• A ball on which people jump. I sit and lose weight: magical gymnastics with a fitness ball


    The importance of gymnastics for newborn babies cannot be underestimated. The easiest way to properly and effectively exercise with a baby is exercise on a fitball. Even an inexperienced mother can cope with this type of gymnastics. What are the benefits of fitball for infants? What types of gymnastic balls are there and how to choose the right one?

    Why does a baby need gymnastics?

    Any type of exercise is very important for a newborn baby. They give him the opportunity to feel his body and adapt to a new environment.

    The most common problem in children is hypertension. This is a normal phenomenon, since before birth the child was in a “crouched” state for a long time, his arms and legs were bent and pressed tightly to the body. This condition creates discomfort for the child and is sometimes accompanied by painful sensations. Over time, hypertonicity will disappear on its own, but gymnastics and massage help eliminate it much faster.

    Physical exercise has a very beneficial effect on mental development child. The fact is that children under one year of age develop harmoniously, that is, their physical and mental development are inseparable from each other, they help one another. The sooner you start working with your baby, the more effective and better his brain development and the establishment of neural connections will be.

    Why should you choose a gymnastic ball?

    Fitball for newborns is very useful. This type of gymnastics has many advantages over other types. physical development.

    • Soft and smooth rocking on this ball reminds a newborn of his intrauterine life. Thanks to this, he tolerates the exercises calmly, falls asleep well after them and sleeps very soundly.
    • Gymnastics on a ball for babies helps relieve hypertension and perfectly strengthens the baby’s muscle corset.
    • Exercises with a gymnastic ball perfectly develop the respiratory system and stimulate the baby's blood circulation.
    • Fitball is suitable not only for gymnastic exercises, but also for massage.
    • The vibrations that the fitball transmits to the infant have a beneficial effect on the internal organs, producing a kind of massage that stimulates their work. In addition, vibration has a slight analgesic effect.
    • Massage on a ball is easier to do, as the child behaves calmer and perceives the manipulation as a fun game.
    • If you perform exercises in the “lying on your stomach” position, this has a beneficial effect on digestion, significantly relieves colic, promotes the release of gases and is an excellent prevention of constipation in infants.
    • You can start exercising on a fitball practically from birth; you don’t need to wait until your child grows up and gets stronger. Optimal time the beginning of gymnastics is the day when the umbilical wound heals.
    • Fitball exercises for infants help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, an excellent orthopedic effect is achieved, the child begins to hold his head up earlier, and tries to sit up, crawl and walk faster.
    • Exercises on the ball allow you to develop your child’s vestibular apparatus well.
    • Having fun on the fitball is not only good for the baby’s health, but also contributes to his psycho-emotional comfort, arouses interest and joy.
    • Older children in the family will also appreciate such a useful acquisition as gymnastic ball. Playing with him is fun and useful. Even simple jumping on it has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body.
    • For nursing mothers, ball exercises will also be useful; they will help get your figure in shape and develop flexibility.

    Types of gymnastic balls. How to choose a fitball for babies

    Today you can find a variety of types of gymnastic balls in stores. Not all are suitable for infants, so you need to choose wisely and know the topic.

    The diameter of such balls varies from 45 to 85 cm. This ball is universal and is well suited for exercises with children. In addition, adults can also practice with it. For gymnastics with infants, a ball with a diameter of 60 cm or more with a smooth but not slippery surface is suitable. It's better to buy the product right away large diameter so that you can later use it for physical education with an older child.

    The most common type of gymnastic ball that many are familiar with

    2. Children's fitball with a handle or horns

    Such jumping balls have a relatively small diameter, as they are designed for owners of short stature. Adults are not allowed to use this equipment. The ball is designed for a user weight of up to 50-60 kg. For a baby, you can choose this type of ball; you can perform all exercises on it in the same way as on a classic fitball. But you need to make sure that the surface is not too slippery.

    If the ball is purchased for older children, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the handles are non-slip, firmly attached to the product and have a grooved shape - this will ensure the child’s safety when playing.

    This type of ball is only suitable for children. The handle or horns help to hold it during games, so that it is more convenient to jump on it and not slide off to the floor

    This ball is more useful for adults, as it allows you to combine physical exercise with a light massage. This option is not worth buying for infants. Pimples on the surface of the product can cause discomfort to the baby. If such equipment is already present at home, then you can try to use it for gymnastics with your child, but only after he is six months old. At the slightest dissatisfaction of the baby, you should immediately stop the activity.

    This type of gymnastic ball is characterized by the presence of “pimples” over the entire surface

    Oval fitballs appeared relatively recently, but have already become popular among users. This gymnastic equipment provides good stability when performing exercises, thereby significantly expanding your capabilities. Oval fitballs vary in shape, size and texture. They come in “peanut” or ellipse shapes. The surface can be smooth or “bumpy”. Ball sizes also vary.

    The newest variety of gymnastic ball, which is gaining more and more popularity

    This type of fitball can be successfully used for kids. Gymnastics on such balls for infants is used in rehabilitation centers, children's hospitals, and exercise therapy rooms. For inexperienced mothers, such equipment will give confidence due to its stability.

    Which ball is best for babies?

    Stores can offer a huge variety of similar products. In order not to get confused, you need to remember a few important points.

    The main selection criteria are as follows:

    • The fitball shape can be either round or oval. You can buy a ball with handles: it is suitable for both older children and infants.
    • The fitball size for infants is from 60 cm and more (orthopedists advise buying a ball with a diameter of at least 75 cm). This diameter of the ball will allow all family members to use it. The easiest way to choose the right size is to sit on a ball. The angle between the thigh and shin should be approximately 90°.
    • It is imperative to make sure that the ball is marked with the abbreviation ABS. This means that it will not explode during use. The same property of the product can be designated BRQ.
    • When inflated, the ball should be elastic, that is, when pressing on the surface, there should be no dents left, and an elastic, springy counteraction should be felt under the palm.
    • The walls should not be too thin. The product must be made of durable, non-toxic, hypoallergenic material.
    • The surface of the product should be warm and not sticky to the touch - this will make it possible to exercise without clothing or additional equipment in the form of a diaper.
    • The greater the permissible maximum load on the product, the better. The highest quality models can withstand weights of up to 300 kg or more. This load makes it possible for all family members to exercise without fear.
    • A good fitball for a baby should not have rough seams that can be felt. It is better to choose a smooth surface without “pimples”.
    • Although the surface is smooth, it should not be slippery. It is best to choose balls made of porous non-slip material (thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride). This will ensure greater safety for the child when performing exercises.
    • You need to ask whether the material from which the ball is made has an antistatic effect. This is necessary to prevent debris, dust, and pet hair from sticking to the ball: this can provoke allergic reactions in the child. In addition, sticky clothes make many exercises difficult, and the baby can also be hit by a static current discharge.
    • A high-quality fitball does not have any foreign chemical odors. Ideally, it doesn't smell like anything at all.
    • The nipple for inflating the fitball should be recessed inside the product so as not to accidentally injure the baby.
    • The ball can be any color. High-quality branded products often have natural, calm shades, while Chinese fakes have acidic, unnatural colors. This fact can also be taken into account when purchasing.
    • It is very important to pay attention to the manufacturer. Today, the best fitballs are produced by companies - TOGU (Germany), Mondo (Italy), Ludi (France), Reebok (USA). These products can be purchased safely, are hygienic certified and are suitable for pregnant women and activities with babies.

    Purchase Sports Equipment It’s better to go to trusted stores, where they can provide comprehensive information about the product and offer to review quality certificates that will confirm the safety of the ball and the ability to use it for activities with infants.

    It is better to buy a fitball before the baby is born. It will serve perfectly during pregnancy, relieving tension from the back muscles and improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. And after the baby is born, it will be an indispensable assistant when doing gymnastics with the baby. How to prepare for exercises and what correct technique gymnastics, described in detail

    Inflatable balls with a diameter of 45 to 85 cm are known as medicine balls, fitballs or resist-a-balls. Initially, this ball was actually invented for medical purposes and since the 50s of the 20th century it has been widely used in physical therapy. The ball allows you to load your muscles while sparing your joints.

    That is why in the 80s fitball attracted the attention of inquisitive American fitness trainers. “Why not try losing weight with a ball like this?” Indeed, for overweight people, especially when they are over 30 years old, it is often their joints that do not allow them to engage in regular aerobics. So fitball has taken a strong place in fitness and has become an excellent workout for resetting excess weight. They practice it in fitness clubs, at home with video discs, and on their own.


    What is the weight loss effect of exercise on a fitball based on? Unlike aerobics, running or swimming, your heart rate does not rise very high. However, even just sitting on the ball, we are forced to maintain balance. And this is very energy-intensive work, although we, as a rule, do not notice it. To maintain balance, it is not the muscles that we usually train with exercises that work, but deeper ones, which cannot be touched at all by standard exercises on the floor or with dumbbells. These are the so-called internal muscles of the body, located mainly in the depths of the abdomen and lower back. They are responsible for the effect of a slim waist.

    The exercises themselves on the fitball are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and back. Each of them burns more calories than if we did it without the ball. Thus, in an hour of exercise on a fitball you can burn about 400 kcal, and in a month of regular exercise (2-4 times a week) you can lose 2-3 kg! In addition, like any physical exercise, the miracle ball trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increases endurance and coordination, and improves the condition of the spine. It is also comfortable and pleasant to stretch on.

    It is possible and it is not possible

    Fitball has very few restrictions. It is not suitable only for those who have problems with the vestibular apparatus, who suffer from diseases of the cerebellum. But fitball is available and even recommended for older people, people with very large weights, pregnant women, those suffering from osteochondrosis, and those who have varicose veins or damaged ankle or knee joints.

    To experience all the benefits of fitball, you need to follow simple rules.

    Choose the right ball size! Each height has its own diameter. When you sit on a stability ball, your thighs should be approximately parallel to the floor, and your knee angle should be almost straight (95-110°). If your knee angle is greater, you will not be able to exercise effectively. If less, the load on the knee and hip joints will increase.

    When sitting on the ball, do not slouch, do not lower your chin to your chest, keep your shoulders turned.

    When you lie on your stomach, lean on your hands and raise your leg, do not arch your lower back - this can lead to injury. Do not lean your body forward so that its weight is transferred to your arms - this is dangerous for your hands and elbows. Let as much of your body weight rest on the ball.

    During all exercises, try to keep your stomach tense and do not move your body from side to side. This will increase the fat burning effect.

    Choose the right ball

    A fitball will cost you 300-2000 rubles; they are sold in specialized stores and hypermarkets. The more you weigh, the more load the ball should be designed to carry! Expensive models can withstand up to 150 kg. Make sure the ball you choose can support more than your own weight. Good balls also have protection against bursting (if damaged, such a ball will not burst under you, but will slowly deflate), which is indicated by the marking ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality). By the way, a damaged ball can be repaired like a bicycle inner tube.

    The harder you pump the ball, the more difficult it will be to balance on it and the more calories you will burn. However, for beginners it is better not to experiment and get acquainted with the ball in a softer state. It is usually recommended to pump the ball so that when pressed it bends by 2-3 cm. If you are not confident in your coordination and sense of balance, feel free to make it even softer, over time you will get the hang of it and pump it up tighter.

    It is not recommended to deflate the fitball after each workout; on the contrary, the ball is better preserved when inflated. To enhance calorie burning, we recommend using an inflated ball as a seat 2-3 times a day. Just sit on it for 15-30 minutes while watching TV or at the computer; the need to maintain balance will speed up your metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine.

    From theory to practice

    In conclusion, we offer you a few simple exercises that will help drive excess fat from the stomach and buttocks. Perform each exercise 30-60 times 2-4 times a week.

    1. Lying on the fitball on your stomach, rest your feet on the floor. Extend your arms horizontally in front of you as an extension of your back. Lower your body as far as possible, trying to touch the floor with your hands (do not lean on your hands!). Raise your body and arms to the starting position.

    2. Lying on the exercise ball on your stomach, place your hands on the floor. Do not put your body on your hands, try to leave the main weight of your body on the ball. Straighten and tense your leg, slowly lift it up with your heel. Don't pull your toe out! Lower your leg just below the horizontal without touching the floor.

    3. The starting position is the same. Raise your leg to the horizontal, straighten and tense. Take it to the side, bend it, straighten it and return it back. Do the exercise without lowering your leg to the floor.

    4. Sit on the ball with your back straight. Straighten your legs. Bend towards your feet, alternately trying to touch the toe with your hands. If that doesn’t work, touch your knee or shin with your hands. Don't round your back!

    5. Sit deeply on the ball, stretch your arms in front of you. Lower yourself back, trying to lie on the ball, and return to the starting position.


    What is your size?

    The diameter of the ball depends on your height.

    >> Less than 155 cm – ball 45 cm

    >> 155-166 cm – ball 55 cm

    >> 165-175 cm – ball 65 cm

    >> 175-185 – ball 75 cm

    >> More than 185 cm – diameter 85 cm

    By the way

    Smooth or with horns?

    Not all fitballs have a smooth surface. There are balls with small spikes that will complement the exercises with a massage effect. These balls are called touch or massage balls. Not bad against cellulite, but the spikes are quite hard and may not be suitable for sensitive people.

    Another type of ball has two handles in the form of horns or brackets. It has no practical benefit for losing weight, but it doesn’t interfere either. But children really like to jump on this ball, holding the handles.

    Personal opinion

    Andrey Sokolov:

    – In Lenkom (of which Andrei Sokolov is an actor. – Ed.) we have a wonderful gym, which I try to visit regularly three times a week. I train on apparatus, with a punching bag, etc. I also really love hunting; if you run ten kilometers through the forest, it won’t seem like much. This is how I keep myself in shape.

    An effective physical trainer that allows you to exercise at home is a gymnastic ball. How to choose a size? It depends on many factors that you should consider when purchasing this accessory. This one is very popular today due to its versatility, convenience, ease of use, and affordable price. In addition, these accessories are widely used both for activities with children and expectant mothers, who, even in pregnancy, strive to keep themselves in good shape.

    First, consider the weight

    Experts advise choosing a ball taking into account your own weight. The main thing is not to buy a cheap accessory, which not only is of poor quality, but also, most likely, will not be very convenient to use. It is important that the fitball is elastic and durable - in this case it will be able to support your weight.

    And if you do strength training, you need something durable and reliable. How to choose a size? Remember that high-quality models can withstand loads weighing more than 300 kg. Small balls with a diameter of up to 65 cm are quite suitable for children; they have a sufficient margin of safety and are therefore absolutely safe.

    Second - material

    A good fitball should be made of durable materials that have a good electrostatic effect. If the surface of the product is porous, it will absorb dust and sweat. Therefore, it is important to check the smoothness of the material and its elasticity - there should be no folds on the ball. Otherwise, know that this is a low-quality product that will not help you in your sports activities.

    How to choose the right gymnastic ball? Please ensure that the surface is clean, smooth, without protruding seams or protrusions. The best materials are PVC and latex.


    The size of the ball directly depends on the height of the athlete. Remarkable, but this sports equipment Suitable for both adults and children. The variety of configurations allows you to choose the gymnastic ball that suits a particular person. How to choose a size?

    So, based on height, you need shells of the following sizes:

    • up to 155 cm, the fitball should have a diameter of 45-55 cm;
    • if you are 155-169 cm tall, choose balls with a diameter of 55 cm;
    • for heights of 170-185 cm, 65 cm fitballs are suitable;
    • If you are taller than 186 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 75 cm.

    Arm length

    Professional instructors who teach Pilates or gymnastics suggest taking into account the length of your arm to choose the right gymnastic ball. How to choose the size in this case?

    To determine this parameter, you need to measure the length of your arm, starting from the shoulder joint and ending with the tips of your outstretched fingers:

    • if the arm length is up to 55 cm, you need a ball with a diameter of 45-55 cm;
    • with an arm length of 56-65 cm, the fitball should have a diameter of 55 cm;
    • with a length of 66-75 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 65 cm.

    To understand whether the product is right for you, you need to check the following: when exercising on a fitball in a sitting position, the angles between the body, thigh, lower leg and foot should be about 90-100 degrees.

    Are all balls different?

    We told you how to choose a gymnastic ball according to your height. But it is also important to take into account some external selection parameters:

    • Balls can be with handles or in the form of “horns” - most often such models are chosen for children.
    • Products with spikes over the entire surface are covered with small balls that have a certain massage effect. It is advisable to use such balls in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as for children's massage. To make the fitball stable, it can have legs at the bottom that support the position.

    For babies

    The gymnastic ball is versatile and easy to use. How to choose a size for newborns? In most cases, these parameters vary from 45 to 75 cm, but experts advise choosing a larger ball - it is easier for the child to fit on it. For activities with infants, you can use fitballs with a diameter of 55-75 cm. It is good if the models are equipped with handles: they will help to monitor the child and help him hold himself. For an adult, a handle is an opportunity to control the ball, since otherwise it is difficult to grasp it during exercise.

    So how to choose a gymnastic ball for a child? We suggest you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances:

    • the ball must be made of dense, elastic fabric and have a smooth surface;
    • when trying to compress, folds should not form on the surface of the gymnastic apparatus; if they exist, it means the product is of poor quality;
    • the nipple must be soldered into the product so that nothing interferes with movement;
    • The gymnastic ball must have an anti-explosion feature, which is marked ABS. She talks about the safety of the exercise equipment.

    A few final rules

    How to choose a gymnastics To begin with, let's tell you that training with this sports equipment became popular not so long ago. It was invented by a famous physiotherapist and the fitball differs from a regular ball only in size. All models are used when performing exercises in gymnastics and aerobics. Today, fitness balls are widely used in the prevention of many diseases of the legs, back, and hips. They are especially effective in recovering from injuries. Despite the external simplicity of the accessory, it is universal, as it allows you to use almost all muscle groups during exercise, develops a sense of balance, flexibility, helps improve posture and relieve fatigue.

    When choosing, many are guided by the color of the gymnastic ball. This is where psychologists get involved in the work, since each color affects our nervous system differently. Thus, blue and green produce a calming effect and reduce blood pressure, yellow helps improve mood and raise energy levels, and orange can relieve depression. If you have a weak immune system, then choose a red gymnastic ball.

    Operating rules

    A fitball is a safe sports equipment that can be easily inflated with a conventional pump, manually or automatically. To make it last longer, use the ball only on a smooth and level surface to avoid the risk of causing mechanical damage. Products should be stored in an inflated state away from sunlight.

    Gymnastic balls are simple sports equipment that nevertheless allow you to solve a number of problems without leaving your home. They are absolutely safe, provided that basic rules are followed. The main thing is not to leave a child, especially a small one, alone with this projectile. Today, the most popular products are the following brands: Gymnic, Ledragomma, Azuni, Spokey, Torneo. By choosing the right gymnastic ball, you will be able to perform effective exercises at home without any special effort.

    Natalya Pogorelova

    Sports entertainment for senior and pre-school groups “In the Land of Fun Balls”

    Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about various types of ball sports, to arouse interest and desire to engage in sports games, repeat game exercises and ball relay races.

    Benefits: 2 hoops, 2 caps for relay races, 2 cubes, a volleyball net, balloons, 2 plastic goals or 2 crossbars with caps instead of goals, 2 fitballs (for jumping, audio recordings.

    Progress of entertainment:



    Guys, I want to tell you about one wonderful item. You can't play many games without it. sport games. With this item you can become agile, fast and strong. He keeps jumping and jumping, what is this? This. (ball). That's right, it's a ball. Balls are different. Try to name what types of balls there are. (Children's answers.) Balls are rubber, leather, small, medium, large, air, plastic. Balls can be tennis, basketball, football, volleyball, polo and rugby (oval).

    We can’t count all our ball games:

    There are so many of them in the world.

    After all, you can throw a ball, roll it,

    Hit with his hand.

    Throw the ball into the basket and into the water,

    We found work everywhere.

    I suggest you play with a ball today different games, compete, and for this we need to split into two teams. Pay off the first or second!

    First, let's play the fun game "Salute" - we'll do a warm-up and see which team is more dexterous. I invite each team to stand around their hoop.

    Outdoor game "Salute"»

    The presenter scatters small plastic balls of various colors around the hall (like for a dry pool). At the signal, all team members begin to collect balls, each in their own hoop. The team that scores wins more balls. (Performed to cheerful music, repeat 2-3 times)

    Leading: We checked which of the teams is more dexterous, and now we will organize real competitions and remember sports games with a ball. Listen to the riddle:

    We'll assemble a team soon

    And we will find a large field.

    Taking a corner -

    We score with our heads.

    And the fifth goal is in the goal!

    We love very much... (football)

    1. relay race “Football”

    On command, children begin dribbling the ball with their feet to a landmark, kick the goal, pick up the ball and run back. Pass the ball to the next player and stand at the end of the column. The task is considered completed when the last player crosses the start-finish line.

    Presenter: Well done! Listen to a riddle about the following sport:

    The team wins here

    if the ball doesn't drop,

    He flies accurately from the pitch

    It's not the goal - it's the net

    And the playground, not the field

    Athletes in... (volleyball)

    2nd relay "Volleyball"

    The teams line up in a column. In front of each team, one of the participants stands (the commander, throws the ball to the child standing first. The child, having caught the ball, throws it back and stands at the end of the column, etc. The team whose participants finished the relay race faster and did not drop the ball wins.

    Host: Listen to the following riddle about a ball sport:

    Dribbling, passing,

    The player bypassed all opponents,

    And the ball in the basket - that's luck

    We're playing with you... (basketball).

    3rd relay race “Basketball”

    The captain stands on the cube with a hoop in outstretched arms, the children run up one by one and throw the ball into the hoop from a distance of 2 m. The winner is the team whose participants completed the task correctly and completed the relay race faster.

    Leading: And now the next relay race, the final one and very fun! It’s so good that they came up with balls that you can jump on, like on a trampoline. And these balls are called fitballs. We will hold a “Jumping” relay race.

    4th relay race "Jumpers"

    The teams stand in columns. Each of the participants, sitting on a fitball, jumps to the designated place and back to the finish line, passing the baton to another. The team whose members finish the relay faster without breaking the rules wins.

    (Performed to cheerful music - “Barbariki”)

    Host: Let's now summarize. Based on the results of four relay races, the team won: (the winning team is announced)

    At the end of our sports entertainment “In the Land of Fun Balls” I suggest you play with one more unusual appearance balls - balloons. And we will play a common game called “Unusual Volleyball”

    General game “Unusual volleyball”

    A volleyball net or cord is stretched. Children are divided into two teams of equal number of players; the choice of teams is arbitrary, at will. Each team receives three balls, and to the accompaniment of cheerful but calm music (the song “Three Wishes” from “Masha and the Bear” or others), the children throw the balls over the net, beating them with their hands.


    Leading: So, today we visited the land of funny balls, remembered what sports there are with balls and played with different types of balls, even with balloons. Everyone was dexterous, brave, skillful. Now it's time for us to return to the group.

    The children leave the hall to a cheerful march.

    Publications on the topic:

    Goal: Develop basic motor actions; Develop physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance; Promote development.

    Goals: continue to learn a set of exercises with the ball; improve jumping skills on two legs; develop coordination of movements.

    Musical and sports entertainment for children of the middle group “Journey through the Land of Health” Goal: Creating a social situation for development through the game - “Journey through the Land of Health” Objectives: Create conditions for the protection and.

    "Journey to Zimland." Outdoor sports entertainment for senior and preparatory children TRIP TO ZIMLANDIA Sports entertainment outdoors for older children and preparatory groups Goal: Creating conditions for development.

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