• Abstract of a lesson on artistic creativity in the second junior group Application Balls. Summary of the application lesson in the second junior group "Large and small balls. Application of large and small balls.


    Municipal preschool educational institution

    kindergarten of general developmental type No. 79 "Rybka"

    Lesson summary

    for artistic creation

    for children of the second younger group

    Developed and carried out:

    educator first

    Fomicheva Irina Anatolievna


    Topic: MI amhanddlI amWithlOnandToa

    Direction: artistic and aesthetic

    Educational area: artistic creation

    Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creation" (application), "Socialization", "Music".

    Target. Strengthen the ability to stick multi-colored balls of different sizes, colors from fabric. Arouse positive emotions from work.


    Educational: to consolidate the idea of ​​a geometric figure - a circle; improve the ability to classify objects by color; fix gluing techniques.

    Developing: develop speech, memory, attention, thinking.

    Educational: continue to educate children to be responsive, sympathetic to fairy-tale characters, to arouse a desire to help them.

    Material and equipment:

    plastic balls (red, yellow, green, blue);

    4 identical baskets in red, yellow, green, blue;

    a sheet of A4 white paper (for each child);

    drawing of an elephant made of fabric (for each child);

    cut out balls of different colors (for each child);

    glue, brushes, napkins (for each child);

    box with balloons;

    audio recording of V. Shainsky "Circus".

    Preliminary work:

    1. A conversation about how the children went to the circus, what they saw there, what animals they remember and what these animals did.

    2. Reading works of art about elephants.

    3. Consider paintings and illustrations on this topic.

    4. Didactic games to consolidate knowledge of basic colors.

    Vocabulary work:

    Circus, attraction.

    Methodological techniques:

    Organizing time.

    Conversation - dialogue - play.

    Surprising moment.

    Physical education.

    Independent productive activity of children.

    Exhibition and analysis of children's works.


    1. Kazakova R.G. Drawing with children preschool age... - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

    2. Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten. - M .: "KARAPUZ-DIDAKTIKA", 2009.

    Materials and equipment

    Xclass od.

    Children enter the group. On the bigtraylie plasticballsdifferent colors.

    Educator: Guys, what is this? (Balls).

    There are so many of them. And how beautiful they are!

    Who can tell me what color these balls are? (Answers of children)

    Individual questions:

    Varya, show me the red ball.

    And you, Lida, show the yellow ball.

    Well, Lesha will also show us the green ball.

    (The teacher praises the children).

    Educator: Oh guys, look, and the balls are scattered (pour on the floormI amchi) ... They probably want to play with you.

    How different they are

    Yellow and red

    We will help them now

    Put all of them in baskets.

    Invite the guys to collectballs... And put in the basketballsthe same color asbasket colors... Check with the children if everything isballslie in their basket.

    A knock on the door.

    Educator: It seems that someone has come to us.

    (Opens the door and brings in a panel depictingelephant).

    Elephant. (Sad)

    - Hello guys!

    Children greet the elephant.


    What is the mood of the elephant? (sad, sad).

    - Why do you think? (Answers of children).

    - And he is sad because he wants to play, but he has no balls. Can we help him have some fun? You have multi-colored circles on your table - balls and everything you need to stick them on. This must be done beautifully - so that the balls surround our elephant. Then he will become cheerful.

    - Show how the elephant will roll on a large ball, how he will hit the balls with his trunk. (Children imitate movement).

    - Now let's get to work.

    In the process of work, check with the children where they will stickballs(up down,aboveelephant, underelephant).

    Educator: What do you think the elephant is in now?

    (Merry, paworthy).

    - Yes, he smiles at us and says thank you for the beautiful, multi-colored balls. He also prepared a surprise for you.

    Get multicolored out of the boxballsand to the music of V.Shainsky"Circus" predlay down the guys to play with them.

    Summary of a modeling lesson in the second younger group on the topic: "Balls".

    Software content.

    Educational task: to learn to sculpt round objects - balls.

    Technical task: to learn to sculpt objects of a round shape - a ball, rolling a lump of plasticine in a circular motion of the hands.

    Developing task: to develop speech and thinking.

    Educational task: carefully use plasticine.

    Educational space: the presence of a variety of balls in the sports corner, an outdoor game "Catch the ball".

    Teacher training ... Play ball games the day before: roll, fish, throw. Refine the shape - the ball is round like a ball.

    Vocabulary work ... Ball, round, roll ball, small ball, big ball.

    Equipment ... Balls big and small, poem, clay, boards, wet wipes.

    The course of the lesson.

    I read a poem to the children:

    My cheerful, sonorous ball

    Where did you gallop

    Yellow, red, blue,

    Can't keep up with you.

    I invite children to play with balls, roll them, hold them in their hands. I show children big and small balls, I ask which ball is big and which is small. Refining the shape of the ball.

    The doll Katya comes to visit the guys.

    "Hello guys!" - says Katya.

    Guys, Katya is very sad. She lost all her balls and now she cannot play with her friends.

    Let's help the doll Katya! We dazzle a lot of balls for her and for her friends!

    I show children how to sculpt a ball: put a lump of plasticine on one palm and roll the other. I comment on all my movements. Then I ask the children to repeat the movements in the air (without plasticine).

    Children, divide the clay into pieces.

    I check if everyone did it right.

    Now put a lump of plasticine in your palm, and roll the other one.

    Children sculpt balls by rolling a lump of plasticine with the palms of both hands over the board.

    Guys, look how many balls you got.

    In this and several subsequent lessons, we will teach the child to glue the finished images on their own. We will need:

    Flour or starch paste, glue stick, PVA glue.
    ... Multi-colored paper of varying density. When pasting ready-made images, it is better to use double-sided colored paper so that the kids do not get confused on which side of the figure to apply the glue. Use paper that is thick in texture, in this case, while spreading with glue, it will not curl, wrinkle and tear.
    ... Thick white paper, colored cardboard.
    ... Foam sponges, brushes, napkins, oilcloth, etc.
    ... Toys (for playing up the plot).

    Target: Teach children to apply glue to the image with their finger, apply the image with the glued side to the paper, press it with the palm of your hand and smooth it with a cloth or napkin; learn to place images on a sheet of paper; reinforce knowledge of different colors (sensory development); to form interest and a positive attitude towards the application.
    Materials: Multi-colored circles (diameter about 4-5 cm - circles can be the same or different sizes), cut from thick double-sided paper; a sheet of thick white paper; flour or starch paste; rags or napkins; multi-colored balls; sample application "Balls".

    Application techniques: Spreading glue with your fingers; gluing.

    Course of the lesson:

    Start your activity with a ball game.

    - Look, here are the colored balls. Let's play with them.

    My cheerful, sonorous ball ...
    Poems by S. Marshak

    My cheerful, sonorous ball
    Where did you gallop
    Yellow, red, blue,
    Can't keep up with you.

    I clapped my hand to you,
    You jumped and stomped loudly,
    You are fifteen times in a row
    Jumped to the corner and back.

    And then you rolled
    And he never returned,
    Rolled into the garden
    I rolled to the gate.

    Here I rolled under the gate,
    I ran to the turn
    I got hit by a wheel there,
    Burst, slammed, that's all.

    - Now let's put the balls in the box.

    Then show your kid the multi-colored circles cut out of colored paper and the sample applique.

    - And here are the circles. Don't they look like colored balls? Look: in the picture, all the circles-balls are also in the box.

    Give your child some colored circles.

    - Come on and we will hide the paper balls in the box, like in the picture.

    Help your child arrange the circles on the piece of paper. Then lift the sheet so that the circles fall. Pay attention to the baby that the circles are glued on the sample.

    - Why do you think the balls rolled away? Let's glue them to paper - like this.

    Demonstrate how to apply glue to an image by spreading an even layer from the center to the edges with your finger. Show how to apply an image with the smeared side to a sheet of paper, press it down with your palm, and smooth it with a napkin or cloth.

    Have your child glue the circles on their own. In order for the skill to be fixed correctly, help the baby by acting with his hands.

    Any number of circles can be glued. Pay the child's attention to the fact that the circles need to be evenly spaced on a sheet of paper, not overlapping them.


    when preparing the lesson, the following book was used:
    E.A. Yanushko Application with young children (1-3 years old). Methodological guide for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic synthesis, 2006 - 64 pages.

    Synopsis of directly educational activities for applications in the 2nd junior group.

    Topic: "Big and small balls."

    Integration of educational areas:

    "Social and communicative development"

    "Cognitive development"

    « Physical development»

    "Artistic and aesthetic development"


    Develop children's imagination and creativity;

    - to consolidate knowledge of colors, size and shape of a given object;

    - to consolidate the ability to correctly hold a brush in hand;

    Arrange parts in a given order;

    Develop color perception.

    Methods and techniques

    Practical: observation, application, physical minutes;

    Visual: showing techniques;

    Verbal: the teacher's story, questions.

    Materials and equipment: ½ album sheet, cut out circles of different sizes - large, medium and small, brush, liquid glue, cloth.

    Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


    Physical minute.

    Cognitive research




    Artistic and aesthetic


    The logic of educational activities.

    V:- Hello guys! Today on our class we will be with you, engage in the application. And the topic of our classes are called: "Big and small balls"! Let's remember with you what shape the ball has?: - That's right guys! And what size are balls?" V: -Right guys, what good fellows you all know! Guys, please look, you have circles of different colors and different sizes on your plate. Our task today is to arrange them on a sheet of paper in decreasing order. The way I did it! The teacher shows the children a ready-made sample of glued circles on a sheet of paper in decreasing order .

    Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, consider the sample.

    Interest, preparation for work.

    Physical moment. "Cubs"!

    The cubs lived in more often,

    They twisted their head,

    Like this, like this, like this,

    The cubs were looking for honey.

    Amicably the tree swayed:

    Like this, like this, like that.

    And then they danced

    They raised their paws above,

    Like this, like this, like this, like that!

    Children perform a variety of movements.

    All movements are performed correctly.

    V: - And now guys, it's time for us to put on our aprons and get to work!

    V: - Together with me, take a large red circle in one hand and smear it on the other side with a brush dipped in glue. We glue it first on one side of the sheet, and now again with me, take a yellow circle, which is smaller than a large circle, and glue it next to it. You see guys, our balls seem to shrink. Well, now guys, let's take with me the last green circle, it is the smallest of all circles, now we will glue the circle on the back and glue it next to the yellow circle. Look guys, what interesting and beautiful balls we got! Do you know what they look like? At the traffic light! Guys! Only in diminutive order!

    Children listen to the teacher, repeat the application procedure.

    Children follow the sequence of work correctly.

    V:- I'm glad! Now guys, it's time for us to return to our garden to tell the other guys about our balls that we made together in our workshop!

    Children finish work, put their jobs in order.

    The children were happy with their work and helped to put their workplaces in order.

    OSB Kindergarten No. 10 "Smile"

    Child Development Center "Kindergarten No. 9" Rodnichok "

    Application summary

    in the second younger group

    "Balls big and small"

    Educational area

    "Artistic and aesthetic development: artistic creation"


    Educator Gulneva M.V.


    GCD summary for application in the second junior group "Balls large and small"

    Target : the formation of skills to perform an applique from paper on a strip.



    1. To acquaint children with the properties of paper.

    2. Consolidate children's ideas about different sizes of objects.

    3. Learn to alternate images of different sizes.

    4. To form a technique for working with glue, the ability to glue finished parts.


    1. To develop aesthetic feelings by transferring the image in the application technique, fine motor skills of the hands.

    2. Develop creativity, imagination, desire to join the game.

    3. To develop the visual and auditory attention of the child, the ability to listen attentively to the speech of an adult.


    1. To bring up independence, accuracy.

    2. To foster the ability of children to work in a team.

    Occupation type: combined.

    Form of occupation: g ruppa.

    Duration: 15 minutes.

    Participants: a group of pupils of 8 people.

    Students age: 3 years.

    Demo material: balls are big and small.

    Handout: strips of white paper; circles of paper of the same color, 3 cm and 2 cm in diameter; oilcloth; brushes; napkins.

    Methods and techniques for working with children: game situation, conversation-dialogue, examination of balls, productive activity of children, analysis, summing up.

    Course of the lesson

    Educator: « The ball is jumping, jumping and jumping,
    The ball jumps to the doorstep.
    Rides ten times in a row
    From the palm of your hand and back

    Main part.

    Educator: Do you like to play ball?

    Children: Yes.

    Educator: I will give you a riddle, and you must guess it.

    “He's funny and funnyTogether he rides with meDexterously jumping like a bunnyStriped, round …… "

    Children: The ball.

    Educator: Right! The ball. And today I brought balls from the gym. (The teacher shows the balls).

    Educator: Guys, what are they?

    Children: Round, big, small.

    Educator: What geometric shape does the ball look like?

    Children: A circle.

    Educator: Let's draw a circle in the air with your finger. (Children draw a circle in the air with their fingers.)

    Educator: What color are our balls?

    Children: Multi-colored.

    Educator: “Our Tanya is crying loudly.

    Dropped a ball into the river.

    Hush, Tanya, don't cry.

    The ball will not sink in the river! "

    (The teacher shows a picture for the poem).

    Educator: Guys, what color is Tanya's ball?

    Children: Blue.

    Educator. Right. Let's help Tanya? Let's make balls for Tanya and give them to her.

    Educator: And before starting work, we need to prepare our fingers.

    Physical education:

    The ball bounces up.

    Who will jump the highest?

    (Children jump on two legs)

    Hush, hush, the ball is tired

    The ball stopped jumping

    And he rolled under the table.

    (Children squat down)

    Well, we sit down at the table.

    Educator: Now you can get to work. There are paths in front of you. We need to glue our balls on it with you. Now you will carefully look at how I do it, and then you will do it yourself.

    First, we take a large "ball", put it on the oilcloth and spread it with glue on the white side, then glue it onto the track and press it with a napkin. We do the same with the small "ball".

    (Children do the applique, alternating large and small circles).

    Educator: Well done. Show me what you did? You have got wonderful balls.

    Educator: Do you think Tanya will like our balls?

    Children: Yes.

    Educator: Of course they will! She is very glad that you made gifts for her. And he says thank you!

    Educator: Let's remember what we did?

    Children: Balls.

    Educator: what geometric shape do they look like?

    Children: A circle.

    Educator: What size are they?

    Children: Big and small.

    Educator: Well done. Tanya really liked it with us. She says thank you again and Goodbye!

    And we will smile at each other and keep a good mood until the end of the day.


    1. The program "From birth to school" edited by NE Veraksa, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2014 .-- 368p.

    2. TS Komarova "Children's Artistic Creativity". Methodological guide for educators and teachers. Moscow 2005 Mosaic-Synthesis

    3. Comprehensive classes under the "From birth to school" program, ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first junior group / aut. - comp. O.P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.-292s.

    4. Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers: theoretical foundations and new technologies: a collection of articles / author-comp. T.V. Volosovets, I.L. Kirillov, I.A. Lykov; ed. T.V. Volosovets, I.L. Kirillova. - M .: OOO "Russian word - textbook", 2015. - 216 p.

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