• 3 exercises for thrombosis for the legs. Thrombophlebitis and physical activity: acceptable limit


    For quotation: Bogachev V.Yu. Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities // RMZh. 1999. No. 13. P. 606

    Department of Faculty Surgery, Russian State Medical University

    The introduction of an effective system for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is one of the most pressing problems of modern clinical medicine. This is due to the steady increase in the incidence of DVT, which reaches 160 cases per 100,000 population per year. Such a high incidence is due to changes in the lifestyle of modern people (physical inactivity, diet, excess body weight, etc.), an increase in injuries, the increasingly frequent occurrence of hereditary and acquired disorders of the hemostatic system, the prevalence of cancer, uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, etc. Venous thrombosis with inadequate treatment leads to severe chronic venous insufficiency(CVI) of the lower extremities and disability. In addition, a real threat to the lives of many patients being treated in hospitals of various profiles is pulmonary embolism (PE), the most dangerous complication of DVT. The main directions for solving the problem of venous thromboembolic complications are: 1) creation of a general system for the prevention of DVT in high-risk groups; 2) prevention of pulmonary embolism in the event of venous thrombosis; 3) improvement and standardization of DVT treatment;

    4) introduction into outpatient practice of a complex of rehabilitation measures, the implementation of which is indicated for all patients who have suffered thrombosis.

    Treatment of deep vein thrombosis

    Suspicion of DVT is an absolute indication for urgent hospitalization of the patient. If conditions permit, the patient should be placed in a specialized angiosurgical hospital. In cases where this is not possible, treatment of DVT can be carried out in a surgical department or, as a last resort, in a medical department.

    The polymorphism of clinical manifestations of DVT often requires differential diagnosis with diseases that occur with similar symptoms (intermuscular hematomas, myositis, muscle strains, Achilles tendon injuries, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.). In this regard, there is a need to involve additional, instrumental examination methods. The most informative are duplex ultrasound scanning of blood vessels and radiopaque venography. Doppler ultrasound for DVT does not have independent diagnostic value, since it gives a large percentage of false negative conclusions in non-occlusive forms of thrombosis.

    Treatment program for DVT: The treatment program for DVT includes: 1) Stopping the growth and spread of a blood clot. 2) Prevention of pulmonary embolism. 3) Restoring the patency of the vein lumen.

    Stopping the growth and spread of a blood clot can be achieved thanks to anticoagulant therapy, which implies sequential application direct (heparin) And indirect (phenyline, acenocoumarol, etc.) anticoagulants.

    In the absence of contraindications, regular (unfractionated) heparin is prescribed in a daily dose of 450 units per 1 kg of patient body weight. Depending on the route of administration, a single dose is calculated by dividing the daily dose by the number of injections (8 injections for intravenous, fractional administration with an interval of 3 hours; 3 for subcutaneous administration at intervals of 8 hours). To achieve the fastest possible anticoagulation effect, it is advisable to initially administer 5000 units of heparin intravenously as a bolus, and then the remainder of the daily dose using an infusion pump.

    The duration of heparin therapy is individual and averages 7-10 days. In this case, the dose of heparin should be adjusted taking into account temporary blood clotting parameters (optimally their lengthening is 1.5 - 2 times the norm), which are assessed daily before the next administration of the drug.

    Currently, DVT is widely used for anticoagulant therapy. low molecular weight heparins (NMG). Their selective, predominantly anti-Xa action prolongs the antithrombotic effect and reduces the incidence of hemorrhagic complications. In international practice, the most widespread enoxaparin. Enoxaparin is prescribed at a dose of 1 mg/kg 2 times a day under the skin of the abdomen. It should be emphasized that when using LMWH, daily laboratory monitoring of the hemostatic system is not necessary, which creates favorable preconditions for outpatient treatment of embolonic DVT.

    3-4 days before the expected discontinuation of heparin, it is necessary to prescribe indirect anticoagulants. Their effective daily dose is controlled by the level of the prothrombin index, the value of which should be stabilized within 45 - 60%.

    In recent years, for standardized monitoring of the effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy, international index INR , which is the ratio between the patient's prothrombin time (PTp) and the control prothrombin time (PTcontr.). The anticoagulation effect is considered achieved if the INR is more than 1.5 . The duration of taking indirect anticoagulants is usually 3 to 6 months, since it is during this period that relapses of DVT are most often observed. In thrombophilic conditions, therapy with indirect anticoagulants should be longer.

    Along with anticoagulants in the treatment of DVT, it is advisable to use hemorheologically active drugs (reopolyglucin, derivatives of pentoxifylline and nicotinic acid) and nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) parenterally or rectally (in suppositories). The need to use NSAIDs (preferably derivatives of diclofenac and ketoprofen) is due to the presence inflammatory reaction from the venous wall, as well as pain syndrome, which makes it difficult for the patient to activate . Subsequently, for 4-6 weeks, medications should be prescribed with a predominant anti-inflammatory effect on the venous wall (rutoside, troxerutin).

    As for antibiotics, their use for uncomplicated DVT is pointless, as well as for varicothrombophlebitis. An exception can be made in the case of pustular skin lesions or the presence of an “entry gate” for infection (open fractures, surgical wounds, etc.), as well as for patients with a high risk of septic complications (diabetes mellitus, HIV, etc.).

    To prevent pulmonary embolism, in addition to anticoagulant therapy, which to a certain extent prevents it by preventing the progression of thrombosis, various surgical methods are used for embolic (floating) thrombi: thrombectomy, implantation of a vena cava filter or plication of the inferior vena cava with a mechanical suture.

    It is sometimes possible to completely restore the patency of the vein in cases of early diagnosed (3-5 days ago) segmental DVT using direct surgical intervention (thrombectomy) or thrombolytic therapy.

    The period of active thrombus formation lasts about 3 weeks on average. It shortens with adequate therapy or can be prolonged if treatment is carried out incorrectly. The result of DVT in the vast majority of cases is postthrombophlebitic changes in the venous system of the lower extremities.

    Depending on the path of thrombus evolution, it may occur recanalization of the vein lumen or his persistent obliteration. In some cases, recanalized vein segments alternate with occluded ones.

    Rehabilitation for deep vein thrombosis

    After DVT, the patient enters a qualitatively different pathological state called postthrombophlebitic disease (PTSD). It is characterized development of chronic venous insufficiency syndrome and rapid progression of trophic skin disorders, which necessitates a comprehensive rehabilitation program for DVT. Comprehensive rehabilitation program for DVT: 1) Reliable prevention of disease relapse. 2) Compensation of venous outflow and prevention of progression of PTF. 3) Social adaptation of the patient while maintaining his usual level of quality of life.

    Prevention of relapse of the disease

    The basis for the prevention of recurrent DVT is the leveling of factors that provoke thrombus formation, which were summarized by Robert Virchow in the middle of the last century: damage to the vascular wall, slowing of blood flow and disruption of the physicochemical properties of blood.

    Damage to the vein wall may result from various injuries, surgical interventions and endovasal procedures . In accordance with this, preventive measures are planned. A number of pharmaceutical drugs (anavenol, rutoside, diosmin, troxerutin, etc.) have a phleboprotective effect. To speed up blood flow, periodic contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities are necessary. That is, patients are recommended to have an active motor mode with limited static stay in an upright position. Rational dynamic load is necessary for all patients who have undergone DVT.

    Firstly, physical exercise helps compensate for the activity of the cardiovascular system in general and venous outflow from the extremities in particular.

    Secondly, muscle contraction ensures an increase in the concentration of an important antithrombotic factor - tissue plasminogen.

    Thirdly, controlling body weight without rational exercise seems problematic.

    There is often an opinion among doctors and patients that any physical exercise after DVT is contraindicated. This position is wrong. Special gymnastics in a horizontal position has a beneficial effect on the rehabilitation of patients. It is necessary to exclude only those types where there is a static component or which can provoke leg injuries. In addition, all exercises should be performed under conditions of elastic compression of the lower extremities.

    The load should be increased gradually. To get started, a daily 1.5-hour walk with periodic rest is enough. If the affected limb does not respond with pain or cramping, the duration and frequency of walks can be increased. After 2 - 3 months, physical exercise can be expanded through gymnastics aimed at improving venous outflow from the limb. These are exercises in a supine position with raised legs (“birch tree”, “scissors”, “bicycle”, etc.). In the future, exercises on an exercise bike, jogging, cross-country skiing. In addition, at all stages of rehabilitation, it is advisable to practice swimming, which is the optimal sport for patients with pathology of the venous system.

    An important factor , which improves phlebohemodynamic parameters, is adequate, constant elastic compression. In particular, the 2-fold reduction in vein diameter achieved with its help leads to a 5-fold increase in blood flow speed.

    Compression treatment is prescribed for a long period, and in some cases even for life, to all patients who have suffered DVT. In this case, special elastic bandages with a limited degree of extensibility or medical compression hosiery can be used.

    Elastic bandages suitable for long-term wear must be made of dense fabric with a cotton content of at least 50%. Their distinctive feature is extensibility in only one direction - along the length. The width should remain constant. Each patient should be trained in the technique of applying a compression bandage. Bandaging the limb should be carried out in a horizontal position (before getting out of bed) from the toes, with the obligatory grip of the heel in the form of a hammock, and each subsequent round of the bandage should cover the previous one by 2/3. The upper border of the elastic band should, if possible, overlap the proximal border of the affected venous segment by 10 - 15 cm.

    Post-thrombotic damage to the iliac and inferior vena cava determines the need to use special medical tights II and stockings III compression classes, ensuring the creation of therapeutic pressure in the range of 40 - 50 mm Hg. and more.

    Patients often ask the question: is elastic compression needed only for the affected leg or is it necessary to wrap both? The spread of a thrombus to the inferior vena cava, conditions after implantation of a vena cava filter or vena cava plication causing phlebohypertension in both extremities are an absolute indication for a bilateral elastic bandage. In addition, during the rehabilitation period, when the patient subconsciously spares the affected leg, elastic compression support for the healthy leg is advisable.

    Promising use of systems variable pneumomassage of extremities. By creating a “running air wave” effect under computer control, these devices ensure effective emptying of veins and lymphatic collectors. A compression bandage applied after this procedure secures the therapeutic result. The course of treatment usually includes 20 - 30 sessions.

    Physicochemical disorders of the hemostatic system are a consequence of various congenital (genetic deficiency of antithrombin III, proteins C and S, erythremia, etc.) and acquired (liver failure, hypoproteinemia, hypovolemia, etc.) pathological conditions. Thrombotic readiness of the hemostatic system and DVT are provoked by various oncological diseases.

    A history of DVT is an absolute contraindication to hormonal contraception, and the issue of hormonal therapy for medical reasons must be decided strictly individually.

    DVT, regardless of its cause, creates hemodynamic prerequisites for relapse. Its risk increases many times in case of injury, surgery, severe infectious or somatic disease. In all these situations, there are indications for preventive heparin therapy, with the preferred use of LMWH (enoxaparin, fraxiparin, etc.).

    The problem of the consequences of DVT and pregnancy deserves separate discussion. There is an opinion among doctors and patients that phlebothrombosis categorically excludes pregnancy and childbirth. Indeed, from a medical point of view, pregnancy is undesirable in the first year after DVT. Subsequently, the decision about it should be made by the woman after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist and angiosurgeon. If DVT was not provoked by severe disturbances of the hemostatic system, was not accompanied by massive pulmonary embolism, and did not cause significant hemodynamic disturbances (for example, due to occlusion of the IVC), then there are no fundamental contraindications to pregnancy, although the risk of thromboembolic complications during pregnancy increases.

    Due to this Throughout pregnancy, the patient should be closely monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist and phlebologist. From the first half of pregnancy, a protective treatment regimen and a permanent elastic bandage are prescribed (special elastic tights of compression class II are best). As the duration of pregnancy increases, starting from the 2nd trimester, and depending on the severity of venous insufficiency, the issue of drug therapy can be decided. Optimal are polyvalent phlebotonic drugs, such as diosmin and troxerutin, in combination with antiplatelet agents (trental, aspirin-cardio, etc.). Pregnant women at high risk of thromboembolic complications should be hospitalized several weeks before delivery. The question of the method of delivery (naturally or through a cesarean section) is decided individually during a joint consultation with the vascular surgeon. In the immediate postoperative period, preventive administration of anticoagulants may be necessary.

    Compensation for venous outflow

    Basic pharmacotherapy for acute venous thrombosis is based on a course of heparin therapy in a hospital setting, followed by selection of an adequate dose of indirect anticoagulants. After this, patients are discharged under the supervision of a clinic surgeon. At the stage of outpatient treatment, the dose of indirect anticoagulants should be adjusted. The fact is that changes in the nature of nutrition and living conditions can affect various components of the coagulation cascade. In this regard, continuation of therapy with indirect anticoagulants should be carried out subject to at least weekly monitoring of the prothrombin index and general urine analysis. The duration of use of indirect anticoagulants, as already mentioned, should not be less than 3 months.

    Currently, there is no consensus on the advisability of combining indirect anticoagulants with hemorheologically active drugs and phleboprotectors in an outpatient setting. While hospitalized, patients with DVT usually receive a wide range of different medications. Therefore, to prevent various gastrointestinal and allergic reactions after discharge, it is advisable to take a 2-3 month break, during which the patient takes only indirect anticoagulants.

    A serious mistake often made by clinic doctors and patients is the early withdrawal of indirect anticoagulants and their re-prescription in short courses from 3-5 days to 2-3 weeks. In this case, an increase in the prothrombin index to 90 - 100% without any clinical symptoms is considered as a manifestation of thrombosis. It is necessary to clearly understand that a high level of prothrombin in itself does not indicate phlebothrombosis, but is only a marker of the protein-synthetic function of the liver. In a clinical setting, this figure can vary widely. Prescribing indirect anticoagulants in short courses with their rapid withdrawal “shatters” the hemostasis system and creates the preconditions for “rebound” thrombosis.

    After completing indirect anticoagulants, a program is planned drug treatment, aimed at improving hemorheology, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, as well as relieving symptoms of venous insufficiency that reduce the quality of life. The doctor planning treatment must clearly understand that DVT leads to irreversible changes in the venous bed. Therefore, pharmacotherapy for the vast majority of patients must be carried out for a long time, for several years, and sometimes for life. The patient should also be informed about this.

    Drug treatment should be a course course, with an average duration of 2.5 - 3 months, and include a combination of drugs with different mechanisms of action. Depending on the severity of the disease, courses of treatment should be carried out at least 2-3 times a year, while to prevent complications from the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to administer some drugs parenterally or in the form of suppositories.

    Pharmacotherapy is most often carried out on an outpatient basis. Meanwhile, for patients with severe forms of the disease who have suffered massive pulmonary embolism or thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, annual hospitalization in a therapeutic or cardiology department for a period of 2 to 3 weeks is advisable for infusion hemorheological and cardiotonic therapy.

    For conservative therapy, patients who have suffered DVT, in addition to the traditional derivatives of pentoxifylline, rutoside and horse chestnut extract, should widely use modern phlebotonic drugs. These are diosmin, troxerutin, diovenor, cyclo-3 fort, endothelon. Their complex action allows for use as monotherapy, which reduces the drug load on the patient’s body and the associated risk of various allergic and gastroenterological disorders. For example, a high degree of purification and special micronization technology made possible long-term (up to 6 months or more) safe use of Detralex, which had a beneficial effect on the quality of rehabilitation of patients with DVT.

    When planning a program of conservative treatment, it is necessary to remember the seasonality of the disease. The vast majority of patients note deterioration in the summer when heat and the associated violation of the compression regime lead to decompensation of the venous outflow. A course of drug therapy can mitigate the consequences to some extent.

    Social adaptation of patients

    Physiotherapeutic and sanatorium-resort treatment in the rehabilitation of patients with consequences of DVT are of auxiliary importance. Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, the most effective is exposure to a magnetic field. Why use stationary installations such as “Pole” or special plates - tape recorders, attached to the shin or used in the form of insoles. In addition, Bernard or d'Arsonval currents can be used. It is advisable to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures between courses of drug treatment at least 2 times a year.

    Sanatorium-resort treatment is planned to consolidate the results of pharmacotherapy. For patients who have suffered DVT, hospitals with radon (Pyatigorsk) and hydrogen sulfide (Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Sochi, Sergievskie Mineralnye Vody) thermal waters are optimal.

    Therapeutic naftalan and silt mud relieve persistent pain and swelling in most patients with consequences of DVT.

    General recommendations include balanced diet - an important factor in controlling body weight, excess of which aggravates venous insufficiency. Patients who have suffered DVT and are obese are advised to take measures, including medications, to lose weight. Spicy, fatty and salty foods should be excluded from the general diet, and flour and sweet foods should be limited. It is advisable to diversify the menu with low-fat varieties of fish and meat, plenty of vegetables and fruits, and consume mainly vegetable oil.

    Some dietary features should be taken into account when treating with indirect anticoagulants (phenyline, acenocoumarol, etc.). Foods rich in vitamin K (cabbage, spinach, sorrel, liver, coffee, etc.) should be excluded from the diet.

    Fluctuations in intra-abdominal pressure during defecation have a negative effect on the vein wall. That is why an important part of the diet are foods that have a laxative effect (vegetable oil, beets, prunes, figs, bananas, etc.).

    Certain requirements must be met for personal hygiene. Constant phlebohypertension leads to impaired blood supply to the skin and overload of the lymphatic system. Under these conditions, the skin's tolerance to various damaging factors, including microbial ones, is significantly reduced.

    Clothes should be spacious enough and comfortable. In underwear, you should not use tight briefs in the form of “swimming trunks”, which compress the collateral pathways of venous outflow at the level of the inguinal fold. For the same reasons, wearing tight-fitting trousers made of rough fabric is not recommended. Shoes should be comfortable, with low, stable heels.

    A hygienic shower must be taken daily. In this case, it is advisable to pour a tight stream of warm and cool water alternately over each leg for 10 - 15 minutes.

    A permanent elastic bandage, as a rule, leads to increased dryness of the skin, accompanied by peeling and the formation of microcracks, which are the “gateway” for infection. To prevent hyperkeratosis, nourishing creams and lotions should be used. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the formation of calluses. Prevention and timely treatment of mycotic lesions of the skin of the feet and nails is important.

    It is necessary to limit the use of those types of hair removal that are accompanied by heating of the limb (paraffin), significant disruption of the integrity of the skin (mechanical) or exposure to damaging physical factors (laser, electrical).

    All patients who have undergone DVT require medical examination and examination for VTEC. Ideally, they should be attached to specialized phlebological or angiological centers. During the first year after DVT, the patient must visit the doctor at least 3 times. Subsequently, if there are no complaints, once a year. During follow-up examinations, the doctor assesses the course of the disease, conducts a control ultrasound examination, adjusts the treatment program and gives recommendations for examination for VTEC.

    VTEK occupies an important place in the rehabilitation of patients. When conducting it, it is necessary to take into account the fact that patients who have suffered DVT are contraindicated from work associated with heavy physical exertion, prolonged stay in a static position (standing or sitting), exposure to adverse factors (hot workshops, various types of radiation, sudden temperature changes, etc. .), high risk of limb injury. That is, the vast majority of patients in the first years after uncomplicated DVT require a VTEC examination on the basis of persistent disability with the assignment of working disability group II or III. Depending on the course of the disease and the patient’s compliance with the rehabilitation program, work activity can be expanded and the disability group can be removed.

    In conclusion, it must be emphasized that rational treatment and rehabilitation programs, selected individually, in each specific case of DVT, can effectively influence the thrombotic process, prevent relapse of the disease, and contribute to the patient’s restoration of social and everyday activity.

    Troxerutin: TROXERUTIN LECHIVA (Lechiva)

    is a disease that affects people both young and old. Veins lose elasticity and become damaged, which leads to blockage of blood vessels and other unfortunate consequences.

    One of the causes of thrombophlebitis is a lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

    During the period after treatment - surgical or conservative - it is important to remain calm.

    However, after recovery, it is necessary to perform a special set of exercises aimed at increasing muscle and vascular tone and preventing possible complications.

    Exercises for thrombophlebitis

    Properly selected exercises associated with contraction of the leg muscles help combat venous blood stagnation.

    With a sedentary lifestyle, the leg muscles compress the blood vessels, and blood circulates poorly. This is why sedentary work is more tiring and harmful to the body than work associated with physical activity.

    When performing exercises, it also has a beneficial effect on the heart, which promotes normal blood flow.

    Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is performed in a gentle manner for the patient. however, it is strictly contraindicated.

    With a mild degree of the disease, it can damage blood vessels and cause accelerated bleeding, and even more so with advanced disease.

    Any mechanical effect helps to travel through the vein, which leads to dire consequences.

    How exercises can be performed with thrombosis

    Let's consider the answer to the question of what exercises during thrombosis can be performed without harm to the body.

    Even in the postoperative period, while in bed, the patient can perform simple movements. Fixing a limb in one position is not only unhelpful, but also leads to postoperative complications.

    A good method of physical activity in the first days of the postoperative period is to move your toes slightly elevated.

    As the pain decreases, the movements become more complicated and gradually involve the entire foot.

    There are many sets of exercises, the most suitable one is selected by the doctor.

    Basic exercises

    1. You need to lie on your back and stretch your arms straight along your body. Alternately pull your legs towards your chin, tensing your calf muscles.
    2. While lying on your back, alternately raise your legs as high as possible, holding them for a few seconds. Perform the exercise 5-6 times with each leg, then do the exercise once with both legs.
    3. A very useful and simple “bicycle” movement. Lying on your back, perform rotational movements with your knees bent, very slowly at first, but gradually accelerating.
    4. As you exhale, raise your legs, while inhaling, lower them. At the top point, hold for a second.
    5. Alternately tense your calf muscles, bending and straightening your toes.
    6. Standing on all fours, take your legs bent at the knees as far back as possible.

    Allowed exercises

    There are a number of exercises that are conditionally permitted for thrombophlebitis. However, they should only be performed under the supervision of the attending physician.

    1. Squats. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and squat, slowly bending your knees, as low as possible, but so that it is comfortable. You can perform the movements while holding the back of a chair.
    2. Swing your legs. They are performed extremely carefully, without sudden movements. Five to six times in one direction, smoothly and slowly.
    3. Rotational movements of the feet. Holding onto the support, you need to raise your leg and smoothly rotate your foot around its axis several times in one direction and the other. Change legs.
    4. Rolling from toe to heel. It's simple but very useful exercise. It causes the calf muscles to tense and normalizes blood flow in the extremities.

    Such physiotherapy for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, it tones the vessels and improves their condition.

    Prohibited exercises for thrombophlebitis

    It should also not be forgotten that some physical exercise with thrombophlebitis they are simply contraindicated.

    These include:

    1. Any jumps: both independent and performed with the help of balls and jump ropes.
    2. Strength and load exercises: when using dumbbells, barbells, weights.
    3. Movements that are performed while sitting on a chair with your legs down. This creates additional stress on the wall of the blood vessels in the legs.
    4. Fast and sharp squats and leg swings.
    5. Any gymnastic stretches. You also need to treat yoga asanas with caution, performing them only under the supervision of an instructor and with the consent of the attending physician.
    6. Long intense runs, marathon runs.

    Please note that for any exercise you need to choose comfortable clothing that does not constrict your body. This is especially true for leggings, which tighten the injured legs, interfering with normal blood flow.

    Exercises are performed under conditions of careful fixation and elastic compression with special bandages and bandages. This relieves swelling of the limb and restores the vascular wall.

    Slow walking, as the most natural form of physical activity, also gives a good effect. It does not strain the body unnecessarily and has a beneficial effect on the leg muscles.

    First you need to walk on a flat surface for short distances. As you recover completely, walking should be included in the mandatory set of preventive exercises used for thrombophlebitis.

    Physical exercise stimulate the outflow of venous blood from the affected limb and have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

    Along with gymnastics, it is necessary to introduce contrasting dousing of the legs, alternating warm and cool water. This also tones the blood vessels and promotes their training.

    Sedentary work combined with errors in diet lead to disruptions in the functioning of the venous system. As a result, a lack of physical activity may well result in the development of complications leading to disability and even death. In addition, even the most modern treatment methods are not able to rid the patient of the disease unless the cause of the disease is excluded. A brilliant result after a minimally invasive procedure or surgery may be in jeopardy - a relapse is inevitable.

    Physical exercise

    Therefore, physical education for thrombophlebitis is extremely important. But we are not talking about exhausting training, in which the load on the lower limbs can only worsen the condition. Hiking, cycling, swimming, etc. - with the help of these activities you can get rid of the risk of relapse after treatment.

    A special approach is required for those patients who find themselves in a hospital bed. Of course, in an acute condition, when the threat of blood clot rupture is high, any physical activity excluded. Strict bed rest, in which the patient's leg should be in an elevated position, continues for several days. Activation of the patient with damage to the superficial veins begins 2-3 days after the onset of exacerbation, physical education for deep vein thrombophlebitis - no earlier than a week later, when the patient’s condition stabilizes: signs of inflammation decrease, pain disappears, temperature normalizes. Starting with a healthy limb, hands and breathing exercises, the sore leg is gradually involved in the process. Physical exercises for thrombophlebitis initially last no more than 10 minutes, they should be performed 1-2 times a day. At first, this is just flexion and extension of the foot, changing for a short time from an elevated position of the leg to a horizontal one. Gradually, movements become more varied, the degree of muscle effort increases, standing up and measured walking are added. Particularly important during this period are movements in the ankle joint with tension in the calf muscle - for the rapid development of collaterals and improvement of muscle function.

    Physiotherapeutic methods

    Physiotherapeutic methods are currently used to speed up recovery. And although they have no independent significance, their use as an addition to traditional treatment is very justified. Electrophoresis, Sollux, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, hyperbaric oxygenation, lymphatic drainage, darsonvalization, magnetic and laser therapy - the methods existing today are incredibly diverse.

    Physiotherapy for thrombophlebitis accelerates tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect, and can also influence blood clotting, improving microcirculation and metabolic processes in tissues. All methods of physiotherapy are safe and allow achieving lasting results in treatment. But only a doctor should prescribe the procedure.

    Physical activity is the best way to prevent

    Having undergone a diagnostic examination and heard a diagnosis, it is not at all necessary to wait for further progression of the disease. Help to avoid this simple exercises with thrombophlebitis. Your doctor will help you choose the right method. You can perform simple movements yourself: swinging your legs, alternately lifting your legs to the side and up, running in place, “bicycle” - lying on your back, rolling from toe to heel, lifting on tiptoes, etc. Regularly performing these simple exercises for thrombophlebitis, At the same time, following the doctor’s recommendations regarding drug therapy, further deterioration of the condition can be prevented.


    Laser vein obliteration is currently considered one of the most effective methods for treating varicose veins of the lower extremities. Still n.

    Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities

    Human blood carries oxygen and nutrients through arteries from tissues and organs to the heart, then returns. Movement through the arteries is carried out under pressure (usually 120 mm Hg). Blood pressure in the tissues decreases sharply and returns to the heart at low pressure.

    The lowest pressure is in the veins of the legs. There are three types of veins in the legs: deep, superficial and short, which connect the first two types. Due to low pressure, clots (thrombi) form in the leg veins.

    This disease is called thrombophlebitis. ICD 10 code (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision) – I80 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.

    Thrombophlebitis is of two types:

    1. superficial vein thrombosis;
    2. deep vein thrombosis or acute thrombophlebitis.

    If a blood clot has formed on the surface of the skin and causes pain, this is superficial thrombophlebitis. It is not serious, but may be a sign that deep vein thrombosis is present elsewhere.

    It occurs in the lower leg, sometimes in the lower abdomen or groin. Does not cause acute painful sensations.


    The following have an increased risk of developing thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities:

    • patients after orthopedic or neurosurgical operations;
    • after severe injuries;
    • women after pregnancy;
    • elderly people;
    • everyone who takes oral contraceptives and is on hormone replacement therapy;
    • recently suffered a stroke;
    • have an infection in a blood vessel;
    • suffer from bleeding disorders (hemophilia). What is hemophilia?
    • have inflammatory bowel disease;
    • suffer from certain types of cancer;
    • those who like to sleep for a long time or spend long hours at the computer;
    • congenital blood clotting syndrome;
    • smoke a lot;
    • are obese (body mass index 30 or more);
    • suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus;
    • heart failure.

    Thrombophlebitis is called economy class syndrome. It often affects people who are forced to fly long-term flights and sit in a narrow seat. To save themselves from this syndrome, passengers are advised to walk along the corridor and preferably make some movements. It is also recommended to take off your shoes on the plane.

    Genetic factors that cause blood clotting are due to a lack of certain blood components and a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid. Hereditary thrombophlebitis usually occurs in people under 50 years of age.

    Signs and symptoms of thrombophlebitis

    Deep vein thrombosis occurs in the deep muscles of the legs. It often causes no symptoms and can only be diagnosed when the clot has already broken.

    • fast heartbeat (tachycardia);
    • dyspnea;
    • sharp chest pain;
    • bloody cough.

    Half of patients with DVT of the lower extremities complain of:

    • swelling and pain in the legs, difficulty standing for a long time;
    • change in skin color;
    • throbbing or burning sensation;
    • pain during movement;
    • increase in heart rate.

    If a patient is diagnosed with superficial vein thrombosis, then the likelihood of developing acute thrombophlebitis is high.

    Superficial vein thrombosis often has the following signs and symptoms:

    1. swelling and tenderness in the affected area;
    2. the blood clot can be seen through the skin and the inflamed veins can be felt;
    3. Constantly suffers from throbbing or burning under the skin.


    The diagnosis can be made “by eye”. If the doctor is in doubt, he prescribes Doppler ultrasound. This test guarantees 95% accuracy. In order to understand whether there is phlebitis of the deep veins, you will need a blood test.

    In the countries of Central and East Asia, Behçet's disease is common: recurring ulcers in the mouth, genitals, and eye area. It is also a sign of thrombophlebitis.

    Complex diagnostics has several stages:

    1. Based on complaints, the shape and size of the veins, the doctor can make a diagnosis.
    2. It is possible to detect clogged veins using invasive means to measure blood flow.
    3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive test that uses magnetic fields to produce high-resolution cross-sectional or three-dimensional images.
    4. Blood tests. These tests usually detect the presence of certain clot dissolvers associated with thrombophlebitis. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on a blood test alone.


    Deep vein thrombophlebitis is usually treated with medication, and the use of compression stockings and spa treatment is recommended. In severe cases, surgery is necessary. You need to be prepared for the fact that thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities takes a long time to be treated.

    Drug treatment

    Conservative treatment of thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities is carried out with ointments "Troxevasinova", "Ditraleks", "Fort Cyclone 3".

    The use of medications to strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clotting (aspirin) is also used. Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Ketonal gel will help cure inflammation.

    Treatment begins with intravenous administration of low molecular weight heparin, and then oral administration of anticoagulant drugs.

    Complex drug treatment:

    1. Painkillers.
    2. Antibiotics (if there is an infection).
    3. Anticoagulants: Heparin is given by injection intravenously and under the skin to relax the vessel. It reduces the formation of new blood clots. Oral drug Coumadin (Coumadin) during continued therapy. Heparin is usually used for 30 days, Coumadin - up to 6 months.
    4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and inflammation (ibuprofen).

    Folk remedies

    Wear compression stockings

    For thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities, surgeons recommend wearing compression stockings. When sewing stockings, natural cotton and thick elastin threads are used. They make stockings sweaty and difficult to stretch.

    Stockings tighten the leg and increase low pressure in the veins, relieve pain, and prevent the formation of a blood clot.

    According to the pressure force, stockings are divided into 4 types:

    1. with slight pressure;
    2. with average pressure;
    3. with high blood pressure;
    4. with very high pressure.

    You should not assign yourself the type of stockings. Only a doctor can recommend the right type.


    Unpleasant sensations - burning and itching - with thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities are relieved by cold lotions.


    The affected areas of the leg must be moisturized to relieve itching. You need to use a medicated cortisone-based cream or lotion.

    Sit with your feet up

    For thrombophlebitis, it is helpful to keep your legs elevated. If you raise the sore limb so that the shin is 10 cm above the thigh, the swelling will subside and the pain will go away. Cardiologists advise sleeping in the “legs higher than head” position: one pillow under the head, 2-3 under the feet.

    There are apples

    It is known that Antonov apples help cleanse the blood. To combat thrombophlebitis, pour 4 pieces with hot water and insulate them with a towel or blanket. After four hours, crush the fruit in water. Take half a glass of compote with a spoon of honey twice a day.

    Drink garlic tincture

    Grind 250 grams of garlic and 15 lemons in a blender, place in a glass jar. Deliver 1 tsp. medicine in a glass of warm water, drink once a day.

    Learn more about how to use lemon and garlic to cleanse vessels by reading our similar article.

    Drink aspirin

    One tablet helps thin the blood. Should be taken every day.

    Apply leeches

    Hirudotherapy is used as a medicine for the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis. Entering the blood clotting process, leeches suck out thick blood. This helps remove arterial vasospasm. It is worth applying several leeches to the affected veins in the extremities and performing this manipulation twice a week.

    Before applying leeches, your leg should be washed with soap and shaved. To make the leech stick faster, the skin is treated with an aqueous solution of glucose or sugar. Remove after the leech has pumped about 20 ml of blood.

    • anemia;
    • low blood clotting;
    • first trimester of pregnancy.


    Surgical treatment of thrombophlebitis is used if medications do not help and there is a risk of blood clot rupture. The doctor decides which type of operation to choose: open or endovascular.


    The surgeon opens the diseased vein, removes the blood clot and sews it up with a special hermetic suture. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the vessel completely. Spinal anesthesia is required for open surgery.


    If the thrombus is floating, endovascular surgery is needed. The doctor sews a vena cava filter (a mesh-shaped clot trap) into the inferior vena cava. Sometimes stenting of a thrombus is used - special device, which crushes the blood clot.


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    Possible complications

    The prognosis for thrombophlebitis is often negative. Even after successful surgery or drug treatment, symptoms may return. In medical practice, this condition is called postthrombophlebitic syndrome. The patient's legs are very painful and swollen, it is difficult for him to move, and the structure of the skin of the lower leg changes.

    Postthrombophlebitic syndrome can persist after the main treatment for 6 months to a year. You always need to be on guard: a blood clot may form again.


    • For patients who have been diagnosed or suspected of having thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, doctors advise them to move moderately.
    • If you are traveling, you should always wear compression stockings and take an aspirin or other blood thinner before traveling.
    • A good prevention of thrombophlebitis is gymnastics.
    • After the main treatment, when the legs stop hurting and the redness goes away, it is necessary to begin moderate sports training. They promote blood circulation and the formation of a new blood clot.

    Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities:

    1. Lie on your back with your feet near the wall. Periodically press with your heel and then with your toes, gradually raising your legs up. When your legs are raised, you need to relax and stay in the position for a couple of minutes. Breathe calmly, slowly and deeply.
    2. Stand on your toes in a ballerina pose and walk like this for several minutes.
    3. While sitting, try to move your toes and tap your heels.

    Therapeutic baths

    Spa treatment is an effective way to forget about thrombophlebitis for several years. Your doctor will advise you which resort to choose. An important component of spa treatment are medicinal baths.

    Hydrogen sulfide

    Hydrogen sulfide baths develop skin hyperemia and increase blood flow into the skin. Hydrogen sulfide, penetrating into tissues, enhances metabolism, helps reduce inflammation, improves immunity, and balances hormonal levels.

    Hydrogen sulfide water contains little oxygen. While in such a bath, the heart and blood vessels work more intensely.


    Radon is a stone that emits radiation. In small doses it can cure many diseases.

    Radon water activates radiolysis in the skin: the biologically active substances of the stone affect nerve endings and receptors.

    Radon water reduces inflammation in tissues, tones dilated veins, restores circulation and outflow of blood in the veins. Doctors prescribe radon baths immediately after the end of the main treatment for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

    Peloid therapy

    Treatment with special mud - peloidotherapy - restores the nervous and humoral system. Of all types of mud, the most useful are sapropel and sulfide-silt.

    1. Move. A patient with thrombophlebitis is not disabled. The outcome of thrombophlebitis is determined by the patient, not the doctor. If he wants to be healthy, he will be.
    2. Quit alcohol and smoking.
    3. Eat carbon-based foods and eliminate useless fats. If you want fat, drink fish.
    4. Take vitamin supplements that contain plenty of vitamin K. It is found in many vegetables and fruits, especially melons, pineapples and papayas. A good effect in the treatment of thrombophlebitis is achieved by taking teas and decoctions with ginger and cinnamon.
    5. Wear compression stockings. For the first two weeks, do not take off even at night, then gradually allocate “time without stockings”: first take off at night, then for several hours during the day. Your doctor will advise you how long to wear stockings. It all depends on the complexity of the disease.

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    Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities and pulmonary embolism

    Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities develops due to untimely treatment of varicose veins, and thromboembolism is one of the most dangerous complications of thrombophlebitis. The second disease occurs more rapidly and poses a greater threat. Women are susceptible to thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism six times more often during pregnancy than outside this period.

    Signs of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities and diagnosis

    Thrombophlebitis is one of the complications of varicose veins. This is a dangerous disease in which the blood flow through the veins of the lower extremities slows down and the blood supply to the tissues is disrupted. Blood clots form on the walls of the veins - thrombi, which can break off and block the vein. The blood tries to find a new path through nearby vessels, but they cannot always take on such a load. As a result, these vessels become inflamed, which is accompanied by pain in the legs. If normal blood flow is not restored, gangrene develops, and this often leads to amputation of the leg.

    Risk factors for thrombophlebitis:

    • age over 40 years;
    • the presence of varicose saphenous veins;
    • oncological diseases;
    • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
    • long-term static loads and low physical activity;
    • obesity;
    • dehydration;
    • infections and sepsis;
    • pregnancy and childbirth;
    • taking oral contraceptives;
    • limb injury;
    • surgical interventions in the area of ​​passage of venous trunks.

    The main signs of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are:

    • change in skin color, most often on the legs (redness or darkening);
    • persistent pronounced swelling on the lower legs, and sometimes on the thighs;
    • severe pain in the calves, worsening when walking;
    • pain on palpation of the veins;
    • thickening of the skin and formation of ulcers on the lower leg;
    • chills and fever up to °C are possible.

    Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis in most cases does not cause difficulties. Instrumental research methods are used - rheovasography or Doppler ultrasound. The most accurate diagnostic information is provided by ultrasound duplex angioscanning with color coding of blood flow. This study makes it possible to assess the condition of the walls and lumen of the veins, the presence of thrombotic masses in them, the nature of the blood clot, and even roughly judge its “age”.

    Ultrasound scanning of the saphenous veins makes it possible to accurately identify the true extent of thrombosis.

    After diagnosing thrombophlebitis, treatment should begin immediately.

    Surgical methods for treating thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (with photos)

    There are several methods for treating thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, and all of them should be carried out under the supervision of a phlebologist. Superficial thrombophlebitis is dangerous when it is ascending, that is, it rises up to the groin area. This can lead to the blood clot penetrating into a deep vein and breaking off. In this situation, an urgent but minor intervention is required under local anesthesia - crossectomy (ligation of the trunk of the saphenous vein at the point of its confluence with the deep one).

    If conditions are favorable, radical surgical treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities can be immediately performed by removing the affected varicose veins. This allows you to simultaneously solve several problems - both eliminate the risk of blood clots transferring to deep veins and get rid of varicose veins.

    There is also such a surgical treatment for thrombophlebitis as thrombolysis. To do this, a drug is injected into the blood vessel to dissolve the clot, which subsequently leads to the restoration of blood flow.

    Look at the photos of thrombophlebitis treatment presented below:

    Drug treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

    In some cases, purely conservative methods of treating thrombophlebitis - anti-inflammatory drugs and local use of heparin ointments or gels - are sufficient. A conservative, medicinal method of treating thrombophlebitis is primarily aimed at reducing blood clotting and relieving inflammation. For this purpose, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory and other medications are prescribed (both orally and intravenously). If there are signs of infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

    The issue of using elastic bandages, knee socks, and tights in the acute phase of thrombophlebitis is decided individually.

    • compresses with a% alcohol solution;
    • heparin-containing ointments (for example, hepatrombin);
    • ointments and gels with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin ointment, diclofenac gel, indovazine);
    • ointments and gels containing rutoside, troxevasin;
    • local cooling, which gives a good analgesic effect.

    Here are photos of drugs for the treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities:

    Physiotherapy for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

    In the acute period, ultraviolet irradiation of the blood is used daily for pain relief, 4-5 biodoses for 10 days. After the acute phenomena have subsided, a Sollux - an infrared radiation lamp - or an infrared laser are used. These procedures activate metabolism and regeneration, reduce pain, increase blood circulation, and improve the immune system.

    Physiotherapy is also used in the chronic stage of superficial thrombophlebitis, during the period of thrombus formation. Resort treatment (Pyatigorsk, Sochi-Matsesta) can be allowed strictly individually only for long-term chronic superficial thrombophlebitis without exacerbations and trophic disorders.

    Traditional methods of treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities and prevention

    Traditional methods of treating thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should be used only as additional, auxiliary means, in addition to the main treatment:

    • To relieve inflammation, it is recommended to cover your feet with fresh lilac leaves at night;
    • Rubbing your feet with an alcohol tincture of white acacia flowers works well;
    • In addition to medicinal herbs, to treat varicose veins, you can use a well-ripened tomato - cut it into slices and apply them to the dilated veins. After 3-4 hours, replace the slices with fresh ones;
    • Grind the leaves of Kalanchoe and fill half the bottle with the resulting pulp, add warm water and leave for a week in a cool, dark place, shaking the bottle periodically. Then strain into a container and squeeze out the remaining mixture. Rub your legs, starting from the feet to the knees and above. This folk method of treating thrombophlebitis should be used 2 times a day for 4 months.

    In most cases, thrombophlebitis is a consequence of an advanced form of varicose veins of the legs.

    To avoid having to resort to treatment for thrombophlebitis, prevention comes to the fore.

    The main measures to prevent thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are:

    • healthy lifestyle;
    • reasonable physical activity;
    • also, to prevent thrombophlebitis, it is necessary to promptly consult a doctor even at the slightest sign of problems with the veins of the extremities;
    • prescribing anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, which is especially necessary for patients with limited active movements (under the control of blood counts, the doctor must individually select the dose of the anticoagulant).

    Physical exercises for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

    Physical exercises for thrombophlebitis are prescribed to improve blood circulation and increase muscle tone. The degree of physical activity and intensity of exercises is selected individually depending on the phase of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the nature of changes in blood circulation.

    The duration of each exercise from the complex of therapeutic exercises for thrombophlebitis is 3-7 minutes.

    1. Walking with high leg lifts and a large arm swing and steps. Inhale for two steps, exhale for three, or inhale for three steps, exhale for four.

    2. Raising your right leg straight, touch the toe of the palm of your left hand (exhale). Repeat 4-8 times with each leg.

    3. Starting position - lying on a sofa or rug or sitting. Raising your legs as high as possible, do vigorous knee bends (bicycle) one time. Breathing is uniform, with an emphasis on extended exhalation.

    4. Alternating raising of legs with support on a chair. Repeat 6-12 times.

    In acute thrombophlebitis, therapeutic exercises are prescribed a few days after the onset of the disease when the patient’s general condition improves. The first classes are carried out in a lying position with a raised leg. Exercises are used for healthy limbs, torso and breathing exercises.

    After 2-3 days, the sore limb is lowered into the horizontal position, movements with it are performed only in joints remote from the site of inflammation, with great care so as not to cause pain.

    On the 5-7th day, they begin to use the starting position, sitting and exercises with changing the position of the leg, as well as movements in all joints of the affected limb. After a few more days, you are allowed to get up and walk carefully.

    In case of postthrombophlebitic syndrome, it is necessary to constantly and regularly engage in therapeutic physical culture to prevent progression of the disease. The classes include a large number of exercises that involve moving the affected limb, breathing exercises, and muscle exercises. abdominals. The main starting positions are lying and standing. In addition to therapeutic exercises, it is recommended morning exercises and measured walking.

    It is useful to do the following exercises:

    1. In the morning, without getting out of bed, first raise your right leg at an angle to your body, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then shake your leg 40 times, lower your leg. Do the same with your left leg.

    2. Stand on the floor. Rise up onto your toes and sharply return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times, then take a 10-second break. Do 5 rounds every day.

    Pulmonary embolism and treatment of the disease

    The main danger of thrombophlebitis is the threat of developing a complication such as pulmonary embolism (PAT) - separation of a fragment of a blood clot from a vein and its transfer with the bloodstream to the pulmonary arteries.

    Depending on the size of the blood clot, thromboembolism can occur immediately or progress over some time. If a large blood clot blocks a vein, death occurs within the first 30 minutes. A smaller blood clot does not kill immediately, but causes severe respiratory and circulatory problems and requires treatment in intensive care. Thromboembolism of small branches of the pulmonary arteries is accompanied by the development of chronic (but more often acute) heart failure.

    90% of deaths from pulmonary embolism are those cases when the diagnosis was not made in time and appropriate treatment was not carried out, aimed at completely preventing the development of thromboembolism.

    Treatment of pulmonary embolism is carried out in the intensive care unit and includes the following measures:

    • Normalization of pulmonary blood flow;
    • Prevention of sudden death and chronic pulmonary hypertension;
    • Maintaining strict bed rest;
    • Oxygen inhalation (to improve oxygen supply to the heart and lungs);
    • Massive infusion therapy (a large number of special solutions that thin the blood are administered intravenously);
    • Thrombolytic therapy (thrombolysis) - intravenous administration of a medicinal substance that dissolves a blood clot in a vessel, which became the direct cause of thromboembolism;
    • If thrombolysis is ineffective, thromboembolectomy is performed - surgical removal of the blood clot;
    • Anticoagulant therapy is the administration of medications to prevent increased blood clotting and the formation of new blood clots. Anticoagulant drugs are injected subcutaneously into the periumbilical area 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days.

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    Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the venous walls of the lower extremities with the formation of blood clots in the lumen of the inflamed vein. This disease is a serious complication of varicose veins. There are several reasons for the development of this disease:

    • infections;
    • changes in blood composition;
    • vein injuries (weakening of vessel walls);
    • slow blood flow;
    • hereditary tendency of blood to form blood clots (thrombophilia, coagulopathy);

    Thrombosis can also be a consequence of difficult childbirth, infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms, which often happens.

    A person who suffers from thrombophlebitis often feels unwell and very unpleasant painful sensations in the affected area. Often, patients' legs become very swollen, their skin turns blue, and they feel powerless. The temperature also often rises and the person is haunted by a constant feeling of chills.

    But when small veins are damaged, it is very difficult to detect the development of the disease. In such cases, the patient complains of a sharp sensation of pain while walking, which should be paid attention to.

    Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

    For thrombophlebitis it is very important and useful. The most important thing is to have a lot of patience and systematically perform special exercises every day that help with deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. The complex of therapeutic exercises includes walking with high legs raised and a correctly positioned breathing system.
    Many different exercises have also been specially developed, where the entire load is completely concentrated on the legs.

    To begin with, 4 exercises will be enough for the patient. It is advisable to add one exercise to your program every two days. In this way, a person gradually accustoms himself to daily gymnastics and does not overload the affected area.

    Special exercises for thrombophlebitis

    1. Lying on your back and stretching your arms along your body, you should pull your bent legs up to your head as much as possible in turn.
    2. Without changing position, lift your straightened legs one by one and hold them at the top for a few seconds.
    3. For this disease, a very simple “bicycle” exercise is useful.
    4. While standing, perform alternating slow swings of your legs up and to the side.
    5. Alternate swings with a straight and bent leg.
    6. Running in place (at an average pace).
    7. Do alternate lunges, while the back leg should not lift the foot off the floor.

    Do all exercises 5-7 times with a gradual increase in tempo.

    Where can I learn therapeutic exercises?

    A large number of people who suffer from thrombophlebitis delay treatment and thus worsen their condition. The disease progresses and if left untreated, the vessel may become completely blocked, leading to serious consequences. Often people trigger thrombosis due to personal ignorance and laziness, which is very wrong.

    In order to properly fight this disease and create your own set of affective gymnastic exercises, you should be guided by information from the Internet. In it you can find many useful videos of gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. This way you can repeat the exercises from the video lessons, which is very convenient and will not be difficult for you.

    Is it possible to do massage with thrombophlebitis?

    Massage for thrombophlebitis is strictly prohibited. It is the main provocateur of a blood clot breaking off and moving to internal organs, which is very dangerous. The only thing allowed is a gentle massage, which is necessary to prevent blood clots. When there are no dangerous blood clots in the veins yet, but they are clearly varicose veins. A gentle massage after the operation to remove thrombophlebitis will also not hurt. It normalizes blood circulation and significantly increases the tone of the leg muscles.

    And in any other cases, massage is very dangerous. Also, in case of thrombosis, it is prohibited to use warming ointments.

    Rehabilitation after deep vein thrombosis

    For a person who has suffered deep vein thrombosis, old blood clots pose no danger. But if you do not take any measures, it is quite possible that new blood clots will appear, which can lead to thromboembolism. To prevent this from happening, you should wear special compression hosiery and actively engage in therapeutic exercises. Don't overload yourself with heavy physical activity.

    My patients used it, thanks to which they can get rid of varicose veins in 2 weeks without much effort.

    Prevention of vein thrombosis

    If you have a sedentary job and spend a lot of time sitting, then take short breaks every hour to stretch your legs. Do short exercises, walk around, and raise your legs. Walk as much as possible and drink more fluids.

    If damaged, use an elastic bandage or compression hosiery, which improves blood flow in the veins. After work, at home, do a light massage of your limbs, starting with your fingers.

    With thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, high-heeled shoes are contraindicated for women. After all, true fashionistas are ready to endure a lot in order to look beautiful, even pain, which is absolutely not allowed. This will only make your condition worse.

    In general, therapeutic exercises for deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities are very useful and effective. A set of special therapeutic exercises will help you fight this disease. Do not start the disease and do not let it develop. If initial symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately.

    To a patient who has been prescribed physical activity, exercises for thrombophlebitis, it usually seems that they should be aimed only at the legs. But in fact, exercises for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are mainly aimed at strengthening the venous system and improving blood circulation. Elastic and strong veins are the basis for good health of the entire circulatory system. However, over time, they tend to wear out and lose their elasticity, leading to various problems. Other factors that contribute to the development of inflammation and blood clots:

    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • fatty food;
    • bad habits (drinking alcohol and drugs, smoking);
    • lack of vitamins and minerals;
    • super-heavy physical activity.

    Is it possible to play sports with thrombophlebitis?

    Since the entire weight of the body presses on the lower limbs, the veins located in the legs also have an increased load. Therefore, if the valves and venous walls are weakened, then problems with blood circulation begin. Due to stagnation in the lower part of the body, at the time of unsuccessful surgical intervention, thrombophlebitis may occur, physical activity for which is recommended by phlebologists and vascular surgeons. Gymnastics for thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should primarily be aimed at strengthening muscles and oxygenating the blood. After all, if the inflamed area of ​​the vein (even after complete healing) does not have enough oxygen, the surrounding tissues will begin to suffer from the accumulation of toxins, which in the long term can lead to an ulcer. Therefore, when thrombophlebitis is diagnosed, the recommendations of physiotherapists are to perform simple exercises.

    What to do with thrombophlebitis?

    Even simple walking with thrombophlebitis is considered one of the most effective ways prevention. It is also allowed to perform any other exercises that require constant movement of all limbs. Yoga, Pilates, and gymnastics for thrombophlebitis will help not only improve blood circulation, but also strengthen the muscles of the limbs. And here treadmill, a stepper and an exercise bike for thrombophlebitis will not be the best assistants for exercise. After all, excessive stress on the legs can significantly worsen the general condition of the veins. If there is no money for special equipment, but you still need to do exercises for thrombophlebitis, then you can use ordinary dumbbells or even bottles filled with sand. The easiest and effective exercise for thrombophlebitis of the legs: walking at a fast pace, as well as rolling from heels to toes (best with dumbbells in hands). Daily exercises for thrombophlebitis can consist of a set of simple exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the leg muscles without overload.

    Sports with thrombophlebitis should not harm, so any exercise should begin with a warm-up. Starting position: sit on the floor with your legs extended forward, fold both hands behind your back. Then carefully bend your right leg and place it under your thigh. As a result, the left leg should be straightened and the right leg bent. The heel of the bent leg should point straight up, and the big toes should point to the floor. Without bending your back, you must try to raise your left leg. If the starting position is taken correctly, then you will not be able to raise your foot very high. Repeat the lifts 10-15 times, then change the working leg. Having finished the warm-up, it is logical to think about whether it is possible to pump up the abs with thrombophlebitis? In fact, doctors do not allow you to pump up your abs even with minor varicose veins, not to mention chronic thrombophlebitis. But no one clarifies that the only undesirable things are long breath holds and compression of the femoral veins (as happens when performing the exercise from a lying position). Professional physiotherapists, who believe that with thrombophlebitis you can play sports, suggest raising your legs from a lying position. This will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and at the same time improve venous outflow.

    The following exercise is prohibited from performing if the veins in the legs are damaged. But if thrombophlebitis affects your hands, then you can safely do several repetitions a day. Before starting the exercise, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs 30 cm apart, and turn your toes out. Extend your hands straight in front of you. When performing the exercise, it is better to look straight ahead. Next, you need to bend your knees, keeping your back strictly straight. There is no need to squat down, just squat slightly and hold this position for at least a minute. Also, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat squats 10-15 times. As muscle memory develops, the number of squats should be increased.

    As has already become clear, physical education and thrombophlebitis are quite compatible concepts. The most important thing is to avoid overloading and blocking blood flow. The next few exercises help strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, but at the same time are strictly contraindicated in the acute stage of the disease. Starting position: lying on your left side, head resting on your arm, bent at the elbow. The left leg is straightened and the right leg is bent at the knee. It is necessary to grab the lower part of the foot of the bent leg with your right hand and slowly pull it back. Repeat the movement 10-15 times. Over time it will be possible to change the pace. To perform the following exercise, you will need a strong chair. As a starting position, you just need to sit on a chair with your legs wide apart. Then rest your hands on the edge of the chair and lower your pelvis (but not below knee level). Sit back on the chair. Repeat 15-20 times. Such squats train the calf muscles well and improve blood circulation.

    These very simple exercises will improve your health, and thrombophlebitis, as a result, will recede. If the stage and nature of the disease do not allow you to play sports, then at a minimum you need to give up a sedentary lifestyle. Staying immobile for a long time leads to a deterioration in venous blood flow.

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