• Bodybuilding or powerlifting. What's better? How is bodybuilding different from powerlifting?


    These sports are very similar when viewed from the outside. In both cases, the basis for building strength and mass is the basic multi-joint movements, in both cases the champions are physically strong and have enormous muscle mass.

    What is the difference between these sports? What should a novice athlete choose? Let's analyze the stereotypes regarding the differences between. The analysis will help you make a choice and at the same time dispel some misconceptions regarding the training of security forces and bodybuilders.

    Stereotype #1

    Bodybuilders build beautiful and harmonious developed body; the muscles of powerlifters develop unbalancedly.

    Eventing really only involves three basic exercises. However, they were selected for the competition precisely because when correct technique execution:

    1. Absolutely safe for ligaments, joints and spine;
    2. EVERYONE is involvedmain muscle groups.

    In fact, let's look at the muscles involved in performing the three lifting movements.

    • engages pectoral muscles, triceps, front and middle beams deltoid muscles And latissimus muscles backs. Of course, with the technique characteristic of powerlifting - when the elbows fall along the body, and not to the sides.
    • The quadriceps, calf muscles, hip adductors and long back muscles are involved. The press performs a stabilizing function.
    • engages the WHOLE back, hamstrings and quadriceps, calves, rear delts and... biceps. They keep the elbow joints from rupturing the joint capsule with excessive load.

    Do you have any doubts? Take a look at the photos of the deadlift record holder Konstantin Konstantinov, who, according to his own statement, does not pump his biceps at all. All doubts will disappear.

    Stereotype #2

    Powerlifters always train with maximum weights and low reps, exclusively developing strength. Bodybuilders perform volume training with high repetitions and moderate weights.

    When bulking up, bodybuilders train as hard as possible, using weights of 70-90 percent of their rep max and 5-8 reps per set. The reason is obvious: there is no mass without force.

    On the other hand, powerlifters don't just try to lift as much weight as possible. They also train the so-called. This involves using moderate weights and performing reps as fast as possible. Agree, 8 - 10 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of 50 - 60% of the repetition maximum does not fit into the usual stereotype; however, this is exactly how Vladimir Kravtsov, a multiple Russian champion in the bench press, trains. He uses heavy weights close to a repetition maximum only in the last weeks before the competition.

    Stereotype #3

    Unlike bodybuilders, strength athletes do not care about the relief and appearance in general. They often have a large layer of fat.

    This is a half-truth. Of course, the goals of bodybuilding (literally, body building) and powerlifting are different. If for a bodybuilder the goal is a beautiful and strong body, then the ultimate goal of a powerlifter is a strength result, everything else is secondary.

    Powerlifters do not indulge in strict diets, since this inevitably reduces strength results. Nevertheless, strong athletes, both by nature and thanks to a balanced diet, can be seen at any competition. There is no contradiction between maximum strength results and the absence of excess fat.

    Stereotype #4

    Strength training includes only three exercises in which they compete.

    Pure delusion. Yes, in order to set records in the squat, bench press and deadlift, you need to focus your training on performing these three exercises. However, powerlifters, just like bodybuilders, constantly face the problem of “ weak point" - muscles that have to be tightened to achieve maximum results.

    For example, for different powerlifters, the hardest part of a deadlift may be when the barbell comes off the floor or when the back is fully straightened. And depending on which muscles are lagging, the athlete may add heavy leg presses, deadlifts, bent-over rows, or shrugs to their workout.

    Apart from the bare functionality, no one bothers a strongman to add an exercise to his arsenal simply because it is on his list of favorites. Want to do biceps curls or pull-ups? Please. If these exercises do not interfere with the recovery between your main workouts in basic movements, supplement your program with them.


    The conclusions are obvious.

    1. Despite their different goals, the off-season training of bodybuilders and powerlifters differs very little.
    2. The only fundamental difference is that the security forces are not trying to achieve peak relief. To be fair, most bodybuilders who don’t compete don’t need this either.
    3. Nothing prevents you from combining both sports, building a beautiful and strong body and improving your results in powerlifting.
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    Hello, newcomer to iron sports. You asked a very correct question for a newly minted and promising muscleman. At the very beginning of your training journey, you need to clearly decide what kind of sport you plan to engage in. gym and what do you want to get in the end?

    To an outsider's eye, the workouts of a bodybuilder and a lifter are quite similar - guys come to the gym and pump iron until they sweat. Both bench press a barbell, squat with it, keep a training diary, monitor your diet and refrain from bad habits. In fact, the main difference between bodybuilding and powerlifting is the ultimate goal. And all other discrepancies are rather a consequence of the difference in the main task.

    So, bodybuilder's ultimate goalbuilding an athletic, muscular, beautiful, sculpted and proportional figure for the opportunity to compete with the same strong guys in bodybuilding competitions, to win these competitions, or for the sake of a loved one. The bodybuilder must achieve uniform increase muscle mass , by applying volumetric dynamic loads, while not allowing a significant increase in the percentage subcutaneous fat. A bodybuilder is more of an esthete than an athlete, and bodybuilding is more of a beauty contest than a sport. Bodybuilding competitions are quite subjective, as they are judged solely appearance athletes, and each judge has his own criteria for appearance. These competitions do not evaluate strength, speed or reaction. Only appearance.

    In the same time, the ultimate goal of a powerlifter– maximum increase in strength indicators in one-repetition maximum to win competitions in powerlifting (powerlifting). Essentially, a lifter has three main problems: how to shake more? how to stretch more? and how to sit down more? They proceed from the fact that at powerlifting competitions the amount of kilograms lifted in three basic movements is objectively assessed: bench press horizontal bench, deadlift and squat with a barbell on the shoulders. Whoever raised the most total won. Everything is simple and clear, unlike bodybuilding. A powerlifter must achieve increased lifting weights in compound lifts by any legal means while maintaining body weight within his or her limits. weight category. Increasing strength along with increasing muscle mass along the path of a bodybuilder is not the best solution, as this will lead to a transition to a heavier weight category, where opponents will already be stronger and the standards will be higher.

    Based on the main tasks of athletes in these strength sports, we have serious differences in the training process, nutrition and lifestyle. Let's summarize these differences in a table.

    Parameter Body-building Powerlifting
    Required result Increased muscle mass while maintaining aesthetic proportions. To achieve this, a natural bodybuilder must try to increase strength in all exercises used. Increase in strength indicators in three movements from powerlifting
    Set of exercises Basic and isolation movements with free weights and using simulators Basic movements from powerlifting+ auxiliary exercises
    Exercise technique Clean or with slight cheating, without connecting additional muscles to increase working weights Relatively dirty. The maximum number of muscle groups comes into play to lift the maximum weight
    Number of repetitions in working sets 6-12. 1-5
    Chemists can also grow when using papming - from 20 repetitions and above Number of working approaches
    from 1 to 5 (depending on the training scheme) Rest time between sets from 30 seconds to 3 minutes
    from 3 minutes and above Muscle fibers involved Fast.
    Chemists can increase muscle mass by increasing slow-twitch fibers Fast Basic principle of nutrition Calorie content and nutrient balance are determined intermediate goal – muscle growth or fat burning Caloric content and nutrient balance are determined by results in
    increasing muscle strength while maintaining the weight category or purposefully moving to a lower or higher category while maintaining the weight category or purposefully moving to a lower or higher category

    Lifestyle Healthy lifestyle - badass :). The differences in other parameters are not so significant or are absent altogether. Due to the large number of repetitions and little rest between approaches, the bodybuilder's training turns out to be high-volume, which best leads to hypertrophy of muscle tissue. In contrast, a powerlifter's training is low volume, allowing the focus to increase muscle strength without significantly increasing muscle mass.

    Of course, not all the differences are shown in the table, because there are many ways to vary the training process or nutrition to overcome stagnation in each of these sports disciplines. Some of them are quite general, such as micro and macro redicicization. At the same time, a lifter will not use Joe Weider's training principles, and a bodybuilder will not use push-ups or half-squats.

    We talked about the differences, and we also found common features. In my opinion, the thing that brings a bodybuilder and a lifter together the most is working to failure. Only working to the limit of your strength can cause reactions in the body that lead to an increase in muscle mass or strength.

    Well, natural bodybuilding and powerlifting, of course, are united by the need for constant increasing working weights on shells. Without pharmacology, a natural person is unlikely to be able to seriously increase muscle size when working with children's dumbbells in a high-repetition style.

    By the way, the common features and differences in the training of a bodybuilder and a strongman can answer a question that not everyone has ever thought about. The answer to it is located in a separate article, and the question itself is formulated in its title. It sounds simple: Why do our fragile bodies need big muscles?

    Hi all. Today’s article will be useful for novice athletes who are just starting their journey into the fascinating world of iron sports.

    Let's try to figure out what it is bodybuilding and powerlifting, what are the differences and similarities, and what to choose.

    In order for us to thoroughly understand everything, we need to define the concepts. So, body-building or bodybuilding is the process of increasing the muscle mass of the body through the use of intensive training with weights, which ultimately leads to hypertrophy of muscle tissue and the acquisition of impressive forms by the athlete.

    In other words, the main goal of a bodybuilder is to build up as much quality muscle mass as possible, while getting rid of excess fat, so that at the next competition, judges and spectators can evaluate the volumes and proportions of an impeccable body. To do this, bodybuilders use a lot of different methods of training, rest, and pharmacological support.

    You can see an example of a person involved in bodybuilding in the photo.

    Now let's talk about powerlifting. Powerlifting- This power look a sport in which the athlete strives to lift maximum weight in exercises (barbell squats, bench presses and deadlifts). It follows that the main goal of lifter training is to increase strength in basic exercises. And since the standards depend on the weight category, lifters try not to gain body weight, remaining in a small weight category, while lifting weights 3-4 times higher than their own.

    You may ask, is this possible? Quite possible. This is achieved by using special training methods with near-maximum weights and a small number of repetitions per approach. In addition, in training schemes the main emphasis is placed on competitive exercises, and auxiliary exercises are performed only in the off-season. There is no goal to pump up the lower legs or forearms in isolation. I think a person lifting 400 kg cannot have weak forearms. And of course lifters don’t look like bodybuilders.

    We looked at general concepts and training strategies for these two different sports. I emphasize different. There is no point in comparing them and trying to figure out which is better. This is the same as comparing a helicopter and a dump truck; each has its own goals and methods of achieving them.

    You still ask what to choose, bodybuilding or powerlifting? I'll tell you a little secret, the knowledge of which is simply necessary for a beginning athlete. Whatever you are going to become in the future, now at the initial stage, you need to train in a way that is close to that of a lifter. Your task is to collect as many more mass and become stronger, and then in the future engage in polishing, refining and honing forms.

    So for the first year, or better yet two, devote yourself to basic exercises. Believe me, triceps extensions or dumbbell raises in front of you will not escape you. Focus on the heavy ones basic exercises and success is guaranteed to you.

    Powerlifting and bodybuilding are related strength sports. It often happens that a “lifter” betrays his work and becomes a “builder”, and vice versa. At the same time, in principle, both athletes look very impressive in appearance, although sports have their own characteristics.


    Body-building(literally translated from English) - “bodybuilding”, and in essence - the process of “swinging” muscles for the sake of their beauty in particular and, therefore, perfect body generally.

    Powerlifting(translated from the same English) – “weight lifting” (powerlifting), which indicates the main purpose of “swinging” muscles: to make them stronger.


    The main difference between these types of athleticism is in the purpose of the training: if bodybuilding is created for those who strive for body beauty, which can be demonstrated at numerous competitions, then powerlifters set the task of developing as much as possible great strength muscles and show it at competitions. Actually, the remaining differences between these types of strength sports are due to the ways of achieving the main goal.

    A bodybuilder trains to gain mass, distribute it beautifully throughout the body, and then do a “cut” in order to remove some of the excess and achieve the standard. A powerlifter directs all his efforts to obtain maximum strength.

    Bodybuilding competition

    Considering that bodybuilding and powerlifting have completely different goals, their training programs are also different. So, for powerlifting, it is enough to train 2 times a week for 1-1.5 hours, performing 3-4 exercises for 1-3 approaches. To achieve results, a bodybuilder needs to exercise 3-5 days a week for 2-3 hours, performing 8-10 exercises for 3-5 approaches.

    The exercises themselves are also different for these sports. If powerlifting includes bench press, squats, deadlift, then the bodybuilder will choose exercises depending on which muscle groups need to be “tweaked” and which just need to be maintained in order.

    As for nutrition, it is the same for both. But still, bodybuilders treat it more carefully: their daily diet is always balanced, includes 5-6 meals, and calories are strictly counted. Powerlifters don’t “bother” and just try to lead. healthy image life and eat healthy high-protein foods.

    Powerlifting competition

    Their attitude towards “drying” is also different: powerlifters do not dry at all, because... this will reduce their strength, but bodybuilders regularly work to shed the excess by polishing their bodies for competition.

    By the way, about competitions. In both sports, they are held quite often, and it is extremely easy to distinguish where the powerlifters are and where the bodybuilders are. In front of you is a pile of muscles, shiny with oil and striking with an even tan, as well as almost invisible thong panties? Here is a bodybuilder. The same pile, but sweaty and hidden under a special bench shirt (its special seams can increase the weight lifted by almost 15 kg)? This is a powerlifter.

    Conclusions website

    1. Different training goals: bodybuilders build a beautiful body, lifters gain strength.
    2. Ways to achieve the goal: different training regimens, exercises and attitude to nutrition.
    3. The difference is in the competition: bodybuilders simply show off on stage to the music, lifters perform exercises with a barbell with the maximum possible weight.

    What's the difference between bodybuilding and powerlifting?

    For a beginner, iron sport is faceless and comes down only to spectacularly lifting the barbell and moving other things. sports equipment. For him, powerlifting and bodybuilding are the same thing, but they are not. I am writing this article precisely to explain that strength sport actually has fundamental differences. So, .

    We will compare these two sports in three ways:

    • The essence of a particular sport;
    • Nature of training;
    • Exercises used.

    The essence reflects the purpose for which they are engaged; nature of training – type of load, principles of the training process; the exercises used – I think there is no need to explain here.

    -This is a type of strength sports, the essence of which is to build an aesthetic physique while maintaining certain proportions in muscle size.

    Bodybuilding or bodybuilding comes from the English words body - body and building - construction. But I would not attribute this word only to bodybuilding.

    Almost any strength sport can be called bodybuilding, since everywhere, one way or another, we improve our body, or, more simply, we build it. But in the traditional sense, the essence of bodybuilding is to create an aesthetically perfect body.

    The main goal that bodybuilders pursue in training is the development of maximum muscle volume with a minimum amount of subcutaneous fat.

    In addition, the degree of muscle separation and cross-section matter, but these are subtleties. It is for these purposes that a bodybuilder’s training is aimed, which shapes their character. Classic “builder” training most often has a volumetric character. What does it mean? This means that in order to have big muscles, you need to work in a high rep range of 6-12 for heavy ones and 12-25 for training smaller muscles such as calves.

    Also, a bodybuilder can perform from 2 to 5 different exercises for one muscle group during a workout. Bodybuilders most often work with moderate weights, from 60 to 80% of the maximum, but there are exceptions. Sometimes in bodybuilding they use the classic strength training. There are a lot of methods and training programs in bodybuilding, but almost always they are voluminous.

    Bodybuilding exercises

    Almost all exercises with iron that are aimed at hypertrophy (i.e. growth) of muscles are used in bodybuilding. The main ones are, of course, the big three - bench press, and. These exercises are used to train large muscles such as the legs, back and chest.

    All other exercises are either derivatives of the “big three” or highly specialized, for example, various types of swings, crossover work and flyes in the simulator.

    In general, a bodybuilder will use any exercise that will help him progress in growth or create the necessary proportions.

    Now let's talk about powerlifting and find out what are the fundamental differences between it and bodybuilding.

    Powerlifting or powerlifting comes from the English words power - strength and lift - to lift. This sport is called triathlon because athletes compete in three exercises, showing their maximum strength: and the classic deadlift.

    The task of a powerlifter is to show his maximum strength per unit of time; in other words, “lifters” pull, press and squat for 1 time.

    How security forces train

    If a bodybuilder's volumetric training is designed for long-term work with moderate weight, then in powerlifting the goal is to demonstrate maximum strength.

    For example, a bodybuilder will be able to lift a barbell of 150 kg in 8 sets of 12 repetitions each, with a short rest between sets, and a strongman can bench press over 300 kg, which is not given to any bodybuilder.

    It is the nature of the load that determines what properties the muscles will have. They can either be made strong, as in “lifting,” or moderately durable, as in bodybuilding.

    As you probably already understood, powerlifting uses a strength-based load, which is sometimes diluted with volume training. Usually, during training, strength officers do so-called walkthroughs - 4 - 5 working approaches with a gradual increase in weight on the apparatus, up to the maximum. In addition to working approaches, of course, there are also warm-up sets with little or no weight.

    There are other trainings too. For example, the classic 5 x 5 (5 sets of 5 reps). Work in this mode takes place with 80% of the maximum weight. Between sets, powerlifters usually rest for a long time, from 5 to 10 minutes, sometimes longer.

    Powerlifting Exercises

    It goes without saying that in powerlifting the main emphasis is on the squat, deadlift and bench press. Each individual athlete usually has good results in one or two exercises. It’s rare that a unique person can do everything at 5+.

    In addition to the big three, other exercises are used in powerlifting; they are called auxiliary exercises. These are exercises that help you progress in basic movements. For example, when performing a bench press, you may not have enough shoulder strength that is developed by a standing bench press. For squats, accessory movements include leg extensions and leg curls in the machine.

    Difference between bodybuilding and powerlifting

    To summarize, we can say that these, at first glance similar sports disciplines, in fact, are completely different both in the nature of training and in essence. Powerlifting is truly a sport in its traditional sense. That is, there are objective indicators that can be compared.

    Bodybuilding is a subjective sport. After all, on stage athletes don’t compete to see who can lift a certain weight the longest? No - they show their appearance, in fact it is a beauty contest.

    The nature of training also varies greatly. A powerlifter strives for maximum strength, a bodybuilder strives for maximum volume and proportions. The first one is dominated by power load, in the second – volumetric.

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