• How to pump up biceps with an expander at home. How to pump up biceps with a universal expander


    I thought that exercises with an expander are especially useful when you go on a business trip without being able to take dumbbells with you, and visiting a sports club on a trip is not very convenient. Well, or if you just like bodybuilding at home. Also, an expander can be useful if you need to warm up and inflate your muscles before the competition, but there is no way to pull dumbbells and a barbell backstage at the competition. I knew for a long time that this simple projectile should not be treated with disdain, that a good expander allows you to work out your muscles quite strongly, feel a real burning sensation and pumping.

    But I could not even imagine that the expander itself can become a full-fledged alternative to free weight exercises or weight-block simulators!

    In this case, as a projectile, you need to use a set of rubber ropes with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm, which combine excellent elasticity and high strength (I assure you, the impact in the event of a rupture of the expander is very painful).

    It was these ropes that I introduced for training clients of my Biceps fitness club. Initially, some clients were outraged, asking that all exercises be performed only in “normal” machines or with free weights. Then they were asked to perform only a couple of sets with correct technique, after which the muscles were worked out so strongly and deeply that the attitude towards this projectile changed radically.

    The principle of working with an expander is very interesting: at the point of peak muscle contraction, the load also becomes peak, respectively, you work out the muscles with high quality, with concentration at the point where you usually already rest.

    In view of these features of the "rubber", the technique for performing exercises must be strictly defined. When performing exercises with an expander, always pause for a second at the point of its maximum stretch. Such training contributes to a very high-quality, shocking study of the muscles. The day after your workout, you're sore all over, like you've never worked out. For my training, I use finger rubber ropes about 2-2.5 meters thick and about 2.5 meters long. The ends of the rope are tied in the form of loops that act as handles.

    Such a projectile creates a load in the equivalent of 30-40 kilograms of a block simulator.
    You can increase the load by adding together 2, 3 or even 4 of these expanders (such a load may be needed when working on latissimus dorsi). The drop set is very effective when the exercise is performed without rest with four expanders, then without rest or with a short rest (up to 30 seconds) with three, two and finally with one! After such a dropset, my lats and mid-back just exploded and hurt for several days, while the pull of a 200 kg barbell to the belt for a long time did not surprise my back with almost anything.

    I am not suggesting that you completely abandon exercises with a barbell and dumbbells or use an expander instead of simulators and shells. However, by adding at least one exercise with an expander for each muscle group to your set of exercises, you will give yourself a good shake-up and get a powerful impetus to improve your muscles.

    The rubber band is a great finishing tool at the end of a workout, you get an amazing pump and burn! The effect is doubled if you work with a partner who will help you with every rep, but only in the most difficult phase of the movement.

    This training method looks like this: you linger at that stretching point of the expander, beyond which you no longer have enough strength to stretch it, then pause for one second trying to stretch the rubber even a millimeter, then your partner connects and slowly, smoothly helps you extend the movement literally more by 5-7 centimeters.

    Literally two or three sets of fifteen of these double reps and the deltas are incredibly bloated and become unusually “striped”, which does not happen (to such a huge extent) after a drop set with a barbell or dumbbells!

    Below you can familiarize yourself with the technique of some exercises with an expander.

    1. Standing arm raises for the middle deltoid muscles

    2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander;

    2. Breeding arms while standing in an inclination for the rear deltoid muscles

    1) Step on the expander or securely fasten it at the bottom to pull in an up and down direction;
    2) Take a standing position in an inclination, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander;
    3) Swap the handles of the expander in places (cross the expanders) to work in the trajectory optimal for deltas;
    4) Spread slightly bent arms to the sides, at the top point (at shoulder height) make a short pause;
    5) Make sure that the arms are perpendicular to the torso throughout the entire range of motion.

    3. Bringing the arm while standing to work out the muscles of the chest

    1) Attach the expander at chest height (for a general workout pectoral muscles) to pull in a horizontal direction or just step on it to work in an inward-up direction (in this variation you will work the top of the pectoral muscle);
    2) Take a standing position, legs wider than shoulders, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander;
    3) Holding one hand with the expander at the waist, follow the approach with the other hand;
    4) Bring your hand outside-in slowly and under control by contracting the pectoral muscle;
    5) The arm should be constantly slightly bent and fixed in the elbow joint;
    6) Having achieved the maximum contraction of the pectoral muscle, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

    4. Traction to the belt while standing to work out the muscles of the back

    1) Fix the expander at the height of the belt or slightly lower, you can just stand on it (in this version you will work in a slope);
    2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straightened at waist level hold the loops (handles) of the expander, the expander is slightly stretched;
    3) Slightly bending your knees and crouching to increase your balance, perform a pull with both hands to the belt, while bringing the shoulder blades together;
    4) Pulling your hands to the belt as much as possible, feel how the back muscles contract;
    5) Having achieved maximum muscle contraction, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

    5. Standing curls for biceps training

    1) Step on the expander or securely fasten it at the bottom to pull in an up and down direction;
    2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straightened down hold the loops (handles) of the expander, the expander is slightly stretched;
    3) Slightly bending your knees and crouching to increase your balance, bend your arms at the elbows while supinating your hands;
    4) Having maximally bent your arms at the elbows, but keeping the elbows pressed to the body, feel how the biceps of the hands contract;
    5) Having achieved the maximum contraction of the biceps, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

    6. Bent over arms for triceps

    1) Fix the expander at the height of the belt or a little lower, you can just stand on it (both options are performed in an inclination, just in the second option the inclination is done to the parallel of the body with the floor, and in the first option a half-inclination is enough);
    2) Keeping your back straight and tense, bend forward slightly bending your knees, fix your arms bent at the elbows on the sides of the body;
    3) Keeping the body and elbows still, fully straighten both arms until the maximum contraction of the triceps;
    4) Having achieved muscle contraction, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

    7. Tilts to work out the lower back and biceps of the thighs

    1) Step on the expander or securely fasten it at the bottom to pull in an up and down direction;
    2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander, the back is straight and tense, the shoulder blades are brought together;
    3) In this starting position, the expander should be stretched as much as possible;
    4) Keeping your legs and arms straight and without bending your back, bend forward, feeling your hamstrings stretch (if you have weak lower back muscles, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees);
    5) Return to the starting position.

    8. Squats to train quadriceps and gluteal muscles

    1) Step on the expander, while holding your hands with the expander loops on your shoulders;
    2) Take a standing position, while the expander should be as stretched as possible;
    3) Keeping your back straight, move your pelvis back and sit down until your legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees;
    4) Although your back is straight at the spine at all times, at the bottom you lean forward 45 degrees to maintain balance;
    5) When squatting, rest on the heels of the legs, make sure that your knees remain strictly above the heels and do not move forward (otherwise the load on the knees will increase dramatically);
    6) Return to the starting position.

    How to pump up your arms quickly so that they look attractive? This question may be of interest to those who take care of their body or just want to give their hands a great shape.

    The editors tell how with the help of an expander you can pump your hands quickly and without problems.

    We form beautiful hands


    To start, you can take the hands, which allow you to make the volume of the hand larger and create the impression of a person who does not seem to get out of gym. The muscles of the hand are actively involved in many exercise. They are used both in any workouts and without them.

    Also, with inflated hands, your tenacity increases. Many people know that the hands work, in any exercise, but additional training never hurts.

    We swing our hands with the help of an expander


    A special expander will help pump up the brushes and give you strength in your hands. In addition, this tool will help to pump up not only the hands, but also the muscles of the wrists.

    There are several varieties of such devices as an expander. All of them are very comfortable and practical. For example, you can put it in your backpack and keep fit anywhere. Basically, expanders are divided into the following types:

    • Carpal - designed to work out the hands and forearms. They are small rubber rings or specially shaped levers with 2 handles.
    • Pectoral - they are designed for training the pectoral muscles and are a set of springs and harnesses connected by handles.
    • Universal - they are a wide long tourniquet, most often used during group fitness classes.

    You can buy this tool anywhere. sports shop. They are available in various shapes and designs. In addition, there are special models with a special counter. If the expander is too light for you, you need to buy a stiffer one so that your arm swings normally.

    Programs for pumping muscles with an expander


    In order for the pumping effect to be as good as possible, a special hand training program is needed.

    In the 1st case, you need to squeeze and unclench the rubber expander until your hand is completely tired, which is about 10 to 100 times. Then you need to give your hand a rest. The break should last from 1 to 5 minutes until your arm is fully recovered. For the most better effect you need to do from 3 to 10 approaches for each hand separately.

    And the 2nd hand training program is a little more complicated. During the break, your hand should keep the expander in a compressed position. In this case, you need to do up to 7 approaches.

    Ecology of health and beauty. Fitness and sports: You can work out with an expander anywhere - it is compact, convenient, takes up little space, and most importantly - very effective...

    Today in Russia, however, as in a number of other states, the cult of a healthy, embossed body is clearly visible. To be in perfect shape a huge number of people visit gyms and fitness centers.

    However, not everyone has such an opportunity, and for some, classes with weights and barbells are prohibited for medical reasons. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to give up the dream of a beautiful, toned body.

    Expander exercises for men - basics and loads

    You can work with an expander anywhere - it is compact, convenient, takes up little space, and most importantly - very effective.

    Visually, this simulator consists of two handles that are connected by a spring or elastic bands.

    Depending on the desired effect and level of training, you can set the required load. A beginner should start with such a load at which he can perform 10-15 repetitions at a time.

    A prerequisite for the effectiveness of classes with an expander is a gradual increase in load.

    First you need to increase the number of repetitions, then the approaches. And only when the exercises are performed with little or no effort, you can increase the load by adding one tape or spring. But the number of sets and repetitions should be reduced again.

    So, we can distinguish 5 basic principles for effective work with an expander:

    1. Never neglect warm-up exercises.
    2. The load level should be increased gradually.
    3. Quantitative indicators of exercise performance should not exceed qualitative ones.
    4. Between sets, 1-2 minutes are needed to restore strength and take a breath.
    5. The load should be selected depending on the level of training and physical development, as well as natural data.

    Rules for choosing the right expander

    The choice of an expander depends on the time during which exercises are performed with this simulator.


    • for newbies- expanders with minimal resistance are optimal (yellow color);
    • for the next level- green expanders;
    • for advanced level- Red;
    • for professionals- of blue color.

    In expanders with a spring, the load is determined by the number, length and thickness of the springs. This type of expander is considered more reliable, since tape and tubular models have rubber parts that tend to fray over time.

    The most effective expander exercises for men to train different muscle groups

    For the muscles of the shoulder girdle

    • Position. Standing, one leg should be bent and slightly forward, the arms should be absolutely straight, spread apart, and the palms should look up, in them are the handles of the expander, the springs of which should be located between the chest and chin.
    • Exercise. Hands should be spread as wide as possible, while the knee bends even more, and the whole body leans back a little. In the next approach, you need to change the leg.
    • Intensity. Perform this exercise initially should be 10 times with an acceptable load. Gradually, you need to increase the pace and increase the angle of inclination back.

    For biceps

    • Position. Standing, the right leg fixes the handle of the expander, legs apart.
    • Exercise. The right hand holds the second handle and bends towards the right shoulder. Important: the elbow should not "help", however, like other muscle groups.
    • Intensity. Begin repetitions of this exercise should be 10 times, and then change hands. To avoid incorrect performance of the exercise, do not increase the load too sharply.

    For chest muscles

    • Position. Lying on a bench, the expander passes under the bench, its handles in the hands. The spring is slightly stretched, the arms are at chest level, the elbows are spread apart.
    • Exercise. Arms straighten up, feeling the tension of the spring. In this position - a few seconds, and the hands return to their original position.
    • Intensity. It is initially necessary to perform the exercise from 8 to 10 times, gradually increasing the load.

    For leg muscles

    • Position. Lying on the back, one handle of the expander is fixed in the hand at the level of the pelvis, the second is hooked with the leg bent at the knee.
    • Exercise. The leg with the handle is slowly straightened, fixed in this position for several seconds and returns to the starting position. After completing the approach, you should change your leg.
    • Intensity. It is necessary to start the exercise from 8-10 times, gradually increasing the pace.

    Expanders, depending on the purpose, design features and other parameters, are implemented in various variations.

    Expanders are distinguished:

    • foot and hand;
    • children and adults;
    • with a certain type of mounting (floor or wall) and universal, etc.

    There is another type of expander, which is quite popular among both sexes. She is usually called butterfly expander , exercises with which are quite effective for various muscle groups.

    For triceps

    • Position. Standing, one handle of the expander is on the thigh, the forearm is lowered on the other. The elbow is pressed to the body.
    • Exercise. The expander is compressed by pressing on the upper handle, then the pressure gradually weakens. After completing the approach, you should change your hand.
    • Intensity. For the effectiveness of the exercise, it should be performed starting from 10 times per approach with each hand.

    For the shoulder joint and chest muscles

    • Position. Standing, the arms are extended upwards and hold the handles of the "butterfly".
    • Exercise. The "butterfly" must be squeezed as strongly as possible. The stronger the arms are extended, the more noticeable the result.
    • Intensity. This exercise must be performed for 4-5 minutes.

    For the press

    • Position. Lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet fixed on the floor surface. One end of the "butterfly" is clamped by the knees, and the other - by the hands at the level of the face.
    • Exercise. The legs slowly rise, squeezing the expander and giving a load to the press. A few seconds are fixed in this position and return to the original.
    • Intensity. You need to perform the exercise 15-20 times per approach.

    Results from classes with an expander

    By regularly performing exercises with an expander for men, you can:

    • strengthen and develop the muscles of the arms, abdomen, legs, shoulder girdle;
    • increase the level of endurance and get rid of excess fat (for this, you should perform the exercises quickly, with minimal breaks between sets and with a large number of repetitions);
    • strengthen the cardiovascular system (exercises with an expander are similar in effectiveness to running, which can cause knee problems in overweight or old age);
    • increase joint mobility and flexibility. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

    The expander develops the muscles of the arms well, especially the shoulder joint, as well as the trunk. Exercises can be done to warm up or exercise in the morning. Expanders that are manufactured at the factory consist of many parts. Namely, from springs, but rubber bands attached to two handles can be used. You can also increase the load each time, the kit includes additional springs.

    When you are exercising with an expander, you should not forget what you need gradually increase the load. First you need to leave one spring and do 1-2 sets of exercises. Only after you can easily complete the number of repetitions in the exercise, you can increase the number of springs or sets.

    When you wake up to do the exercise, you need to make sure that you constantly come to the starting position smoothly, with little resistance, you do not need to relax the muscles. Each exercise should be performed 7-12 times.

    1. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, and hands with an expander should be raised in front of you so that the palms are turned inward. Then spread straight arms to the sides and inhale, then return to the original position and exhale. When you do this exercise, try not to lean back too much and try to look ahead of you all the time.


    2.Now you need to pass the left or right leg into the handle of the expander, and clasp the second with your hands, and, tilting the body slightly forward, press one handle of the expander to the chest. Then, without taking your hands off your chest, straighten your torso and bend over to take a breath. And when you return to the original position, exhale. And this exercise should be done with a few additional springs.

    Reduction of hands above the head

    3. Now you will need to put your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms with the expander up, palms out. Spread them to the side, without bending your arms so that the springs are behind your back, and inhale. Raising your hands up, you need to return to the original position and exhale.

    Curl for biceps

    4. In this exercise, you will need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, take the handle with a grip from below with your right hand, and place your right foot at the other end. You do not need to deflect the torso, you need to bend your right arm at the elbow until it touches the shoulder expander and take a breath. And then, unbending the arm in the elbow joint, return to its original position and exhale.

    Raising hands behind the back

    5. Again we get up to the original position. But now we must move the expander behind the back so that the arms are bent and the palms are looking out. Then straighten your arms to the side and inhale. Then, bend your arms and return to the original position and exhale. This exercise is done with several additional springs.

    Pulling the arm away from the shoulder to train the triceps

    6. Now the expander should be picked up and transferred behind the back so that the right arm is bent at the shoulder, and the left straight line is pressed to the thigh. Then straighten your right arm up to straightness and inhale. Returning to the original position, you need to exhale. Repeat this exercise with both hands.

    Arm extension

    7. In this exercise, you should take the expander with your palms inward. Raise the left hand to the side, and press the right, bent to the chest. Then you do not need to bend the left arm, straighten the right arm to the side to the maximum extension and inhale. In the next step, bend your right arm and return to the original position and exhale. The exercise should be done with each hand.


    8. And the last exercise should be done with several expanders, with the addition of several springs to each. We put our feet shoulder-width apart. We pass both feet into the handles of the expanders and sit on the floor. Take the other handles with your hands, with an underhand grip and pull them to your shoulders. This exercise should be performed without bending the torso. As you stand up, inhale, and when you bend your legs, exhale.

    Exercises with an expander for all muscle groups - Video

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    For the exercises below, both rubber bands and regular expanders with handles are suitable - choose what is more convenient for you.

    Some of the exercises below should be done with short bands. If you don't have any, just skip these exercises. I tried to do them with long ribbons, but it's very inconvenient, almost impossible.

    As for the resistance of the tapes, choose the load according to your capabilities. Focus on three sets of 10-15 repetitions of each exercise. For the workout to be effective, the last repetitions must be given with difficulty.

    Upper body exercises

    Arm raises for biceps

    Arm raises for biceps
    • Step on the expander with both feet.
    • Take the loops in your hands.
    • Stretch the expander by bending your elbows.

    Triceps exercise

    Triceps exercise
    • Step on the expander with both feet closer to the heels.
    • Stretch the expander behind your back and extend your arms above your head.
    • Bend your arms at the elbows, stretching the expander.

    Push-ups with resistance

    Push-ups with resistance
    • Swipe the expander behind your back, take the ends in both hands and stand in the lying position.
    • Pressing the ends of the expander to the floor, perform regular push-ups.

    Bent-over arms

    Hand layout
    • Step on the expander in the middle, grasp the loops or handles with both hands.
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly tilt your body forward with a straight back.
    • Spread your arms to the sides, stretching the expander.
    • Lower your arms and repeat.

    Abduction of one hand

    Arm abduction
    • Hook the expander on the horizontal bar post or door handle.
    • Extend your right hand in front of you and grasp the expander. The angle between the shoulder and chest should be 90 degrees.
    • Take your hand to the right so that it is on the same level with your chest, do not bring it further behind your back.
    • Bring your hand back and repeat.
    • Do the exercise on your left hand.

    The thrust of the expander in the slope

    The thrust of the expander in the slope
    • Stand on the expander with both feet, grab the loops or handles.
    • Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body, keeping your back straight.
    • Bend your elbows and take them back.
    • Try to pull the expander with your back muscles, not your arms.

    Hand spread lying on the stomach

    Hand spread lying on the stomach
    • Lie on your stomach.
    • Put the expander under the stomach, and take the loops or handles in both hands.
    • Stretch the expander with your hands, lifting the body.
    • For the best effect, linger in the upper position for a few seconds.
    • Return to starting position and repeat.

    Putting hands behind the back

    Putting hands behind the back
    • Stand in the middle of the expander, grab the loops or handles, keep your legs together.
    • Take straight arms behind your back.
    • Return your arms to the starting position and repeat.

    Standing Chest Press

    Standing Chest Press
    • Hook the expander at the level of the lower back or higher.
    • Turn your back to him and grasp the loop or handle.
    • Make a small lunge forward, pulling the expander.
    • Raise your arm with your elbow bent to chest level (no higher!).
    • Extend your arm in front of you, pulling the expander.
    • Return your arm to the bent position.
    • Repeat the exercise.

    Bench Press

    Bench Press
    • Pass the expander under the bench, lie down on it and take the loops or handles of the expander in both hands.
    • Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, the angle at the elbow is 90 degrees.
    • Straighten your arms in front of you, do not unbend your elbow to the end.
    • Return to starting position.

    Core Strengthening Exercises

    Alternate leg raise

    Alternate leg raises
    • Lie on the floor, grab the expander in the middle, place your legs in loops.
    • Raise the body so that the lower back remains pressed to the floor.
    • Overcoming the resistance of the elastic, alternately raise your knees.


    • Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, step on one end of the expander with your left foot, take the other end with both hands.
    • Bend over to the leg under which the expander is located, keep your back straight.
    • As you straighten up, pull the expander diagonally to the right and up until your hands are over your right shoulder, above your head.
    • Return to the slope to the left leg and repeat the exercise.
    • Repeat on the other side.

    Side bar with resistance

    Side bar with resistance
    • Hook the expander on the feet, twist the two ends and take loops or handles in both hands.
    • Get into a plank position.
    • Raise one arm and, while stretching the expander, make an exit to the side bar.
    • Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

    Exercises for the legs and buttocks

    Band Squats

    Band Squats
    • Step on the elastic and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Pick up the expander loops. To make it more comfortable to hold, hold the expander behind your shoulders and hold it in bent arms, as if putting it on your shoulder.
    • Do a squat. The back is straight, the pelvis is retracted, the knees are slightly turned outward.
    • Straighten up, stretching the expander.
    • Repeat the exercise.

    Lying knee bend

    Lying knee bend
    • Hook the expander on the rack close to the floor.
    • Insert your ankle into the loop and lie on your stomach.
    • Bend your leg at the knee, pulling the expander.
    • Straighten your leg and repeat.

    Leg extension lying on the side


    For this exercise, you will need a short expander.

    • Connect the legs under the knees with an expander.
    • Lie on your side.
    • Spread your knees, overcoming the resistance of the expander.
    • Bring your legs together and repeat.

    Rubber band steps

    • Put a short expander on your legs at the ankles or tie them with a long one.
    • Take steps to the side, stretching the expander.
    • Do the exercise on the other side.
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