• Trainers and their names. For the first time in the gym: how to use the basic simulators


    Coming to the gym or sports shop, a beginner is often lost in the variety of types of simulators. To independently navigate among them and choose exactly those that are designed to work out the necessary muscle groups is not an easy task. We will tell you in the article how to understand the assortment provided, why certain shells are needed and how to deal with them.

    History of creation

    Human culture, in the general sense of the term, is directly associated with the culture of the body. Even at the dawn of civilizations, beautiful, structured forms were admired and emulated.

    To maintain the necessary appearance, a person had to use a variety of objects and devices, from the most primitive to high-tech, as in our days.

    So, over time, the first simulators appeared, allowing you to engage in physical exercises using structures with certain functions. The pioneer in this area was the German teacher, founder and ideologist of gymnastics as a sport, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was he who opened the first gyms and arenas.

    However, the follower, Gustav Wilhelm Sander, a doctor by education, had to improve the idea. It was he who brought such a concept as a simulator to a new stage of transformation, putting a new meaning into classes. He was the first to apply and adapt mechanical elements, directing their action to the work of the muscular system.

    Since then, sports simulators have been modified, supplemented with new features, up to the present day.


    All simulators are divided into two main groups: cardio simulators (aerobic) and strength. Classes on aerobic simulators allow you to effectively reduce weight, since the load on the body is distributed evenly. Aerobes perfectly regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, train endurance, and develop the vestibular apparatus.

    In turn, all cardio machines are represented by the following models:

    Strength training equipment

    If during training on cardio simulators the load is distributed evenly, then in the case of using power modules, training takes place purposefully on a specific muscle group, implying a change in the volume and size of muscle mass. Thus, the configuration of the body changes. Power simulators are classified according to their purpose and complexity of use:

    Trainers with built-in weights

    Modification of the simulator with built-in weights is suitable for those who are just starting to use directional loads. The module mechanisms are designed so that the trajectory of the movement of the load occurs vertically, horizontally and in other directions. You can determine the load value yourself, in manual mode. The guides along which the load moves are able to fix the movement at any stage of the workout. Types of simulators with built-in weights are diverse, as they are designed for different muscle groups and their surfaces.

    How to practice

    There are several rules that should not be neglected when planning training sessions on simulators:

    • consultation with a doctor will help determine the absence of contraindications to classes and eliminate the risk of injuries and complications;
    • recommendations of a specialist who will help with the right choice of modification and degree of stress;
    • performing exercises under the control of blood pressure and pulse rate;
    • classes should be held in special sportswear and functional shoes, with thick soles.

    What mistakes should be avoided while exercising

    • you should not start classes, feeling unwell;
    • you can not exercise immediately after eating;
    • during exercise, increase water intake;
    • do not dramatically increase the level of difficulty of the workout;
    • exercise on simulators (including) only in special sportswear and shoes.

    When choosing a simulator for training, analyze the goals and objectives that need to be solved. Determine the correct level of load, shown specifically to your body. Calculate your budget so that the price and quality fully meet your desires.

    Working on the new generation models is easy and convenient. The result of training is not long in coming. Computerization of modern simulators makes it possible to set new goals and successfully implement them.

    Exercise machines and their purpose, of course, are an area of ​​interest for both visitors to fitness clubs and all staff, up to the management. Visitors are interested in understanding what kind of simulator it is and what it is intended for. It is important for a trainer to know how to build training programs in work with clients using specific simulators, their functional features and actual purpose. Administrators need to understand the simulators for effective presentation of the club and its technical equipment. The manager must clearly understand what equipment and on the basis of what considerations it is necessary to purchase. So, let's begin.

    We will not delve into the history of the emergence and technical progress of simulators, since, to one degree or another, everything new is a well-forgotten old one, and since the invention of the same “vertical block thrust”, it has not undergone significant structural changes, as well as many other simulators intricate and uncomplicated design.

    Our goal- to study the types of simulators and their purpose. Understand what each such metal structure is intended for, which modern fitness clubs are full of, as well as comprehend the essence of the differences in their constructive diversity. And we will start with the definition of the very concept of "simulator".

    Training apparatus- This is a device that implements the possibility of exerting a load on the human body. Depending on the purpose or design features, it can be mechanical, electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic.

    The purpose of the simulators

    First of all, it is worth mentioning why such extraordinary metal structures were invented. And they were invented based on considerations of muscle development, training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body. Speaking about physical development, we mean that the design of the simulator allows you to exert a load that is not typical for a person in his daily activities, which is an incentive for the body to adapt to this type of stress by improving and improving its qualities: strength, agility, flexibility, etc. d.

    The convenience of simulators lies in the possibility of a point impact on both individual muscle groups and specific muscles of the body. The point here is that, for example, the same design of the Power Rack simulator allows you to perform squats with a barbell that involve the front of the thigh, the back of the thigh and buttocks. At the same time, the leg extension machine is designed exclusively for targeting the muscles of the anterior part of the thigh, the leg curl machine is exclusively for working out the muscles of the back of the thigh, and the leg abduction machine is exclusively for working out the buttocks.

    Classification of simulators

    In general, simulators can be divided into the following categories: block weights (with built-in weights), loadable (with free weights), cardio machines (mechanical, electrical and electromechanical), exercise machines for working with their own weight (horizontal bars, bars), as well as various benches. (for example, for bench press) and rack (for example, for squats).

    According to the above classification, power simulators by the nature of the design can be identified as follows. Let's take for example the "Vertical traction" simulator in various technical versions.

    Types of design of power simulators: I- rachazhnaya; II - lever-articulated; III - cargo block; IV- cargo block-lever; V- cargo-block-lever-articulated

    EXPERIENCE. You can often hear that power simulators are divided exclusively into two categories: weight-block and lever. Firstly, such a division is not entirely correct, since a lever simulator can also be a weight-block simulator. In addition, the concept of load-block implies the presence of a block with a load, that is, either a fixed or loaded weight. And the concept of "lever" means a way to apply force in relation to the fulcrum. Secondly, do not forget about simulators, in which there is the possibility of adding free weight to a fixed weight. Thus, it is correct to divide power simulators into three categories: weight-block (with a fixed weight), loadable (with free weight) and combined (when the design of the simulator provides for the possibility of adding free weight to a fixed weight, as seen in the photo).

    FACT. At the same time, there is a rare exception when a loaded simulator can also have a load block design. This can be seen in the photo on the left. This design of a sports simulator does not have a built-in set of plates, but it has the ability to load with discs for the barbell. Such a simulator is loadable, but at the same time it does not have any levers or hinges in its design. This allows us to classify it as a loaded cargo block.

    Cardio equipment typically includes treadmills, exercise bikes, spin bikes, elliptical trainers, rowing machines, and steppers. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into mechanical, electrical and electromechanical, which may not appear outwardly, therefore, for visual identification, we will give only images of the above simulators.

    Cardio equipment:I- treadmill;II- exercise bike;III - spin bike;IV- orbitrek;V- rowing machine;VI-stepper;VII- mini stepper

    EXPERIENCE. At first glance, it is not entirely clear what is the difference between an exercise bike and a spin bike. The most important thing is the nature of the training. On a spinbike, they do not just pedal while sitting, but they do cycling, moreover, in groups, to dynamic music and under the guidance of a coach. Training involves a constant change in body positions (shifting forward / backward / left / right, standing on the pedals, crouching to the steering wheel, etc.), alternating rhythm and changing the level of load, while training on an exercise bike takes place mainly in a sitting position and pretty calm. During spinbike training, the whole body is involved: the upper limb belt, the lower limb belt, the back and the press. The exercise bike mainly works the muscles of the legs and partially the press. The more aggressive nature of spinbike work allows you to burn fat more efficiently by performing movements for which the design of a conventional exercise bike is simply not adapted.

    Within the framework of a fitness club, exercise equipment for working with your own weight is usually a horizontal bar, parallel bars and a Swedish wall (you can also sometimes find a twister in the gym, but we will talk about it in another article). They are either mounted or stationary. Often, it is stationary equipment that is installed in clubs, but attachments are also often found. It is worth noting that only a horizontal bar and bars can be hinged or stationary, the Swedish wall is stationary by definition, since its installation involves bolting to the wall.

    Bodyweight equipment:I - stationary combined simulator horizontal bar and bars;II - Swedish wall with attachments;III - hinged horizontal bar;IV- hinged bars

    Benches and racks, be that as it may, are still simulators, since you can perform exercises on them with equipment, which we will consider in another article. The category of benches includes such equipment as, for example, a bench for bench press. And the racks include, say, racks for squats.

    Benches and racks: I-bench for bench press; II- squat racks

    Differences of simulators

    A few words about the difference between exercise machines for home use and for the gym. Since home conditions are not conducive to placing a large number of simulators, help in solving the problem of physical exercise is realized through the installation of so-called multi-stations at home - in other words, multifunctional simulators. In this case, the structure of the simulator provides for a combination of several structures in one: 2 in 1, 5 in 1, 10 in 1, or as many as you like in 1. This allows you to pump various muscle groups on a fairly small area of ​​​​the occupied area on just one simulator. This is the first.

    Multifunctional trainers:I— loadable multistation;II– cargo block multistation

    The second is the simplicity of the design of the simulator and, as a result, the low cost of simulators that mimic professional ones. Pay attention to the image below. This is just one example of how different two essentially identical machines designed to perform similar exercises can be. The advantages of a professional bench are in the reliability and durability of the design, which are provided by the manufacturer based on a large number of users in a fitness club. It is for this reason that clubs do not put amateur equipment, which is more wobbly, less durable, prone to wear and tear a little more than a lot and designed for use by a number of people limited to one or two family members.

    Bench for bench press:I- professional;II- amateur

    The next logical question. Duplicating simulators in the gym and their purpose. Some have a block design, others are loaded with a free weight. This often raises the question: what is the difference between the same weight-block and load simulator. Looking at the image below, we can see that the attachment points of the levers and the points of application of forces are the same for both designs. This allows us to conclude that the force exerted on the muscles and the angle at which it acts are also the same, which in turn makes it possible to make the following verdict: for the user, by the nature of the effect of the load on the body, there is no difference between these two simulators no. The difference is only felt by the governing body of the institution, which is engaged in the purchase of equipment, since a design with built-in weight at the international exchange rate at the time of writing this article costs $980, and a design without built-in weight at the same rate currently costs $525. But the second case opens up another expense associated with the acquisition of free weights, namely disks, but that's another story.

    Incline Press Machine:I- cargo block design;II- loading structure

    Features of simulators

    From one manufacturer, the same intended purpose simulator may have approximately the same design, but a different appearance. This is dictated, firstly, by the positioning of equipment on the market of simulators for clubs of various levels: luxury, standard, budget. We have already talked about this in the article. Secondly, the pricing policy, which follows from the first point - the higher the level of the club, the more expensive the equipment. Thirdly, elementary considerations of constant updating of the model range. Each of these three points, to one degree or another, directly or indirectly aims to satisfy the needs of potential buyers, that is, club owners in terms of the ability to choose equipment for the club both in terms of “tricks”, as well as in price and design. Here is a simple example - the same vertical block pull-up machine. The structure of the simulator is identical, the manufacturer is the same, but the model range, price level and market positioning are different.

    The simulator "Draft of the vertical block" of the manufacturerInter Atletikawith an indication of the approximate price at the international exchange rate:I- rulerbusiness line(modelBT101: $740); II- rulerXLine R(modelXR101: $970); III- rulerNRG line(modelN101: $1040).

    At the same time, if you take the same “Vertical Block Row” simulator from different manufacturers, then the picture will hardly surprise you, these will be the same similar designs in different designs. Manufacturers thus try to differ from competitors, but at the same time, the functional purpose of the simulator remains the same.

    The simulator "Draft of the vertical block" by manufacturers:IPanatta; IIPrecor; IIIgym80

    What's the difference, you ask. I will answer as follows. For the user - no, as already mentioned - they have the same functional component - to load the back muscles by performing traction efforts. The structure of the simulator differs only in that, unlike the first classical design with one cable, the second has a double cable fastening, and the third has a belt drive. The rest of the difference lies in the brand, price, design and positioning, which does not affect the effectiveness of training. However, we will not consider simulators from the point of view of the commercial component, since this is a topic for a completely different article. It can be summed up as follows: it makes no difference to the user whether to train on the PRECOR, HOIST, Gym80, Panatta or Star Trac simulator. The difference is visible and significant only for the owner, who will pay money for these simulators. Now take a look at these two photos.

    Here you see two already familiar to us and, without exaggeration, identical simulators "Draft of the vertical block". The design of the simulator is the same for both - load block, approximately the same total weight of the stack (plates) - 105 and 100 kg. It would seem that there is no difference, but the average price of the Inter Atletika simulator at the international exchange rate is $740, and the Panatta simulator is $3630. As they say, feel the difference.

    Simulator "Draft of the vertical block":IInter Atletika; IIPanatta


    Today we took an introductory course on the purpose, structure and classification of simulators. And this amount of information would not be complete if we did not consider separately what semantic load each individual simulator carries in each individual category, whether it be weight training equipment, cardio equipment, benches, racks, or exercise equipment for working with its own weight. We will build a further presentation of the material on the description of each individual category. Let's start with strength training.

    Hello dear friends! Today, the topic under consideration is “Which muscles work on which simulators?”.

    I suggest you take a kind of "Young Fighter's Course" Are you ready? Go! To get started, outline for yourself an approximate training plan, according to which you will always practice. Include a warm-up, main body, and cool-down. The warm-up and cool-down should take at least 20 minutes. Such rules are invented in order to adjust the body to a different environment. Time allocation rules are important to follow in order to obtain results and prevent injuries.

    Consider all types of simulators on which we will be engaged.

    What are the trainers?

    • Cardio trainers.
    • Strength trainers.
    • Block trainers.

    If the question arises - “Which simulator will help to remove the stomach and sides?”, then anyone will confidently show you to the cardio room, because it is there that the most effective simulators for reducing volumes are located. Almost everything in the cardio zone additionally shakes the buttocks and legs. If you are more interested in which simulator you can use to pump up the buttocks, then you are on the road to the “rocking chair” - the power room.

    Block simulators are a special article. Formally, they belong to the force, but they are distinguished because of their versatility. They have "Bottom Blocks" (those attached at the bottom, and which most often need to be pulled up) and "Upper Blocks" (attached at the top, and they need to be pulled down). Worked on them.

    So, cardio equipment, which one to choose?

    Exercise Bike Treadmill Ellipsoid Stepper

    • The exercise bike develops general endurance, pumps calves and legs in general.
    • The ellipse is similar to a bicycle, but more aimed at the quadriceps. (By adjusting the stride length, you can change the emphasis of the load from the front of the thigh to the buttocks).
    • The treadmill pumps the legs and increases endurance (This is the most energy-intensive type of simulator, but should be used CAREFULLY: shock loading can have a bad effect on the knees, it is recommended to alternate with an ellipse).
    • The stepper imitates walking up the stairs, shakes the buttocks and quadriceps.

    All cardio machines improve endurance and help burn calories, you can choose the one that you like best for training. Interval loads are more effective in fat-burning training - cyclical alternation of load or speed (depending on the simulator).

    The next item is which simulator trains which muscles. The list of simulators and exercises for muscle groups will be listed in the form of small sections, for ease of perception.

    What simulators pump the shoulder girdle and arms?

    Dumbbell Raises Crossover Low Pulldowns Crossover Upper Pulldowns Crossover One Arm Low Pulldowns

    For the shoulders, free weights are mostly suitable - dumbbells and barbells.

    1. To work out the deltoid muscles (they are located directly above the shoulder joint), exercises are used with lifting dumbbells to the sides, forward, up. These muscles are small and tire quickly, so about 20 repetitions is enough to get you a feel for the exact location of your deltoids.
    2. Biceps are pumped by all simulators associated with bending the arm. For example, the pull of the lower block for biceps in a block simulator.
    3. Triceps are pumped opposite, arm extension. The same block simulator, but we take the upper block and pull it down.
    4. Pulling the lower block of the crossover with one hand

    What simulators pump the chest?

    Flattening dumbbells lying on a bench
    Bringing hands together in the Butterfly simulator Pulling the upper block with straight arms in a crossover Bringing hands together in a crossover

    Pectoral muscles can be trained with push-ups, barbells, or such simulators as:

    1. "Butterfly" (the most democratic simulator, suitable for both girls and men).
    2. Bringing hands together in a crossover (guys will like it more, it looks like two cables that need to be brought together with effort in front of the chest).
    3. The pull of the upper block down with straight arms (we try to feel. It is the chest that works, not the arms).
    4. All kinds of benches are helpers for working with dumbbells.

    What simulators shake your back?

    Smith Machine Rows Smith Machine Squats Lower Block Rows Vertical Raises

    Back, it's our everything. Let's see what is in the arsenal of the force hall for her.

    1. From experience, the most effective back simulator is a hyperextension bench (the deep layers of muscles, skeletal, are trained).
    2. "Smith's simulator" In it, you can perform barbell traction to the belt (mainly the latissimus dorsi muscles work).
    3. Traction of a vertical block to the belt while sitting (the name is complicated, but the exercise is easier).
    4. Squats with a barbell in the Smith machine (most importantly, a basic exercise for the legs and buttocks).

    What exercises pump the press?

    Trunk raises on the bench Crossover crunches Leg pull-ups on the machine Hanging leg raises

    For general strengthening of the core, the “plank” exercise is ideal. A rare trainer has not been tortured with the question - “What is the most effective simulator for the press?”. There are several simulators, all of them are associated with bending the body forward (if conditionally, then the head to the hips)

    1. Twisting on the block (pull the upper block down, as if stooping).
    2. Trunk raises on the bench (as in school).
    3. Hanging leg raises (simulator with support under the elbows).
    4. Pulling up the legs with weights (pendulum type simulator).

    What simulators shake legs?

    Weighted calf raises
    Bending the legs in the simulator
    Leg extension in the simulator Leg press in the simulator

    The legs include several muscle groups: quadriceps (front side of the thigh); biceps (back of the thigh); calves (everything is clear with them) and buttocks (we will consider them separately, because it is most interesting for all girls to know which simulators to use to pump up their buttocks)

    1. The leg press machine trains the legs in a complex way (depending on the position of the legs, you can emphasize a little)
    2. Leg extension in the simulator (shakes the quadriceps in isolation. We sit on a chair and just straighten our legs)
    3. Bending the legs in the simulator (shakes the biceps in isolation, looks like a bench with a roller. We place the roller below the calves, and bend the legs)
    4. Smith machine lunges
      1. The thrust of the lower block (we fix the cable of the block with a cuff on the leg, and perform swings back).
      2. Romanian deadlift in the Smith machine (a must for those who really want to pump up beautiful buttocks).
      3. Lunges with a barbell in the Smith simulator (we are trying to squat on one leg, leaning a little on the second).
      4. Mixing and breeding legs in the simulator (we train the small gluteal muscles, give the pope volume).
      5. Squats in the Smith machine (easier than regular squats by reducing the effort to maintain balance).

      In each exercise that you perform for the first time, it is important to observe the technique. If in doubt about the correctness, it is better to ask a coach, a friend, or the Internet. Your health is more important than embarrassment, and besides, most athletes are kind and helpful people, and many will be happy to help with advice.

      This concludes today's review of the main simulators for muscle groups. We got acquainted with a decent list of exercises and simulators. Now the purpose of most of the devices in the gym is clear to you, and you will definitely not be bored at the next lesson in the gym.

      Video review of exercise equipment in a rocking chair

      I wish you progress in training and success in your endeavors! Thank you for your attention.

    One visit to the local gym and you feel like entering the matrix: lots of equipment and you're not sure you understand how to work out. In this article, we will look at what types of simulators are in the gym and how to use them.

    Below you will find reviews of the most popular sports equipment, their varieties, what they are for and how to use each of them for maximum results. All descriptions are accompanied by a photo of the equipment itself, the muscle groups that they pump and a video with the correct technique for performing the exercises.

    We have compiled this equipment manual to give detailed information about all types of fitness equipment in one place and how to use them. This guide will help you put together an effective exercise program.

    Description: In the case of doing squat exercises. In fitness and strength training, this exercise trains your entire body. All serious training programs should include this machine.

    Pro tip: Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Squatting this low is essential for proper execution and ultimately strong core, leg, and back muscles.

    Try to keep your knees at the level of your fingers, your buttocks should sag during the squat. Don't arch your back, keep your head up and tighten your abs to make the squat easier.

    The position of your legs should be slightly wider than the width of the hip joint, and both legs should be slightly outward.

    Working muscles: Squats target mainly the hips, knuckles, glutes, quads, and hamstrings.




    Additional piece for a squat rack. The barbell is the most important element for strength training, it holds free weights or sometimes the weight (pancakes) is attached to its ends.

    Pro tip: The barbell is arguably the most versatile of all gym equipment. You can do hundreds of different exercises with these iron bars.

    A common technique used in barbell exercise is good posture and keeping your body from swaying; to keep your body stabilized, such as when exercising on a machine.

    Because it is very easy to cheat and rock your body in order to make the exercise easier, so when using a barbell in this way comes the word of caution - injury.

    It is extremely important to remain careful when performing exercises with a barbell, especially when lifting it from the floor or vice versa, since this is the moment the risk of injury is especially high!

    Working muscles: Almost all muscles are involved in training with a barbell, especially when performing deadlifts. To better understand which exercises to perform and which muscles they affect, check out "hundreds of barbell exercises" (link) and try them the next time you're in the gym.


    bench press

    Description: Used for an upper body exercise where you lift weights up while lying on your back. Do you want perfect breasts? To do this, use this particular simulator.

    Pro tip: When you do the chest press, don't arch your back, it means your legs are placed too low. Try not to take the bar off your chest, even if you think it makes you super macho.

    Also, don't lower the bar to your neck or belly, as this can cause serious harm as you are overweight and out of control, even for a moment.

    And finally, do not lock your elbows when the bar is fully raised, keep your head, legs and back straight.

    Working muscles: Biceps, triceps, latissimus dorsi, chest, upper back. There are many techniques for doing the chest press, but there are 3 main ones: close grip, wide grip and close grip with elbows in.

    Incline Bench Press

    Description: At its core, this is an elevated bench press, but the elevation affects the muscles used.

    Pro tip: Common mistakes that people tend to make when pressing on an incline bench: setting the bench at a sharp angle (more than 50 degrees), arching the back, moving the bar from the chest, fixing the elbows.

    Try to avoid the above mistakes by keeping your body straight and keeping the incline of the bench below 50 degrees.

    Finally, the position of your thumb is important. Grab the barbell with your thumbs as opposed to the rest, this is a more natural grip and safer to lift.

    What muscles are loaded: The upper chest is slanted, as are the shoulders and triceps. Also, dumbbells are often used instead of a barbell.

    Hammer - lever trainer

    Description: A favorite among athletes, it focuses on explosive power.

    Pro tip: When working with the simulator, do not heavily load your triceps. Also avoid locking your elbows when lifting the weight, and also try to maintain equal strength in your arms.

    Target Muscles: Different lever simulators are aimed at different muscle groups. First of all, the chest, then the shoulders and triceps, trapezium, etc.

    Description: A very versatile machine in terms of the number of exercises and their types that can be done by attaching handles to the end of the cables.

    Pro tip: When you use the machine, it is very important to use the correct weight. If you are underweight, you will not work effectively, if you are overweight, you will overstress your muscles, which can lead to injury.

    There are many different types of exercises you can do with this machine. Like the bench press that works your trapezius, shoulders, and triceps. There is also a one-handed crossover that also affects the trapezius and shoulders, but also the biceps.

    All these types of exercises make the simulator one of the most powerful, wherever you are.

    Muscles involved: The connected design and versatility allows you to significantly affect every muscle in the body. The example below shows a cable crossover exercise designed for the chest and shoulders.

    Description: The first piece of equipment that most people think of when they hear of "bodybuilding". Different weights but same concept, pancake handles on opposite sides. An essential part of any training program. There are even dumbbells with adjustable weights.

    Pro tip: Dumbbells have many advantages, mainly they are not expensive compared to other machines. But when used correctly, they can offer as much, if not more, than some of the more profitable equipment.

    When you work with dumbbells, try not to lock your elbows and don't force yourself to do the last few reps if you don't have a friend or belayer around in the gym.

    Dumbbells force you to work other muscles, even if you are training some of the primary ones; this is because your body is in balance and all the stabilizer muscles come into play.

    What muscles can be pumped up: You can build good muscle with dumbbells. Below is an example of a seated dumbbell press and dumbbell extension. These exercises work the biceps, shoulders and triceps. The muscles you can train with dumbbells are chest, shoulders, trapezius, biceps, lats, glutes, quads, tendons, and calves.

    Pull-up bar

    Description: The best tool for exercising and strengthening the upper body. You can pull up with either grip, although the palms-in grip is the most popular. Different grips and hand positions affect different muscle groups. You lift your body until the chin is above the horizontal bar.

    Pro tip: Pull-ups are very difficult, especially for beginners. That is why you must master them. They are really good, and yes, very difficult. Train the upper body.

    When performing the exercise, your movements should be vertical, even and full. After a while, if you become an expert at this, you will be able to load the lower back with weight for additional resistance.

    If you are a beginner, then you should probably start with an upper pull-up machine that builds muscle and prepares them for pull-ups.

    Common Mistakes: Performing the exercise quickly, with uneven movements, rocking the body, arching the torso forward to get help from the pecs, bending the knees to push.

    And finally, do not straighten your arms completely when moving down.

    Working muscles: Torso, arms, shoulders, abs, pelvic muscles, arms and forearms. Different types of pull-ups affect different muscle groups. There are several most common types of pull-ups: behind the neck, to the body, inside grip, wide grip.

    Description: Used to strengthen the latissimus dorsi, or wings as they are called. Pull the weight towards you, keeping your elbows and back straight. Google a picture of Bruce Lee and you will see the wings you can achieve with this machine.

    Pro Tips: This may seem counterintuitive to some people, but don't lower the plank to your stomach; if you do, it means you are underweight.

    Avoid bending your torso to help your chest and abs, complete all movements when using the machine. Your grip should not be too wide, and it should be even.

    Target Muscles: Upper and lower back. Partially biceps and latissimus dorsi (as the name suggests).

    Description: Raise the weight with your quads, holding it straight for a couple of seconds. This machine is suitable if you are recovering from an injury or just trying to strengthen your quads.

    Pro Tips: Avoid twisting your hips when lifting the weight as well as when lowering it. Avoid sudden movements just to speed up, remember that form is superior to everything else in bodybuilding.

    Bending and/or straightening the leg does not change the work done by the quadriceps.

    Muscles used: Quadriceps, glutes.

    Leg curl machine

    Description: Lying on your stomach and looking at the floor, lift your legs towards your lower back. Squeeze your legs at the top and hold for a few seconds, feel the contraction in your hamstrings. A good exercise machine for maintaining muscle tone and building strength in the legs.

    Pro tip: In addition to the lying leg curl, some of the more popular types of exercises are toes in, toes out, single leg, standing, and sitting.

    The most common mistakes are: lifting the knees as you lower the weight, lifting the weight too fast to speed up the execution, placing the knees out of line.

    Interestingly, this machine (both lying and standing) is more concrete and safer, but is just as effective as the bent-over row (deadlift) when it is directed to the hamstrings.

    Even if the machine uses less weight, on the other hand, bent over rows work with more weight, but this is due to the fact that you are also training other muscles.

    Muscles used: Biceps femoris, hamstrings, gracilis femoris, sartorius, gastrocnemius, hamstrings.

    Hyperextension simulator

    Description: while on the machine in an angled position, face down, move your upper body up and down. It's not uncommon to do chest weight exercises to increase intensity, but be careful as doing this too hastily can lead to injury.

    Pro Tips: When doing the exercise, especially if you are using free weights for additional resistance, make sure you don't lift your torso too high. Also, do not jump when gaining momentum, take your time and be in shape.

    It is considered dangerous to turn as you rise and lift your torso, and to relax your hip on the cushion of the machine without the opportunity to lean.

    Hyperextension is a good way to train the lower back. In addition, this is a fairly simple exercise and beginners in the gym should not experience any problems.

    Muscles used: Erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis, latissimus dorsi, spinous, multifid, gluteus maximus, hamstrings. Essentially, the glutes and hamstrings.

    Description: Holding on to the handles (one in each hand), lower and raise the body. It is important to keep good form in order to avoid any shoulder injury.

    This is a great alternative to the head-down bench press, but parallel bars require more strength. Therefore, although it is generally not recommended for beginners, the ease of implementation is not hindered.

    When you do push-ups, it will seem to you that the triceps are doing all the work and all the load goes to them. However, it is very important to focus on the chest muscles too.

    You should feel a stretch as you push up and then a contraction as you lift your body. Always do this exercise slowly unless you are a professional athlete. And finally, avoid exercising if you have injured your elbow or shoulder.

    Muscles used: Shoulders, triceps, lower chest. Push-ups can be performed with or without weight, keeping the body upright.

    Smith simulator

    Description: A simulator that helps with squatting with a barbell. Think of it like a squat stance when you don't have anyone to help you with the exercise. Very good squat trainer. If you have injured your back, then you should use the Smith machine to strengthen it.

    Pro Tips: There are many exercises to do on the Smith machine that may seem the same as on other machines. But remember that it is when working with him that you can do many of the above exercises.

    The machine helps you by keeping the chosen weight the same so that you can pick it up from any position.

    The main advantage of the simulator is that you can train in the gym on your own when you do not have anyone to secure, but you want to be safe; just turn and lock the bar. It is ideal for squatting on its own due to the balance provided by the machine.

    One of the advantages of the machine can also be a disadvantage if you are not careful. It provides balance, which can make you want to lock your elbows when lifting the barbell. Try to avoid it.

    Muscles used: When working with the simulator, all muscle groups can be involved. One of the most popular exercises is the standing press (military press), shown below. Focuses on training the shoulders, triceps and traps.

    Bench for biceps (Scott's shop)

    Description: When sitting, the bench helps isolate and train the biceps. Ideal for beginners to start training biceps using a lighter barbell and lifting it up and down, or reducing the weight.

    Pro tip: Sit on a bench, place your armpits at the top of the simulator, rest your biceps on the pillow. Follow this technique regardless of the exercise being performed.

    Contrary to popular belief, this exercise is not excellent at building a biceps peak. But it keeps you from cheating while exercising and provides precise muscle contraction.

    Do not extend your arm too far as this may cause injury. Also, don't move your body as you lower the weight. Most importantly, do not use too much weight and do not combine this with excessive lowering of the barbell or dumbbell down.

    Muscles used: Biceps, shoulders, forearms.

    Description: Designed for the press. Similar to the hyperextension simulator. It is important to practice and stay in good shape with this machine. Especially if you decide to train with extra weight.

    Pro tip: Doing this exercise forces your hips to flex, which engages the muscles that work in that area, specifically your lower back and anterior quadriceps.

    So it's not as specific as just a ab workout, so make sure you feel the muscles because more than one muscle group must be involved in the exercise.

    A few types of squats to try: crunch, weighted, incline, vertical.

    Muscles used: Press (rectus abdominis). Also internal and external abdominal muscles, lumbar, quadriceps, transverse abdominal (pyramidal).

    Leg press platform

    Description: Basic leg trainer. Lying on your back, lift the platform up without straightening your joints.

    Pro tip: This machine is just as good as the squat machine because it strengthens and develops the muscles, meanwhile, the machine is also good for protecting the back, as it keeps it in a certain position.

    The most common mistake made when working with a simulator: lifting the hips while reducing weight. It is also recommended to avoid locking your knees while your legs are fully extended.

    Incomplete and/or exaggerated movement will also not result in an effective workout. Finally, avoid using too much or too little weight, and be sure to lift the platform evenly with both feet.

    Muscles used: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, adductors of the thigh, hamstrings.

    HACK Squat Machine

    Description: Combines the leg press machine and the squat machine. Another good exercise machine to use on leg day.

    Pro tip: Common mistakes people make when working with a machine are: squatting too low with a heavy load, which is called a deep squat.

    Another mistake is fixing the knees when lifting the weight up. This is dangerous because you are putting weight on your ligaments instead of putting pressure on your leg muscles. In addition to this, if you don't push evenly, it also results in bad form.

    The glute muscles are the longest and strongest in our body, so you need to use really heavy weights to develop them. Interestingly enough, they are not used when walking, check if in doubt!

    Muscles used: Glutes, quads, adductor magnus femoris, hamstrings, lower back and spine.

    Description: Raise the weight up with your feet by pushing out using your fingers. There are different types of trainers, but the one pictured above is the most common.

    Pro tip: Correct execution involves sitting with knees bent at right angles on toes on a footrest. During training, your heels should be free.

    Raise your heels as high as you can, pressing down on the pillows as much as possible. Once you reach maximum height, hold for a few seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Also remember to breathe naturally during the exercise.

    Don't jump up without keeping the weight under control, and avoid taking off one leg when finishing a set. Remove the weight first and then the legs.

    Target Muscles: Mainly caviar. Secondary muscles include: long and short peroneal, gastrocnemius, tibia and plantar.

    Simulator for adduction and breeding of legs

    Description: Open and close your legs, pushing the resistance of the weight outward. The most popular leg machine for women, ideal for training the legs and buttocks.

    Pro Tips: This is a very specific exercise for the adductors of the thigh, partly for the large adductors. The simulator is good for both beginners and professionals.

    To avoid injury, before using the simulator, make sure you warm up well.

    Never rush and do the exercise slowly, as making sudden movements can damage the muscles.

    Once you've warmed up on the machine, avoid these mistakes: underweight, spreading your legs too wide, doing the exercise too fast.

    Working muscles: Adductors of the thigh, mainly. Secondary muscles: gluteus maximus, pectineus, gracilis, quadratus femoris, obturator externus, iliopsoas, hamstrings.

    Butterfly simulator for chest

    Description: This type of simulator is designed for isolating exercises and chest training. A favorite for beginner bodybuilders as it has a unique movement that is fun to perform.

    Pro tip: To work properly with the machine, sit with your elbows back at a 90-degree angle at mid-chest level. Then bring your hands together in front of your face.

    Inhale as you bring your arms together, as far as you have enough flexibility (but be careful when working with heavy weights), exhale when spreading your arms.

    Common mistakes include moves that are too small or too large. Small ones reduce the effect of exercise, while large ones can lead to injury. Do not separate your elbows from the planks.

    Target muscle groups: Chest (large chest) and shoulders (deltoid).

    Description: Kettlebells have become very popular in the fitness world and there are many exercises you can do with kettlebells. Fitness enthusiasts use them for strength or cardio training. Watch a video about different ways to use kettlebells.

    Rachi muscles: Lots of muscle groups. Depends on the exercise you choose.

    Crossfit ball

    Description: Combine with the squat by throwing and catching it. Repeat over and over. Ideal for those who are focused or want to incorporate cardio and aerobic exercise into their program.

    Working muscles: Legs, core, chest, shoulders, abs.

    Foam roller

    Description: Ideal for relieving muscle pain, sprains and increasing flexibility. The best way to use the foam roller is to include it in your program, it will reduce the strain on the body and help it circulate.

    Target Muscles: All. But you can also choose between muscle groups.

    Description: The most versatile tool for fitness enthusiasts. There are many exercises for working with the ball. A great way to use the machine is injury recovery, stretching, balance. Usually fitness enthusiasts have such a ball in their home gyms, or just use it at home at any convenient time.

    Target Muscles: All muscle groups can be used when working with a fitball.

    Use this guide to master sports equipment

    The good thing is that when you learn all the names and types of machines, you will be relieved of the initial shock and fear. The more you learn, the less fear you have of choosing the wrong machine or being a laughing stock.

    This guide will help you become familiar with the machines and equip you with knowledge of the most popular equipment and related workouts. With it, you will also be prepared even to build your own gym if you rent or own a house with spacious rooms.

    Important things to remember when using exercise machines

    It is important to have a clear understanding of the equipment that is in your gym or when it is built, as this will help achieve the desired results in bodybuilding and fitness.

    Another important thing to mention is that proper form when using these machines cannot be overemphasized. When choosing between heavy weights on the machine and proper positioning with lighter weights, always choose the latter option based on your fitness level.

    This will help you achieve better results, but more importantly, avoid injury.

    Now you are all ready for the gym!

    Using this guide, you will now be able to confidently identify the name of the machine, and from the above list, you will also get an idea of ​​the cost of machines when building your own gym.

    We hope you find this guide useful and we look forward to using it in your fitness activities. As always, let us know if we missed anything that you feel should be here!

    The simulator is used to pump the muscles of the chest. The essence of the exercise is to bring the arms in front of you while sitting on a seat with a vertical back. The lesson is reminiscent of the wiring of dumbbells on a bench. However, here the trajectory is strictly defined, so the stabilizing muscles are not connected to the process, which means that the load is distributed evenly and strictly on the target group. Due to the regular performance of this movement, it is possible to avoid disproportion of the muscles of the chest, act on deep fibers and achieve blood flow to this area.

    Traction trainers

    The equipment is designed to load the spinal muscles. This is done by pulling the handle from above or towards yourself (to the belt). In any case, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe latissimus dorsi is being worked out, and the rhomboid and trapezius muscles are also indirectly involved. The exercise is aimed at correcting posture, creating an athletic torso, visually reducing the waist due to the expansion of the back. Classes help to get rid of pain in the lumbar region and prevent problems with the spine in the future. Vertical traction successfully replaces pull-ups, horizontal - a rowing machine.

    chest press

    These settings are used to work out the pectoral muscles. The exercise is identical to the dumbbell or barbell press on an adjustable bench. It is the pushing of the handles forward along a given trajectory, which eliminates the involvement of stabilizing muscles. Movements are performed at different angles (depending on the model of the simulator) - completely lying down, sitting, reclining. This allows you to pump different parts of the muscles. The designs provide the safest possible study of the technique of the press, as a result of which they are suitable for beginner athletes and girls.

    leg press

    A good alternative to strengthening your lower body is the leg press machine. It serves as a substitute or supplement for the back squat. Classes on it are the safest due to the fixation of the back during the exercise and the presence of swivel safety stops. The design is used to achieve various goals, including the opposite ones: gaining mass and creating a relief figure. It all depends on the training program and diet. The platform allows you to change the position of the feet for pumping different parts of the muscles.

    Simulators for adductor and abductor muscles

    The designs are used to train adductors (adductors) and abductors (abductors). The outer surface of the legs is strengthened by spreading the hips, the inner - by adduction. In the halls, you can find models for performing both movements or for one of them. Exercise allows you to correct problem areas, make them stronger and more toned. It provides warming of the inguinal ligaments and hip joints, which contributes to an increase in amplitude and an effective response of the muscles. It is implemented after basic approaches or as part of a super series for finishing.

    Leg curl and extension machines

    These devices are used to work out the biceps and quadriceps thighs. The activation of the desired zone occurs by bending or unbending the legs, respectively. Thanks to such exercises, the ligaments and knees are strengthened, the mobility of the joints returns, and relief muscles are obtained. You can deal with each leg in turn with a change in the position of the socks, shifting the emphasis either to the medial or to the lateral heads. Training of this type is appropriate either at the beginning or at the end of the main complex.

    Smith machine

    The loaded machine is designed to strengthen almost all muscle groups, from the forearms to the shins. To this end, it allows you to perform many different exercises - squats, chest presses, traction to the chin, etc. The simulator consists of a metal frame and a crossbar on which pancakes are hung. Limiting hooks that fix the bar at a certain height help to secure the process. Due to the given trajectory, it is possible to accentuate the required muscles.

    power frame

    For any exercise with heavy weights, you need partner insurance. But if there is no assistant, but it is necessary to progress, then a power frame is used. It looks like four racks connected to each other from above. Inside them is a bar and a bench (if necessary). The athlete performs the movement and is not afraid that the projectile will injure him. The design is relevant for squats and chest presses. It is also used for deadlifts, deadlifts, vertical presses, and biceps curls. The equipment is equally useful for both beginners and professionals.


    This is an extremely useful device that provides study of the lower back, back of the thighs and buttocks. The movement of the same name is done to warm up the lower back before a heavy base, at the end of a lesson, for example, in combination with pumping the press, or as an independent exercise. Hyperextension also has a rehabilitative effect on the back, corrects posture, and relieves clamps from a sedentary lifestyle. Both direct and reverse varieties are performed without weights and with them (with sufficient sports training).

    Multi-position benches

    The equipment is an indispensable assistant in the implementation of various exercises for all muscle groups. It is characterized by a variable angle of inclination, as a result of which the impact extends precisely to those areas that need to be strengthened. On the bench, you can perform the classic chest press, vertical press, bicep curls, twisting on the press. In addition, it acts as a support when pumping triceps and back. Without it, it is difficult to imagine working with free shells - barbells and dumbbells, especially in gyms.

    Press benches

    Designs for pumping the abdominal area are equally popular with men and women who want to get the coveted "cubes". Depending on the model, twisting, torso or leg lifts are implemented on the bench. To do this, there are all the necessary components - a durable steel frame, a soft surface and rollers for fixing the ankles. In the halls, both static and adjustable options are usually installed so that visitors can choose the one that will be most effective in a particular case.

    School desks for biceps

    Scott benches are used to develop biceps, but, compared to standard dumbbell or barbell lifts, the elbows are fixed here with a specially provided desk. As weights, you can choose various shells, including curved ones, as well as train each hand separately. Pressing on such a machine leads to an increase in the volume of the shoulder muscles and an increase in their strength. Training, in which the surface of the hands is pressed to the desk, allows you to "shock" the biceps due to movements that are unusual for them.


    The devices are designed for indoor running or walking. They have many modes of operation, allowing you to practice at different speeds and angles. They are purchased to create a cardio load, improve endurance, burn calories. The cost of treadmills depends on their external design and filling. So, the simplest mechanical ones, which are driven by the runner itself, are considered the cheapest. In the middle price range are magnetic. Then there are variations with an electric motor and an on-board computer.

    Elliptical Trainers

    Orbitreks are a symbiosis of a stepper, a treadmill and an exercise bike. You can walk, run, climb stairs, etc. on them. They are as safe as possible for people with problem joints and spine, because they ensure that there is no impact on weak areas. Ellipsoids will help train the heart muscle, expand the volume of the lungs, eliminate body fat and prevent their occurrence. Using them, it will turn out to create a beautiful figure without harm to health.

    Exercise bikes

    This equipment is used for pedaling, as on a conventional bicycle. There are horizontal and vertical types. For the former, the pedals are placed under the seat, while for the latter, they are in the same plane with it. Accordingly, the latter are suitable for people with back and joint pain to relieve them of discomfort during the training process. According to the principle of loading, there are inertial, magnetic and electromagnetic models. Regardless of the modification, all designs contribute to effective weight loss, the development of the vestibular apparatus, and the maintenance of the body in good shape.

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