• Leg abduction exercise in the simulator: technique of execution. Leg abduction on the simulator Leg abduction in the sitting simulator for men


    Seated leg curls are a popular exercise for the lower body. It is often included in a comprehensive lower body training program, along with core exercises. The information allows you to load the muscles of the inner thigh in isolation.

    Muscle training

    Which muscles are stressed when the legs are brought together on the exercise machine? First of all, the exercise uses the muscles of the inner thigh, as mentioned above. More specifically, these are the thin and adductor muscles. Additionally, the abs, spinal extensor muscles and lower back are included in the work.

    Muscles involved: 1 - pectineus; 2,3,4 - short, long, adductor magnus muscles.

    Tightening your legs while sitting in a machine is not a basic movement. For this reason, it must be combined with other exercises to develop the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This will allow you to achieve a harmonious and beautiful figure.

    You can also alternate it with an exercise such as seated leg raises. This approach will make your classes more effective.

    Description of the exercise

    How to perform leg pruning while sitting? To begin, take the correct starting position. To do this, set the required weight on the machine. The recommended test load for women is 10–15 kg. For men – 20–25 kg. Finding the right weight is not difficult. Set the load to medium and try to complete one set. If you can do 10 repetitions and still feel obvious muscle fatigue, the selected weight is suitable for you.

    Doing the exercise.

    Before performing the exercise, make sure that your body weight is resting on your sit bones. Straighten your chest, place your feet behind the special soft supports and spread them as wide as possible. Grasp the handles with your hands. Now you can begin the main part of the exercise.

    1. As you inhale, tighten your abs and bring your legs together. Pause briefly in the position of maximum tension.
    2. Slowly return to the starting position and exhale.

    The exercise is suitable for any level of physical fitness. Based on how you feel, perform 10 to 15 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds. At this time, it is advisable to stand up and stretch your legs a little. Repeat mixing 1-2 more approaches.

    To ensure the best results from your workout, please review the following guidelines.

    • Before performing the exercise, stretch your hip joints and stretch your inguinal ligaments. This will allow the muscles to better absorb the load and also increase the range of motion.
    • Some trainers advise changing the position of your back while bringing your legs together, as this allows you to work different areas of the muscles. Do the first half of the repetitions by leaning your back back, then lean forward with your body straight.
    • You can also change the position of your socks. By directing them inward or outward, you can shift the load towards the front or back of the thigh.
    • Make sure your back remains straight. Under no circumstances should you hunch your back on the last reps! If you don't have the strength left, shorten the exercise or help yourself overcome the resistance with your arms.
    • Work slowly and avoid sudden movements. Try not to use the force of inertia.
    • The cool down plays an important role. Your muscles will only be flexible enough if you don't skip stretching. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of the exercise, stretching helps remove lactic acid from the muscles, thereby relieving the pain that usually occurs the day after training.

    Preliminary stretching and warming up of the hip joints will increase the range of motion.

    Don't forget that, like other strength exercises, sitting leg raises and raises do not help you lose weight. Their goal is to strengthen muscles. If you want to reduce, supplement your workout with cardio exercises. The best options are the elliptical and exercise bike. Exercise 3-4 times a week, choosing programs with moderately high intensity. Ideally, you should engage in aerobic exercise immediately after.

    Thus, the abduction and extension of the legs performed in the simulator are complementary exercises that allow you to work the thigh muscles. Their regular implementation will make your figure beautiful and your legs strong.

    Useless and harmful exercises. Part 1 Reduction and extension of legs in the simulator.

    Today we’ll talk about the most favorite and common exercise for women.

    A potential client comes to a fitness club (f/c), inspects the gym for the presence of equipment for training (exercise machines, cardio zone, various equipment). She already has experience in training, and if she does not find women’s exercise equipment, such as mixing and spreading her legs, she just leaves without buying a club card. For this reason and not only every fitness club (f/c) has these machines.

    Women especially love them and spend a lot of time on them; according to them, these exercises tighten something, remove excess, improve blood circulation, helping to improve “women’s affairs”, develop the buttocks in the right way, improve the appearance of the thigh from the side, etc.

    Is it really? Let's figure it out.

    This is partly true, but under many conditions and to the detriment of anything. These exercises are useful in moderation with light weights and a low total monthly volume of use. They create muscle tone in the abductor and adductor muscles of the thigh, improve the tone of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, and improve blood circulation in these places.

    However, they do not remove excess fat at all, a person wastes time and effort (not effective), and moreover, these exercises can even be harmful. In vain, because there are more functional exercises for these muscle groups, which give only advantages in everything and are able to remove excess fat (with an integrated approach), develop the buttocks very well, and improve the appearance of the thigh.

    The harm is that when the legs are abducted in the exercise machine to a large extent, and especially with good weights, the piriformis muscles gradually develop and spasm. The origin of the piriformis muscle is on the anterior surface of the sacrum, and it is attached to the greater trochanter of the femur. The function of the pyriformis is abduction and supination of the hip.

    Below the piriformis is the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body, running from the lower spine, through the buttocks and thighs, down the back of the leg. Although this nerve is found in both legs, symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve usually appear in only one leg.

    The very first symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is pain, which usually begins in the lower back and spreads along the entire length of the nerve: through the buttocks, to the thighs and calves. The intensity of pain can vary from mild to very acute. Sometimes the pain manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation, in other cases it can be similar to electric shocks.

    Another common symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is numbness that affects part or all of the leg. Numbness in one area may be accompanied by pain in another. In addition, usually a person also experiences a characteristic tingling sensation in the toes.

    One of the most distressing symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve is loss of bladder or bowel control. This condition is rare and requires emergency medical attention. Sometimes this symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is accompanied by lumbosacral radiculitis.

    When the legs are brought together in the simulator with a spasmodic piriformis muscle, even greater compression of the sciatic nerve occurs and symptoms worsen or manifest (piriformis syndrome). Sometimes muscle spasm can be relieved by myofascial release (done with a special roller for mfr), and stretching the spasmed muscle can compress the sciatic nerve even more, the spasm will remain.

    These exercises can be replaced, for example, with various squats, split squats, various lunges, step-ups, single-leg hyperextensions and others.

    When doing split squats, not only the gluteus maximus muscles are well used, but also the gluteus medius and minimus, as pelvic stabilizers. Dumbbells can be held in two hands, either in one or the other, shifting the emphasis to the adductor or abductor muscles of the thigh. All these exercises are functionally needed in life, but the abduction and extension of the legs while sitting are not used in life.

    Is it difficult to refuse them? Of course, these are simple and pleasant exercises, you can do them for at least several hours, I feel how the muscles tighten and burn. But let’s still leave these “female” exercise machines for people with sore legs and for rehabilitation, but we need effective ones. Fitness should improve health, and not cause harm for the sake of something.

    At the beginning, I wrote that with an integrated approach, you can remove the excess and build it up in the right places. An integrated approach that includes nutrition, daily routine, recovery and weight training itself. Without one link there will be no functioning chain that starts the desired process and affects the result.

    I will tell you why local fat burning does not occur during mixing, spreading, and other exercises.

    Analysis of misconceptions.

    This is my favorite exercise, I feel comfortable doing it, and I’m used to it. Habits are often harmful due to unconsciousness, especially harmful ones, and training must take you out of your comfort zone in order for it to be of any use.

    My trainer advised me to do it, and all the women are happy with these exercises. What if the trainer advises you to exercise in a bikini? Weigh logically received information, advice, and draw your own conclusions. And you will either not see those who are no longer happy in the club, or they will simply suffer from pain, not understanding the reason, and continue to practice.

    And hips. And this is not the ultimate dream of most of the fair sex. The desire to get rid of excess fat on the hips and buttocks brings women to the gym. And they, in an effort to change the shape of their hips, do not leave the simulator, spend a lot of time doing the exercise, in the hope that it “removes the excess,” “tightens up something,” etc. What are we talking about? Leg abduction in the simulator. Many women are sure that these activities will help them get rid of fat, make their legs slender and their buttocks firm. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

    Leg abduction in the simulator

    The popularity of the leg abduction machine is primarily due to the fact that the leg area is aesthetically important for many. Both women and men are not indifferent to it. Everyone wants to have toned legs, without signs of jelly in this area. The adductor machine - a simulator for bringing the legs together - is aimed at strengthening the corresponding:

    • comb;
    • adductors - large, short, long.

    Additionally, the sartorius and iliotibial tract muscles are tightened.

    The adductor muscles are a complex of deep muscles of the groin and inner thigh. It is quite difficult to feel them, however, these muscles work every day: when climbing stairs, uphill or standing up. The adductor muscles are used only slightly in everyday life and are weak. That is why they need to be trained.

    Tightening the legs in the simulator is aimed at strengthening the adductor muscles, but these exercises will not lead to weight loss, since these are different types of tissue - muscles and the tissue covering them. Even if a large number of calories are burned during training on the simulator, there will be no reduction in fat in the thigh area.

    Training results. Advantages

    Leg abduction/extension machines are designed to work one muscle group. In fact, the hip (inner/outer area) works in conjunction with other parts of the body. These muscles are not used separately in everyday life, so training is used as an auxiliary one. They are included in the main set of exercises; bringing the legs together separately in the simulator will not give any result in improving the shape of the legs. What is this simulator for then?

    • strengthening the muscles of the inner thighs;
    • adductor muscle tone;
    • improving balance while moving;
    • reduction of injuries.

    Leg abduction exercise machine, technique:

    • Set the required weight on the machine.
    • Sit on the machine and place your feet on the stands.
    • Your back is straight, your hands are on the handle, your body is pressed against the bench.
    • Exhale - bring your legs together.
    • Inhale - spread your legs (slowly).

    Practical tips:

    • If you have difficulty performing the exercise, you can help yourself with your hands.
    • Mandatory warm-up before exercise.
    • Perform the exercise in combination with other leg exercises.

    What will complex training give?

    • Will increase the overall endurance of the body.
    • Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
    • Will tone the muscles.
    • Increases the flexibility of tendons and joints.
    • Normalize blood circulation.
    • Improve metabolism.

    And as a desired consequence:

    • getting rid of excess weight;
    • ideal body shape.

    It makes no sense to visit the gym to exercise only on the adductor machine, since the exercise is effective only in complex training. For independent training on leg bending in the simulator, a good option is the “Butterfly” simulator. Self-training exercises are simple and effective.


    Exercising on the adductor machine in a large volume and increasing the load can lead to spasm. The functions of the muscles are supination and abduction of the hips. Close to them is the sciatic nerve, pinching of which leads to pain in the leg. Only moderation or training with a trainer will help here.

    Exercise band "Butterfly"

    “Butterfly” is a simulator for different muscle groups; the expander is easy to use. You can study at home. No special room is required for training. Regular exercises will give effective results in a short time. Working on compression, the Butterfly exercise machine helps to work out all muscle groups (pectorals, upper back, hips, gluteals, abs, shoulder girdle and arms).


    1. Upper body workout. Take the expander in your hands and lift it up. Squeeze the “Butterfly” using the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Increase the load by moving your arms away from your body.
    2. Chest muscle training. Hold the butterfly between your forearms. Bring your elbows together, squeezing and unclenching the exercise machine.
    3. Abs training. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Hold one end of the exercise machine between your knees, and hold the other end with your hands in front of your face. Raise your legs while squeezing the exercise machine. Press load.
    4. Hip workout. Sit on a chair. Hold the exercise machine tightly between your knees. Hands are on the handles of the exercise machine and forcefully squeeze the expander. Leg curls are an effective exercise for the hips. When performing it, it is important to strain them.

    Firstly, regularity of training. The desired effect can be achieved only if this condition is met. Those who want to have an ideal figure must make additional efforts to achieve quick results.

    Secondly, review your diet and eliminate fatty foods. The main condition is to monitor the calorie content of dishes and portion sizes. Calculate your daily diet: on average 1100-1200 Kcal. Include diet shakes and herbal tea in your diet. They will help reduce hunger. Limit salt consumption and use fat-burning spices for cooking: cinnamon, turmeric, pepper, etc.

    Thirdly, devote at least half an hour to training every day. You can exercise several times a day, evenly distributing this time, performing 2-3 exercises.


    Exercises on adductor simulators are effective for losing weight or improving the shape of your legs only with comprehensive exercises. They will tone and strengthen the thigh muscles. In addition, improved well-being usually leads to increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

    This is the most favorite exercise machine for girls and women. They perform these exercises thinking that they will be able to change the shape of the outer thigh (flare) and the shape of the inner thigh (addition).

    What a very easy exercise machine, you sit down and spread your legs without straining and without much difficulty. The lighter the simulator, the less the result from it.

    And in this article I will explain to you why doing these exercises is a waste of time. And why do instructors give these exercises to girls and women?

    Typically, reductions and extensions are done with the goal of influencing problem areas and the second goal is to strengthen those muscles that are trained by this exercise.

    If the goal is only to strengthen the outer or inner thigh, then it will certainly become stronger with regular training. But don't expect your hips to get smaller or bigger. Or this exercise will remove the fat in these places. It will not happen. Why??

    Everything is very simple:

    1. Fat does not leave the surface of the muscle we train. Read the article.
    2. The adductor and sartorius muscles of the thigh (inner surface) are quite small, and we know that the smaller the muscles, the more difficult it is to increase them.
    3. In themselves, these exercises are too easy for the muscles and do not have the necessary effect for the muscles to change or acquire the desired shape.

    Why do instructors give these exercises to women?

    Perhaps the instructor himself did not fully understand this issue.
    It is much easier to give these exercises to girls than to explain for a long time that this exercise is useless.

    Where is the way out, you ask? What to do with problem areas?
    There is a way out, but many people just don’t know about it. Have to do .

    If you need to increase the outer surface of your thighs, you can do it with a barbell on your shoulders. Or squat in a hack machine. The most important thing is to put your feet as narrow as possible. Then there will be a decent load on the outer thigh.
    And we can increase the inner surface of the thigh with the same exercises, only this time the legs need to be placed wide. Then the inner thigh will work.

    But most girls and women want to reduce these places. They are even called problem areas because they cause problems. People don’t understand what can be done about this phenomenon.

    To reduce the size of your riding breeches or inner thighs, you don’t need to train these muscles on simulators at all. In this case they will help.

    Just remember that our body either loses weight or gets better.
    Therefore, by reducing your riding breeches and inner thighs, you will lose weight in all places and your stomach and shoulder girdle will lose weight.

    You need to know that you cannot change the shape of problem areas. Enlarge - yes. Reduce - yes. And the form that was, will remain that way.

    Another disadvantage of these simulators is that they are block-type, i.e. the weight hangs on a cable. And it is very difficult for us to find the right weight. For example, you have already “grown” from a weight of 20 kg. And a weight of 22 kg would be quite suitable for you. And the weight can only be increased by 10 kg.

    Of all the various options for auxiliary exercises that promote the development of the muscles of the hip joint, buttocks, and thighs, the easiest is considered to be leg extension in the simulator, as well as their reduction on the same simulator. Although such physical movements are considered simple, they should be avoided by novice athletes, since the technique of performing the exercises is special. And in order to learn how to do it correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the main points and recommendations regarding the intensity of the exercises, positions taken, loads when performing this physical action, which will be discussed in this article.

    Carrying out exercises on an adductor machine (this is the name of a simulator specifically designed for abducting and abducting legs) forces the muscles of problem areas to work, but is not effective in losing weight. These physical actions will not get rid of excess weight, but they will significantly strengthen certain areas of the body.

    How to perform leg raises?

    There are two options for performing such a physical activity - sitting or lying on an adductor machine. Each one has its own recommendations, thanks to which the efficiency of actions can be significantly increased.

    In a sitting position, the exercise is performed with a pushing movement, as a result of which the following muscles are activated:

    • gluteal (small, medium, large);
    • adductors;
    • lumbar (square);
    • medial femoral;
    • tensor fascia lata;
    • straightening the spine.

    The main purpose of this exercise is to train the gluteal muscles, which are discussed in detail in the article about and.

    The rest of the muscles work statically when performing leg extensions and abductions. The load allowed when working out these muscle groups is distributed evenly between them. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to do both options during one workout.

    When starting to perform leg raises on a special simulator, you need to know which position will be correct. In order for the extension of the lower extremities to be as useful as possible, you should take the starting position: sitting on a pillow on the adductor machine, your back straight, your feet on the levers (rollers) below, your hands should hold on to the handles located on the sides of the pillow.

    The technique of performing leg extensions requires proper breathing. So, having taken the correct position of the body, you need to inhale and as you exhale, you should smoothly spread your legs to the sides. At the maximum point, you should hold your feet for a short time, after which, while inhaling, you can return just as smoothly to the starting position. It is considered correct to perform pushing actions from the hip joint. Thus, all muscle groups are involved, including additional ones - the abdominal muscles.

    From a reclining position, you can also do lateral leg raises on the same machine. The main emphasis when performing this exercise is stretching the different muscles of the thighs. In order for these movements to be effective for your body, you first need to change the position of the backrest on the machine. Having lowered it to such an extent that an angle of 30-45 degrees is formed and aligned the position of the rollers, also smoothly do the exercise, spreading your legs to the sides, actively using the hip joint.

    Regarding the load that can be introduced into the training program, the mass of weights can be different. For example:

    • girls can use weights from 10 to 20 kg, performing 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions each;
    • men can use heavy weights - from 20 to 25 kg, performing 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

    How to perform a leg pinch correctly?

    The leg abduction exercise on a special simulator also involves the active participation of various muscle groups of the thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen and erector spinae. Unlike the action described above, this is performed on an adductor machine, exerting force to move the legs to one point.

    As in the previous case with leg extensions, leg extensions can be performed in one of the following ways: sitting or lying down.

    The technique of performing a physical action when bringing the legs together in a sitting position involves a combination of smooth actions of medium intensity with proper breathing. The starting position for moving to a single center of both legs on the adductor machine: sitting on the machine with a straight back, arms and inner thighs holding the side bolsters. Inhale and, as you exhale, begin to bring your legs together until they stop. At the maximum point, freeze for a couple of seconds. After this, you can smoothly return to the starting position. Returning to the previous position is carried out while inhaling. The muscles of the inner thigh should be active. Motor actions are carried out due to the pushing movement of the pelvis.

    The same exercise is performed not from a sitting position, but from a lying position on the back of the adductor machine. Having lowered the back of the adductor machine, as when spreading your legs to the sides, you need to sit on the seat of the exercise machine and also touch the pillows with your hips, holding the bolsters on the sides with your hands. It is also necessary to smoothly, from the initially accepted position, perform movements to bring your legs together while exhaling. After a short pause, inhaling, return to the starting position. When performing such physical actions, it is necessary to ensure that the back remains straight and pressed against the back of the adductor machine. In this case, the exercise of bringing your legs together will be most useful.

    Both for spreading and bringing the legs together, the use of weights is provided. In order for the load to increase the efficiency of this type of physical activity, athletes should adhere to the following ratio:

    • girls can use weights weighing from 10 to 15 kg, performing 2-3 approaches each with 10-15 repetitions;
    • for men, the recommended load is from 20-25 kg for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
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