• Summary of the lesson “Walk in the autumn forest. Summary of physical education classes for children of the I junior group "Walk with the Bunny in the autumn forest" Physical education activity walk in the autumn forest


    MBDOU Kindergarten№33 "Firefly"


    thematic physical education lesson in the preparatory group

    on the topic "Travel to the autumn forest".

    Prepared and conducted

    instructor for physical culture:

    Art. Egorlykskaya

    2015-2016y. year.

    Tasks: To improve the skills of walking on heels, on toes, running in a column one by one in children; exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench, pulling up with your hands, in jumping with the right and left sides with moving forward, consolidating the ability to softly land on two bent legs; in crawling under arcs of different heights. To develop in children orientation in space, dexterity, attention. Instill interest in physical education, develop skills healthy way life.

    Equipment: musical accompaniment, autumn leaves for each child, rope, gymnastic bench, 2 arcs, leaves for outdoor games, modules 3 pcs., medals.

    Course of the lesson:

    Introductory part.

    Children enter the hall.


    Good forest, old forest

    Full of fabulous wonders!

    Guys, I suggest you take a trip to the autumn forest. Do you agree? (children's answers) Then let's hit the road. Column formation one at a time.

    Movements are performed:

    Walking in a column one at a time.

    Walking on toes, hands on the belt.

    Walking on heels, hands behind the head.

    Running in a column one by one.

    Walking trampler.

    Running with a side head, right and left side.

    Walking geese.


    Bunny jumping.

    During the exercise, the instructor says:

    They stood on the path together, our legs walked.

    A narrow bridge in front, we stood on our toes.

    And let's go on our heels, we will make a path for ourselves.

    Behind, someone growled and the children scared

    And again we will go find the path.

    We will gallop along the path with the right side, left side

    And again our feet walked along the road.

    Legs rode along the dark road

    Everyone is tired of running, you need to walk together.

    Inhale - raise your hands up, exhale - lower your hands down.

    Walking in a column one at a time, turning into a slow one, performing an exercise to restore breathing.

    At the end of the walk, the children take two autumn twigs, lying on the gymnastic bench. Formation into a column of three.

    Instructor: So we got into the autumn forest and now we will warm up.

    Main part

    ORU with autumn leaves.

    1. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart

    "1" - raise your right hand to the side, tilt your head to the right.

    "3" - also to the left.

    2. I. p. - o. With.

    "1" - straight arms up, right leg on toe, torso tilt to the right.

    "3" - also to the left side

    3. I. p. - o. with., arms to the sides.

    "1" - put your right foot on the toes forward. Bend over, touch the knee with the leaves.

    "3" - also from the left leg.

    4. I. p. - kneeling, arms bent at the elbows at the chest.

    "1" - turn the body to the right, take the right hand to the side and back.

    "3" - also to the left.

    5. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms bent at the elbows.

    "1" - straighten your legs, arms to the sides.

    6. I. p. - sitting in Turkish, hands in front of the chest.

    "1" - raise your arms through the sides, straighten your back.

    7. I. p. - o. with., hands on the belt, leaves on the floor.

    "1-8" - jumping around the leaves.

    "1-8" - walking in place.

    Exercise for the eyes"Autumn Leaves"

    I. p. - about. with., hands down, leaves in both hands.

    Slowly raise your arms forward

    Move your hands to the left

    Take your hands to the right

    Slowly raise your hands up

    Slowly lower down

    Cover your eyes with leaves

    Slowly move your hands forward, lower down through the sides.

    Instructor: Guys, you did a good job with these assignments, well done, and we continue our journey.

    Column formation one at a time.

    Walking in a column one at a time, putting the leaves in a basket.

    The main types of movements.

    Instructor: Early in the morning, not only nature wakes up in the forest, but also animals. Bears warm up, they climb a tree. Hares hurry to the village to the owner's garden, jump, confusing the tracks of the wolf and the fox. The mice are getting ready for breakfast, they are collecting nuts, and they run to their burrows. In the forest, everyone is busy with their own business, and I suggest you complete the following tasks. (2 times in a stream way)

    1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench, stretching with your arms.

    2. Jumping on two legs with forward movement of the right and left sides through the rope.

    3. Crawling under arcs of different heights.

    Instructor: Well done boys! You have overcome all the obstacles and we will go to the clearing where we can play!

    Changing formation in a circle, walking in a circle, holding hands.

    Guys, take one leaf at a time and we will play the autumn game "Wind and Leaves". While the music is playing, you run scattered around the hall. As the music dies down you must find your place.

    We go to the edge

    Leaves are raining down

    Rustle underfoot

    And they fly, they fly, they fly.

    Oak leaves

    Maple leaves.

    Leaves are scattered throughout the room. Children hold one leaf each from different trees (oak, maple, poplar). At the command - "wind" - scattering around the hall, at the command "the wind died down" - children in whose hands maple leaves gather at the red cube, oak leaves - at the yellow one, poplar leaves - at the green one.

    Finger gymnastics exercise.

    Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

    Squeeze and unclench your fingers into fists.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 we will collect the leaves

    Birch leaves

    Rowan leaves

    Poplar leaves

    Aspen leaves

    We will collect oak leaves,

    We will bring an autumn bouquet to mom.

    Final part.

    Instructor: Guys, our journey to the autumn forest is over, it's time for us to return home. Did you enjoy the trip? What tasks did we do today? Which - did you like more? You all coped with the tasks, and in memory of our journey, I want to present you with emblems: "For agility", "For courage"

    Column formation one at a time. Walking in a column one at a time. Children leave the hall.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 183"

    Abstract educational activities on physical development

    "Walk in the autumn forest"

    Prepared by: educator first

    Orenburg, 2018

    Topic: "Walk in the autumn forest ( Jumping up to the teacher's palm. Creeping into the collar. Rolling the ball with two hands and one hand between objects

    Dominant educational area: Physical development.

    Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development".

    Types of children's activities: play, communicative, musical, motional.

    Target: the development of a variety of types of movements.



    Form the ability to crawl through the collar.

    Exercise in rolling the ball with two and one hands between objects.

    Improve the ability to jump up to the teacher's palm, which is above the child's raised arms.


    Develop physical activity in children.

    Develop attention, thinking, speech.


    To cultivate the ability to listen carefully and follow the instructions of the teacher.

    To form a respect for nature.

    Form: game.

    Methods and techniques: conversation, outdoor game "Along a flat path", exercises "Crawl into the hole", "Help the hedgehog roll the apples", "Jump to the apple", the musical game "Forest exercise", methods of control and self-assessment: verbal assessment of the activity.

    Educational technologies: - Fedorova S.Yu. Approximate plans of physical education for children 2-3 years old.

    Preparation for educational activities in the classroom and in the regime points: acquaintance with animals living in the forest, completing tasks: roll the ball, crawl through the collar, acquaintance with the outdoor game "Along an even path"

    Planned targets for education: The child has developed large and fine motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movements (bouncing, crawling into the collar, rolling the ball with one or two hands). Participates with interest in outdoor games with simple content, simple movements.

    Organization of the environment for conducting educational activities:

    Visual material: Model of a tree (apple tree), figurines: mushrooms, hedgehogs, soft toy - fox, TV, musical exercise, crawling gate, basket with apples.

    Handout: yellow and red small balls

    Apples (paper)

    1. Introductory part.

    Educator: - Guys, do you like apples?

    Children: - Yes.

    Children: - We want.

    1.2 Motivation for educational activities.

    Educator: - I heard that a lot of apples ripened in the forest. Do you want to go to the forest for apples?

    Children: - We want.

    1.3 Goal setting:

    Educator: "To find an apple tree with ripe, tasty apples, we need to go to the forest"

    2. The main part.

    The game "On a level track"

    The teacher speaks rhythmically, at a certain pace, the text:

    On a flat path

    Along a flat path (children walk at a step)

    Our legs walk once, twice, once, twice.

    By pebbles, pebbles,

    On pebbles, on pebbles (jump on two legs, slightly moving forward)

    In the hole - boo (squat down).

    Crawled out of the pit (children rise).

    Educator: So we got to the forest. Look who is it? (There is a fox next to the gate)

    Children: Fox.

    Educator: Right! And this is her hole (points to the collar). To get to the apple tree, we need to crawl through the fox's burrow.

    Exercise "Crawl into the burrow"

    Children take turns crawling through the fox's burrow. (Vorotz)

    Educator: Guys, we ended up in a forest clearing. Look who is it? (In the clearing a hedgehog)

    Children: - Hedgehog.

    Educator: - Guys, look how many apples he collected for his children. He is very tired. Let's help him roll the apples into the house.

    Exercise "Help the hedgehog roll the apples"

    Educator: We will roll the red apples with one hand, the yellow ones with two.

    Children roll yellow and red balls between the chips.

    Educator: Well done guys! You helped the hedgehog! For this, he gives you musical charging.

    Musical game "Forest exercises"

    Children perform the movements shown by the teacher to the music.

    Educator: So we got to the apple tree. See how many ripe apples there are. I will pick the apple, and you have to jump to my hand to get the apples.

    Exercise "Jump to the apple"

    Children jump up to the teacher's palm. For this he gets an apple.

    Educator: That's how many apples we have collected!

    Educator: Guys, where did we go today? What for? Who have we met? Who did you help? Did you like the forest? Now it's time for us to return to the group.

    Sections: Working with preschoolers



    • to strengthen physical and mental health;
    • exercise in the ability to walk and run one after another;
    • to form the ability to correctly perform jumps through 2 parallel lines, pushing off with two legs and landing softly;
    • exercise in maintaining a stable balance when walking on a gymnastic bench;
    • to consolidate the ability to crawl under the cord stretched on the racks and straighten up;
    • to enrich and intensify the motor experience of children.

    Developing: Develop attention, fine motor skills of fingers and toes; skills of orientation in space, coordination and rhythm of movements, psychophysical qualities: speed, dexterity.

    Educational: To foster interest in physical education, to cause joy and satisfaction from joint game actions, to foster courage and confidence when walking on a limited plane.

    Equipment for the lesson: leaflets - 2 for each child; a cord stretched between two posts; gymnastic bench (height 20 cm); 2 skipping ropes; soft toys - bunny and bear; treats for the Hare (vegetables and fruits - dummies); large umbrella.

    Course of the lesson

    Part I - Introductory part. Organizing time:

    Educator - Guys, a Bunny came to us today (the teacher shows a hare's toy), he invites you for a walk in the autumn forest. Let's go with the Bunny for a walk?

    We walk along the path (follow each other), 30 seconds

    (The teacher walks with his back forward, carries the Hare in his hand and offers to look at him - the formation of the correct posture).

    We start stomping loudly (stomping).
    Through a puddle, a trickle
    Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping forward).
    We're walking on the stones
    And we don't get tired at all (Corrective walking on massage paths, exercise for the prevention of flat feet)
    Well, if you are not tired,
    ran quickly and quickly (running one after another).

    II hour - Main part:

    Educator: Here we are in a forest clearing. Look how many leaves there are! Take 2 leaves each and play with them! And the bunny will see how the guys know how to play with the leaves (Children are scattered face to the teacher, each has 2 leaves in their hands).

    1. Generalizing Exercises:

    1) "Showed - hid the leaves"

    I.P. - standing, hands below, leaves in each hand. Show the leaves, hands forward, hide the leaves, hands behind the back (4-5 times).

    2) "Stroke the legs with leaves"

    I.P. - sitting, legs apart, arms with leaves in front. Bend over to the toes, stroke the legs with leaves, straighten up (4-5 times).

    3) "Bugs are hiding in the leaves"

    IP - lie on your back, arms with leaves are stretched along the body, raise your arms with leaves and legs, move them arbitrarily "like bugs" (4-5 times).

    4) "Leaves forward"

    I.P. - lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows along the body, straighten your arms forward, raise your head, show the leaves, bend your arms again (4 times)

    5) "We jump like bunnies near the leaves"(15-20 sec.)

    Put the leaves on the floor and jump next to them

    (Bunny jumps with children) Praise, approval.

    6) Breathing exercise "Breeze blew on the leaves."

    Children pick up leaves, blow on them. Let's present beautiful leaves to Bunny! (children put leaves in a basket).

    That's how fun we played with the leaves, well done! Let's go for a walk in the woods.

    2. The main types of movements:

    1) Here is the river on the way.
    you need to cross the river.

    Jumping over two parallel lines(distance 15 cm). The teacher teaches, shows and explains, the children perform jumps with him (Jumping is easy, landing softly on toes, like a bunny. Praise).

    2) Bunny ran forward and
    behind the bridge is waiting for us.

    Let's crawl under the bridge and wave our pen to the bunny. "Crawling on all fours, with support on knees and palms." Crawl, stand up and wave your hand to the Bunny.

    3) We will go along the path,
    We will bring a treat to the Bunny.

    Walking on the bench while maintaining balance. You have to walk along the bench, take any treat and bring it to Bunny. Bunny thanks, praises.

    3. An outdoor game "gray bunny sits."

    Children are sitting on the bench. The teacher invites the children to play a fun game with the Bunny.

    All squat down and perform movements along the text. After the words: "Bear scared Bunny, Bunny jumped ... and galloped away," the children jump on two legs and run to the bench, Mishka catches up with them (play 1-2 times).

    III hour - Final part:

    Guys, it seems the rain is starting! Can you hear how he makes noise?

    Finger gymnastics "Rain" (children repeat the movements behind the teacher).

    Over the trees and over the rooftops
    The rain came out for a walk (fingers "walk")
    I knocked on the blades of grass (children stamp their feet)
    rustled through the leaves, (clap their hands)
    Cap-cap-cap, (knock on the left palm with a fist)
    knock-knock-knock, (knock with your fist on your right palm)
    Drops fall all around (clap your hands above your head)

    Educator: “The heavy rain has begun, it's time for us to return home. Hide all under the umbrella! Goodbye, Bunny, thanks for an interesting walk! (the teacher opens a large umbrella, all the children hide under it and leave).

    Subject physical training in the middle group.

    "Walk in the Autumn Forest".


    1. improve children's skills in different types of walking and running;
    2. exercise in crawling on knees and palms, in jumping on two legs, in maintaining balance;
    3. develop coordination of movements.

    Equipment: soft modules, a tunnel, a path with palms and circles, autumn leaves (2 for each child), 2 baskets, a fox's hat.

    Course of the lesson:

    Children, stand in a circle and wish yourself and each other good morning. (Self-massage "Good morning" is carried out). Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

    Good morning, eyes! You woke up? Yes! (They stroke their eyes.)

    Good morning, ears! You woke up? Yes! (They rub their ears with their palms.)

    Good morning, nose! Are you awake? Yes! (Stroke your nose with your index fingers.)

    Good morning, cheeks! You woke up? Yes! (Lightly tap your cheeks with your fingertips.)

    Good morning, mouth! Are you awake? Yes! (Pull their lips out with a tube, then smile broadly).

    Are you awake children? Good morning! (Clap their hands.)

    There is an obstacle course along the perimeter of the hall: soft modules, a tunnel, a path with palms and circles.

    In the center of the hall, autumn leaves are laid out in pairs in three rows.

    I. Introductory part

    Educator: "Guys, tell me, please, do you like walking in the park, going to the forest?" (children's answers).

    Okay, and I suggest you take a walk with me to the "forest". Take your seats in the trailers, let's go. (Children walk like a snake, holding hands.) So you can see the forest. (A noise accompaniment is playing: birds singing, the sound of the wind.) Let's walk along the forest paths, and to make it more fun for us to walk, let us recall the perky poem about the "bear". (Speech therapy workout "Bears" is carried out)

    1. Walking with a regular step:

    We are funny guys

    Our name is teddy bears.

    1. Walking on toes, hands up:

    We love to climb and throw

    We love to jump and play.

    1. Walking with a regular step:

    The bear walked, walked, walked,

    He found the strawberries.

    1. Walking in a deep squat:

    He sat down, puffed,

    He ate all the strawberries.

    5.Walking with a high hip lift with a 360-degree turn:

    The bear walked, walked, walked,

    He came to a quiet river,

    Made a full turn

    I went across the river to the ford.

    1. Walking with a regular step:

    The bear walked, walked, walked,

    He came to the lawn

    1. Jumping on two legs with advance forward:

    He jumped on the lawn quickly, dexterously, like a bunny.

    1. Easy running:

    And then he ran ... and he walked a little and came up to the leaves.

    (They go up to the leaves, stop and pick them up.)

    II. Main part

    Complex O.R.U. (with autumn leaves) accompanied by musical accompaniment.

    Educator: Now, guys, let's play with these autumn leaves.

    1. The breeze shakes the leaves of the trees.

    I.p .: standing, hands with leaves are lowered along the body.

    Let's show how trees wave their leaves. Raise our hands through the sides up, wave the leaves over our heads, put our hands down. (5-6 times).

    1. The wind shakes the trees.

    I.p .: the same.

    Let's show how trees sway when a strong wind blows. We raised our hands up, we bend to the right and left, we lowered our hands. (5-6 times).

    1. Leaf fall.

    I.p .: the same.

    Let's show how the leaves fall from the trees. They raised their hands up, sat down, dropped their hands, touched the floor with the leaves, straightened up. (5-6 times).

    1. -And now a strong wind has risen, blew on our leaves and they flew. (Light running on toes). Spun them around (spinning around in place) (2 times).
    2. - The wind died down, the leaves calmed down. Now we will make the breeze ourselves. (Breathing exercise). They bent their arms at the elbows in front of the chest and blew on the leaves (2-3 times).

    - Well done! Let's collect the leaves in a basket and continue our walk. We are going with you further into our mysterious forest, but be careful, on the way we will meet many obstacles. We will walk along a magic path, jump from hummock to hummock, so as not to fall into a swampy swamp, look into a burrow. And then we'll play again. Well, let's go!

    (Formation in one column).

    The main types of movements.

    Circuit training: jumping on soft modules, crawling in a tunnel, walking along a path, leaning on your knees and palms (repeat 2-3 times).

    (The teacher insures during jumps on soft modules.)

    Educator: Well done! Everyone did it, no one went astray. We again came to the clearing where we can play. Since we are in the forest, I propose to playthe game "Fox and Bunnies".I know one interesting counting rhyme and with its help, we will now choose who will be the fox.

    On the path somersaults are jumping a bunny barefoot.

    Zainka, don't run, here are your boots,

    Here's a belt for you

    Don't rush into the woods.

    Come to us in a round dance to amuse the people.

    (I put the fox hat on the chosen child.)

    - "Chanterelle" will go to his burrow to sleep ... And we, guys, are turning into hares: "Turn around, turn around and turn into hares." Bunnies galloped for a walk on the lawn.

    Bunnies are jumping

    Dap, Dap, Dap.

    On the green, on the meadow.

    Dap, Dap, Dap, Dap.

    (Children, depicting bunnies, move around the hall by jumping on two legs.)

    And here our fox woke up and went hunting. Hide bunnies.

    (The "fox" runs out and catches the rabbits, the "bunnies" hide and squat, the caught "hare" is chosen as a "fox." The game is repeated 2-3 times.)

    III. Part Final

    Educator: “We played well, but I have a surprise for you. Here in our forest, I hid something. Now you will find out by solving the riddle:

    Round, ruddy

    I grow on a branch.

    Adults love me

    And little kids.


    Educator: You guessed it, well done! These apples, a gift from the forest, you will take with you to the group and eat there. Hope you enjoyed our walk? (Answers of children). Now we go back to kindergarten. Get on our train and we leave for kindergarten. (Children, holding hands, leave the hall.)

    Summary of physical education

    "Journey to the Autumn Forest"

    with older children .


    Formationmajorhealth-promoting motor and skill skillsin a playful way.


    Continue to consolidate the skill of crawling, jumping, throwing;

    Strengthen the ability of children to work in various ways (frontal, in-line, group);

    To develop the ability to carefully handle benefits, manage their behavior and deal with peers;To foster interest in physical education, to promote the development of creative imagination and friendliness.

    Instructor: - Guys, what time of year is it?
    Children: - Autumn.
    Instructor: - What time of year will come after the fall?
    Children: - Winter.

    I .: In the autumn forest, animals insulate their homes and prepare supplies for the winter. Do you guys want to visit the forest and see how the forest dwellers prepare for winter?

    Seeker: Today we will go on foot into the forest in order to examine everything and not scare away the animals. Let's remember the rules of conduct in the forest. What shouldn't be done?
    D: Run, shout, break branches, do not light fires, do not throw garbage so as not to fall, look under your feet, walk very carefully, do not destroy anthills and bird nests.

    Seeker: Can we meet insects on the way? And why? Let's remember some insects along the way!
    Seeker: Let's hit the road!
    On a cloudy autumn day, we all go to the forest together. Together we walk through the forest, and it’s so interesting around.

      Walking is usual - "We will go one after another and get into the woods";

    On socks with different I.p. hands - "And quietly, quietly we will pass, so as not to scare someone away";

    On the heels, hands behind the back - "We will knead the legs a little";

    Walking diagonally: "caterpillar" (walking on your knees, hands on the belt), "snail" (on all fours, while pulling your knees to your hands, moving your arms forward), "worm" (sitting with an emphasis behind, bending your legs, at the same time moving your legs forward, pulling yourself to your feet).

      Running is normal;

    With a change of pace;

    At the signal, stop is "heron" (stop on one leg);

    - "forty" (stop, turn 360 degrees).

    It's time to rest my friend, let's run to the meadow, and play with the autumn leaves.

    O.R.U with autumn leaves to music.

    Tool:. Guys, here we are in the forest, let's listen. Why so quiet? (the birds flew away from the warm lands, the animals are preparing for winter.)
    Guess the riddle:
    What kind of beast of the forest stood like a post under a pine tree?
    And it stands among the grass - the ears are bigger than the head. (Hare - picture)
    - Why did the hare change the gray coat for the white one for the winter? - What does he eat in winter? - Where is his house?

    Instructor: Now, guess the following riddle:

    In summer it wanders without a road between pines and birches,
    And in winter he sleeps in a den, hides his nose from the frost. (Bear - picture)

    Seeker: What does a bear eat? D. Mushrooms, berries, mice.

    Seeker: What is the name of the bear's house? Is the bear stocking up for the winter?


    In a dense forest under the trees, showered with foliage,

    There is a ball of needles, prickly and alive. (Hedgehog - picture)

    Seeker: What does the hedgehog eat? D: Mushrooms, berries, mice. Seeker: Where is the hedgehog's house? D: In the hole. Why does the hedgehog curl up into a ball? D. He defends himself from enemies, and to plant dry leaves, moss on needles. Brings into the burrow, insulating the home. Seeker: Does the hedgehog make supplies for the winter? D: No, he sleeps curled up in a ball in winter until the spring sun.

    Guess the following riddle:

    I wear a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.
    In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts.

    Where does the squirrel live? D: In a hollow I .: How does a squirrel prepare a hollow for winter? D: She carries grass and leaves. What reserves does protein make? D: Dries mushrooms, nuts, acorns. Seeker: Does a squirrel change a fur coat? D: From red to gray.

    Children are divided into 4 subgroups:

    1st subgroup: “The hedgehog is looking for mushrooms, berries” “The hedgehog carries the leaves into his burrow. Let's see how he does it and help him! "

    Motor task: walking on the board (bench) (at the choice of children), rolling the ball on the bench (board)

    2nd subgroup: “Let's help the squirrel to store cones for the winter. Our task is to throw the cones exactly into the hollow "

    Motor task: throwing a large ball at a vertical target

    3rd subgroup: "Hare jumping"

    Motor task: jumping sideways; staggered hoops

    4th subgroup: "A bear is looking for a place for a den"

    Motor task: crawling under obstacles (benches of different heights, arcs)

    At the signal, children change places in a clockwise direction.

    Seeker: Do you want to play the game "Migratory birds?" Why are they called migratory? Children's answers.

    Migratory birds game.

    "Flock of birds" (children) gather at the edge of the area, opposite the gymnastic wall. At the signal (music sounds), the "birds" fly around the site, spreading their wings and waving them. As soon as the music stops, "the birds fly to the trees" ("fly up" the stairs).

    I. Well, did you like to play? It's time for us to go to kindergarten, to our group. Let's say the magic words "1 - 2 - 3 turn around and find yourself in the group again."
    - Guys, today we walked through the autumn forest, admired the beautiful leaves, watched how the animals are preparing for winter and even helped them!

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