• What is the tribulus effect. How to take "Tribulus": instructions, description, composition and reviews


    How should I take Tribulus (before meals or after)? What is this drug, and what indications does it have? You can find answers to these questions below.

    The form of the drug, its composition

    About how much to take "Tribulus", and in what dosage, only experienced specialists know. They also know that this drug is marketed in the form of 500 mg capsules. Their main active ingredient is an extract of the juice of a plant such as tribulus terrestris. In addition, the composition of this tool may include additional substances.

    General information

    What is a plant tribulus terrestris (how to take a drug based on it, we will tell further)? In our country, this grass is called "creeping tributaries". It is an annual plant that can only be found in warm regions. It should be especially noted that this herb is widespread throughout the globe.

    For the first time, "Tribula creeping" began to be used by Bulgarian weightlifters. Athletes used this plant to increase endogenous testosterone, thereby contributing to the buildup muscle mass and growth of strength indicators.

    Thus, for a long time tribulus terrestris acted as a "secret weapon" among weightlifters in Bulgaria.

    Basic properties

    What is Tribulus? How to take this remedy, and what properties does it have? In the course of numerous clinical trials, the high effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of various types of impotence, as well as for orgasmic sensations and increased libido, has been confirmed.

    It should also be noted that the medication in question is capable of causing the production of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, under the influence of which spermatogenesis is significantly increased in the male testicles (that is, the volume of the ejaculate, as well as the mobility and concentration of spermatozoa) increases and fertility increases.

    Other features of the drug

    What else is remarkable about such a tool as "Tribulus"? How to take this drug, many people involved in active sports know. This is due to the fact that in addition to enhancing a person’s sexual capabilities, this medication significantly increases muscle strength and size, since testosterone is a fairly powerful anabolic hormone.

    According to experts, the tool in question is used by the best bodybuilders and athletes in the world. In addition, most athletes use anabolic steroids under the protection of this drug. Taking this medication allows you to maintain the normal production of the hormone - testosterone in the body.

    Few people know, but many experts recommend using Tribulus in all cases when they have been used for a long time

    It should also be noted that most athletes use this drug because it has a pronounced diuretic effect. Thus, taking the capsules within three days before the start of the competition allows you to get rid of a large amount of excess water in the body.

    Features of use in women

    Now you know what is remarkable about such a tool as "Tribulus. How to take this drug? According to the attached instructions, such capsules can be used not only by the stronger sex, but also by the beautiful half of humanity, especially after reaching the age of 30.

    The intake of the drug in question by women normalizes the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones by the pituitary gland, thereby helping to restore the balance of the synthesis of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.

    It should be especially noted that the use of Tribulus capsules must be stopped five days before the onset of menstruation. After the cessation of menstruation, the medication can be continued.

    It is impossible not to say that the use of this remedy during menopause can almost completely remove all menopausal syndromes.


    Only an experienced specialist can tell you how to properly take Tribulus. Common indications for the use of this remedy are the following conditions:

    • diseases of the reproductive system;
    • diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, including renal failure and pyelonephritis.

    For men, it is advisable to use this drug for:

    • decreased libido;
    • impotence;
    • infertility;
    • in athletes (to increase muscle strength and mass).

    As for the representatives of the weaker sex, such a drug can be prescribed to them in the following cases:

    • with frigidity;
    • with infertility (from the 1st to the 12th day of the menstrual cycle);
    • with premenopausal syndrome;
    • with premenstrual syndrome;
    • with climacteric syndrome.


    Taking "Tribulus" in powder (in capsules) is prohibited only with individual intolerance to the main substances of the drug.

    It should also be noted that animal experiments have shown a rather low toxicity of the tribulus terrestris plant. In addition, there is no evidence of its teratogenicity or embryotoxicity.

    It should be remembered that taking this remedy must be stopped during gestation or breastfeeding.

    "Tribulus": how to take and in what dosage?

    The agent in question is intended for oral administration. For adults, it is recommended to take 1 capsule twice a day during a meal.

    How long can Tribulus Maximus be used? How to take this remedy, and for how long, only the doctor should determine. According to the attached instructions, it is better to use capsules in courses of 2-3 months with breaks of 1.5-2 months.

    Side actions

    The agent in question almost never causes negative effects. Only in some cases, against the background of taking capsules, allergic reactions may occur.

    Tribulus terrestris is a plant that has long been used in folk medicine, but only thirty years ago its stimulating effect on testosterone production was discovered, and the drug tribulus began to be actively used by bodybuilders and other representatives of strength sports.

    Today, tribulus has become one of the most sought after supplements in sports nutrition. And this is completely natural, because the product is completely natural, and if you know how to take tribulus correctly, then serious progress is guaranteed.

    Mechanism of action of tribulus

    And testosterone, an important link in this chain, causes accelerated protein synthesis. Ultimately, the power potential of the muscles increases significantly.

    Thus, no chemistry, everything happens in a completely natural way - the body itself begins to intensively produce testosterone. Thereby:

    • there is an intensive build-up of dry muscle mass;
    • the endurance of the athlete increases;
    • its strength indicators increase;
    • libido increases, sexual function is activated;
    • due to the diuretic action, excess fluid is removed.

    How to take tribulus

    On the sports nutrition market, tribulus is available in different forms of release: in capsules, in powder, in tablets and in different dosages, often enriched with vitamins and amino acids.

    An agent containing at least 6% protodioscin and up to 45% total saponins is considered optimal. It is desirable that the raw materials for the drug be grown in Bulgaria, Macedonia or Turkey.

    For those who first resort to tribulus, a number of questions arise: how long can the remedy be taken, how many times a day, before or after meals, can women and children take it.

    We answer in order.

    • The best option is a course of taking Tribulus, which is from 4 to 6 weeks, followed by a 1-2 week break.

    To get the desired effect, you need to train regularly and intensively during the course, otherwise you will not be able to achieve an increase in muscle mass.

    • Many experts consider 500-1500 mg of the substance to be the optimal daily dosage. The content of the active substance in one capsule is most often 500 mg, which means that the daily rate will be 1-3 capsules.

    Tribulus in powder form can be divided into two or three doses, respectively, with a dosage of 750 or 500 mg. Although there is also a dosage of 625 mg, as, for example, in tribulus maxler ; its capsules are taken twice a day, morning and evening.

    • Some manufacturers concentrate the entire daily dose in one tablet. So, for example, tribulus maximus contains 1500 mg of active ingredient.

    There is no single answer to the question of when is the best time to take tribulus. Some experts recommend taking it with or after a meal, others recommend taking it on an empty stomach and drinking water or a low-calorie drink. It is best to follow the instructions that are on each package.

    • For women (especially pregnant and lactating) and young children, this drug is categorically not recommended, since testosterone is a male sex hormone, and its increased production will disrupt the hormonal background of the female and children's body.

    The best sports nutrition for mass gain

    The specifics of taking tribulus

    The specificity of taking tribulus is that it must be taken even on days when you are not exercising. The scheme of reception, however, will differ:

    • On the day of training: the first dose - immediately after waking up, the second - 30-60 minutes before the start of the workout, the third (if provided by the scheme) - before bedtime.
    • On the day without training: the first dose - immediately after waking up, the second - in the middle of the day, the third (if provided by the scheme) - before bedtime.

    It is advisable to discuss the duration of tribulus with a sports physician. Taking it too long can lead to addiction, the gonads will constantly work to the limit, as a result, they will be depleted and, as a result, a decrease in testosterone production by the body itself.

    Agree, thoughtless or simply incorrect selection of products sports nutrition- one of the factors that can provoke serious disruptions in the body of an athlete.

    As a result, he stops progressing in the chosen direction, loses faith in his own strength and stops playing his favorite sport.

    The situation can become even more sad if, due to the intake of a number of drugs, irreversible changes have occurred in the human body.

    In this case, such sports "therapy" threatens the development of dangerous pathologies and even disability.

    In this article, we will look at a supplement such as tribulus.

    What it is?

    The lack of culture in sports nutrition is associated with ignorance and misunderstanding of the laws of physiological and biochemical processes in the body of a person who is actively involved in sports.

    When it comes to the usual seasonal fortification of an athlete, it is not difficult to choose the optimal vitamin-mineral complex.

    If, in order to achieve outstanding results in a certain area of ​​sports activity, it is necessary to use drugs that radically change the hormonal background, their use should be taken as seriously as possible.

    After all, it is hormones that directly affect the rate of metabolic processes and activate the hidden capabilities of the body.

    The most important hormone that qualitatively regulates redox reactions, increases endurance, and also speed-strength qualities athlete, is testosterone.

    But, drugs, which include artificially synthesized testosterone, are prohibited in the world of sports and do not always have a beneficial effect on the health of athletes.

    That is why scientists have been actively working on the creation of a biologically active agent that would stimulate the natural synthesis of testosterone directly by the human body.

    The result of their labors is the Tribulus sports nutrition product.

    Tribulus is a highly effective nutritional supplement, which, in combination with other sports nutrition products, is successfully taken by many athletes around the world.

    interest in the plant

    This drug is made on the basis of the herbaceous plant Tribulus Terrestris. Translated from Latin: "Prickly vine." Tribulus Terrestris grows in Northern Australia, Africa, South Asia, the Balkans and other countries with a similar type of climate.

    Doctors, sports pharmacologists, as well as adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment became interested in this plant not by chance.

    It contains a fairly large amount of biologically active substances in leaves and fruits. Namely: tannins, alkaloids, steroid glycosides, natural flavonoids, etc.

    The main active ingredient is protodioscin. The healing properties and tonic effect of the "thorny vine" were noticed back in ancient China, Greece, and also India.

    Local healers actively used Tribulus Terrestris as a tonic, diuretic and as an elixir against infertility in men. With the help of the "thorny vine" they treated diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver and other anatomical structures of the body.

    In modern medicine and sports, drugs are successfully used, the active ingredient of which is Tribulus Terrestris.

    Their demand is explained by the ability to more safely stimulate the work of the pituitary gland, as well as the hypothalamus, which begin to produce luteinizing hormone several times more actively.

    It also stimulates the production of natural testosterone. That is why people who take dietary supplements based on Tribulus Terrestris experience:

    • active growth of muscle mass;
    • increase in strength and endurance;
    • increased sexual activity and libido.

    It should be noted that some experts are quite skeptical about the above facts and boldly declare that tribulus is not able to significantly enhance testosterone synthesis.

    However, they do not deny the legitimacy of many scientific experiments that have proven that tribulus extract:

    • is a powerful aphrodisiac for men;
    • stimulates the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • lowers blood pressure;
    • has immunomodulatory properties;
    • lowers cholesterol levels;
    • strengthens the myocardium;
    • improves muscle contractility;
    • increases efficiency;
    • contributes to the reset excess weight;
    • stimulates spermatogenesis and increases potency;
    • beneficial effect on kidney function.

    As for some disagreements between scientists, this is due to the lack of final conclusions on the properties of the Tribulus Terrestris herb extract, as research in this direction continues.

    But, many believe that the virtues of the "thorny vine" are already obvious.

    Benefits of Tribulus Extract

    1. Provides healthy testosterone synthesis without the need to administer the hormone in its pure form.
    2. Tribulus stimulates fat burning and muscle growth.
    3. Accelerates recovery processes after exercise.
    4. The use of tribulus-based nutritional supplements can significantly increase the intensity of training.
    5. Models strong immunity.
    6. Flavonoids and alkaloids of Tribulus Terrestris protect the body from infections, as well as pathogenic microbes.
    7. Increases libido and helps to cure impotence.
    8. Stabilizes the hormonal background and accelerates the reaction of anabolism.
    9. Qualitatively cleanses liver cells after taking steroids.
    10. Promotes the fastest possible treatment of injuries and healing of wounds.
    11. Stabilizes the emotional state of women during menstruation and menopause.
    12. Increases endurance and strength in athletes.
    13. Refers to legitimate drugs that are allowed by the anti-doping committee.
    14. Available in the form of capsules with different dosages, which allows you to make the most competent scheme for taking tribulus.

    Disadvantages and Side Effects

    The reactive effect of tribulus is pronounced if the testosterone level is initially low in a person taking this dietary supplement.

    If the body produces a sufficient amount of the male strength hormone, the person practically does not notice the effect of tribulus.

    In this case, he questions the effectiveness of this drug and stops taking the supplement. Naturally, the "smart", selective action of tribulus cannot be called a problem.

    The real disadvantage of this drug can be considered the fact that it can provoke in men the synthesis of female sex hormones - estrogens.

    They can provoke the manifestation of secondary female sexual characteristics, which, of course, is not acceptable for representatives of the strong half of humanity who want to vividly demonstrate athleticism and masculinity.

    Another serious problem that occurs with prolonged and uncontrolled use of tribulus is associated with dysfunction of the gonads.

    In men, the synthesis of their own testosterone practically stops, which forces them to constantly take drugs containing this hormone.

    Tribulus can cause the same side effects that accompany anabolic steroids. To prevent this from happening, a person must clearly and unquestioningly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor who prescribes tribulus.

    In this case, the manifestation of undesirable effects is practically excluded.


    Great care should be taken with such drugs for people who have been diagnosed with kidney failure and / or pathologies of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, etc.)

    In addition, tribulus is contraindicated in those who have serious hormonal imbalances. In order to avoid undesirable consequences due to the intake of tribulus, before starting the course, you should consult with an experienced specialist in this field.

    Admission rules

    For example, if one capsule contains 500 mg, then the daily rate should not exceed three doses. The first should be taken with breakfast, the second before training, and the third before bed.

    The average length of the course of taking the drug should be 4-6 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a two-week break.

    What sports nutrition products can Tribulus be combined with?

    To obtain maximum effect from taking the drug, first of all, you must adhere to a sports diet and follow a training regimen.

    Tribulus goes well with creatine, proteins and vitamin-mineral complexes.

    Combining tribulus with egg albumin, casein, soy protein, the daily dose of the latter should be approximately 2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of athlete's body weight.

    As for the combination of tribulus with other sports nutrition products (vitamin-mineral complexes, energy drinks, creatine, etc.), the ratio of these ingredients in an athlete's diet is determined purely individually.


    So, having decided to give your figure athleticism, do not forget about the gifts of nature. Feel free to use tribulus as an additional sports nutrition.

    This supplement will allow you to achieve excellent results and here's why.

    1. Tribulus stimulates the body to produce healthy, "own" testosterone.
    2. Tribulus-based supplementation allows you to increase endurance and build muscle mass as quickly as possible.
    3. Tribulus helps to withstand extreme loads and recover quickly.
    4. The drug has a positive effect on all functional systems of the body.
    5. This dietary supplement is not doping and, when taken correctly, is completely safe for health.
    6. Tribulus is great with vitamins, minerals, energy drinks, creatine and proteins.
    7. The drug is contraindicated only in children, pregnant women and people with serious pathologies of the kidneys, as well as blood vessels and the heart.

    In this article we will look at how significant the effect of tribulus on testosterone levels is, the need for a more detailed answer arose after the question of the effect that the Tribulus plant has on the body. Does it actually increase testosterone levels and help you gain weight?

    I will say right away that if there was a safe, effective and generally available pill that would increase testosterone levels in men, you can be absolutely sure that almost every home would have one. But actually it is not. Most men do not use this drug in daily life because tribulus does not have the effect that is attributed to it. And, therefore, you should not count on an increase in results in bodybuilding.

    What is triubulus?

    Tribulus terrestris, Creeping anchors or thorny vine(lat. Tribulus terrestris) is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in temperate and tropical climates in southern Europe, southern Asia, Africa and northern Australia; species of the genus Tribulus of the parnolistnikovye family. This herb is widely used in bodybuilding as a testosterone booster and is sold over the counter. There is nothing to hide here: it is popular among bodybuilders, which means it is of interest to guys who want to increase muscle mass.

    Drug research

    One of the studies was also conducted by Adam Bornstein, which helped the two scientists to bring together data on the use of tribulus and its effect on strength and muscle growth, as well as on testosterone levels. The review has never been published. The conditions under which the studies were conducted, by their own admission, were not ideal (therefore, there are no publications about the results), and the sample was very small (n=16), but the data obtained still deserve attention.

    After the completion of the experiment, at the end of 16 weeks of using this supplement, the results were the same as in the placebo group, and this period is long enough to feel the expected changes. In this case, various methods of analysis were used: dispersion, covariance and multifactorial.

    If you dive deeper into the topic, you can find a lot of research proving that if you want to increase the level of testosterone in the body, buying Tribulus Terestis will be a waste of money.

    In fact, on Examine.com, which is the most authoritative guide to supplements, you can find the following entry on the effect of tribulus on testosterone levels:

    “The thing is, tribulus doesn’t work. There are many studies showing that it does not have the desired effect, and there is also some direct evidence that tribulus does not increase testosterone levels in athletic men. In other words, if you are taking this herb supplement to get stronger and increase muscle mass, then don't expect great results.

    This does not mean that tribulus is useless. In fact, the plant has the potential to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and body health. Quite simply, tribulus does not increase testosterone levels.

    It is very important. You have to understand that tribulus is most likely to remain in stores and appears to work because it can be an effective libido enhancer. Typically, herbs that have this effect are used in testosterone-boosting preparations so that its users feel the cumulative effect. The sad reality is that while higher testosterone levels tend to increase libido, tribulus increases libido without affecting testosterone levels.”

    So while tribulus is known as a testosterone-boosting herb, it doesn't actually make muscles stronger or have a repairing effect. It may help your libido, but that doesn't mean that it will be related to changing testosterone levels in any way.


    Do not buy tribulus in the hope that it will work as a testosterone booster and help you increase your athletic performance and gain muscle mass.

    The biggest problem in the supplement industry is the fact that you don't know who or what to trust. That is why, if you are taking such drugs or are considering this, you should use special online resources. You need to choose a source that is not associated with supplement suppliers and that contains thousands of their names, even those that you could hardly imagine. In this case, you will not need to worry about whether it is worth spending money on a particular drug and whether it will meet your requirements (often inaccurate).

    Tribulus is a dietary supplement based on the extract of the plant Tribulus terrestris. This drug has shown good efficacy both for the treatment of diseases of the genital area, and when used in bodybuilding. Instructions for use of the drug Tribulus is quite simple and concise.

    This tool is used to increase potency, improve libido, normalize spermogram by increasing the number of spermatozoa, activating their mobility, increasing the volume of seminal fluid, in addition, it stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland, which means it increases testosterone production. The capsules of the drug normalize erectile function much better than the cream. In addition, the extract of the plant tribulus terrestris increases muscle mass and strength, tissue nutrition, and also normalizes the level of male sex hormone when taken with anabolic steroids. That is why it is so popular in bodybuilding and has only positive reviews. This remedy also helps to reduce swelling that occurs after the use of anabolics, and is often prescribed 3 days before the competition, while the price of the remedy is low.

    Tribulus terrestris plant extract is rich in the presence of steroidal saponins of the furostanol type in its composition. The most effective of them is protodioscin. When metabolized, it restores erectile function, normalizes overall well-being, improves immunity and nutrition of muscle tissue. The action of other saponins is less pronounced, and according to the mechanism of action they model the result of exposure to protodioscin.

    Main characteristics

    Consider indications for use.

    The diseases in which the use of the drug is indicated include:

    • Diseases of the genital area.
    1. Impotence.
    2. Change in spermogram (the drug begins to act after 90 days, which is equal to the duration of the restoration of sperm quality).
    3. Infertility.
    4. Decreased sexual desire.
    5. Decreased libido.

    The drug consists of an extract of the tribulus plant and is not expensive enough.

    • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. These include pyelonephritis, renal failure.
    • In women: infertility, menopause symptoms, premenstrual syndrome, lack of sexual desire.


    • Prostate hypertrophy.
    • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
    • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

    In general, the extract of the plant that forms the basis of this remedy has a mild effect and low toxicity, which leads to only positive feedback from athletes. And the price of the drug is quite democratic.

    There are no reports of negative reactions in humans. However, side effects in the form of allergic reactions are not excluded.

    Let's describe how to use it. The drug is produced in the form of capsules. It should be taken 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Be sure to make an interval between doses of 1.5-2 months. It is much more effective than using a cream. At the same time, a man should receive good nutrition.

    Comparison with analogues

    One of the analogues of Tribulus is Tribulus maximus. They have a similar description and effects. This remedy contains the same extract. Maximus contains a high concentration of the active substance and is used mainly in bodybuilding. This tool is available in the form of tablets of 1500 mg, 90 pieces per pack. It is used in situations where there is a significant lack of testosterone, a pronounced violation of sexual function, malnutrition of muscle tissue. In this situation, the cream will not be effective. Due to the natural composition containing high-quality extract, and the absence of synthetic components, it is as safe as possible for health. Side effects missing. However, the disadvantage of the drug is its high price. This remedy is very well suited for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy). And the 90 tablets that are in the package are enough for the whole course, if taken correctly and as recommended by the instructions. Its price ranges from 1500 rubles.

    There are no side effects in the drug, but individual intolerance to the components of the drug may occur

    Tribulus 90% is another of the preparations containing a set of plant saponins and tribulus terrestris (extract). It can be taken to build muscle mass and strength in athletes. Tribulus 90% enhances potency, increases erection, stimulates the growth and nutrition of muscles and reduces the severity of subcutaneous fat. These properties are described in detail by the instruction. Tribulus 90% enhances the production of your own testosterone. Therefore, Tribulus 90% and has such a positive effect on the genital area. Moreover, the effect is much stronger than if you apply the cream. The price of Tribulus 90% is usually within 700 rubles.

    Another analogue of the drug is Tribulus pro. It contains only the highest quality testosterone boosting plant extract. The preparation contains not only saponins, but also flavonoids, alkaloids. Tribulus Pro also contains Kudzy, which contains flavonoids. The list of indications for use is the same as for other similar drugs. Tribulus pro compares favorably with Tribulus 90% affordable price. This drug is manufactured by Universal Nutrition. Tribulus pro take 1 capsule in the morning and in the afternoon during meals. If taken as a course, it helps to increase muscle mass, endurance, motivation, potency. In addition, Tribulus pro improves overall tone and mood. This leads to good reviews. Its price is kept within 500 rubles.

    In the market of drugs with a similar effect, Tribestan is also popular. It also contains an extract of the same plant and, consequently, a set of its saponins. Tribestan has similar indications and contraindications. It is also better in effectiveness than a cream. It can also be used for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) in athletes. Proper nutrition and regular intake of this drug helps to eliminate the negative effect of anabolic steroids. One of the main differences of the drug Tribestan is a much higher price.

    Which drug is better is determined strictly individually.

    Thus, the considered drug is a herbal remedy that gently and safely stimulates the production of testosterone, relieves impotence, increases erectile function and increases the growth and nutrition of muscle tissue.

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