• Develop endurance through running and other sports. How to improve endurance: training program, long distance running


    Endurance running is the most popular type of running among amateurs. For the development of endurance in oneself, complex technical work is not necessary. A calm long run is less traumatic than a sprint, and also brings more benefits to the health of a person of any age and with various sports data.

    Endurance is understood as the ability of the human body to perceive long-term work without loss of efficiency. Therefore, when it comes to endurance running, it always means running long and extra long distances. Endurance is general and special.

    General endurance is required to perform various kinds of prolonged loads. A person with well-developed general endurance will be able to ride a bicycle much longer, swim and dig potatoes in the garden. We can say that a hardy person can do any job for a long time. General endurance is the basis for special endurance.

    Special endurance is the ability of the body to perform a specific type of activity for a long time. In this case, running endurance will be different from skiing endurance. The fact is that when training special endurance, the body gets used to performing certain actions and movements. Special endurance training is already necessary for professional athletes who are preparing for a certain discipline or distance.

    Amateurs choose endurance running

    To verify its popularity, you can simply refer to the start and finish protocols of marathons, half marathons, satellite races for these distances and other mass competitions, which are often held precisely for long distances. In 2016, almost 8 thousand people covered the distance of 42.196 meters at the Moscow Marathon, and if we add to this figure those who finished the 10 km satellite race, we get 18,804 people. Moreover, the vast majority of people who took part in the race are amateurs who simply enjoy running and are not eager to win.

    Why is endurance running so popular? It's all about the benefits of such a run and accessibility. For short-distance training, a stadium or arena is required. It is quite difficult for many to get to these sports facilities. While endurance training can be done in any convenient place. It can be a park, forest, alley and any other place where you can comfortably run. It is not advisable to run near large transport arteries of the city in order to minimize the ingress of harmful substances into the lungs, and in crowded places, so as not to interfere with ordinary passers-by and not to constantly stop and change the pace of running yourself.

    Running clubs are becoming very popular these days. They unite former professional athletes who have already finished participating in major competitions, but have not ceased to enjoy running, amateurs, and sometimes current professionals. Members of such clubs jointly choose the competitions they would like to take part in and begin preparations. They share experience, advice and conduct joint training.

    There are also running clubs, only on a commercial basis. People join them and pay money to coaches who are already preparing them for certain distances based on the physical fitness and characteristics of the organism and the age of the novice athlete. Trainers will tell everyone how to develop endurance in themselves correctly.

    Endurance running involves running at a low heart rate, which means a small load on the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. Many physicians specifically prescribe for patients with heart disease or obesity. Such a run both strengthens the entire body as a whole and helps to get rid of excess weight, since fats are broken down during long runs at low intensity.

    Benefits of endurance running

    The benefits of running are invaluable for the human body. Regardless of the volume run, there will still be a positive effect, but such an effect will be special from a long run.

    The first thing that strengthens during a long quiet run is the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the effect goes both to the heart itself and to the smallest vessels. If you lift weights, then the muscles of the arms are pumped, and if you run, the heart, which is also a muscle, is strengthened. During an easy run, the heart pumps more blood and contracts almost 2 times more, and without much effort and excessive stress. Due to the increased blood flow, the walls of all vessels are also strengthened. Endurance running is the best prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    The respiratory system is also developing. Professional runners can have up to twice the lung capacity of non-athletes. Ex-smokers are advised to go for a run, as increased oxygen circulation in the lungs will help cleanse them of harmful substances.

    Due to the fact that during a long quiet run, blood and oxygen circulation improves, headaches decrease. As you know, most people have headaches due to insufficient saturation of the brain with oxygen. Running helps to correct this pathology. This also improves brain activity. Light will improve the quality of sleep.

    Running strengthens the muscles of not only the legs, but also the back, abs, chest and partially the arms. And we are talking about strengthening muscles, and not about gaining muscle mass. Strong muscles, combined with increased overall endurance, make runners very efficient and resistant to prolonged physical exertion.

    Types of endurance running and training

    There are two main types of endurance running: steady and variable. Each type has different variations of training and its own advantages. It should be noted that to develop endurance just by running will not work. Attention should be paid to special running endurance training.

    Run at the same pace on the same pulse throughout the workout. Depending on the goals, training can last from 20-30 minutes to 2-2.5 hours. There are two main types of uniform running: low heart rate running and high heart rate running. Training at a low level of heart rate for 20-25 minutes promotes recovery after hard special work. During such training, the lactate (lactic acid) accumulated after a hard previous workout is excreted.

    Long running at high pulses contributes to an increase in the threshold of anaerobic metabolism, maximum oxygen consumption and the development of special running endurance. Depending on the distance the athlete is preparing for, the duration of the workout will vary from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours. Only trained athletes can withstand a long, high-intensity workout.

    Uniform moderate-intensity workouts are included in the training process to maintain the achieved level of physical fitness. Also, such training is perfect for amateurs who do not set themselves the task of competing in various competitions.

    Running with a change of pace. Workouts may vary depending on speed, length of sections and rest time. Professional trainers select an individual ratio of speed, interval time and rest, so that the training brings the maximum effect for the athlete. There are 3 types of variable running: fartlek, variable running and running with a gradual increase in pace or progressive running.

    Fartlek is translated from Swedish as "play of speeds". Moreover, when an athlete first encounters such a workout, it really looks like some kind of game. In one training session, an athlete can develop maximum speed and even move to a step. The essence of the fartlek is that the runner first runs a certain time or distance at a fast pace, and then runs an easy run or walks a set distance to recover. After recovery, acceleration follows again, and so on. The duration of the acceleration and rest segments can vary throughout one workout.

    If, during a fartlek, an athlete, for example, first runs 30 seconds quickly, then a minute slowly, then a minute quickly after a minute and a half of rest, etc., then in variable running, the segments are strictly set before the start of training. For example, the simplest setup for a variable workout might be three quick one-kilometer bursts at a set pace with 3-4 minutes of rest. And you should try to maintain a set pace and duration of rest throughout the workout.

    A simpler, relative to fartlek and variable training, is progressive running. Its essence is a gradual increase in pace over the course of one workout. For example, the athlete must run the first 3 kilometers in 11 minutes, the second in 10:30, and the last 3 in 9:30. The duration of the workout and the pace should be selected individually for each athlete. This is especially important when it comes to professional athletes and beginner athletes.

    Running Endurance Exercises

    In addition to simple running, you should pay attention to special exercises that will increase endurance. These exercises are mainly represented by jump work, so they are best performed on a gentle slope with a length of 50 meters or more. When performing them, the main thing is to pay attention to technique and precautions.

    15-20 minutes before the end of a uniform workout, you can perform a set of special running exercises uphill. Series should be performed, consisting of running with shin whipping, high hip lifting, deer running, mincing run, jumping on one and two legs. Exercise should be done after a short rest. The time during which the athlete will descend to the foot of the mountain will be enough for recovery. Exercises should be performed for 10-15 minutes, with rest between series.

    Running and jumping up the stairs is also a good exercise for developing leg strength and endurance. Stairs to the stands of stadiums or stairs in parks are well suited. The main thing is to be very careful and not get injured, because it is easy to stumble on the steps.

    A short video about endurance running:

    Running further and faster than ever before may seem like a daunting task at first, but by using these simple rules, you can systematically increase your endurance and turn any workout into a challenge that you can handle!

    With regular training, the distance that is difficult for you now will feel much easier over time. This will mean that you have increased your stamina. Overcoming the marathon distance will still remain a difficult test, but one day you will notice that you are now not as hard as before.

    The increase in running endurance is the result of consistency and consistency - which means doing 3-4 workouts a week for several months - so don't expect a quick change.

    It usually takes 10 to 30 days for the first positive effects of running to be felt. This time primarily depends on the type of training being carried out.

    Before you start working on improving your endurance, you need to honestly assess your current aerobic base and plan your training accordingly.

    Whether you're a beginner looking to complete your first 5k or an experienced runner looking to build up your endurance to avoid the "wall" effect, the "too much, too early" rule always holds true as pushing too hard at the start training will only lead to injury or overtraining.

    Below are the basic rules that beginners should follow in order to improve their endurance as quickly and effectively as possible.

    1. Consistency

    To increase aerobic capacity (VO2max) - the higher this value, the more oxygen gets into the muscles - you need to train consistently. In addition, this approach will allow the body to adapt to increasing loads and avoid injury.

    If you start adding extra runs to your training week, then they should be done at an easy and comfortable pace - speed follows endurance! You should do 3-4 workouts per week for 30 minutes or more. Try to make sure that one of them consists of a long run at an even pace.

    Also, don't forget the popular 10 percent rule - increase your weekly training mileage by no more than 10 percent.

    2. Long (long) run

    When training for a half marathon or marathon, long runs can account for 30-50 percent of your total weekly mileage. Do it at a comfortable and even pace, many try to run too fast and lose a lot of strength, which affects their performance. Run light and just focus on covering the distance. Remember, speed follows endurance.

    3. Tempo (threshold) run

    Tempo running is carried out for short and medium distances, but at a higher pace than usual. These workouts aim to raise your anaerobic threshold—the rate at which lactate (lactic acid) in your muscles and blood begins to build up faster than your body can eliminate it—meaning you can run longer before fatigue and lactic acid slow you down.

    Also threshold running is the key to increasing your speed. It should feel "comfortably heavy" and last between 20 and 40 minutes for beginners and up to 60 minutes for more experienced runners. The pace should be such that you can evenly maintain it throughout the workout.

    In addition, there is a psychological benefit - you learn to more easily endure a constant intense load.

    4. Proper nutrition

    Your diet should consist of 55 - 65% carbohydrates. This doesn't mean you have to eat a mountain of pasta at every meal, but make sure your daily intake is sufficient for quality training and recovery.

    2-3 hours before a long or intense exercise, in order to replenish energy reserves, you should take a meal rich in carbohydrates. If you're feeling very tired, often in a bad mood, or can't complete your planned runs, try increasing your carb intake. Try to eat complex carbohydrates (cereals, brown rice, potatoes, pasta, oatmeal) rather than refined or sugary foods, which will spike your blood sugar levels (which is always followed by an equally dramatic drop).

    5. Recovery

    The more you run, the greater the load on the body, and therefore it is very important to properly recover between workouts. This can be achieved through proper diet, stretching, and adequate sleep.

    Try to consume carbohydrates and proteins within the first 30 minutes after you finish your run (this period is also called the “carbohydrate window”). At this time, the body absorbs nutrients best, which will allow faster recovery of glycogen levels and damaged muscles.

    Performing dynamic stretching before the upcoming load will accelerate blood circulation in the muscles and ligaments, and also make them more flexible and elastic. And static movements after running will reduce muscle tension and help to quickly remove metabolic products from them.

    Sleep is the most natural way to recover. During sleep, damaged fibers are “repaired”, muscles grow, and energy reserves are replenished.

    6. Running economy

    Proper technique will make your running more efficient and economical, allowing you to run farther and faster as you use less energy. This can be achieved by following these guidelines:

    • straight posture while running;
    • landing should take place exactly (exactly) under the body, and the push should be in front of you;
    • arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, and the palms are slightly clenched into fists;
    • cadence (step rate) is approximately 170-180 steps per minute

    Excess weight can cause a decrease in running economy, as this will lead to higher energy expenditure during running.

    Based on site materials runtastic.com

    Endurance - the ability of the body to withstand intense stress for a certain period of time. It is required not only for professional athletes or representatives of law enforcement agencies. Moving, working in the garden, long walks, cycling, even long shopping - there are many situations in everyday life when good physical shape is simply necessary. Therefore, the question of how to develop endurance is very important for any modern person.

    A trained, hardy person looks different - fit, portly, without excess weight. His movements become more precise, faster and more confident. But the changes don't end with the look. In the composition of the blood, the number of red blood cells increases, which contribute to the supply of internal organs with oxygen. The heart muscle is strengthened, the respiratory muscles are improved.

    A modern person, who has a huge amount of information, can easily develop endurance while running. Anthropologists have proven that ancient people were the best runners on the planet. Moreover, they ran not only quickly (modern Olympic champions next to them would seem clumsy juniors), but also extremely long. It can be argued that the ancestors were better motivated - by hunger or sharp teeth behind their backs. But these are excuses for lazy people. Becoming stamina in running means learning to run longer and faster. It will also improve your performance in cross-country skiing, swimming, rowing, cycling and many other sports and activities.

    There are many ways to become resilient. But the main thing is the right motivation. Without it, any methods will not bring anything but suffering. After all, you have to get out of a sitting state, so comfortable and familiar. Now you need to move, become healthier and more beautiful, add years of life and positive moments to yourself. If you are not ready to do this, then you can not read further.

    But if you have firmly embarked on the path of physical self-improvement, it would be useful to find out some more information.

    Types of endurance

    Endurance is a broad concept. The types of endurance in sports have long been identified by experts. The classic typology looks like this:

    But such a classification is more interesting for athletes. In everyday life, you just need to know that endurance is general and special.
    Special endurance is characteristic of a specific professional activity. Its components differ depending on the type of work performed. Someone needs to hold out for a long time in one position, others must get used to working in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

    Endurance in running

    How to increase endurance while running is not an idle question, even if you are not going to win the Boston Marathon. Running is the best way to keep your body in good shape, your weight is normal, and your mood is on a positive wave.

    Beginners need to adhere to the following principles:

  • Systematic. Training should be regular.
  • Graduality. You need to increase the pace of running and the length of the distance gradually.
  • Craig Beasley System - Ragged Rhythm

    Famous Canadian marathon runner Craig Beasley recommended the following system: run at a maximum speed of 30 seconds, then make a transition to a calm walk for 5 seconds. Perform 8 repetitions of these actions per workout with three workouts per week and in a month you will be able to feel the strengthening of the body and increased endurance. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and the time of the maximum load.

    Bart Jasso method - interval running

    Another method was proposed by Bart Jasso, who is the manager of the Runner's World Race organization. It consists of the following. It is necessary to divide the target distance into intervals of 800 meters, and the total time to complete the distance divided by the number of intervals. Once a week, arrange a race consisting of several such intervals, running them in the allotted time. Every week, add one interval and eventually conquer the entire distance completely.

    Endurance in everyday life

    If you decide to increase your level of general physical development, you want to become hardy and strong in everyday life, work on those functional capabilities of the body that you constantly use. Run, take long walks, ride a bike, ski, rollerblade, skate. Jumping rope regularly is one of the easiest and most effective endurance exercises. Gather a small yard football team or any other sport. Sports games give not only a lot of emotions, but also bring real health benefits.

    How to increase muscle endurance? Perform basic exercises to develop the main muscle groups with a gradual increase in repetitions. General physical condition will also improve. After all, you go in for sports, and this is always beneficial (this does not apply to professional sports, there are other rules for survival).

    Home workouts

    The easiest and most democratic way to improve your own physical activity is to start running. Now it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, so they look at people running with a certain amount of envy. But with the onset of the cold season, envy can be replaced by sympathy or misunderstanding. Running, pulling out the legs of their snowdrifts, is not just a development of endurance, but a real training of a special forces soldier.
    If you don’t consider yourself one of the latter, you still don’t need to be upset. You can develop endurance at home. A treadmill or exercise bike will help with this. The main thing is not to turn them into another hanger for towels and clothes, but to really do it.
    You can do without additional equipment. Regular push-ups, jump-ups, pull-ups (a horizontal bar in the opening is the easiest solution) will allow you to keep yourself in shape all year round without any investment.

    The most important

    Once you think about how to become more resilient, and start to make your desire come true, you should never stop. Otherwise, all previous work will go down the drain. Just a few weeks of muscle downtime leads to serious losses in terms of functionality. Well-known and seemingly simple exercises will again become unbearable loads. If you have chosen the path of a healthy body, a toned body and a good mood, then follow it to the end.

    Yes, yes, nothing new. But just listen to how much you can improve your results! I myself do not like to prolong pleasure, and the desire to achieve everything and quickly often takes precedence over caution. So far I've been lucky, and the only unpleasant consequences are hellish krepatura.

    Some of my friends weren't so lucky. There can be a lot of options for punishment for such impatience: starting with microtraumas, ending with fractures. So here is an example from the life of a man who was able to achieve amazing results through patience and perseverance. And more to come soon!

    So, get acquainted: Craig Beasley from Canada. Craig started running two years ago and at that time could only run for 30 seconds, and then transitioned to a walk and walked for 4.5 minutes. Then ran again for 30 seconds. He repeated this cycle eight times for a total of 40 minutes. He tried not to miss and trained three times a week.

    30 weeks later, Beasley was able to run non-stop for 30 minutes and completed his first half marathon in 2 hours and 12 minutes. He decided to continue to train and trained even in winter at sub-zero temperatures. In May, he was already able to run non-stop for 2 hours and 45 minutes and complete six sets of 400 meters in 1 hour and 45 minutes. He has his first marathon ahead of him.

    Try to increase the distance gradually. For example, increase by 1 km at the end of each week for three weeks in a row (for example, 5, 6, 7 km), and on the fourth week, take a vacation, rest and recuperate. Then start adding 1 km again.

    Option 2. Method Bart Jasso

    This workout was used by Bart Jasso, manager of the Runner's World Race. It consists of running 800 meters as fast as you plan to run your first marathon. So if you want to run it in 4 hours and 30 minutes, try running 800 meters in 4 minutes and 30 seconds. This workout was written about 10 years ago, and since then this method has gained a lot of fans.

    Doug Underwood is one of the many fans of this technique. He has only been running for three years and has already run two marathons in 3 hours 55 minutes and 3 hours 53 minutes. After that, he really wanted to take part in the Boston Marathon and decided to take his training seriously. The Yassa method formed the basis of his training.

    To get to the Boston Marathon, you need to keep within 3 hours and 30 minutes. So Underwood decided to train until he could run 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds and combine 10 sets into one run by inserting 3 minutes 30 seconds of jogging between fast runs.

    As a result, Underwood ran the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in 3 hours 30 minutes 54 seconds. This was quite enough to get into the Boston Marathon.

    What is the best way to train? Try running the Yasso plan once a week. Start with 4-5 intervals of 800 meters at a speed that you have set as a goal for yourself, and then add one interval per week until you reach 10.

    Option 3. Long and slow run

    Megan Arbogast has been running marathons for five years now, and her best time is 2 hours 58 minutes. Everything would be fine, but there is one problem: during the preparations for the marathon, she brought herself to exhaustion.

    And since 1998, she began to train according to the program, which was developed by Warren Fincke, a well-known trainer from Portland. Fincke believes that a marathon runner should focus on easy running, which will help him achieve the right level of endurance without injury every few months. He believes that many runners train too hard, get injured, and then never reach their upper limit.

    Fincke's program is based on learning that is built on effort. He believes that if a runner runs at 80% of his standard pace, he will achieve better results than if he runs at 90%. Only 10% of the difference helps to avoid injuries and achieve the desired results.

    And this program helped Megan a lot. Two years after starting training on this system, she improved her personal result to 2 hours and 45 minutes.

    How to train with this system? If you're running 10K at an average pace (a 7:30 mile), then try running the same distance at a 9:23 mile pace. That is, you just need to take your pace and multiply by 1.25.

    Option 4: Record every workout

    When you've been running a marathon for 25 years and have a degree in physiology, you know some interesting things about training. Bill Pierce, chairman of the Department of Health at Fermanagh University, has developed a program that works great. At 53, Pierce runs the marathon in 3 hours and 10 minutes—not much slower than when he ran his first marathon 20 years ago.

    The secret is that Pierce runs three days a week, but these days he trains for wear. In the remaining four days, he just rests: he doesn’t run at all, but he can give himself strength training or play tennis.

    Pierce draws up a work plan for each workout that includes speed and distance. One day he runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day, he runs intervals, and on the third he arranges a tempo workout for himself. He works at a higher intensity than others recommend, but by alternating workouts, the risk of injury is reduced. This training plan proved perfect for Pierce, and he has been practicing it for many years.

    Pierce's training schedule: interval workouts on Tuesdays, tempo workouts on Thursdays, long distance at a slow pace on Sundays. Interval training - 12 reps of 400 meters or six reps of 800 meters at a pace slightly above the pace at which he runs his 5K. On tempo days, Pierce runs 4 miles 10 to 20 seconds faster than the pace at which he runs his 10K. And finally, a long slow run - 15 miles at a pace that is 30 seconds slower than his marathon pace. You can calculate your schedule in the same way.

    Option 5: Do plyometrics

    Plyometrics (English plyometrics) is a sports technique that uses the shock method. In the modern sense - jump training. Plyometrics are used by athletes to improve athletic performance that requires speed, agility, and power. Plyometrics is sometimes used in fitness and is one of the main elements of parkour training. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and speed. These exercises help the muscles develop the most force in the least amount of time possible.

    Dina Drossin is one of America's top female runners of all time. One day, she asked Weatherford, a coach at the U.S. Olympic Committee Training Center in Chula Vista, California, to develop a special program that would allow her to develop endurance and improve her speed.

    Weatherford said he hasn't had to work with distance runners, but he will try. He ended up coming back with two ideas that worked great. Weatherford and Drossin started with core strengthening and continued with explosive leg plyometrics, focusing on the basics and prioritizing quality over quantity.

    Drossin performed various types of jumps and after these trainings she ran the London Marathon with her new personal (and American) record - 2 hours 21 minutes 16 seconds. And this is 5 minutes faster than her result before this marathon.

    Try including jumping in your workouts. For example, running with a short fast step of 15-20 meters. This is when you run in small steps, quickly moving your legs and raising your knees quite high, but not too much. While running, use your arms vigorously. Rest and then repeat 6-8 more times. Train this way 1-2 times a week, adding 5 minutes of different jumps (on one leg, on two legs, and so on). Jumps are performed on soft grass or ground.

    Option 6. Long tempo workouts

    Military Patrick Noble ran his first marathon in 1986 in 3 hours and 15 minutes feeling like a hero. Noble decided not to stop there and ran 50 marathons without breaking his 3 hour barrier. But 52 times he managed to jump above his head: he ran a marathon in 2 hours 58 minutes 23 seconds. Patrick believes that his special approach to training - running at a fast pace for long distances - helped him.

    The standard approach to tempo training suggests that you run 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds slower than your pace by 10K. Noble raised the bar to 60 minutes. In the end, this is what helped him overcome the barrier at the 52nd marathon. At least he thinks so.

    Try doing long tempo workouts once a week for eight weeks. Start with 20 minutes at 10-20 seconds slower than your average 10K pace. And add 5 minutes to your workout every week. After tempo workouts, do not forget to give yourself a complete rest for 1-2 days.

    Option 7. Run fast and long

    This option doesn't work for everyone and is the opposite of option #3. Meet Scott Strand, a fan of fast long distance running. Recently, he was able to improve his marathon result by 4 minutes: his time was 2 hours 16 minutes 52 seconds.

    During his training, he ran from 18 to 23 miles. And the last 9-14 miles he ran at a marathon pace and even faster.

    Hard training at a fast pace over long distances was introduced into fashion by Khalid Hanouchi, the world record holder in the marathon. And if earlier it was considered important to stay on your feet for 2-3 hours, now many people prefer to take a high pace and run as fast as possible at the end of the distance.

    Try to run very fast for the last 25% of your distance, gradually picking up your pace. At the end, you will most likely feel like a squeezed lemon, but this does not mean that you need to drive yourself like a racehorse. As a result, you will feel your pace and can gradually increase it.

    You can try all seven ways and in the end choose one or more. The main thing is that they really help you, not harm you.

    Be careful, pay close attention to your inner feelings, and you will definitely be able to run your first marathon or improve your results during the next one.

    Running is a great way to keep your body fit, but if you run incorrectly, you can simply waste time and effort, while not achieving any results. Most runners do the same routine day after day, which is a real challenge for the body. There are many productive running techniques and ways to improve the effect of this sport. That is why we turned to American experts who told us their secrets that will help increase endurance and speed while running. Also, these tips will help you avoid injury and overcome tracks that you previously did not dare to run.

    Train your legs

    Our strength depends on how strong our legs are. Foot strength is the single most important aspect of runner and athlete training. Experts say that the simplest yet most effective way to improve leg strength is to balance while standing on one bare foot. Thanks to this, you will improve your running ability. Also, climbing stairs quickly will help make your legs stronger. Start doing these exercises a little more simply and after a while you will notice that your physical performance has begun to improve, and your running has become much faster.

    Ideal Body Position

    In any sport and during any exercise, you need to follow the execution technique, the same applies to running. With the right body position, not only will it be much easier for you to run, but the benefits of this will be much greater. The arms must be bent at the elbow so that they form an angle equal to 90 degrees. While running, you need to swing your arms starting from the shoulder joint itself. The arms should remain parallel to the floor and the shoulders should be relaxed and dropped. Pay attention to the wrists, they should also not be tense.

    Also, experts add that runners should always look straight ahead, direct the chest forward, and tilt the body slightly in front of them.

    No extra cargo

    It is recommended to avoid various bandages, as well as to run for a long time with a bottle of water in hand. This is because it can significantly affect gait. It is very important for a runner to keep his arms relaxed so that they swing smoothly during any race, whether it is a run up a mountain or an ordinary race. You need to constantly monitor the position of the legs and arms, and also avoid anything that could potentially lead to imbalance.

    Right pace

    Whether you want to improve your physical performance or run to keep your body in shape, every runner should include short and moderately fast paces in his run. Experts say that it will be enough to add a 10-15 second sprint about a couple of times during the entire race. It is best to accelerate in the middle or at the end of a workout. Not only will it improve your endurance and running speed, sprints will also help you improve your range of motion and build more muscle fibers - all to make you healthier and more beautiful. Do not be afraid of sprints, you need to courageously endure them, and then the positive effect of the training will not be long in coming.

    cross country running

    Adding a track with difficult conditions to cross into your training is an important and correct decision. Hill running forces you to raise your knees higher, which in turn affects stride length and speed. The rugged terrain also increases the power of your muscles and makes you breathe deeper, which will greatly increase the lung capacity of a runner. It is recommended to run on dirt trails also because it is good for your joints.

    Alternate hard and easy sets

    Stagnation in a runner's performance can happen many times when they don't take on too fast or slow paces during workouts. Most runners run at the most optimal effort, which can only be beneficial at the initial stage of training. However, if you are an experienced runner, then you need to give your body a shake. Experts recommend that for three weeks try to do a couple of workouts at the maximum of your capabilities, and do a couple more a little slower than usual. This will help you get out of the rut of moderate running and help you rediscover your second wind, which means more endurance and success in this sport.

    Parallel to this, it’s worth noting that when it comes to running, one should opt for “less and more.” Frequency is critical to health and good workout results. For example, instead of running 45 minutes three to four times a week, run five to six times, but no more than 30 minutes.

    We are confident that our tips will help you increase your endurance and speed while running, and over time, you will be able to set yourself new, more difficult goals that seemed unattainable in the past.

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