• Tabaco system for weight loss. Gymnastics for weight loss Tabata


    The essence of the method is simple: by exercising for 4 minutes every day, you can lose excess weight many times faster than during your usual long-term workouts. But at the same time, in these few minutes you will have to work to the limit of your capabilities.

    What does a Tabata workout look like?

    The Tabata technique, like everything invented in Japan, is based on rigor and pedantry. The training is carried out according to a clear scheme:

    The exercise is performed for 20 seconds;
    10 seconds rest;
    then 8 such repetitions are done.

    The result is a 4-minute exercise stress. This cycle of exercises is called a Tabata round.

    You can do several Tabata rounds, but between them you must take a short rest - 1-2 minutes. The maximum number of Tabata rounds is 3-4. Such an intensive workout will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

    At first glance, nothing complicated. But the whole point of the method is that in such a short time you need to work out the necessary muscle groups as much as possible, perform the exercises correctly and get tired. If you didn’t feel like a lemon after training using the Tabata system, then don’t expect results. The effect of interval training can only occur with full effort and correctly performed exercises.

    Features of training training

    The choice and number of exercises for Tabata training may vary. It all depends on the goals you are pursuing: to remove your stomach, pump up your legs, arms, or tighten your buttocks. But all exercises must meet several important criteria:

    maximum number of muscles involved;
    simple execution technique;

    Exercises most often used in the Tabata protocol:

    jump squats;
    different types of planks;
    push-ups from the floor or bench;
    burpee (burpee, burpee) is a complex complex exercise that has everything: push-ups, squats, jumps (it involves a large number of muscles).

    Important rule: During Tabata training, do not hold your breath. On the contrary, try to inhale and exhale as actively as possible. After all, this will ensure the maximum flow of oxygen into the body. More oxygen appears, which means the percentage of fat tissue oxidation increases, which increases the amount of energy released.

    Basic rules of the Tabata system

    Prepare in advance

      1. . For all its simplicity, the Tabata technique requires a certain physical training. You can’t start it right away; you first need to tone the muscles, otherwise there is a high risk of injury. First, try a set of selected exercises in normal mode. Do them for 2-3 weeks, then proceed to the Tabata protocol.

    Start with simple exercises

      1. . Leave complex techniques that require high coordination for later. Get used to Tabata-style fitness gradually, only then will you be successful.

    Adjust the number of approaches

      1. . Training in 7-8 sets is too difficult a test for beginners. Therefore, at first it is better to do 4-5 approaches, gradually increasing the number to the required 8 sets.

    Don't exercise in the morning

      1. . Such a sudden load can negatively affect your health. Let your body fully wake up, and then start exercising.

    Do a warm-up and cool-down

      . They are not included in the 4 minutes of the Tabata protocol, but you cannot do without them. Muscles need to be prepared for a sudden and intense load. And after it, stretch the muscle tissue and restore breathing.

    Purpose of the Tabata technique

    The question arises: who is such training suitable for and for whom is it contraindicated? Only physically prepared people who have experience in regular training can cope with the Tabata protocol. And also those who have no contraindications to performing intense aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

    The Tabata Protocol will help those who seek to solve such problems:

    lose weight quickly and constantly maintain good health physical fitness;
    move weight from a “dead point” and get rid of a plateau (stopping weight loss during diets and sports);
    increase the rate of muscle mass growth;
    improve endurance and physical fitness.

    Important: You won’t be able to rush headlong into short and effective Japanese miracle workouts. To begin with, you will have to spend at least 2-3 months doing regular cardio and strength training. Otherwise, injuries, sprains, heart problems and other health complications cannot be avoided.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the Tabata training system

    The Japanese 4-minute Tabata workout has its strengths and weaknesses. Take them into account when choosing a weight loss program.


    effectively eliminates excess fat, while retaining maximum muscle mass;
    takes little time, and the results are not inferior to long-term strength and cardio training;
    increases a person's endurance;
    does not require special equipment, all you need is a few square meters and quite a bit of free time;
    clear training scheme, short-term classes and simple exercises– the secret to the success of the Tabata protocol;
    speeds up metabolism and prolongs weight loss even after training, since after such exercise the fat burning process lasts up to 48 hours.


    high risk of injury - without prior physical training, it is very easy to stretch muscles or “earn” another injury;
    risk of overtraining and sore throat;
    increased appetite – the intensity and high pace of training leads to an increased feeling of hunger.

    Training program for beginners using the Tabata system

    Start with basic exercises. This will make it easier for you to prepare your body for high-intensity Tabata interval training. First you can do some basic preparation:

      1. Sprint phase –
      1. 20 seconds.
      1. Rest phase – walking in place for 10 seconds.
      Repeat 7 times, you get those same 4 minutes.

    Then you can move on to the Tabata protocol for beginners. Include some simple exercises:

    A set of Tabata exercises for arm muscles

    It is better to use dumbbells to train your arms. They will act as weights and increase the effectiveness of training. The following arm exercises are suitable for the Tabata protocol.

    IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells in front of your hips. Inhale and as you exhale, raise one arm in front of you to shoulder level. As you inhale, return the dumbbell to full rep and repeat for the other hand. Your arms should be straight with a slight bend at the elbow throughout the entire exercise. Do not allow sudden movements, make sure that the distance between the dumbbells is always the same.

    IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells slightly bent at the elbows and placed along the body with palms facing inward. Fix the position by lightly pressing your elbows to your body. Slowly, as you exhale, begin to bend your arm at the elbow, turning your hand outward. Raise the dumbbell almost to shoulder level. Hold for 1-2 seconds and return to IP while inhaling. Repeat the exercise on the other hand. Don't swing or take your arms off your body.

    Take dumbbells in your hands. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward slightly. Bend your elbows until a right angle is formed. The back is straight, the shoulders are laid back. This is your IP. At the same time, as you exhale, extend both arms back, keeping your body in one position. As you inhale, return to IP.

    Take the dumbbells in your hands and lift them up, turning your palms inward. Slowly, while inhaling, begin to lower the dumbbells behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. Return to IP. You can perform the exercise from different positions: standing, sitting or lying on an inclined bench.

    Hold the dumbbells with your palms facing your body. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows. As you exhale, begin to raise the dumbbells to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. At the same time, the elbows are turned back and look up. Pause at the top and lower your arms.

    A set of Tabata exercises for legs and buttocks

    Get a timer

      . In Tabata CrossFit, every second counts and matters. You can't do without a stopwatch. You can use the online service or download a special application for Android or iOS “Tabata Timer”. The program will count down the seconds and give a signal to start classes (or rest), and play background music.

    Top 3 Free Timer Apps for Tabata Workouts

    A convenient application for self-training. It has different programs for more productive activities, depending on what results you expect. You can use either a regular timer or add your own exercises and create a personal training program. The application is synchronized with Google Fit.

    : there are few exercises, but you can enter your own exercises and compose individual program training;
    : you can create your own workout;
    interface: as simple and clear as possible;
    functional: calorie counter, detailed statistics about past classes; training reminder, voice guidance, customizable timer;
    music: you can play your own music;
    work in the background: works and notifies in screen lock mode;
    language: Russian;
    : stylish design, good app for home workouts, few exercises in the free version.

    Free app for Tabata and other high-intensity interval training. The application meets all the requirements of both novice athletes and professionals. The first ones will appreciate the convenient interface to start training in one click. Others will find plenty of settings to create a personalized exercise program that meets all requirements.

    features of the free version: 2 free timers available; You can adjust the time of work, rest, number of cycles and sets.
    ability to set your own parameters: ample opportunities to manage program settings;
    interface: convenient and intuitive application for Tabata training, timer with large numbers for better visualization.
    functional: integration with Google Fit, voice assistant, training statistics and much more;
    music: There is;
    work in the background: works in blocking mode and shows the current progress in the notification;
    language: Russian;
    overall rating from users: a good application for any level of preparedness, minimum advertising.

    3. Tabata Timer - Tabata timer

    The program includes classic Tabata training. The application provides the ability to customize the duration of the workout, the number of repetitions and rest time, create your own training plan, and track your workout history.

    features of the free version: the program is completely free;
    ability to set your own parameters: minimum;
    interface: simple and convenient application;
    functional: customizable background music, activity tracking calendar;
    music: you can set your favorite tracks;
    work in the background: does not work in blocking mode;
    language: Russian;
    overall rating from users: simple interface, nothing superfluous, no ability to add your own exercises or group existing ones.

    Contraindications to training

    Tabata protocol classes are specific and are not suitable for everyone. All due to the extremely high pace of training. Therefore, the technique has a number of contraindications:

    problems with the heart and blood vessels;
    diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints;
    pregnancy and lactation;
    colds and viral diseases;
    weakness and poor health;
    blood pressure problems;
    period of low-carbohydrate or mono-diet;
    low endurance.

    Video lesson of fat-burning training using the Tabata system

    If you have fully studied the material and are ready for hard training, we suggest watching the video. The athlete, author of the “Family Matters” project and a young mother of a 9-month-old child, will give an example of fat-burning training using the Tabata protocol. In this lesson we have selected the most effective exercises, which will help you both simply lose weight and strengthen muscles, and get your body in order after pregnancy and childbirth.

    Tabata exercises are a super-intensive and short course of exercise for intensive weight loss. This training system is suitable not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who want to strengthen muscle mass, improve metabolism and become as resilient as a Japanese samurai.

    There are no people who did not want to thoroughly engage in sports in order to improve their figure and health. Many factors and circumstances prevent you from going to the gym, because most often there is not enough time or money for it.

    Training using the unique Tabata system makes it possible to play sports without any special costs or investments. A new high-impact method of burning extra calories allows you to tighten your muscles by training for only 4 minutes a day. The express program is suitable for everyone - even the laziest, indecisive people and mothers of small children.

    What is Tabata training?

    Alternative name sports practice came from the name of its founder - professor at the Tokyo Institute Izumi Tabata. Based on scientific research into the mechanism of weight loss, he developed a course of training that brings maximum results in burning the most stubborn deposits. Experiments to get rid of cellulite and work out different muscle groups resulted in the creation of a special quick technique that does not harm the physiological state of the body.

    System advantages:

    1. effective burning of reserve fats (continuous weight loss);
    2. increasing cardiovascular endurance;
    3. acceleration of metabolism during the recovery period (mixed anaerobic and aerobic exercise);
    4. minimal time costs;
    5. does not require additional equipment, gear or space (you can practice at home);
    6. working out all muscle groups (combining strength and cardio exercises);
    7. Keeping a protocol allows you to track progress.

    Tabata physical exercises are performed 3-4 times a week. For an intermediate level, it is recommended to do 5 cycles of 4 minutes each. In this case, in each four-minute interval, 8 approaches are obtained (the exercise is done intensively for 20 seconds and rest is given for 10 seconds). It is necessary to strictly monitor the time; it is better to use a timer. Over time, the body's endurance develops - the number of repetitions in each cycle increases, the numbers are recorded in the protocol.

    The simple essence of the workout triggers all processes in the body aimed at growing muscle mass and burning fat throughout the day. Weight loss occurs not only during exercise, but also after it.

    Types of training

    During regular strength training, energy is generated through anabolism (anaerobic breakdown of glucose), calories are lost over the next 24 hours. The foundation of cardio complexes is the reverse process of catabolism (aerobic breakdown), the weight loss effect is small, but cardiac endurance is strengthened. It is the combination of these types of training that is the basis of the Tabata interval complex, when short term All sorts of processes are involved.

    If there are some contraindications, it is better to consult a doctor:

    • Hypertension (high blood pressure).
    • Vestibular weakness and attacks of dizziness.
    • Arrhythmias and heart failure.
    • Venous blockage or atherosclerosis.
    • Pregnancy.

    Under the supervision of a trainer, not a single contraindication is a categorical “no”; you simply select your own comfortable pace and correct exercises. It is better to conduct classes in the morning or afternoon, but not in the evening.

    What exercises are suitable for the Tabata protocol?

    Example of a Tabata workout

    It is believed that the course is intended not only for healthy and physically well-prepared people, but also for beginners. The main rule is to use as much as possible more groups muscles and perform the complex without stopping.

    • Beginners should choose exercises that are well known, not too difficult and comfortable. It is important to do them full force, regular squats and jumps at a sprint pace can give amazing results.
    • For women, abdominal exercises, a bicycle, a treadmill are well suited.
    • Trained athletes need to increase the load using dumbbells or exercise machines.

    Tabata stopwatch

    For convenience, you can use a special Tabata timer on your smartphone:

    • Android version of Tabata Timer
    • iOS version of CrossFit Timer

    Protocol example basic exercises 8 rounds:

    1. lifting the legs and body off the floor in a lying position;
    2. squats;
    3. twisting in a lying position;
    4. alternately raising the knees to the chest;

    How does a 4-minute workout work?

    In 20 seconds of performing the first exercise, you need to invest as much intensity as possible. After the timer signal, you need to record the number of repetitions and take the starting position for the new exercise. The next 10 seconds is rest time (it is necessary to exclude TV, talking on the phone, it is better to relax and not be distracted by external stimuli). Subsequent exercises are performed in the same sequence (you get 8 approaches with breaks).

    Important: Walk quickly for a few minutes after exercise, then slow down to allow your heart to gradually return to its normal rhythm.

    Conditions for obtaining positive dynamics from Tabata classes:

    1. Proper and balanced nutrition.
    2. An easy warm-up to warm up the muscles before starting the intensive workout.
    3. Maintain the rhythm of breathing (inhale during exercise, exhale in the starting position).
    4. Give maximum effort in terms of speed and impact when correct execution exercises.

    What is Tabata number

    The protocol is carried out in order to see the result of the training and objectively evaluate progress. During training, the number of repetitions of each exercise performed is recorded. After this, this amount is added and 2 values ​​are recorded: the summed indicator and the figure responsible for the last round. For example, 69/7, where 69 are repetitions for all 4 minutes, 7 is the Tabata number.

    In each next training session indicators should increase by at least one. Otherwise, the efficiency of classes will be zero. A sharp increase in data is also not recommended - it can cause harm to health.

    The effectiveness of Tabata interval training

    If after completing all rounds of exercises there is still strength left for training, it means that the lesson was not carried out at full strength. The expressive effect of the loads will not be enough and next time you will need to increase the intensity. Indicators of the success of the intensive cycle are progressive sweating, increased heart rate, a rush of blood to the face in the form of a noticeable blush, and muscle pain.

    Correct implementation of the training in practice shows good results. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, age and correct adherence to the protocol, you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kg per month. From the first days, training may seem very difficult, but over time, the body and muscle mass develop, endurance increases, and cellulite melts away.

    Video: Tabata training

    The Tabata interval technique is widely used to train military special forces in the United States and soldiers of the French Legion. But the simple idea of ​​the training shows positive effect in the fight against excess weight, even among beginners who have not previously engaged in sports. After all, everyone can devote 4 minutes a day to achieving excellent physical shape and a toned figure.

    Be sure to read about it

    Tabata is one of many group classes that clubs actively promote among their other services. Despite the fact that, by and large, this type physical activity It is not originally intended for either men or women; it is still more popular among the latter. Despite this, Tabata can be practiced by anyone, of any gender, at almost any age. This and much more will be discussed below.

    In 1996 and 1997, Japanese-born Dr. Izumi Tabata became Dean of the Graduate School sports training, along with his research team, published two scientific articles in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports, in which he presented a protocol describing the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training with maximum oxygen consumption, as well as the metabolic profile of high-intensity interval exercise. As a coach of the Japanese speed skating team, he and his research group previously tested this protocol on their players. The high effectiveness of training according to this protocol has led to the fact that these articles by Dr. Izumi have been cited in various publications around the world more than 600 times, including in the Japanese journal “ Physical development and sports medicine”, the American journal “Applied Psychology”, the European journal “Clinical Dietetics” and more. Since then, this training method has been called the “Tabata protocol”, or simply Tabata.

    What is tabata

    If you try to describe the Tabata protocol training system in a nutshell, you could say this – a lot of different movements in a very short period of time. The Tabata system involves constantly changing short intervals of intense physical exercise with three-minute rest breaks. Both aerobic (running, rowing, swimming) and anaerobic exercises (with kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and more) can be integrated into the training system.

    One of the benefits of training according to the Tabata protocol is strengthening the muscle corset. Diets tend to reduce muscle tissue. Tabata, in turn, allows you to load the muscles so that the body perceives training as a signal to build them up. This leads to the fact that the growth of muscle tissue is accompanied by a decrease in fat, and numerous variations of exercises aimed at maximizing the involvement of muscles in work allow you to significantly increase them where you especially need it.

    The effectiveness of Tabata

    Systematic training according to the Tabata protocol can significantly increase both aerobic and anaerobic endurance of the body. In other words, they help increase the maximum amount of oxygen that the body consumes during exercise. Increased aerobic capacity also helps to increase the energy that can be obtained by the body in case of oxygen deficiency. Aerobic energy is produced by burning carbohydrates when the oxygen concentration in the blood is low.

    Numerous studies by Dr. Izumi have shown that Tabata training, performed five days a week for six weeks, can increase the body's aerobic endurance by 14% and its anaerobic power by 28%. Both the first and second indicators lead to a significant increase in the overall endurance of the body.

    Tabata Research

    The Tabata protocol was used by a group of researchers to create a 20-minute training program without the use of additional equipment. The program included exercises such as push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, jumping rope, burpees and many others. The results of the study revealed that the average HR (heart rate) among athletes in the control group was 86% (84-88%), and VO2max was 74% (67-81%). Both of these indicators exceeded the fitness industry's recommended values ​​for cardiovascular training. If we take into account energy consumption, then 16 subjects spent from 240 to 360 kcal during training, which is an average of 15 kcal per minute. And again, Tabata reached the recommended levels in terms of energy expenditure, improved health and weight loss.

    On average, the control group rated the Tabata protocol training as quite difficult. In addition, the average blood lactate concentration during exercise was 12.1 mmol/L, indicating that the athletes were working outside the lactate threshold. These data led the researchers to conclude that due to the high intensity of training in this system, ordinary, untrained people with Tabata need to be careful. According to the experts who conducted the experiment, “Training so hard is potentially dangerous. An ordinary person, before starting training according to the Tabata protocol, needs to form a serious foundation for his physical fitness.”

    Tabata exercises

    Tabata is primarily an approach to training, which means it can be carried out both with and without the use of equipment. In the first case, exercises can be performed with various athletic (barbells, dumbbells), gymnastics (expander, rings), and other equipment. In the second case, you can train with your own body weight, literally anywhere - from specialized premises, to a playground in a park, or even a room at home. In fact, you can use any form of exercise that will allow you to train at the intervals prescribed by the Tabata system.

    Tabata protocol training is typically performed as follows: 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest is one set that is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. Between these 4 minute intervals there is a break of 1 minute. The number and variations of exercises that need to be completed during this time may vary depending on your goals, but in general, they must meet the following three requirements.

    • They should involve the maximum number of muscles and muscle fibers;
    • They should be simple so as not to lose control over the technique of their implementation;
    • They should tire you out, meaning they should be fairly hard for 10 reps in 20 seconds;

    Most often, training according to the Tabata protocol is based on movements such as squats in various variations, numerous types of push-ups, plank variations, as well as an exercise from the category functional training- burpee. High intensity training requires you to never hold your breath. You need to breathe intensively, this way you ensure a complete supply of blood, muscles and the whole body with oxygen. The more oxygen enters the body, the more active the oxidation of fat tissue occurs.

    Training according to the Tabata protocol should always begin with a warm-up lasting 5-10 minutes. After completing the main part of the workout, you need to do a cool-down in the form of the same 5-10 minutes of walking and straight stretching. The first steps in training according to this system usually begin with 3 exercises. To begin with, you need to try to hold out for 4 minutes in each. Over time, your fitness level will increase, and you can add several more 4-minute cycles to your workout. The total training time can usually be up to 30 minutes.

    The main criterion of Tabata

    One of the researchers of the effectiveness of training according to the Tabata protocol, Porcari Embert, claims that the advantage of this training system is its short duration (no more than 20 minutes) and the involvement of almost all muscles of the body. In fact, if you work hard enough, even for four minutes, you can actually increase your cardiovascular fitness. By doing a classic 20 minute workout, you can achieve significant results in working on own body. As Porcari says, “It's likely that Dr. Tabata wanted to prove with his research that if you train hard enough at a high intensity, you can absolutely improve your fitness in a relatively short period of time. On the other hand, if your fitness is at an advanced level, training using the Tabata protocol will help you maintain it and stay toned. This is, by and large, another training system that can be used both to increase fitness and for general fitness purposes.”

    As mentioned above, this training system also has a downside. High intensity, which is a prerequisite for training according to this system, can have a negative effect on an unprepared body. Thus, it is recommended to train according to the Tabata protocol no more than two to three times a week with breaks between training from 48 (2 days) to 72 hours (3 days). As Porcari Embert states, “You need to understand that to get in shape and get results from your workouts, intensity is paramount, not just four minutes of moderate work.”

    How to track your progress

    Tracking your progress in Tabata training is quite simple. For this purpose, the so-called Tabata count is used. If you perform the same exercise over the course of one 4-minute cycle, record the number of repetitions performed for each set. Usually it looks like this: exercise - squats; number of repetitions – 15-12-12-10-10-8-8-7. If the sum of these numbers increases over time, it means progress is being made in training. Progress is even more noticeable if the latest numbers are growing. This means that over time, you can get more work done in the same amount of time.


    Before you start training according to the Tabata protocol, it is advisable to visit a doctor to make sure there are no excess weight and check the health of the cardiovascular system. If you have already been to the doctor and know that everything is fine with your health, you can easily begin endurance training and improve your physical fitness, athletic parameters and level of functional fitness.


    You might be surprised that twenty minutes of exercise can make any difference to your fitness, but based on numerous studies, short-term, high-intensity training is indeed highly effective. In addition to research, the effectiveness of Tabata protocol training has been proven by thousands of clients around the world who have achieved the desired results with its help. Efficiency and growing interest from clients are encouraging fitness clubs to widely introduce Tabata protocol training into their list of services.

    This is a high intensity method interval training, invented by Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata.

    The idea is to perform the exercise as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Eight such rounds fit into four minutes.

    A workout may include one or more exercises. Tabata often consists of eight different exercises.

    What are the benefits of Tabata?

    1. Great for burning fat

    Study Exercise Intensity and Energy Expenditure of a Tabata Workout The University of Wisconsin at La Crosse showed that Tabata caused men and women to burn about 15 kcal per minute - an excellent indicator for those who want to lose weight. For comparison: 1 minute of quiet running (8 km/h) burns Calories Burned Calculator 9 kcal.

    In addition, when you give it your all, your metabolism speeds up: the body begins to spend energy faster to maintain basic functions.

    This means you burn more calories even when you're not doing anything.

    Thus, scientists from Auburn University found Tabata interval exercise: Energy expenditure and post-exercise responses that after a 4-minute jump squat tabata, your metabolic rate doubles for at least 30 minutes.

    2. Increases aerobic and anaerobic endurance

    Izumi Tabata and his team investigated Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max how the intensity of training affects the preparation of athletes. For six weeks, one group of athletes trained at moderate intensity (MI), and the second at high intensity (HI). The SI group trained five days a week for an hour, and the VI group trained four days a week for four minutes.

    As a result, the SI group improved the functioning of the aerobic system (VO2max - the amount of oxygen consumed - increased by 5 ml/kg/min), but the anaerobic parameters remained almost unchanged. In the second group, the aerobic system also increased (VO2max increased by 7 ml/kg/min), and anaerobic endurance increased by 28%.

    The aerobic system works during light, low-intensity exercise (jogging, walking, gentle cycling). The anaerobic system is activated during short-term heavy exercise (sprinting, lifting heavy weights with low repetitions, explosive movements) or long-term intense exercise (high-intensity interval training, middle-distance running).

    Developing different types of endurance will improve your performance in any sport and will be useful in everyday life. It will be easier for you to climb stairs, carry heavy things, and perform similar everyday tasks.

    3. Spends minimal time

    Even the busiest person can find some time to warm up and do a 4-minute Tabata.

    You can do just four minutes a day and get as many or more benefits than an hour of cardio.

    How to practice

    For training to be effective, you need to follow several rules:

    1. Warm up. Before Tabata, perform several cardio exercises with medium intensity: jumping jacks, running in place, jumping rope, do a joint warm-up: rotation of the limbs, bending, turning. This will help increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles a little.
    2. Give it your all. Every 20 seconds of training you are doing exercises to the limit of your capabilities, and it does not matter what interval it is - the first or the last. If you slowly squat or do push-ups slowly, conserving your strength, this is just interval training, not Tabata.
    3. Observe interval times. Setting a timer on your phone is inconvenient, since you constantly have to start it again. Use .

    What exercises to do

    There are many different movements that can be performed using the Tabata protocol. Here are the classic options:

    • rowing on a simulator;
    • sledding;
    • , aerial or with dumbbells;
    • exercise " ";

    Choose exercises that use a lot of muscles. Isolated (one muscle group works) and isometric exercises(you don't move, your muscles tense to maintain the position; a good example is) save for other workouts.

    How to track your progress

    Count the number of repetitions in each approach and write down their total. If you get confused or forget, at least remember the number of repetitions in the last approach: it can be used to judge your preparation.

    Try to make each workout better than the previous one.

    Where to get training

    There are many videos on the Internet with workouts lasting up to 30–40 minutes, but sets of exercises longer than four minutes can hardly be called Tabata. Since you have to give it your all, eight intervals will be pure hell and it's good if you can finish them without reducing the intensity. If at the end you drop to 50-60% of maximum effort, the benefits of the workout decrease.

    Alternatively, you can rest after completing one 4-minute Tabata before starting the next one. In this case, the body will have time to recover, and you will again be able to give your best.

    Lifehacker has compiled two collections of Tabata-style workouts: for beginners and advanced.

    Workouts for beginners

    Training for advanced athletes

    It was originally developed for training athletes - developing speed, endurance, anaerobic power. This system– one of the methods of high-intensity interval training. It consists of performing short twenty-second sets, with a 10-second rest between them. The classic Tabata protocol involves performing 8 such sets, i.e. the cycle lasts 4 minutes. In total, it is recommended to perform 3-4 such cycles during a workout with a rest of 2-3 minutes.

    However, after 12-16 minutes of extremely intense work, you will be no less tired than after a full hour-long run. Tabata training increases endurance, speeds up metabolism, improves oxygen metabolism, and strengthens muscles.

    In addition, this is the most preferred type of cardio training for those girls who want to get rid of subcutaneous fat without losing muscle mass. This is explained by the fact that the combination and ratio of hormones entering the blood under the influence of such loads is somewhat different from the “set” that is produced as a result of long-term, but low- or moderate-intensity training.

    Tabata system: exercises for women

    Don't forget that intensity is a relative concept. Tabata complexes for women of different ages, with different weights, fitness levels and health conditions will vary greatly. When choosing exercises, soberly assess your abilities. Before starting your workout, thoroughly stretch all your joints to avoid injury.

    Focus on multi-joint exercises, plyometrics - ie. movements that require maximum energy expenditure. These can be squats, pull-ups and push-ups, all kinds of jumping movements, lunges, planks, punches, etc. For a beginner girl, in her workout it is best to combine 2-4 exercises in which different muscle groups dominate.

    It is not necessary to have any equipment for Tabata training, but if you have a jump rope, a ball and a punching bag, this is a big plus. You should not use weights, since your task during the approach is to perform the exercise as quickly as possible in order to do as many repetitions as possible in 20 seconds, so keep track of correct technique you probably won't be able to.

    Examples of Tabata training for girls

    Below are sample workouts for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. You can choose one of three options at your discretion, or alternate them, or combine exercises from different complexes.

    First level

    Option 1

    • "Jumping Jack" (jumping with changing the position of the legs)
    • Punching (with a punching bag or an imaginary “opponent”)
    • Squats

    Jumping Jack exercises - video:

    Option 2

    • Walking Lunges
    • Knee push-ups
    • Running in place with your heel touching your buttocks
    • Lying crunches

    Option 3

    • "Climber"
    • Kicks forward
    • Plank
    • Side kicks

    Average level

    Option 1

    • Jumping out of a seat
    • Plank
    • Walking Lunges

    Option 2

    • Lying crunches
    • Kicks forward
    • Alternating the supporting hand in a lying position

    Option 3

    • Plank jumps
    • Lying leg raises
    • Jumping lunges
    • Alternating planks on the elbows and on outstretched arms

    Advanced level

    Option 1

    • "Jumping Jack"
    • Jumping out of a seat

    Option 2

    • Burpee
    • Running in place with high knees
    • Walking Lunges

    Option 3

    • Jumping lunges
    • Burpee
    • Kicks forward
    • Plank jumps

    Common Mistakes

    Performing Tabata protocol exercises as cardio after strength training

    In terms of fat burning, cardio workouts are effective when done after power loads. But Tabata-style exercises, like any other HIIT training, are not the best idea in this case. After strength training your body is already exhausted enough, so choose less intense exercises for cardio - easy jogging or brisk walking, exercise bike or ellipse. Set aside separate days for Tabata training.

    Neglect of contraindications

    Training using the Tabata method is absolutely not suitable for people with problems with the joints and spine, diseases of the cardiovascular system and unstable blood pressure. Such activities will only bring harm, so choose more gentle activities - swimming, cycling, race walking, etc.


    Are Tabata-style exercises more effective for weight loss than other training methods?

    Everything here is very subjective. For an overweight person, such training is not suitable - the load on the heart and joints will be too great. In this case, lighter and safer loads are needed. For a girl who just wants to lose a couple of kilograms by summer, but has absolutely no experience in sports, Tabata training is also not suitable.

    But for those who already have a certain base (at least several months of fitness training - even at home) and do not complain about their health, Tabata exercises - great option for weight loss. This is especially true for women who want not just to lose weight, but to “dry” their muscles.

    Is it possible to do Tabata exercises on machines?

    If your gym is well (and conveniently) equipped, doing Tabata style exercises on machines would be a good idea. But choose really energy-intensive exercises - bringing your arms together and raising your legs in exercise machines is unlikely to make you sweat. Using auxiliary equipment is not a reason to skimp.

    Style Summary

    After your first Tabata-style workout, you will probably feel, to put it mildly, exhausted. But the drive you will be charged with and the result that will not take long to arrive are worth the effort! The main thing is to take precautions: do not start training if you feel unwell, warm up thoroughly and be careful when performing exercises.

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