• Raising the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip. We study all the subtleties and secrets


    Bending the arms on the lower block with a reverse grip is aimed at high-quality development of the shoulder, brachioradialis and biceps muscles. But strangely enough, it is the latter (biceps) that are least involved in this exercise. Therefore, the main load falls on the forearm. But, in addition to the growth of the forearms, thanks to this exercise, you can achieve an increase in the volume of the upper arms. This occurs due to the growth of the brachial muscle, which in turn, increases, and gives relief and volume to your arms. In terms of technique, this exercise is identical. The only difference is that it is not done with free weights.

    Technique for performing arm curls on the lower block with a reverse grip:

    1. Stand near the exercise machine.
    2. Take the handle of the machine with an overhand grip (palms facing down).
    3. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
    4. Inhale, and then as you exhale, lift the handle of the machine up, bending your elbows.
    5. Fix your hands in this position for a moment and then slowly, while inhaling, lower the handle down to the starting position.
    6. When it reaches the bottom, repeat the curl for the set number of repetitions.

    Muscles involved in the exercise

    Features of arm curls on the lower block with a reverse grip:

    • Do not swing your body, thereby helping yourself to bend your arms.
    • Lower the handle slowly from the top point. Why is this necessary? Forearm muscles (at the moment, this is our target muscle group) work both in the positive phase (bending the arms at the elbows) and in the negative phase of the exercise (extending the arms, or lowering the handle of the exercise machine down). By going through the negative phase of the exercise slowly, you can feel that the muscles of the forearm are being worked out much better.
    • Do not bring your elbows forward when performing arm curls.
    • The forearm is a fairly resilient muscle group, so the number of repetitions can be increased to 15-20.

    The exercise is aimed at developing the extensor muscles of the forearm and the outer heads of the biceps. It should be noted that this movement will be most effective only if you follow the correct technique.

    So, step by step execution of the exercise

    Stand with a few inches of space between your feet. Next, grab the barbell with an overhand grip and hold it with straight, lowered arms. Without moving your elbows, lift the barbell to chin level. In the same direction, lower it down, but at the same time provide resistance all the time. Thanks to this grip, you cannot lift much weight. All this is explained by the fact that the biceps is in a very disadvantageous position. In fact, this is why moving up is so difficult.

    If curling the arms with a reverse grip is aimed solely at developing the biceps, then the hands at the wrists remain motionless. By the way, you should pay attention to the fact that your thumbs are located on top of the fingerboard, as this will help when working out outside biceps.

    Many beginner athletes make mistakes very often when performing this difficult exercise, so if you are one of them, listen to the following useful recommendations.

    Recommendations for performing barbell curls with a standing reverse grip

    • At the very beginning of the lift, you do not need to push the barbell with your hips. The torso should always be straight and upright.
    • The brachialis muscle is one of the main muscles that is involved in bending the elbow. In our case, the brachialis muscle plays the main role, and the biceps acts as its assistant.
    • Do not use too much weight, as most of the load is directed not to the biceps, but to the brachialis muscle. Well, she is, of course, much weaker.
    • Add all of it only when your forearm is thoroughly strengthened. The weight of the bar should never prevent incorrect execution.

    Curling your arms with a barbell with a reverse grip can be fixed by watching this video:

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    Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

    Place in : out of competition ()
    Date of: 2012-05-29 Views: 198 680

    Why medals are given to articles:

    Core muscles - ,
    Additional- shoulder
    Difficulty of execution- light

    Barbell curl with overhand grip - video

    Weight and reps for beginners

    For men: 10 - 15 repetitions 15 - 20 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
    For women: 10 - 15 repetitions 7 - 10 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

    Load by muscle group

    The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

    Description of the exercise

    You won't build big biceps this way, but it will strengthen your forearms well. In general, the exercise is necessary. It fits well at the end of your arm workout! Try to raise and lower the barbell slowly.

    Main features

    1. This exercise is aimed primarily at training the forearms, and then at training the biceps. 2. The grip should be shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. If you use a curved bar, you will work your forearm a little less and your biceps a little more. 3. You need to extend your arms all the way. But bending - not to the very end. The hand should remain slightly in front of the elbow. With this option, the biceps will be maximally tense at the top point. 4. It is advisable not to keep your elbows in place, but to move them slightly forward when lifting the barbell. But only a little. In order to contract the biceps more strongly. 5. Try not to swing or help yourself with your back or legs. This can only be done for the last 1 – 2 repetitions. Your back should be straight and your shoulders back. 6. Use such a weight that you can do at least 8 repetitions. 7. This exercise fits perfectly at the end of an arm workout. You can “finish off” both biceps and forearms in one fell swoop.

    Reverse grip barbell curl- This great exercise to pump up not only the biceps, forearms, but also the brachial muscles. If you are doing this exercise for the first time, get ready for new sensations. It will greatly involve the extensor muscles of the forearms (in the picture below they are indicated in red) and, of course, the outer heads of your biceps will be involved in the work.

    If you are a beginner and have fairly weak wrists, I recommend performing “reverse grip curls” at the very end of your biceps workout. If you do this exercise at the beginning of your workout, your forearms will tire too quickly, and further biceps work will be less effective.

    Many people are accustomed to thinking that reverse grip biceps curls are aimed specifically at working the biceps, and the shoulders are of secondary importance. This is wrong! The exercise is aimed at working the brachialis muscle, which is located under the biceps. It, in turn, helps to push the biceps, and in visual terms, it gives the muscle a more peak state (shape).

    If you want to have large and harmoniously developed arms, you simply need to do the “reverse grip curl” exercise. Let's move on to techniques and recommendations.


    Technique for performing the exercise “BAR BELL BENDS WITH REVERSE GRIP”

    1. Take the barbell with an underhand grip and stand so that your feet are almost shoulder-width apart. The body remains motionless with every up and down movement. Only the biceps and extensor muscles work. This will be your starting position.

    2. Great! Now, without moving your elbows, lift the barbell up. To keep the muscles constantly under tension, you should not lift the barbell too high, this will cause the biceps muscles to relax at the top point, and we don’t want that. Remember, in order for the return from any exercise to be as effective as possible, you need to try to constantly keep your muscles tense.

    3. Take a short pause at the top, and also smoothly lower the barbell to its original position.

    4. For an example of performing the exercise “Reverse Grip Barbell Curls,” see the training video:


    1. When lifting the barbell to the top point, you cannot help push it up with your body or hips. You cannot use inertial force in this exercise. The body should always be in a vertical position relative to the floor. Only the biceps and forearm muscles work.

    2. Don't take too much weight. It is better to take less weight and do the exercise correctly than to take heavy weights and perform the exercise without holding on. correct technique. If you don't do the exercises correctly, it will lose its effectiveness.

    3. When lifting, you can move your elbows forward a little to increase contraction of the biceps muscles. But don’t put your elbows out too far; by helping the muscles, you again reduce the load on the biceps.

    Reverse grip barbell curl is one of the best exercises for the development of the forearms.

    The brachialis muscle is very rarely pumped up, since most people focus their attention on pumping and building up the biceps, since this muscle catches everyone’s eye.

    But, do not forget that if you pump up the brachialis, the total mass of the biceps will be much larger and larger. Thanks to the shoulder muscle, the width and volume of the arms increases significantly.

    Main working muscle group: biceps brachii, brachialis muscle ( brachialis )

    Accessory muscle group: brachioradialis muscle ( brachioradialis )

    Bend the arms with a barbell with a reverse grip - execution technique.

    1. Take a barbell with a curved bar, although you can also use a straight bar, if you prefer, with an overhand grip, the distance between the hands is about shoulder width.

    2. Take the starting position, slightly bending back, taking the correct posture. Legs in a stable position.

    3. As you inhale, slowly lift the barbell towards your chest, but touching it.

    4. Elbows are in the same position and pressed to the body, make sure that they do not “walk” back or forward.

    5. As you exhale, slowly lower the weight to hip level.

    6. Do not take too heavy weights, otherwise you will not be able to perform the exercise correctly, since first of all in this option (with an overhand grip), the weakest ones are included in the work shoulder muscles, and the biceps itself plays a secondary role and only helps them.

    7. Do not lift the barbell too high, as the amplitude here is less than with a regular biceps curl.

    8. Among other things, this technique of performing the exercise reduces the load on the muscles being trained and the higher you lift the weight, the less the biceps muscle and forearm will work.

    9. Keep your body straight at all times, especially on the last reps. Therefore, set the weight so as to avoid bending in the lower back when lifting the barbell, or reduce the weight, it’s simple.

    10 Do not bend your hands at different angles, in the wrist joint - injury is possible!

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