• The Shichko method, or how to speed up vision restoration. Shichko method - another step-by-step program? Techniques of Gennady Shichko


    Gennady Andreevich Shichko was born on May 18, 1922 in the Belarusian village of Grud. After studying at the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad University, he worked for 32 years at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, where he worked on issues of higher nervous activity in humans. Studying the brain, Shichko came to the conclusion that his actions, health, fate and life itself depend on a person’s consciousness, which he considered the highest function of the cerebral cortex.

    G.A.SHICHKO method

    "Alcoholics are victims of the widespread
    consumption of "alcoholic beverages", their personal guilt is small.
    Just as the inevitable consequence of war
    are crippled and killed, so natural victims
    alcohol consumption are drunkards and alcoholics."

    In courses using the Shichko method, they teach you to use your eyes, ears, mind, conscience, hands and tongue to get rid of any bad habits: drinking, smoking, overeating and many other bad habits. You can improve your eyesight, get rid of unhappy love, jealousy, resentment, self-doubt and much more that prevents you from living and feeling happy!

    Using the Shichko method, you can tune your body to get rid of diseases and achieve complete recovery! Miraclesthere is no! The method is completely scientifically substantiated, defended by doctoral dissertations and approved for use.

    Therefore, read to the end so as not to miss the opportunity.
    do something useful for yourself or your loved ones!

    Gennady Andreevich proved:
    Hypnotizability is an individual quality; not all people are hypnotizable.
    Persuasiveness - a person’s ability to accept someone’s point of view - is a mental property inherent in all mentally healthy people. But imposed beliefs are not constant and can change under the influence of other information!
    Conscious Conviction- more stable condition. Shichko did not base his work on hypnosis. He decided to use a person’s desire to receive and assimilate true information, as well as his ability to reconsider his views and change false beliefs to true (useful) ones, with the help of valid information. He began his practice by helping people suffering from alcohol addiction.

    In the spring of 1970, the first alcoholic, the writer Leonid Semin, turned to him for help, whose result prompted Gennady Andreevich to widely use this method of self-detoxification from drunkenness.

    Precisely self-deliverance, since Gennady Andreevich Shichko did not rid people of alcoholism, but taught them his method, thanks to which, if desired, a person could get rid of alcohol addiction himself.

    Word and deed
    The poet said: "A word can kill, a word can save..."

    Science considers the word as the basis of the second signal system, which I.P. Pavlov divided into three groups: 1) spoken words; 2) audible words; 3) visible words. Gennady Shichko believed that for completeness of the classification, mental words and words depicted, that is, “produced through writing,” should be included here.

    Whatever a person studies, he must first hear about the subject of his interest, see with his own eyes what is necessary to achieve his goal, think about it and do everything that is needed with his own hands, only then does he acquire the necessary skills and achieve what he wants.

    In courses using the Shichko method, they are taught to use spoken, audible, visible, mental and depicted words, as well as eyes, ears, hands, mind and conscience to get rid of any habitual ones that are harmful to health and life!

    Bad habits of behavior form a bad character, various “complexes” that entail failure, lack of self-confidence, create a certain circle of acquaintances that influence your destiny.

    Using the Shichko method, you will change your destiny, if you wish, and turn its vector in the direction that you like best!

    The Shichko method will help you get rid of:

      from drunkenness and even alcoholism, as well as from all the problems that are associated with this;

      from smoking and from all the “sores” that already exist, and to get away from those that every smoker has in the future;

      from the habit of overeating, which means getting rid of excess weight, cellulite, etc.

      from unhappy love, from jealousy, and you can also return faded feelings;

      from touchiness, from irritability, from envy and even from “lasciviousness”;

      from self-doubt and from many other things, even from theft and drug addiction (in the initial stages)!

      By completing courses using the Shichko method, you regain your SOBRIETY - freedom from any addictions:

      from chemicals: narcotics (alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, etc.), from medicinal ones.

      from food addictions that are clearly harmful to health and lead to obesity;

      from emotional attachments and “passions” that have a detrimental effect on self-esteem, health and well-being, which sometimes lead to mental disorders: neuroses, depression and even suicide.

    Having mastered the Shichko method, you gain:

      the ability to intuitively (that is, with the help of the Higher Mind) make the right choice in difficult situations;

      self-confidence and self-confidence;

      the ability to love and understand your loved ones;

      the ability to finish a job;

      the ability to value your time and the time of other people;

      the ability to find ways to self-development and self-improvement;

      the ability to value one’s health and the health of others;

      desire to take care of your physical and mental health;

      the ability to feel internal harmony and its violation;

      the ability to discover hidden talents and realize them.

    So what do YOU ​​want to get rid of? What do you want to buy?

    You can master the Shichko method in special courses or in absentia under the guidance of an experienced specialist. It’s more difficult, of course, but if you want, you can do it easily!

    The results of the method will exceed all your expectations!

    For comparison:
    Who has an easier life - the one who “wants, but cannot”, or the one who “can, but does not want”?

    This, of course, is the plot of an anecdote, but the result is exactly this: a person who has mastered and correctly applied Shichko’s method becomes free. He knows that no one forbids him to drink alcohol, eat unhealthy foods, etc., that is, he can, but he just doesn’t want to! He doesn’t want to, and not out of fear of the consequences - he just has different values! It's hard for people who drink to believe this, but he really DOESN'T WANT it, as if he were offered a glass of cat urine.

    But a person who is “coded” or who has “quit drinking,” who is on a diet is an abstainer who wants, for example, to drink, wants to eat something, say, sweet, but, due to some circumstances, cannot allow it! And how long will it last? After all, his values ​​remained the same, which means that his destructive desires remained the same!

    So, if you want to get rid of your bad habits or addictions by mastering the Shichko method, call, write, call our specialists on Skype, don’t hesitate! They will help you solve your problem!

    They said incredible things about the Leningrad psychophysiologist Shichko: he supposedly had the ability to turn a person away from drunkenness in two or three conversations - even one who was considered a lost alcoholic.

    I once asked the famous Leningrad surgeon Academician Uglov whether what they say and write about Shichko’s extraordinary gift is true?

    “I didn’t have a chance to meet him,” Uglov said, “but I heard about him more than once. Gennady Andreevich has been working at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine for many years - perhaps thirty years - and leads a group of scientists there. I remember about ten years ago I read his monograph on reflexes - Shichko studied the second signaling system and its physiological mechanisms. The work is interesting: many new and bold thoughts, interesting observations. It is a pity that the monograph is little known in the medical world.

    Well, does it really heal drunkards?

    Fyodor Grigorievich smiled skeptically and shrugged his shoulders - he, of course, did not believe in it.

    He showed me a stack of materials - about Shichko, about the sobriety club created by him - some were typewritten, others were published in newspapers and magazines,

    The institute authorities, as I was told, do not approve of his undertakings, and some even laugh at him. But he's stubborn. - Fyodor Grigorievich thought for a second and suddenly suggested: - Do you want to visit him?..

    In the evening of the next day we went to Gennady Andreevich. We drove to Svetlanovskaya Square in the Vyborg district, on the way Uglov’s wife, Emilia Viktorovna, talked about Shichko’s work at the institute, about the scientist’s bold quest in the field of hypnosis.

    He turned the entire science of hypnosis upside down. Hypnotists first try to put the patient to sleep, and then instill in him their thoughts. Shichko asserts: there is no need to euthanize! People are more susceptible to suggestion in a state of wakefulness, with an actively working consciousness.

    I can imagine how the knights of “black magic” took up arms against him.

    They have a director there - Academician Bekhtereva, she, as I was told, cannot stand Shichko.


    Yes, Bekhterev’s granddaughter, as if she were a granddaughter. In general, big names are often exploited here. They say that in Krasnodar in the scientific world there is Lomonosov, and among the poets there is Pushkin. When they told me about this, I asked: “Isn’t Lermontov in Krasnodar?” - “Imagine, there is Lermontov.” This is absolutely amazing.

    We drove in silence for some time. From Ordinarnaya Street on the Petrogradskaya Side, where the Uglovs live, the road led along Kirovsky Prospekt, which connected the Neva with the Malaya and Bolshaya Nevka. Places that are memorable and dear to the heart of every Russian person. Here, in May 1703, troops under the command of Peter and Menshikov captured two Swedish warships - this was the first victory that opened the way for us to the northern seas, radically changing the course of Russian history. In honor of this victory, a medal was struck with the inscription: “The impossible happens.”

    Shichko lived in a small apartment. The hostess, Lucia Pavlovna, who opened the door for us, looked little like the wife of a front-line soldier, a person of our generation - she looked about thirty to thirty-five years old. The owner was peeking out from behind her, and his appearance next to his blooming wife only intensified my bewilderment. “Well, fellow Leningraders! - I thought about him and Uglov, “they marry young and beautiful!”

    Then it turned out: Lucia Pavlovna is not so young, but it happens to meet such a happy type of Russian woman who looks almost half her age. By the way, it would be interesting to know what character traits, what kind of lifestyle help other people - most often women - to maintain their girlish charm for so long, and sometimes, with age, with the prime of your life, you look even more beautiful.

    We were led into a room where there was a carved sofa and two identical chairs. Later we found out: there is also an office of the owner in the apartment, but it is littered with books and papers; it was not shown to guests.

    I closely examined the strong athletic figure of the scientist, although somewhat limited in his movements (he was seriously wounded at Stalingrad, his leg was damaged), and tried to understand what was unusual about him? Unless the speech is heartfelt, weighty, and polished. Immediately after the war, Gennady Andreevich graduated from the Naval Academy, then from the philosophical department of the university. He taught philosophy for several years and headed the department.

    Do you know the art of hypnosis? - I asked.

    In a way, this is my profession. But I don’t approach hypnosis with generally accepted standards. There is an opinion: hypnosis is a dream-like state, but I affirm the principle of hypnotic wakefulness. - He smiled. - However, if you want, you can “illustrate” it.

    Uglov and I agreed willingly, Emilia Viktorovna did not show any enthusiasm, as for my wife Nadezhda Nikolaevna - she did not believe in hypnosis, smiled skeptically, but both women sat down with us on the sofa and prepared to listen. Shichko asked us and our wives to tune in to the wave of his desires. Noticed:

    Mutual understanding is important in relationships between people. Respecting a person means believing in him. Be sensitive to everything he says. Sometimes it seems to us that a person is saying empty things, but in fact... the great sacrament lies in words...

    He spoke more and more quietly, more monotonously. And he walked more and more slowly near us. Gestures and movements became smooth, he seemed to freeze, setting us up for rest...

    You've had a busy day today, you're tired, now sit back. Like this. Nothing bothers you, nothing bothers you, you close your eyes and breathe evenly. You are relaxed, tune in to my voice. Listen carefully to me. You only hear me. Tension leaves your face and neck, you plunge into a state of peace, weightlessness. You can no longer hear the body at all...

    Shichko continued to speak to us soothing, pacifying words. I got to the point where I said: “You are weightless, a state of flight is coming... You are flying...”

    At this point I had already become so disconnected from everything earthly that I stopped feeling my body and for a moment it seemed like I was rising into the air.

    And it is unknown how my condition would have ended if Shichko had continued his session, but he suddenly said:

    Now take a deep breath. Your condition and mood are good. Good mood, open your eyes.

    More than once I had to attend hypnosis sessions - both in circuses and in auditoriums, where visiting hypnotists tested their power over people. They usually said approximately the same phrases:

    You feel good, you fall asleep, you fall asleep...

    Shichko did not say these phrases. His words contained abstract thoughts, not necessarily close to the task of the session, but these were interesting, varied thoughts, they set a calm, peaceful mood, inspired confidence in the speaker, sowed seeds of mutual respect and, in the end, built in the minds of those listening what a system of concepts, some harmonious view on this topic of conversation. And even if it was not immediately possible to highlight this theme, to define it in a short phrase, but it was, this theme - a general, large and strong thought about friendship, trust, the unity of close people, kindred spirits. And one more thing: about the power of the mind, the capabilities of the human spirit.

    Well... you've rested. Let's go to another room. Let's drink tea.

    Gennady Andreevich told me:

    Your spouse is weakly suggestible - she needs additional effort.

    They treated us in the kitchen. Although it is small, we were quite seated at the table. Out of the habit of a journalist and writer, I looked with passion at the decor, furniture, and dishes. Everyone else did the same - especially women sensitive to beauty. It seemed that a thoughtful, talented artist was working in the selection of dishes and utensils, in decorating the walls and all corners of the kitchen. Everything was in place, not quite ordinary and beautiful. On the table, instead of wine, there are juices in crystal decanters.

    I sat next to the hostess Lucia Pavlovna. There was a healthy blush on her cheeks, and her brown eyes sparkled youthfully. And again and again I asked myself an annoying and not entirely delicate question: “How old is she?”

    This is how a person is designed that he always wants to achieve maximum results with a minimum of effort. Therefore, over time, new, more effective and less labor-intensive methods, approaches and techniques appear in different areas of human activity.

    The same is true for alternative methods of vision restoration. The technique developed by William Bates more than 100 years ago is also evolving, increasing its effectiveness, thanks to many enthusiasts of natural human health.

    A particularly successful discovery of the followers of W. Bates was the symbiosis of the “classical” Bates method and the self-programming method of G. A. Shichko (the term “Bates-Shichko method” is often used).

    For readers who are even remotely aware of the Shichko method, this information may be perplexing: “How can one combine the improvement of vision according to Bates with the Shichko method, which is used to rid a person of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, overeating)?”

    There is nothing strange in this if we remember that improving vision according to Dr. Bates’ method is achieved by replacing “bad” visual habits (excessive eye strain, infrequent blinking and breathing, inactivity of the eyes, wearing glasses, etc.) with “good” visual ones. habits (slightly relaxed look, sufficient frequency of blinking and breathing, prevention of visual fatigue, etc.). Thus, “bad” visual habits can be put on a par with a person’s pathological dependence on alcohol or tobacco.

    What is the essence of the Shichko technique and how can it be used to improve vision?

    Shichko Gennady Andreevich

    Gennady Andreevich Shichko, a famous Soviet scientist and psychophysiologist, as a result of his scientific research, came to the conclusion that effective ridding of a particular person from addictions is impossible without this person’s conscious understanding of his addiction and the need to forever abandon addictions that have already turned into a dangerous disease. Not external coercion, not coding, not hypnosis, but the addict’s awareness of his problem is the important essence of Shichko’s method.

    Due to the fact that treatment according to G.A. Shichko’s method rejects drug therapy and hypnotic techniques, it is absolutely harmless and creates the opportunity for a complete cure and a person adopting a healthy lifestyle.

    G.A. Shichko’s method and his important discoveries have found recognition among adherents of non-drug treatment methods. Many of them have not only recognized their effectiveness, but also actively use them in their projects. In particular, I.N. Afonin and V.G. Zhdanov use the Shichko method in their work to improve vision, combining it with the Bates method.

    I. Afonin notes that back in the early 90s of the last century, his teacher Yu.A. Sokolov put forward the idea of ​​​​using G. Shichko’s method to improve vision. Afonin studied the Shichko method and highly appreciated its potential and capabilities in his professional practice in vision correction. Afonin was personally convinced that the combination of the Bates and Shichko methods greatly enhances the effectiveness of vision restoration, allowing people to get rid of glasses.

    Afonin emphasizes that a person’s consciousness is “clogged” not only with positive socio-psychological programs, but also with harmful ones, which he calls false. It is very important to solve the problem of destroying these false programs. The solution to this difficult problem was found by G.A. Shichko, who proved experimentally that a word written before going to bed affects the consciousness and subconscious much more strongly than something said, heard or read, because when writing words, the motor skills of the hand act on the human brain. V. Zhdanov says about this: “The hand is a human organ that came out of the brain.” In addition, a person sees the words that he writes and, repeating them to himself, also hears them. Thus, four channels of information are involved, which significantly increases the effect on the subconscious.

    Therefore, Afonin and Zhdanov, in their work with people to improve their vision, actively use the work of G.A. Shichko to destroy false programs: “Glasses improve vision, help, heal,” as opposed to asking them to draw up and write down the correct program before bed: “glasses spoil vision, crippled." When a person sleeps, false and correct programs try to oppose each other. The correct program defeats the false one and destroys it. As a result, only the necessary program remains, capable of performing its important function - getting rid of glasses and restoring vision.

    To remove the false program from the subconscious into consciousness, Afonin and Zhdanov offer patients to fill out a questionnaire with a mandatory analysis of the causes of vision deterioration, with its condition on the day of filling out the questionnaire, so that later it will be possible to track the dynamics of its improvement after 10 days, when they fill out the questionnaire again.

    After this, the next step is to design and maintain a diary in a certain sequence. Each daily entry in the diary must end with self-hypnosis formulas, which must be learned by heart. They will help destroy false programs, establish the correct program in the subconscious and thereby get rid of bad habits.

    Afonin gives an example: a false program claims that the deterioration of vision in all people is a natural process. In order to see better, there are doctors. They will pick up glasses that will save you, and you don’t have to do anything yourself. The new program, embedded in our consciousness and subconscious thanks to the Shichko method, states: “Glasses cripple the eyes. I refuse them. I will restore my vision and health myself. I will see even better without glasses than with glasses. Relaxation, a state of rest, is a wonderful rest for my eyes, and training relaxed oculomotor muscles will make it possible to see at any distance.”

    The Shichko method was developed to help addicted people in their fight against addictions. It allows a person to get rid of his harmful addiction. This method is based on introspection and self-hypnosis. Gennady Shichko devoted many years to studying the impact of words on a person. For us, familiarity with this method is useful on two sides.

    Firstly, many people are looking for effective ways to get rid of bad habits. Because these habits significantly slow down a person’s movement towards success. Therefore, this article may be useful to them.

    Secondly, Shichko’s method is interesting because it practically shows how powerfully they work techniques of self-analysis and self-hypnosis. As you know, I pay a lot of attention to this aspect of our life. Because I believe that every person has the right to be happy and should be able to build their own happiness.

    I hope that this article will allow someone else to get rid of skepticism and begin to really seriously work on themselves.

    Why is the Shichko method so effective?

    Gennady Shichko worked for 32 years at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, where he studied the human brain. As a result, he came to the conclusion that a person’s whole life, his actions and health directly depend on his consciousness. That's why he began developing self-deliverance techniques. For this is the only way that allows any person to find their happy life.

    In principle, the effect of this method is natural. It is based on working on negative programs. Indeed, there are techniques that allow you to erase your negative programs.

    The main axioms of the Shichko method are as follows:
    • A person’s life is determined by programs that lie in his subconscious (including harmful ones).
    • Any harmful program can be destroyed.
    • Instead of a harmful program, you can write a useful one.
    • Everything that we write, read and hear before going to bed (in the “sleep state”) is very effective. And if it contradicts some harmful program, then it simply displaces it.

    For me, there is nothing new in these theses. Only the term “sleep state” needs to be replaced with the now more well-known term “ alpha state". As they say, everything was already known earlier. All the most valuable things lie on the surface, but we don’t see them.

    Main components of the Shichko method

    A complete description of the Shichko method consists of 18 steps. We will not consider the entire program, because... many of her steps have nothing to do with the topic of this site. But the main components of this method are very interesting to us.

    The method is based on three theses:
    • Conviction creates a stable state of consciousness.
    • Conviction is formed by words.
    • For the best effect, simultaneous work of hearing, vision, speech and hands is necessary.

    As you already understand, the main work is on yourself is done before bedtime.

    Shichko believed that the main effect in reprogramming the brain can be achieved through writing. Here is another confirmation of the thesis why it is so important to write by hand.

    The right hand during writing is associated with both consciousness and subconsciousness. The diary has a special role in the Shichko system. Entries in it should be made before going to bed, and in strict order:

    • Self-report
    • Introspection
    • Plan for tomorrow
    • Self-hypnosis

    As you can see, the amount of work is not small. But the bad habits that this method was developed to get rid of are not so simple either. Many people unsuccessfully struggle with them for not only years, but decades.

    That is why a person needs to be more persistent, think more about his bad habit, constantly observe his behavior and the behavior of other people, compare and contrast them. And write your conclusions in your diary every evening.

    Self-report and self-analysis

    Self-report and introspection allows a person to identify his harmful programs and figure out what can replace them. Shichko suggested that a person periodically ask himself the following questions that are associated with his bad habit:

    1. When people (habit-related action)
    2. Why are they doing that?
    3. What is wrong and bad about this?
    4. What would you do in a similar situation?

    The recording process allows a person to look at himself as if from the outside and draw some conclusions. And after some time, the diary allows a person to analyze the state in which he once was.

    For the first month, you need to keep a diary every day. The frequency of writing can then be gradually reduced. Diary entries were analyzed at each group lesson.


    Shichko considered one of the important elements of a group lesson to be an essay that people wrote directly during the lesson. But the person himself carried out preliminary study and reflection on the topic in his diary. Then the teacher read the essays aloud, analyzed and discussed them.

    Take note of this very good technique. You can successfully use it to clarify those issues that cause you difficulty.

    Phrases for self-influence

    Here we are talking about what is now commonly called affirmations. The conditions and requirements for composing these phrases are traditional; it is also prohibited to use the particle “not”. But there is one significant difference.

    All selected phrases must be rewritten in your diary every evening. Even if a person is very tired, he may not write long texts, but still must rewrite all the phrases of self-influence. And at the same time for every phrase I need to add a few words of my own, for example, “I’m done with alcohol forever” (if the person has an alcohol addiction).

    Short summary

    Shichko himself began to use his method to combat alcohol addiction. Despite the fact that he passed away long ago, his method continues to be widely used in this direction. It is also used to combat smoking, and for drug addiction. Moreover, experts say that this method has already helped thousands of people in need return to normal life.

    The next important area where there are significant results from this method is vision restoration. Vladimir Zhdanov and Igor Afonin included it in their systems. According to Zhdanov, when they connected Shichko method with Bates method, good vision in people began to be restored 8-10 times faster.

    There is an interesting article on the Internet about how a journalist decided to test Zhdanov’s method and restored his vision in 7 weeks.

    By the way, the famous academician Fyodor Uglov wore glasses for half a century. And at the age of 95, he took up this program and completed it. For the last 8 years of his life (he died at 104), he operated, read, and drove a car without glasses. This is the result!

    A diary is the simplest and at the same time the most important tool for changing your life. Gennady Shichko proved this in practice.

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