• Bent-over dumbbell raises: technique, options, mistakes. Bent over rear deltoid dumbbell swings Back bent dumbbell flyes


    Among athletes, the “incline dumbbell raise” training is popular, but at the same time it ranks first in “wrong doing”.

    Incorrect execution technique leads to the fact that non-target muscles are included in the work. In fact, if you “look” into Gym, it is easy to see that the bent over fly is performed differently by each athlete.

    Statistics confirm that of the three shoulder muscles, the most underdeveloped is the posterior deltoid, which is important for the balanced development of the deltoid muscle. It contributes to the development of the lateral and posterior muscles. To develop it, “pulling” it to the others (for example, the anterior deltoid, which takes part in most trainings - dumbbell press, chest press, etc.) the dumbbell raise is designed to be inclined.

    “Dumbbell bent over fly” looks like this:

    • its target is the middle and posterior bundles of the deltoid muscle;
    • jointly loaded muscles (synergists): rhomboid, trapezius, teres minor, infraspinatus;
    • stabilizing: gluteus maximus, posterior muscles hips, wrist and spine extensors, triceps, adductors.

    When raising dumbbells in an incline position, the muscle atlas looks like this:

    What benefits does an athlete receive when performing this training?

    There are quite a lot of them:

    • the ability to develop harmoniously all deltas;
    • the shoulder takes on a more rounded shape;
    • the most traumatic and vulnerable area of ​​the shoulder is strengthened: the rotator muscle and the muscles of the upper back;
    • prevents the possibility of injury deltoids;
    • the total effort required for the following trainings develops: head press and in the “lying” position.

    Correct technique

    There are many variations of this exercise. People choose something that they like best, combine it, and the result is a kind of mess.

    Bent-over dumbbell raises, although an isolating exercise, are quite technically complex, so you need to do them “with feeling, sense, alignment.”

    Step-by-step instructions for implementation

    In the classic version, the training looks like this: There is no support and the body is tilted forward. But for beginners, a simplified version is suitable, when the support is the head, which rests against the back of the bench.

    Step 0 (preparatory)

    To prevent backlash, we find a support point in the hall that is suitable for fixing the position of the body and head. A wall or corner will do. incline bench.

    Take a projectile in each hand and approach the support. Lean forward and rest your head on it. Keep your back straight, arms perpendicular to the floor, bending them slightly. The body is parallel to the floor, palms facing each other. This is the starting position.

    Step one

    • Take a deep breath.
    • Then, exhaling, lift the dumbbells, spreading them out to the sides.
    • The elbow joint should have a slight bend. The body is motionless.
    • At the top point, the arms almost reach parallel to the floor.
    • As you inhale, return to the starting position along the same trajectory.

    Step two

    Repeat the steps several times. To better understand how to properly perform dumbbell lateral raises, see the picture version.

    Variations of the exercise

    The fly is performed from a standing position, a sitting position, in a crossover block (sitting), lying on a bench.

    Below are pictures for each method.

    • the weight of the projectiles is chosen to be adequate, since the rear delta does not “tolerate” heavy weight well;
    • It takes a tremendous amount of strength to stabilize an awkward stance. Beginners do not have it, so they are recommended to use the “frontal” rest;
    • Elbows should not walk either behind the shoulders or in front;
    • they should not be lowered lower than the wrists;
    • Bent-over dumbbell raises should resemble the flapping of wings;
    • The brushes are placed as if pouring water into a glass;
    • Do not rotate your wrists or arms;
    • when moving upward, do not use cheating to give momentum with the help of the body;
    • when performing training without the participation of the head (without support), make sure that the back and floor are parallel;
    • you can’t rush when lifting the dumbbells up;
    • when moving the projectiles down, do not throw your arms;
    • so that the load is distributed to the target muscles, the bend in the elbows at 20 degrees remains unchanged throughout the entire exercise;
    • the height of the bench is adjusted to suit (your) height;
    • It is recommended to start training with the lagging shoulder (posterior beam).

    Now your pumping arsenal has been supplemented with another productive exercise that can tighten up the lagging rear delts.

    Video: Bent-over dumbbell raises

    Are you tired of waiting? And here we are, hello! Wednesday, the peasant, triumphant on the firewood, renews the path, 7 December, which means it's time for a technical note on . And today we will talk about dumbbell raises while sitting in an incline position.

    After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of performing the exercise, we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and the advisability of including it in your training program.

    So, key to start, let's go!

    Sitting dumbbell raises. What, why and why?

    Do you know that According to statistics, for 10 girls there are 9 ripples Are the rear deltoids the most “clogged” and, as a result, lagging muscle group? It is their personal training that most athletes care little about. And really, why waste precious hall time on some trifle? This approach leads to disproportions in the development of the shoulders, and also affects the increase in injuries, because many of the basic pressing exercises (for example,) put the load only on the anterior bundle. In fact, it turns out that the first (front) and second (middle) are “bathed” in the load, while the third (rear) gets practically nothing.

    The way out of the situation is our article today and the exercise of dumbbell raises while sitting in an inclined position. We will talk about it in more detail later in the text.

    For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

    Muscle atlas

    The exercise belongs to the class of isolating exercises with a pull type of force and has as its main goal the development of the deltoid muscles.

    The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

    • targeted – posterior delta bundle;
    • synergists – teres minor, infraspinatus, middle delta bundle, trapezium (middle/bottom), rhomboid;
    • stabilizers - triceps brachii muscle.

    A complete muscle atlas looks like this.


    By performing the dumbbell raise while sitting in an incline position, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

    • targeted, isolated treatment of the posterior delta bundle;
    • improving the shape and creating the relief of the ZAP;
    • strengthening the shoulder joint (reduced risk of injury);
    • increased stability in pressing movements;
    • elimination of beam imbalances in shoulder development.

    Execution technique

    Bent-over dumbbell raises are an exercise of medium difficulty. Step by step technique execution looks like this.

    Step #0.

    Take dumbbells of the required weight in your hands (neutral grip) and sit with them (keeping your arms slightly bent at your calf muscles) at the end of the bench. Serve (bend your back straight) body forward, bringing it closer to the knees. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width and press them firmly into the floor. This is your starting position.

    Step #1.

    Inhale and exhale (keeping the torso in a stationary position) spread the dumbbells out to the sides until both arms are parallel to the floor. Pause at the top point 1-2 count, making a peak contraction, and then slowly return your hands to the IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

    In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

    In motion like this...


    In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

    • sitting with wrists turned;
    • standing with your head resting on the bench;
    • standing bent over at the crossover block.

    Secrets and subtleties

    To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

    • movement (lifting the projectile) should be carried out only due to the work of the deltas, the remaining joints are motionless;
    • watch the position of your hands: they should move exclusively in a vertical plane passing through the shoulders;
    • throughout the entire movement, keep your back straight and your arms slightly bent at the elbows;
    • at the top point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 accounts and make peak reduction;
    • try to ensure that when spreading, the little finger is located above the thumb;
    • do not use inertia when spreading your arms to the sides;
    • spread the dumbbells to the sides as high as possible;
    • at the lowest point, do not knock the dumbbells against each other;
    • do not use heavy dumbbells;
    • breathing technique: exhale – to force/extend the arms, inhale – to bring the arms together;
    • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3 , reps 10-12 .

    We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

    Bent-over dumbbell raises – effective exercise for the posterior delta bundle?

    The effectiveness of a particular exercise allows us to judge the data of the electrical activity of the muscles in a specific movement. Researchers from the American Council on Exercise (USA, 2016 ) conducted a comparative analysis to identify best exercises to the rear delt.

    Here is the EMG data that was obtained:

    • sitting bent over dumbbell raises - 73 ± 9.9;
    • barbell row lying forward facing on a bench at an angle 45 degrees - 69 ± 14.0;
    • diagonal abductions of the arm from the lower block - 35 ± 17.0;
    • standing raises with dumbbells - 33 ± 14.4.

    The results suggest that among the many exercises for the rear deltoid, the best muscle activity is observed in “seated” flyes with dumbbells.

    I'm a girl, how can I get sculpted shoulders and not over-pump them?

    The optimal strategy for training deltas is to give them a separate workout. (along with another small muscle group) and working out the beams, starting with the lagging ones (back) in the range of sets/repetitions, 3-4 set on 15-20 repetitions. Moreover, to work out the rear beams, you should use a combination (two sets) of dumbbell raises while sitting in an inclined position with wrist rotation and another target exercise.

    Actually, we’re done with the substantive part, let’s move on to...


    We try to show off every technical note :) in the good sense of the word, i.e. consider those exercises that are little known and used in training practice, today this is dumbbell raises while sitting in an inclined position. If you are going to train your deltoids one of these days, be sure to try this setup; I’m sure that after it you won’t recognize your shoulders.

    That's it, until Friday!

    PS: Friends, what shoulder exercises are closest to you?

    PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma are guaranteed :).

    With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

    The exercise discussed in this article is included in many complexes. physical development and improving the body. Standing bent over arms with dumbbells from the sides work out the rear and middle deltoid muscles of the shoulders, forming their outer relief. As popular as this exercise is, it is often not done technically.

    Many factors contribute to the load distributed incorrectly, non-target muscles are working.

    The main most common mistakes are related to the fact that one’s own options and techniques are used. These exercises are often performed differently by everyone. As a result, those deltas that need to be worked thoroughly simply rest.

    Carefully! Before you start training, warm up your back and shoulder muscles for 10-15 minutes with a warm-up. If you neglect to warm up, you risk getting a shoulder injury.

    Technique for performing the classic version while standing (video)

    One of the most popular and effective movements for the back, along with. Working muscles: middle and rear deltoids, biceps, trapezius. By performing the exercise, you work out the deltoids well, which is not possible with other methods of loading. Big pectoral muscle is also included in the load, but only as an auxiliary one. Regularly performed lateral raises of dumbbells in a standing position contribute to the harmonious development of target muscle groups, formation of a rounded relief shape of the shoulder, strengthening the muscles of the upper back.

    1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and hold a dumbbell in each hand. We direct our palms to each other. We bend our arms slightly at the elbows.
    2. We bend over so that the body is strictly parallel to the floor. The back is straight and slightly arched at the lower back.
    3. Arms, holding dumbbells, are straightened. When starting to raise the dumbbells, bend your elbows slightly.
    4. We raise our arms and spread them to the sides without jerking. Important: you cannot move them forward.
    5. Control the position of your elbows - they should rise above your back at the maximum point.

    The rear and middle deltoids of the shoulders should receive maximum load; to do this, try to ensure that the shoulder blades do not converge at the moment of swinging the dumbbells.

    This exercise can be performed using the following two wrist rotation positions:

    1. With fixed brush

    This method assumes that the hand moves up and down, without twisting the hand. For variety, you can use both the first and second options described below, but the first option, according to the coaches, is more preferable.

    2. With a turn of the hand

    This method provides that the movement is concentrated in the shoulder, and the arm moves up and down while twisting. Also, when performing this movement, the rear deltoids of the shoulders receive a high-quality maximum load. When the hands are down, the palms are directed towards the torso, when the hands are raised up, the dumbbells are turned in the other direction. This option helps to unload the muscles to which the load is directed.

    Attention! One of the common mistakes in performing these types of exercises is using heavy dumbbells at once. Excessive weight of dumbbells prevents proper loading of the muscles being worked. It is also a common cause of shoulder injury. The deltoid muscles will become more prominent if you train regularly and gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells.

    2 more options

    In addition to the classic one, there are 2 more variations of this movement.

    1. Standing (head on the bench)

    The classic bent over dumbbell lift - without a support point, is suitable for physically developed athletes. For those who have recently started exercising in the gym, this option is not suitable and even may be traumatic, as it involves excessive stress on muscles and joints.

    In this case, a more suitable option is to rest your head on the upper part of the back of the gymnastic bench. This allows you to relieve stress from your back and neck, which is a very important part of ensuring safety during training.

    1. Stand on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand. Palms facing each other. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, straighten your back.
    2. Rest your head against the support. By the way, this may not only be top corner benches, but also a wall - the main thing is that the body position is stable.
    3. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows and lower them. In this case, the torso is parallel to the floor, but it can be positioned differently - let’s say an angle of forty-five degrees.
    4. Raise and lower your arms smoothly. Control the position of the dumbbells relative to the body - their cannot be moved forward or backward.
    5. Raise the dumbbells and smoothly move them to the sides. In this case, the arms remain slightly bent at the elbows. You should not round your back, as this will cause improper distribution of the load and may damage your lower back.
    6. At the maximum point, raise your elbows higher than your back. We lower and raise our arms without sudden movements, the planned number of times. Ideally, these are three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions.

    Watch the video for more details:

    Many people want to start their first classes with heavy dumbbell weights in order to quickly achieve the desired result. But we don't recommend this approach. Selecting the weight of dumbbells, consult with the coach, since this is an individual parameter for everyone. If you overdo it with weight, you can get sprains and even more serious injuries.

    This option makes maximum use of the rear and middle deltoids, triceps, biceps, and trapezius. The deltoids of the shoulders should receive the maximum load, for this, try not to squeeze your shoulder blades when raising the dumbbells.

    2. Bent over dumbbell swings

    This type of load perfectly pumps the rear deltoid muscles of the shoulders. The trapezius and rhomboid muscles of the back are also involved. This type of load strengthens the shoulder joint, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

    1. Choose dumbbells of your usual weight. Take them in your hands, bend your elbows. Position them so that they are near your shins.
    2. Bend your body towards your knees. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Your position should be stable and comfortable.
    3. Smoothly spread your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor. At the maximum point, you need to hold your hands for two seconds and return to the starting position.

    Increase the number of repetitions gradually, from lesson to lesson. Excessive stress can lead to sprained ligaments.

    Attention! Doing dumbbell swings is a fairly strenuous exercise and is not recommended for beginners. First you need to strengthen physical fitness, and then proceed to exercises of a higher level of load and complexity.

    By practicing the listed types of swings with dumbbells, you ensure that your shoulders become rounded and prominent. By alternating different swing methods, you will diversify your physical exercise and achieve your desired figure parameters faster. These exercises are paramount for the formation beautiful shoulders. By doing them regularly, set a goal for yourself, and you will definitely achieve it.

    According to statistics, every fifth person goes to the gym and monitors the condition of their body, as well as their nutrition. This useful activity strengthens the body, making it more powerful. This happens as a result of complex physical exercises, with which you can pump up your arms, back, and chest. But what kind of workouts strengthen muscles? The gym has a barbell, exercise machines, and a horizontal bar, but only an experienced person knows which of these is more effective.

    Today we will talk about one of the exercises -. You will learn all the nuances associated with it, as well as the harm that the wrong technique can cause. Let's find out what mistakes are most often made during execution and how to achieve maximum results.

    Dumbbell flyes are a powerful exercise. Experienced athletes perform it to maintain the proportionality of the upper shoulder girdle. During general training, the back of the deltas always lags behind, and in our case, 90% of the load goes directly to them. However, for it to really work, you need to follow the technique.

    Often, a huge number of people pay a lot of attention to certain groups, but do not achieve the desired results. It’s a pity for beginners who have the motivation, but just don’t have enough knowledge. There is no promotion not because the performer is lazy or has no desire, but precisely because small but important details are not taken into account during the work.

    This painstaking attitude to the technique of the exercise is explained by its complexity. It is performed in a standing or sitting position. In the first case, the body moves forward to an angle of 60 degrees, and in the second, everything is the same, only on a bench. They make it mainly for y.

    What muscles work?

    Bent-over dumbbell swings are an isolation exercise by their nature. That is, if we take the bench press, then this is the base that involves large muscle groups: chest, shoulders, triceps, forearms, abs and others. But in our case, not a single group will work fully. When raising dumbbells to the sides, only individual parts function. Their list includes:

    • The rear delta bundles take on the main load.
    • Trapezium - 75% included in the work.
    • Subosseous, rhomboid and teres minor muscles - they act synchronously with the deltoids and are auxiliary.
    • Triceps, biceps, hands, leg and spine muscles, buttocks are stabilizers.

    As you can see, individual muscle areas are activated. There are a lot of them, but the work they do is insignificant compared to the rear delts. With the right technique, they take on almost the entire load.

    The benefits and harms of exercise

    If you look at it objectively, then any physical exercise beneficial for the body. In our case, the following advantages stand out:

    • A colossal load on the rear delts, which is why they are evenly worked out, and a beautiful relief appears.
    • Strengthening the upper shoulder girdle, which reduces the risk of injury in the future.
    • Functions when executed top part back and also arms.
    • Strengthening the cuff of the shoulder joint, which is very often injured in bodybuilding.

    That is, based on the above advantages, we can conclude that this exercise not only pumps up the back of the deltas, but also strengthens the shoulder nodes with ligaments, which are easily injured. This effect is achieved by an unusual movement - traction and extension. chest simultaneously.

    The only negative impact is the vertebrae. When the performer does not strain his back, the discs begin to rub against each other and become worn out. That is, if the technique is incorrect, the exercise is not only ineffective, but also dangerous to health.


    Do not lift dumbbells through pain. With the correct technique, only one thing is felt - a burning sensation in the rear delts. Try next time to just warm up more thoroughly and lift less weight.

    In case of back injuries, it is better to avoid doing extensions in a standing position, since when bending upward, in addition to the shoulders, the spinal discs also work.

    Technique and types of exercises

    There are two types of dumbbell swings. The first is in a standing position and the technique for performing it is as follows:

    • We take dumbbells with a working weight in our hands, go to the mirror and stand shoulder-width apart.
    • When squatting, slightly bend your knees and lean forward with your even back to about 60 degrees.
    • We place the dumbbells parallel to our feet, look at ourselves in the mirror and begin the lift.
    • We make a slight bend in the arms at the elbow joints and fix it in this position.
    • As you exhale, stretch your elbows toward the ceiling, while it is advisable not to squeeze your shoulder blades together.
    • Raising your arms to parallel to the floor, slightly fix them in this position.

    Here is an example in the video for better understanding:

    The second way to raise dumbbells is in a sitting position:

    • We take dumbbells, sit on a bench and move our legs together.
    • With a straight back, bend over until your chest touches your knees.
    • Then everything is the same as in a standing position - we make a slight angle at the elbows and stretch them towards the ceiling, spreading our arms to the side.

    The latter method is much easier, since the work of the legs and lumbar stabilizers is eliminated. Also, we must not forget about the height of the bench. In any case, when your chest touches your knees, the angle between your straight back and the floor should be about 60 degrees. Then the maximum load will go to the rear deltoids. To better understand the meaning of this exercise, watch the video, which discusses the technique in detail.

    Example workout

    At home

    If you not professional sportsman, then it’s unlikely that you have a set of exercise machines and equipment at home. However, many people have weights, a pair of dumbbells, a horizontal bar, etc. Despite the narrow choice, achieving a good physique is possible. Let's look at a workout at home using just dumbbells. They must be selected based on your working weight. Now let’s warm up well and start working:

    • - to do this, you need to lie with your back on the floor, pick up the apparatus and perform the exercise. You need to do 4 sets of 12 repetitions at a time without rest.
    • Bent-over row - the body moves forward with a straight back, after which we pull the dumbbells to the lower abdomen. We do 4 sets of 12 repetitions, resting for a minute in between.
    • Dumbbell push-ups - this element is performed like regular push-ups, only on a machine.
    • Bent-over raises - pump up the rear delts with 4 sets of 12 repetitions with a minute of rest between each.
    • Push ups wide grip- do 4 sets of 12 times without rest.
    • Dumbbell row in a prone position - instead of push-ups in a prone position, you need to pull the dumbbell towards your navel. We perform 4 sets of 12 times with a rest of 1 minute.

    This will keep you physically fit and will not allow you to reduce the level of your abilities during the absence of professional training.

    In the gym

    When visiting the gym, a person probably follows a training program and it will be difficult to include a new exercise in it. But you can consider the option of pumping the rear deltas by drawing up an action plan:

    • The bench press is a classic barbell lift on a flat bench. We perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions of the working weight with a minute of rest between them.
    • Pull-ups - if you are able to do more than 20 reps, then it is better to add additional weight. In any case, we do it to failure.
    • Crunches - we pump up the abs well, performing 4 sets of 20-25 repetitions.
    • Bent-over dumbbell raises - the last thing we do is perform our exercise.

    Please note that the workout involved major muscle groups, and at the end we performed an isolation exercise to achieve maximum effect. It is important to follow this order of execution, since muscles grow from a hormone that is released during large loads in large groups. That is, there is no point in pumping up one rear delt without powerful training.


    To feel comfortable during training, you first need to wear comfortable clothes. , and the guys have sweatpants and a T-shirt. Gloves will also come in handy to save you from blisters. It is advisable to take without fingers, as they are the most comfortable for the gym.

    Sets and reps

    For a man, the optimal value is 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. For girls and women - the same number of approaches, only up to 10 repetitions. If you are losing weight or on a diet, you can reduce the weight to 2-3 kg and do it 20 times.

    Common mistakes

    They arise in technology due to incorrectly selected weight. When it’s hard for a person, he helps himself with inertial movements that reduce the load on the rear deltoids:

    • Swinging movements of the body and legs.
    • Curvature of the back when performing.
    • Quickly lower the dumbbells down.
    • Reduction of the shoulder blades at the top point.
    • Change in the angle of the elbow joint.
    • Fast pace of swings.

    This is a list of the most common mistakes. To understand that the exercise is being performed correctly, it is enough to feel which muscles are working. Any action that makes the exercise easier is already a mistake.


    Dumbbell flyes are an effective exercise that pumps up the rear delts. It is better to do it after a hard, grueling workout. It is suitable for both boys and girls, and in terms of the number of repetitions it is no different from regular ones. basic exercises. It is not recommended to perform it for shoulder and back injuries, but it is better to replace it with something. Particular attention must be paid to technique, since any deviation from correct execution instantly makes it a useless activity.

    In contact with

    Taking care of your appearance is not only the prerogative of professional bodybuilders. Each of us wants to have beautiful figure and catch people's admiring glances. To keep yourself in shape, you need to perform various exercises aimed at working out certain muscle groups. Today we will talk about pumping Great exercise To achieve this goal, dumbbell raises are used.

    What is it for?

    Typically, when performing exercises, the main load is always distributed between the anterior muscles. At the same time, it would be wrong to forget that there are also rear ones.

    This will not only lead to imbalances and distorted appearance, but will also cause a number of inconveniences regarding health - a frame will not be created to support the spine. As a result, the anterior muscles will pull the bones towards themselves, distorting their natural position. The result may be the development of scoliosis. What to do in this case? The answer is simple - work the back muscles.

    Purpose of the lesson

    Bent-over dumbbell raises primarily help develop the upper back and shoulders. The main emphasis is on the rear and middle bundles of the deltoid muscles - they are the lagging behind and require continuous work. Thanks to them, the posterior and lateral muscles develop. The result is more rounded shoulders and a sculpted back. The lesson is great for athletes who want to improve their performance in volleyball, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and crossbow shooting.

    Muscle atlas

    As mentioned above, bent over dumbbell raises primarily engage the rear and middle deltoid muscles. Singers, or muscles that act together, are the rhomboid and trapezius, as well as the teres minor and infraspinatus. The triceps, as well as the muscles of the medial group and the back of the thigh, become an additional stabilizer. Working these muscles reduces injury to the deltoids and strengthens the rotator cuffs.

    Execution Variations

    There are a lot of possibilities for performing bent over dumbbell flyes. They all affect the same muscle areas and lead to the same result. The choice remains yours. You can do the exercise standing or sitting. Or you can modernize the exercise by removing the dumbbells and performing it on a special simulator - a crossover.

    At the same time, each variation has its own nuances, failure to comply with which can lead to various unpleasant consequences: from slowing down the process of mass gain to tendon damage and shoulder dislocation. Therefore, we will consider each technique separately.

    in a tilted position

    The standing position is one of the most popular when performing this exercise. It is performed according to a certain algorithm of actions.

    Step 1. Feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbells so that your palms face each other. This is called a neutral grip. Lean forward so that you are parallel to the floor. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees to ensure a safe stance. Do not arch your back, keep it straight, slightly arching your lower back. The arms are perpendicular to the floor and are in a free position. So, you are in the starting position.

    Step 2. Inhale. Slowly raise your arms, slightly bent at the elbows, parallel to the floor. As soon as your elbow is above your back, hold in this position, and then, as you exhale, smoothly lower your arms, returning to their original state.

    Step 3: Count to three and repeat the exercise.

    Remember that your back should always be straight. By arching or slouching, you overload the spinal region, risking injury to it. But the arms, on the contrary, should be slightly bent at the elbows. Firstly, in a straight position you will not be able to lift them sufficiently, secondly, you will increase the risk of injury, and thirdly, the load will be placed on completely different muscles. Only the shoulder joint should work, and the rest should remain motionless. Also make sure that the shoulder blades do not close together. So, of course, dumbbell bent-over raises are simplified, but the load is also reduced. This means that training is wasted.

    Bent-over dumbbell raises

    Another variation of the exercise is the sit-up exercise. The essence remains the same. You need to sit comfortably on the bench, also bend forward a little and act according to the specified algorithm. However, there are some nuances here. For example, the effect is achieved faster if the edge of the palm is slightly turned upward. But only the palm, in no case the hand or elbow.

    When lowering your hands down, do not touch your shins, leaving a couple of centimeters to them. By reducing the amplitude, you increase the load on the deltoid muscles. Also, do not take dumbbells that are too heavy. They will not bring any benefit and will not increase the speed of results, but they can overstrain the muscles. Then the training will have to be postponed indefinitely until complete recovery.

    Cross breedings in a crossover

    This exercise is more suitable for the gym. A special bench is placed next to the crossover, and cables with handles are used instead of dumbbells. By crossing them and performing flyes, you also work the necessary muscle group. However, the effectiveness of this approach is somewhat reduced, since it will not be possible to raise your arms above your back. Therefore, dumbbell raises remain a priority exercise for developing the shoulder girdle.


    Any exercise requires correct technique execution and dexterity. Before expecting incredible results in the near future, you should spend more than one day selecting correct position. Only diligence and incredible willpower will lead you to your goal.

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