throwing projectiles with aerodynamic properties. Different types of throwing have common fundamentals of technique that are characteristic of all types.

    In the basics of technology, a distinction is made between the initial speed of a projectile’s departure, i.e., the speed that the projectile has at the moment it leaves the thrower’s hand. Departure angle is the angle formed by the vector of the initial velocity of the projectile and the horizon line. The projectile release height is the vertical distance from the point at which the projectile leaves the hand to the surface of the sector. Terrain angle - the angle formed by the line connecting the projectile release point with the projectile landing site and the horizon.

    These factors are inherent in all throwing. For projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the following factors are additionally considered: angle of attack, drag, torque. We will consider these factors in more detail during the flight phase.

    Conventionally, the holistic action of throwing can be divided into three parts:

    Final effort;

    Braking after the release of a projectile.

    The fourth part - the flight of the projectile occurs without the influence of the thrower and obeys certain laws of mechanics. When a scheme for teaching throwing techniques is drawn up, auxiliary parts are also identified: holding the projectile, preparing for the run-up, preparing for the final effort, releasing the projectile. The main phase in throwing is the final effort phase.

    Athletics throwing is a one-act or acyclic exercise in structure. Throwing differs only in the external picture of the thrower’s movements; in essence, they have one goal - to give the projectile the highest take-off speed, which is one of the main factors in the projectile’s flight range. Other factors in projectile range include launch angle, projectile release height, and air resistance.

    During the run-up, the “thrower-projectile” system is given a preliminary speed, which will be different in different types of throwing (2 - 3 m/s - in shot put, 7 -8 m/s - in javelin and discus throwing, 23 m/s - in hammer throwing). It should be remembered that linear speed is determined in the shot put and javelin throw, and angular speed is determined in the discus and hammer throw.

    During the final effort, the preliminary speed increases and in this phase the amount of movement of the “thrower-projectile” system is transferred directly to the projectile. Moreover, the speed of the projectile increases in javelin throwing and shot put by 4-5 times, in discus throwing - by 2 times, and when throwing a hammer in the preliminary spinning phase of the projectile, the speed is 4-5 times higher than the final one. In hammer throwing, the inertia of movement of a spun projectile is so great that the athlete, through his own muscular efforts, cannot significantly influence the speed of the projectile and almost all his efforts are aimed at maintaining the speed and creating optimal conditions for its release.

    The preliminary speed in the take-off run is communicated to the system due to the work of the muscles of the legs and torso; in the final effort phase, the system transmits speed to the projectile due to the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, as well as due to the advanced actions of the lower parts of the body. This is true for the javelin, discus and shot put.

    The situation is different in hammer throwing. First, the work of the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle imparts speed, and then, as the speed of the projectile increases, the muscles of the torso and legs are activated, which help maintain the correct position of the body and move it around the axis with longitudinal movement forward, counteracting the centrifugal force of the projectile.

    One of the rules in throwing is that in order to impart speed to the “thrower - projectile” system, it is necessary to “lead” the projectile, and not “follow” the projectile. In other words, the movement of the projectile must be preceded by a consistent chain of muscle efforts that create this movement.

    The preliminary speed of the “thrower-projectile” system will always be optimal and will depend on the following factors: the type of throwing, the technical and physical preparedness of the thrower. The preliminary speed is gained over a longer travel path, smoothly, to the optimal value. In the final effort phase, this speed reaches such maximum values ​​as the athlete is capable of, and in the last part of the phase is transferred to the projectile.

    The speed imparted to the system or projectile depends on the magnitude of the muscular effort or on the magnitude of the manifestation of force. First, on a longer run-up path, speed is imparted to the system due to less muscle effort, and then on a short section of the path, maximum power is applied to increase the speed of the projectile.

    In order to increase the speed of projectile departure, you can go in four directions: 1) increase force; 2) increase the path of force; 3) reduce the time of action of the force and 4) a complex direction according to the previous three.

    An athlete, constantly training, works to increase muscle strength, but this process is long-term, and at the same time, it is impossible to increase muscle strength indefinitely, since the human body has its own limit. The way of applying force is also a conservative direction. How to increase this path in the final effort phase, where the main increase in speed occurs? The athlete is limited by the competition rules and the place where the throwing is performed. Changes in throwing technique mainly concerned the run-up phase. Only in the shot put was an attempt made to change the jump-like rectilinear run-up to a rotational one, and the thrower A. Baryshnikov showed the technique of throwing the shot put with a turn. These two types of shot put techniques have both positive and negative sides. The use of one type or another will depend on the individual characteristics of the thrower.

    The third direction - reducing the time of action of a given force on a certain path has more prospects, i.e. the athlete works specifically not on the development of strength (although he does not omit this factor), but on increasing the increase in strength per unit of time, on the speed of manifestation of a given force, which relates to speed-strength qualities. In the final effort, the athlete must perform a movement on a certain path, without deviating from it, so that the vector of the preliminary speed of the “thrower-projectile” system coincides with the vector of the initial speed of the projectile departure. In practice, this is called “hitting the projectile,” characterizing the technical preparedness of the thrower. Thus, the result in throwing will depend on the speed-strength and technical training of the thrower.

    In imparting speed to a projectile, various parts of the body and various muscle groups are involved, which work in a certain sequence. Moreover, subsequent movements should, as it were, layer on the previous ones, pick up the movement. The muscles of the legs begin to work, then the muscles of the torso, shoulders, and forearm, and the muscles of the hand complete the work. This is another rule for effective technical performance of sports throwing. Due to the sequential inclusion of body links in the work from bottom to top in the final effort phase, the amount of movement is transferred from the lower links to the upper ones, here the stretched muscles in each link are also included in the work, and each link is included in the work at speed, and not from a standstill. Moreover, the speed of the links increases from lower to upper.

    The projectile launch angle is one of the main factors determining throwing performance. From a mechanical point of view, the optimal projectile launch angle is 45° (in airless space and without the influence of any other forces). In real life, the angle of projectile departure is different in all types of throwing, differing by gender and weight of the projectile.

    In sports throwing, the projectile launch angle depends on:

    The initial speed of the projectile;

    Projectile release heights;

    Aerodynamic properties of the projectile;

    Take-off speed;

    State of the atmosphere (wind direction and speed). The take-off angle in the shot put ranges from 38 to 42°, with the most optimal angle being 42°; a further increase in the angle leads to a decrease in the result.

    Departure angle in discus throwing: for women - 33 - 35°, for men - from 36 to 39°. This appears to be due to different projectile weights, different launch speeds, and different projectile surface areas.

    The optimal launch angle for javelin throwing ranges from 27 to 30° for a gliding javelin, i.e. old style. With the introduction of a spear with a shifted center of gravity, the angle increased to 33 - 34°.

    In hammer throwing, the largest launch angle is 44°. This can be explained by the large mass of the projectile and the high initial take-off speed.

    With an increase in take-off speed, the projectile take-off angle in all types of throwing increases slightly, except for discus throwing, where, on the contrary, the take-off angle decreases.

    The height of the projectile release also affects the result in throwing: the higher the height, the further the projectile flies. But the height of the projectile release cannot be increased for the same thrower. The height of the projectile release will play a role when analyzing the performance of various throwers. During sports selection, it is necessary to take into account not only strong, but also tall, long-armed athletes for specialization in throwing.

    Air resistance will also affect the projectile's flight range. When throwing a hammer, grenade, small ball and shot put, the air resistance is constant and small, so their values ​​are usually not taken into account. And when throwing a javelin and discus, i.e. projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the air environment can have a significant impact on the result.

    The aerodynamic properties of the disc are approximately 4.5 times better than those of the spear. In flight, these projectiles rotate: the spear around its longitudinal axis, and the disk around its vertical axis. The spear rotates approximately 25 times, which is not enough to produce a gyroscopic moment, but this rotation speed stabilizes the position of the spear in flight. When the disk flies, its rotation creates a gyroscopic moment, which counteracts the rotation of the disk around a vertical axis and stabilizes its position in the air.

    In flight, a drag force arises, which is characterized by the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile to the force and speed of the oncoming air flow. The incoming air flow presses on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile and flows around the projectile. On the opposite side, an area of ​​low pressure appears, characterizing the lifting force, the magnitude of which will depend on the speed of the incoming air flow and the angle of attack of the projectile. In javelin and discus throwing, the lift force exceeds the drag, thereby increasing the range of the projectile.

    The angle of attack can be negative or positive. When there is a headwind, it is necessary to reduce the angle of attack, thereby reducing the force of drag. With a tailwind, the angle of attack must be increased to 44°, creating the properties of a sail to the disk.

    When throwing a women's discus, a headwind requires a greater reduction in the launch angle than when throwing a men's discus. The throwing range of a projectile will affect the angle of departure: the further the projectile flies, the greater the angle of departure.

    In all types of throwing, except shot put, the force acting on the projectile (drag force) does not affect the angle of departure. When putting a shot, the less force on the projectile, the greater the angle of departure, and vice versa

    ] Main article: Throwing in athletics

    Throwing in athletics

    Athletics throwing- These are sports exercises, which include: shot put, javelin, discus and hammer throwing. In addition, they should include small ball throwing and grenades, which are considered applied types.

    The ultimate goal of throwing- to move the projectile as far as possible by throwing or pushing into a certain area in compliance with the rules of the competition. At the same time, the difficulty of throwing lies in the fact that these movements are performed with projectiles that have a certain weight and different shapes, and occur in a limited area of ​​the stadium sector.

    According to the specifics of motor activity, throwing belongs to two groups of exercises. The group of acyclic events includes shot put and discus throw. Here, in a holistic exercise, the movements are not repeated. The complex group (cyclic-acyclic) includes throwing a javelin, a small ball, a grenade and a hammer. In these exercises, in the preliminary part of the acceleration of the projectile, the movements are repeated cyclically, and in the final part they are acyclic.

    According to another classification, throwing is classified as a speed-power sport. This characteristic reflects the manifestation of motor qualities during the throwing process.

    Throwing can also be considered from the position of the predominant direction of the path of influence on the projectile during its acceleration. Thus, in shot put with a “jump”, throwing of a javelin, small ball and grenade, preliminary acceleration occurs through a straight run-up, in shot put with a “turn”, throwing of a discus and hammer with a rotary-forward movement.

    From a mechanical point of view, the projectile range (S) in throwing depends on a number of reasons. The main ones are: the initial speed of its departure (V), the angle of departure (a), air resistance and the height of the projectile release (Table 2).

    The throw range is determined by the formula

    where g is the acceleration of gravity.

    The formula illustrates that the most significant factor ensuring the effectiveness of the throw should be considered the initial speed of the projectile. It shows that the flight range directly depends on the square of the speed achieved by the projectile during its release. The average values ​​of the initial speed (generalized for men and women) for classical types of athletics throwing among qualified athletes are presented in Table. 2.

    The initial speed of the projectile's departure reaches its maximum value as a result of the addition of the velocities acquired in the take-off phase and in the final effort phase. Table 3 shows the different ways to achieve release speed depending on the structure of the throwing type used. The greatest increase in speed in the final effort occurs in the shot put (85%) and javelin throw (80%). In hammer throwing, the main contribution to the initial speed of the projectile (85%) occurs in the run-up (by performing preliminary rotations of the projectile and turns). In discus throwing, the value of the run-up and the final effort for increasing speed is approximately the same.

    Table 2. Basic conditions determining the range of a projectile (average values ​​and level of significance)

    Table 3. The ratio of projectile acceleration speed indicators at the end of the main phases of movement (from 100% of the initial projectile departure speed)

    The initial speed of the projectile is directly related to the distance of its movement during acceleration. The hammer travels the longest distance both during the run-up (more than 60 m when throwing from three turns and more than 72 m when throwing from four) and in the final effort (more than 6 m). The shortest is the core. So, when taking a “jump” run, its average distance is 1.20 m, and “turning” is 2.30 m; in the final effort, the path length is within 1.70 m (Table 4).

    The acceleration time of a projectile has an inverse relationship with the initial speed of its departure, i.e., a decrease in acceleration time leads to an increase in speed.

    Another factor that affects the range of a projectile is the angle of departure of the projectile (a). It is defined as the angle between the velocity vector (which in direction corresponds to the tangent to the flight path of the projectile at the moment of its release) and the horizontal (Fig. 3). In almost all types of throwing, the launch angle is always less than the theoretically advantageous angle of 45°. Reducing the launch angle to optimal values ​​is associated with the aerodynamic properties of the projectile (discus, javelin), air resistance, the height of the projectile release and the conditions under which the most advantageous use of the main muscle groups of the thrower occurs during the throw. The average values ​​of departure angles were given in table. 2.

    Air resistance affects the throw distance in all types of throwing, but the extent of this influence is different. The air environment has the greatest impact on the disc and javelin, and to a lesser extent on the small ball. When throwing a hammer, grenade and shot put, this influence is insignificant.

    Rice. 3. Indicators that determine the trajectory of the core

    In all types of throwing (except for throwing gliding projectiles), a headwind reduces the throw range, and a tailwind increases it. When throwing gliding projectiles, a headwind, on the contrary, can significantly increase the range, and a tailwind can slightly reduce it. This is especially evident when throwing the discus, where, for example, a headwind of 5 m/s can increase the result by up to 10%. This is due to the aerodynamic properties of this projectile, when the air environment forms a lifting force, which manifests itself on the downward segment of the flight path. However, it should be remembered that the gliding property of the disk imposes necessary requirements on the accuracy of the final force to create the required angle of attack.

    The angle of attack is the angle formed by the plane of the disc (or the axis of the projectile when throwing a javelin) and the tangent to the trajectory of its flight. The angle of attack, depending on the direction, wind strength and aerodynamic properties of the projectile, can be positive (increasing range) or negative (decreasing range). Its value during throwing a discus against the wind ranges from 10-12e. With a tailwind or calm wind, it decreases.

    Table 4. Ratio of the length of the projectile movement path in the main phases of movement (average indicators)

    For a stable position in flight, after release, the disc rotates around the vertical axis, and the spear rotates around the longitudinal axis.

    Projectile release height (h) as a factor influencing the throw distance, the shot put has the greatest significance (of all types of throwing) (Fig. 3). All other things being equal, the higher the height of the thrower and the length of his arms, the higher the point of release of the projectile and thus the further its flight. At the same time, the height of the projectile release is related to the angle of the terrain.

    Terrain angle (p)- is the angle formed by the line connecting the point of impact of the projectile with the point of its release and the horizontal. The change in terrain angle is directly related to the height of the projectile release and vice versa to the throwing range. The highest terrain angle is observed during the shot put. Its value is within 5 -10°.

    Along with the considered conditions that determine the effectiveness of a throw from a mechanical point of view, there are others, the knowledge of which is necessary for effective throwing. These include:

    • features of the technique of throwing movements (the sequence of activation of individual muscle groups, starting from the lower parts of the body, when throwing, the correct rhythm of the movement; “whip-like” execution of the final movement by timely braking in the joints to transfer the total amount of movement into the projectile, etc.);
    • accuracy of hitting the edge of the projectile when throwing a discus and hitting the axis of the projectile when throwing a javelin;
    • the shape and design of the projectile (discs can be ordinary and with better gliding characteristics, the hammer ball can be of different diameters - the distance of its center of gravity from the handle of the projectile depends on this, where a larger distance helps to increase the throwing range).

    Athletics throwing consists of two parts: the run-up and the final movement. They, in turn, are divided into a number of successive and interconnected phases, where the take-off run includes holding the projectile, the starting position, preliminary movements and the main run-up phase. The final movement includes the phase of final effort and the phase of maintaining balance after the throw.

    Holding the projectile. In all types of throwing (except hammer throwing) the projectile is held with one hand. In hammer throwing, the “grasp” of the projectile is carried out in a unique way with two hands. Proper holding of the apparatus provides the necessary conditions for the precise application of force in the final movement.

    Initial position. In this phase, by occupying the most comfortable position, individual conditions are created that set up the thrower for further movement. In throwing, in which the acceleration of the projectile is carried out in a limited space (in a circle), athletes take the starting position, with their backs in the part of the circle opposite to the direction of the throw. In throws in which acceleration is performed on the track, athletes take a position at the beginning of the track, facing the direction of the throw.

    Preliminary movements. In the preliminary phase, the projectile is given the necessary impulse through its initial acceleration. In shot put "jump" - "swing" leaning forward and "tuck". In shot put, a “turn” is a “swing” by twisting in the direction opposite to the direction of the turn. In discus throwing - with preliminary swings. In hammer throwing - with preliminary rotations. In throwing a javelin, small ball and grenade, the run-up begins without preliminary movements.

    Main run. The main task of the take-off run is to impart optimal speed to the projectile and create the necessary conditions for the “thrower-projectile” system before performing the final part of the throw.

    When throwing a javelin, a small ball and a grenade, the run-up is carried out with running steps in combination with throwing steps along a straight path. In the "jump" shot put, it is performed by jumping. When throwing a shot put with a “turn” and throwing a discus, the run-up is made with one rotation, and when throwing a hammer Shch, three or four turns.

    Achieving linear speed of a projectile in rotational movements depends on the angular velocity and radius of its movement in the turn. Angular velocity is directly related to the speed of the thrower's movement during rotation, and the radius depends on the length of the thrower's arms and the way the movement is performed. The optimal ratio of angular velocity and radius length leads to obtaining the required linear velocity at the end of the takeoff run.

    In the final part of the run-up in all types of throwing, athletes need to take such a position that there is an advanced movement of the lower parts of the body (legs and pelvis) in relation to the upper parts (torso and arms with the projectile). This movement is called “overtaking” the projectile. Its purpose is to pre-stretch the muscle groups involved in the throw, so that they actively contract by the time the projectile is released.

    Final effort. The task of this phase is to give the projectile additional speed, up to maximum, and release it at optimal angles of departure and attack. The final effort is a continuation of the previous movements, and therefore it is very important that the transition from the run-up to the final phase of the throw be as coordinated as possible.

    The effectiveness of the final is related to the length of the path and the acceleration time of the projectile, as well as the direction and magnitude of the forces acting on it.

    The final effort occurs in a two-support position.

    It is necessary to maintain the “overtaking” state until the lower parts of the body stop in a timely manner and the total amount of motion is transferred to the upper parts and the projectile. This order of stopping the motor units should be observed and should begin with the stopping movement of the left leg (for right-handed people) in combination with the correct work of the right leg, up to the release of the projectile.

    An important condition for an effective final is the accelerating speed-power rhythm of throwing and the maximum degree of realization of the thrower’s speed-power potential.

    Maintaining balance. Stopping after releasing the projectile is carried out either by a stopping movement of the legs, elastically standing on the support, or by jumping from one foot to another, or by rotating around the left leg.

    The correct distribution of forces in the final contributes to the stable preservation of balance after the release of the projectile. It is important here to take into account the requirement of the competition rules, which indicates that throwers must remain in a circle or sect until the projectile has touched the ground.

    One of the criteria that determines the level of mastery of the technique as a whole and its parts is the difference in throwing a projectile from a full run and from a standstill. In the shot put it is 1.5 -2 m, in the javelin throw - 25 - 30 m, in the discus throw - 8 -12, in the hammer throw - 25 - 32 m.

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