• Complex eye of rebirth. A simple and detailed description of the Eye of Rebirth technique


    Each of us wants to remain beautiful at any age. But how to preserve youth and beauty for many years? The ancient lamas of Tibetan monasteries used their own method for this, the secrets of which have survived to this day.

    Just five exercises a day - and time seems to stop for you. This is what those who have mastered the secrets of these wonderful exercises say.

    In order for the Tibetan system to really work, it will have to be applied daily. Tibetan way of rejuvenation - asanas "Eye of Revival" Many people have probably heard about this miraculous system. It is called differently. Some are “Five Tibetans”, others are “Five Tibetan Pearls”, others are “Eye of Revival”. Exercises are performed in the morning or in the evening (or you can do both in the morning and in the evening) - every day. It is not recommended to skip classes, especially when you have reached great heights. There are five exercises in total. But there is also a sixth additional exercise, it is not mandatory. The most “advanced” followers of the “Eye” go to him.

    Practice “Eye of Revival” or “6 Tibetan Pearls” from Anita Lutsenko

    The Eye of Rebirth exercises are an adaptation of five ancient Tibetan ritual practices that provide the key to long youth, health and amazing vitality. The book by Peter Kalder describes in detail the theoretical foundations of this set of exercises, and here we provide diagrams of their implementation with illustrations.

    Before starting the exercises, we suggest you set your intention on the data. physical activities. Say to yourself or out loud something like this: “I dedicate to doing these exercises...” or “I intend to find/receive...” and then you can connect your soul and imagination (examples: physical health, harmonious state, balance, harmony of soul, body and mind and so on.).

    First exercise


    • Starting position: stand straight, extend your arms horizontally at shoulder level, palms down.
    • Start rotating clockwise around your own axis. Don't forget to count the revolutions
    • Try to use a minimum of space for rotation - this will make the exercise more effective
    • Keep your head straight. Relax, but don't slouch
    • Do the exercise until you feel dizzy. For most people, turning around no more than six is ​​enough to get started. And Tibetan monks believe that three times is enough for the first time.
    • Once completed, take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose to overcome any dizziness.

    To stop dizziness after stopping the rotation, you need to fix your gaze on some fixed point. It is most convenient to fixate on the tips of the thumbs of the hands extended in front of you (the arms are extended horizontally to the ground, pressed against each other, the fingers are clenched into a fist, except for the thumbs, which look up).
    We focus all our attention on the sensations in our body.

    Rice. 1. Scheme of performing the first exercise “Eye of Rebirth”.

    IMPORTANT: Stimulation occurs vital energy. There is also a positive effect on the spinal cord.

    Second exercise


    • Lie on your back and extend your arms along your torso. Press your palms with your fingers tightly connected to the floor, thus creating a slight emphasis.
      It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some other fairly soft and warm bedding.
    • Inhale deeply through your nose. Using only your neck muscles, lift your head off the floor and tuck your chin to your chest
    • Raise your legs, without bending them at the knees, vertically upward, while trying not to lift your pelvis from the floor
      If you're in a good place physical fitness, then try raising your legs a little further towards you. But in any case, do not lift your pelvis off the floor.
    • Exhale through your nose and slowly and simultaneously lower your head and legs to the floor
    • Let your muscles rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
    • Maximum for the first lesson - 21 times

    Rice. 2. Scheme of performing the second exercise “Eye of Rebirth”.

    In this exercise, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding your lungs of air.
    While raising your head and legs, you should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, and while lowering, exhale the same way. H
    The deeper the breath, the higher the effectiveness of the practice. During the exercise, we suggest that you focus all your attention on breathing and sensations in your body; you can keep your eyes closed.

    IMPORTANT: Positive effects have been observed for arthritis, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, irregular menstruation and menopausal symptoms.

    Blood circulation, breathing, lymphatic flow improve, the heart and diaphragm are strengthened. The level of chronic fatigue decreases, the abdominal muscles tighten.

    Third exercise


    • The knees should be placed at a distance of the width of the pelvis from one another so that the hips are positioned strictly vertically. The hands rest with the palms on the back of the thigh muscles just under the buttocks.
    • Exhale deeply through your nose and gradually lower your head forward until it touches your chest.
    • Slowly inhale deeply and bend back. Push your chest out and arch your spine. Lean on your hips and try to throw your head back and up as much as possible.
    • After a few seconds, inhale and return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your sternum.
    • The maximum number of repetitions is 21.

    This exercise requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing.
    At the very beginning, you should take a deep and complete exhalation. When bending backwards, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale.
    During the exercise, we suggest that you focus all your attention on breathing and sensations in your body; you can keep your eyes closed.

    Rice. 3. Scheme of performing the third exercise “Eye of Rebirth”.

    IMPORTANT: The third exercise significantly enhances the healing effects of the second. And it is especially useful for irregular menstruation, arthritis, congestion in the sinuses, back and neck pain.

    Fourth exercise

    This exercise is a combination of Rod Pose and Table Pose.


    • To perform the fourth exercise, you need to sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you with your feet located approximately shoulder-width apart.
    • Having straightened your spine, place your palms with closed fingers (facing your legs) on the floor on either side of your buttocks. This is Wand Pose
    • Lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Then slowly take a deep breath and throw your head back and up as far as possible. Using your arms and legs, lift your torso parallel to the floor.
      This body position is called Table Pose: in the final phase, the hips and torso should be in the same horizontal plane, and the legs and arms should be positioned vertically, like the legs of a table.
    • Having reached this position, you need to strongly tense all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest.
    • Then do it all over again. The maximum number of repetitions is 21 times.

    And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing your head back, take a deep, smooth breath.
    During tension, hold your breath, and when lowering, exhale completely.
    While resting between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm. During the exercise, all attention should be transferred to breathing and sensations in your body; you can keep your eyes closed.

    Rice. 4. Scheme of performing the fourth exercise “Eye of Rebirth”.

    IMPORTANT: This exercise improves the activity of the genital organs, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid gland.
    Strengthens the abdominal cavity, arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles, improves blood circulation, breathing and lymph flow.

    The level of vitality increases and the immune system is strengthened.

    Fifth exercise

    This exercise is a combination of Dog Pose and Snake Pose.


    • Arch your spine. Rest your body on your toes and palms. Try to place your shoulders directly above your palms. The distance between the palms and feet is slightly wider than the shoulders
    • Exhale deeply and inhale slowly through your nose. Smoothly throw your head back as far as possible. Tighten all your muscles for a couple of seconds. This is Snake Pose
    • Continuing to inhale, lift your buttocks so that your body becomes as triangle-shaped as possible. You will receive Dog Pose
    • The chin should be pressed to the chest. Press your feet to the floor and place your legs straight. Tighten your body muscles for a few seconds
    • Exhale completely and return to Snake Pose.
    • Do not repeat the exercise more than 21 times.

    The starting position for the fifth exercise is lying down, bending over. In this case, the body rests on the palms and balls of the toes. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. The hands are oriented strictly forward with the fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same. We start by throwing our head back and up as far as possible. Then we move to a position in which the body resembles an acute angle, with its apex pointing upward. At the same time, with the movement of the neck, we press the head with the chin to the sternum. At the same time, we try to keep the legs straight, and straight arms and torso to be in the same plane. Then the body will appear to be folded in half at the hip joints. After this, we return to the starting position - lying down, bending over - and start all over again (see Fig. 5).

    The breathing pattern in this exercise is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation while lying down, you need to take as deep a breath as possible while “folding” your body in half. Returning to the point-blank position, lying bent over, exhale completely. When stopping at the extreme points to perform a tense pause, hold your breath for a few seconds after inhalation and after exhalation, respectively. During the exercise, we suggest that you focus all your attention on breathing and sensations in your body; you can keep your eyes closed.

    Rice. 5. Scheme of performing the fifth exercise of the “Eye of Rebirth” complex.

    IMPORTANT: Exercise helps cleanse the respiratory tract, overcome diseases of the digestive system, and provide relief from pain in the back, arms, hips and feet.
    Significantly improves blood and lymph circulation, improves immunity and improves breathing. There is an increase in energy and vitality.
    This exercise is especially beneficial for women with irregular periods and menopausal symptoms.

    Final commentary on the “Eye of Rebirth” set of exercises.

    It is most effective to perform each of the five above exercises daily. Start with 3-5 reps. And every week add two times, then after 9-10 weeks of daily exercise, you will reach 21 times.
    After this, you should not increase the number of repetitions, but simply maintain the achieved level.
    The main thing is to start doing it and you will see and feel the results within one to two weeks.

    To bring the body and mind to an ideal state, there is a sixth exercise.

    IMPORTANT: The sixth exercise is optional. It is performed only by persons who have decided to follow the path of spiritual self-improvement.

    Sixth exercise “Breathing”

    The purpose of the exercise is to enter a balanced state, when the body is calm and there is a mental pause in the mind. Performed after the “Eye of Rebirth” complex.

    You lie on your back, your whole body is relaxed, inhale and exhale. As you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling cold air, and as you exhale, warm air. And gradually we begin to move our attention around the body, each time inhaling cold air and exhaling warm air.
    Crown - 5 times, move attention to the area between the eyebrows - 1 time, chin - 1 time, throat - 1 time, chest - 5 times, solar plexus - 5 times, navel - 5 times, ovaries - 5 times, perineum - 5 times.
    We move our attention to the right arm, shoulder - 1 time, elbow bend - 1 time, palm - 5 times.
    We move our attention to the left arm, shoulder - 1 time, elbow bend - 1 time, palm - 5 times.
    We move our attention to the right leg, the connection of the groin and leg - 1 time, the knee 1 time, the sole - 5 times.
    We move our attention to the left leg, the connection of the groin and leg - 1 time, the knee 1 time, the sole - 5 times.
    We move our attention to the navel - 5 times.

    And then register your feelings and sensations in your body, and in this state you can begin to create your reality!

    And this is how the sixth ritual action is performed standing:

    Standing straight, you take a deep breath, squeeze the anal sphincter, the bladder sphincter, tense the muscles of the pelvic floor and the lower anterior wall of the abdomen, and then quickly bend over, resting your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely through your mouth with the sound “Ha-a-a-a- x-x-x...”, trying to remove all air from the lungs completely, including the so-called residual; after this, you draw in your stomach as much as possible by tensely lifting your diaphragm up and relaxing the front wall of your abdomen and straighten up. In this case, the chin should be pressed to the subjugular notch, the hands should lie on the waist.

    Having maintained the position with your stomach pulled in for as long as possible - as long as you can hold your breath - relax your diaphragm, raise your head and take a deep breath as calmly as possible. After catching your breath, repeat. Usually, in order to redirect free energy and “dissolve” the sexual desire that has arisen, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual action at a time.

    Note! The essence of this exercise is the transmutation of sexual force into vital energy.

    As a training, the sixth ritual action is performed once a day in a series of no more than nine repetitions. You should master it gradually, starting with three times, and adding two every week.
    “Applied” practice of this exercise is possible at any time and anywhere, provided that the stomach and intestines are not too full, as well as the presence of a bodily signal in the form of sexual desire. Moreover, someone who has fully mastered the sixth ritual action can easily exhale as completely as possible quietly, without bending over or attracting attention to himself. Therefore, the practice of turning sexual energy into life force can really be done anywhere, anytime, at any moment: o)

    The Eye of Renaissance practice is known as a yogic tradition originating in the monasteries of Tibet. It is believed that it is already more than 2500 years old and knowledge about it was passed on exclusively by word of mouth among Tibetan monks, hence another name - “ Tibetan yoga».

    Theories of the origin of the Eye of Rebirth practice

    There are several versions of the origin of this practice, or rituals. Thus, according to one scientist and monk of Tibetan Buddhism, these exercises originate from the authentic Indo-Tibetan tantric line. At the same time, these rituals were practiced for many centuries before the yogic tradition as we now know and understand it was formed. That is, everything indicates that, even despite the external similarity in the execution of some movements from the “Eye of the Renaissance” gymnastics with yogic ones, this is a completely independent line of spiritual practice, which includes not only a theoretical part, but also a practical one in the form of exercises.

    In order to complete the review of the various theories about the origin of these rituals, one can turn to the Kum Nye system for clarification, since there are certain references to it, and, like the Eye of Renaissance gymnastics, the above-mentioned system dates back more than 2000 years of existence.

    Popularization and distribution of the "Eye of Rebirth"

    In the Western world, this practice became known and became widely popular with the publication of Peter Kelder's book "The Eye of the Renaissance" in 1939, where he describes his acquaintance with Richard Bradford, then a bent old man, a British army colonel who had retired after a long career. services in India.

    As an officer, Bradford heard incredible stories about the unusual practices used by Tibetan lamas that allowed them to remain in good physical shape for a long time without aging. It was then that the colonel decided that he would certainly find out more about these mysterious rituals.

    Further, Kelder’s narrative breaks off, and resumes when, a few years later, one man, a tall, youthful gentleman of about forty, came to see him. What a surprise the author was when he recognized him as that same Colonel Bradford, but he became completely different - not a hint of pain or fatigue. On the contrary, correct posture, quick, clear movements, as if he had never been the same person as the author of the book met him for the first time.

    What made such a lasting impression on Kelder was nothing less than Bradford's magical transformation after several years spent with the lamas in Tibet, where he appeared before the "Eye of Renaissance", as these practices are called in the monastery, and absorbed all the knowledge monks, practicing all five rituals daily.

    This is the story told in the book. But this is just a preface. Is this really the reality? If so, what are these rituals with which you can restore youth or at least turn back time and feel the former freshness and energy in the body?

    As follows further from the story, Bradford, having returned to England, recruited a group of people who wanted to master these exercises, and little by little, the elderly people, gradually mastering these gymnastics, truly restored their health, became active and mobile, and at the same time their appearance changed.

    Purpose of this practice

    Gymnastics “Eye of Revival” is primarily designed for those people who want to improve their physical condition and help their physical body rejuvenate, but for certain reasons cannot devote enough time to other spiritual or physical practices during the day. By including “The Eye” in your schedule, which only requires 10-15 minutes at any time of the day, you can practice it daily. There is only one condition - discipline. It is believed that you need to do this gymnastics every day, without breaks. The maximum possible period of “rest” from exercises is 1-2 days, no more, otherwise the effect accumulated over the entire period of execution disappears.

    The chakra system and their meaning in the practice of “Eye of Renaissance”

    The five exercises are designed in such a way as to activate the work of the chakras in the body, or, as they are also called, “vortexes.” Everyone knows that a person has 7 main chakras - energy centers located along spinal column, starting from the bottom and ending with the so-called crown chakra, located at the crown of the head. In fact, there are many more of these chakras. Some sources mention more than 140 chakras, including those located at the tips of the fingers and toes. In the description of this complex, 19 chakras are distinguished: 7 main and 12 located in areas corresponding to the attachment of the main joints: shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet.

    This practice is aimed at achieving balance in the work of all these chakras and the harmonious development of each of them, since the original thesis underlying it is that it is the uncoordinated work of the energy centers of the body or their failure that contributes to the stagnation of energy in those places and/or throughout the body, which prevents the free flow of energy throughout the body and ultimately manifests itself on the physical level in the form of diseases. In order to reverse the process, you need to harmonize the work of all chakras.

    "Eye of Rebirth": 5 Tibetan exercises

    It is no coincidence that the “Eye of Revival” complex (“Five Tibetan exercises") begins essentially with the "whirling dervishes". This rotation around its axis is performed clockwise, because in the Buddhist tradition, clockwise rotation has a beneficial effect on the body, while counterclockwise rotation has a negative effect.

    This first exercise or ritual is repeated 3 times to begin with. In general, all exercises in this system involve sequential repetition of each of them a certain number of times, starting with 3 and bringing it up to 21 times. This rule must be strictly observed and applies to all 5 exercises of the complex.

    This kind of spinning in place often causes difficulties for people with a weak vestibular apparatus; some people simply become dizzy out of habit. If for some reason it is impossible to perform a rotation, then you can postpone its implementation until a later time, when the body is stronger, meanwhile mastering the remaining 4 exercises, which follow each other.

    The second exercise of the complex is performed lying down and affects the energy centers in the hips, and also strengthens the muscles abdominals. It consists in the fact that, together with the simultaneous raising of the head and pressing the chin to the chest, straight legs rise up perpendicular to the floor.

    The third has much in common with the “camel pose” (Ushtrasana), but does not require such a powerful backbend, helps to correct posture and “feel” the back muscles.

    The fourth is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, but slightly modified. This exercise is aimed at activating all chakra centers, stretches the spine well, strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs, and also naturally massages the internal organs, which helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The fifth strengthens the leg muscles and, like the previous 2, is effective for the back and spinal muscles. It resembles a mix of two yogic asanas - “downward-facing dog pose” and “cobra pose”, performed dynamically. A “swing” effect is created.

    It should be noted that the basis of this gymnastics is the so-called paradoxical breathing.

    "Eye of Rebirth": energetic principles involved in this practice

    Of course, strengthening the physical body leads to natural changes appearance practitioner, and this happens due to the fact that the mechanism of redistribution of energy concentration from the lower chakras to the higher ones is turned on, which is the main goal of this “Eye of Renaissance” complex. Exercises promote the transmutation of energies.

    Often the energy of the lower centers is used for other purposes; it is simply wasted. In order to prevent the outflow of energy outside, it needs to be redirected to where it will transform into a new quality, and, as a result, the person will move to a new spiritual level.

    A lot has already been said about the physical aspect of this practice and therefore there is no point in returning to it again.

    Unconscious reasons for a person’s desire for eternal youth

    “The Fountain of Youth,” as it is called in the West, is a system of exercises that makes it possible, through practical means, to turn back time and fill the body with energy.

    But here we ask ourselves the question: “Why do we want to rejuvenate so much?” The desire to be beautiful and the desire for longevity... Since we want to delay the aging process or at least slow it down as much as possible, isn’t this nothing more than the desire of our ego? It wants to be noticed, demands praise and is afraid of losing its unconditional influence on a person. The fact that this influence is undeniable is undeniable. Isn’t that why every beauty, if not openly, then secretly, is always happy to receive compliments? Her desire to please directs her to beauty salons and fitness centers. Also, the desire to prolong youth, which implies, although hidden behind it, but no less obvious, the desire for immortality is based on human vanity and fear of death.

    A few words about Ego

    There are ego interests behind most practices, including this one. Even if we are talking about such a seemingly noble activity as self-development or spiritual enlightenment, achieved through the use of various techniques and practices that accelerate this process of climbing the ladder of spiritual growth, these are all the works of the ego. Without him, there would be no aspiration itself. Ambitiousness is good in contests and competitions, but the very thought of achieving something, achieving this or that, even if the goal is the very “getting rid of/liberation” from the Ego, it is still the voice of the very present “I”, no matter how strange it may sound at first glance. Because in the very basis of the desire for something, in the very fact of goal setting, one cannot do without the ego.

    Is the dream of immortality an illusion of happiness?

    The fear of death, in obvious or hidden form, is present in all people. But why is it considered one of the most basic fears of humanity? There is no need to touch upon the physiological aspects associated with the survival instinct, which is naturally introduced into the human consciousness from an early age. This is an existential question.

    Why do people who “waste” their lives, sometimes wasting it on trifles, if suddenly they have an unforeseen hour or two of free time during the day, do not know what to do with themselves, inventing themselves, they come up with a new way to “kill” time, and At the same time, they will be the ones who will complain that life is short and it is impossible to fulfill everything you have planned. But no matter what you do, no matter how busy your days are, when the time comes to take stock, people suddenly suddenly realize that they were doing the wrong thing.

    In general, a person would not need to ask for a second chance from fate if he really used this one wisely. Living every day, giving his existence meaning and not in the name of anything, but for the sake of the process itself, truly living the moment, then this would be his true immortality. This can only happen when the thoughts are calm, they do not jump from one thing to another, but are concentrated without regard to the past and the future.

    Start living in a new way. To transform the very process of life into a kind of dynamic meditation, this is what all spiritual practices are truly aimed at. Not practice for the sake of practice, not practice for the sake of obtaining some benefits in the form of acquiring certain abilities or health.

    All this is possible and necessary, but it is more likely by-effect these practices. If a person does not pay special attention to them, but in the process of practice itself goes beyond the scope of his previous ideas, expands his understanding of the world by bringing his consciousness to a new level, then those effects that inexperienced practitioners are so eager to achieve will come on their own as a derivative , something that freely manifests itself when other gateways for receiving information have opened.

    The Eye of Renaissance is 5 exercises, the implementation of which contributes to the rejuvenation and healing of the body. We have supplemented these exercises with comments from Vadim Zeland, author of Reality Transurfing. Transurfing is a technique for controlling reality, and such control is only possible with a sufficient level of energy. The combination of eye of rebirth gymnastics and transurfing knowledge, in addition to guaranteed health, provides excellent energy recharge. That is, spending just 15 minutes a day, we get good health+ high energy level. Interesting? Then read this article about the eye of rebirth with illustrations and a visual instruction video.

    Eye of rebirth

    The world became aware of the Eye of Rebirth thanks to the book of the same name by Peter Kelder. For thousands of years, this knowledge was kept in the deepest secret by the Tibetan monks of a secluded mountain monastery.

    Another name for this technique is “five (six) Tibetan pearls.” They were first revealed by Peter Keldar in 1938, and over time the exercises covered in The Eye of Rebirth have become increasingly popular.

    For you, dear readers of Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle, in addition to a detailed description, we have published video of the Eye of Rebirth, after viewing which you will have no questions about these 5 exercises. Everything is clear and visual!

    The reason for the popularity of the Tibetan renaissance eye these days is the wrong lifestyle of modern man. We are moving further and further away from nature, which means we can no longer take full advantage of all that it gives us. Most of the time we sit motionless, which undermines our health, including problems with the back, joints, and internal organs. And I don’t even want to talk about poor nutrition. After all, only a few, and most of us, eat “like everyone else.” Naturally, they get sick, just like everyone else around them.

    In addition, an incorrect lifestyle leads to accelerated aging and wear and tear of the body.

    Unfortunately, with the development of civilization, each individual person receives certain concomitant diseases, deviations, and is also exposed to a wide variety of destructive factors that recently did not exist at all or had only a minimal impact. Yes, the world is changing rapidly, and, alas, these changes too often do not bring anything good.

    The Eye of Rebirth exercises are aimed at restoring our vitality. Peter Kelder in his book tried to convey in as much detail as possible the methodology for performing these Tibetan exercises, and Healthy Lifestyle, in turn, will share it with you. A high-quality video demonstrating the technique of performing the “Eye of Renaissance” is attached.

    But we don’t just want to share exercises from the book and video instructions. We have supplemented our article with comments from Vadim Zeland, author of Transurfing. Vadim believes that it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the “Eye of Rebirth” exercises if you pay attention not only to muscles, but also to energy flows. Thus, we not only restore health, but also pump up our energy. 2 in 1!!!😉

    Who needs to practice the eye of rebirth? Performing the “five Tibetan pearls” set of exercises is useful for both older and younger people. But before the age of 18, there is no particular point in exercising, since a young body, as a rule, can cope with maintaining itself in good shape. It is worth noting that the Eye of Rebirth is suitable for both men and women.

    Peter Calder's book, The Eye of Rebirth, recommends practicing once or twice a day. For example, morning and evening. In fact, these five ritual actions are nothing more than simple gymnastics, however, extremely effective. To begin with, it is better to study in the morning, since if you start in the evening, you may have problems falling asleep - after all, the eye gives the body a strong boost, a jolt, and, accordingly, it is somewhat more difficult to fall asleep after this.

    Warning #1! In the book written by Peter Kalder, “The Eye of Revival,” it is written that interrupting the practice is strongly not recommended. The reason is a rollback and deterioration in well-being. In principle, this is logical: if you do something and then abruptly stop, the body returns to its previous mode of operation, which is perceived as a subjective deterioration in the condition.

    Warning #2! The maximum number of repetitions of each exercise is 21 times. At the beginning of practice, it is recommended to do a minimum, for example, 3-6 times. The main thing here is that there should not be any negative symptoms; if there are any, stop the exercise and do less next time. In other words, don't overdo it, friends. Especially at the beginning! The number of repetitions of each exercise should be increased gradually.

    Eye of Rebirth + Transurfing

    The purpose of transurfing is to control reality. Obviously, this requires energy.

    Vadim Zeland, author of Transurfing, writes that there is enough energy in this world for everyone. You just need to keep the energy channels in order. By adding work with energy flows and vortexes to the eye of rebirth, we thereby increase our energy.

    Low energy levels are one of the main causes of chronic fatigue, lethargy and depressed mood, as well as illnesses. If your vitality leaves much to be desired, then pumping up your energy in this case can be an extremely useful action.

    The original exercises of Tibetan lamas, which are described in the book “The Eye of Revival,” focus attention on movements and breathing. But there is not a word mentioned about attention to energy pumping. In an effort to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding, Vadim offers an expanded version of the eye of rebirth, which will allow you to develop and improve both health and energy at the same time.

    Well, let's finally get down to the exercises - the ritual actions of Tibetan monks.

    Exercise No. 1 [Eye of Rebirth]

    Starting position: stand straight and extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level.

    Then rotate around your axis clockwise until you feel a feeling of slight dizziness.

    The purpose of the first exercise is to promote energy vortexes and give them additional acceleration.

    From the point of view of transurfing, it is advisable to split the rotation into three approaches, since acceleration occurs due to a sharp stop after the rotation. They spun and stopped. Feel your energy, feel how the vortexes continue to spin around you by inertia. It is useful to direct the intention to the following affirmation: “I have powerful energy. Energy cleanses and heals my body. My energy is increasing." Use the same affirmation in the following exercises after and during their implementation.

    Exercise No. 2 [Eye of Rebirth]

    Starting position: lie on your back, it is best to lie on a carpet or some other soft and warm bedding; Stretch your arms along your body and press your palms with your fingers tightly connected to the floor.

    Then raise your head and press your chin firmly to your sternum. Next, lift your straight legs vertically up, while trying not to lift your pelvis from the floor. If it works, then raise your legs not just vertically up, but further tilt them towards your head until your pelvis begins to lift away from the surface on which you are lying. The main thing is not to bend your knees. After this, slowly return to the starting position.

    Relax all your muscles, feel how the energy fills your entire body, overflowing. During the moment of relaxation, it is imperative to pay attention to this feeling, the feeling of filling the body with energy.

    Coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. Before starting the action, you must exhale so that there is no air left in the lungs. When you raise your head and legs, take a smooth and deep breath, when you lower it, exhale the same way. The deeper the breathing, the higher the effectiveness of this exercise.

    Repeat this exercise a comfortable number of times (maximum 21). The most important thing when performing the second exercise is to keep (or try to keep) your legs straight. You should also not just tense your muscles when performing this ritual action, but how you pass energy through yourself with every inhalation and exhalation. Combine visualization with affirmations about healing and increasing the energy of your body.

    Exercise No. 3 [Eye of Rebirth]

    Starting position: kneel down, your hips should be positioned without tilting (strictly vertical), and your hands should be on the back of your hips (under the buttocks). The head should be tilted forward, the chin pressed to the sternum.

    Throw your head back and up, sticking out your chest and bending your spine back, leaning your hands slightly on your hips. Then return to the starting position with your chin tucked.

    This exercise requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. Before performing the exercise, exhale all the air from your lungs. When you bend back, inhale, and when you return to the starting position, exhale. Inhalations and exhalations should be full and deep.

    To pump energy, you should concentrate on the main energy flows that pass through the central axis of your body. The upward flow passes along the spine slightly in front, and the downward flow runs slightly behind the spine. While doing the third exercise, visualize how energy is driven through these streams, and how they expand under strong pressure. You can combine this with breathing: when you inhale, energy flows up, and when you exhale, it flows down. And please don't forget about affirmations.

    Exercise No. 4 [Eye of Rebirth]

    Starting position: sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, approximately shoulder-width apart. The spine should be straight and the palms should be on the floor on the sides of the buttocks. Fingers are closed and directed forward. The head is lowered forward, the chin is pressed tightly to the sternum.

    Next, you need to throw your head back and up as far as possible, then you need to lift your torso up to horizontal position. That is, the torso should be positioned horizontally, and the legs and arms should be positioned vertically (like table legs). When you have reached this position, tense all the muscles of your body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin tucked. Repeat the exercise a comfortable number of times.

    The key aspect here (as in previous exercises) is breathing. As before, exhale the air before starting the exercise. When throwing your head back, inhale slowly and smoothly, while tense muscles - hold your breath, and when returning to the starting position slowly (but completely) exhale.During the rest between repetitions of the fourth exercise, you need to maintain a constant breathing rhythm.

    From the point of view of transurfing, the main thing in this movement is fixing attention on the central flows of energy. When you bend parallel to the floor and tense your muscles, then launch and intensively pump energy through the energy channels, and after this return back to the “suspended state”, as if swinging on a swing. Don't forget about affirmations.

    Exercise No. 5 [Eye of Rebirth]

    Starting position: take a lying position and arch your back, your palms should be located at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders. The hands are directed forward and the fingers are closed together. Position your feet so that only the balls of your toes support your position. Your knees and pelvis should not touch the floor.

    The exercise begins by throwing your head back and up as far as possible. After this, move the body to the position of an acute angle, the apex (fifth point) of which is directed upward. At the same time, press your chin to your chest. Try not to bend your legs and arms. Next, return to the starting position and repeat this exercise the required number of times.

    Care should be taken to synchronize breathing with movements. When you take a lying position, bending over, exhale, and when folding your body, inhale slowly. Exhale slowly as you return to the starting position. When you stop briefly at the extreme points (bending up and bending down), then hold your breath at this time (after inhalation and after exhalation, respectively).

    Vadim Zeland advises, in the initial position of the body, to direct the intention to accelerate the central flows. Simultaneously with the energetic throw of the body, accelerate the energy flows, imagine how a powerful force penetrates you. Along with this, don’t forget about the affirmation: mentally say how when you perform exercise 5 of the “Eye of Revival,” your energy increases and your body becomes healthier.


    Gymnastics “Eye of Renaissance” or “Five Tibetan Pearls” can give a second life to our bodies. If you have health problems or lack of energy, then these 5 simple exercises can change everything. Perhaps this is not a panacea, but the fact that the Eye works (especially in combination with energy pumping) is a fact.

    Based personal experience I confirm the effectiveness of this gymnastics. My health is already excellent, but my energy level has increased significantly. The effect began to appear after about a month of training. Became more cheerful, appeared more strength and the desire to create, and laziness practically no longer bothers me. I would like to note that I practice the eye of rebirth only once a day for 15 minutes (in the morning), and in Peter Kalder’s book it is written that you can practice Tibetan pearls twice. That is, if you also practice the Eye in the evening, the effect of the exercises will come faster.

    Overall, the Eye of Rebirth is one of those practices that anyone who cares about their health would do well to know about. Even if you don’t need this gymnastics now, just remember its existence - maybe someday these 5 Tibetan exercises will be useful to you.

    Friends, please write reviews about the article and about the Eye of Renaissance itself together with Transurfing. See you soon!

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    Behind the impregnable walls of mountain monasteries, Tibetan monks keep treasures of secret knowledge that can not only improve a person’s physical health, but also strengthen his energy potential. The secret of the Tibetan Eye of Revival technique was introduced to Europeans by the writer Peter Kalder, who collected the ancient knowledge of the monks in his book. Now the exercise technique is available to everyone.

    Tibetan lamas practiced a simple gymnastic ritual to ensure prosperity, gain eternal youth and longevity. Technical achievements of civilization are rapidly changing the world around us, depriving modern man of the opportunity to actively move. The result of increasing immobility is the development of diseases that lead to wear and tear of the human body, accelerating the aging process.

    The task of the Eye of Revival complex exercises, called Tibetan pearls, is to restore the health of the body by influencing both the physical and energetic shell of a person.

    How to prepare for health exercises

    To get the maximum result from performing 5 Tibetan exercises, the body should be prepared for specific actions.

    • After waking up, without getting out of bed, do stretching - while inhaling, the spine is stretched, fully relaxing as you exhale. Then shake the limbs raised up perpendicular to the plane of the bed. Only after this simple preparation is it recommended to get out of bed.
    • During the ascent, the spine is straightened as much as possible with inhalation, imagining the process of saturating the body with energy flows emanating from the earth itself. The exhalation should be slow, stretching and relaxing, feeling the energy spreading inside. To finally prepare the body for the Eye of Rebirth exercises, you need to calmly shake your limbs and do a few light jumps in one place.

    The Importance of Energy Vortexes

    It has been known since ancient times that the physical shell of a person is only a link in a complex system of subtle bodies invisible to the eye. Thanks to invisible vortices that penetrate thin shells, an exchange occurs with the energy fields of the surrounding world.

    Vortexes affect all internal systems and organs of a person; chakras are responsible for their absorption and redistribution; there are only 7 main ones and they are located along the spine. At the level of the physical body, energy funnels are associated with the main nerve nodes; they can be called a prana generator.

    It is thanks to the chakras that the human physical body is surrounded by an energy field called an aura. Tibetan gymnastics helps strengthen the circulation of energy vortices through the chakra funnels, which leads to increased immunity and restoration of vitality.

    Rules for reviving the body through gymnastics

    The main focus when doing gymnastics from the book The Eye of Rebirth is given to correct technique movements and breathing techniques. A set of only 5 exercises is easy to master, but you will have to practice regularly. It will help to achieve the revival of vital processes in the body correct execution exercises.

    1. The Eye of Rebirth practice begins after morning preparation with spinal stretching. Exercise on an empty stomach; if desired, you can drink a little water (warm). It is also worth getting a special rug.
    2. A set of 5 exercises is performed daily; missing even one day will invalidate all achievements. To enhance the effect of internal rejuvenation, it is recommended to exercise in the morning and also in the evening.
    3. At the initial stage of training, each exercise is performed three times. Then every week the ritual is complicated by adding two repetitions. When the number of repetitions reaches 21, the addition is stopped.
    4. Each of the Eye of Rebirth exercises is performed in strict sequence, following the instructions, without stress or overwork. If the total number of repetitions is difficult, their number is divided into morning and evening classes.
    5. The Tibetan healing ritual ends with rest and relaxation. You can take a comfortable shower, but dousing yourself with cold water is not recommended.

    To perform the Eye of Rebirth complex, it will take only 15 minutes, but once you start practicing, Tibetan monks will have to exercise for the rest of your life to maintain health and energy potential. You shouldn’t set yourself up for quick results; they will please you only after 2-3 months of hard work.

    Breathing technique when performing exercises

    Based on reviews from people who practice the Eye of Revival technique, one can judge the high efficiency of charging due to proper breathing. Health-improving gymnastics is classified as a practice of Tibetan yoga, which requires knowledge of the stages of breathing techniques:

    • while inhaling, the diaphragm is lowered down with the abdomen moving forward, which allows the lungs to fill with air;
    • to ensure the movement of the lungs, the stomach is pulled in, which contributes to the expansion of the chest;
    • As you exhale, the muscles of the neck are used to lift the ribs without straining the chest.

    You should inhale through your nose, exhale through your slightly open mouth, mentally releasing all the accumulated irritation. As the five pearls of the Eye of Rebirth ritual are performed, inhalation accompanies the starting position, and exhalation accompanies the power stage of the technique.

    How to do 5 Tibetan practices correctly

    The gymnastic complex is so versatile that it can be performed as a full-fledged exercise or complement other physical activities. The tactics for performing each exercise are presented in the video below.

    Ritual No. 1

    The exercise is performed standing with a straight back and arms extended to the sides, palms facing down and face facing north. The purpose of the actions is to launch energy vortexes, the slowdown of which leads to illness. Therefore, start rotating around your axis in a clockwise direction. To begin with, 3 revolutions are enough, their number increases gradually in accordance with the rules for performing gymnastics. After 10 days of unwinding energy flows, a feeling of lightness will appear not only in the body, but also in thoughts.

    Tip: Don't be alarmed by the feeling of slight dizziness. Increasing nausea is evidence that you have overdone it. Don't hold your breath either.

    Ritual No. 2

    The second of the Eye of Rebirth charging pearls is performed while lying on the floor. The purpose of the ritual action of Tibetan monks is to improve the condition of the entire body, which alleviates the symptoms of diseases. Step-by-step execution tactics:

    • lying on your back, your arms should be extended along your body, palms facing down and fingers tightly connected;
    • while inhaling, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin as far as possible to the upper part of your sternum;
    • when lifting your legs up, make sure they are straight, but you cannot lift your pelvis off the floor;
    • while exhaling, return to the starting position, followed by relaxation.

    Note: movements during inhalation and exhalation should be smooth, and the knees of the legs should not be bent. When relaxing at the final stage of the Tibetan exercise, it is important to imagine filling the body with energy.

    Ritual No. 3

    To perform the third exercise of the Eye of Rebirth practice, you will have to kneel in a strictly vertical position. In this case, your hands should rest with your palms on your buttocks, laid back slightly. How to proceed:

    • after exhaling, tilt your head forward as much as possible to press your chin to your chest area;
    • after inhaling, raise your head up, tilt it back, accompanying the protrusion of the chest;
    • Hands help ensure balance; palms need to be moved slightly up the buttocks;
    • returning to the starting position is accompanied by a full exhalation, then you need to take a short pause.

    Explanation: This Tibetan gymnastics exercise requires complete harmony of the breathing rhythm with the movements. While performing the exercise, visualize the flow of energy; as you inhale, it moves up, and as you exhale, it flows down.

    Ritual No. 4

    This charging exercise of Tibetan monks is performed while sitting on the floor with straight legs extended forward. They should be spread apart to the width of the pelvis, hands should be placed on the floor with palms down on the sides of the hips, and the spine should be straightened. Lower your head forward, pressing your chin sweatily to the top of your sternum. Technique:

    • taking a deep breath, throw your head back, raising your torso parallel to the plane of the floor (similar to the bridge exercise);
    • at a moment of high muscle tension, holding your breath with a mental increase in arm strength is required;
    • during the exhalation stage, return to the starting position.

    Important: all movements, as well as inhalation/exhalation, must be slow. You need to try to maintain a right angle between your legs bent at the knees and your torso, not forgetting to pay attention to the circulation of energy flows.

    Ritual No. 5

    The final exercise of Tibetan gymnastics, the Eye of Revival, is started from a position lying on the stomach, palms with fingers pointing forward should rest on the floor. How to do it:

    • resting your palms firmly on the floor, inhale and lift top part torso, throwing your head back all the way;
    • lifting the body on straight arms with emphasis on the toes, achieve a position resembling an acute angle with the apex at the fifth point;
    • Accompany the return to the starting position with a slow exhalation while holding your breath in the extreme positions after inhalation/exhalation.

    Clarification: the final exercise of charging Tibetan lamas helps to harmonize the balance of energy vortexes. The process of strengthening energy, accompanied by visualization of the powerful force of vortex flows raging inside you, results in complete recovery.

    Svetlana Markova

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

    Mar 22 2017


    The monks of a forgotten monastery in Tibet would remain unknown if they had not revealed the secrets of their health, vitality and longevity. Knowledge of their Eye of Renaissance gymnastics, consisting of five exercises, was first revealed in the 1930s, but became popular in the late 20th century. Get to know them better for better health.

    What is the Eye of Rebirth

    5 Tibetan pearls - this is the name of the Eye of Revival practice, because it consists of five simple exercises from a physical point of view. They are difficult from the spiritual side, because they require maximum concentration and special technology to perform. Tibetan monks perform Eye of Rebirth gymnastics daily for 10-20 minutes. Exercise affirmation reinforces a person’s habit of working on the body and can help improve his psychological and physical condition.

    According to the Tibetan monks who developed the Eye of Revival technique, the human body has 19 energy centers - vortexes, seven of which are primary, and the rest are secondary. These formations are located near the joints, rotate quickly, providing the body with energy. In case of illness or illness, the speed of the vortices slows down, which impairs the flow of prana (vital matter) to the organs. The Eye of Revival exercises help return the flow of energy to a healthy state and feel the flow of energy.

    What does the Eye of Rebirth give?

    It was developed by monks for a reason breathing exercises Eye of rebirth - 5 Tibetan exercises. It helps to launch energy vortices and normalize their speed when performing ritual actions. The Eye of Rebirth exercises are similar to regular yoga; they give the body health and youth, launching vital processes. Thanks to them they leave overweight, but the Tibetan practice is universal not only for losing weight - if a person is underweight, he gains it without problems.

    Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body

    From technology correct breathing Tibetan rejuvenation gymnastics begins with five pearls of the Eye of Revival. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, making the sound “he”. Tibetan monks advise putting all irritation, anger and fatigue into the exhalation in order to release them from yourself. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercise scheme, exhale in the power part, inhale in the starting position.

    Learn to perform the exercise while standing with a relaxed body and clear head, then proceed to perform full deep yogic breathing. It is divided into three phases of lung movement:

    • lower diaphragmatic - while inhaling, lower the diaphragm down, push your stomach forward so that the lungs fill with air, draw in the perineal area;
    • middle pectoral - try to tighten your stomach so that the intercostal muscles expand the chest;
    • upper clavicular - straighten your shoulders without lifting up, let your neck muscles lift your upper ribs without straining your chest.

    The exhalation continues with similar three exercises - first, relax the perineum, lower the ribs and collarbones. When doing the Tibetan workout, pull in your stomach, lower your shoulders, and squeeze your buttocks. This tone should accompany the body for the entire duration of the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics. For complete energetic immersion in yourself, close your eyes, follow the sequence of exercises without changing their sequence.

    5 exercises of Tibetan monks

    After mastering real yogic breathing, start doing 5 Tibetan exercises every day:

    1. Stand up straight, extend your arms to the sides. Rotate around your axis from left to right until you feel slightly dizzy. Close your eyelids and take several full breaths to stop your head from spinning. This exercise is considered a warm-up exercise.
    2. Lie down on a soft mat. Stretch your arms along the body, place your palms with clenched fingers on the floor. Exhale, take a full breath, hold, raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Without bending your knees, lift your legs vertically up without engaging your pelvis and shoulders. Fix at the top point for a couple of seconds, exhale through your mouth, relax your neck. Smoothly tilt your head and legs, repeat.
    3. Get on your knees, place your feet on your toes, extend your knees hip-width apart, and keep your hips vertical. Place your palms on your thighs, fill your lungs completely with oxygen, stretch your chin towards chest. Exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, tighten your neck muscles. Inhale through your nose, raising your head vertically. Keep your chest relaxed, stick out forward, and push your shoulders back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. At the same time, move the back of your head back, stretch your neck as much as possible, and hold for a couple of seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
    4. Sit on a light mat, straighten your spine, relax your chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your palms side by side so that they are not pulled behind your back, close your fingers and point forward. Tilt your chin to your chest, exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, stretch your neck. Inhale, lift your head, move your body forward, sliding slightly, and up to stand horizontally. Roll your heels in place. Tighten your muscles for a couple of seconds. The correct position of the body looks like this: hips and torso in a horizontal direction, shins and arms in a vertical direction (by analogy with table legs). Exhale, return to the starting position.
    5. Make an effort lying down, arch your back or get on all fours. Rest your body on your palms and the balls of your toes. Do not touch your knees and pelvis to the floor, point your hands forward, clasp your fingers. Place your arms vertically and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale through your mouth, move the back of your head as far back as possible. Stretch your vertebrae, round your spine with your chest extended and your shoulder blades squeezed together. Fix, exhale, stand in an acute angle, with your buttocks up. Try to stand with your heels on the floor, straighten your knees, and “drown” your lower back towards your stomach. Try to bring your shoulder blades together. Place your chin on your chest, keeping your arms and back straight. Tighten as much as possible, exhale intensely through your mouth, and return to your original state.

    All five Eye of Rebirth exercises are done three times per workout, in slow mode. The regime is maintained for a week, then every seven days the number of repetitions is increased by two until they reach 21 times. There is also a sixth exercise of Tibetan gymnastics, the Eye of Revival, which is included in the complex in the form of 3-9 repetitions. This exercise redirects free energy and dissolves the sexual desire that has arisen. The position is not recommended for women who are menstruating and those who are not ready to give up sex completely.

    Stand up straight, take a deep breath, squeeze the sphincters of the urinary and anal openings, tighten the pelvic and perineal muscles. Quickly bend over, place your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely with a thick “hah” sound. Strongly draw in your stomach, straighten up, place your chin on the subjugular notch, keeping your hands on your waist. Keep this rhythm until the air runs out, release the tension in the diaphragm, straighten your head, inhale, catch your breath, repeat.

    How to do Tibetan gymnastics

    Eye of Rebirth - gymnastics of Tibetan monks is done in accordance with strict rules:

    • we must not forget to train - once you start performing the Tibetan Eye of Rebirth complex, you will have to do it every day for the rest of your life, otherwise the body will degrade more than it was before;
    • You can’t do more than 21 repetitions, strictly observe level increases every week;
    • after Tibetan complex exercises lie down and relax;
    • optimal time conducting the Eye of Rebirth training – immediately after waking up in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset and on an empty stomach;
    • after four months of frequent exercise, you can start doing the exercises twice a day - 21 repetitions in the morning, three in the evening, adding twice every week until you reach 21;
    • You must not overexert yourself, overwork yourself, or allow unpleasant sensations to occur;
    • between two ritual actions(the first rotations do not count) take pauses - stand straight, put your hands on your waist, perform smooth breathing;
    • if it is difficult to perform a repetition, break them into 2-3 parts: in the morning - the first 10 or 7 repetitions, in the evening - the second 11 or 7, plus in the afternoon - 7 times;
    • after training the Eye of Rebirth, it is good to take a slightly cool bath, shower, wipe your body from sweat with a warm, damp towel, wipe dry, it is not advisable to use cold water;
    • There are no contraindications for performing the Eye of Rebirth.

    Eye of Rebirth for Women

    Followers of the technique sometimes claim that the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics is not intended for women because it was developed by male monks. This is not true - exercise is beneficial for any gender because it increases metabolism and increases blood circulation, which triggers the regeneration process. As a result, the body loses weight if it is overweight or gains weight if it is underweight.

    Five Tibetans for Beginners

    The basic rule of gymnastics is that Tibetan yoga for beginners is accompanied by teaching breathing techniques. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercises, you should start with just three repetitions of each type, which will take 8-10 minutes. You need to perform the training strictly according to the rules, without changing the order of the classes, preferably in the morning. Extra exercise and proper nutrition won't hurt.

    Video: 5 pearls of Tibetan gymnastics

    Eye of Rebirth - reviews from practitioners

    Marina, 27 years old I am interested in Eastern culture and do yoga, so I have heard a lot about the Tibetan Eye of Revival. I was intimidated by daily exercise, but I decided to give it a try and I don’t regret it. In just a month, I have gained so much energy that I don’t know where to direct it. My back pain disappeared, I began to sleep better and lost a couple of kilograms.
    Maxim, 39 years old A friend told me about the Tibetan practice of the Eye of Rebirth, who has been doing it for two years in a row without a single break. He began to look noticeably better without additional exercise and changing eating habits. I also decided to try it, I'm doing three repetitions for now, but I already like it.

    Eye of rebirth - reviews from doctors

    Natalya, 44 years old I work as a fitness trainer, so I know most of the weight loss practices. As for the Eye of Rebirth, I can say that the technique works, because as a result of its execution, calories are burned, which is equivalent physical activity. Exercise is done daily and is beneficial. There are different reviews about the Eye of Rebirth, but there are more positive ones with photos.
    Evgeniy, 40 years old I am a practicing yogi, so I can say that the Eye of Revival is one of the most powerful workouts with the effect of preserving vital energy - prana. In my classes, after six months, people got rid of spinal curvature, excess body weight and became more cheerful.
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