• Buida superset. Supersets - exercises for the whole body (fat burning workouts)


    Each summer has its own history and I so want to believe that the summer history of each of you is written by bright, positive and
    memorable moments for a lifetime. In the summer, and especially during the holidays, we relax our body and soul, and sometimes, upon arrival home, the arrow of the scales
    showing a few extra pounds. Of course, you should not be upset, because, you see, after swimming in sea water and outdoor activities in the fresh
    air, our tanned body already looks elastic and attractive, but in order for autumn clothes to fit perfectly, you still need to return to their former forms. And if not
    inspiration for training, then just turn on the video of the wonderful Katerina Buida (you can find a yoga complex from a fitness trainer here). Her energy, positive attitude and, of course, an amazing figure will motivate you to work out to achieve the desired result. Today, Katya has prepared a fat-burning workout at home for girls and women, which is suitable even for beginners. Do it 3-4 times a day
    week, watch your diet and a seductive figure without excess body fat is provided to you.

    The video will show the correct sequence of exercises for the initial level of preparation. A complete workout includes: warm-up, 6 supersets (for arms and chest, for legs, against breeches, for the inner surface
    thighs, for the press and buttocks),
    as well as a hitch. For beginners, one repetition of the entire complex will be enough, for an average and high level of training, 2-3 circles can be performed.

    Include a video lesson of a complete fat burning workout for the whole body and train at home with pleasure.

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    One of the most effective fat burning workouts that Ekaterina Buida offers is supersets for the whole body.

    "Superset" is a complex of intense exercises aimed at working out certain muscle groups (as a rule, the most problematic and important female areas). "Superset" is a complex of intensive exercises

    "Superset" is a complex of intense exercises aimed at working out certain muscle groups (as a rule, the most problematic and important female areas).

    In the process of performing this complex, a very large amount of energy is consumed, due to which, subject to a low-calorie diet, a girl or woman quickly acquires a relatively toned, athletic shape.

    "Supersets" - lose weight confidently and in a good mood

    Katerina Buida was one of the first trainers to offer remote training to girls and women who do not want or are not able to attend their classes in the gym.

    Fat-burning training, taking place remotely, using her video, allows you to achieve no less high results than classes with the personal presence of a trainer.

    Katerina Buida "supersets" on video

    Katerina has developed various types of programs that allow you to quickly put your whole body in order and get rid of fat deposits that are hated by many.

    Developing and selecting exercises for her programs, Katerina took as a basis exercises that are used in ballet classes, in popular types of fitness (in cardio or interval training), as well as in yoga and Pilates.

    The peculiar mix that she managed to create turned out to be very effective. It makes it possible to create an ideal body even for those who have never played sports and are at the initial level of physical fitness. Performing the complex daily or every other day, you can strengthen the necessary muscles and the body has a beautiful relief.

    A distinctive feature of the trainings taking place with Katerina Buida is a powerful wave of positive and the mood for success that she instills in everyone who has decided to seriously work on their figure. Good mood, cheerfulness, self-confidence and lightness in the body are provided to everyone who will finish what they started!

    Training with Katerina Buida is a powerful wave of positive and the mood for success that she instills in everyone who has decided to seriously work on their figure!

    Ekaterina Buida supersets for the whole body (video):

    Ekaterina Buida supersets for the whole body:

    Superset bodyballet:

    Superset 4 minutes for the buttocks:

    Superset for arms and chest:

    Click on the picture to watch the video⇧

    ❤ Svetlana Vaneeva

    My path is this: I've been losing weight all my adult life and it turns out and gains back. but even with the desired weight, I am unhappy with myself. No energy, you get tired quickly. Sports are always hard for me. Legs with varicose veins do not particularly jump. And last year I saw your Katyusha video. I realized that this is mine. I saw a girl who not only gives training for a beautiful body, but she gives people health, vitality. Thanks to your classes, I became more resilient, more confident in myself (I graduated from a driving school and now I'm driving). I rejoice that it is not I who carry my legs, but my legs carry me. I started with a seven-day period, it didn’t give me a long time, I started again three times. But to this day it remains the basis of my training. Favorite activities with the ball, after them the body is immediately tightened. Girls do not believe? try. I read articles and statuses, it motivated me a lot. And the results were within a week. I can't live without training anymore. I do them in any free time and by choice. Katyusha Sunny thanks for your work.

    ❤ Elena Sukhova

    ❤ Zhanna Terekhova. Before - September 2012 and After - March 2013

    Good afternoon I belong to that small percentage of people who, from watching videos and reading advice, went down to business and, most importantly, achieved results! I think it is not necessary to describe all the advantages of the programs, but just look at the photos with the results! But I would like to express my gratitude to Katerina for the return of tremendous energy! Which is very, very difficult. Not only physically, but also morally. The main effect of all these workouts and programs is not dropped kilograms and lost centimeters in the hips and waist, but a complete reassessment of values! Yes Yes! Exactly! No matter how loud it may sound. Thanks to Katya and her right attitude towards classes and myself, I turned into a self-confident person, and most importantly, I changed my attitude towards the body! Now for me to do a seven-day week, work out the abdominal muscles in the afternoon, and in the evening stretch or work out the riding breeches before the series, it has become as natural as brushing my teeth, combing my hair, taking a shower and watering flowers)
    My little story: I am 33 years old, August 6, 2012 I became a mother) When I went to give birth, I was 99 kg! height 182 cm. After the hospital, I didn’t even weigh myself, I was scared (My weight today is 68 kg, plans are 62-64 No diets! Exceptionally proper nutrition. I take omega 3. I work out at home every day. I watch a series, I work out my leg muscles. I boil milk and don’t waste time, I work out the abdominal muscles while sitting on a chair, I put the child to bed, I did a seven-day meal, and everything like that, but every day and for pleasure!
    Kate! Thank you for the gift of inner harmony!

    ❤ Tatyana Pavlova. Photo before class (August 2009) and photos from class (June 2010).

    I have been doing gymnastics "BODYTRANSFORMING" since September 2009, and these 10 months have been a new, previously untested HAPPINESS for me! I have never played sports before, so the joy of controlling my body is a new feeling for me. With each lesson, you “discover” new muscle groups for yourself (I didn’t even suspect that they were there), an extraordinary flexibility of the joints was discovered. Legs and back after classes stopped hurting very soon, so the emotions are only positive! After each workout, you feel a surge of vivacity, a boost of energy, despite the rather late end time. For me, now classes have become simply necessary, and the days of training are the most long-awaited!

    06/21/10 Tatiana Pavlova

    Thank you

    ❤ Today is May 27, 2011, and I'm happy to introduce you to Sveta Shelukhina, who just amazed me with her magical results!

    So welcome!

    Sveta “before”

    Sveta "after"

    It is a great honor for me to be photographed together with this wonderful girl who believes and acts on the way to her dreams!

    I want to note Svetochka's purposefulness, she systematically attends classes without any gaps and the result has come, in my opinion, grandiose!

    I have been studying the Bodytransforming program for 8 months now, during which time I have managed to significantly change myself! and not only externally, but also internally!) I gained confidence in myself, in my strength, in my success!))) There was an incentive - striving for perfection, and as you know, there is no limit to perfection =)), therefore, stop I am not going to!!! Previously, I only did general physical exercises, but when I started with Katya, I realized that only a specially developed methodology, a comprehensive program, can give an effective result. And this program is especially valuable because it includes an individual approach of the coach to everyone with special attention and warmth!))

    Oddly enough, after class I don’t feel tired, but on the contrary, as if I had a rest and regained my strength, I leave relaxed, in anticipation of the next one.)) I realized that if you really want, then everything can be achieved, you just need patience and diligence, and of course such a wonderful professional coach as Katya! I really like her unique author's exercise technique, designed specifically for the female body. She finds an approach to everyone who works with her and does not leave a single trifle with her attention))

    Thanks to Bodytransforming, kilograms have gone, the body has become toned, muscles have appeared. I fell in love with my body!!!))) And you love yours!;)

    Svetlana Sheluhina

    Olya is a very sunny, positive, energetic and hardworking girl. Rejoice in its results with me!

    Olya “before”

    Olya "after"

    What a magical feeling it is to love yourself and your body! To rejoice when you have another dimple on your tummy or a new bend in the hips, to see how trousers begin to hang on you, and dresses that used to be very tight, I acquire streamlined beautiful shapes ... Every time I look at myself in the mirror and that's it I love my body more, I love my legs, my tummy, which I used to want to get rid of, I felt insecure and constantly reproached myself for an extra centimeter ... Together with love for my body comes more and more self-confidence - I can be what I always dreamed of becoming! !! It just takes a little effort. And for all this happiness I am grateful to Katerina and her BodyTransForming program!

    Believe me, Katyusha is a teacher from God. 5 years of classes in a dance studio gives some idea of ​​what a teacher should be like. I went through many teachers, starting from group classes in a fitness club and ending with an English-speaking Hindu at a Yoga school, but only Katerina was able to fall in love with herself the first time. Only when a person truly loves what he does, when he puts his soul into his work, only then will there be a result!

    In addition to a toned figure, increased self-esteem and improved well-being (for a year now I have never had a backache!) I regularly get such a charge of endorphins (pleasure hormones) in the classroom that cannot be replaced by anything!

    Thank you Katyusha, I love you!!!

    I would like to say a special thank you to all the girls with whom we have known each other for several months. Words cannot express how nice it is to hear - "Olya, where have you been, I've been waiting for you - who else will pull me like that !!!..." Thank you =)

    With love, Olya Fadeeva.

    An early photo of Olya, where she is among the girls, I decided to publish for a reason. Olya is sociable, open, attracts people with her warmth and kindness.

    For good people, the result comes as a surprise (see photo below), and this cannot but rejoice!

    Olya “before”

    I met Katya in August 2010 and immediately fell in love. And in Katya, and in her methodology. Katya has a fantastic, balanced figure, the mere contemplation of which is incredibly inspiring! In general, Katya for me is the ideal of Femininity, in all its manifestations, and these manifestations are in complete harmony, are accepted with love and are transmitted to the world with even greater love. Katyusha sincerely loves her work and all her students, she believes in us unconditionally - this is the second component of her success. And thirdly, Katya knows everything she teaches thoroughly, she experienced all the exercises herself, and most importantly, Katya can explain the execution technique in an accessible way. Therefore, we are doing everything right. For this, Katya always praises us - and we want to work more! That's the whole secret 🙂 For me personally, Body Transforming and Stretching is the perfect combination that allowed me to tighten my muscles, make them ... more beautiful (have you ever thought that muscles can and should also be very beautiful?), improve posture and flexibility. At the same time, the muscles after a strenuous workout do not hurt, and the head rests - all thanks to effective and affordable relaxation techniques for everyone. Katya's classes are the best and most useful of strength training, Pilates, callanetics, choreography and yoga.

    Unfortunately, until recently, my classes were sorely lacking in regularity (plus sedentary work 10-12 hours a day, eaten with grief chocolates) ... When did I finally have the opportunity to exercise regularly (2-3 times a week for an hour of body transformation + hour Stretching), positive changes in my figure became noticeable after 3 months of classes. And they appeared somehow immediately and unexpectedly! I was set for the process, for re-introducing classes into the system and enjoying them. I also wanted to feel my body, muscles and joints again - and know that they were alive and moving. And also - to get used to slowly overpowering yourself again, to endure pain and discomfort - but move on. So the result was a surprise 🙂 I can say the same about the invitation to the Hall of Fame. 🙂

    As you know, there is no limit to perfection. But this does not upset, but, on the contrary, pleases: we can always move and there is no reason for us to stop.

    I want to say a big thank you to all the girls with whom we work out and transform together - among like-minded people, and even if they are such Beautiful (and purposeful!) Girls and Women, it is much more joyful and easier to work out!

    Katyusha! I want to say that I am very glad to meet you! You truly are a Gift to all who cross your path. And you are for me one of the embodied ideals of a Woman and a Coach, an example of the fact that Harmony in life is possible and that it brings joy. Thank you very much for your time and effort, for your warmth and openness, for your support and faith, for all our wonderful activities! My result is very much your result too! You work much more than us, and this is admirable! I am sure that everything will be fine in your life, because you, so small and fragile, boldly and confidently follow Your Path, following joy and bringing it to life - everyday hard work! - the motto of your author's program: "For the body - harmony, for the soul - inspiration!".

    Olya "after"

    And these are the results of Yulia's transformation “before” and “after”.

    Everyone always wants quick results, but few can work regularly on their bodies.

    I am glad that Julia turned out to be very, very hardworking. The secret of her success is simple - train systematically, believe in yourself and in the best result, do not hesitate, be on the side of good and positive!

    One day, when I was looking for fitness programs on youtube, I accidentally came across the bodytransforming program.

    I looked at the site, and immediately realized that here I would find what I was looking for.

    Having experience in fitness, very often I came across the fact that many exercises offered by trainers increase muscle volume, I myself suffered from this: you seem to lose weight, get slimmer, but at the same time the muscles become heavy. And I wanted just such a program, where the muscles become long, elongated, and where the body acquires grace. By the way, the example of Katya, her figure for me is the embodiment of grace, grace and femininity. Signed up for Katya's channel.

    And at one point I decided to give myself a gift. I asked Katya to make a program for the lower part, where the main work will be on the legs, hips, buttocks. And now the program was ready. And here I am working on it. to be honest, it’s difficult, especially the muscles of the thighs, where the riding breeches “live”, groan. After 2, 5 weeks of classes, my posture improved, my leg muscles are stretched, I somehow stretch myself with a string. I am pleased with the feeling of lightness in the whole body, a lighter gait.

    I am very grateful to Kate for her work. I am sure that if you constantly practice according to her program, then miraculous transformations can occur with the body. In any case, in a few months I will definitely report on my progress. In the meantime, I once again thank Katya, this girl who does her job so professionally and with love and gives women beauty. Thanks, Kate.

    Tatiana, Italy.

    No matter how far you have moved forward towards the fulfillment of your desires, the important thing is that you act and do not stand still.

    Small steps lead to big success!

    video reviews bodytransforming

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    Hi all! I want to talk about complex that pleasantly surprised me recently. I already wrote about how I found wonderful yoga for my back from this trainer. Naturally, I began to look for what else she had tasty. So I found something new for myself - Bodyballet. And also a couple of great complexes, which I will definitely tell you about later, since they are really cool and effective.

    In fitness, complexes based on the principles of classical choreography are usually called Body Ballet. Why am I struck by this type of training? Because such an interesting, sophisticated, classic workout, perfect for the female body. No overworked muscles , but only the study of the shape of the body, femininity, elegance, posture.

    Time of one body ballet approach- about 30 minutes. For the initial level of training, it is enough to perform 1 approach of the complex. 2 or 3 sets at higher levels of physical. preparation. It is optimal to do 3 times a week with the number of approaches that suits you.

    Body ballet directed on the formation of a slender, toned, beautiful body. But at the same time - light, energetic and flexible. Katerina is such a positive coach that throughout the entire complex one involuntarily wants to smile, and also really keep a straight back and a proud posture.

    This set starts with a full warm-up., which I really liked, it is not the same as in standard complexes. Very well, despite the seeming simplicity, the muscles of the legs and back work, and even the tummy is drawn in.

    Katerina does everything smoothly, plastically. This rhythm is closest to me now. "Take your time and do the exercise thoughtfully. Great!" - this is how the video sounds. This complex includes the simplest dance positions. But they work! The body is in tension.

    Soft and smooth play with brushes. The abdomen is tightened, breathing is natural, even. Hand movements are light and graceful, but for better muscle development - with a clear fixation of positions. The complex has excellent exercises for the deltoid muscles and the entire shoulder girdle.

    You don't just change your muscles, you acquire ballet posture which will change the way you stand, walk and hold on. Therefore, chest forward, turn and lower your shoulders, lift your chin and pull in your stomach.

    Correct posture will allow you proudly carry your body and that's the kind of posture you deserve. Good girl!

    In general, I will not say that the exercises are very easy., but if you are in a more or less tolerable shape, you can easily master a couple of circles of the complex. Yesterday I did three different complexes in a row and felt great.

    What is typical for this set is that it alternates hard muscle work with rest (stretching). So you can always relax a little during the execution, relieve tension from the muscles.

    Again, everything alternates with stretching.

    I really liked these non-standard exercises for ordinary fitness. Plastic, soft. Some are very complex.

    Around this moment It's hard enough for me to keep the rhythm). True, before this complex, I still performed Buidov's Supersets.

    A whole minute with one foot - it's hard). We work in a non-reversible position to effectively strengthen the quadriceps femoris. With each leg lift, the lower press works very well. And here is the first eversion position for working out the inner side of the thigh.

    Oh, this was really hard for me. Tired). Each exercise for each leg is a minute. Minuuuuuu!).

    Then more attitudes for the buttocks, thighs and sides. They are also complicated after all that you have already done). The muscles of both legs will be just in a wild strain.

    But then stretching again. Further hour by hour it is not easier)). There will be similar exercises Swan, Wave and Boat. The buttocks and lower abdomen are tense. We strive upward. We strengthen the muscles of the back and strengthen the thoracic spine. The added hands/legs with fixing positions make the exercise more difficult.

    The boat got me! The entire back surface of the back is involved, and the whole body. Whole minute!! It's cruel)).

    But then it goes again long-awaited stretch... ufff...

    The only thing I don't have is a photo with less clothes). I will catch my husband and for the next complex I will try to show the results more clearly. Now I am doing my favorite complex "supersets", I really liked this Body Ballet, and sometimes I alternate with "Beach Body" from E.B.

    But most of all I like to combine Supersets and Body Ballet . These photos are two weeks and a week ago, I think that now the result is even better, the tummy does not stand out so much.

    I RECOMMEND! For those who do not want to pump over, but are eager to tighten their body (albeit a very laborious process), this is a magnificent complex, after which you want to hold your back and seem to become a little smoother and more graceful.

    At the moment, these complexes have perfectly replaced my workouts from Cindy Crawford and I like them even more. The timer in the ashes in the lower corner is especially captivating)). At least you understand how much more you torment your leg / arm / back))).

    Thank you for your attention, your JENNIS!

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