• Sports rehabilitation. Physical rehabilitation


    One of the areas of the TOP PHYSIO clinics is a sports medicine clinic. Its main task is to help professional and amateur athletes. This group of patients is at risk of injury and damage to the musculoskeletal system much more often than others. They also need to reduce the rehabilitation time as much as possible so as not to interrupt the training process for a long time.

    Sports medicine is an independent branch that deals with the treatment and prevention of specific diseases, as well as various types of injuries and pathologies, in accordance with high standards of medical care. At the TOP PHYSIO center, each client is offered an individual professional approach to any type of sports injury.

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    Demand for sports medicine in a modern metropolis

    An active lifestyle forces a modern person to constantly stay in good shape. The best way to stay in good shape is to exercise. We are talking not only about professional level athletes, but also amateur athletes and ordinary people.

    However, physical activity is very often associated with injuries, so the help of sports medicine is being resorted to more and more often today.

    If previously doctors of this profile served only members of national teams and competition participants, today numerous sections and groups invite specialists with non-core education to work. The insufficient level of training and the desire to force results lead to the fact that the services of sports medicine specialists in Moscow are becoming increasingly in demand.

    The peculiarity of our clinic is that we offer comprehensive services for the treatment, recovery and prevention of injuries of various origins. A professional approach to business, individual service and the use of modern technologies ensure optimal results. And the cost of recovery in our sports medicine clinic is less than the combined cost of research, appointments and treatment in various places.

    You can verify this by visiting the TOP PHYSIO clinic and reviewing the prices for procedures on the website or by contacting the administrators by phone.


    Initial consultation with a doctor (free when paying for the course/program) 5 000
    Nutrition consultation 7 000
    Specialist consultation (abbreviated) 1 500
    Repeated doctor consultation based on treatment results 0
    Consultation with a specialist at the Villa Stuart clinic (Rome, Italy) (telemedicine) 9 500
    Rehabilitation session (approximate time 1.5 hours) 7 200
    Watsu 7 200
    Rehabilitation session in the pool (time - up to 1 hour) 7 200
    Ku-Nye general massage (traditional Tibetan massage, 120 minutes) 9 000
    Massage of the lower limb and lower back 3 500
    Head massage 2 500
    Chest massage 2 500
    Back massage (all parts of the spine) 3 600
    Massage of the thoracic and lumbar spine 3 000
    Massage of the cervicothoracic spine 2 500
    General massage 4 800
    Single area massage 1 800
    Ku-Nye back massage (traditional Tibetan massage, 40 minutes) 2 800
    Comprehensive service for correction of foot deformities 7 000
    Partial correction of foot deformity 2 500
    Ku-Nye massage of a separate zone (traditional Tibetan massage, 30 minutes) 2 400
    Neurologist consultation 3 000
    Comprehensive ultrasound of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen 2 500
    Comprehensive ultrasound of the kidneys, ureters, bladder 2 000
    Kidney ultrasound 1 500
    Ultrasound of kidneys, ureters 1 500
    Ultrasound of the kidneys (monitoring the thickness of the parenchyma) 1 500
    Ultrasound – monitoring the passage of kidney and ureteral stones 1 300
    Ultrasound of the adrenal glands 1 000
    Ultrasound of the bladder with measurement of residual urine volume 1 200
    Ultrasound of superficial formations 1 000
    Ultrasound of the salivary glands: parotid 1 000
    Ultrasound of the salivary glands: submandibular and sublingual 1 000
    Comprehensive ultrasound of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys 3 000
    Ultrasound of regional lymph nodes (group 1) 1 000
    Ultrasound of the liver and biliary tract and gallbladder 1 700
    Ultrasound of the pancreas 1 000
    Ultrasound of the gallbladder and gallbladder function 1 500
    Ultrasound of the spleen 1 000
    Ultrasound of the mammary glands 1 500
    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland 1 500
    Comprehensive ultrasound examination for women 6 000
    Comprehensive ultrasound examination 4 500
    Exercise therapy class (without physiotherapy) (time - up to 1 hour) 4 600
    Magnetic therapy 1 field 1 200
    Magnetic therapy 2 fields 1 600
    1 200
    Laser therapy (low frequency laser) 1 200
    Electrotherapy with galvanic currents/electrophoresis 1 200
    Electrotherapy with galvanic currents/electrophoresis 1 600
    TECAR therapy, 1 zone 2 500
    TECAR therapy, 2 zones 3 700
    Shock wave therapy 1 zone 2 500
    Shock wave therapy 2 zones 3 700
    HILT therapy (high-frequency YAG laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm) 2 500
    Infrared therapy 1 200
    Warming up reflex points with Moxa honeydew 2 500
    Oil heating with honey Horme 2 500
    Vacuum therapy with copper cans Me-Boom 2 500
    SMT 1 field 1 200
    SMT 2 fields 1 400
    SMT-phoresis 1 200
    Interference therapy 1 200
    Therapy with diadynamic currents 1 200
    Electromyostimulation of 1 zone 1 200
    Electromyostimulation of 2 zones 1 500
    Electromyostimulation of 3 zones or more 1 700
    Ultrasound therapy / phonophoresis 1 200
    Kinesio taping of one anatomical area 1 200
    Kinesio taping of two anatomical areas 2 300
    Kinesio taping of three anatomical areas 3 000

    What services are offered at the sports medicine center?

    We offer the following main recovery areas:

    • functional diagnostics of the body condition;
    • effective rehabilitation treatment;
    • rehabilitation after injuries and operations;
    • diagnosis and prevention of disease development;
    • recovery after operations of varying complexity, performed by specialists from the Institute of Sports Medicine.

    We care about our patients and value the trust they place in us. The clinic has all the necessary diagnostic equipment at its disposal, which allows in each specific case to determine the location of the problem, develop a recovery program, prescribe and carry out treatment.

    All procedures at the sports medicine center are carried out under the supervision of specialists and with strict adherence to safety precautions. The health of our patients is monitored at every stage so that you can personally verify the safety and effectiveness of all exercises and physiotherapeutic measures.

    Our specialists

    The main activities of the sports medicine clinic

    The TOP PHYSIO clinic, based on forty years of experience of Italian colleagues at the Villa Stuart clinic and Top Physio rehabilitation centers, offers:

    • medical support for professional and amateur athletes;
    • restoration of health after injuries, operations or illnesses;
    • provision of health and rehabilitation procedures within the walls of the sports medicine center.

    The rehabilitation activities offered by TOP PHYSIO include:

    • kinesiotherapy and mechanotherapy;
    • hydrokinesitherapy;
    • physiotherapeutic procedures using the latest scientific advances in the field of ultrasound, electrical, thermal, galvanic and magnetic effects;
    • soft manual techniques, including osteopathy;

    All manipulations are carried out by sports medicine and exercise therapy doctors, highly qualified specialists in the field of restorative medicine and rehabilitation.

    The complex of rehabilitation measures includes synergetic technologies and innovative medical programs, as well as proprietary programs developed by TOP PHYSIO specialists together with researchers from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine. They include individually dosed loads, a balanced exercise program, and a relaxation session in a warm water pool.

    Restoration in this case requires the involvement of specialists of various profiles. Only a team of a doctor and a rehabilitation specialist will be able to provide high-quality treatment to return athletes to action in the shortest possible time.

    It often happens that an athlete notices a slowdown or even a decrease in the growth of results during the usual training regimen.

    • How to determine the reason for the decrease in performance?
    • How to properly adjust your training program?

    Any sports activity, or just everyday life, whether we like it or not, is often associated with injuries.

    • How to recover in the shortest possible time?
    • How to ensure that the rehabilitation period does not drag on throughout your entire sports career?

    For those who care about their health, for professional athletes and those who want to achieve ideal physical shape, our Physical Rehabilitation Center.

    Created on the basis of the Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center” together with the best Russian sports doctors, traumatologists, rehabilitation specialists and coaches of leading sports clubs and Federations. We work closely with sports medicine doctors and traumatologists from Austria and Germany, physiologists from the USA, Austria and Slovakia, leading coaches in Europe and America in various sports.

    Head - Preobrazhensky Vladimir Yurievich, Ph.D.

    Physical Rehabilitation Center the only one in the country that has a unique complex of video analysis of movement, which allows you to diagnose dysfunctions of various joints, correct false movement stereotypes and more clearly monitor sports results; here you can decide with the maximum degree of accuracy the issue of the need for surgical interventions on joints when the opinions of specialists do not coincide.

    Physical Rehabilitation Center is equipped with such complexes as Contrex, Biodex, Huber LPG, a shock wave therapy complex, an enhanced external conpulsion complex, simulation simulators with biofeedback and many others, allowing to determine joint mobility, muscle strength, etc., which allows in general reduce rehabilitation time. The number of multifunctional training rooms would be the envy of any specialized sports center.

    But our most important advantage is the knowledge and skills of the people working in it, starting from professional exercise therapy instructors, specialist doctors, and of course the head of the Preobrazhensky Center, Vladimir Yuryevich. Believe me, he will not leave a single person who comes to this Center without attention and will always be ready to help everyone. What will be gladly confirmed by those who were already his patients and remained his friends and wards, these are the 1996 Olympic champion Svetlana Masterkova, and the 2004 Olympic champion Anna Sivkova, the Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Evgenia Kanaeva, the World Champion in athletics Yaroslav Rybakov and many other equally eminent athletes, and not only.

    With us you can:

    The correctness of the proposed methods is confirmed by absolutely objective indicators:

    • normalization of body composition,
    • improvement of functional parameters,
    • growth in sports results.

    Photos of the department

    Today it is absolutely clear that without such support, not a single highly qualified athlete can conduct full training. Contacting our center will save you energy and achieve optimal results in the shortest possible time. This is facilitated by the individual selection of effective modern bioactive supplements, which make it easier to endure intense stress, avoiding injuries and illnesses. Using studies of the spectrum of amino acids and the nature of metabolic processes during dosed physical activity, we will help you determine the composition of the amino acids your body needs for adequate protein synthesis. We will help, without the use of drugs prohibited by the Anti-Doping Agency, to make the most of your hormonal spectrum, based on modern methods of sports medicine.

    If you are unlucky and injured, then rehabilitation under our control will be much faster and more effective for you. To do this, we use the wide capabilities of our clinical base and the experience of modern medicine applied to sports.

    Remember that sport is effective only with the right approach! Our specialists will help you find such an approach!

    Our Physical Rehabilitation Center is unique, as it was created on the basis of a multidisciplinary hospital, and combines the capabilities of conducting a modern training process with cutting-edge diagnostics and highly qualified medical support.

    Sports rehabilitation is a special complex of therapeutic and physical education activities, the main task of which is the maximum restoration of lost functions by a person.

    Thus, sports rehabilitation is primarily aimed at resuming sports activities for people involved in professional and amateur sports after injuries and illnesses, as well as returning them to a full life. Athletes, unlike ordinary people, must not only eliminate certain health problems, but also be fully prepared for intense physical activity in the future.

    As a rule, sports rehabilitation involves treatment after such problems in athletes:

    Head injuries (concussions, fractures, internal hematomas);

    Damage to the spine, upper and lower extremities, muscles;

    Arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis and neuralgia;

    Injuries to the abdominal and groin muscles.

    In addition, each sport has its own “occupational” chronic and acute diseases. For example, football players most often experience arthritis, knee injuries, back pain, and traumatic brain injuries, but among tennis players, the most common injuries are to the elbow and shoulder joints.

    Such health problems among athletes are subject to immediate qualified rehabilitation, which is offered by specialized medical centers in Israel, Germany and other European countries.

    Reasons for sports rehabilitation

    Sports rehabilitation is necessary for people who are professionally involved in one or another sport and have received certain injuries or illnesses. Typically, athletes come to rehabilitation centers with the following problems:

    Injuries to large joints, tendons, ligaments, muscle ruptures, tears.

    Bruises and fractures of the chest, upper and lower extremities, and spine.

    Internal organ injuries.

    Pain and limited mobility due to “old” injuries.

    Surgical intervention.

    Sports asymmetry.

    Decrease in performance.

    Classification of sports rehabilitation

    Sports rehabilitation includes several areas, therefore, depending on the age of the athlete, his state of health and the type of injury or disease, a program for his further recovery is determined. As a rule, such rehabilitation involves combinatorial treatment, so it includes the following areas:

    Conservative treatment;

    Drug treatment;




    Electrical procedures;

    Computer stimulation;


    Pedagogical methods of rehabilitation of athletes aimed at restoring professional activity.

    Diagnostics in sports rehabilitation

    Diagnostics in the process of sports rehabilitation are also carried out depending on the physiological characteristics of the athlete and the type of injury. However, diagnostic measures usually involve:

    Thorough analysis of complaints.

    Diagnosis of sports capabilities.

    Nutrition analysis.

    Diagnosis of injury, which in turn includes: ultrasound, MRI, computed tomography, laboratory tests.

    Check-up diagnostics (examination by many specialists in a short time).

    Ways to carry out sports rehabilitation

    There are many methods of sports rehabilitation. For example, the best clinics in Israel, the process of treatment and rehabilitation of athletes involves the use of minimally invasive technologies that allow surgical treatment to be carried out in the shortest possible time. As for complex injuries (fractures, vertebral replacement, ligament ruptures), they require a longer recovery. Sports rehabilitation in Israel is carried out through a combination of surgical, medical treatments and various therapies with the healing climatic conditions of the Dead Sea. A huge number of professional athletes resort to therapy at the Dead Sea, since the unique healing factors of this region, due to the clean desert air rich in minerals, have the most favorable effect on the effectiveness of rehabilitation. This is especially true for disabled athletes.

    In addition to Israeli sports rehabilitation techniques, many European clinics offer athletes the following procedures for quick and high-quality recovery and recovery:





    Aqua aerobics.



    Shock wave therapy.


    Manufacturing of orthoses.


    Strength therapy.

    Sports and vascular training.

    Ergometric training

    Golf lessons.


    In addition, in the process of sports rehabilitation, various proprietary methods, imperative-corrective gymnastics, the formation of correct biomechanical habits and much more can be used, depending on the characteristics of the patient. Also, exercise machines aimed at developing muscles and ligaments and increasing the athlete’s performance play a huge role in rehabilitation.

    Sports rehabilitation at the Yusupov Hospital is aimed at improving the health of the athlete, preventing injuries, increasing the effectiveness of training, and restoring lost functions.

    The rehabilitation program consists of a set of specially designed measures: drug treatment, kinesiotherapy, physiotherapy, psychological assistance, individual mechanotherapy with biofeedback, orthotics and other areas.

    Leading kinesiotherapists of the rehabilitation clinic, who have extensive experience in traumatology, physiotherapy, endoprosthetics, and surgery, work with patients with increased sports loads. The work of our team of specialists helps athletes improve their health and increase the effectiveness of their training.

    Our specialists

    Prices for sports rehabilitation *

    Name of service Price
    Consultation with a rehabilitation specialist (initial) Price 3,600 rub.
    Consultation with a rehabilitation specialist (secondary) Price 2,900 rub.
    Comprehensive rehabilitation program after stroke
    Comprehensive rehabilitation program after spinal injury Price from 15,939 rub. per day
    Comprehensive rehabilitation program for Alzheimer's disease Price from 13,739 rub. per day
    Comprehensive rehabilitation program for Parkinson's disease Price from 15,389 rub. per day
    Comprehensive rehabilitation program for multiple sclerosis Price from 14,839 rub. per day
    Massotherapy Price from 2,200 rub.
    Session with a speech therapist Price from 2,200 rub.
    Individual lesson on psychological social adaptation Price 4,565 rub.
    Acupuncture session Price 4,290 rub.

    *The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

    Sports rehabilitation program

    For people with increased sports and physical activity, the Yusupov Hospital has developed a direction of sports rehabilitation. Kinesiotherapists at the rehabilitation clinic have extensive experience in traumatology, physiotherapy, endoprosthetics, and surgery. Thanks to many years of experience and professionalism of rehabilitation specialists, successful results are achieved even in the most difficult cases.

    Features and diagnostics of sports rehabilitation

    Sports rehabilitation is aimed at improving the health of the athlete, preventing injuries, increasing the effectiveness of training, and restoring lost functions.

    Each sport has its own specific training and injury characteristics. The body structure of athletes has its own distinctive abilities associated with the development of certain muscle groups and joints. Every athlete needs to undergo regular examination and follow-up with sports medicine doctors.

    Before the recovery program, the athlete undergoes diagnostics, which consists of the following activities:

    • consultation with a sports medicine specialist;
    • instrumental rehabilitation diagnostic examination;
    • analysis of basic biomechanical parameters;
    • nutrition analysis;
    • diagnosis of injury/disease (ultrasound, MRI, computed tomography, laboratory tests).

    Objectives of sports rehabilitation

    Doctors at the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital are engaged in recovery from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. An integrated approach to treatment, a combination of original and classical approaches, an individual approach to treatment helps to achieve maximum results.

    Rehabilitation clinic specialists are engaged in recovery after:

    • injuries of large joints, tendon ligaments, tears, muscle ruptures, injuries and bruises of the chest, internal organs, injuries of the pelvis, spine;
    • arthroscopic and minimally invasive surgeries on ligaments and joints;
    • “habitual” injuries that make themselves felt through pain, mobility limitations, and muscle imbalances;
    • neutralization of functional asymmetries associated with unilateral and unnatural loads, postures, and the consequences of improperly organized training;
    • head injuries (concussions, fractures, internal hematomas);
    • injuries to the abdominal and groin muscles and others.

    Thanks to the differentiated approach and highly qualified sports doctors, after completing a sports rehabilitation program, the athlete’s performance and the effectiveness of the training process increase, and the sports form improves. Recovery in most cases occurs without surgery.

    Sports rehabilitation methods

    The rehabilitation program is selected individually for each athlete, depending on age, health status, type of injury or disease.

    A comprehensive sports rehabilitation program includes:

    • drug treatment;
    • kinesiotherapy;
    • physiotherapy;
    • psychological support;
    • individual mechanotherapy with biofeedback;
    • computer functional myostimulation;
    • physical therapy;
    • author's methods;
    • biomechanical examination;
    • functional testing;
    • custom orthotics.

    To ensure the effectiveness of the training process and the recovery of patients in the shortest possible time, the rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital use European rehabilitation protocols based on an individual approach to each patient, methods of objective diagnosis and correction of disorders using the latest equipment, as well as traditional methods of treatment.

    The use of modern simulators and proprietary techniques helps improve performance and reduce recovery time. If you contact us in a timely manner, you will not have to stop training or change your competition schedule; highly qualified specialists at the rehabilitation clinic will quickly solve your problem.

    After a course of sports rehabilitation under the supervision of highly qualified doctors and physiotherapists, the athlete will not only restore lost functions, but will also be able to tolerate increased sports loads. Make an appointment with a rehabilitation specialist at the Yusupov Hospital by phone or through the feedback form on the website.


    • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
    • Yusupov Hospital
    • Badalyan L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308.
    • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation (manual, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
    • Popov S. N. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.

    Training power, speed and agility, taking into account the specifics of the sport, is the final stage of rehabilitation. For the final stage exercises to truly help increase speed and agility without causing harm, the athlete must have sufficient strength and endurance.


    Speed, which is necessary to one degree or another for any athlete, should be one of the goals of rehabilitation. Speed ​​is the ability to rapidly develop strength and recruit as many motor units as possible. After an injury, speed is usually lost. Restoring speed and, therefore, athletic performance should focus on central activation and synchronization of motor units and the development of strength, and also include sharp throwing (ballistic) movements. Exercises should be performed at the same speed as movements normal for the sport, as training speed is directly related to strength gains.

    Successful rehabilitation should end with complete restoration of sports performance; it can be judged by several clinical criteria. Of course, these criteria cannot be applied equally to all athletes and all sports, but premature admission to unrestricted exercise increases the risk of re-injury and is likely to reduce performance.

    ‘’’Criteria for restoration of sports performance’’’

    • Disappearance of acute symptoms of injury.
    • Restoring the range of motion, muscle strength and spatial coordination required in this sport.
    • The ability to perform movements specific to a given sport without visible deviations in the work of the upper and lower extremities.
    • Ability to perform sports work at the same functional level.

    Rehabilitation after a sports injury is aimed at quickly restoring functional ability, which will allow the athlete to safely and quickly return to competition. Despite the impossibility of accelerating the healing process, you can still create the most favorable conditions for it if you build a plan of therapeutic exercises taking into account the nature of the injury and the stages of normal healing. Rehabilitation should be based on anatomical, kinesiological and biomechanical principles to ultimately lead to the restoration of speed, power, agility and essential athletic skills once the underlying damage has been addressed.

    Strength training of muscles in prevention and rehabilitation - internal diseases

    The scientific community has still not agreed on the benefits or harm of the cardiovascular and hemodynamic reactions that accompany. The benefits of strength training have long been considered negligible, while changes in exercise were considered risk factors. Therefore, recommendations for in the past have focused primarily on (Braith, Stewart, 2006).

    The benefits of strength training were substantiated only relatively recently based on data from epidemiological studies showing the relationship between decreased muscle mass and risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, in large meta-analyses, a connection was demonstrated between muscle atrophy due to age and lack of movement and the development of insulin resistance, impaired fat metabolism, etc. At the same time, the importance of maintaining muscle mass for maintaining autonomy and activity in old age has been substantiated.

    One of the functions that has long been underestimated is the metabolic reduction of glucose and fatty acids, since muscles play an important role in basal metabolism. This emphasizes the importance of strength training, since it is the only possible way to maintain or increase body weight. In recent years, numerous studies of patients with various diseases have shown the positive effects of exercise in the prevention and treatment of the most serious internal diseases. As a result, strength training is considered today as an important component of physical exercise to maintain overall health (Braith, Stewart, 2006).

    Basic Muscle Strength Training for Health

    With regular strength training, you can maintain muscle structure and function into old age. Not only a lack of movement, but also senile atrophy leads to a pronounced decrease in muscle mass. Thus, by the age of 50, an adult man loses almost 0.5 kg of muscle per year, and by the age of 80 - about 50% of muscle mass. In addition to increasing cardiovascular and metabolic risk, this leads to early loss of autonomy and increased incidence of falls in old age (Zanuso et al., 2009).

    Muscle strength training and type 2 diabetes

    Classic kinesiotherapy (motor therapy) for type 2 diabetes mellitus and conditions preceding it (reduced glucose tolerance and insulin resistance) consists of aerobic endurance exercises. Their effectiveness is based on the metabolic activation of large muscle groups over a long period of time. However, recent studies in large groups of patients with diabetes have shown that strength training involving the whole body has the same beneficial preventive and therapeutic effects as endurance exercise (Zanuso et al., 2009).

    When regularly performing strength-endurance training, the decrease in the long-term parameter reflecting the regulation of blood glucose levels - glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc) - is similar to aerobic training. Also, low HbAlc levels are associated with a reduced incidence of vascular complications of diabetes mellitus. Strength training with relatively high loads (70-80% of the repeated maximum) is especially effective, but before this it is necessary to identify possible contraindications due to concomitant diseases. It is believed that the mechanism for improving blood glucose control is to activate the supply of glucose to the muscles during muscle contraction. Forceful muscle contractions are known to increase muscle sensitivity to insulin and the expression of glucose transporter proteins in the cell membrane of muscle cells. At the same time, strength training can maintain or increase muscle mass and basal metabolic rate (Tresierras et al., 2009).

    Muscle strength training and high blood pressure

    An active lifestyle is considered the most important method for preventing high blood pressure. At the same time, endurance training was in first place for many years, and strength training was contraindicated due to acute hemodynamic reactions when large muscle groups contract. However, studies have shown that even moderate strength training is possible if blood pressure is tightly controlled (Braith and Stewart, 2006). Vascular reactions depend on many factors, such as the volume of muscle mass involved, the dynamics of movements, the ratio of contractions and pauses between them, the amount of weight and breathing. By taking these factors into account, it is possible to achieve good blood pressure control at the level of aerobic endurance exercise. Patients at risk should undergo exercise testing (stress tests). If you follow the training rules (see section 4.1.5), strength training for 3-6 months. can reduce both diastolic and systolic pressure by 3-4 mmHg. Art. (Yung et al., 2009). This corresponds to an approximate reduction in the risk of stroke by 8-14% and the risk of myocardial infarction by 5-9% (Cornelissen, Fagard, 2005). The mechanism for this effect is thought to be an improvement in blood vessel function and structure, with the improvement in function being based on the release of nitric monoxide (NO) by the endothelium. NO is a potent vasodilator that is released during exercise in response to shear forces directed at the vascular endothelium. This explains the short-term positive effect of physical activity on the reactivity of blood vessels (Yung et al., 2009).

    Muscle strength training and excess body weight or fat metabolism disorders

    Obesity is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. With regular sports training and associated weight loss, it is possible to improve the lipid profile and heart function and normalize blood pressure. These improvements were demonstrated even with a slight decrease in body weight (about 5%) (Cornelissen and Fagard, 2005). In the prevention and treatment of obesity, endurance exercises have also been in first place for a long time. The idea of ​​the importance of strength training in obesity arose when a connection was discovered with an age-related decrease in basal metabolic rate. The positive effects of these exercises are based on the close relationship between muscle mass and basal metabolism. Experimental studies have shown that for every kilogram of muscle mass added, basal metabolism increases by 28-219 kcal. In addition, regular strength training reduces visceral fat, which is associated with a high risk of complications (Braith, Stewart, 2006). The positive effect of strength training on excess weight is often associated not with weight loss, since the acquired muscle mass may be heavier than the lost fat tissue, but with a change in the ratio of fat to muscle mass. This change may reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications and metabolic diseases even without significant changes in body weight. The results of studies on the effect of strength training on lipid profiles (HDL, LDL) are conflicting. They show only isolated positive examples of increasing HDL levels or decreasing LDL (Cornelissen, Fagard, 2005).

    Strength training of muscles in people at risk should be carried out only after specific stress tests (medical examination) and a period of adaptation to sports training. In table Some recommendations for performing rehabilitation strength training are briefly given (Braith, Stewart, 2006).

    Type of training

    *Exercise on sports equipment

    *Small dumbbells and rubber expanders

    *Detailed instructions are very important


    50-60% of the repeated maximum, after a medical examination and identification of risk factors, it is possible to increase to 60-70% of the repeated maximum

    Reps and sets

    8-15 reps, 1-2 sets, then up to 3 sets


    *At least once a week, preferably 2 times a week

    *Optimally combined with endurance exercises

    Precautionary measures

    *Take into account general

    (for example, acute infection) and specific contraindications

    *Before starting training, undergo a medical examination and assess your physical fitness

    *Regular blood pressure monitoring

    *Avoid shortness of breath

    Ratio of duration of contractions and pauses

    Training rhythm: count 1 - concentric contraction, count 1 - eccentric contraction, count 1.2 - pause (rhythm 1:1:2)

    Organization of training

    *Training should only be carried out

    under the supervision of specialized personnel

    *Detailed training required

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