• Exit on two hands, which muscles work. How to correctly perform the two-arm muscle-up exercise? What muscles are involved?


    And books help people from different countries master, among other exercises, such an element as “exit by force.” Many people send me letters of gratitude and videos of this exercise.

    Of course, the first “exits by force” for most people are not very “clean”. However, as you practice, they need to be improved. I wouldn’t want those who train according to my advice to continue to perform not very “clean” strength exercises and at the same time claim that it was I who taught them that way.

    At first, your goal may be to perform an exit by force in any way. That is, in this case, the “cleanliness” of the execution is not very important - the main thing is to raise the body above the level of the crossbar. However, don't stop once you've achieved this goal. Gradually we need to work on improving the technique.

    First, let's look at the two most common features that prevent the “pure” performance of forceful exits.

    One arm force exit

    In the initial stages, this exercise can help you master a full force release. However, you should not linger at this stage for long. Once you feel like you can do a two-arm power-up, leave the one-arm power-up.


    To perform the first power exercises, almost everyone needs a build-up. However, when you get to the point where you can do a few reps, try to reduce the level of swing. It is very difficult to completely eliminate it, but try to minimize jerking movements.

    Try to bend your knees as little as possible and do not bring them too far in front of you.

    3 Tips for Improving Your Technique

    "Reverse exits"

    Just like when learning regular pull-ups, performing the exercise in reverse helps to better adapt the nervous system to the desired sequence of movements.

    Start at the top of the force release. Slowly lower your body until your chest is level with the bar. After this, still slowly lower yourself even lower so that your chin is above the bar, as in the upper stage of a pull-up. Then you can lower yourself completely.

    When performing this exercise, you will need to tighten your abs and extend your legs slightly forward to create a counterweight.

    At first it will be difficult for you to control this set of movements. However, over time, you will get used to this exercise and will be able to fully control it.

    Gradual reduction in sway

    It is unlikely that you will be able to perform a clean force exit the first time.

    The level of build-up must be reduced gradually.

    If you feel yourself bending your knees, try to consciously prevent this from happening, or at least bend them as little as possible. If you move your pelvis forward strongly, imagine that in front of the horizontal bar, at a distance of 50-100 cm, there is a wall and try to make exits with force, without touching it.

    When your goal is to improve technique, you shouldn't chase quantity. One or two repetitions per set will be enough, but you must focus on the details.

    "False" grip

    “Clean”, slow power-ups are best performed with a false grip. That is, with a grip in which the hands almost completely bend around the bar. When you use this grip and reach the top of the pull-up, you don't need to rotate your wrists to continue the upward movement, and you can complete the pull-out with force without additional sudden movements.

    If you have access to gymnastics rings, practice power-ups on them using a false grip. This is a little different from the pull-up, but both exercises can complement each other harmoniously. If you don't have rings, you can practice muscle-ups on parallel bars, again using a false grip.

    How to learn to do a two-handed force exit?

    Exit by force These are some kind of advanced pull-ups.

    Each individual exit force two hands can be divided into 3 stages:

    1. Classic pull-up
    2. Transition from pull-ups to presses
    3. Bar press

    As a rule, many people do not have problems with stages 1 and 3. That is, if you ask someone to do push-ups from the bar several times or do pull-ups 5-10 times, then no questions will arise.

    But sometimes it happens that a person can do 20 pull-ups or even more, has large muscle mass, but cannot do two-handed exit .

    What happens during the second stage and why can it be so difficult for many people? Let's look at this point in detail.

    1. We all know that when doing pull-ups, the latissimus dorsi muscles, the core muscles, and the biceps work mostly. Considering that at the moment of transition from a pull-up to a bench press, many more muscles work, such as the deltoid muscle or the teres minor muscle, then to the question of whether it is possible to easily pull up 20 times with a force of two, the answer will be “no.” "
    2. You often hear stories about how a “jock” huffed and puffed on the horizontal bar, but was never able to make a two-point break. The “skinny guy” came up and calmly stood up.

    Well, what can you say to this? That means he was pumping the wrong muscles. If we return to that moment of transition from pull-ups to bench presses, then the main work here is performed by muscles that, by definition, cannot become huge. How do you imagine bodybuilders whose ribs are covered with “kilos” of serratus muscle, or whose “teres minor” has become “huge”?

    So, how do you learn to do a two-arm power exit?

    1. These are pull-ups after all, you can’t do without them.
    2. Bar press. Find a bar, preferably not a very high one (to make it easier to climb), rise into a position as if you had already done a two-power exit (For example, a one-power exit or a flip lift. Find a way yourself, even if you put the ladder J). And do push-ups, it will be slightly unusual, since you need to maintain balance, and the position of your hands is not the same as when doing push-ups on the uneven bars.

    In this type of press, pay special attention to lowering your body as low as possible, trying to get to the “highest point of the pull-up.”

    1. We are trying to combine pull-ups and bench presses. I tried to pull myself up so fast that I would be “thrown” up into the press position, and I would go through stage 2 at speed, with the breeze.
    2. In addition to this trick, you can help yourself a little with your legs, making a small swing at the moment of pulling up, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will end up with a rivet (this is another element)
    3. I also noticed that purely psychologically, and maybe in fact, it’s easier to do exit with force when the legs are slightly ahead of the level of the crossbar. For example, you jumped onto the crossbar, and you sway a little, like a pendulum. At the moment when your legs are a little ahead and are about to swing back over the bar, you need to start making an exit. I hope I explained it clearly.
    4. If you make as many attempts as possible, with or without jerks, with leg swings, etc., over time you need to move on to smooth exits. Ideally, this should happen quite slowly, without jerks and unnecessary body movements, no swings, swings on the bar and sharp pull-ups - pulled yourself up - went into a bench press - did a push-up, nothing extra.

      What you need

      Exit on the horizontal bar (exit with force on two arms) is a ubiquitous exercise that is basic in artistic gymnastics, workout and crossfit. From artistic gymnastics, the exercise migrated to the army physical training program, from the army to the streets, where it successfully took root in such a newfangled sports discipline as workout. Today we will tell you how to learn how to do exits on the horizontal bar and on rings.

      With CrossFit, things are a little more confusing. Due to the fact that CrossFit is a sport for creative people who manage their own training process, performing a two-arm push-up can be used for different purposes and be of a different nature (perform as part of a complex, perform the maximum number of repetitions for a while, perform as a general strengthening exercise, etc.). The basic version of performing a muscle-up involves performing the movement on the crossbar, while the more advanced version involves performing the movement on gymnastic rings. Today we will try to learn both.

      Two-arm power-up on the horizontal bar

      The two-arm muscle-up is a relatively simple exercise, and almost any beginner can master it with just a couple of focused workouts. However, before you start learning how to perform on the horizontal bar, you still need to have a certain strength base. You must technically correctly be able to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar and do push-ups on the parallel bars at least 10-15 times, since the main muscles working in the output are the latissimus, biceps, trapezius and triceps.

      To technically correctly learn how to forcefully perform on the horizontal bar, you only need a little time and perseverance. Don't be alarmed if you don't succeed the first time. I hope that my tips below will help you master this spectacular and effective element as soon as possible.

      So, the technique for performing a forceful exit on the horizontal bar:

      First phase

      The first phase of movement is traction. Not a classic pull-up, but rather pulling your body towards the bar. You need to bend a little while hanging on the horizontal bar, so that your body is tilted back and your legs are stretched forward. This is our starting position. Now you need to make a powerful and amplitude movement with your whole body towards the crossbar. Using the latissimus dorsi muscles, biceps and forearms, we sharply pull our hands towards the stomach, trying to reach the bar with the solar plexus. I recommend that you first work out this phase separately in order to “feel” the movement as much as possible and mentally focus on the correct trajectory of the body movement.

      Second phase

      Now you need to move your body over the bar. As soon as we reach the bar with our upper abdomen, we try to rise even higher. To do this, you need to loosen your grip a little and turn your palms away from you about 90 degrees and move your shoulders forward. Now you are ready for the final stage of strength training - the bench press.

      Third phase

      The press is probably the easiest part of the entire exercise. Our task is to simply straighten the elbows with a powerful triceps force. If you are good at push-ups on parallel bars, then you won’t have any problems with the bench press. Once you have fully straightened your arms, lock in this position for a second or two and return to the starting position.

      The easiest way to get a feel for the movement and facilitate the learning process is to perform a power-up with a jump. To do this, find a low bar that you can easily reach with your hands, and instead of starting the exercise from a hang, just do a small jump and immediately move on to lifting your body over the bar and pressing.

      Another useful method is to perform pull-ups with additional weights. If you can easily do several sets of pull-ups with a plate, dumbbells or a kettlebell on your belt, then performing a two-arm strength exercise on the horizontal bar will not be too difficult for you.

      You should not try to learn a two-arm power-up by performing a one-arm power-up as part of your training. Of course, this is much simpler, but later you will still have to relearn it, since the movements in the elbow joints must be absolutely synchronous.

      A detailed video will help a beginner learn how to do a two-arm power-up on a horizontal bar:

      Two-handed power-up on rings

      After you have mastered the technique of performing a pull-out on the horizontal bar, I suggest you try a more complicated option - force-breaking on the rings.

      What is the fundamental difference? The fact is that, unlike a horizontal bar, the rings are not fixed in a stationary position, and at least half of the movement depends on how well you can keep your balance.


      The first point to remember is the grip. In artistic gymnastics this is called a “deep grip”, the meaning is that the knuckles are not above the apparatus, but in front of it. At the same time, your hands and forearms are statically tense, so do not forget about a thorough warm-up. At first it is quite difficult to get used to a deep grip, so start small - hanging on the rings with a deep grip. Once you have mastered this element and can hang there for at least 10 seconds, try doing a few sets of deep-grip pull-ups. A very interesting variation of pull-ups; there are few exercises that can so powerfully and quickly develop grip strength and volume of the forearm muscles.

      Exit by force

      Now let's try to perform an exit using the force of the rings. Hanging, we bring the rings together slightly narrower than shoulder width and place our arms parallel to each other, with our legs slightly bent. This is our starting position, from which it is easiest to understand the biomechanics of movement. We begin to do pull-ups, our task is to pull the body to the rings to the level of the solar plexus. We keep our shoulders above our hands, making a slight tilt forward, thereby you will find a more stable position and your arms will not “move apart” to the sides. We continue moving until the shoulders are 25-30 centimeters above the level of the rings.

      From this position we begin a powerful upward movement using the force of the triceps and knee extension. And if it was not at all difficult in the exit on the horizontal bar, then in the exit on the rings you will have to work hard. The task is complicated by the fact that in addition to simple push-ups, we need to balance on the rings and not let them spread too wide to the sides. To prevent this from happening, try to press the rings down as much as possible, pushing yourself up due to the inertia created by extending your legs. Now fixate on straight arms and lower yourself to the starting position.

      An important technical point is not to use your hands too early. Triceps extension occurs only after the amplitude set by the whole body jerk has already been passed.

      If you find it easy to push yourself on the horizontal bar, but have difficulty performing on the rings, at the end of each workout, try to simply balance on the rings. Climb onto the rings using a wall bars or any other elevation and try to stabilize your body, do not make any unnecessary movements, do not twitch, do not sway, and just catch your balance. This is more complicated than it seems at first glance. When you have learned to hold your body straight, try doing push-ups on rings. The biomechanics are the same as for dips, but you need to additionally balance and push the rings down so that they do not move apart. When you have mastered push-ups on the rings, start performing a two-arm push-up, now things will get easier 😉

      This training video shows training exercises that will help you master the correct technique for muscle-up on the rings:

    Hello friends. I would really like to tell you how to use force with two hands: technique. I learned to do this one of the basic and probably favorite turnstile exercises a long time ago. Now I want to teach you. Below we describe the technique and additional tools for accurately performing this simple exercise.

    The crossbar (or horizontal bar) is one of the most common sports equipment, which can be either in the yard of your home or in your own home. Not to mention sports grounds and “gyms”. Moreover, the crossbar can be easily made from available materials. But what to do if you’re already tired of doing pull-ups? Are there any other more technically challenging exercises? I suggest you turn your attention to the two-handed exit.

    Strength training as a means of muscle development

    I called this exercise quite simple, but only for those who already have experience in training their body. For beginners, it can become an insurmountable obstacle at first, although the technique is “simple.”

    It is noteworthy that the two-arm exercise combines several exercises at once, the elements of which can be traced during execution: these are pull-ups, pulling a block with straight arms to the lower abdomen, and push-ups on uneven bars, and from the floor. All this, as you understand, to some extent includes the muscles corresponding to each exercise in the work.

    Unlike conventional pull-ups, in addition to the back muscles and biceps with forearms, the pectoral muscles, triceps, all three sections of the deltoid muscles, the abdominal muscles, torso, lower back and even hips work forcefully.

    Several approaches of 10-15 such exercises on the horizontal bar will be an excellent help for building muscle mass. Moreover, once you reach the 20-rep mark, you can count on high-quality detailing of the muscles involved.

    How to make a forceful exit: technique

    So, you are hanging on the horizontal bar. What's next? And then you need to pull yourself up on the bar to the bottom of your chest (if you can do it lower, it’s only better), and then rotate your hands forward, without lifting them from the horizontal bar, and your elbows (in short, the entire forearm along with your palms), moving, as it were, into some kind of emphasis. All that remains is to straighten your arms (do push-ups), and the exit by force is ready.

    The nuance is that during pull-ups you need to move your legs far forward (beyond the plane of the bar). This is necessary for swinging and convenient shifting of the center of gravity. If you look at those performing the exit (or at yourself, when you learn and film it on camera), when you twist your forearms (emphasizing) you seem to lean forward, while your legs go back. This is a kind of replacement of body parts, although the center of gravity remains unchanged.

    But let's talk briefly about the technology:

    • pull-up with legs moving forward;
    • cranking your arms on the horizontal bar;
    • straightening your arms (push-ups).

    The ideal way out by force is when the straightening of the arms in the final phase is quite insignificant. This is evidence of good preparation and coherence of the work of various muscle groups.

    Additional funds

    Naturally, in addition you need to learn how to do at least 15 pull-ups and 20 dips. It is advisable to also include push-ups from the floor. If you visit the gym, then pulling a block with straight arms to the lower abdomen (on the front deltoids) will only help you quickly master the exit technique.

    If you are a beginner and cannot yet boast of any physical indicators, then I recommend that you learn how to do a kip-up on a bar (in common parlance – a “fold”). This gymnastic exercise allows you to make an exit due to technique, and not due to the strength or preparedness of the athlete. The trick there is the inertia of the accelerated body. What you need at first, until you get pumped up.

    Regarding pull-ups. If your goal is to force yourself on the horizontal bar, then get out of the habit of pulling up to your neck or upper chest, and get used to pulling the horizontal bar to the bottom of your chest (at least) or even lower.

    Pull-ups to the neck are the prerogative of bodybuilders: in this position the back muscles are well pumped. They are not the only ones you need. Therefore, pay equal attention to all those muscles that contribute to the two-arm exercise. Simply put, develop your entire body using basic exercises.

    By the way, on the eve of writing this article, I was just at my next training session in the gym. In short, I observed one boy, about 12-14 years old, who was doing an overhead pull-down to his chest incorrectly. Do you know what his mistake was? He extended the handle of the simulator not to the top of his chest, as needed, but lower. Guess where. Almost straight to the middle of the stomach.

    Then I didn’t attach any importance to it: well, if a person does it wrong, he’ll learn again. But how valuable was his mistake! Such an “exercise” can be an excellent lead-in. Do you know what I mean?

    But the most important thing I can advise you is practice. I am sure that long attempts to make a forceful exit will yield results even without special exercises and physical training.

    Also, the starting point for a two-arm power-out can be... a one-arm power-out! Yes, you understood everything correctly. In fact, it is much easier to throw (turn) with one hand than with two. I threw one, did some push-ups on the horizontal bar and threw the other. And over time, try to “dance” from this, trying to throw one after another, shortening the break between them. As a result, you will learn to rotate both hands at the same time.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that joint flexibility is no less important for performing such exercises. Therefore, in order to achieve results as quickly as possible, I advise you to devote time to stretching.

    If the article was useful to you, then you can rate it by sharing it with your friends on social networks or leaving a comment. Also subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss new articles.

    Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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    The two-arm exercise on the horizontal bar is an effective, beautiful and spectacular exercise. It can be performed in several ways - by force and with the help of swinging, in the final stage by fixating on the horizontal bar with straight arms.

    Exit to two on the horizontal bar by force

    The two-strength lift is considered basic in Workout. Exercise is effective for maintaining physical fitness. At the same time, without minimal physical training it is quite difficult to do this exercise.
    The muscle-up is a universal exercise that includes the snatch, clean and press. First you need to pull yourself up high, then throw your arms over the horizontal bar and do push-ups, raising your torso. Learning to combine all three of these components into one exercise requires strength, coordination and practical skills.

    Exit by force in 5 minutes

    Perhaps such a period of training will seem fantastic to some, but watch the video below for now. Not everyone will be able to master the element in 5 minutes, but you can significantly reduce the learning time by mastering the principle of its execution. Learning to perform the exercise is divided into three stages.

    Execution technique

    • Make a slight rocking motion forward, pushing your chest forward as much as possible, forming a slight arch in your back.
    • When moving backwards, raise your legs and throw yourself onto the horizontal bar along the arc path.
    • Lower your legs, squeezing over the bar.

    The higher your legs are raised, the easier it is to exit

    Technique without swinging

    • Hanging on the bar, you need to bend your back, moving your legs and shoulders back, and your stomach forward, forming an arc with your body.
    • The second step is to make a sharp (explosive) pull up to the level of the chest or abdomen.
    • At the same time, you need to bring both elbows together over the bar.
    • Straighten your arms with a push-up.

    You can try to do the exercise by pulling your chin above the level of the horizontal bar, swinging and while moving your body back, throw your elbows above the bar.

    Video training for two-arm strength training:

    Assistive exercises

    In most cases, you won't be able to exit the first time. Any method of execution requires strength in the hands. To strengthen, and at the same time pump up your hands, read the articles: and.

    To perform the element with force, you must be able to pull yourself up. You can read how to learn this in the article:.

    The following exercises are very effective before mastering the two-handed approach:

    High pull-ups. Regular pull-ups will not help to master the element. Even if you do more than 20 pull-ups in one approach, you may not succeed. You need to learn to pull yourself up as high as possible - to the bottom of your chest or stomach.

    Explosive pull-ups. You need to learn how to pull yourself up with a jerk, using the energy of movement of the whole body.

    Exit with one hand (flag). You should learn to raise each hand over the horizontal bar and try to stay in this position for as long as possible. This will help strengthen the muscles in your shoulders and arms. After mastering throwing your elbow over the bar with one hand, you need to throw the elbow of your other hand over the bar and push up.

    Push-ups from the horizontal bar. Sometimes the difficulty of performing an exercise arises at the final stage due to the inability to do push-ups from the bar due to weak triceps. This exercise will help strengthen the triceps muscle.

    Push-ups on parallel bars. Like push-ups on the horizontal bar, the exercise develops the triceps and chest muscles involved in the two-arm push-up.

    Exercises for the hand. Even with good physical fitness, but with weak hands, you will not be able to do not only the two-step exercise, but also most other exercises on the horizontal bar. To strengthen them, you can use dumbbells, alternately bending your arms in and out 10-15 times for 4-5 approaches. Frequent exercises on the horizontal bar also strengthen your hands and forearms.

    The press plays an important role in training. Therefore, check out the article:

    What muscles work when performing a two-arm exercise?

    The exercise is useful because when it is performed, almost all the muscles of the upper body are involved, worked out and strengthened.

    Most involved: triceps, chest muscles, latissimus dorsi, deltoid and brachialis muscles.
    The abdominal muscles and biceps receive a little less load. The muscles of the hips and lower back are also worked out when performed with the help of legs and swinging.

    Benefits of exercise

    In addition to strengthening muscles, two-arm exercise on the horizontal bar perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus and improves coordination of movement. Unlike regular exercises in gyms, this element can be useful in some extreme life situations. It’s not for nothing that military personnel, firefighters, and police officers have a mandatory exercise in overcoming low obstacles during physical training. It is the power output that forms the basis of its implementation.

    Required before training.

    It is better to learn the exercises on the middle horizontal bar, when you can touch the ground with your feet. On such a horizontal bar you can train the element by pushing off with your feet. This will help you quickly master the principle of performing an exit on two.

    Train consistently, but take breaks between training days to allow muscle recovery.

    Don't give up if the exercise doesn't work out. Determination and constant practice will definitely bring results. You will learn not only how to perform this beautiful exercise, but also significantly strengthen your muscles and health.

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