• Stuttering lessons. Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson with stuttering children at the stage of reflected speech outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group) on the topic


    Abstract speech therapy session with stuttering older children preschool age at the question-answer stage.

    "Journey to a magical forest" Lexical theme: "Wild animals"

    Gichko Olga Mikhailovna

    Speech therapist GBDOU Kindergarten No. 2 of the compensating species of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg.

    Correctional and educational goals:

    1. Fixing the idea of ​​wild animals.

    2.Activation of the dictionary on the topic: wild animals,

    3. Building a sentence with prepositions: in, from, on, with, for, because of, the formation of possessive adjectives and agreement with nouns, the use of the prepositional case of a noun, the selection of a verb to a noun, the agreement of numerals with a noun.

    4. Strengthening the skill of sound analysis of words.

    5. Consolidation of knowledge about the image of the letter.

    6. Consolidation of the ability to correctly ask and answer questions with a complete answer.

    Correctional and developmental goals :

    1. Development of long speech breathing, Development of prosodic components of speech.

    2. Development of auditory and visual attention, perception, memory.

    3. Development of optical-spatial representations

    4. Development of personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities, develop the ability for self-esteem.

    5. Development of universal prerequisites for educational activities: The ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

    6. Development of the emotional sphere of children, imagination.

    7. Development of muscle tone, mimic muscles.

    Correctional and educational goals:

    1. Raising a steady interest in the occupation, initiatives, the desire for vigorous activity,

    2. Fostering a sense of camaraderie-collectivism.

    3. Raising a humane attitude towards wild animals.


    Magnetic board, computer, flannelograph with a set of details on the topic: "Winter" (snowflake, tree, snow falling, snowdrift, woodpecker, titmouse)

    Audio recording "Winter" "Relaxation melody",

    Costume of the Old Man - Lesovichka.

    Modules - hemp, snowballs, track with traces,

    Object pictures depicting wild animals

    Pictures depicting animal dwellings (burrow, lair, hollow, bush.)

    Pictures depicting emotions: sadness, discontent, surprise, joy.

    Pictures depicting a hare: on a stump, jumped off a stump, into a snowdrift, got out of a snowdrift, behind a tree, from behind a tree. (For individual work by the number of children)

    Pictures with the image of a wild animal in the amount of 5 pieces are inserted into the colored envelope (wolf, fox, hare, squirrel,)

    Preliminary work:

    Introduction to emotions. Work on the duration of speech exhalation. Strengthening the skill of using a computer correctly. Reading fiction on the topic: "Wild animals."

    Lesson progress:

    Organizing time.

    Speech therapist: Guys, let's say hello to the guests. Hello.

    And now let's remember how to speak correctly and beautifully:

    1. Be attentive, do not interfere with others, first listen then answer.

    We speak conjointly. Disperse to the place. They sat down on the chairs.

    2 .Relaxation to music.

    Speech therapist: Children, look and imagine that we are in a winter forest. (Turn on music)

    Close our eyes and listen to music.

    We turn off the music. We open our eyes.

    Speech therapist: - What was the music like?

    Children: The music sounded gentle. The music sounded beautiful. Music sounded


    Speech therapist: And what did you imagine to the sounds of this music?

    Image of pictures on the board.

    Children: Snow is falling, snowflakes are spinning, frost is crackling, trees are rustling,

    somewhere a bird flew by, etc.

    3. Speech with movements: "We have come to the winter forest."

    Speech therapist: In order not to freeze in the winter forest, we will warm ourselves .

    We have come to the winter forest! How many miracles are around here!

    On the right is a birch in a fur coat, On the left is a Christmas tree looking at us.

    Snowflakes are spinning in the sky. And quietly fall to the ground.

    Here the bunny jumped. He ran away from the fox.

    This is a gray wolf prowling, He is looking for prey.

    We all hide now! Then he will not find us!

    Only the bear sleeps in the den, So he sleeps all winter.

    4. Riddles about wild animals

    A woodsman comes out from behind a tree.

    I'm an old man-forester I go through the forest to look in order.

    Hello guys, I'm glad you came to my domain?

    Lesovichok.: - Do you know who lives in my forest? Children: - Yes!

    Lesovichok: I will tell you riddles.

    We will answer one by one, to whom I will point.

    Sit on the stumps and listen.

    1. Look at what - Everything burns like gold,

    Walks in an expensive fur coat, The tail is fluffy and big. (Fox)

    2. Day and night he roams the forest, Day and night he is looking for prey.

    He walks - he wanders in silence, Ears gray upright. (Wolf)

    3. A fungus hangs on a knot. Who could hang it?

    I will part the small spruce forest, I will hide - I will see ... (squirrel).

    4. The oblique does not have a lair, He does not need a hole.

    Legs save from enemies, And bark from hunger. (Hare)

    5. He is big and clumsy, They say he sucks his paw.

    He can roar loudly, What kind of animal is this? (Bear). - together.

    Children solve riddles.

    Well done. You are good at solving riddles.

    Lesovichok: What are these animals called? Children: Wild animals.

    Lesovichok: Why are they called that? Children - They live in the forest.

    Lesovichok: Oh, I stayed too long, I run away with you, I will visit my possessions and return, and you will take a walk.

    5.Breathing exercise Speech therapist: And we will breathe fresh, frosty air.

    Oh! What air! Children spread their hands and take a deep breath.

    Oh! What frosty air.

    What clear and clean air! How to breathe well.

    The winter forest is very beautiful. Everything is covered with white, fluffy snow.

    6. Psycho-gymnastics The goal is to teach to regulate muscle tone, mimic muscles.(cards with muzzles on the board)

    Speech therapist: What happened? What's around? Noise and din from all sides is a bunny galloping.

    He ran away from his mother. The bunny is small, does not always obey, and there is a mother

    scolds or punishes him. And when he is obedient, his mother praises him, caresses him.

    And from this, the bunny has a different mood. I will call you zaykino

    mood, and you choose the right card.

    Speech therapist: A bunny sits on a stump and is sad:

    Lower the corners of the lips down. Convey a sad look.

    Children show facial expressions of sad mood

    Speech therapist: lost in the forest and cannot find his mother, angry with himself.

    The child takes the desired picture with a muzzle.

    Children show facial expressions of an angry mood

    Speech therapist: the bunny saw a familiar squirrel.

    The child takes the desired picture with a muzzle.

    Children show facial expressions of surprise.

    Speech therapist: do not be sad, we will play with you and look for mom.

    The child takes the desired picture with a muzzle.

    Children show a smile. Well done!

    7. Snowball game "We'll have a little rest and go play snowballs"

    The speech therapist offers a box of snowballs.

    Speech therapist: Children take a snowball in our hands. We blind a lump and throw it. Let's shake the snow off our hands.

    The children are moving.

    eight. " Where did the bunny hide? (Building a sentence with prepositions: in, from, on, from, for, because of,) (with pictures)

    Bunny ran to look for his mother, and we will sit at the table. Choose your pictures and look at them. I remind you. I will ask, and you will answer with a full sentence.

    The speech therapist asks the children questions:

    Where did your bunny go? - My bunny jumped into a snowdrift.

    Where did your bunny come from? My bunny got out of the snowdrift.

    Where is your bunny? - My bunny is standing on a stump.

    Where did your bunny jump from? - My bunny jumped off the stump

    Where is the bunny hiding? The bunny hid behind a tree.

    Where did the bunny come from? The bunny peeked out from behind the tree. Good girl!

    9. Game "Whose Traces" (formation of possessive adjectives and agreement with nouns)

    Lesovichok: I'm back, I need your help. The beasts have followed all over the forest and confused me. I do not know where, whose traces? I can't find anyone.

    Lesovik: Choose your tracks. Children choose and stand near the tracks.

    Lesovichok: Whose tracks did you choose?

    Child - I chose hare footprints.

    Lesovichok: And whose tracks did you choose?

    Child - I chose squirrel tracks.

    Lesovik: Stas, whose tracks did you choose?

    Child - I chose wolf tracks.

    Lesovichok: Sasha, whose tracks did you choose?

    Child - I chose fox tracks.

    Guys, follow the tracks that you have chosen, and we'll see where these tracks lead you.

    The children followed the tracks and stopped each at their own place.

    Lesovichok: Where did the fox tracks take you?

    Child: Fox tracks led me to a fox hole.

    Lesovichok: Where did the squirrel tracks lead you?

    Child: Squirrel tracks led me to a tree with a squirrel hollow.

    Lesovichok: Where did the hare tracks lead you?

    Child: hare footprints led me to a bush.

    Lesovichok: Where did the wolf tracks take you?

    Child: Wolf tracks led me to the wolf den.

    10. Game "Where does anyone live?" (use of the prepositional case of a noun)(Cross poll.)

    Speech therapist: Guys, now you will ask each other questions about your animal and answer them.

    Children ask each other questions.

    Sasha: where does the wolf live?

    Child: The wolf lives in a den.

    Stasik: Where does the fox live?

    Child: The fox lives in a hole.

    Mouth: Where does the squirrel live?

    Child: A squirrel lives in a hollow

    Cyril: Where is the bunny hiding?

    Child: Bunny is hiding under a bush.

    Bogdan: Where does the bear winter?

    Child: The bear winters in a den.

    11. "Who performs these actions?"(selection of a verb to a noun)

    Lesovik: How great it was for you to ask and answer questions. And now I'll ask you.

    Speech therapist: Then come to the blackboard.

    The child answers and puts the picture on the board with the image of the animal.

    Lesovik: Tracks, runs, howls ... a child ... a wolf

    Lesovik: Sneaking, running, cunning ...... child ... .. fox

    Lesovik: Jumps, gets scared, trembles ... ... child ... hare

    Lesovik: jumps, jumps, hides in a hollow .... child ... squirrel.

    12.« Count the animals » 1,2,3,4.5. (coordination of numerals with a noun

    Child - One Wolf, two wolves, three wolves, four wolves, five wolves.

    Child: one hare, two hares, three hares, four hares, five hares.

    Child: one fox, two foxes, three foxes, four foxes, five foxes

    Child: one squirrel, two squirrels, three squirrels, four squirrels, five squirrels.

    13 ".Highlight the sound in the word"

    Speech therapist: Lesovichok, do you have a school in the forest?

    Lumberjack: Yes! I'm going to study there soon.

    Speech therapist: We are also preparing for school. We already know how to distinguish sounds in a word.

    Let's remember. What vowel sounds do you know. Children answer: A, o, y, and, uh, s.

    Look at the board. Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a wolf.

    Speech therapist: What is the vowel sound in the word: wolf.

    Child: The word wolf has one vowel sound o

    Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a fox.

    Speech therapist: What are the vowel sounds in the word: fox.

    Child: There are two vowel sounds in the word fox and, a.

    Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a bear.

    Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word: bear.

    Child: There are two vowels in the word bear: and, a

    Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a bunny.

    Speech therapist: How many vowels are in the word: bunny.

    Child: In the word bunny there are two vowels a, a.

    14. Computer game "Collect a word from letters »

    Lesovik: Guys, let's find out how they do in the forest school. The school has a teacher crocodile, his name is Croco. He is smart and kind.

    Let's split into two teams.

    Speech therapist: Collect from letters, the word fox. And Lesovichok will see whose team can do it faster?

    The child clicks on the correct letter. Well done! We played with the word fox.

    15. "Make a sentence with a word" : l donkey, hare, wolf, squirrel, bear.

    Speech therapist: Lesovichok, we can come up with our own sentences with the word fox.

    Children: The chanterelle is chasing the hare. The bunny is hiding from the fox. Squirrel on a branch

    nibbling nuts. The wolf is stalking prey.

    Speech therapist: Which sentence did you like the most?

    16. Relaxation to music. " Magical dream"

    Speech therapist: We will go to a magical clearing. Lie down, close your eyes and

    Listen to the music. Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes and relax to the music.

    Speech therapist: Imagine you are lying on warm sand. You feel good and happy.

    Breathing is even, calm. You feel the warm rays of the sun. Rays

    warm your hands, feet, face. One of the rays touched your lips and

    made you smile. You enjoy these touches. Do you feel

    yourself as part of nature. You will carry this smile and give it to your friends.

    Stretch your arms up, inhale and open your eyes on the count of three. your walk

    was wonderful. Sat down. Stretched. We got up.16.Result. Where have you been? What did you like? Well done! You did well. The forester left gifts for you under the Christmas tree.

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    Individual lesson with a child suffering from stuttering.

    "Journey to the Land of Short Answers".

    TOPIC: Journey to the Land of Short Answers.

    Correctional and educational:

    Fixing in the mind of a preschooler the technique of correct speech. Education of independent, smooth and rhythmic speech.

    Muscle relaxation in contrast to tension; the impact of the word on the will and consciousness of the child, causing calmness, poise, confidence in his speech.

    Training of a long speech exhalation on individual sounds, words, a short phrase.

    The development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis, the syllabic structure of words: the allocation of a stressed vowel sound from words, the division of words into syllables.

    The development of word-formation and inflection processes: the use of nouns in the instrumental case of the singular; formation of names of baby animals, relative adjectives from nouns


    The development of auditory, visual attention, memory, thinking.

    Correctional and educational: the formation of interest in the lesson.

    Equipment: A set of animal figurines, houses; subject pictures: baby animals, food; plan and streets of the city of Beautiful speech; set of words: name of animals; letters to form a word.

    Course progress.

    1. Our eyes look good and see everything.

    Our ears listen well and hear everything.

    And what does our tongue want to do? (That's right, say). But first we must relax, and for this we will do exercises.

    2. Relaxing exercises in contrast to tension.

    They sat down on a chair. Hands on knees. Calmed down. Listen and do as I do.

    Exercises: "Fists" (relaxation of the muscles of the hands).


    “Sunbathing” (relaxation of leg muscles).

    “Barbell” (-/- muscles of the arms, legs and body),


    "Ball" (relaxation of the abdominal muscles).

    “Curious Barbara” (-/- necks).

    “Proboscis” (-/- muscles of the speech apparatus and lips),


    "Angry tongue" (relaxation of the muscles of the tongue),


    3. Suggestion "Magic dream".

    Now, you know how easy it is to talk when there is no tension. If you feel that some word is not working out, you need to stop, relax, take a calm breath and continue to speak smoothly, clearly, not tensely.

    Let's repeat the commands of correct speech.

    We are always calm!

    We always speak beautifully

    Bold and slow!

    Clearly, clearly speaking

    Because we're not in a hurry!

    4.-And here is the city of beautiful speech. What are the streets in this city?

    (Reading street names: Gromkaya, Clear, Pause. Slow;

    highlighting a stressed vowel; division of words into syllables; finding the same words on the city plan).

    The most important square of the city is the Square of Vowels, because vowel sounds are the most important in speech.

    And on the plan there is a lake of Tranquility.

    We are always calm.

    5. -We are going on a trip around the country of Short Answers. Here, all residents speak briefly, answer the question with only one or two words.

    This is how we play today - we always answer briefly,

    We are not in a hurry to speak, we think more, we are silent.

    What mode of transport will we use? (By train, bus, we will fly by plane, you can sail on a boat, etc.)

    The development of speech breathing.

    The child depicts the movement of the train (choo-choo-choo).

    On a long exhalation, he says: “uuuuuuuuuuum” (a locomotive hums), etc.

    6.-Here, it seems, we are approaching the zoo. Just brought animals from different places to the zoo. Can we help animals find their homes?

    (Reading the names of the houses. We resettle the animals).

    Deer Fox

    Game: “To whom what?” (feeding animals - cards with the name of the favorite food of animals, subject pictures).

    Soon the animals had cubs. The game "Who has who?".

    7. And now we will go to the cafe "Sweet Tooth".

    In a cafe, the seller treats those who will be able to correctly and leisurely answer questions.

    What is sold in the cafe "Sweet tooth"? What sweets? (Child answers)

    They also sell various juices from fruits and berries:

    Grape juice - grape juice

    -//- from pears -

    -//- from tangerines -

    -//- from peaches -

    -//- from apples - etc.

    Card counting. (For correct answers and smooth, clear pronunciation of words - chips are given).

    8. So our journey ended. Let's go back to kindergarten.

    On the plate, all the letters fled. And to return - you need to make a word from the letters. (Determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word, reading a word).

    9. Summing up the lesson.

    Lesson #1


    1. Relaxing movements.
    2. Breathing exercises.
    3. Voice exercises.
    4. Speech exercises, games for coordinating words with movements.

    Introductory conversation speech therapist.

    The speech therapist tells the children about his name, why they will come to the group. Usually children answer like this: “to be treated”, “learn to speak”.

    The speech therapist explains to the children that in the group they will learn to read poems, count, play lotto, dominoes, learn to tell stories.

    The speech therapist says that some children stutter in their speech, that this happens because they are in a hurry, in a hurry, worry, and here they will learn to speak slowly, calmly. To do this, they will count with a counting rhyme, read poetry, to the claps, to the ball, play ball games and will not stutter in speech.

    So calmly and slowly, you will have to talk at home, and with your mother, and with everyone else.

    Now let's stand in a circle and play.

    Benefits: rubber ball, candle, object lotto.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Wave your arms like a bird's wings.
    2. Wave your hands as if saying goodbye. The hands are relaxed.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. Children are invited to extinguish the candle (inhale calmly through the nose, without raising their shoulders high and without throwing their heads back), and then exhale slowly onto the candle through their mouths, a long whispered sound fffff (collectively).
    2. The same individually.
    1. Onomatopoeia locomotive whistle, howl the wolf. The speech therapist shows the correct articulation (collectively).
    2. The same individually.

    Education of a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme.

    The counting game carried out in a circle. One child says it in a circle, in the center. He slowly, clearly pronounces each word, simultaneously touching each with his index finger:

    One, two, three, four, five…

    The measured movements of the fingers of the hand regulate the pace of the reader and make the pronunciation of the text of the rhyme accessible to the child.

    The counting is pronounced 4 ... 5 times.

    Ball game.

    Target: fostering a calm pace of speech.

    Standing in a circle at arm's length, each of the players taking turns swinging the ball up pronounces the first syllable of his neighbor's name, on the second syllable he throws the ball at his feet.

    The one who catches the ball, in turn, throws it to the one standing next to him, saying Zhenya (repeated 4 ... 5 times).

    Speech board games:

    Cultivating a calm pace of speech in a sentence of three words.

    Subject lotto (any). Children wear:

    I have a cockerel.

    I have a fish.

    I have a squirrel.


    1. Learn to catch the ball.
    2. Repeat counting.

    The speech therapist shows how to say goodbye smoothly and slowly: "Goodbye."

    Lesson #2

    Benefits: candle, ball, loto "Kids".

    Relaxing movements:

    Wave your arms like a butterfly's wings.

    Breathing exercises:

    Blow on the index finger "candle".

    Articulation "A". Echo game. Children stand in two rows facing each other. One party loudly pronounces "a", the other echoes a little quieter "a".

    Articulation "U", as well.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    In the count from 1 to 5 under the ball, the children accompany each word by throwing the ball to the floor. The game can be played for competition (who never drops the ball).

    Repeat the game with the name of the names and the simultaneous throw of the ball (zhe-nya).

    Speech board games and activities.

    Target: cultivating a calm pace of speech in response to the questions: “Who has a butterfly?”.

    "I have a butterfly."

    Lotto "Kid".

    The story "Frightened!" - fostering a calm pace of speech in the story “Three boys went into the forest. There they collected nuts. Suddenly, someone jumped out of the bushes. The two boys got scared and ran. They fell, dropped their baskets and scattered the nuts, but the third boy was not afraid. He calmly stood and looked, who jumped out? And it was not a wolf, but a hare.

    Plan for working out the story until the 8th lesson.

    1. Reflected collective reading.
    2. Retelling the story about the ball.

    Lesson #3

    Benefits: a piece of cotton wool, a ball, loto "Sun".

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Chalked rotations with the hands in front of you.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. Repetition of previous exercises.
    2. Blowing off the fleece from the palm of the hand "Who is next." The exhalation should be long (collectively, individually).
    1. Aukaniya, the game "Echo" (collectively, individually).
    2. How the locomotive buzzes oo-oo-oo:
    • Horn?
    • Wolf?

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech by pronunciation of a rhyme

    Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

    What did you bring as a gift?

    I brought color books

    Let the kids read

    I brought pencils

    Let the kids draw.

    Then a game of counting rhymes from the first lesson.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech. First, we repeat the completed exercise (counting to five under the ball), and then we learn a new game:

    Children stand in a circle at some distance from each other. The first, swinging the ball, pronounces the first word “Vova”, then smoothly throws the word “lo-vi” at the neighbor’s feet on the stressed syllable. The one who catches the ball throws it to the next one, etc. (several circles).

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm rate of speech when pronouncing short sentences in the game "Sun".

    We take any subject lotto, draw a sun on one of the cards. Children take pictures, as in the previous game, from a pile and calmly and slowly name the image on it:

    I have a doll.

    I have a duck.

    I have a "sun" - we will be called "sun".

    Children, turning to him, say:

    Sunshine, sunshine

    Look out the window

    Children are waiting for you

    The kids are waiting.

    The sun smiles.

    The game is repeated.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the story "The Brave Thrush".

    Vaska the cat saw a nest in a tree. There were chicks in the nest. Cat Vaska climbed a tree. As soon as he crawled to the nest, an old thrush flew in. He began to peck at the cat's nose and eyes. The cat got scared and ran away.

    After working through the story, several children take turns passing on this story, and the rest take turns passing the previously memorized story under the ball.


    Tell it to mom and dad.

    Task number 4

    Benefits: flower, ball, pictures “What is he doing?”

    Relaxing movements:wave your relaxed hands over your head.

    1. We repeat the movements of the hands of the first lesson.
    2. Let's explore this.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. We repeat the previously learned exercises 1-2 times.
    2. When inhaling, smell a flower, perfume, artificial flower, lemon, etc.

    Onomatopoeia crying baby in the game "Echo" ah-ah-ah-ah, then wa-wa-wa.

    Each new exercise is learned first collectively, and then individually.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme under clapping: first in chorus, then individually.

    Verbochki: Verbochki, Verbochki!

    Snow on the fields.

    Willows, willows,

    You are cold.

    You need to make sure that the children pause at the end of the line.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the ball game “I throw it - catch it!”.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in questions and answers according to the pictures “What is he doing?”.

    One of the players, the presenter, shows a picture with an action and asks in turn:

    What is the boy doing?

    The boy is feeding the fish.

    After a few questions, the role of leader can be transferred to the child.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech when working through the story "The case with the squirrel."

    The speech therapist should ask who will tell the old story and who will tell the new one in order to avoid overwork.

    “In the spring, the whole meadow was flooded, only the tops of bushes and trees were left sticking out of the water. Grandfather swam on a boat between the bushes to put the nets on the fish. Straw and twigs hung from the bushes. A wet rag dangled from one branch. Suddenly this "rag" jumped into the boat with his grandfather. She turned out to be white. Grandpa took her to the shore. Then the squirrel jumped off the boat and ran into the forest.


    Repeat the story at home.

    Lesson number 5

    Benefits: perfume bottle, ball, Quartet board game.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repetition of exercises from 3-4 lessons.
    2. “Rinsing clothes” - shake your relaxed hands near the floor.

    Breathing exercises:

    When inhaling, smell the perfume from the bottle.

    1. Repetition of onomatopoeia at the request of children.
    2. Onomatopoeia hissing goose sh-sh-sh-sh. The teeth are closed, the lips are collected in a tube, a warm jet - control with the palm of your hand. Collectively, individually.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    My cheerful ringing ball

    Where did you jump off to?

    The pronunciation of each word is accompanied by a throw of the ball to the floor.

    B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a phrase under the ball. Children, standing in a circle, take turns calling their name: “My name is Zhenya”, “My name is Kolya”, etc.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a phrase in four words. Quartet game. Each child selects four identical pictures: four mushrooms, four flowers, four items of dishes, shoes, etc. Treat with the phrase: "Vova, give me a flower."

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the fairy tale "Rocked Hen".

    “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken ryaba. The hen laid an egg. The egg is not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and the hen is cackling: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I’ll lay an egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one.”

    After working through the fairy tale, the speech therapist agrees with the children about who will tell the new fairy tale and who will tell the old story.

    Lessons #6-7

    Benefits: ball, picture domino, contour pictures.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Imitation of rinsing clothes.
    2. Relaxed fall of the arms from the position of the hand to the sides.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. Repetition of one or two old exercises.
    2. As you exhale, blow on a handful of hands, on hot tea fff.
    1. Repeat: hissing goose shhhh.
    2. The buzzing of a bee w-w-w-w (lips, teeth, a stream of air, like in sh-sh-sh-sh).

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme under claps:

    Oh, doo-doo, oh, doo-doo

    The shepherd lost his pipe.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when pronouncing sentences under the ball. “My last name is Utkin”, accompanying the words with a throw of the ball.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in the game "Picture Dominoes": "I put the plane and the bus."

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the story "Starling".

    “Seryozha opened the door to the hallway. At that moment, a cat ran into the room. He had a starling in his teeth. Seryozha screamed loudly, and the scream came running mother. She grabbed the cat and took the bird away from him. The starling was breathing heavily. Serezha put him in a cage. A few hours later, the starling recovered, and Seryozha released him into the wild.

    Study on questions and answers and alternation in the stories of all previously learned.


    Repeat the story at home.

    At the 7th lesson, instead of working out the story, its content is transmitted, coloring of “outline pictures” is given.

    Lessons #8-9

    Benefits: ball, object shovel, contour pictures.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repetition.
    2. "Splashes of water" - shake with relaxed hands.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. "Cooling hot tea" - blow on objects.
    2. Blowing coals in a fire, iron, blowing on objects.
    1. Goose onomatopoeia: sh-sh-sh; beetle: w-w-w.
    2. Onomatopoeia mosquito, fly: z-z-z-z.

    As you exhale, smile + loud sound, first collectively, in unison, then individually.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    One, two - blue,

    Three, four - the sun in the world,

    Five, six - there is a river,

    Seven, eight - we'll drop our shirts,

    Nine, ten - we sunbathe for a whole month.

    B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when pronouncing the sentence "I am five years old."

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech in a four-word sentence.

    Picture domino game. In the beginning, we offered three-word sentences, “I have a fish.” Now - from four words: “I have a goldfish” (gray bunny, chanterelle sisters). First, the speech therapist suggests a “gray” bunny. Then the children should make their own definitions.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "Varya and Siskin". (Collection p. 56).

    “Vari had a siskin. Chizh lived in a cage and never sang. Varya came to the siskin: "It's time for you, siskin, to sing." "Let me go free, I will sing all day long."

    The plan for working out the story until the 20th lesson:

    1. Reflected individual reading.
    2. Questions and answers on reading.
    3. Retelling what was read under the ball.

    Alternate with previously learned. At the 9th lesson, children are given outline pictures for coloring.

    Lessons #10-11

    Benefits: ball, the game "Wonderful bag", a thin rubber ball, contour pictures.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repeat two or three learned exercises.
    2. “Let’s fall asleep standing” - falling head down slowly to the signal “Down!”, “Up!” - slowly raise their heads.

    Breathing exercises:

    1. Again: onomatopoeia from the 7th lesson (inflate the coals in the iron).
    2. As you exhale, inflate the rubber balloon, which makes the sound “udi-udi” when inflated. Everyone should have their own ball.
    1. Again: onomatopoeia beetle, mosquito.
    2. Onomatopoeia of a bursting bubble - sssss, but without the participation of the voice.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when reading poetry to the clapping:

    Oh, the water runs like a stream!

    No snow, no ice!

    Oh water! Oh water!

    No snow, no ice!

    After the collective reading of poems, several children repeat individually.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in outdoor games. First, collectively, as shown by a speech therapist, and then at the signal of individual children. Children in a circle perform movements according to the text: “Hands to the sides, to the fist, unclench and to the side!”

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Wonderful bag". As many toys and aids are placed in the bag as there are children in the group. The child recognizes and names the object by touch, and then shows the children: “I have a picture book.”

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "Peter helped."

    “There was a swallow's nest above the window. Four chicks peeked out of it. Suddenly one chick fell out. The swallows swirled over him and squeaked, but could not help. Peter saw it. He picked up the chick and put it in the nest. The swallows chirped merrily and began to feed the chick.

    Several children retell this story, and the rest - any previously memorized to the ball.

    Lessons #12-13

    Benefits: fleece, the game "Riddles", contour pictures.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repeat relaxing head drop.
    2. "Spinning mill wheel" (slow. Smooth, circular movement of the hands).

    Breathing exercises:

    Inhale - children rise on their toes, sniff a branch (flower) from the hands of a speech therapist.

    Exhale - go down.

    1. Repeat several onomatopoeia "Echo".
    2. Onomatopoeia of the howl of the wind - in-in-in-in (show the correct articulation).

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    Cultivating a calm pace of speech in reading poetry under the ball. First in chorus, then individually:

    Cheerful friend, my ball,

    Everywhere, everywhere you are with me

    It's good to play with you.

    You can give the reading of the rhyme to each one line, then repeat two or three times.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Riddles".

    I show a picture, on the back of which there is a riddle. Read on for a riddle. If the children know the answer - they call it, if not - a picture is shown.

    The speech therapist slowly reads the riddle, then offers to repeat it to one of the children. Short, easy-to-remember riddles are selected. For instance:

    Red paws pinch at the heels. (Goose).

    Antoshka stands on one leg. (Mushroom).

    In subsequent games of riddles, the children pronounce memorized riddles according to the picture shown.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "The Fooled Bear".

    “Sometimes, although rarely, bears attack people. Once a shepherd met a bear. He reared up on his hind legs and roared. The shepherd started to run. He hears that the bear is about to overtake him. Then the shepherd took off his hat and threw it right into the face of the bear. The bear stopped, grabbed the hat in its paws and began to tear it. And the shepherd at that time ran out of the forest and escaped.

    The transmission of this, and previously memorized stories, is made at the choice of the children themselves.

    Lessons #14-15

    Benefits: ball, colorful pictures.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repeat exercises from lessons 10-12.
    2. At the signal of the speech therapist "to the right", the children slowly tilt their heads to the right, at the signal "to the left" - to the left.

    Breathing exercises:

    Inhale through the nose, exhale to an imaginary bruised place of the arm, finger, palm, etc.

    1. Repeat several times other voice exercises of the children's choice.
    2. Onomatopoeia of the cry of geese ha-ha-ha (several times in one breath, first collectively, then individually).

    Children themselves check the correctness of articulation from each other.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in outdoor games "Hands to the sides."

    Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist shows movements corresponding to the text:

    We stomp our feet


    We clap our hands


    We raise our hands

    We lower our hands

    And we run around.

    Then the children do it on their own.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech in sentences to the ball: “I live on Nansen (Pushkin, etc.)”. Children stand in a circle. Everyone names their own street or lane.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in sentences of five words: "Vova, give me a red cap."

    Teach children to divide sentences into two segments according to their meaning, as indicated in the sample. Otherwise, the exercise will be difficult and cause stuttering.

    In this game, children match four pictures of the same color (red dress, balloon, etc.). In addition to the speech moment, acquaintance with flowers.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "Geese".

    “The hostess came out and beckons the geese: “Tesh, tesh, tesh, gray geese, white geese, go home.” And the geese stretched their necks, flap their wings, open their beaks? “We don’t want to go home, we are fine here too.” The hostess sees that you can’t get anything from the geese with kindness, so she took a long twig and drove the geese home.

    Lessons #16-17

    Benefits: scented scarf, ball, game "Children's dominoes".

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repeat the exercises from the 6th lesson.
    2. Smoothly raising relaxed arms in front of you to shoulder level and free fall of the arms down.

    Breathing exercises:

    On the inhale, sniff the scented handkerchief, and on the exhale, as slowly as the exhale itself, say: “Good.” Good.

    Cuckoo onomatopoeia: cuckoo. 2-3 times on one exhalation, first in chorus, then individually.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech when pronouncing verses under the ball:

    Skokom - sideways,

    Sideways - lope,

    galloping jackdaw

    Past the windows.

    Children sit in a circle on their haunches, in chorus pronounce the text of the game:

    Knock-knock with a hammer (knock on the floor with a fist),

    We are building, building a new house (they stand up, raise their hands, connect them in the center, as if forming a built house),

    Knock-knock with a hammer,

    We are building a new house.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in sentences: “I put up a Christmas tree and a flag” in the game “Picture Children's Dominoes”.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "In the Forest".

    Lessons #20-21

    Benefits: scented scarf, ball, pictures with poems.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Exercises from the 5th lesson.
    2. "Mowing the grass with a scythe" - free stretching of the arms to the right, to the left.

    Breathing exercises:

    While inhaling, smell (flowers) perfume from the bottle:

    "Oh, they smell good."

    "Smells very nice." Several different offers

    "Very good smell."

    The game "Whose house?". Each child finds a corner-house. The leader approaches the house and asks: “Whose house?”. Children respond with onomatopoeia (beetle, goose, cow, cuckoo, etc.). Leading: “This is the house of a beetle (goose, cow, cuckoo, etc.).

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech when reading rhymes to claps:

    Trumpet blows!

    The trumpet is singing!

    People are walking along the street.

    The trumpeter blows the trumpet for a reason,

    Today is the October holiday.

    Repeat under the verses of “Verbochka”, “Oh, water runs in a stream” from the 4th and 10th lessons.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

    1. "Vova, catch" and "I throw - catch!"
    2. The variant of these games “One, two, three - catch” is repeated 2-3 times.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in poetry and games.

    Poems by A. Barto, Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, Marshak are familiar to children.

    The speech therapist shows the picture and slowly, smoothly reads the first line: "Our Tanya is crying loudly."

    Children also read the second line slowly and smoothly.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "Kostya".

    “Kostya rode in a tram. He sees: a man on crutches entered the tram. It was difficult for him to stand. Kostya got up from his seat and said: “Please, sit down, citizen. I will stand." The citizen said, "Thank you," and sat down on the bench.

    1. Reading the whole story by a speech therapist.
    2. Questions and answers on reading.
    3. Retelling the story without the ball until the 30th lesson. We are moving away from exercises on reflected individual reading. After the questions - an independent story.

    We move away from retelling under the ball. If there are children in the group with severe speech difficulties, then we continue to retell the story with the ball.

    Lessons #22-23

    Benefits: perfume bottle, flags, the Miraculous Pouch game.

    Relaxing movements:

    Smooth raising of relaxed arms above the head and their free fall, followed by swinging on the sides, like a pendulum.

    Breathing exercises:

    While inhaling, say: “My favorite perfume is lily of the valley (lilac, poppy, forget-me-not, familiar to children).

    The speech therapist gives the children a scented handkerchief.

    1. Repeat exercises from previous lessons.
    2. Onomatopoeia of the cawing of a crow (karrr-karrr).

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game with flags. Children stand in a circle holding a flag in each hand. First, the children perform the appropriate movements at the signal of the speech therapist, and after memorizing the text of the game, at the signal of the children. Right up, down

    Left down, up, etc.

    to the side,


    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Wonderful bag". You can diversify. Instead of toys, you can put boxes of sweets.

    “I have a box, and in it is toffee (bee candy, cow candy, etc.).

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "Quarrel of Bugs and Cats."

    “There was a fight between a bug and a cat. The cat began to eat. The bug has arrived. Cat Bug - paw by the nose. Bug cat - by the tail. Cat Bug - in the eyes. Bug cat - by the neck. Aunt walked past, carried a bucket and began to pour water on the cat and Zhuchka.

    When working through this story, it is good to show the children on soft toys how they fought, etc.

    Lessons #24-25

    Benefits: bubble, ball, game "Where does it grow?".

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repeat the movements from the 10th, 14th and 18th lessons.
    2. Walking in circles with a staggering gait, with your head relaxed in your hands.

    Breathing exercises:

    Exhale into a bubble. With a long exhalation, noise and whistling are formed in the bubble - which means that the children take a full breath. Everyone has their own bubble.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Cultivate a calm pace of speech. First, the children repeat the text in chorus, then individual children take turns, and the rest perform the appropriate movements, instead of a toothbrush, they pass their index finger in front of their mouths.

    Wash my neck, wash my ears

    We wipe dry

    Don't rush, don't rush.

    Cleanliness is more expensive for everyone -

    We also brush our teeth

    Powder, powder.

    B) Repeat the outdoor game from 22 lessons (right up ..., separate the flags).

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Where does it grow?".

    You can pick up drawings of plants or fruits of the forest, garden, field, vegetable garden, 4 cards each. Children take turns taking a picture from a pile, calling it and saying:

    I have a mushroom, it grows in the forest.

    I have a turnip, it grows in the garden.

    I have rye, it grows in the field.

    I have a pear, it grows in the garden.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "The Lion and the Mouse."

    "The lion was asleep. A mouse ran over his body, he woke up and caught it. The mouse began to ask him to let her go. She said: "If you let me go, I'll do you good." The lion laughed and released the mouse. One day the hunters caught a lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard a lion's roar, ran, gnawed through the rope and said: “Remember, you laughed, you didn’t think that I could do good, and now you see for yourself that good can come from me!”

    Lessons #26-27

    Benefits: an apple, a ball, plastic toys (rubber, soft) for the game “Guess what didn’t happen?”.

    Relaxing movements:

    Children stand in a circle in pairs. At the signal of the speech therapist, they threaten each other with a finger. Then, at the signal of the speech therapist: “One. Two three!" turn 180 0 , and shake a finger in an already new pair. Then they perform this exercise at the signal of one of the children.

    Breathing exercises:

    As you exhale, sniff the apple. As you exhale, say: “Very fragrant apple”, “Very fragrant apple”, “Very pleasant smell”.

    1. Repeat the onomatopoeia of the crow.
    2. kitten onomatopoeia: meow, meow.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in a counting rhyme:

    Cockerel, cockerel.

    Show me your jacket.

    The box is on fire

    How many feathers does it have?

    One, two, three, four, five,

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game.

    According to the speech therapist:

    “We raise our hands higher” - the children raise their hands.

    “And then we lower them” - the children lower their hands.

    “One (raise), two (lower),

    Three (raise), four (lower).

    Then the exercise is repeated at the signal of one of the children.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in the game "Guess what's gone?".

    The speech therapist puts 3-4 toys or pictures and offers to remember and close your eyes, and then guess what is gone.

    "There was no horse on the table."

    Then you can remove two toys.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech when working through the story "Bug".

    “Zhuchka's legs got sick. Yes, she lay hungry in the kennel for a day. Everyone forgot about her. But Misha remembered Zhuchka and brought her a bowl of soup and a piece of bread. The bug was delighted and wagged its tail. Every day Misha fed Zhuchka. Soon Zhuchka recovered and ran with Misha for a walk.

    Lessons #28-29

    Benefits: tangerine or orange, ball, short poems, illustrations.

    Relaxing movements:

    1. Repeat exercises from 22 lessons.
    2. Slowly raising and lowering the arms from the starting position: one hand down, the other up.

    Breathing exercises:

    As you exhale, smell the orange, as you exhale, say: "The orange (or tangerine) smells very good."

    Repeating all onomatopoeias in the game "Walk in the Woods" ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪




    So the children saw a big pond, and there were geese in the pond and along its banks. The geese saw the children and began to scream loudly.

    Tanya, how do geese scream?


    The children were frightened and quickly ran into the forest. And the forest was quiet. All you could hear was the swaying of the tops of the trees.

    Kolya, how is the forest noisy?


    The children chose a clearing and sat down to rest from the road. Suddenly, a mosquito rang in a thin voice above Zhenya's ear.

    Zhenya, how does a mosquito ring?


    And Lenya saw how a bee sat on a flower. She crawled over the flower and buzzed.

    Lenya, how is the bee buzzing?


    Soon a cuckoo chirped in the distance.

    - ... how does a cuckoo crow?

    Coo-coo, coo-coo.

    For a long time the children listened to the cuckoo, rested and went to look for mushrooms, berries and pick flowers. The children were afraid to fall behind in the forest and often came around.

    - ... how do they go around in the forest?

    Ay, ay.

    For a long time the children walked in the forest, had a good rest and went home.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Repeat the outdoor game from the 18th lesson “Legs together! Feet apart!"

    B) The game "Flag". Children stand in a line at a distance of about 7 meters from the flag on the floor. Children take turns jumping to the flag on one leg, saying the words of the text of the game for each jump. At the last word "flag", the player must be at the flag.

    Jump-jump, jump-jump,

    Here is my checkbox.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech while repeating one or two lines of a verse read by a speech therapist with an illustration. For instance:

    The duck quacked in the pond:

    I will find my own food.


    House with a chimney on a red roof.

    The house came out very well.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the story "Fox".

    “The hunter set a trap for a wolf in the forest. He put the meat in the trap. Walked past the fox. Smell the meaty smell. She wanted to eat meat. She went to the meat, but fell into a trap. The fox sits and thinks: “The hunter set a trap for the wolf. Why did the trap catch me? “And don’t go, fox, along wolf roads!”

    Lessons #30-31

    Benefits: flags, ball, game "Where does it grow?".

    Relaxing movements, breathing exercises, voice exercisesare now carried out in the form of a short charge of 1-2 exercises from previous classes.

    In subsequent lessons, pay more attention to speech work with the texts of articles, fairy tales, dramatizations, etc.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game.

    Children follow the commands of a speech therapist:

    Spread your arms wider (hands to the sides),

    Then bring them together again (hands come together).

    One (to the sides),

    Two (reduced)

    Three (to the sides),

    Four (reduced).

    Then repeat at the command of one of the children.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game. Children chant in chorus:

    We will raise the red flag (raise the flags and hold to the end),

    And we all shout: "Hurrah!".

    Long live dear

    Soviet country.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Where does it grow?" from lesson 24.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story "The Eagle and the Monkey".

    “Far, far away in a dense forest lived monkeys. There were many. They lived together. They climbed trees, swayed on branches. One monkey climbed to the top of a tree. The eagle saw her, grabbed her claws and wanted to carry her away. The monkey screamed. Then other monkeys surrounded the eagle. They beat him, bit him, and the monkey held on tightly to the branch. And the eagle couldn't lift it. He released the monkey and flew away. This is how the monkeys saved their friend.”

    Plan for working out large stories and fairy tales up to the 52nd lesson:

    The story is divided into paragraphs with a vertical bar. The speech therapist reads the story, the children retell it first in parts, then in its entirety. Children with speech difficulties should be given a retelling of only individual paragraphs.

    1. Reading a story.
    2. retelling in parts.
    3. Retelling of the whole story.

    Lessons #32-33

    Benefits: ball, the game "Quartet".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme under the ball, at the end of the line, throwing the ball to the floor in order to instill in children the skills of a pause at the end of the line. This also achieves the expressiveness of the pronunciation of the verse.

    The bird is flying (ball toss)

    The bird is playing (throwing the ball),

    The bird sings (ball throw).

    The bird flew (ball throw),

    The bird played (ball throw),

    The bird is gone (ball throw).

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Yasha and Masha".

    Children stand in a circle. Two children are selected. They walk in a circle blindfolded and call each other: "Yasha!", "Masha!". The game ends when Yasha catches Masha. Then another pair of children is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Quartet". In this game, children pick up a quartet of animals, birds, mushrooms, vegetables, food, etc. They turn to the host in turn: “Ira, please give me a red fox,” a 6-word phrase. The game ends when one of the players collects 4 pictures.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working through the story "Four Butterflies".

    “Four butterflies lived in a clearing in the forest. One is white, the second is yellow, the third is red, the fourth is black.

    Once the butterflies flew for a walk. They flew, flew, played, played, suddenly they see: a big black bird. Butterflies were frightened and began to hide.

    A white butterfly saw a chamomile, sat on it and became invisible. A yellow butterfly found a yellow dandelion and sat on it. A little red butterfly sat on a red carnation and also became invisible.

    Only one little black butterfly could not find a flower. She flew, she flew, she searched, she searched. There is no black flower. The little black butterfly was very frightened that she had nowhere to hide. Suddenly she saw a pine tree. It flew to her, clung to the black bark and became completely invisible.

    A large black bird has flown here, looking for butterflies, but they are nowhere to be seen.”

    In the 33rd lesson, pass this story in action. Children hide near objects that are similar in color.

    Lessons #34-35

    Benefits: ball, flag, game "Merry Musicians", multi-colored pictures.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Repeat the outdoor game “We raise our hands higher ...” from the 26th lesson.

    B) Raising and lowering the flags under the slow score of the speech therapist. Children soy in a circle. At the expense of "one" - raise the flags, at the expense of "two" - lower, at the expense of "three" - raise, at the expense of "four" - lower.

    C) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech when pronouncing a verse under a ball toss at the end of the line:

    Sailing, sailing boat!

    The ship is golden!

    Lucky, lucky gifts!

    Gifts to us!

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Colorful Pictures" from the 14th lesson. Children match four identical pictures. The game is complicated by a phrase of 6 words: “Vova, please give me a blue dress” (a blue hat, a blue ball, etc.).

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech when working out the fairy tale "Rooster and Paints".

    “Vova drew a rooster, but forgot to color it. The rooster went for a walk. “Why are you walking around so unpainted?” - the dog was surprised. The rooster looked into the water: "And it's true, the dog is telling the truth."

    “Do not be sad,” said the dog, “go to the paints, they will help you.” A rooster came to the paints and asks: "Paints, paints, help me."

    "Good" - said the red paint and painted his comb and beard. And the blue painted the feathers on the tail. Green - wings, and yellow - breast.

    “Now you are a real rooster,” said the dog.

    Children tell this fairy tale for several days, and the rest at this time consolidate the skills of a calm speech tempo on previous stories.

    At the 35th lesson, depict a fairy tale in action.

    Enter the element of the game.

    Lessons #36-37

    Benefits: ball, plasticine, the game "Merry Musicians".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game.

    Children stand in a circle at arm's length on one right leg. The left one is set back a little. Children pronounce the words of the text of the game (first collectively, then individually):

    It's very hard to stand like this

    Keep your hands to the sides

    And do not fall, do not swing,

    Don't hold on to each other.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech during the game "Merry Musicians". Children take turns taking pictures from the foot and talk about its content:

    “I have a cat in the picture. She plays the balalaika."

    “I have a dog in the picture. She plays the pipe."

    You need to collect four identical pictures. For example: a cat plays the balalaika, pipe, harmonica, drum, etc.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the fairy tale "Friendship".

    “In the summer, a squirrel and a bunny became friends. The squirrel was red, the bunny was grey.

    Every day they ran to a small clearing and treated each other there. The squirrel brought mushrooms, cones, and the bunny brought carrots and cabbage.

    But now the summer has passed. Winter came. White snow fell. The squirrel hid in a hollow, and the bunny hid under a thick spruce branch.

    Once the squirrel poked out of the hollow. She saw a bunny, but did not recognize him because the bunny was not gray, but white.

    And the bunny also saw a squirrel, and also did not recognize it. After all, he was familiar with a red-haired squirrel, and this one was gray.

    But in the summer they get to know each other again. Why do you think they get to know each other in the summer?

    At the 37th lesson, mold mushrooms, nuts, carrots, cabbage.

    Lessons #38-39

    Benefits: pictures for puzzles.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Heron".

    The child must go for a pie, jumping on one leg, and return - jumping on the other (for the development of motor skills in both legs).

    1 child: "Heron, heron, let it into the corner."

    Heron: "Jump on a leg

    Down that path

    Bring a pie

    I'll go to the corner!"

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in self-compilation of riddles from the picture. A speech therapist teaches children to make riddles. For example, he shows a cat: “Grey, fluffy. Mice are afraid of her”, “Cunning, redhead, steals chickens”, “Walks around the yard, sings a crow”. Give three examples. Then the children are given pictures so that they do not see each other's pictures. Children make puzzles.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the story "That's the bed."

    “Olechka ran all day, jumped all day and was very tired. By evening, the eyes began to stick together on their own, as if the cilia caught on the cilia.

    The rooster saw that Olga was rubbing her eyes with her fists, crowed: “Ko-ko-ko me, Olya, climb onto the perch. It's very comfortable to sleep here." “No, cockerel, what are you! I'll fall off the perch."

    Then the cat Kisai came up, began to rub against Olechka's legs and purr: “Mr, mr, mr, lie down, Olechka, on the bench, curl up. Something will be good. I always sleep like this." “What are you, Kisai, the shop is narrow and tough. I'll lie down all sides.

    “Come, Olechka, to sleep in my kennel,” barked Zhuchka. “What a Bug! Do girls sleep in a dog kennel?

    “Olechka, let’s go to my stall to sleep. It will be very comfortable for us to sleep standing up with her.” “No, horse, what are you. I can't sleep standing up."

    At this time, Olechka was called by her mother: “Go, daughter, to sleep. I have prepared a bed for you - the sheets are white, the pillows are soft, the blanket is warm.

    "That's the bed! - said the cockerel, the cat Kisai, the dog Bug, the horse. -Just for Olechka. Good night, Olechka."

    Lessons #40-41

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech when pronouncing a rhyme:

    Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

    What did you bring as a gift?

    I brought color books

    Let the kids read

    I brought pencils

    Let the kids draw.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in outdoor games.

    1. Repeat the game from the 26th lesson "Jump-jump".

    2. All children stand in one column or in a line. One of the children stands in front of the line and turns to the one on the right flank: “Vova, come here. I found a butterfly”, “Gena, come here. I found a nest." The called one runs and, in turn, addresses those standing in the line: “Zhenya, come here. I found a white mushroom”, “Petya, come here. I found a hedgehog." The game continues until one person remains in the line. After that, the game is repeated.

    Speech board games and activities.

    Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the fairy tale "The Bunny and His Friends".

    “Once, in good and clear weather, a bunny went for berries. He walked and walked, and came across a fox. The fox saw the bunny and was going to eat it. The bunny dropped the basket and ran. He ran to the edge of a dirty ditch, turned around and saw that the fox was already quite close. Bunny sat down to jump over the ditch, but it turned out to be very wide, and he fell into it.

    The fox stood, stood at the edge of the ditch, and left. No matter how hard the bunny tried, he could not get out of the ditch. Two monkeys passed by. Seeing a bunny in trouble, they immediately climbed a tree that stood by the ditch, and, holding each other, extended their hands to the bunny. But the tree turned out to be tall, and they could not reach the bunny. The monkeys quickly called the elephant for help. The elephant, with all his strength, stretched out his long trunk, but he could not reach the bunny either.

    Then they all came up with this together: two monkeys, holding hands, hung on a branch, and the elephant bent this branch with its trunk. So they pulled out the poor bunny.

    The bunny was covered in mud. His legs were stuck together and he couldn't move. Then the elephant took a full trunk of water from the reservoir and redeemed the bunny. Clean, he jumped fast.

    It was already dark, and the bunny did not know where to go to look for his mother. Will the fox meet again? Fortunately, a deer came up and said to the bunny: “Sit on my back, bunny. I run very fast and I will take you home.” The bunny sat down and, holding on to his ears, merrily headed home.

    Lessons #42-43

    Benefits: ball, plasticine, the game "Shop".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game. Children individually pronounce the text and perform movements.

    My ball is flying high

    My ball flies far

    Roll faster across the field

    Hit the floor quickly.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in self-composing sentences in the game "Children's World Store". You can use toys, manuals, picture books, lotto, dominoes, etc. in the game. The roles of the seller and buyers are children. Dialog:

    Hello Aunt Olya!

    Hello Lenochka. Why did you come to the store?

    I want to buy a big doll.

    Don't you have a doll?

    I have a doll, but I want to buy more.

    How many dolls will you have?

    I will give this doll to my friend (mother, sister, etc.). She will have a birthday soon (March 8, etc.).

    Each customer comes to the store once, so as not to drag out the game.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the dramatization of "The Fox and the Mole".

    “The fox asked the mole:“ Why are you, mole, digging such narrow holes? "So that you, fox, do not come to visit me."

    Lessons #44-45

    Benefits: game "Merry musicians".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Storks, butterflies and frogs."

    Children stand in a circle at arm's length. At a signal from a speech therapist or one of the children, stork children stand on one leg, butterflies flap their wings, and frogs squat down.

    B) Repeat the game "Heron, let it into the corner."

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in the game "Merry Musicians" from the 36th lesson.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech when reading the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". At the 45th lesson, stage a fairy tale.

    Lessons #46-47

    Benefits: ball game "Who is doing what?".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in motion. Children walk in a circle and, counting out loud, raise and lower the ball above their heads (at the expense of one, two - raise the ball, three, four - lower it).

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech in the game “Vova, come here, I found a butterfly” from the 40th lesson.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Who is doing what?" from lesson 18.

    B) Cultivating a calm tempo of speech when working out the fairy tale “Why does the donkey roar?”

    “In ancient times, the donkey, as the fairy tale tells, sang better than the nightingale. Once all the animals gathered for advice and the lion, who was their king, asked:

    Which one of you is the most handsome?

    I, I - immediately shouted the donkey.

    Okay, you are the prettiest. And who is the strongest?

    I, I - the donkey shouted before the rest of the animals had time to open their mouths.

    OK. Who is the dumbest here?

    I, I, I - the donkey roared in a hurry, frightened that he would not be ahead of him.

    All the animals rolled with laughter, and the poor donkey lost his beautiful voice from shame. Since then, he can only roar: "I, I, I."

    Lessons #48-49

    Benefits: toys for games "Guess what's gone."

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in an outdoor game. Children stand in a circle and follow the commands of a speech therapist or one of the children:

    "Up" - throw the ball up.

    "Down" - hitting the ball on the floor.

    "Right" - turn to the right and hit the ball on the floor.

    "Left" - turn left and hit the ball on the floor.

    "Back" - turn around and hit the ball on the floor.

    "Forward" - turn around to the starting position and hit the ball on the floor.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the outdoor game "Titmouse".

    Choose a “titmouse”, plant it in a high place, like on a tree branch. Children in chorus:

    You, titmouse, where did you live?

    Where have you been, titmouse?

    Titmouse with an expression:

    All flew through the forests,

    Everyone sat in the bushes.

    Repeat 3-4 times.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in the game "Guess what's gone?" from lesson 26.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the fairy tale "Zaikin's Garden".

    “The bunny planted cabbage in the garden. Yes, here is the food: the birds have flown. “They will peck all the seedlings. Well, wait, birds, - the hare decided, - I will kick you out. The hare runs about the garden. He swings a stick, drives away birds.

    “Hey, gardener,” the hedgehog tells him, “you’re scaring the birds in vain. It will be worse." And the hare doesn't want to listen. Satisfied. Not a single bird left. Silence in the garden. "Grow up now, cabbage." Huge caterpillars ate cabbage.

    “Oh, you stupid hare,” said the hedgehog, “didn’t you know that birds are garden friends. They eat caterpillars. But don't cry! Better wipe your tears and save what's left."

    "How can I save?" - asked the bunny.

    “But how” - and a smart hedgehog taught a hare.

    He made a large bunny feeder, poured crumbs into it. Again the birds flocked to the garden and pecked at all the caterpillars.

    Lessons #50-51

    Benefits: plasticine, picture dominoes.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Raising a calm pace of speech in sentences: “I put a green Christmas tree and a red flag” from the 16th lesson.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the fairy tale "Ryzhik".

    “In the forest, in the ravine, there was a large deep hole. A fox and her three cubs lived in it. Two foxes obeyed their mother. When the mother left the hole, they sat in the hole and did not get out, and the third fox cub - Ryzhik was not obedient.

    One day, when his mother left, he climbed out of the hole and started chasing butterflies. Ryzhik did not notice how he moved further and further away from his hole.

    Then he met a hedgehog and wanted to play with him. Yes, it was not there! The hedgehog curled up into a ball and exposed his thorns, and when Ryzhik approached him, the hedgehog jumped up and painfully pricked him in the nose.

    Ryzhik whined, wanted to go back to his mother, but he didn’t know the way. It's bad to be disobedient. Ryzhik got lost, his nose hurts, he is hungry. He wanted to eat a bird, but she fluttered and flew away.

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large black dog jumped out. She barked loudly and rushed to Ryzhik. Ryzhik was frightened, hid under the roots of an old tree, trembling with fear. And the dog jumps around the tree, trying to get the fox.

    Here come the guys. They drove the dog away, took out the fox and carried it home. At home, the children tied Ryzhik near the shed and gave him milk. But he did not drink milk. All day he screamed and called for his mother.

    And at night, when everyone went to bed, the mother fox came to the village. She came to the barn where Ryzhik was sitting and wanted to take him away. But Ryzhik was tied. Then the fox gnawed through the rope, took him by the collar and carried him home. More Ryzhik did not leave his hole.

    At the 51st lesson, mold any character from a fairy tale from plasticine: Ryzhik's fox, mother fox, bird, hedgehog, dog, etc.

    Lessons #52-53

    Benefits: game "Shop", plasticine, flags.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Repeat the game from the 22nd lesson "Right - up, left - up."

    B) Game "Geese". Children are divided into two groups: "children" and "geese". The game is repeated 3-4 times, changing the roles of the children.

    Children: Geese, you, geese, gray geese.

    Geese: Ha-ha-ha.

    Children: Where did you fly, whom did you see?

    Geese: We saw a wolf, he took away a caterpillar.

    Children: Geese, you geese, pinch the wolf, save the caterpillar.

    Geese: Ga-ha-ha (depict geese, flap their wings, fly away to save the caterpillar).

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Shop" from the 42nd lesson.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the dramatization of "The Old Forester".

    1st: "Grandfather, my dear, make me a whistle."

    2nd: "Grandfather, find me a little white fungus."

    3rd: "You wanted to tell me a fairy tale today."

    4th: "You promised, grandfather, to catch a squirrel."

    Forester: “Okay, okay, kids, just give me time.

    There will be a squirrel for you, there will be a whistle.

    The game is repeated several times in different composition until all the children are covered by the game.

    At the 53rd lesson, give the children the task of molding a fungus, a squirrel, a whistle from plasticine.

    Lessons #54-55

    Benefits: plasticine, pictures for self-compilation of riddles.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    Education of a calm pace of speech in the outdoor game "Stump, Christmas Tree, Elephant". Children stand in a circle at arm's length. At the command of the leader (first - a speech therapist, and then one of the children):

    Stump - squat down;

    Elephant - raise your arms above your head;

    Christmas tree - arms to the sides down (like branches of a Christmas tree).

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech while independently compiling sentences and riddles from the picture (see lesson 33).

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in dialogue. We need to include all the guys.

    Where are you going, Misha, where are you driving?

    Hay to mow.

    What do you want hay for?

    Feed the cows.

    What do you want cows for?

    Milk milk.

    Why do you need milk?

    Little kids to drink.

    C) Repeat the staging of the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Why does the donkey roar?", "The Fox and the Mole."

    At the 55th lesson, invite the children to blind any guess from the game.

    Lessons #56-57

    Benefits: pictures for the game "Seasons".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Repeat the game from the 48th lesson.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Wattle".

    Children stand in a circle and read the first four lines under the clap:

    Shadow, shadow, sweat,

    Above the tree is wattle.

    The animals sat under the wattle fence,

    Boasting all day long.

    They squat down and read in faces:

    Hedgehogs boasted: "We have good fur coats,"

    The fox boasted: “I am the beauty of the whole forest!”,

    The bunny boasted: "Come on, catch up,"

    The bear boasted: "I can sing songs,"

    The goat boasted: "I will gouge out your eyes."

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Seasons".

    Children are given large pictures of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. If the group is large, then one picture and two. Small cover cards are stacked face down. The host takes a small card from the pile and asks: “Who has skates? When do they ride?

    Children: “I have skates. They ride in the winter."

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in a story based on a plot picture. Instructions for conducting are given in the methodological note.

    Lessons #58-59

    Benefits: game "A, B, C", flags, pictures for the story.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Repeat the game with flags from the 22nd lesson.

    B) Before the start of the game, the children slowly agree among themselves on what movements they will perform. For example, you can depict how they wash their hands, the floor, dishes, read a book, etc.

    One: Hello, children! Where were you, what did you see?

    All: "What we saw we will not say, what we did, we will show."

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Cultivating a calm pace of speech while repeating from memory several lines of a poem read by a speech therapist (28th lesson).

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech when working out the picture "Friendship".

    Lessons #60-61

    Benefits:ball, the game "Wonderful bag".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Repeat the game from the 42nd lesson "My ball, fly high."

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Go through the gate."

    Two children are selected - "gates". They agree among themselves which of them will be the "Snow Maiden", and who will be the "Father Frost". The rest of the children, holding hands, pass through the gate in a chain. Before the last passerby, the “gate” children lower their hands and ask: “Snow Maiden or Santa Claus?”. The child makes a choice and takes the side of the chosen one. After that, the cycle repeats. After all the children have entered the gate, the gate changes and the game starts again.

    For the game, you can choose other characters familiar to children from fairy tales:

    "Little Red Riding Hood - Gray Wolf",

    "Ivan Tsarevich - Gray Wolf",

    "Goldfish - Golden Egg",

    “Puss in Boots - Foxy Sister”, etc.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Wonderful bag" from the 10th lesson.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in compiling a story on a free topic.


    1. What toys do you have at home?
    2. What do you like to draw?
    3. What do you like to sculpt?
    4. How did you spend your day at home or in kindergarten?

    Give only two topics in class. The story should be short: 3-4 sentences. For instance:

    May 1st is coming soon. Dad will buy me a 2-wheel bike like my brother. My brother and I will ride.

    At the 61st lesson, offer to blind the characters of the game "Go through the gate."

    Lessons #62-63

    Benefits:ball, the game "Bunny-jumping".

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game "Wattle" from the 56th lesson.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech in the ball game from the 48th lesson.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Education of a calm tempo of speech in the game "Bunny-Jumper".

    This game is played as a Quartet game. The child, who has the "Bunny Bunny" in his hands, comes out and jumps, or dances.

    B) Cultivating a calm pace of speech when compiling a story on a free topic (see lesson 60).

    At the 63rd lesson, make a bunny with a carrot or one carrot if someone cannot make a bunny.

    Lessons #64-65

    Benefits:plasticine, flags.

    Speech exercises for coordinating words with movements.

    A) Education of a calm pace of speech in the game from the 22nd lesson.

    B) Raising a calm pace of speech in the game "Go through the gate" from the 60th lesson.

    Speech board games and activities.

    A) Plasticine modeling of characters from read and learned fairy tales, stories and dramatizations.

    The speech therapist should recall all these stories that were learned during the course of classes.

    B) Education of a calm pace of speech in the story. After each child draws something, everyone takes turns talking about what they have depicted.

    At the 65th lesson, the next topic is chosen for modeling and storytelling.

    Abstract of the lesson at the stage of development and consolidation of free speech skills with students of the second grade.

    Theme "Pronunciation of short phrases, expressiveness of speech."


    1. Spelling dictionaries.
    2. Individual cards with a poem by O. Driz "Kind words".
    3. Individual cards with the text of N. Nosov's story "Dunno and

    old man."

    1. A series of plot paintings "In the bus".


    1. Strengthening the skills of correct speech breathing.
    2. Relieve tension in the muscles of the organs of articulation.
    3. Education of skills of smooth, continuous speech.
    4. Strengthening the ability to pause after short sentences.
    5. Practicing in pronouncing phrases with different intonation.
    6. Development of skills and abilities accurately, clearly, correctly assimilate and

    give information.

    1. Training in dialogical speech.
    2. Formation of an active position in the team and an active role in

    the process of communication.

    1. Education of attention, switchability, politeness.

    Course progress.

    1. 1. Relaxation "Magic dream".
    2. 2. Exercise for training voice and breathing "Clock".

    Children follow the hand of a speech therapist and clearly pronounce: "Tick-tock." The hand is below - the voice is quiet, the hand is raised - the voice becomes louder.

    1. 3. Repetition of the learned rules of speech:
    • Children collectively pronounce the learned rhyme about the rules of speech:

    We are always calm!

    We always speak beautifully, boldly and slowly.

    We speak clearly, clearly, because we are not in a hurry.

    We observe pauses, highlight the percussion sound.

    • Repetition and consolidation of the studied rules of speech:

    First think about what you want to say.

    Take a deep breath through your smile.

    Start talking right away.

    Underline the stressed vowel in each word.

    Speak short sentences on one breath and pause.

    1. 4. Communication in short sentences.

    Speech therapist.- Today we will try to remember the rules of conduct. How you should behave in public places and what you are supposed to say in different situations.

    • Now listen to the poem "Kind Words":

    Kind words are not lazy

    repeat to me

    Three times a day.

    Just go out the gate

    Everyone going to work

    Blacksmith, weaver, doctor

    "Good morning!" i scream.

    "Good day!" I scream after

    Everyone going to lunch.

    "Good evening!" so I meet

    Everyone hurrying home for tea.

    Tell me, what kind words do you still know? (Children list the words of greeting and farewell: hello, good to see you! Goodbye, see you, good night, good night; words of gratitude and praise: thank you, thank you, well done, very nice; words that accompany requests and appeals: please, be kind, be kind, if you don't mind).

    Now read the poem aloud, following the rules of speech. (Children read the poem in turn.)

    Read the words - greetings. (“Good morning!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Good evening!”).

    With what intonation are they pronounced? (With an exclamation point).

    And with what other intonation can we pronounce words and phrases? (With affirmative and with interrogative).

    Let's practice saying short phrases with different intonations.

    The sun is shining brightly (.!?) I learned my homework (.!?) There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in the forest (.!?)

    You congratulated your grandmother on the holiday (.!?) Lilac blossomed in the garden (.!?) Natasha helped her mother wash the dishes (.!?)

    • Speech therapist. - Work with a spelling dictionary. Open the dictionary for the letter M. Read the seventh word (shop). - Make an offer with him.

    Open the dictionary with the letter A. Read the first word (lampshade). Make up with it


    Open the dictionary to page 212. Read the twentieth word from the bottom (buy).

    Make an offer with him.

    Open the dictionary with the letter B. Read the seventeenth word from the bottom (grandmother).

    Make an offer with him.

    Make a sentence with all four words.

    • Conversation on a series of plot paintings "In the bus". Children are encouraged to answer questions with full answers.

    Speech therapist. - Who do you see in the picture? (In the picture we see two girls).

    What are the girls' names? (Children call girls).

    Where is the action taking place? (The action takes place on the bus).

    Who got on the bus? (An old woman got on the bus.)

    What did she do? (She stood next to the girls.).

    What did Katya do when she saw the old woman? (Katya gave way to her grandmother).

    What did Katya say? (Katya said: "Sit down, please."

    How did Katya do? (Katya acted politely, respectfully).

    What can it be called? (Katya can be called educated, exemplary).

    • Physical education minute (movement with speech accompaniment).

    A rooster was walking along the shore.

    Slipped into the river - bang!

    The rooster will know what's next

    You have to watch your feet!

    • Reading N. Nosov's story about Dunno.

    First, the speech therapist reads the story, and the children follow the individual cards.

    Stranger and old man.

    Dunno wandered wherever his eyes look. Suddenly he saw that some old man was fighting off a dog with an umbrella. Dunno rushed to help, dragged the dog, seated the old man on the bench and said: “Relax, please!”

    A miracle happened here! The old man turned into a magician and, holding out a magic wand to Dunno, said: So you did three good things: you saved me from a dog, offered to rest and said, “Please.”

    After that, the children read the story in a chain.

    Then they read by role.

    Speech therapist. What was the first good deed done by Dunno? (Dunno saved the old man

    from a dog).

    What is the second one? (Dunno suggested the old man to rest).

    What is the third? (Dunno said to the old man "Please."

    What good deeds do you do? (Children talk about how they

    help adults in the house, in the yard, in the garden. How to take care of the little ones

    brothers and sisters. How do they rescue their comrades. How to take care of

    animals and help birds in winter).

    What kind words do you say? (Children list the words of greeting and

    farewells, words of gratitude and praise, words that accompany

    requests and appeals).

    • Game "Guess the object".

    One student conceives a thing from a room or outside. Children ask questions:

    Is this item in our room? -What size is it? -What form? -What is this thing made of? How does she serve people?

    5. Summary of the lesson.

    The speech therapist notes the success of each child. Someone spoke smoothly, observed pauses. Someone quickly remembered everything, was very active. Someone spoke better than in the last lesson, etc.

    1. Organizational moment

    Guys, hello! My name is Alexandra Mikhailovna and today we will have a lesson together. Let's say hello to each other. First, let's stroke the neighbor's palm in turn. Now let's clap each other's hands. Well done!

    Acquaintance with the stage of speaking:

    Today we have a new rule in class: first listen, and then repeat.

    2.Introduction to the topic

    Guys, sit down on the carpet and don't forget to take off your shoes.

    Now I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

    Appeared after autumn
    I'm on the calendar.
    And the best holiday for you
    I will give for joy!

    And the ground with white snow
    She wrapped herself.
    Guys, guess

    Well, who am I? ...

    Good girls! Winter has come to visit us today.

    3. Muscle relaxation in contrast to tension

    Our guest winter, invites us to go to the winter lawn. Let's imagine that we are sitting on this winter lawn.

    Sit on the carpet, but don't forget to take off your shoes.

    A) relaxation of the muscles of the hands

    1. "Snowball"

    Look around, how much snow there is. Let's imagine that we take it in our palms and squeeze it tightly, tightly, so that we get a snowball. And now let's release our snowball. And once again we take the snow in our palms and squeeze it strongly, strongly. And we let go.

    2. "Reindeer"

    Let's imagine that we have turned from Santa Claus deer. We have grown beautiful, strong antlers, like those of real reindeer.

    B) Relaxing the leg muscles

    Exercise "Icicles"

    Guys, you probably all saw how long icicles grow under the roofs in winter. Now our legs, too, crawl into such long, hard icicles.

    We will stretch forward with our toes so that we get real icicles. We pull to feel the tension in the legs and release.

    C) Relaxation of the muscles of the legs, arms and body.

    1) "Snowball"

    Children, tell me, do you like to make a snowman?

    Winter is the best time to build a snowman. Let's imagine that we rolled up a big snowball for a snowman and we need to carry it to the right place.

    Clench your fists. Bend over, take a com. We slowly raise our hands. They are tense. It's hard for us to carry such a big lump! They held him. Tired hands and put a lump on the ground.

    2) "Snowflakes"

    Let's pretend we are snowflakes. The blizzard sweeps, we fly in different directions (standing still, we sway with force from parties to side with raised arms - all muscles are tense). The wind died down, and a large snowdrift turned out of the snowflakes. Snowflakes froze, relaxed (children sit on the floor, as convenient, relax their muscles).

    D) Suggestion of a state of rest according to the idea

    Let's now lie down on the floor so as not to interfere with each other and close our eyes.

    Imagine that all of you are light snowflakes, very beautiful and cheerful. The wind picks you up and you become lighter and lighter. Your whole body becomes light, weightless. And the arms are light, and the legs are light, light. Little snowflakes rise higher and higher. A warm gentle breeze is blowing, it gently blows over each snowflake ... (pause - stroking the children). It blows on snowflakes ..., caresses snowflakes ... It's easy, calm for you. You fly where the gentle breeze blows. But now it's time to return home. You are back in this room. Stretch and open your eyes on the count of three.

    4. Development of breathing

    So, we are still in a snowy meadow. Veverything around is white, what fresh frosty air is here. Let's breathe this air.

    Oh! What air! Children spread their hands and take a deep breath.

    Oh! What frosty air.

    What clear and clean air! How to breathe well.

    4.a Work on vowels. Echo game

    I suggest you play the game "Echo".

    I will make sounds, and you repeat after me.

    (First, individual sounds are pronounced, then the entire sound range together)

    Now only boys follow me.

    Now only girls.

    Now the girls speak loudly, loudly, and the boys quietly and quietly.

    Conversely, girls are quiet and boys are loud.

    4.b Development of speech breathing

    Children, tell me, when you get lost what do you need to shout? Ay!

    Let's shout loudly and loudly: ay! And now it's quiet as mice: ay!

    Repetition of the rule of safe behavior:

    Well done! Guys, I think you remember that walking alone is dangerous and you can get lost. So don't go alone.

    Now put on your shoes and sit down at the tables.

    5. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson. Corrective work at the stage of reflected speech. Updating the dictionary on the topic “Winter. Winter signs. Winter Birds.

    Guys, look how beautiful my picture is. It will help you guess what time of the year I'm going to talk about.

    The sun shines little, its rays no longer warm the earth. No, no, yes, and snow will fall. Puddles, rivers, lakes freeze. People wear warm clothes to keep warm. Everything around is white.

    1.Guys, when does this happen? - in winter

    2. After what season does winter come? - after autumn

    3. What is the first month of winter? - December

    4. What other months are there in this season? -January and February

    5. What is the main holiday celebrated in winter? - New Year

    6. What are the names of the birds that do not fly south, but stay with us in the winter? - wintering birds

    7. What do people build for birds to help them in winter?- feeders

    6. Development of mental functions. Game "Fix the Mistakes"

    Guys, look, today we received a letter from a snowman. He writes to us about winter. I read it but didn't understand it. Let's read and understand this letter together.

    It is very hot in winter. The sun is shining brightly outside. Snow is falling from the sky. There are many leaves on the trees. A warm, light breeze is blowing. Children go skiing and sledding. And they make snowmen out of the ground. People wear warm clothes.

    Well done! You fixed all the bugs and now we know exactly what happens in winter.

    7. Development of analysis, expansion of the language dictionary. The game "Clap your hands."

    Now guys get your hands ready. Now you will need to clap when you hear the right word.

    Snowflake - burns, melts, flies, goes, spins, howls, knocks

    Ice - burns, cracks, melts, speaks, sinks

    Blizzard - spinning, howling, singing, knocking

    Winter (what?) - snowy, sunny, hot, frosty, golden, cold.

    8. Physical minute. Coordination of movement with speech

    The first time I will show myself. The second time we will make movements together. And the third time together we will repeat the movements and the poem.

    Winter has finally come(Children spread their arms to the sides)

    Became white at home, (Fold your hands over your head)

    It's snowing outside(move arms up and down)

    Janitor sweeps the street(Imitate)

    We're sledding(Squat, hands stretch forward)

    We write circles on the rink(Hands are laid behind the back, slowly spinning)

    Skiing skillfully,(Imitate)

    And we all play snowballs. (Making and throwing snowballs

    9. Didactic cinquain. Development of coherent speech, vocabulary enrichment

    Guys, I suggest you remember our magic five and try to describe winter, its signs.

    1. Who what
    2. What, what, what
    3. What is he doing?
    4. Your attitude (come up with a sentence)
    5. Generalizing concept

    10. Summing up.

    Guys, what topic are we talking about today? What time of year is it outside now? What are the names of the birds that stay for the winter?

    You did a good job, well done!

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